Dio F.C.M. van Gils Senior management/ experienced changemanager
[email protected]
Summary I am an open-minded and representative person with broad interests and an enterpreneurial, positive, energetic and young spirit; enthousiastic, stimulating and socially involved with people. As a natural, mostly intuitive leader, I enjoy the management of people and complex situations in a hectic and changing environment. A flexible changemanager and crisesmanager, constantly searching for ways to improve overall quality, employee- and clientsatisfaction. A professional and senior manager, always finding creative, unexpected and unconventional solutions for the challenges I meet on my professional and personal path. Raised with a solid working aethos and a "lead by example" mentality. Involved and loyal to the company I am working for. A motivating, highly professional and involved people-manager and teambuilder. A good coach with a track record in empowermental skills. Speaking and understanding 5 languages (Dutch, German, English, French, Italian) and understanding and speaking a little Spanish. A healthy person, very well trained at stress/time and energy-management. Loving all the good things that life has to offer; people, good (and healthy) food (good cook), travelling, arts (music, dance, theater, architecture & design, fashion), cars, big cities (New York addict) countryside; hectic as well as quiet. Last but not least, eager to study and to develop and learn; loving to read and to write.
Personal Motto I am the conductor of my own concert. There are no doubts in my mind whatsoever to what my unlimited possibilities are. To achieve the most and the best, any restrictions will be eliminated. To avoid a boring life I will create my own challenges. Not a negative soul in the world can withhold me. Without boundaries I will explore and live my life to the limits, during the limited time we have. Life is good!
Specialties Senior management and leadership, people management, empowerment, teambuilding, coaching, targets, changemanagement, hands-on operational skills, crisesmanagement, problemsolving.
Sept 2010- Nomination for Contact Center Manager of the year 2010 See also my personal website for extended information: http://diovangils.webs.com
Experience Manager KCC client contact at RDC Datacentrum March 2009 - Present (3 years 9 months) Tasks and responsibilities: RDC first line B2B clientcontacts Role of incidentmanager Service delivery Client satisfaction (KTO) Professionalisation of Client contact Efficiency - costreduction - costeffectiveness Client awareness of the RDC company KPI's and SLA's Continuous improvement Churn & retention September 2010: nomination Contact Center Manager of the year 2010 December 2010: aspirant ITO certificate KCC RDC 5 recommendations available upon request Manager Operations a.i. at RDC inFinanz October 2011 - September 2012 (1 year) Responsable for Operations: IT, Consultancy. Projects and Services. Professionalization and reorganization of the operational units. Culture management, Empowerment, Competencemanagement and Changemanagement 5 recommendations available upon request Klantmanager / Clientmanager at TMG Media Group October 2008 - March 2009 (6 months) Co-ordinatie tussen interne opdrachtgevers en werkzaamheden van het KCC (Klant contact center) Manager Service Operations KCC ( klant contact center) at De Telegraaf April 2004 - October 2008 (4 years 7 months) Responsable for Telegraaf TMG BtoC client contacts 120 seats contactcenter Implementation CRM Siebel Changemanagement Culture management SLA & KPI's Implementation retention team Selfservice activities & implementation Page2
Voice response system 2 recommendations available upon request Ass Manager KCC (Customer contact center) at Telegraaf Media Groep 2004 - 2004 (less than a year) Manager Customer Service at Libertel - Vodafone January 1996 - 2003 (7 years) Location Amsterdam , Almere Responsable for Vodafone BtoC client contacts 1 recommendation available upon request Managing Director (CEO) at I PULL Pullsport January 1983 - January 1994 (11 years 1 month) Managing my own fashioncompany; import / export, design of high end men's fashion, mostly exclusive knitwear: production in middle, far east and Italy. Main markets: Netherlands, Germany and USA. Various free lance activities: Designer/ Stylist / Model / Consultant / Trainer at iPull / Jeff Sayre / Trenco / Modelplanning January 1974 - January 1983 (9 years 1 month) 2007-2009
Voorzitter VVE Gillis II
Verhuur/beheer vakantiehuizen: Veluwerijck 12 (NL) en Casa del Porticato (IT)
Freelance nutrition/health consultant / trainer
Freelance designer/ stylist
Professional and international model
Designer/stylist at Trenco/Jeff Sayre Paris, France
Fashiondesigner, Trenco Netherlands
Skills & Expertise Empowerment People management Teambuilding Customer Service Management Customer Support Change-management
Coaching Hands on operational skills Performance Reporting Goal-driven leader Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction Customer Retention Visionary Creative Direction Emotional Intelligence Interim Management Training Change Management
Education Various Management courses Bachelor's degree, Management skills, 1996 - 2000 Wayne State University course (minor), Nutrition & Health education, 1995 - 1995 Activities and Societies: Pre bachelor Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Breda (St Joost) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Fashion/Apparel Design, 1972 - 1977 GLE Gemeentelijk Lyceum Eindhoven Eindexamen, diploma Havo, 1965 - 1971 Lagere school, Frater Andreas, Geldrop 1960 - 1966
Honors and Awards 2011 Aspirant ITO for Contact Centers 2010 nomination Contact Center Manager of the year 2010 award for innovation in CC Management
Dio F.C.M. van Gils Senior management/ experienced changemanager
[email protected]
13 people have recommended Dio F.C.M. "Dio is een gedreven people manager, die op basis van zijn ruime ervaring met en kennis van o.a. customer contact centre, een belangrijke bijdrage heeft geleverd aan de optimalisatie van onze klantcontactprocessen en -communicatie. Daarnaast is Dio erg prettig in de omgang, nuchter en a real gentleman." — Ernst-Jan Bakker, Manager Information Services, RDC Datacentrum, worked with Dio F.C.M. at RDC Datacentrum "Working with Dio we significantly improved customer satisfaction for our products, Dio being in charge for First line of support to customer me being responsible for second line of support. It was easy for us to find a common and succesfull approach with a focus on customer satisfaction." — Hans Huizeling, Manager Operations, RDC Datacentrum | InMotiv, worked directly with Dio F.C.M. at RDC Datacentrum "Ik heb Dio afgelopen jaren leren kennen als een echte mensen-mens. Iemand die bij de Telegraaf heel veel goede dingen heeft gedaan en nu bij RDC de klantenservice enorm sterk heeft geprofessionaliseerd met de laatste puntjes op de i door de Klantcontact Monitor in te zetten. Als enige is hij door het MT geschikt bevonden om een nieuwe klus binnen de holding te gaan doen. Ik ben erg blij dat ik je ken Dio!" — Hirschel Hessel, Partner, Quality Support BV (www.quality-support.nl), was with another company when working with Dio F.C.M. at RDC Datacentrum "Dio is a result-oriented people manager who has definetly brought much needed positive change to our Customer Contact Center. Dio is no nonsense, constructive, pleasant to work with and likes a good challenge." — Deniz Elings, Servicemanager, RDC Datacentrum, worked with Dio F.C.M. at RDC Datacentrum "Dio is een gepassioneerde leider, met het klant belang hoog in het vaandel. Zijn manier van leiding geven is heel relaxed en gebasseerd op vertrouwen. hij kan ook streng optreden maar altijd rechtvaardig en eerlijk, met ruimte voor hoor en wederhoor. alles is bespreekbaar. Kortom een zeer gewaardeerde persoonlijkheid met een duidelijke visie." — roberto bouwmeester, incident-coordinator, RDC Datacentrum, reported to Dio F.C.M. at RDC Datacentrum
"Dio is een zeer open en prettige manager. Hij behandeld iedereen als een gelijke en staat altijd open om een luisterend oor te bieden als je een probleem of vraag hebt. Kort een aantal steekwoorden over Dio: kennis, communicatief sterk, eerlijk, open, en zeer sociaal." — Edwin Bak, System administrator, RDC Infinanz, worked with Dio F.C.M. at RDC inFinanz "In 2012 heb ik veel met Dio samengewerkt. Dio in functie van operationeel manager en ik in de functie van teamleider. Dio is een echte peoplemanager met de juiste kennis en een goed overzicht over de lopende zaken. Hij denkt na over mogelijkheden/oplossingen voor issues en is een kei in het luisteren naar mensen en het motiveren van mensen. Dio kijkt naar de competenties per persoon en stuurt mensen de juiste richting op om optimaal te kunnen functioneren en door te kunnen groeien. Dio is een persoon die voor iedereen klaar staat en wil werken naar de toekomst. Daarnaast is hij een prettige collega met de juiste humor. Ik vond het een prettige samenwerking waarin ik veel van Dio geleerd heb." — Melvin Bijl, Teamleider Click and Claim, RDC inFinanz (Verzuimdata Nederland), reported to Dio F.C.M. at RDC inFinanz "Dio is een people- en servicemanager pur sang die creatieve en pragmatische oplossinge niet schuwt. Samenwerken met Dio op het gebied van procesmanagement en bijbehorende bedrijfsbrede zaken heb ik als zeer prettig ervaren. Zeker ook vanwege zijn brede kennis op o.a. het gebied van Service Management. Vanwege zijn open communicatie, openminded benadering van mens en materie een uitermate prettig persoon om mee samen te werken." — Jaco Koetsveld, Information Security Officer and Processmanager, RDC inFinanz, worked indirectly for Dio F.C.M. at RDC inFinanz "Dio, is a true people's manager with a the abillity to scout talent and being able to use that talent to improve people around him. Personally Dio showed me how to be creative, an open minded teamleader. Dio to me is a leader who is able to get the best out off employees. All this to give costumers the best service and the company a lean and clean operations. Dio is a honest, open minded, and no nonsence leader" — Marcel Van Henten, Teamleider Consultancy, Verzuimdata Nederland, reported to Dio F.C.M. at RDC inFinanz "Dio is een prima manager voor zijn medewerkers: toegankelijk, to the point, no nonsense, besluitvaardig en evenwichtig.Snel van begrip als je hem een probleem voorlegt." — Maarten van den Dool, Business Intelligence Specialist, Verzuimdata Nederland, reported to Dio F.C.M. at RDC inFinanz "Dio van Gils has a broad spectrum of experience in mulitple disciplines. He combines his knowledge and experience in a well-thought balanced way. That makes him a professional teamplayer, who stands for his own point of view with a sympathetic open attitude for the perspective of his co-workers and employees. Ik was really a pleasure working with Dio. Also nowadays I like to stay in contact with him and exchange ideas and innovations." Page6
— Ria Hoffer, Projectmanagement Klantcontact Centrum, RDC Datacentrum BV, worked directly with Dio F.C.M. at De Telegraaf "Being my "right hand" and "sparring partner" Dio was often able to discuss issues in the open. No hidden agenda's. He succeeded in managing and implementing business decisions from an employee point of view without loosing his businessfocus. It's evident Dio is a loyal, driven and nice guy to work with." — Paul Wijsen, Contact Center Manager, de Telegraaf, managed Dio F.C.M. at De Telegraaf "Dio is a team manger who really cares about his people. Always joyful and enthusiastic. The group effort is his effort, he feels responsible for their task. A pleasure to work with, who knows, maybe again in the future?" — Harry de Jong, Customer Care Manger Amsterdam, Libertel, managed Dio F.C.M. at Libertel bv
Contact Dio F.C.M. on LinkedIn