Biodiversity and Climate Change Project (BIOCLIME)
Final Report Training of Facilitator Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) (Training for enhancement of capacities of district stakeholder–producer
groups, district agencies–to develop marketing strategies and investment planning) Depi Susilawati, Gabriella Lissa, M. Sidiq and Berthold Haasler
Pelatihan Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) | i
Kata Pengantar Laporan ini disusun sebagai dokumen verifikasi untuk Tujuan Spesifik/Output-5 (Working Package 5): “Sumber-sumber pendapatan alternatif untuk masyarakat yang hidup di dalam dan sekitar kawasan-kawasan yang dilindungi teridentifikasi dan dikembangkan”, dan sebagai laporan capaian Kegiatan Utama 5.2: “Dukungan kepada kelompok pengguna melalui usaha-usaha yang dapat menghasilkan pendapatan untuk pembangunan masyarakat”, Sub–Kegiatan 5.2.3 “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi. Pelatihan ini menggunakan pendekatan Training of Facilitator dengan materi kerangka analisis pasar dan pengembangan/Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) yang selanjutnya digunakan dalam kegiatan pembangunan unit kewirausahaan masyarakat untuk pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) di 5 wilayah desa pilot project. Perangkat dan kerangka kerja MA&D diajarkan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada calon-calon fasilitator tentang phase-phase MA&D yang akan digunakan untuk pemilihan mengembangan ide usaha kemasyarakatan. Pendapat, pandangan dan rekomendasi yang disampaikan pada laporan ini adalah pendapat, pandangan dan rekomendasi dari penulis dan tidak mencerminkan pendapat resmi dari BMUB dan/atau GIZ. Palembang, April 2015 Tim Penyusun
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
Pelatihan Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) | ii
Executive Summary A MA&D training has conducted on 6-11th of April 2015 in Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatera. The training consisted in 6 days including 4 days in the class and 2 days for field visits. As many as 20 participants consist of head and staff of Forest Management Unit (FMU), Non Government Organization (Kemasda Foundation), Center for Forestry Education and Training (CFET), Community-based State Forest Management (HKm), and Communities Member (Villager) coming from around 6 FMUs in South Sumatera have been carefully selected to participate in the ToF. FMUs who attend the course are as follows: KPHP Lakitan, KPHP Lalan, KPHP Meranti, KPHL Banyuasin, KPHP Bukit Benakat Cogong, and KPHP Rawas. The MA&D process is based on four successive phases: (1) Phase one aims to identify the potential entrepreneurs among local peoples and to train facilitators from support structures’ agencies to learn how to assist them to assess their existing situation in order to short list potential enterprises’ ideas; (2) Phase two guides facilitators to learn how to assist future small entrepreneurs in conducting series of surveys allowing them to select the most promising enterprise ideas and discuss the best strategies to commercialize the products; (3) In the third phase the facilitators learn how to assist the future entrepreneurs in preparing their enterprise strategy and business plan; dan (4) Phase four aims to train facilitators learn how to assist the future entrepreneurs in starting their enterprise activities through a pilot phase and training. They also learn how to monitor progress of the enterprises and to adapt when change is needed. The main objective of the first cycle of the Training of Facilitator (ToF) was to provide training on the phases 1 & 2 modules of the MA&D process to facilitator: (1) they will have a broad understanding of the whole MA&D process and when it is appropriate to use it; (2) they will know the principles underlying enterprise development and the basic terminology and concepts used in the MA&D process; (3) they will be capable, in their respective countries, of using appropriate methods and tools of the MA&D phases 1 & 2 modules for following up facilitation and planning implementation of these modules in existing projects on the ground and/or with local partners who can follow up in their project sites; dan (4) they will know how to enhance favorable conditions for the actual implementation the phases 1 & 2 of the MA&D process in order to assist the development of small enterprises in the forest/farm landscape. In general, 20 participants are quite good especially in the context of a ToF. Whatever dynamic or active a single person can be, the trainer can keep the same level of presence and care of 20 peoples during 6 days. In field visit, two field visits were organized during the training course, one for implementing the content of phase 1, the other for carrying out the survey of Phase 2. The group was formed into 2 groups and the facilitation was conducted in Karang Panggung Village and Bukit Benakat Cogong (HKm). The field visits were arranged to practice directly with the potential entrepreneurs. Facilitators learnt to facilitate in the real context.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Proyek Biodiversitas dan Perubahan Iklim Benakat Bukit Cogong Community Based Forest Management Pengelolaan Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat Center for Forestry Education and Training Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Kehutanan Community Livelihood Appraisal and Product Scanning Penilaian Sumber Penghidupan Masyarakat dan Penyaringan Produk Forest Management Unit Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan GIZ Production Forest Management Unit Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Non-Timber Forest Products Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Community-based State Forest Management Hutan Kemasyarakatan Market Analysis and Development Analisis Pasar dan Pengembangan RECFTC Training of Facilitator Pelatihan untuk Fasilitator
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Daftar Isi Preface ...........................................................................................................................................................................................i Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................................. ii Singkatan/Akronim .............................................................................................................................................................. iii Daftar Isi.................................................................................................................................................................................... iv 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Objectives of the Training ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.3. Time and Venue ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4. Trainers........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 Training Approach .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. The Participants ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2. Participants’ expectations ............................................................................................................................... 3 3 The Training Approach, Content and Evaluation ........................................................................................ 4 3.1. Training approach ................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2. Training content ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.3. Evaluation of the workshop by participants ...................................................................................... 6 4 Training Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1. In general................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.2. The field visits ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 5 Action Plan by Participants ..................................................................................................................................10 5.1. Different possible ways of applying the process .........................................................................10 5.2. Action plan of participants ..........................................................................................................................10 Annex 1. List of Participants ................................................................................................................................11 Annex 2. Participant Expectation .......................................................................................................................12 Annex 3. Training Program and Content ........................................................................................................13 Annex 4. Participant Assessment.......................................................................................................................14 Annex 5. Outcomes of Class Exercises ..........................................................................................................16 Annex 6. Outcomes of Field Visit .......................................................................................................................28 Annex 7. Action Plan of Participants ...............................................................................................................40
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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1 Introduction 1.1.
Background One of BIOCLIME approaches to achieve the goals and targets of Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) and Agroforestry Program is supporting the capacity building to develop small-scale tree and forest product enterprises. This program is to build business capacity through action-training which using the Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) approach. MA&D is not a new method but it is very suitable for business development which based on protected and conserved natural resources. Therefore, this approach would be in line with the participatory natural resources management and conservation. The MA&D process is based on four successive phases: (1) Phase one aims to identify the potential entrepreneurs among local peoples and to train facilitators from support structures’ agencies to learn how to assist them to assess their existing situation in order to short list potential enterprises’ ideas. (2) Phase two guides facilitators to learn how to assist future small entrepreneurs in conducting series of surveys allowing them to select the most promising enterprise ideas and discuss the best strategies to commercialize the products. (3) In the third phase the facilitators learn how to assist the future entrepreneurs in preparing their enterprise strategy and business plan. (4) Phase four aims to train facilitators learn how to assist the future entrepreneurs in starting their enterprise activities through a pilot phase and training. They also learn how to monitor progress of the enterprises and to adapt when change is needed. MA&D framework is highly related with a program which providing direct benefits for the local community and forest manager/Forest Management Unit (FMU), such as capacity building, access facilitation, involved in sustainable forest management, and finally they could become strong, independent, responsible and professional entrepreneur. Therefore, BIOCLIME realize that the role of MA&D facilitator is important. They have to facilitate the development of institutional capacity, technology, technical and administration skills, legal access to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, capital, conflict resolution, and market development. This training program was designed as the 1st MA&D Training which will introduce Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the four phases in MA&D. The implementation of action plan is part of the learning process.
1.2. Objectives of the Training To create the MA&D facilitator who will facilitate the development of community-based tree and forest product enterprises. The main objective of the first cycle of the Training of Facilitator (ToF) was to provide training on the phases 1 & 2 modules of the MA&D process to facilitator: (1) They will have a broad understanding of the whole MA&D process and when it is appropriate to use it (2) They will know the principles underlying enterprise development and the basic terminology and concepts used in the MA&D process Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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(3) They will be capable, in their respective countries, of using appropriate methods and tools of the MA&D phases 1 & 2 modules for following up facilitation and planning implementation of these modules in existing projects on the ground and/or with local partners who can follow up in their project sites (4) They will know how to enhance favorable conditions for the actual implementation the phases 1 & 2 of the MA&D process in order to assist the development of small enterprises in the forest/farm landscape.
1.3. Time and Venue 6-11th of April 2015 in Lubuk Linggau, South Sumatera
1.4. Trainers (1) Mohammad Sidiq (CBFM & Agroforestry Senior Advisor, GIZ-Bioclime) (2) Gabriella Lissa (Training Coordinator, RECOFTC Indonesia) (3) Depi Susilawati (Trainer, Center for Forestry Education and Training)
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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2 Training Approach 2.1. The Participants As many as 20 participants consist of head and staff of Forest Management Unit (FMU), Non Government Organization (Kemasda Foundation), Center for Forestry Education and Training (CFET), Community-based State Forest Management (HKm), and Communities Member (Villager) coming from around 6 FMUs in South Sumatera have been carefully selected to participate in the ToF. The participants have been selected for their potential of being capable to implement facilitation and planning of the implementation of the steps learned during the training course. The list of participants can be seen in annex 1. FMUs who attend the course are as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Lakitan Lalan Meranti Banyuasin Bukit Benakat Cogong Rawas
2.2. Participants’ expectations Participants were asked to express their expectations at the beginning of the training course. The different expectations have been sorted out into 11 sub categories including expectations related to: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Get new knowledge and experiences related to MA&D Understand the basic principles of enterprise development Understand the business strategies Become a good MA&D facilitator in the FMU Being able to facilitate the communities to develop their business Being able to identify the potential business in the FMU and communities Being able to identify the potential resources of Non Timber Forest Products in the FMU MA&D could be well implemented in the communities Cooperation program between the communities, NGOs and GIZBioclime to implement MA&D in the field Increasing the communities welfare and prosperity The attractive and interactive learning process during the course
It was made clear to participants that most of their expectations will be addressed during the training course except those related to specific products. The detail of the participants’ expectations is attached as annex 2.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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3 The Training Approach, Content and Evaluation The training consisted in 6 days including 4 days in the class and 2 days for field visits. The main reference for the course was MA&D field facilitator guidelines (FFG) published by FAO. The latest version of this FFG was not available in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, the trainers selected some relevant documents (tools) to be translated into Bahasa and used during the course as support documents for the participants. This first cycle of MA&D ToF based on the introduction module and modules of phases 1 and 2 of the Field Facilitator Guidelines FFG. The concerned sections of the FFG that have been translated were displayed on the screen for the trainees or tools extracted from the FFG were copied on flip-charts for all to see. At the end of the course, participants received one set of the MA&D document (tools) used in the course.
3.1. Training approach This training course was directed to participants from head and staff of FMUs, local NGO facilitators, CFET trainer, HKm group, and villager. The objectives of the course (participants expected to facilitate the implementation of the phases 1 & 2 of the MA&D process in the development of the small forest & farm based enterprises) dictated the choice of training methods used by the trainers. Space was left for clarification, discussions and sharing of experience in small groups so that all participants could get a common understanding of the meaning behind the MA&D tools and methods. Various groups were formed for sessions in class room and two groups for field visits in order to enhance participation and exchange of experience between trainees from different areas. The small groups were formed taking into consideration gender and FMU balance as well as distribution of different types of structures in the group (FMU, local facilitator, villager and government services). At the beginning of the workshop the trainer made it clear that the proposed course’s schedule was flexible depending mostly on the learning pace of the trainees. The major learning techniques included short lectures by the trainer, a lot of small groups’ work on use of selected tools and methods, brain storming, role play, guided discussions, and two field visits. In every exercise, participants have always been reminded to try acting as a facilitator or an entrepreneur and referring to the reality of their sites.
3.2. Training content Then during the first day, after usual introductory activities (introduction and expectations of the participants, presentation of the objectives, main content, and schedule of the training) the trainees were explained the difference between MA&D and the other enterprise development support methodologies, revealing the specificity of MA&D as an approach geared to the farm and forest producers who are usually left out from existing services to enterprise development. Then they discovered the difference phases and steps of the process as well as their expected results. Trainees learnt about the basic principles of the MA&D process, especially the participation of the entrepreneurs as the main actors of the process, and the screening of the 5 areas of enterprise development to ensure the 5 Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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sustainability. Specific MA&D concepts and terminology were clarified through a series of short group discussions and exercises. On the second day, the trainees were guided into the first phase “Assessing the existing situation” of the process learning the content, methods and tools for applying each step. This was done through short presentations, group discussions, sharing experience and small group work. Few exercises were conducted of which the details are presented in the workshop content in annex 5. The third day was spent in a field visit the objective of which was to apply part of phase 1 content they just learnt. The fourth days were devoted to the second phase of MA&D “Carrying out surveys to select products and identify enterprise ideas”, and followed on the fifth day by a day field visit as an illustration of the first step of phase 2 (market survey). During the last day participants learnt the tools used in MA&D for selecting the most promising products (step 2) and reflected on the most appropriate choice of enterprise structures (step 3 of phase 2). Afterwards, focusing on detailing the preliminary activities the facilitator should do to be ready to implement phases 1 & 2 of the process. Then participants reflected on the ways they could apply the workshop content in their own context before the second cycle of MA&D ToF workshop. Then they drafted tentative action plans. The detailed training content and schedule of the training workshop is presented in annex 3. In addition to short lectures, field visits and guided plenary discussions, a series of exercises in small groups were conducted including for example:
General introduction to enterprise development through the MA&D process: What is the difference between the enterprise development approach and other usual livelihoods improvement approaches? The difference between selling and marketing What are the 5 kinds of sustainability in enterprise development and how to define them? What is the difference between resources and products?
Phase 1: Assessing the existing situation How to identify entrepreneurs? The link between the project/action’s objectives and the target group of potential entrepreneurs is to focus on. Provide an example of a list of existing and products in your context? Possible benefits of working together
Phase 2: Carrying out surveys to select products and identify enterprise ideas Possible criteria used for deciding whether a product is good for the market? What are possible criteria for selection of products; information to collect in order to check these criteria; possible informants?
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Role play on facilitation of the organization of the surveys by local entrepreneurs As a facilitator, what elements do you need to check to ensure that the survey plan of the entrepreneurs is ready? Compile the data of the field visit in the form of the four compiling tools: value chain of a product; the production and sales’ calendar; the market data table, and the production process. Suggest few of the different possible legal forms that exist in your country for small enterprises. How would you do to make them known by the future entrepreneurs? Should entrepreneurs start individual or group enterprises? Should all enterprises to be registered and when?
The preliminary activities for the initiator and facilitating team What preliminary activities should you perform to be able to conduct efficiently phases 1 and 2 as a facilitator?
Action planning: prepare an action plan for implementation of preliminary and phases 1 & 2 activities
Examples of some exercises conducted during the ToF are presented in annex 5.
3.3. Evaluation of the workshop by participants Participants were asked to assess the training workshop:
During the course Participants were assessing the workshop daily through different versions of the “mood meter” exercise focusing generally on four main criteria: content, facilitation, participation and organization. This revealed that on the first day participants were satisfied about the training content, the facilitation and the organization but few felt that more participatory methods could be used and more “energizers” could be used in order to wake up trainees when necessary. Then the level of appreciation for the content, the facilitation and the level of participation were assessed more and more positively over the days especially because of the new content provided to trainees as well as because of the use of different training methods as for example the field visits and the use of practical tools in small groups.
At the end of the course Another type of evaluation was conducted on the last day of the workshop through an individual anonymous questionnaire filled in by the 20 participants. The details about the final assessment are presented in annex 4. The present conclusion of the final assessment is based only on the forms which were readable (several were not because of difficult hand writing). In general the results reflect a high level of satisfaction from all participants. The majority of the participants enjoyed the ToF for reasons which are detailed in annex 4. Some participants said that the training employ various methodologies and highly participation, some others felt that the course was too boring.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Participants all expressed that they can apply the new knowledge in their work because it is a flexible approach applicable in different contexts and it addresses issues they meet in their work and answers the needs of the local population they assist. However few mentioned their lack of confidence of being able to apply it a real context. As a conclusion, some said that it is a very useful approach for them for reasons that are detailed in annex 4.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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4 Training Outcomes The trainer realized the levels and support needs of participants especially through the series of exercises mentioned in the previous section. The trainer’s conclusions include:
4.1. In general The audience was numerous and heterogeneous, composed of participants of different levels, needs and expectations. Their level of understanding was unequal. The work in small groups was useful not only for learning and experience sharing purposes but also to allow participants from the same area to discuss the issue in their context. 20 participants are quite good especially in the context of a ToF. Whatever dynamic or active a single person can be, the trainer can keep the same level of presence and care of 20 peoples during 6 days. Some participants demonstrated good facilitation skills while others showed limited experience in participatory facilitation methods. Since MA&D is designed and meaningful only if it is actually used in the field, trainers of the process MUST be skilled in participatory facilitation methods otherwise they will face a lot of difficulties in transferring the process to others and in actual implementation of the process. Some groups realized their limitation in facilitation skills and decided to increase their facilitation skill prior to the MA&D training. Except for very few anticipants who had partial knowledge in enterprise development, it became soon obvious that the enterprise development content was quite new to them. That is why some felt a bit overwhelmed by “too much new information”. Most of them said that they understood the phases and steps as well as the methods and tools. However it was obvious that few participants did not expect this type of commitment of having to apply the content of the course practically in their own project area. They expressed their lack of confidence in being able to apply the course content practically. That is why a close coaching will be necessary to help this type of participants applying the course content and to come back at the second cycle of ToF with enough detailed specific information to document enterprise development plans.
4.2. The field visits Two field visits were organized during the training course, one for implementing the content of phase 1, the other for carrying out the survey of Phase 2. The group was formed into 2 groups and the facilitation was conducted in Karang Panggung Village and Bukit Benakat Cogong (HKm). The field visits were arranged to practice directly with the potential entrepreneurs. Facilitators learnt to facilitate in the real context. During the first field visit conducted on Wednesday 8 April 2015, one group of trainees met the head of village and farmer group in Karang Panggung, while the other group met with the HKm member in Bukit Benakat Cogong.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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For both groups, the objective was to implement Phase 1 (Step 1 to Step 6) in each area through a meeting by following the field visit plan as follows:
Introduce the differences between livelihood and enterprise development approaches
Introduce the market analysis and development approach by presenting the filter diagram
Identify the potential entrepreneurs through participatory approach
The potential entrepreneurs assess their capacities to become entrepreneurs
The potential entrepreneurs list local resources and products (based on the CLAPS resources assessment)
The potential entrepreneurs identify the main constraints in the market system
The potential entrepreneurs shortlist potential products for their enterprises
In Karang Panggung, 20 persons were identified as potential entrepreneurs and 11 persons in Bukit Benakat Cogong. The process of potential product short listing in Karang Panggung could not be all completed due to time limitation. Two products were shortlisted in Karang Panggung i.e. dry coffee bean and dry areca nut which were later introduced in the Phase 2 market survey. In Bukit Benakat Cogong, more than 2 products were identified but due to time consideration, only 2 products (winnowing tray and traditional farmer hat) were included in the Phase 2. During the second field visit conducted on Friday 10 April 2015, the same previous groups of trainees had to collect data to the market, financial provider, and producer. Karang Panggung group focused on the dry coffee bean product, so they divided the task by themselves to be able to complete the required data. Some of them went to the bank, traditional market, middleman place and modern coffee store. While the other collected data from coffee farmer, coffee producer and observed the plantation as well. At the end of the day, all of them went to the coffee powder production house to get new insight if the community wants to update their product into coffee powder. Bukit Benakat Cogong group did the similar methods by spreading out themselves to different places such as the bank, traditional market, and production house. They focused the survey on winnowing tray and traditional farmer hat. For both groups the objective was to carry out the survey on the selected products came out from the Phase 1 by providing the data in the following form:
The value chain map
The production and sales calendar
The market data table
The production process
Trainees prepared short presentation of the field visits outcomes which have then been discussed in class the next day. Illustration of the field visits are presented in annex 6.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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5 Action Plan by Participants The MA&D training strategy includes a field based application of the content of this first cycle of MA&D ToF in their site before the second training course. In addition to the training per se GIZ-Bioclime will be coaching participants during the application in their context in order to enhance trainees learning process and in order to get a sufficient set of practical relevant data for the second cycle of training course on preparation of the business plan.
5.1. Different possible ways of applying the process Before the trainees could engage in action planning it was necessary to help them think about the different possible ways they have for applying MA&D in between the two training cycles. Although they had presented earlier in the course the context in which they wished to apply MA&D, trainees had to review their initial plan in light of the content of MA&D and of the appropriate manner to train others. Facing the reality that support to enterprise development using the MA&D process can be transferred to entrepreneurs only if it is practically applied, many participants saw the benefit of considering joining effort with other trainees from the same area in order to actually apply the process in one site. It was made clear that the most efficient (and only) way is to apply the MA&D phases in a project context with actual entrepreneurs so that trainees could have enough data on a specific case as a basis for the learning of phases 3 and 4 during the next training cycle. Only when the trainees had reflected upon these possibilities they were capable of preparing a tentative action plan for the implementation of phases 1 a 2 of MA&D in their area.
5.2. Action plan of participants Participants were then asked to go in FMU groups in order to prepare an action plan. These draft of action plans are only at preliminary stage since trainees need to discuss and confirm it with their organizations or institutions’ supervisors. The action plans of participants are presented in annex 7. The trainee’s action plans will be useful not only for them as a planning tool but also as a basis for developing a coaching plan, as well as fixing the date of the next ToF session: we need results of phases 2 in the next training cycle to base the preparation of the business plan on actual examples from participants’ context. Therefore at least few trainees should have completed phase 2 with actual groups of field facilitators. The coaching logic and strategy were not discussed during the training course. It is expected that coaching will be offered to trainees in order to enhance their practical experience/learning of the content of the Phases 1 and 2 of MA&D, but also to ensure that participants will be ready to receive the training on the third phase of MA&D on business planning during the second cycle of MA&D training.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Annex 1. List of Participants
16 17 18 19 20
[email protected]
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081278978646 082276471136
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082372689526 085307330371 085273451418 087796578616 085267532003 085383640330 08158756189 08127133210
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Annex 2. Participant Expectation
The participant expectations towards the course are as follows: Get new knowledge and experiences related to MA&D Understand the basic principles of enterprise development Understand the business strategies Become a good MA&D facilitator in the Forest Management Unit (FMU) Being able to facilitate the communities to develop their business Being able to identify the potential business in the FMU and communities Being able to identify the potential resources of NTPFs in the FMU MA&D could be well implemented in the communities Cooperation program between the communities, NGOs and GIZ-Bioclime to implement MA&D in the field Increasing the communities welfare and prosperity The attractive and interactive learning process during the course
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Annex 3. Training Program and Content Day 1: Introduction and Training Objectives Introduction to MA&D process Phase 1 – Assessing the Existing Situation 1. Identify the potential entrepreneurs 2. The potential entrepreneurs assess their capacities to become entrepreneurs 3. The potential entrepreneurs list local resources and products 4. The potential entrepreneurs identify the main constraints in the market system Day 2: Phase 1 – Assessing the Existing Situation (continued) 1. The potential entrepreneurs shortlist potential products for their enterprises 2. The potential entrepreneurs recognize the benefits of group work Facilitation Skills Preparation of Field Practice Day 3: Implementation of Phase 1 (Step 1 – 6) in the field Reflection of Field Practice Day 4: Phase 2 – Carrying out surveys in order to select products and identify enterprise ideas 1. The potential entrepreneurs collect data on the five areas of enterprise development Tools introduction to present the data Preparation of Field Practice Day 5: Implementation of Phase 2 - Survey on the five areas of enterprises development Data Compilation and Reflection Day 6: Data Analysis Phase 2 – to be continued 2. The potential entrepreneurs select the most promising products 3. The potential entrepreneurs reflect on the most appropriate form of enterprises Preliminary Activities before conducting Phase 1 & 2 Action Plan Conclusion & Evaluation
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Annex 4. Participant Assessment The analysis of final assessment forms filled out by trainees confirms what many trainees expressed orally at the end of the training cycle: their level of satisfaction is quite high. All of the 20 participants filled in the form. Criteria Training Content and Delivery
Score Less
3 10 7
Enough Good Very Good
Learning Atmosphere
4 12 4
Less Enough Good Very Good
2 11 7
Less Enough Good Very Good
Participation of trainees
3 9
Less Enough Good
Comments or Suggestions Needs better methodology The content really hit the target Should be more real examples Needs to deeper the content The contents and methods are clear and not boring Good training, use variety methods Needs more energizer It would be better, the module & flash disk has been distributed to the trainees before the training started It is better to have a local translator such Mr. Sidiq, so the trainees will better understand The training contents and delivery were good, directly practice the tools so it was easier to understand I like the training, not many rules, not stiff It was familiarity atmosphere A little bit boring Good atmosphere, active participation, energetic games, not many lecturing It was fun Needs more joke Excellent, great trainers The trainers need more experiences in the field, especially in the communities The trainers was mastering the contents and delivering it clearly The trainers help a lot the trainees to understand the contents Too serious and too academic in explaining the contents There is still a trainee who was not focused during the training All trainees are serious
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Criteria 8
Score Very Good
Training Schedule
2 4 13 1
Less Enough Good Very Good
Field Visit
3 7 6 4
Less Enough Good Very Good
Accommodation and Logistic
1 4 10 5
Less Enough Good Very Good
Comments or Suggestions Interactive training Good participation The trainees was pro-active Give “the silent trainee” more opportunity to speak and express his/her opinions The schedule is good Has been arranged very well The time should be extended to avoid a dense content delivery The time is too crowded 6 days training is a proper time, not too long Don’t be delay I want more field visit days to get deeper information from the communities To prove the communities’ data It is better we spend a night at the location, so the field practice for each phase is 2 days respectively The field visit was not well organized It was great and supporting the learning process Needs better time management during the field visit Good and great It is better to change the training venue to get new environment even in the same city Internet connection was not good
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Annex 5. Outcomes of Class Exercises General introduction to enterprise development through the MA&D process
Focus of this course: Phase 1 and Phase 2
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Phase 1: Assessing the Existing Situation Identify the potential entrepreneurs (Step 1) and how to assess the capacity to be an entrepreneur (Step 2)
Group exercise of Step 2: rich people, poor people and ethnic people.
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Example of list of resources and products (Step 3)
Identify main constraints in the market system (Step 4)
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Example of shortlist potential products for their enterprises (Step 5)
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Brainstorming on the benefits of group work (Step 6)
Refreshment on facilitation skills for MA&D facilitator
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Phase 2: Carrying out surveys in order to select products and identify enterprise ideas Direct and indirect actors in the market system
Possible criteria to select the products and the possible informants
Example of the survey plan
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Introduce tools to present the data collected during field visit Value chain map
Market data table
Production and Selling Calendar
Production Process
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Compile the data of the field visit in the form of the four compiling tools
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Compile the data of the field visit in the form of the four compiling tools
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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The potential entrepreneurs select the most promising products Product assessment
Example of product assessment
Product scoring
Example of product scoring
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Different legal forms for small enterprises that exist in Indonesia
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Annex 6. Outcomes of Field Visit KARANG PANGGUNG VILLAGE Phase 1. Assessing the Existing Situation in Karang Panggung Village Introducing MA&D
Step 1. Identify the potential entrepreneurs
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Step 2. The potential entrepreneurs assess their capacities to become entrepreneurs
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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The meeting process during Phase 1 MA&D
Step 3. The potential entrepreneurs list local resources and products
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Step 4. The potential entrepreneurs identify the main constraints in the market system
Step 5. The potential entrepreneur’s shortlist potential products for their enterprises
Shortlist of the potential products was not finished yet; however there were 2 (two) selected products that will be surveyed in the 2 nd Phase: 1) Dry Coffee Bean, and 2) Dry Areca Nut.
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Phase 2. Carrying out surveys of dry coffee bean Dry coffee bean in the traditional wholesaler
Coffee powder in the traditional seller
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Packaged coffee powder in the coffee shop/exporter
Coffee powder processing From left-top to rightbottom: Wet coffee bean Dry coffee bean Coffee bean roasting Roasted coffee bean Coffee bean grinding Coffee bean powder
Coffee powder production house
Coffee plantation
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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BUKIT BENAKAT COGONG Phase 1. Assessing the Existing Situation in Bukit Benakat Cogong Introducing MA&D
Step 1. Identify the potential entrepreneurs
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Step 2. The potential entrepreneurs assess their capacities to become entrepreneurs
Group 1 capacity assessment
Group 2 capacity asessment
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Step 3. The potential entrepreneurs list local resources and products Group 1
Group 2
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Step 5. The potential entrepreneur’s shortlist potential products for their enterprises
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Phase 2. Carrying out surveys of bamboo craft
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Annex 7. Action Plan of Participants Action Plan of KPHP Lakitan
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Action Plan of KPHP Meranti
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Action Plan of KPHL Banyuasin
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Action Plan of KPHP Rawas
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
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Action Plan of KPHP Bukit Benakat Cogong
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Action plan of KPHP Lalan
Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project 2015 A523: “Pelatihan untuk peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan kabupaten–kelompok produsen, lembaga kabupaten–untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan perencanaan investasi”.
Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Kantor Terdaftar Bonn dan Eshborn, Jerman BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Kantor Jakarta: GIZ ICCTF/GE LAMA I Gedung Wisma Bakrie II. 5th Floor Ruang ICCTF Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kavling B-2 Jakarta Selatan 12920 Telp: +62-21-9796-7614 Fax: +62-21-5794-5739 Kantor Palembang: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 2837 KM. 3,5 Palembang Telp: +62-711-353176 Fax: +62-711-353176 Penulis: Depi Susilawati, Gabriella Lissa, M. Sidiq and Berthold Haasler Photo Credits: Bioclime, Mohammad Sidiq (2015) I E
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