[Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan] [Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning]
Program Studi Department Jenjang Pendidikan Programme
PROGRAM STUDI PASCASARJANA JURUSAN TEKNIK SIPIL ITS [Post Graduate Program, Civil Engineering Department, ITS]
[PROGRAM MAGISTER] [Master Program]
Kompetensi Lulusan
Graduate Competence
Memiliki kompetensi sebagai tenaga ahli, sesuai stratanya, pada salah satu bidang: Struktur, Geoteknik, Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi, Manajemen dan Rekayasa Sumber Air, Manajemen dan Rekayasa Transportasi, Manajemen Aset. Mampu melakukan riset dan mengkomunikasikan hasilnya dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Mampu untuk mengembangkan diri secara terus menerus sebagai tenaga ahli sesuai bidangnya. Mampu melanjutkan pendidikan ke strata S3. Students have competency as the experts in one of divisions below: a. Structural Engineering b. Geotechnical Engineering c. Construction Project Management d. Water Resource Engineering and Management e. Transportation Engineering and Management f. Asset Management Students be able to do research and communicate the result in Indonesian and English language Students be able to improve theirself continually to be the expert in their field Students be able to take doctoral program
Geotechnical Engineering NO.
SEMESTER 1 Engineering Mathematics
Statistical Analysis for Geotechnical Engineering
Advanced Soil Testing
Rock Mechanics
Soil Rheology
SEMESTER 2 Foundation Engineering and Geotechnical Model
Soil Dynamics
Research Methodology
Peat Soil
Advanved Soil Mechanics
Elective Subjects
Ground Improvement Method
ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Finite Element Method
Dewatering and Excavation
Soil and Rock Dams
[RC 09 -2313]: [Matematika Rekayasa] [RC 09-2313]: [Engineering Mathematics] Credits: [3 sks/ 3 credits] Semester: [1] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai penyelesaian metode matematis mampu menggunakannya dalam permodelan di bidang tenik sipil
Learning Objectives Student are able to understand the various of mathematic solution method and able to use in civil engineering modeling Kompetensi 1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dan merumuskan dengan benar tentang eliminasi gaus, sistem dinamis, dan nilai eigen 2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, merumuskan dan manganalisis kesetimbangan dalam struktur (diskrit ,continuum dan permasalahan nilai batas 3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dan merumuskan persamaan kesetimbangan dalam permasalahan kontinuitas, fluida dan elemen solid. 4. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, merumuskan dan manganalisis berbagai metode untuk menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan kesetimbangan 5. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, merumuskan dan manganalisis tentang metode beda hingga untuk penyelesaian nilai awal 6. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, merumuskan dan manganalisis tentang optimasi untuk permasalahan kesetimbangan dan dinamis
Competency 1. Students able to explain about Design Concept, Reformulate and Analyzing gaus elimination, dynamic system and eigen value 2. Student able to explain, reformulate and analyzing the Equilibrium in structures (discrete and continuum). 3. Student able to explain, reformulate and analyzing the analyzing the Equilibrium in continuum ,fluid and solid problem 4. Student able to explain, reformulate and analyzing the analyzing the various method to solve any equilibrium problem 5. Student able to explain, reformulate and analyzing the analyzing the finite
difference method for initial value problem Student able to explain, reformulate and analyzing the analyzing the Optimization in equilibrium and dynamic problems
Pokok Bahasan 1. Pendahuluan 2. Eliminasi Gaus 3. Sistem dinamis dan nilai Eigen 4. Kesetimbangan dalam struktur : diskrit dan kontinuitas (persamaan diferensial) 5. Kesetimbangan dalam struktur : permasalahan nilai batas 6. Kesetimbangan dalam permasalahan kontinuitas 7. Kesetimbangan dalam fluida dan elemen solid 8. Metode Analisa dalam persamaan kesetimbangan 9. Metode Numerik : Sebagai alat untuk menyelesaikan kesetimbangan dan permasalah dinamis 10. Kerangka kerja dari aplikasi pada permasalahan dinamis : masalah nilai awal 11. Metode beda hingga untuk permasalahan nilai awal 12. Optimasi dalam permasalahan kesetimbangan dan dinamis Subjects 2. Introduction 3. Gauss elimination 4. Eigen value and dynamic system 5. Equilibrium in structures: discrete and continuum (differential equation) 6. Equilibrium in structures: boundary value problems 7. Equilibrium in continuum cases 8. Equilibrium on fluids and solids 9. Analytical method in equilibrium problem 10. Numerical method: tool for solving equilibrium and dynamic problems 11. Framework of application of dynamic problem: initial value problem 12. Finite difference method for initial value problem 13. Optimization in equilibrium and dynamic problems
Pustaka Utama/References 1. Gilbert, S. 1990, “Introduction to Applied Mathematics,” Wesley-Cambridge Press. 2. Bellomo, N. and Preziasi, L. 1994, “Modeling Mathematical Methods and Scientifics Computation,” CRC Press. 3. Penny, J. and Lindfield, G. 2000, “Numerical Methods using Matlab,” PrenticeHall.
[RC09-2321] : [Analisa Data dan Keandalan untuk Geoteknik] [RC09-2321] : [Data Analysis and Reliability for Geotechnical Engineering] Credits : [sks/2] Semester : [I] Tujuan Pembelajaran Learning Objectives
¾ Kompetensi ¾ Competency
¾ Pokok Bahasan Variabilitas dari sifat-sifat tanah a. Pendekatan statistik dan probabilitas dalam mekanika tanah b. Beberapa konsep dan definisi c. Mengingat kembali beberapa perhitungan dalam mekanika tanah dan pondasi d. Distribusi statistik dari sifat-sifat tanah e. Korelasi antar parameter tanah f. Variasi spasial Test Distribusi Statistik a. Test 2 b. Type test lainnya Analisa Keandalan pada stabilitas lereng a. Pendahuluan b. Koefisien keamanan & probabilitas keruntuhan c. Metoda-metoda perhitungan probabilitas d. Analisa probabilitas kestabilan lereng Analisa Keandalan pada Pondasi Dangkal dan Dinding Penahan Tanah a. Pendahuluan b. Metoda aktual analisa keamanan c. Perbandingan dari beberapa metode probabilitas keruntuhan Analisa Keandalan dari penurunan tanah a. Pendahuluan b. Analisa probabilitas dari besarnya penurunan c. Analisa probabilitas dari kecepatan penurunan Teori Keputusan a. Pendahuluan b. Keputusan terhadap dasar-dasar informasi yang ada c. Analisa akhir d. Analisa kombinasi e. Contoh studi kasus ¾ Subjects Variability of soil characteristics a. Approachment of statistics and probablistic in soil mechanics b. Several concepts and Definition
c. Remind the several calculations on soil mechanics and foundation d. Statistic distribution of soil characteristics e. Correlation between soil parameter f. Spatial variation Statistics Test of Distribution a. Test 2 b. Other type of tests Reliability analysis on slope stability a. Introduction b. Safety coefficient and failure probability c. Methods of probability calculation d. Probability Analysis of Slope Stability Reliability analysis on shallow foundation and retaining wall a. Introduction b. Actual method of safety analysis c. Comparation of several failure probability methods Reliability analysis of soil settlement a. Introduction b. Probability analysis of settlement amplitude c. Probability analysis of settlement velocity Decision Theory a. Introduction b. Decision of available basic information c. Final analysis d. Combination analysis e. Example of case study ¾ References a. MAGNAN J.P (1982) : Les Methodes Statistiques et Probabilites en Mécanique des Sols. Presses de I’ENPCPa b. FAVRE J.L (1985) : Analyse de la Securite, fiabilité-risque. Ecole Centrale Paris c. FAVRE J.L (1985) : Analyse de données géotechniques. Ecole Centrale Paris d. BHATTACHARYA GK, JOHNSON R.A (1977) : Statistical Concepts and Methods. John Wiley & Sons.
[RC09-2323]: [Mekanika Batuan] [RC09-2323]: [Rock Mechanics]
Credits: [3sks/ ] Semester: [I] Tujuan Pembelajaran (Bhs. Indonesia) Memberikan pemahaman kepada Mahasiswa mengenai perilaku teknis suatu lapisan batuan apabila menerima beban- beban akibat konstruksi seperti : Tekanan Pondasi, Pembangunan Trowongan, Pembuatan Galian untuk Jalan dll. Learning Objectives (Bhs.Inggris) : Being able to understand the technical behavior of Rock Layers when its receives construction load such as Foundation Compression, Tunnel Construction, Road Exavation etc Kompetensi (Bhs. Indonesia) 1. Mampu menentukan parameter & perilaku teknis dari suatu massa batuan 2. Mampu menentukan & menghitung tegangan dan deformasi yang terjadi pada suatu lapisan massa batuan yang menerima beban konstruksi atau akibat adanya konstruksi. Competency (Bhs. Inggris) 1. Being able to determines the Parameter & Technical Behavior of Rock Mass layers. 2. Being able to determines & calculates the developing Stresses and deformation on Rock Mass Layers when its receives load construction or the consequences of construction. Pokok Bahasan (Bhs. Indonesia) Pendahuluan a. Pengenalan mengenai Batuan, jenis jenis batuan, perbedaan antara batuan satu dengan lainnya. b. Penggunaan Mekanika Batuan di Lapangan dan contoh kelongsoran batuan akibat beban koanstruksi Sifat Teknis Batuan a. Praktikum Batuan di Laboratorium b. Klasifikasi & Sifat Index Batuan c. Kekuatan Geser Batuan dan Kriteria Keruntuhan. d. Bidang Bidang perlemahan pada Batuan.
Penggunaan Stereographic Projection a. Pengertian Stereographic Projection b. Cara melakukan pengukuran. c. Penggunaan Stereographic Projection Deformabilitas Batuan a. Mengukur deformabilitas batuan dengan test statis b. Plate bearing test dan test yang lain. c. Pengaruh waktu pada deformasi batuan Aplikasi Mekanika Batuan pada Teknik Sipil a. Penggunaan pada Teknik Pondasi b. Penggunaan pada Talud Batuan c. Penggunaan Angker
Applikasi mekanika batuan pada Teknik terowongan a. Pengertian dan definisi terowongan b. Macam-macam tujuan pembuatan terowongan c. Bentuk-bentuk penampang terowongan Kelakuan material batuan sebagi material diskontinu a. Nature diskontinuitas material b. Kelakuan diskontinu material batuan c. Model Hayashi dan Trollope d. Parameter material diskontinu Kestabilan material terowongan a. Kemungkinan-kemungkinan keruntuhan material b. Perhitungan kestabilan material Perhitungan kestabilan terowongan a. Keseimbangan kondisi inisial material b. Prinsip studi stabilitas dan penahan terowongan c. Kestabilan pada domain elastis d. Kestabilan pada domain elastoplastis e. Kestabilan terowongan dangkal
Subject (Bhs.Inggris): Introduction a. Introduce about Rocks & many kinds of rocks and their differences. b. Using rock mechanics in field and an example of rocks failure caused by load constructions Engineering Properties of Rocks a. Rock Practices in Laboratory b. Classification and Index Properties of Rocks. c. Rock Strength and Failure Criteria d. Planes of weakness in rocks The Use of Stereographic Projection a. The understanding of Using Stereographic Projection. b. How to draw, Measure & Read the Projection. c. Application of Stereographic Projection. Deformability of Rocks a. Measurement of Rock Deformability by Static test. b. Plate Bearing Test & other tests for Deformability. c. The Influence of Time on Rock Deformation. Applications of Rock Mechanics to Civil Engineering. a. Applications to Foundation Engineering. b. Applications to Rock Slope Engineering c. Using Anchored on Rock Engineering
Tunneling in Rock a. Definition and understanding of tunnel b. Various objectives for tunnelling c. Various types of sections of tunnel
Rocks as a discontinus material a. Nature of discontinuities b. Behaviour of rocks as discontinue materials c. Hayashi and Trollope models d. Parameters of discontinue materials Stability of tunnel materials a. The possibilities of rupture of materials for tunnelling b. Calculation of stability of tunnel materials The calculation of tunnel stability a. Calculation of initial equilibrium of material for tunnel. b. The principle study of tunnel stability and their retaining structure c. Stability in elastic domain d. Stability in elastoplastic domain e. Stability of shallow tunnel
Pustaka Utama : 1. Goodman,R. E. (1989), “Introduction to Rock Mechanics”, 2nded. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2. Hoek,E and Bray,J.W. (1981), “Rock Slope Engineering”, 3rd ed, The Institut of Mining and Metallurgy, London. 3. Hoek,E. (2000), “Rock Engineering”, Course Notes, Canada. 4. Panet, M, “La mecanique des roches appliquee aux ouvrage du genie civil” Ecole Nationale des Ponts et chaussees, 1976
[[RC09-2324]: [Rheologi Tanah] [[RC09-2324]: [Soil Rheology) Credits: [.2sks/ ] Semester: [I] Tujuan Pembelajaran Memberikan pengertian dan dasar-dasar pemodelan rheologi dari berbagai jenis tanah dan percobaan Memberikan pengertian pada mahasiswa tentang perilaku mikroskopis maupun makroskopis dari berbagai macam tanah saat mengalami pembebanan dari berbagai jenis percobaan, Learning Objective Giving understanding and basic rheological modellings of various type of soil and loading Given understanding to the students about microscopic and macroscopic behaviour of soil during various type of testings and loadings Kompetensi Mahasiswa dapat mampu membuat berbagai pemodelan rheologi dari dari berbagai macam jenis tanah dan percobaan Mahasiswa mampu melakukan interpretasi tentang kelakuan mikroskopis maupun makroskopis dari hasil uji tanah di laboratorium dari berbagai macam percobaan dan pembebanan Competency The student could be capable to create rheological modelling from various types of
testing and loading of various soils The student could be capable to interpret the behaviour of soil from the microscopic and macroscopic results of various types of laboratory testings and loading of various type of soils
Pokok Bahasan Pendahuluan a. Definisi dan pengertian rheologi secara umum b. Pengertian dan tujuan rheologi tanah Dasar-dasar pemodelan rheologi b. Model-model dasar rheologi c. Prinsip-rinsip pembuatan persamaan mathematis model rheologi Ikatan, Struktur dan karakteristik Kristal g. Struktur Atom dan Ikatan antar atom h. Kristal dan Parameternya i. Penamaan Kristal j. Faktor Kontrol Struktur Kristal Mineralogi Tanah c. Mineral Non-Lempung dalam Tanah d. Unit Struktural Lapisan Silika e. Klasifikasi dan Karakteristik Mineral Lempung Penentuan Komposisi Tanah e. Metode Analisa Komposisi f. Analisa Difraksi X-Ray g. DTA dan TGA h. EGME i. Mercure Porosity j. CT Scanner k. Mikroskop Optik l. Scanning Electron Microscope m. Transimission Electron Microscope Sistem Elektrolit Air-Tanah dan Air-Lempung d. Pengaruh dari ion-ion terlarut e. Klasifikasi mikropori dan air f. Sistem Elektrolit Air-Lempung Susunan Tanah dan Pengukurannya d. Definisi dan elemen susunan tanah e. Susunan butiran tunggal dan multi butiran f. Analisa kuantitatif mikro organisasi lempung Komposisi Tanah dan Sifat-sifat teknis f. Ciri-ciri teknis suatu mineral lempung g. Pengaruh fase lempung h. Atterberg limits dan activity i. Fenomena kembang susut lempung Tegangan Efektif, Tegangan antar butiran dan Tegangan Total a. Tegangan antar partikel dan antar butiran b. Kesetimbangan tekanan air dalam tanah Struktur Tanah dan Stabilitasnya a. Pengembangan Struktur b. Sensitivitas & Thixotropic Hardening Hubungan Bahan (unsur penyusun), Struktur dan Sifat-sifatnya a. Bahan dan sifat-sifat anisotrop
b. Bahan, Struktur dan Perubahan Volume c. Tegangan-Deformasi dan perilaku kekuatan lempung Hubungan Mikro-Makro Lempung a. Hubungan Mikro-Makro perilaku lempung
Jenis- jenis Uji laboratorium a. Kebutuhan uji tanah, dan jenis-jenis uji mekanik pada tanah b. Prinsip-Prinsip uji mekanik, oedometer, direct shear box, dan triaxial Alur tegangan-regangan dan invariant a. Alur tegangan dalam sistim sumbu 1:3,1’:3’,t:s,t’:s’ b. Invariant tegangan, dan tegangan dalam sistim sumbu p:q, dan p’:q’ c. Invariant regangan, alur regangan, dan regangan volumetrik Kelakuan tanah akibat pembebanan a.Model sederhana kompresi dan konsolidasi b. Kompresi isotrop untuk lempung,model mathematic kompresi isotrop Critical state line a. Kelompok undrained test dan drained test b. Bidang drained dan undrained c. Critical state line dan Roscoe Surface d. Kelakuan tanah overconsolidated dan Hvorslev surface e. Kelakuan tanah pasir dan model Taylor Kelakuan tanah sebelum runtuh a. Deformasi plastis dan elastic b. Essensial teori plastisitas dan teori plastisitas tanah c. Cam-clay model Subjects Introduction a.Definition and generality b. Understanding and objective soil rheology Rheological model a. Rheologial basic models b. Mathematical equation principle of rheological models Bonding, Crystal Structure & Characteristics a. Atomic Structure & Inter atomic bonding b. Crystals & their properties c. Crystal Notation d. Factors Controling Crystal Structure Soil Mineralogy a. Non clay minerals in soils b. Structural units of the layer silicates c. Classification and characteristics of clay minerals Determination of Soil Composition a. Methods for compositional analysis b. X-Ray diffraction analysis c. Differential Thermal & Thermogravimetric Analysis d. EGME e. Mercure Porosity f. CT Scanner g. Microscope optic h. Scanning Electron Microscope i. Transmission Electron Microscope
Soil Water and Clay-Water Electrolyte System a. The influence of dissolved ions b. Micropore & Water Classifications c. Clay-water electrolyte system Soil Fabric and its Measurement a. Definition of fabrics and fabrics elements b. Single grain & multi grain fabrics c. Quantitative analysis of micro organisation clay particles Soil composition & Engineering Properties a. Engineering properties of the clay minerals b. Influence of clay phase c. Atterberg limits & activity d. Shrink-Swell Phenomena of clay Effective, Intergranular and Total Stress a. Interparticle & Intergranular pressures b. Water pressure equilibrium in soil Soil Structure and its Stability a. Structure Development b. Sensitivity & Thixotropic Hardening Fabric, Structure&Property Relationships a. Fabric and property anisotropy b. Fabric, structure and volume change c. Stress-deformations & strength behavior of clay Micro-Macro Relationship of Clay Micro-Macro relationship of clay behavior Laboratory testing of soil d. Requirements of soil loading test e. Soil testing principle for oedometer,direct shear box, and triaxial Stress – strain paths and invariant a. Stress paths with ’1:’3= 1: 3 ; t:s,t’:s’ b. Invariants of stress,and stress path with q’:p’ or q:p axes c. Invariants of strain,strain paths and volumetric strains Soil behavior during loading a. Compression and consolidation – A Simple model b. Isotropic compression of clay,mathematical representation of isotropic compression Critical state line a. Families of undrained tests and drained tests b. Drained and undrained planes c. Critical state line and Roscoe surface d. The Behaviour of overconsolidated sample and Hvorslev surface e. The behaviour of sands and Taylor’s model Soil behavior before failure a. Elastic and plastic deformation b. Essensial of plasticity theory c. Cam-clay model Pustaka Utama 1. Atkinson J.H and Bransby P.L. The mechanics of soils, An introduction to critical state of Soil mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book Company Limited,1978 2. George Mase, Theory and problem of Continuum mechanics, Schaum’ outline series McGraw-Hill Book Company,1970 3. Schofield and C.P. Wroth, Critical State in Soil Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book Company limited, 1968
4. 5. 6. 7.
Suklje L, Rheological aspects of soil mechanics, Wiley-Interscience, 1969 Mitchell J.K. (1993), Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour. John Wiley&Sons, Inc. Grim, R.E. (1968), Clay Mineralogy 2nd Edition McGraw-Hill Book Co. Wahyudi, H. (1991), Etude des proprietes mécaniques des matériaux argileux en relation avec leur organisation ā differentes echelles., These de Docteur. Ecole Central Paris.
RC09-2327: Tanah Gambut [Peat Soil] 2sks / 2 Credits Semester: [II] Tujuan Pembelajaran Learning Objective
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan proses terbentuknya tanah gambut, perilaku dan sistim klasifikasi tanah gambut, model empiris dan model reologi tanah gambut; mampu menerapkan model reologi untuk memprediksi pemampatan tanah gambut di lapangan; dan mampu menentukan parameter tanah gambut di laboratorium.
Competency Students are able to explain peat soil formation, peat soil behavior and its classification method, empirical and rheological models of peat soils; able to predict peat compression in the field using the rheological model; and able to determine peat soil parameters in the laboratory.
Pokok Bahasan Proses terbentuknya tanah gambut; Metal ion exchange capacity, sifat phisik dan teknis, water retention, serta klasifikasi tanah gambut; Perubahan perilaku tanah gambut dengan variasi kandungan organik; Perilaku pemampatan tanah gambut berserat, model empiris pemampatan tanah gambut, dan model rheologi tanah gambut berserat; Perilaku tegangan-regangan dan kekuatan geser tanah gambut; Penentuan parameter tanah gambut di laboratorium; Penyelidikan tanah di lapangan; Beberapa cara penyelesaian masalah tanah gambut di lapangan. Praktikum di laboratorium untuk menentukan parameter tanah gambut POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS
Main Subject Process of peat soil formation; Metal ion exchange capacity, physical and engineering properties, water retention, and classification of peat soil; Change in peat soil properties with variation of organic content; Compression behavior of fibrous peat, empirical model of peat consolidation, and rheology model for fibrous peat soil; Stress-strain and strength behavior; Method for determining peat soil parameters in laboratory and for peat soil exploration in the field; Solutions of peat soil problems in the field. Laboratory works for determining peat soil parameters.
ASTM, STP 820 (1983). Testing of Peats and Organics Soils. A Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and Rocks, Toronto, Canada. Jarret, P.M. Editor. Day. J. H., P.J. Rennie, W. Stanek, and G.P. Raymond, Editor (1979). Peat Testing Manual. National Research Council of Canada Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research, Technical Memorandum No 125. Fuchsman, C. H. (1986). Peat and Water: Aspects of Water Retention and Dewatering in Peat. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. London and New York.
Haan, E. D., R. Termaat, and T.B. Edil, Editor (1994). Advances in Understanding and Modelling the Mechanical Behaviour of Peat. Proc. Of The International Workshop on Advances in Understanding and Modelling the Mechanical Behaviour of Peat, Delft, Netherland, June 1993. A.A. Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield. MacFarlane, I. C. Editor (1969). Muskeg Engineering Handbook. University of Toronto Press.
RC09-2329: Metode Perbaikan Tanah [Ground Improvement Method] 2 sks / 2 credits Semester: [III]
Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan perbaikan tanah sulit, yaitu tanah lunak dan tanah kembang susut; mampu merencanakan reklamasi dan cara melakukan monitoring di lapangan serta analisisnya.
Competency Students are able to design ground improvement for difficult soils: soft soil and swelling soil; and able to design soil reclamation, field monitoring, and its analysis.
Pokok Bahasan: 1. Metode-Metode untuk Memperbaiki Tanah Bermasalah: Metode perbaikan tanah masa kini; Pengenalan geosynthetics dan penggunaannya; Perencanaan stone column, geotextile, dan cerucuk untuk peningkatan daya dukung tanah; serta Tanah kembangsusut dan metoda penanggulangannya,
Material reklamasi; Metoda pelaksanaan reklamasi; Perencanaan reklamasi; Perbaikan tanah untuk reklamasi; Soil monitoring dan Analisisnya.
Main Subjects: 1. Improvement Methods for Difficult Soil: Current ground improvement methods; Introduction to geosynthetics and its utilization; Design of stone column, geotextile, and micro pile for improvement of soil bearing capacity; Swelling soil and its solution.
2. Soil Reclamation Reclamation materials; Construction method of reclamation; Reclamation design; Ground improvement for reclamation; Soil monitoring and its analysis.
Grim R.E. (1968). Clay Mineralogy 2nd edition. Mc Graw Hill, New York. Ingles, O.G. dan J.B.Metacalf (1972). Soil Stabilization: Principles and Practice. Butterworths, SydneyMelbourne-Brisbane. Koerner, R. M. (1990). Designing with Geosynthetics. 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc. New Jersey NAVFAC DM-7 (1971). Design Manual, Soil Mechanics, Foundation and Earth Structures. Department of Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Virginia, USA US Department of Transportation (1983). Design and Construction of Stone Columns. The National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia, USA.
[RC09-2398]: [Metodologi Penelitian] [RC09-2398]: [Methodology of Research] Credits: [ 2 sks/ ] Semester: [II] Tujuan Pembelajaran Learning Objective
Mahasiswa mampu untuk menyusun Proposal Penelitian untuk Thesisnya dan dapat menerangkan cara menyusun Laporan Penelitian dan cara menulis makalah ilmiah untuk Prosiding Seminar dan Jurnal Students are able to prepare Research Proposal for their Thesis, and able to explain methods to prepare their Thesis/Research Report and methods to write papers for Proceedings and Journals.
Analisa GAP utk mencari Permasalahan Penelitian Format Proposal Penelitian dan Format Laporan Penelitian Pendahuluan dari Proposal Penelitian/ Proposal Thesis Tinjauan Pustaka Metodologi Penelitian Analisa dan Kesimpulan Penelitian Daftar Acuan dan Daftar Pustaka Jadwal dan Usulan Biaya Penelitian Komposisi untuk Penulisan Ilmiah Penulisan untuk Makalah (Prosiding Seminar dan Jurnal)
Gap Analysis to determine Research Problems Formats of Research Proposals and Research Reports Writing Introduction of Research/Thesis Proposals Literatures Review Research Methodology Analyses and Conclusions of Research List of References and Bibliographies. Schedule and Budget Proposal of Research Composition for Scientific Writings Writing of papers for Proceedings and Journals. Pustaka Utama
[RC09-2421]: [Metode Elemen Hingga] [RC09-2421]: [Finite Element Method] Credits: [3 sks/ 3 credits] Semester: [II] Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menganalisa permodelan struktur dengan metode
elemen hingga Learning Objectives Student are to be able to understand and analyze structural modeling on the finite element method Kompetensi 7. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan matrik dan teori elastisitas 8. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dan menganalisa prosedur komputasional 9. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dan menganalisa perumusan elemen dasar 10. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Elemen Linear Triangle and Quadratic Triangle 11. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Elemen Bilinear Triangle and Quadratic Triangle 12. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Elemen Assembly 13. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Fungsi Interpolasi 14. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Perhitungan Tegangan 15. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Teknik Penyelesaian kesetimbangan dengan berbagai metode 16. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Aplikasi Elemen Isoparametrik 17. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Erorr, Estimasi Error dan Konvergensi 18. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa Tinjauan permodelan dan penggunaan software 19. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan, dan menganalisa metode elemen hingga dalam struktur, dinamis dan getaran Competency 6. Students are able to explain matrix and theory of elasticity 7. Students are able to explain and analyze computational procedure 8. Students are able to explain and analyze formulation of basic elements 9. Students are able to explain and analyze Linear Triangle and Quadratic Triangle elements 10. Students are able to explain and analyze Bilinear Triangle and Quadratic Rectangle elements 11. Students are able to explain and analyze Element Assembly 12. Students are able to explain and analyze Interpolation Functions 13. Students are able to explain and analyze Stress Calculation 14. Students are able to explain and analyze Formulation Technique in Variation Methods 15. Students are able to explain and analyze Application of Isoparametrics Elements 16. Students are able to explain and analyze Error, Error Estimation and Convergence 17. Students are able to explain and analyze Modeling Consideration and Software use 18. Students are able to explain and analyze FE in Structural and Dynamics and Vibrations
Pokok Bahasan 1. Pendahuluan 2. Review matrik dan teori elastisitas 3. Prosedur komputasional 4. Perumusan Elemen Dasar 5. Elemen Linear Triangle and Quadratic Triangle
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Elemen Bilinear Triangle and Quadratic Rectangle Elemen assembly Fungsi Interpolasi Perhitungan Tegangan Teknik Perumusan dengan berbagai metode Elemen Isoparametrik Aplikasi dari Elemen isoparametrik Error, Estimasi Error dan Konvergensi Tinjauan permodelan dan penggunaan software Metode Elemen Hingga dalam struktur dinamis dan getaran
Subjects 1. Introduction 2. Review of Matrix, Theory of Elasticity 3. Computational Procedures 4. Basic Elements – Formulation 5. Linear Triangle (CST) and Quadratic Triangle (LST) elements 6. Bilinear Rectangle (Q4), Quadratic Rectangle (Q8, Q9) elements 7. Interpolation Functions 8. Element Assembly 9. Stress Calculation 10. Formulation Technique – Variation Methods 11. Isoparametric Elements 12. Application of Isoparametric Elements 13. Error, Error Estimation and Convergence 14. Modeling Consideration and Software use 15. FE in Structural and Dynamics and Vibrations
Pustaka Utama/References 1. Cook, R. D., et al. “Concepts and Application of Finite Element Analysis,” 4th 2. edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, USA. 3. Cook, R. D. “Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis,” John Wiley & Sons,Inc, New York, USA. 4. Logan, D. L. “A First Course in the Finite Element Method,” PWS Engineering. 5. Bathe, K. J. “Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis,” Prentice-Hall. 6. Zienkiewicz, O. C. “Finite Element Method - The Basis,” Betterworth Heinemann. 7. Wilson, E. L. “Numerical Method for Finite Element Analysis,” Prentice Hall. 8. Macleod, I. A. “Analytical Modeling of Structural System,” Ellis Horwood. 9. Holzer, S. M. “Computer Analysis of Structures – Matrix Structural Analysis 10. Structured Programming,” Elsevier, Oxford, U.K.
[ RC09-2422]: [Dewatering dan penggalian] [ RC09-2422.]: [Dewatering and excavation] Credits: [.3 sks/ ] Semester: [II] Tujuan Pembelajaran Memberikan pemahaman tentang cara-cara melakukan perencanaan dan perhitungan , masalah dan solusi terhadap penggalian dan dewatering dalam pekerjaan teknik sipil
Learning Objective Giving understanding to the method of design and calculation, problems and solutions of dewatering and excavation in the civil engineering works Kompetensi - Mahasiswa mampu melakukan perhitungan dan analisa terhadap perkerjaan dewatering dan penggalian untuk setiap macam material galian - Mahasiswa dapat mengidentifikasi masalah, melakukan perhitungan kestabilan struktur galian serta mencari pemecahan masalah yang ditimbulkannya Competency - The students could be competence to make calculation and analiyis toward dewatering and excavation works for every types of excavated material - The student could be capable to identify the problems, calculate the stability of excavation structure and to make solution of their the problem Pokok Bahasan (Bhs.Indonesia) Pendahuluan - Latar belakang - Kebutuhan dewatering dan penggalian dalam teknik sipil 1. Penggalian Metode penggalian - Kebutuhan pekerjaan galian dalam teknik sipil - Jenis material dan peralatan galian - Kembang - susut material galian Masalah selama penggalian dan cara mengatasinya - Persoalan teknis yang sering terjadi saat penggalian - Sliding - Heaving - Boiling - Runtuhnya tanah atap terowongan - Perhitungan kestabilan struktur galian dan cara mengatasi masalah dalam galian Studi kasus 2. Perencanaan sistem dewatering Faktor tanah dasar dan sumuran - Penentuan permeabilitas lapangan - Kriteria filter dan perencanaan sumur penyekat - Kapasitas sumur tunggal - Diameter, dalam dan jarak sumuran Dewatering penggalian - Standard pendekatan perencanaan - Modifikasi oleh Herth and Arndts(1973) - Jaringan pipa dan rencana pemompaan - Penurunan struktur bangunan yang berdekatan serta effek lainnya - Cara melakukan evaluasi Drainase lereng - Effek air terhadap kestabilan lereng - Metode-metode menstabilkan lereng - Analisa kestabilan - Pendekatan perencanaan - Cara mengevaluasi Studi kasus
Pokok Bahasan (Bhs.Inggris) Introduction - Background - The need of dewatering and excavation in civil engineering works 1. Excavation Method of excavation - The need of excavation in civil engineering works - Excavated material types and equipments - Shrink-swell excavated materials Problems during excavation and their solutions - Current technical problems in excavation works - Sliding - Heaving - Boiling - Rupture of tunnel excavated - Calculation of stability of excavation structure and solution for the problem Case study 3. Design of dewatering systems Ground and well determinants - Determination of ground permeability - Filter criteria and design of well screens - Individual well capacity - Well diameter, depth, and spacing Dewatering of excavations - Standard design approach - Modification by Herth and Arndts(1973) - Pipelines and pumping plant - Settlement of adjacent structures and other side effects - Performance evaluation Drainage of slopes - Effect water on slope stability - Methods of stabilizing slopes - Analysis of stability - Design approach - Performance evaluation Case study
Pustaka Utama Moving The Earth Hausmann R, Manfred, Engineering principles of ground modification, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,1990 Asiyanto, Metode Konstruksi Proyek Jalan, Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, 2008
[RC09-2326] : [Dinamika Tanah] [RC09-2326] : [Soil Dynamics] Credits : [sks/3] Semester : [II]
Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa mampu memahami cara untuk menganalisa masalah dinamis pada pondasi Learning objectives Student are able understand the procedure for analyzing the dynamic response of foundation
Kompetensi o Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami bagaimana menghitung amplitido suatu pondasi pada frekuensi operasi dan frekuensi resonansi o Mahasiswa mampu memahami urutan yang harus dicek dan pertimbangan geoteknik seperti pengaruh bentuk, pengaruh penanaman, pengaruh tekanan tanah dan tekanan lateral o Mahasiswa mampu menghitung amplitido pondasi mesin yang berabsorber. o Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan pondasi mesin dengan cara Pendekatan, cara Separuh Ruang Elastis dan cara Massa Bergumpal o Mahasiswa mampu memahami urutan perhitungan pondasi akibat beban Sesaat/Singkat, o Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui pengaruh redaman pada perhitungan kopel. o Mahasiswa mampu mencari amplitido dan frekuensi dari tiang pancang akibat getaran vertikal, lateral, rocking dan torsi o Mahasiswa mampu mencari berat tembok penahan tanah akibat beban lateral dengan batasan perpindahan
Competency 19. Students are able to understand how to calculate the amplitude of a foundation at operating frequency and resonance frequency 20. Student are able to understand the design check list and geotechnical consideration such as shape factor, embedded, soil pressure and lateral pressure. 21. Student are able to calculate the amplitude machine foundation with absorber. 22. Student are able to design of machine foundation using Elastic Weightless Spring method, Linear Elastic Half Space Method and Linear Lumped Parameter System Method. 23. Student are able to understand the procedure of designing foundation due to Transience load. 24. Student are able to understand the influence of the damping on a couple mode 25. Student are able to find the amplitude and frequency of pile foundation due to vertical, sliding, rocking and torsion mode Student are able to find the weight of retaining wall due to lateral load based on limited displacement
¾ Pokok Bahasan Karakterisasi Gerakan Seismik k. Pendahuluan dan definisi gempa
l. Parameter-parameter dalam gerakan seismik m. Evaluasi terhadap resiko seismik pada sebuah daerah Teori Getaran f. Getaran tunggal tanpa peredam g. Getaran tunggal dengan peredam h. Getaran dengan 2 parameter i. Transmissibility Perilaku Tanah akibat Beban Siklik n. Pendahuluan dan deskripsi perilaku tanah o. Observasi eksperimental untuk kondisi undrained dan drained tanah lempung dan pasir p. Pengaruh kecepatan deformasi terhadap material q. Model perilaku siklik tanah Liquifaksi pasir g. Pendahuluan dan definisi h. Observasi eksperimental untuk kondisi undrained dan drained i. Observasi untuk kasus liquifaksi j. Model perilaku untuk studi liquifaksi k. Evaluasi dari resiko liquifaksi l. Stabilisasi dari daerah yang terliquifaksi Pengukuran Karakteristik Dinamik Tanah g. Percobaan Lapangan h. Percobaan Laboratorium i. Perbandingan antara pengukuran di laboratorium dan di lapangan Respons Seismik dari suatu lapisan tanah j. Pendahuluan k. Penyebaran gelombang dalam sebuah miliu elastik, isotrop dan semi tak terhingga l. Problema spesifik pada teknik parasismik m. Response seismik dari tanah pada kondisi visco-elastik dan non linier Tinjauan ulang teori getaran Urutan perencanaan dan pertimbangan geoteknik Peredaman getaran dan isolasi Analisa Pondasi mesin dengan cara pendekatan, cara Separuh Ruang Elastis dan cara Massa Bergumpal Kopel Perputaran dan Geser dengan redaman Pondasi beban Sesaat dan Mesin Press Pondasi mesin diatas tiang akibat beban dinamis vertical, lateral, rocking dan torsi, untuk tiang dengan tahanan ujung dan gesekan selimut Beban lateral pada tembok penahan tanah berdasarkan pada batasan perpindahan
¾ Subjects
Seismic motion characteristics a. Introduction and Definition of earthquake b. Parameters in seismic motion c. Evaluation to the seismic risk Vibration Theory a. Single vibration without damping b. Single vibration with damping c. Vibration with 2 parameters d. Transmissibility Soil Behavior due to Cyclic Loading a. Introduction and soil behavior description b. Experimental observation for undrained and drained conditions of clay and sand c. Effect of deformation velocity on the material d. Model of soil cyclic behavior Sand Liquefaction a. Introduction and definition b. Experimental observation for undrained and drained conditions c. Observation for liquefaction case d. Behavior model for Liquefaction study e. Evaluation of Liquefaction risk f. Stabilization of liquified region Measurement of Soil Dynamic Characteristics a. Field experiment b. Laboratory experiment c. Comparation between measurement at laboratory and the field Seismic Response of soil layer a. Introduction b. Wave propagation in a miliu-elastic, isotrop and semi infinite c. Specific problem on parasismic technic d. Seismic response of soil at visco-elastic and non-linear Review theory of vibration Design check list and geotechnical consideration Vibration absorber and isolasion Machine foundation using elastic weighless spring, Elastic Half Space and Lumped Parameter System Couple Rocking and Sliding with damping Foundation for impact machine Machine foundation on pile subject to vertical vibration, sliding, rocking and torsional, for end bearing and friction Pile. Lateral earth Pressure on retaining wall based on limited displacement
¾ References
Arya, S. O’Neill, M and Pincus, G. 1979, Design of Structures and Foundations for Vibrating Machines, Gulf Publishing Company. 2. Das, B.M. 1993, Principles of Soil Dynamics, Brooks / Cole. 3. Prakash, S. 1981, Soil Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 4. Prakash, S. and Puri, V.K.. 1988, Foundation for machines analysis and design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Richart, F.E., Woods, R.D., and Hall, J.R. Jr. 1970, Vibrations of Soils and Foundations, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
[RC09-2328]: [Mekanika Tanah Lanjut] [RC09-2328]: [Advanved Soil Mechanics] Credits: [2sks/ ] Semester: [II] Tujuan Pembelajaran Memberi pengertian pada mahasiswa tentang kelakuan tanah pada kondisi kritis dan tidak jenuh Memberi pengertian pada mahasiswa tentang adanya perubahan parameter saat tanah mengalami siklus pengeringan-pembasahan Learning Objective Giving understanding to the student about behavior of soil under critical and unsaturated state Giving understanding to the student about parameter change of soil under dryingwetting cycle Kompetensi (Bhs. Indonesia) Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan tegangan dari suatu tanah pada kondisi kritis Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan tegangan tanah pada tanah tidak jenuh Mahasiswa dapat memprediksi perubahan parameter dan angka keamanan yang akan terjadi pada tanah saat mengalami siklus pengringan- pembasahan Kompetensi (Bhs. Inggris) The student competent to estimate the strength of soil under critical state condition The student competent to estimate the strength of soil under unsaturated state The student could be predict chaning of the parameters and safety factors of soil during wetting cycle wetting cycle Pokok Bahasan (Bhs.Indonesia) Uji tanah rutin dan critical state line a. Pendahuluan b. Kriteria keruntuhan tanah c. Tegangan geser tanh kondisi undrained d. Interpretasi indeks test dan variasi cu terhadap kedalaman e. Case study Parameter tanah untuk perencanaan a. Kemungkinan-kemungkinan perubahan parameter tanah b. Pemilihan analisa c. Pemulihan parameter tegangan tanah d. Kondisi basah dan kering e. Tegangan residual
Konsolidasi Vertikal dan radial a. Konsep umum b. perhitungan derajat konsolidasi dengan drainase vertial dan radial Pengantar pada tanah tidak jenuh a. Pendahuluan b. Definisi dan pengertian tanah tidak jenuh c. Metode pengukuran tegangan air pori negatif c. Siklus pengeringan pembasahan tanah d. Perubahan parmeter tanah akibat siklus pengeringan-pembasahan e. Studi kasus Sejarah perumusan persamaan tegangan a. Konsep tegangan effectif untuk suatu tanah jenuh b. Usulan persamaan tegangan effectif untuk tanah tidak jenuh Variabel-variabel persamaan tegangan untuk tanah tidak jenuh a. Analisa keseimbangan untuk tanah tidak jenuh b. Variabel-variabel persamaan tegangan c. Tanag jenuh sebagai kasus spesial dari tanah tidak jenuh Tanah tidak jenuh : applikasi pada masalah-masalah geoteknik a. Ciri-ciri tanah ekspansif dan residual b. Kemungkinan-kemungkinan perubahan angka keamanan pada tanah c. Study kasus Riset-riset terakhir tanah tidak jenuh Pokok Bahasan (Bhs.Inggris) Routine soil tests and the critical state method a. Introducion b. Failure criteria of soils c. Undrained shear strength d. Interpretation of index test and variation of cu with depth e. Case study Soil parameter for design a. The changing possibilities of parameters of soil b. Choice of analysis c. Choice of strength parameters d. Wet and dry states e. Residual strength Vertical and radial consolidation a. General concept b. Calculation of the degree of consolidation with vertical and radial drainage Introduction to unsaturated soil a. Introduction b. Definition and understanding of unsaturated soil c. Technical method of negative pore pressure measured c. Drying-wetting cycle of soils d. Parameters changed of soils during drying-wetting cycle e. Case study History of description of stress state c. Effective stress concept for a saturated soil d. Proposed effective stress equation for an unsaturated soil. Stress state variables for unsaturated soil d. Equilibrium analysis for unsaturated soil e. Stress state variables
f. Saturated soils as a special case of unsaturated soils g. Dry soil Unsaturated soils : applied in geotechnical problem d. Typical tropical residual and expansive soils e. The possibilities of safety factors change in soils f. Case study Recent research in unsaturated soils Braja DAS, Advanced Soil Mechanics Fredlund dan Rahardjo, Unsaturated Soils Adkinson, and Bransby, The Mechanic of Soils