Ervaringen met begeleiding FTA cursus “Deployment of Free Software Systems” Frans Mofers Open Universiteit Nederland Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
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typisch drie Continouus Assessment Activities
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veel aandacht voor discussie Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
Moodle ELO
Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
Moodle ELO
Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
inhoud cursusboek “deployment of free software systems” Introduction Objectives 1. Introduction to the implementation of free software systems 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4.
Basic concepts Types of project Free software systems Management of free software projects
2. Free software projects 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8.
Life cycle Study of the current situation Study of the implementation requirements Analysis of free software solutions Formalisation of the proposal Development Implementation and migration User training, communication and support
3. Free software companies
3.2. Business plan 3.3. Production of free software Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
leerdoelen 1. to be aware of the basic concepts of the implementation of free software systems; 2. to be able to identify the different types of project to implement free software systems; 3. to be familiar with the project management areas and their specific features in application to free software; 4. to know the main elements of free software projects; 5. to know the life cycle phases of free software projects; 6. to learn how to draft a free software project proposal; 7. to obtain an in-depth knowledge of the features of free software migration projects; 8. to learn how to plan and execute free software migration projects; 9. to know the business models used by free software companies; 10. to become familiar with the main elements of a business plan; 11. to learn how to draw up a business plan based on free software; 12. to know the main characteristics of free software production and its specific features. Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
continouus assessment activities CAA1 activity 1a companies SUN and Oracle position towards free software
activity 1b
projects OpenOffice and StarOffice free software development approaches
activity 1c
define a small free software project
write two statements debate the statements
Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
continouus assessment activities CAA2 activity 2a study Liferay dual license approach and business model of Liferay what could you contribute to the community look at ratings of Liferay
activity 2b
install Liferay study the licenses of the components used in Liferay present your experience with Liferay
activity 2c
case People & Planet write a Business Plan for an IT service organization
write two statements debate the statements Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
continouus assessment activities CAA3 activity 3a define a business plan for a company building systems based on Free Software that you want to start as an entrepreneur
activity 3b
define the internal deployment of the necessary systems for the production or provision of services defined in the business plan
write two statements debate the statements
Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
beperkt aantal studenten actief 6 ingeschreven 5 actief (tenminste 1 CAA, deelname aan debat) 3 maken de drie CAA's 3 slagen tekstboek droge opsomming van projectactiviteiten elementen in een business case implementatieaspecten rond free software feedback en beoordeling groepsfeedback en individuele feedback als docent weggebleven bij discussies beoordeling
Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]
door de stellingen actieve discussie discussie op betrekkelijk hoog niveau consequente optiek vanuit free software het gaat veel over opinies in dit vak (ondanks eis onderbouwing onderbouwen via referenties) gebruikers dede weinig met het tekstboek maar gingen vooral op zoek naar teksten op Internet (veel weblogs met opinies over free software) had persoonlijk meer aandacht willen geven aan life cycle management in open source projecten systems engineering in open source projecten
Ervaringen FTA cusussen 19 April 2011
Fra ns M o fe rs Open Universiteit
[email protected]