Esa Sampoerna
PERFECTION PERSONIFIED The office of Sampoerna in Surabaya is a showcase of luxury, art and Indonesian culture. Perfection is rarely achieved, but once money is no obstacle it become a means to attain everything your heart desires.
TEXT BY : Dewald Haynes PHOTO BY : Bagus Tri Laksono
Sofa-sofa yang nyaman dan berwarna
Comfortable and colourful upholstered
Semua barang di kantor ini benar-benar
Everything in this office is of the finest
warni tersebar di atas karpet mewah
sofas, on top of opulent oriental carpets
berkualitas terbaik dan terjamin keasliannya.
quality, most authentic origin, highly
bernuansa oriental dan lantai marmer
and glistening marble floors, with
Pernak-perniknya kebanyakan barang koleksi
collectable and extremely valuable. Penny
berkilau. Di sekitarnya, panel dinding kayu
natural varnished wooden wall panels
yang sangat berharga. Penghematan dalam
pinching at times inspires creativity, but fat
berlapis natural serta langit-langit berhias
and ceilings with hanging crystal
mendekor sebuah ruangan memang terkadang
catting is a complete indulgence of the finest
lampu gantung tidak tampak berlebihan.
chandeliers, is not at all too much.
memunculkan ide-ide kreatif tapi memanjakan
things in life.
diri dengan barang-barang mewah bisa memberikan kepuasan tersendiri dalam hidup. 238
1. An ornate and luxurious seating area.
7. Animal prints, modern art and oriental carpets form an eclectic combination.
2. Impressive wooden staircase, floors and wall panels.
8. Some of the collectable contemporary art and antiques
3. The elevators’ isle with a
on display.
“gendang” statue framed in a bronze mirror and colorful glass ceiling. 4. The main lobby with “wayang” art by Nasirun on the wall.
9. The boardroom also exhibits original art pieces 10. Marble floors, glass lamp shades and wooden details on the ceiling and walls of the
5. Collectable artwork, ornaments, antiques and
elevator entrance areas on each floor
comfortable soft furnishing. 6. Reception area with individu6
ally carved wooden panels on the walls.
Sebagian besar lukisan dan dekorasi
Many of the Indonesian-inspired
bernuansa Indonesia di ruangan kantor
paintings and décor inside the office are
ini adalah hasil karya Nasirun, seorang
the work of the talented young artist
seniman muda berbakat. Karyanya
Nasirun. His work can even be admired
bahkan dapat dinikmati sebelum
outside before entering the Esa
memasuki gedung Esa Sampoerna Center
Sampoerna Center in Surabaya. An art
di Surabaya ini. Sebuah karya seni yang
work depicting Petruk and his friends
terbuat dari laser-cut aluminium
(characters in an Indonesian shadow
menampilkan Petruk dan kawan-kawan
puppet show) on the move are made of
(semuanya karakter dalam kesenian
laser-cut aluminium and installed on the
wayang orang Indonesia) dipasang di
gates of the building. This ornament
pintu gerbang gedung. Ornamen ini
successfully provides an unusual artistic
berhasil memberikan kesan artistik pada
impression of what is to be expected of
keseluruhan gedung dan memberikan
the interior of this office from the ground
gambaran apa yang bisa diharapkan dari
right up to the 17th floor of the building.
desain interior kantor, mulai dari lantai dasar sampai lantai 17 gedung.
Lukisan-lukisan serta barang-barang seni
Valuable paintings and art pieces adorn
Material pelapis perabot yang ada di
The upholstery on the furniture varies
berharga mahal menghiasi tiap lantai dengan
each floor, both traditional and
sini bervariasi, mulai dari kain suede
from plain suede, to leather,
gaya campuran antara tradisional dan
contemporary in style. Style being the
polos, kulit, kain bordir dan bahkan
embroidery and even zebra prints.
kontemporer. Style merupakan kata kunci
key word explored through out the
print kulit zebra. Coffee table tampil
Coffee tables ordained with
dalam konsep interior gedung ini. Meskipun
interior concept. Although wooden
manis dengan ornamen-ornamen yang
aesthetically placed ornaments, and
meja-meja kayu dan kursi-kursi moderen
desks and modern office chairs are
ditata secara artistik serta lampu-lampu
lamps create a very elegant and
juga ditampilkan di ruangan kantor,
featured within the offices, the visual
di sekitarnya menciptakan suasana
comfortable homelike environment.
perhatian visual hampir pasti terarah pada
attention is almost always completely
yang elegan, nyaman dan serasa berada
area-area bersantai yang bernuansa eklektik.
drawn to the eclectic lounging areas.
di rumah sendiri. 245
Lift-lift di area lobi juga menampilkan
The elevators in the lobby are an
kejutan visual lewat pintu serta kusen pintu
absolute visual treat with each door and
yang dipercantik dengan ilustrasi serta siluet
doorframe ornamented with different
pohon, binatang serta motif-motif
illustrations and silhouettes of either a
tradisional. Tidak mengherankan karena
tree, animal or traditional pattern.
pemilik gedung sendiri merupakan kolektor
The owner of the building in actual fact
seni kelas tinggi. Seluruh bagian gedung ini
is a world-class art collector. The whole
menampilkan visi dan kecintaannya pada
building is in accordance with his vision
seni. Dikelilingi barang-barang super mewah
and passion for art. Being able to enjoy
di lingkungan kerja mungkin saja sesuatu
only the finest things in life at work,
yang diimpikan oleh banyak orang, tapi
must be a privilege envied by many, but
hanya sedikit yang bisa mewujudkannya.
enjoyed only by a few.