Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ágnes Vámos
Doctoral Committee: Head of committee: Prof. Dr. Éva Szabolcs Opponents: Dr. Andrea Papp, senior lecturer Dr. Zoltán Poór, senior lecturer Member, secretary: Dr. Erika Kopp, assistant professor Members: Dr. Györgyné Hunyady, professor emerita Dr. Sárosdyné Dr. Judit Szabó, senior lecturer Dr. habil. Vilmos Vass, senior lecturer
Table of contents Background ................................................................................................................................ 3 Concept Clarification and Overview of Structure ...................................................................... 4 Research questions ..................................................................................................................... 5 Aims of research......................................................................................................................... 6 Hypotheses and their verification ............................................................................................... 6 Particular professional outcomes of research ............................................................................. 8 Further plans for research and development .............................................................................. 9 Some suggestions and recommendations ................................................................................. 10 References ................................................................................................................................ 11 Publications in the topic of dissertation ................................................................................... 17 Lectures and workshops in the topic of dissertation ................................................................ 18
Background Dual language primary schools and starting foreign language learning at an early age have received special attention in Hungary since 1997 based on the Educational Act 26/199. (VII). Since then institutional teacher training for that special field of education has not only been a priority in Hungarian Educational Policy, but it has also been fundamentally changed and developed in line with relevant Europeen educational research strategies, programmes and projects (c.f. Fruhauf–Christ–Coyle 1996; Marsh 2001: Profiling European CLIL Classrooms és 2002 CLIL/EMILE: The European Dimension; Eurydice 2006, Maljers–Marsh–Wolff 2007: Windows on CLIL Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe, 2012). As a result, this field of education has been thoroughly researched in several related fields (history of language teaching, language policy, psychology, sociolinguistics etc.) concerning both in the context of language education and teacher training. Although CLIL has also been in the focus of several pedagogical research publications in Hungarian (Vámos 1993, 1996, 1998; Kovács–Molnárné 2003; Morvai–Poór 2006; Kovács 2006, 2009; Vámos–Kovács 2008; Vámos 2008, Tárnok 2009; Kovács–Márkus 2009; Tolnai 2009; Kovács–Trentinné 2010), not enough attention has been paid to the teacher training and education background in this field. Since a specialized undergraduate training programme was introduced at ELTE TÓK (Teacher Training College for Primary-school and Kindergarten teachers) back in 2006, there is a new scope of research concerning the professional training needs, motivation and challenges the trainees and their trainers face. However, this research area has been rather neglected so far. To bridge that apparent research gap, my doctoral dissertation primarily focuses on the development of those teacherly skills and competences which are crucial for early age dual language education. Teachers and teacher trainees are the key figures in these processes since their personal qualities, skills, knowledge, beliefs and attitudes substancially influence the success of institutional CLIL language education. The other main research focus of my dissertation is competence development in pre-service and in-service teacher training for CLIL teaching including the possibilities for professional self-development. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation first explores the relevant theoretical and terminological background to establish a framework and support the empirical research conducted in the 3
following main areas: 1) definitions and development of competences, 2) the importance of beliefs and their exploration, 3) the relationship between teacher training and teacher research and 4) exploration of institutional early-age dual-language development and the teacherly roles in this context.
Concept Clarification and Overview of Structure The clarification of key terminology and the basic concepts of CLIL was one of the main research aims of the dissertation. I use the terms ’bilingual’ and ’dual language’ to describe two different concepts. While the former means development in two languages (in both the mother tongue and the foreign language in a kindergarten or a school context (CLIL, immersion or other bilingual programmes, c.f. Baker, 1996, Kovács, 2006, Mehisto–Marsh– Frigols, 2008), the latter refers to foreign language teachers, teacher trainees and teacher educators who prepare for taking part in dual language programmes. However, they themselves are not bilingual, though the training itself is in the target foreign language (c.f. Poór, 2012). My consistent use of the term ’development’ instead of ’teaching’ or ’education’ reflects my professional belief concerning early childhood education, where the emphasis should be on holistic development rather than old-fashioned teaching or training. In addituon, the term ’early age’ means children and pupils aged 3-10. The first two chapters of the dissertation focus on the Literature Review to establish the theoretical framework of the research. The first chapter focuses on the definition of competencies (Csapó 1992, Zsolnai 1996, Nagy 2002, Falus 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011; KER 2002, Falus–Kimmel 2003, Vass 2004, 2006ab; Lóth 2007, Bábosik 2007), beliefs and qualitative research tools to investigate teachers’ beliefs (Golnhofer–M. Nádasi 1981, Wubbels 1992; Hunyadyné 1993, 2001, 2004, 2006; Hunyadyné–Ungárné 1999; M. Nádasi 1999, 2001, 2002, 2006; Szabolcs 1999, 2001; Vámos 2001ab, 2003ab, 2008; Ehmann 2002, Seidman 2002, Szivák 2002, 2003; Falus 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007; Sántha 2004, Dudás 2005, 2007; Köcséné Szabó 2007, Kimmel 2007, Bárdossy–Dudás 2011). Finally, I discuss competence-based teacher education (Brezsnyánszky 2005, Falus 2006, 2010; Véghelyiné
2007, Brumfitt 2008, Nagy 2008, Hunyady 2009), and the importance of learning outcomes (Derényi 2006, Kennedy 2007, Fischer-Halász 2009, Vámos 2011). The second theoretical chapter explores the concepts of CLIL, institutional development, teacherly CLIL competences, including the issues of CLIL teacher training and professional self-development (based on e.g. Hoffmann 1991, Marsh 1994, 2001, 2002; Vámos 1991, 1993, 1998, 1999, 2008; Poór 1995, 2012; Baker 1996, Marsh–Langé 2000, Bognár 2005, Eurydice 2006, Kovács 2006, 2008, Marsh–Maljers–Wolff 2006, Mehisto–Marsh–Frigols 2008, Coyle–Hood–Marsh 2010). Chapters 3&4 (Empirical research) discuss the research questions for the investigation of two target groups: practising CLIL teachers (Chapter 5) and teacher trainees for CLIL (Chapter 6). The empirical research aimed at exploring beliefs, competencies to be developed, professional CLIL needs, tasks and challenges. The CLIL teachers’ professional profile is drawn up, the unique nature and tasks of teacher education for the CLIL is analysed and discussed including relevant methodology. Finally, the dissertation is concluded by professional suggestions and recommendations for early CLIL development, webography, bibliography of the cited works, a list of figures and the appendices.
Research questions No. 1 Which competences are needed for early bilingual development? Are there any specific competences for the bilingual context exclusively? No.2 Which are the bilingual teachers’ beliefs concerning their own role, profession, and responsibilities? Are there any differences between in-service and pre-service teachers concerning their beliefs? No. 3 What are the challenges practising teachers are to face due to their specific context? Do they need specific skills, competences, and attitudes to cope with these challenges? No. 4 What motivates in-service and pre-service teachers to enrol in specific teacher-training courses? To what extent are they satisfied with the specific bilingual training?
No. 5 What sort of specific teacher training courses are recently available in Hungary? To what extent do they meet the challenges within and beyond Hungary? To what extent do they meet the demands of the teachers/trainees?
Aims of research 1. To define and articulate competences bilingual teachers needs in the Hungarian context, with the purpose of turning them into requirements in teacher training. 2. Clarification and a better understanding of beliefs, needs, and concerns of teachers in early bilingual education. 3. Clarification and recognition of motivation, beliefs, and needs of trainees at ELTE TÓK. 4. Disclosure of teachers’, students’ and trainees’ satisfaction with the aim of imrpoving the training. 5. Mapping and evaluating the recently available early bilingual teacher training programmes in Hungary. Elaboration of a more appropriate training model. 6. A continuously incorporation of research findings in the practice of bilingual teacher training at ELTE TÓK as well as dissemination of good practices. 7. Piloting and verification of applicability of new qualitative research techniques in teacher training.
Hypotheses and their verification 1) Early bilingual development places specific requirements on teachers concerning foreign languages, subject-matter, methodology, interculturality, interpersonality, and attitudes. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes form a specific system of competences that can be described in a complex way. 6
þ The results of both the theoretical and the empirical research show that this hypothesis has been verified. Metaphors, tales, trainees’ reflections, lists of expectations all provided bases for drawing up the CLIL professional profile. It includes the knowledge, skills and desirable attitude necessary for teaching and development in CLIL. These competencies include the foreign language command, subject methodology, pedagogical, psychological, intercultural, social, cognitive and communicative elements, including items for self-development, materials-development and quality assurance. 2) The bilingual teacher’s responsibilities are much more multifaceted and complex than those of working in traditional ’monolingual’ contexts. þ I consider this hypothesis proven based on the data collected from the target group of practising teachers. The required competences include materials writing and evaluation, curriculum development, exam preparation, language competitions, extra-curricular activities and programme organization, just to mention a few. CLIL is not the same as foreign language teaching, it requires a lot more from the teacher concerning ICT competencies, teacherly and organizational skills at different levels. In some European countries these additional tasks are compensated for both financially and in terms of reduced teaching hours. 3) For working successfully in CLIL educational programmes specific teacher training is needed. Trainees are to acquire different professional areas on a high level alongside with developing their professional and personal competences. This is even more the case in early bilingual education. þ Based on the empirical research results it has been verified that working successfully in CLIL educational programmes requires specific teacher training. Only a focused and uniquely target developed curriculum can possibly meet the training needs of future CLIL teachers, explore the basic beliefs, use holistic training tecniques and approaches to integrate the development of different areas of competencies. 4a) Teacher training for bilingual education in Hungary does not fully meet the requirements, thus, fails to meet the final training goals of education.
4b) The bilingual specialisation at ELTE TÓK meets the requirements both of the profession and the trainees, thus, it can prepare teachers for the profession. ý þ These statements both have been partly proven by the theoretical and empirical data. 5a) There is significant difference between the beliefs of pre and in-service bilingual teachers. In-service teachers have a more realistic view on their responsibilities, and competences than pre-service teachers. 5b) Pre-service trainees lack knowledge, expectations, and experiences concerning early bilingual education. ý Neither of these hypotheses have been proven based on the data recieved in the course the present research. There has been no significant difference found between the beliefs of trainees and practising teachers. Data shows that the majority of the teachers and trainees asked about their beliefs at the beginning of training say that these are not significantly different from that of their motivation, confidence or professional dedication later. Further research might be needed in this area. 6) The 6th hypothesis argues that processes, techniques and tasks, generally underused in research, can be used successfully both in teacher training and in the research of teacher training for disclosing beliefs. þ This hypothesis has been fully proven with the help of those qualitative research tools applied in my research which have been used for analysing both target groups for the first time in such context as far as reliability and validity are concerned.
Particular professional outcomes of research 1) Piloting of less used qualitative research techniques as well as verification of their use and validity in simulation role plays, methaphor in application of other visual creative products. 2) Translating the detailed CLIL-competence-grid (Bertaux et al, 2010) into Hungarian with the indicators, which provides a good starting point to shape a competence-web of our own in Hungary, for the purposes of early CLIL teacher training.
3ab) Mapping all CLIL teacher training programmes in Hungary with their strengths and weaknesses. Evaluation and improvement of the CLIL programme of ELTE TÓK as well as consolidation of good practices. 4ab) Recognition of teh competences, needs, responsibilities and daily routines of CLIL teachers. Mapping teh motivations, beliefs and expectations of trainees, entering ELTE TÓK CLIL courses. Monitoring their results and level of satisfaction throughout the training.
Further plans for research and development 1) A wholesale processing and analysis of the collected data, dissemination of results at conferences and in publications. 2) An accurate elaboration of an entrance procedure for students, entering the training with a focus on beliefs, motivation, and appropriateness. 3) Focussed discussions with recent and former students with the purpose of getting information on strengths and weaknesses on teh areas to be developed. 4) Writing and publishing a teaching material (book) in order to assist a practice-oriented training which focuses on reflexion and revelation of beliefs. 5) Making interviews with the heads of institutions, employing former ELTE TÓK CLIL students. 6) Encouraging further qualitative research techniques in order to reveal students’ beliefs and learning results in teacher training as well as in its research. 7) Familiarizing with CLIL teachers’ competences from the angle of teachers outside Hungary. The metaphor grid will be assessed internationally by Factworld online forummembers.
8) Participation in a specific mentorship training for both Hungarian and non-Hungarian teachers of bilingual kindergartens. Strenghtening professional links among tutors of different discliplines and colleagues.
Some suggestions and recommendations 1) I suggest that •
teachers’ competences for early CLIL should be laid down
specific learning results for the Hungarian teacher training context should be elaborated
system-like competence indicators should be defined for further use as frame of reference based on national requirements and international literature
2) Hungarian CLIL teacher training programmes should be revised. Problem areas should be be revisited and clarified. 3) Proven qualitative research tools and techniques should be implemented in order to reveal beliefs. Simulation tasks and projective techniques proved to be successful in both circles of my researchees. The great number of metaphors I gained in each category of the metaphor grid contributed to the revealing of individual beliefs. 4) The concept of ’fullness barrier’ should be elaborated more accurately. Throughout my research I got explanations from the researchees which approached the issue in a completely new way. 5) The beliefs and motivations of trainees, entering a CLIL training course should be revealed. So far candidates have been tested upon their command of English as part of their aptitude test. A test on beliefs and motivations would beneficially contribute to a more complex recognition of candidates’ aptitudes. 6) Concerning the teaching practice for CLIL it would be advisable to keep ongoing cooperation with the actors, (i) the institutions where teaching practice takes place, including the heads and mentor teachers, (ii) the students, and (iii) the tutors of teacher
training institutions. For the purposes of quality insurance it would also be advisable to define the parameters of mentorship, number, circle and tasks of mentors as well as offering mentor courses for those interested. 7) Quality control should be continuous at ELTE TÓK CLIL teacher training programme regarding the expectations of the European Union, the students, and real life. The training should be more practice-oriented, and evaluation should be shaped in order to meet the requirements.
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Publications in the topic of dissertation (1995) Nurturing Personal Qualities II. In: Mentorship Handbook and Manual. Budapest: Budapesti Tanítóképző Főiskola és St Martin’s College, Lancaster 47-52 (2003) A Task-based Reader on Methodology and Children’s Literature for Students of Primary Teacher Training. (társszerző: Kovács Judit), ELTE TÓFK, Budapest (4. kiadás 2011.) (194 oldal) (2003) Teaching songs and rhymes to young EFL learners: Rationale and report of a survey. In: Bodó E. – Márkus É. (szerk.) Education and/und Forschung. Trezor Kiadó, Budapest, 123-166 (2004) Share Your World: Skills for Teaching and Learning about Global Issues (társszerzőként, szerk.: Kelly, K. And S. Kitanova) ISBN: 954-91065-5-1, The British Council, Bulgaria (67 oldal) (2004) Idegen Nyelvi Program az 1-3. évfolyam számára: Ajánlás a 6-9 éves korosztály idegennyelv-tanításához. (társszerző, az OM általános iskolai idegen nyelv oktatásával foglalkozó szakértői bizottság tagjaként) Oktatási Minisztérium, Világ-Nyelv Program (Referens: Kuti Zs.) (2005) „Jó Gyakorlat” a kisiskolások idegennyelv-tanításában – Módszertani útmutató és feladatsor (28 oldal) és videókazetta az órarészletekkel (társszerző: Kovács, J.) (Medgyes Péter előszavával) Oktatási Minisztérium, Budapest (2005) Sharing the World of FACT, SAW and CLIL. In: Content-Based Language Teaching in Hungary and Beyond. Publication of IATEFL-Hungary Young Learners SIG Spring, (szerk.: Kovács Judit) The British Council, Budapest (2006) Mesterfokú tanulmányok az angol nyelvtanító képzésben részt vevő oktatók és szakvezetők részére. (társszerző: Kovács Judit) In: „Kulcs Európához“ – Az idegen nyelvi és német nemzetiségi képzés a tanítóképzés elmúlt 15 évében. Trezor Kiadó, Budapest: ISBN 963 8144 076 (2008) Az „ideális“ kéttannyelvű tanár – ahogy a pedagógusok látják. In: Vámos Ágnes és Kovács Judit (szerk.): A két tanítási nyelvű oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata 2008-ban. Jubileumi tanulmánykötet. Eötvös József Könyvkiadó: Budapest, Eötvös József Könyvkiadó, Budapest 248-264 (2008) Mintavétel a kvalitatív pedagógiai kutatásban (recenzió Sántha Kálmán könyvéről). In: Pedagógusképzés. 2008. 3. sz. (2008) Water. Topic-based activities for young learners. In: IATEFL. Melting Pot Extra. IATEFL-Hungary, Budapest (2009) CLIL Teachers Wanted. International Students’ Conference on Education: Advantages and disadvantages in Education. ISCE Conference Publication (2010) Hitek és tévhitek: Idegennyelvi fejlesztés az óvodában. In: Óvónők Kincsestára. Módszertani Kézikönyv. E.3.7. 1-24. RAABE Kiadó, 2010 szept. (társszerző: Kovács J) (2009) Trentinné Benkő Éva: Az „ideális” kéttannyelvű tanár – ahogy a pedagógusok látják. In: Kovács, J. – Márkus, É. (szerk.) Kéttannyelvűség – Pedagógusképzés, kutatás, oktatás. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest 143-158. (2012) Let’s move every day. In: Angol Tanári Kincsestár. Raabe Kiadó, E 4.1. 1-30 (2013) Kétnyelvi pedagógusképzésben részt vevő hallgatók nézeteinek megjelenése kreatív vizuális alkotásaikban. Gyermeknevelés online tudományos folyóirat, I. évfolyam, 1. sz. ELTE TÓK, 73-105 (2013) A kétnyelvi pedagógusképzésbe belépő hallgatók nézetei és motivációi. In: Márkus, É. – Árva V. (szerk.) Az ELTE TÓK Idegen Nyelvi és Irodalmi Tanszékének Tudományos Közleményei ELTE TÓK, Budapest (megjelenés alatt).
Lectures and workshops in the topic of dissertation 1997. Nurturing personal qualities. The good teacher. A British Council nyári módszertani továbbképző tanfolyam szakvezető nyelvtanároknak, Sárospatak, Tanítóképző Főiskola (angol nyelven) 2001. ápr. 7. Tantárgyi integráció az idegennyelvi órákon. Országos Macmillan konferencia (angol nyelven) 2003. márc. 31. Tantárgyi integráció és tevékenységközpontú megközelítés az idegen nyelvi órákon. A Katolikus Pedagógiai Szervezési és Továbbképzési Intézet angol nyelvű továbbképzése 2003. szept. 23. Tevékenységközpontú és interkulturális feladatok. FPI, Budapest 2004. június 26. A nyelvi és kulturális sokszínűség megjelenése a ’Magicland’ kisiskolásoknak írt angol nyelvkönyvben. Gyere velünk nyelvországba! című országos konferencia, Szent István Egyetem Jászberényi Főiskolai Kar (angol nyelven) 2006. november 11. Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium: Újdonságok a nyelvoktatásban. Világ-Nyelv konferencia a 6-14 éves korosztályt tanító nyelvtanárok részére. Meseközpontú megközelítés a nyelvoktatásban (angol nyelven) 2007. ápr. 21. Tantárgyak idegen nyelvű oktatásának pedagógiai alapjai (Akkr. sz.: OM 244/86/2003) 30 órás KIE tanártovábbképzés: „A két nyelven tanításhoz szükséges tanári kompetenciák, szakmai tudás, nézetek“ című műhelymunka (ELTE PPK, KIE) 2008. nov. 12. Előadás a „Kéttannyelvűség — pedagógusképzés, kutatás, oktatás“ c. tudományos konferencia „Kompetencia“ szekciójában (ELTE TÓFK): „A kéttannyelvű iskolai programokban tanító pedagógusok tudása, kompetenciái, nézetei“ címmel 2008. nov. 15. Tantárgyak idegen nyelvű oktatásának pedagógiai alapjai (Akkr. sz.: OM 244/86/2003) 30 órás KIE tanártovábbképzés: „A két nyelven tanításhoz szükséges tanári kompetenciák, szakmai tudás, nézetek“ című műhelymunka (ELTE PPK, KIE) 2009. július 19. Angol nyelvű előadás az ISCE Nemzetközi Konferencián: ’CLIL Teachers Wanted.’ International Students’ Conference on Education: Advantages and disadvantages in Education. (Session 7: Didactics 2.) 2008. ápr. 3. ELTE TÓK, Tudományos felolvasó ülésen előadás: A kéttannyelvű iskolai programokban tanító pedagógusok szakmai tudása és nézetei 2011. május 10. Multiple Intelligences in the Young Learners’ EFL Classroom, angol nyelvű előadás RAABE Akadémia „Beszéljünk idegen nyelven“ című szakmai konferencia, Budapest. 2011. május 13. A Kétnyelvű Iskoláért Egyesület (KIE) országos konferenciáján „Snow White and the Seven Subjects: The Role and Place of Children’s Literature in Primary CLIL” címmel angol nyelvű műhelymunka: Budapest, Karinthy ÁMK.