LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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LP F-06 05 1 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
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F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB
Rozdělovník Funkce
Datum převzetí
Tento dokument je duchovním majetkem Pracoviště laboratorních metod IKEM. Podléhá všem náležitostem, které se týkají řízení dokumentace. Kopírování tohoto dokumentu je přípustné pouze se souhlasem správce dokumentace PLM.
Zpracoval MUDr. Sečník Peter, Lékař Oddělení klinické biochemie PLM
Kontroloval MUDr. Franeková Janka, Ph.D., vedoucí Oddělení klinické biochemie PLM
Dne 08.09.2015
Schválil MUDr. Franeková Janka, Ph.D., vedoucí Oddělení klinické biochemie PLM
Dne 24.09.2015 Revize ročně
LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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LP F-06 05 2 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
Reference ranges of analytes in serum/plasma (Li heparin) in adults Analyte Creatinine – males Creatinine – females Urea - males (over 50 years) Urea - males (under 50 years) Urea - females (over 50 years) Urea - females (under 50 years) Uric acid – males Uric acid – females Total protein Albumin Bilirubin total Bilirubin direct AST – males AST – females ALT - males ALT – females ALP females, males GGT – males GGT – females Cholinesterase – males Cholinesterase – females AMS AMS pancreatic isoenzyme Lipase LD CK – males CK – females Cholesterol total Triglycerides Cholesterol HDL – males Cholesterol HDL – females Cholesterol LDL - calculated Osmolality Sodium Potassium Chloride
Lower limit Upper limit 64 49 3,0 3,2 3,5 2,5 210 150 64 36 3,4 1,8 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,58 0,20 0,15 85 67 0,42 0,13 0,13 2,1 0,50 0,48 2,9 0,50 1,0 1,2 1,2 275 137 3,5 98
104 90 9,2 7,4 7,2 6,7 420 350 79 45 20 8,6 0,75 0,58 1,17 0,75 1,75 1,07 0,6 195 210 2,08 0,88 1,3 3,7 3,33 2,80 5,0 1,69 2,1 2,7 3,0 295 144 5,1 107
Unit µmol/l µmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l μmol/l μmol/l g/l g/l μmol/l μmol/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l µkat/l µkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l μkat/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/kg mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l
LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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Phosphorus inorganic, males (15 - 50 years) Phosphorus inorganic, males (over 50 years) Phosphorus inorganic – females Calcium Magnesium Iron - males Iron – females Copper – males Copper – females Zinc
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0,71 0,71 0,76 2,15 0,71 10,7 7,2 11,0 12,6 11,0
1,53 1,23 1,41 2,55 0,94 28,6 25,9 22,0 24,3 23,0
mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l mmol/l μmol/l μmol/l µmol/l µmol/l µmol/l
3,6 20
5,59 42 < 5,60 < 7,8 1,47
mmol/l mmol/mol mmol/l mmol/l nml/l
3,3 5,7 0,26
qualitative qualitative qualitative 19,4 26,3 1,65
Diabetes mellitus Glucose HbA1c Glucose - OGTT 0.min. (fasting) Glucose - OGTT 120.min. (after p.o. glucose) C peptide
Monoclonal gammopathies Electrophoresis (serum proteins) Immunofixation (serum proteins) Immunofixation (urine proteins) Kappa free light chains Lambda free light chains Kappa free/lambda free
mg/l mg/l ratio
Plasma proteins Transferrin - males Transferrin – females Total iron binding capacity Transferrin saturation Ferritin – females Ferritin – males Cystatin C (1 - 50 years) males Cystatin C (1 - 50 let) females Cystatin C (nad 50 let) females Cystatin C (nad 50 let) males NGAL Apo A1 – males Apo A1 – females Apo B – males Apo B – females Lipoprotein (a)
1,74 1,80 45 16 4,6 21,8 0,31 0,40 0,40 0,41 37 1,05 1,05 0,60 0,55 7
3,64 3,82 72 45 204,0 274,7 0,79 0,99 0,99 0,99 106 1,75 2,05 1,40 1,30 75
g/l g/l µmol/l % µg/l µg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l µg/l g/l g/l g/l g/l nmol/l
LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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Ceruloplasmin Prealbumin α-1-antitrypsin
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LP F-06 05 4 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
0,22 0,18 0,88
0,58 0,38 1,74
g/l g/l g/l
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
89 111 155 159 266 73 40 80 150 121 ≤ 14
ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l
< 5,0 < 0,5 < 200 < 30 1,85 1,93 0,53 0,57 2,40 2,93 4,84 4,21 18,2 16,3 9,29 7,00 1,76 0,86
mg/l μg/l kIU/l kIU/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l
4,94 5,7 19,0 < 4,11 < 5,61
mIU/l pmol/l pmol/l kIU/l kIU/l
Markers of myocardial damage BNP – females, under 45 years BNP – females, 45-54 years BNP – females, 55-64 years BNP – females, 65-74 years BNP – females, over 75 years BNP – males, under 45 years BNP – males, 45-54 years BNP – males, 55-64 years BNP – males, 65-74 years BNP – males, over 75 years hs – Troponin T
Inflammation markers, immunoglobulins CRP Procalcitonin ASLO Rheumatoid factor C3-complement – males C3-complement – females C4-complement – males C4-complement – females IgM – males IgM – females IgA – males IgA – females IgG – males IgG – females IgG subclass 1 IgG subclass 2 IgG subclass 3 IgG subclass 4
0,82 0,83 0,15 0,15 0,22 0,33 0,63 0,65 5,4 5,5 3,82 2,42 0,22 0,04
Thyroid gland TSH free T3 free T4 Anti-Tg Anti-TPO
0,35 2,63 9,0
LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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Anti-TSH receptors
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LP F-06 05 5 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
< 1,75
6,9 70 42 46 43 46 0,873 0,630 0,836 0,573 1,008
pmol/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l
< 3,8 <7 < 35 < 70 < 140
µg/l µg/l kU/l pmol/l pmol/l
< 11,4
< 29,9
< 25 < 27 < 6,9 <3 100 2,6 5,3 2,64
kU/l kU/l kU/l µg/l % IU/l IU/l mg/l
Markers of bone metabolism Parathormone Osteocalcin – males (18 - 30 years) Osteocalcin – males (30 - 50 years) Osteocalcin – males (50 - 70 years) Osteocalcin – females (20 - 50 years) Osteocalcin – females (50 - 80 years) β-CrossLaps – males (18 - 30 years) β-CrossLaps – males (30 - 50 years) β-CrossLaps – males (50 - 80 years) β-CrossLaps – females (15 - 50 years) β-CrossLaps – females (50 - 80 years)
1,6 24 14 14 11 15 0,155 0,093 0,035 0,025 0,104
Tumour markers CEA AFP CA 125 HE 4 - premenopausal state HE 4 - postmenopausal state ROMA score - premenopausal state (low risk of epithelial ovarian cancer) ROMA score - postmenopausal state (low risk of epithelial ovarian cancer) CA 15-3 CA 19-9 CA 72-4 PSA fPSA/PSA β-HCG – males β-HCG – females β2-microglobulin
25 0 0 0,97
Serological diagnosis of infectious diseases anti-HAV-IgM anti-HAV-IgG HBsAg HBeAg anti-HBe anti-HBc-Total anti-HBc-IgM anti-HBs anti-HCV
qualitative qualitative qualitative qualitative qualitative qualitative qualitative 10 qualitative
LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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Syphilis HIV Ab/Ag Combo anti CMV-IgG anti CMV-IgM
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LP F-06 05 6 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
qualitative qualitative 6 qualitative
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LP F-06 05 7 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
Therapeutic drug monitoring Amikacin - before infusion
Amikacin - ½ - 1 hour after i.v. infusion
Gentamicin - before infusion Gentamicin - ½ - 1 hour after i.v. infusion Vancomycin - before infusion Vancomycin - ½ - 1 hour after i.v. infusion Digoxin Cyclosporine Tacrolimus Mycophenolic acid Sirolimus Everolimus
1,1 10,4 6,9 13,4 1,02 1,2 4,5 5
4,2 20,9 10 26,8 2,56 3,5 14 15
µmol/l µmol/l µmol/l µmol/l nmol/l µg/l µg/l mg/l µg/l µg/l
18 5,46 4,44 171 64 10,4 25,1 1,6 2,64 0,061
72 16,20 13,56 536 327 42,4 165 13,9 27,70 0,978
μmol/l µmol/l µmol/l nmol/l nmol/l nmol/l pmol/l pmol/l ng/l nmol/l
Other analytes Ammonia Homocysteine – males Homocysteine – females Cortisol, sample dawn in 7:00 - 10:00 Cortisol, sample drawn in 16:00 - 20:00 Folic acid Vitamin B12 – active (holotranscobalamin) ACTH Renin Aldosterone Serum
Plasma (Li heparin)
Plasma (K3EDTA)
Plasma (NaF,EDTA)
LP F-06 Reference ranges of analytes OKB Laboratorní příručka/ LP vydaná - kapitoly - txt.+hlav.
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LP F-06 05 8 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
Reference ranges of analytes in urine and stool in adults Urine chemistry (quantitative) Sodium – 24h excretion Potassium - 24h excretion Chloride - 24h excretion Calcium - 24h excretion Phosphorus inorganic - 24h excretion Creatinine – 24h excretion males Creatinine – 24h excretion females Urea - 24h excretion Uric acid - 24h excretion Proteins – 24h excretion Albuminuria – overnight excretion Albuminuria – 24h excretion Abumin/Creatinine (ACR) – morning sample Osmolality – 24h excretion Glucose Proteins morning sample Protein / creatinine (PCR) – morning sample Osmolality Amylase Transferrin Alpha-1-microglobulin β2-microglobulin β2-microglobulin / creatinine – morning sample NGAL
120 35 120 2,5 12,9 10,0 8,0 338 1,5 20 30 600 0,1 0,0 0 300
0,098 0 0,7
240 125 240 7,5 42,0 16,0 14,0 585 4,4 < 0,20 199 300 < 3,0 1200 0,8 0,149 14,9 1000 < 7,5 <2 < 12,5 0,32 27 9,8
mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day mmol/day g/day µg/min mg/day g/mol mmol/day mmol/l g/l g/mol mmol/kg μkat/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/mol µg/l
Urine sediment + chemistry (disptick) Urine chemistry (disptick) Urine sediment – erythrocytes Urine sediment - leucocytes
semiquantitative <5 < 10
/µl /µl
Urine sediment - hyaline casts
Urine sediment - patological casts Other epithelial cells Squamous epithelial cells Hamburger sediment - erythrocytes Hamburger sediment – leucocytes Hamburger sediment – casts Addis sediment – erythrocytes Addis sediment – leucocytes
<1 <4 < 20 < 35 < 70 <1 <1 <2
/µl /µl /µl /s /s /s x10e6 x10e6
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Addis sediment – casts
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LP F-06 05 9 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
Fecal occult bleeding Fecal occult bleeding (FOB) quantitative Serum Plasma (Li heparin) Plasma (K3EDTA)
< 50 Plasma (NaF,EDTA)
µg/l Urine
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LP F-06 05 10 z 10 24.09.2015 0 05.10.2015
Acid – base balance and blood gases Acid – base balance Arterial blood: O2 saturation pO2 pH BE pCO2 (males) pCO2 (females) HCO3 Lactate Venous blood: O2 saturation pO2 pH BE pCO2 HCO3 Lactate Mixed venous blood: O2 saturation pO2 pH BE pCO2 HCO3 Lactate
0,95 11,10 7,36 -2,5 4,70 4,30 22 0,3
0,99 14,40 7,44 +2,5 6,00 5,70 26 0,8
0,58 3,59 7,32 -2,5 5,45 22 0,5
0,85 5,32 7,41 +2,5 6,78 26 2,2
0,70 4,70 7,35 -2,0 4,90 21 0,3
0,80 6,00 7,43 3,0 6,70 26 1,5
mmol/L kPa mmol/L mmol/L
1,15 0,0
1,29 0,6
mmol/L mmol/L
kPa mmol/L kPa kPa mmol/L mmol/L
kPa mmol/L kPa mmol/L mmol/L
Other analytes Calcium ionised 3-OH-butyrate Central veno-venous hemodialysis: Calcium - ionised