Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah (ATPW) Surabaya, 11 Juli 2012, ISSN 2301-6752
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Abstract— The success of a project is influenced by performance of each component executive jobs include project owner. Based on nature and objectives, each involve component has different interests, which if not managed optimally would be a potential for the occurrence of disputes in various forms and complexities that can potentially towards increased construction costs and delay completion of the work. Projects are experiencing delays that often recurs in the aspect that influenced and influencing factors. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that cause delays in building construction projects in counties and municipalities Kediri. Data collection method used is questionnaires. Population and sample is director of engineering, project managers, project chief of contractors who have or are carrying out building work at Kediri. Data from questionnaires will analyzed using factor analysis method. The expected outcome of this research is identification of the factors causing potential delays in building construction projects in the region Kediri so it can be used to make improvements in the future.
Keywords— Factor Analysis, Delay Causes Factor, Building Construction Project 1. INTRODUCTION Building in Kediri is allocated to a multifunctional building that should be able to accommodate all the needs of its users. Buildings are often used as a community center, both the banking sector, government sector, as a place of residence (apartments), shopping center (mall) and will continue to develop gradually in line with advances in technology and the increasingly varied needs of the community. Along with the increasingly complex demands of users of the building with the function of the building which is expected to accommodate all of this, the construction of the building must have the ability and good service for its users. The success of these objectives are influenced by the performance of each component of work includes implementing the project owner. However, based on the nature and objectives of Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi
each component involved have different interests that if not managed with optimal would be the potential for disputes in a variety of shapes and complexity. Differences in potential for conflict can be sourced at various stages and activities ranging from planning to implementation. In line with the development of industrial technology construction, the implementation process of making the building became increasingly requires precision and professionalism of the perpetrators. Standards and new technologies make the idea to create a more complex buildings in accordance with the demands of users to meet better standards of service. During the process of development planning to the implementation of the involved parties with different interests will have the potential for the emergence of different perceptions, different goals and different ways to cope with E-105
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah (ATPW) Surabaya, 11 Juli 2012, ISSN 2301-6752
the completion of the work. According to Malak, (2002) with the different interests of those it could potentially cause a conflict or dispute, which may further potential to increase in construction costs and delay completion of the work. Projects are experiencing delays. It could even be said to be almost 80% of the project has been delayed. Worse, frequently repeated project delays on the aspects that are affected as well as factors that influence. Project delays and frequent recurrence of these events, drawing attention to be written. According to Mingus (2002), time (Time) is one constraint in Project Management in addition to the cost (Cost), and quality (Quality). Delay the project will have an impact on other aspects of the project. For example, increasing the cost to expedite the work effort and increase in overhead costs of the project. Another impact is also common is loss of quality due to the work "had" done more quickly than it should to allow some technical terms "breached" in order to reduce project delays. Project delay will cause harm to the owner of the project is not small. Lost opportunity because the project has not been able to generate profit is often the case. These events are generally a source of conflict for service providers and project owners, especially for private owners. For government projects, such as the hospital project, the losses will lead to non-material losses such as delay in the use of the urgent nature of the operating room so patients should be referred to another hospital if its operations are not delayed. Experienced a similar incident on a building project in Karachi, which gives an indication of job creation has been delayed, as the case Pare Hospital building, which should be resolved Kediri in December 2010 was not realized that ultimately led to black-list contractors. According to the Association of Researchers in Construction Management in the TwentyThird Annual Conference 2007, some states experience a number of projects have increased Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi
the cost of construction and the addition of the execution time of up to 40%. Delays can hamper the implementation of construction project work if not handled properly by the parties concerned. Thus necessary to identify the factors causing delays in order to avoid or minimize the likelihood of delays. 2. METHODOLOGY This type of research is quantitative research, where data is processed and tested with a statistical approach. Descriptive research that provides an overview of a situation where every issue and the subject will be taught in a systematic, timely and reliable with a discussion of deductive techniques where the discussion starts from the common things toward something more specific. The study is expected to answer the issues affecting or causing delays in building construction projects in the districts and municipalities Kediri. Methods of data collection were conducted with survey method by capturing opinions, experiences and attitudes of respondents is the director of engineering, project managers, project head of the contracting parties who have or are currently carrying out work on the building in Karachi have been and are faced with the primary data collection through questionnaire on the desired population. 3. RESULTS Of the 42 variables studied can be reduced to just 9 factors. The factors are: • Factor 1, Factor named Material and Labor • Factor 2, named Factor Monitoring and Implementing the Right Less • Factor 3, named Unexpected Factors • Factor 4, named Factor and Contract of Employment Issues • Factor 5, was named Contractor Credibility Factor • Factor 6, Factor named Planning Mistakes
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah (ATPW) Surabaya, 11 Juli 2012, ISSN 2301-6752
• Factor 7, Factor named Project Owner Characteristics • Factor 8, Factor named Wait Time • Factor 9, was named Inconsistency Factor Design
6. Planning error factor 7. Factor characteristics of the project owner 8. Waiting time factor 9. Factor design inconsistencies REFERENCES
4. DISCUSSIONS Based on the results of research, discussion and conclusions of research conducted, then the following submitted suggestions for the various parties involved in project implementation, in particular building construction project, as follows: • Future studies should be focused on one type of project (case study), starting from when the auction until the project ended, so the cause of the above factors are more known in detail. • The object of research can be developed on the type of construction projects other than building construction projects. • The research can be developed to look at the frequency and probability of project delay construction of the building so that later can be used as a reference in applying risk management. 5. CONCLUSIONS From the analysis of the factors used to determine the factors causing delays in building construction project in Kediri, it can be concluded that in the questionnaire of 42 questions representing some of the factors of delay parameters can be grouped into 9 major factor. The nine factors are: 1. The material and labor 2. Control factors and the lack of proper implementation 3. Unexpected factors 4. Factor of employment and contract issues 5. Contractor credibility factor
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah (ATPW) Surabaya, 11 Juli 2012, ISSN 2301-6752
Table 1: Results of Factor Analysis Faktor
Variasi (%)
Variasi Kumulatif (%)
Pembentuk Faktor
-Kekurangan material
-Keahlian tenaga kerja
-Produktifitas tenaga kerja
-Kedisiplinan dan motivasi tenaga kerja
-Perhitungan keperluan material
-Penggantian tenaga kerja baru
-Ketersediaan peralatan atau material bantu
-Kualitas material
-Jumlah tenaga kerja
-Akses ke lokasi proyek
-Pengawasan proyek
-Metode pelaksanaan yang salah
-Lokasi proyek
-Tempat penyimpanan bahan/material
-Kontraktor tidak terorganisir dengan baik
-Jangka waktu pelaksanaan tidak realistis
-Karakteristik fisik bangunan sekitar lokasi
Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi
-Kebutuhan ruang kerja
-Intensitas curah hujan
-Perubahan biaya bahan dan tenaga kerja
-Permasalahan dengan lingkungan sekitar
-Perubahan desain
-Kondisi dalam tanah yang tidak terduga
-Permasalahan subkontrak
-Kecelakaan kerja
-Pemutusan hubungan kerja
-Komunikasi antara kontraktor dan pemilik
-Persiapan/penetapan rancangan tempat
-Kontrak tertulis yang buruk
-Kualitas peralatan
-Manajemen kontrak
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Prasarana Wilayah (ATPW) Surabaya, 11 Juli 2012, ISSN 2301-6752
Table 1: Results of Factor Analysis (Continue) Faktor
Variasi (%)
Variasi Kumulatif (%)
Pembentuk Faktor
-Pengalaman kerja kontraktor yang tidak
memadai 5
-Kualitas pekerjaan kontraktor yang buruk
-Quality control
-Masalah keuangan kontraktor
-Kesalahan penjadwalan
-Kesalahan atau kelalaian desain
-Keterlambatan pembayaran oleh pemilik
proyek -Perubahan perintah kerja (Oral) oleh pemilik
proyek -Waktu tunggu untuk persetujuan inspeksi 8
dan tes -Persiapan dan persetujuan gambar
perencanaan 9
Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi
-Inkonsistensi spesifikasi dan gambar