English Writing In Use Master Course Organized by Mesterkurzusok
Are you sure that you are not using Hunglish* when you think you are always using English? Did you know that CEO’s of international companies become the most upset when they read papers where the language only vaguely resembles English? Would you like to work abroad or for a foreign company, and want to make sure that your job interview will be a success with language as well? Have you ever wished that you could write memos, synopses, and executive summaries with the ease some of your colleagues do? Have you ever been afraid to speak up at meetings or conferences because you knew you could not speak as well as the other participants? Have you ever noticed how easily some people make public speeches, from intensive negotiations to panel discussions to birthday toasts? Have you ever wondered why some people are such good conversationalists? Did you ever wish you too had the ease and comfort they do? Would you want your seminar papers written in an elegant style that does not immediately identify you as a non-native speaker? Here is the address of Mesterkurzusok, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. BajcsyZsilinszky út 5. floor ½. Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352 Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu DFT-Hungária Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 01-0793-04 Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-1160
*Hunglish is the term used for a particular version of English affected by Hungarian. It comes about when rules of Hungarian grammar are applied instead of the rules of English. Speakers often do not even notice their mistakes: they think they use the proper forms— forgetting the fact that these are proper in Hungarian only. To give a very simple example, Hungarians often make the mistake of using the definite article before abstract nouns (the nature, the society), simply “translating” the Hungarian construction into English. The use of the article is regulated by a very complicated system of rules in English, and their wrong use immediately identifies a non-native speaker.
Nobody can compete internationally—whether in public affairs, business, journalism, the legal profession, or government administration—without writing well and according to accepted standards. It is not something we are born with: good writers and good speakers (whether native or non-native) have always been schooled in rhetoric, composition, and critical thinking. This is why we offer our English writing course to lead students to excellence in various writing styles used in high-level professional communication. Our English Writing In Use Master Course is offered by the Magyar Író Akadémia for those whose English is very good, but want to become professional English communicators too. It is a course primarily focused on writing: students will learn the standards operative in the various writing styles and genres, together with the basics of critical thinking, without which they could not formulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and cogently. Who do we recommend this Master Course to? 1. Employees who use English for their work, whether for communicating with clients, superiors, or colleagues in English 2. Job seekers with international companies within Hungary or companies abroad 3. University students who would like to improve their language skills 4. High school students soon to enter Hungarian or foreign universities
Here is the address of Mesterkurzusok, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. BajcsyZsilinszky út 5. floor ½. Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352 Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu DFT-Hungária Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 01-0793-04 Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-1160
5. Managers who would like to improve their writing expertise so that they can produce better presentations, synopses, memos, or other professional material 6. Lovers of English
Instructors Enikő Bollobás, Associate Professor, Chair (ELTE)
Dr. Bollobás is an academic and a writer. She has taught American literature at ELTE and several U.S. universities and has published scholarly books and articles in Hungary and internationally. As a senior diplomat posted in Washington, D.C., she lectured nationwide on East-Central Europe's democratic transition, Hungary's foreign and security policy, and other topics of interest. Her opinion pieces have appeared in The Washington Post and The International Herald Tribune, and were incorporated into the Congressional Record of the U.S. Congress.
Ryan James, native language instructor (ELTE) Dr. Ryan James earned his doctorate from the University of San Francisco. His field of study was International and Multicultural Education with specializations in Teacher Training and Second Language Acquisition for Adult Learners. He has taught elementary school through university over a span of twenty-five years. He has taught at Eötvös Loránd University since 2002. Dr. James is a published travel writer.
Form of the Master Course: I. II.
Semester: Lectures Semester: Seminars
Schedule: I.
Semester: (six lectures, 120 minutes each)
1. Critical thinking (issues and arguments; claims; facts and opinions) Clear writing (organization and focus) 2. Forms of discourse Exposition, argument, description, narration 3. Reasoning and arguments Deductive and inductive reasoning Here is the address of Mesterkurzusok, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. BajcsyZsilinszky út 5. floor ½. Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352 Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu DFT-Hungária Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 01-0793-04 Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-1160
4. Logical fallacies: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, appeal to authority, inconsistency, questionable premise, suppressed evidence, ad hominem argument, non sequitur The paragraph and the sentence 5. Diction: choosing words, simplicity, appropriate language, tone, usage (the exact word), audience, bias-free language, sexist language, PC terminology Journalism: the interview, the travel article, the memoir, feature writing, opinion writing, the editorial 6. Business formats: business letters, résumés, advertising Public speeches, impromptu and prepared
II. Semester: (four seminars, 120 minutes each) 1. Reasoning and arguments Deductive and inductive reasoning 2. Logical fallacies: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, appeal to authority, inconsistency, questionable premise, suppressed evidence, ad hominem argument, non sequitur The paragraph and the sentence 3. Diction: choosing words, simplicity, appropriate language, tone, usage (the exact word), audience, bias-free language, sexist language, PC terminology Journalism: the interview, the travel article, the memoir, feature writing, opinion writing, the editorial 4. Business formats: advertising
The well-spoken professional: impromptu and prepared speeches (the toast, the conference lecture, the acceptance speech, the gala dinner speech) Time I. Semester: October 31, 2009, to December 5, 2009 (Saturdays only) II. Semester: January – February, 2010 (Saturdays only) Here is the address of Mesterkurzusok, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. BajcsyZsilinszky út 5. floor ½. Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352 Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu DFT-Hungária Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 01-0793-04 Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-1160
10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. I. Semester 6 sessions, 120 minutes each II. Semester 4 sessions, 120 minutes each Venue Budapest, VI. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 22. Tuition fee Full price: 60. 000 Ft Reduced price: 45.000 Ft
The following individuals are entitled to pay the reduced price: school teachers, students, expectant mothers, pensioners, journalists who are members of MUOSZ, former students of Magyar Író Akadémia and of Reklámakadémia. Please show relevant documents in all cases. Accredited training The registering of the course is under way by Felnőttképzési Akkreditációs Testület (FAT in Hungarian, or Adult Educational Accreditation Committee in English). FAT registration comes with several advantages for all parties involved: it guarantees a high-level training with quality control; it allows the issuance of a final certificate to the participants; it provides a training opportunity, a state accredited adult education course, and for companies the tuition fee is deductable. How to register? You can register by returning the application form. Please attach a copy of the certificate of your highest education level and a copy of the document that might entitle you to pay the reduced price. A colleague of ours will get in touch with you soon. Registration requirements We do not require you to have a language exam. However, since this is not an ordinary language course, we do insist that you only apply if you speak very good English (at least intermediate-level, but preferably higher). Applicants can write a self-placement test if needed.
Here is the address of Mesterkurzusok, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. BajcsyZsilinszky út 5. floor ½.
Here is the address of Magyar Író Akadémia, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 5. floor ½. Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352
Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352 Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu DFT-Hungária Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 01-0793-04 Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-1160
Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu
További mesterkurzusok Szépíró mesterkurzus Bacher Iván, Balla Zsófia, Békés Pál, Bódis Kriszta, Csukás István, Grecsó Krisztián, Háy János, Jókai Anna, Karafiáth Orsolya, Kárpáti Péter, Kornis Mihály, Kukorelly Endre, Márton László, Nádasdy Ádám, Orbán János Dénes, Sárközi Mátyás, Szilágyi Ákos, Tóth Krisztina, Turczi István, Zalán Tibor (2008-ban oktatóink voltak). Irodalmi mesterkurzus Radnóti és kortársai: Márai Sándor, József Attila, Örkény István, Kosztolányi Dezső. Kortárs íróink előadássorozata irodalmi nagyjainkról. Színházi és drámaírói mesterkurzus Előadók: Marton László - Radnóti Zsuzsa, Valló Péter - Békés Pál, Ascher Tamás - Forgách András, Novák Eszter - Kárpáti Péter, Alföldi Róbert Vörös Róbert, Szirtes Tamás - Galambos Attila. Szemináriumvezetők: Békés Pál, Kárpáti Péter.
Here is the address of Mesterkurzusok, where you can receive more information: Budapest, 1065. BajcsyZsilinszky út 5. floor ½. Telephone: 06 1 266 7601 Mobile phone: 06 20 338 0352 Fax: 06 1 266 7603 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.mesterkurzusok.hu DFT-Hungária Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 01-0793-04 Intézmény-akkreditációs lajstromszám: AL-1160
Kreatív gondolkodás mesterkurzus Manapság egy-egy döntésre sokkal kevesebb idő szánható, mint akár évekkel ezelőtt. A hatékony problémamegoldás az egyének és a cégek sikerének is záloga. Az előadássorozat célja az, hogy részletekbe menően megismertesse a hallgatókat a de Bono galaxissal, alapvetően a kreativitás, kreatív problémamegoldás újfajta felfogásával, feltételeivel, az Oldalirányú gondolkodás és a Hatszín Kalap gondolkodás módszerével. Cél, hogy a résztvevők a kurzus után a privát szférájukban és a munkájuk során használható új gondolkodási módszereket ismerhessenek meg. Megértve de Bono módszereit, konstruktív, az együttműködés felé mutató, a meglévő szellemi tőkét jobban kiaknázó gondolkodásmóddal jó irányba tudjanak haladni. Hangsúlyozottan nem tréningről van szó, ennek ellenére erősen interaktív előadásokra kerül sor. Gyakorlatból vett konkrét példák, esettanulmányok mellett közös problémamegoldó gyakorlatok is részei a programnak. Oktató: Kaszás György (kreatívigazgató, Lateral Thinking és Six Thinking Hats tréner) Reklámköltés mesterkurzus Baráth Maya (a Magyar Hírlap korábbi médiaigazgatója), Dr. Breitner Miklós (a HVG Zrt. kereskedelmi és stratégiai igazgatója), Dr. Nagy Bálint ( a Magyar Reklámszövetség elnöke), Gábos Zsuzsa (Szonda Ipsos, médiakutatási igazgató), Herendi Gábor ( a Skyfilm Stúdió ügyvezető igazgatója), Jüttner Katalin ( a Marks and Spencer vezérigazgatója), Kádár Tamás ( az Est Media Group ügyvezető igazgatója), Kiss Emőke (médiaigazgató, Porsche Hungaria), Lengyel András ( az Axel Springer hirdetési igazgatója), Lukács Csilla ( az ATV kereskedelmi igazgatója), Mányi-Szabó Gabriella (Medialógus Kft. ügyvezető igazgató), Miczinkó Katalin ( a Blikk hirdetési igazgatója), Novák Péter ( a Kirowski ügyvezetője), Pénzes Anna (a MediaSpirit Consulting Kft. ügyvezetője, társszerzője A reklám helye című szakkönyvnek), Sas István (pszichológus, reklámfilmrendező, média szakértő), Schiffer Ferenc ( a Carat médiaigazgatója), Simon Zsolt ( a MAKSZ elnöke), Szabó D. Tamás (szakértő, Magyar Telekom), Várhelyi Endre ( a Hat Reklámügynökség médiaigazgatója) További információk: www.mesterkurzusok.hu / 06 1 266-7601