Everything anotmersd is larkica wass ███ fine sushiss trennis s love. awaho s██████ ███ your cickles war government. A CATALOGUE OF TRENDINESS MASQUERADING AS DEEP THOUGHT • WWW.THINK-MAGAZINE.COM • 01/2011 #05
those to blame: Vol. II, Issue 05 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR/FŐSZERKESZTŐ: Francis Pruett –
[email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Wavrik Gábor–
[email protected] CREATIVE DIRECTOR: J. Benét –
[email protected] PUBLISHER/KIADÓ: Attila Szvacsek –
[email protected] EU SALES DIRECTOR: Tereza Krejčiřová –
[email protected] Tel: +36 306 516 150 SALES ASSOCIATE: Eleonora Kalnay –
[email protected] Tel: +36 704 144 993 Zsuzsi Pál –
[email protected] Tel: +36 705 944 436 UK MARKETING: Darren Halls –
[email protected] Tel: +44 769 054 0796 EDITOR EMERITUS: Alexander Zaitchik CONTRIBUTORS: Alfonso Majetic, Berényi Anna, Dan Swartz, Hilary Frink, Horváth Miklós, Pete Wylde, Ella Sherbet, Andrew Ching, Brent Diggs, Krutak Zsófia, Skyler Collins, Hick Mucknall, Jean Paetkau, Huw Hopkin and Gautamm Mehra ON THE COVER:
Truth is first to die, when expression is choked. was going to write a witty bit about the controversial new press laws here in Hungary, but the subject runneth over and you can read it in full on the opposite page. Instead, I prefer to discuss the importance of free expression in a healthy democracy by simply reprinting article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states: “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.”
The new media oversite committee is due to come into effect on the 1st of January, pending the president’s signature to the law. Already it has run into a barrage of concern over it’s legality from the EU, for which Hungary is set to take over the rotating presidency in a couple weeks. The government says that the role of the National Media and Communications Authority is “not to wage a war” against the media, but to “improve” it by “keeping watch” on private and public media outlets. Whatever you call it, censorship is censorship. The BBC reported Germany’s Deputy Foreign Minister Werner Hoyer as saying: “It is a reason for serious concern if there’s even the smallest suspicion that media freedom in a member state of the European Union is subject to control of its content.” And therein is the problem. We at Think believe in the principles of freedom; of expression, of thought, of potential and of life in all of it’s many manifest forms and shapes. This law is a regressive step away from freedom and should be strongly reconsidered, for the health of the nation and it’s international reputation. Hungary is strong enough to brave every truth, and the appearance of this law does more damage than any written words ever could.
“When Truth is Silenced” Photo: Attila Szvacsek, Model: Emese Mészáros THINK BUDAPEST is published in partnership with Inkybrain Ltd and Attila Szvacsek, Pécs, Kovács Béla u. 8. 7634 NYOMDA: Kvadrát 97 KFT 1118, Budapest, Ugron Gábor u. 12 ISSN: 2062-1086 GENERAL ENQUIRIES:
[email protected] WEB: Copyright © is held by the publishers where applicable. All rights reversed. Reproduction in whole or in part requires permission of the authors. THE FINE PRINT: Think Magazine comes out when Think Magazine comes out (usual-
Illuziók nélkül... enkit nem lepett meg azt hiszem, hogy a köztársasági elnök aláírta az új média törvényt, nem osztott-szorzott az újévi koccintáskor. Óriási a felzúdulás nemcsak a hazai médiában, hanem külföldön is sok a negatív reakció (EU-n kívül is). A sajtószabadság a demokrácia egyik fő alapköve, újraszabályozásának a kormány úgy esett neki, mint „Floki a lábtörlőnek”. Nekem két frusztrációm van mostanában ezzel kapcsolatban. Az egyik, hogy a nélkül, hogy ismerném a törvény szövegét, a tény, hogy a bíróságokon kívül egy hatóságot állítanak fel a média felügyeletének céljából, tényleg cenzúra szagú. Többen próbálták elhitetni velünk, hogy ez így jó lesz, de úgy tűnik, ez a győzködés „mission impossible”. A másik, amit nem értek, hogy egyetlen egy olyan kritizáló (vagy támogató) cikket sem sikerült találnom, pedig kerestem-kutattam, amelynek szerzője személyesen olvasta volna a törvényt (vagy annak utolsó tervezetét), és értelmesen össze tudta volna foglalni azt, mielőtt neki esett volna a részleteknek, vagy kiemelt témáknak. Szinte mindenki csak mások interpretációját kommentálja, vagy ami rosszabb, egy másik kommentet kommentál. Odáig jutottam, hogy elhatároztam, megveszem a Magyar Közlönyt és elolvasom a törvényt, remélem ez nem egy „mission impossible”. Szeretnék tisztán látni, bár nincsenek illúzióim.
ly the first Friday of the month). We follow the moon, and its deep mysteries. Think Magazine is an Entertainment Information Periodical established in Prague, c. 1996 by a team of visionaries dissatisfied with the current state of the free press market. Think Magazine is brought to you by the principles of freedom; of expression, of thought, of potential and of life in all of it’s many manifest forms and shapes. Think Magazine is brought to you by all of our volunteers, supporters and advertisers who make this endeavour possible. To them we give thanks.
05 press freedoms
Erecting walls in the mind... THE NATION SUFFERS WHEN INFORMATION IS CONTROLLED. azine in Singapore for a few years, and in case you didn’t know, Singapore is not an open society. It has not yet shifted from quasi-authoritarianism to a true democracy. Since independence from Britain, they have lived under one party rule, and to maintain their grip on power the Singaporean government has set up the Media Development Agency. Every publisher of periodicals must renew their licenses each year, a tactic which serves to keep the media in line with the government’s agenda.
Censorship reflects society’s lack of confidence in itself.
[email protected]
hese words by one of America’s most famous founding fathers are even more significant in today’s information age, as the keystone of any democracy is a free and independent media.
It has been argued that the end of the Cold War and globalization has made the Western-style liberal press system a universal model which no healthy nation can (or even should) free itself from. So strong is the powerful influence of its universal value. But it’s important however to remember that press freedom is a creature of politics, and therefore subject to becoming the plaything of the rich and powerful. Corrupting the role of the mass media as a Western-liberal value for political ends will inevitably bring long term decline to any nation that goes down that road. That’s why the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides a framework for boosting a socially credit-worthy press around the world, as the free flow of information is very crucial to any people’s national development. Press freedom is synonymous with democracy, and where there is press freedom, there is democracy. W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
After the cold war and the socalled democratization of Russia, some Russians viewed their limited experiment with Western-style democracy as a failure. It is explained as the failure of the Western-style freedom of the press because the oligarchs ended up buying off the press to accomplish their political aims and protect their own interests. One Kremlin official, who predicted that freedom of the press would soon come to an end, said: “it wasn’t really free at all.” Press freedom has positioned itself as a very important factor in a democratic system. Admittedly however, it can be a two-sided blade. On one side, it is the fulfillment of freedom of communication, freedom of speech, creativity, control, education, etc. On the other side, it can become an evil that destroys harmony, creating racial and class hatred and dissatisfaction, a tool for defamation and lies, a threat to stability and progress, and even worse, can be used to attack the very pillars of democracy itself. Yes, press freedom is that vital a component of democratization and globalization. I published Think Mag-
This gagging of the media isn’t blatant in it’s effect, but what you end up with is a media which internalises the “wall” in their mind, fearful of incurring official wrath, so in the end, they suppress themselves. The whole society suffers as free thought and creative solutions are never explored for fear of rocking the status quo. One popular blogger there, a Mr. Brown, (who had been co-opted to write a weekly column for the government mouthpiece, The Straits Times), found out how quickly the “out of bounds” markers are crossed when he wrote a clever headline to his column regarding the Singapore government giving out “progress” payments to the citizenry right before an election. When his column, entitled “Singaporeans are fed, up with Progress!” was read aloud (without the comma, expressing peoples’ true feelings), he was quickly fired. These types of absurdities are the natural end result of attempts to leash and muzzle a free press, and serve no one’s long term interests. After all, in this information age, the role of media is essential to carry out the objectives of globalization in a harmonious and beneficial manner. Foreign investments are necessary for nation-building. Foreign media must not be denied information regarding the economic and political stability of a country. To be globally competitive, access to information is of paramount importance. In business, advertisements, largely carried by commercial news media, generate increased demand for products and services, thereby increasing exchanges in commerce. Since markets are completely dependent on market price and the
free flow of data, the role of media must not be overlooked. The press is a bridge that fills the gap between countries and their people. Media provides a link to the world. In today’s “Age of Terror” where regressive forces of evil are at work at many levels of society, media is a vital tool to assist society in combating these forces, whether they be war-mongering corporations or cave-dwelling jihadis. The exchange of information through the press and the media may support preventives measures in dealing with the problem, while ensuring our human rights aren’t stripped away in the name of security. When natural calamities like the Red Mud disaster strike, media plays an important role. Radio stations proved to be instrumental in relief efforts and operations. By listening to radios, people can avoid further disasters and preventive measures were undertaken immediately. Studies prove that the higher newspaper circulations, the higher the public distribution of relief supplies and materials. Studies also proved that countries are more active in protecting the people where there is a higher level of media development.
“We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still.” -John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859 Freedom of expression cannot be disintegrated from press freedom. It is necessary for the press to assert freedom of expression to accomplish its mission and duties to the world. Liberal democracies feature constitutional protections of individual rights against the powers of the government. Freedom of expression is fundamentally a human right, a right protected not only by constitutions, but recognized under international law. Do we really need to regress to the stage of building walls in our minds once more? We at Think, think not... THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE
6 culture
Hungarian prism THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE COLOR WHITE IN HUNGARY red flags, as styled on striped shields. This red-white style (4 red + 4 white stripes) became present on the national crest too. The red-white stripes were later recreated in the flag used by the Nyilas Party (Arrow Cross Party). Today’s tricolor is inspired by the French, created by radical intellectuals in a similar revolutionary furor. It was enshrined in law on April 1848, when the right to use the Hungarian crest and flag publicly was also claimed. In the interpretations of the romantic era, the meanings for the tricolor are the following: the red stripe stands for power, white stands for loyalty, and green is for hope. Admiral Miklós Horthy used and abused the Árpádic legend and color. On November 16, 1919, he rode through Budapest on a white horse, symbolising a new start and unity. But under this surface, blood kept flowing,
he color white takes an important part in Hungary’s culture, language and history. The hungarian word’s (‘fehér’) first part (feh, fej) is probably a finnugor heritage: it might come from the word ‘pej’ from the lappic language. In Hungarian, women have been known as fehérnép, or fehércseléd (whitefolk or white servant) and while today it is used as a derogatory term, it is based on the fact that women wore white dresses above the undergarment which was also white (‘fehérnemű’). Generally, white dresses were worn simply because it was the easiest to wash.
We have many words in Hungarian that can be found in other languages such as ‘white liver woman’ (‘fehérmájú’), or ‘white sunday’ (‘fehér vasárnap’). Interestingly, the proverb ‘Ritka, mint a fehér holló’ (As rare as a white raven) is based on fact, as this type of bird does exist. Similar to many asian cultures, white was once the color of mourning in Hungary. It is still present in a few secluded areas, such as the Ormánság or Sárköz. THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE
The fehér word itself is present in Hungary’s georgraphy. Its ancient version, Fejér, is the name of the county located in the Central Transdanubian area, whose central city is called Székesfehérvár. A compound word of three parts, it means „white castle with a chair” as this place was the crowning city and a royal residence of Hungary.
“White symbolism occurs in many eras in Hungary’s history. According to legend, Hungary’s second Grand Prince, Árpád, offered a white horse for the land, hoping to settle in Pannonia.” There is a belief that the latter part of the word, fehérvár is based on a white castle or fortress being present during the Roman occupation. But none of the locations that includes white in its name (Székes- NándorGyulafehérvár) contains any lime-
stone building, which make many researchers believe that the word in this case stands for class and nobility. As in every culture, Hungary is rich in mythology. The myth of the Fehérlófia (aka The Son of the White Horse) is a legend that was created long before the Settlement. According to this story, the world was ruled by a white mare before dragons took over. Her son fought these dragons and restored the order in the world. A famous animated feature was directed by Marcell Jankovics about this in 1981. White symbolism occurs in many eras in Hungary’s history. According to legend, Hungary’s second Grand Prince, Árpád, offered a white horse for the land, hoping to settle in Pannonia. According to tribal laws, by asking for a handful of earth, grass and some water in return, they could claim the ownership over the area itself. In reality, there was a lot of fighting involved before Hungarians could settle (after years of migration). In the final century of the Árpád Kingdom, white was added to their
As a counterattack to the ‘red terror’ brought by the Hungarian Soviet Republic, (or Tanácsköztársaság, active between March-July 1919), special units hunted down and terrorized people all around the country from August, 1919 until December, 1921 (known as the ‘white terror’). Both terrors claimed hundreds of lives. Horthy always tried to hide the fact that he was behind these special units, but there are several documents showing these acts were done on direct orders from the military leadership. Today, many right-wing people are carrying red-white striped flags to their public gatherings, but there is a confusion as to whether they are using the original Árpádic coloring, or the one the Nyilas Party used. There are usually more stripes on these flags than on the orignal Nyilas’ ones. It can be said that this is mostly fueled by a nostalgia for Hungary once being a great nation rather than for the Hungarian Nazi Party. But as the color white originally meant purity, we must be aware that it’s too easy to besmirch it.
’ve had the same New Year’s Resolutions for as long as I can remember – lose ten pounds and learn how to do the splits. I don’t know why I bother with the ‘I’m going to go swimming every morning at the crack of dawn and achieve a fit, taunt body like Nicole Kidman’ – the coming of the second Messiah is more likely. Why don’t we get more realistic with our resolutions? Like ‘my New Year’s Resolution is to gain four pounds this year’? Or ‘to gain a few laughter lines’? Much better!
I haven’t always been an unfit overweight slob. As a wee kid I used to swim for the London Borough of Hounslow (the not so posh end of London where the public swimming baths are really there for people to get a good wash and the pool water is grey, not blue). I used to be a fast swimmer, more often than not, winning the front crawl and backstroke races. What was the secret of my fish like speed? A fish named Jaws. Every time I dived in I imagined Jaws chasing me and could hear the scary accompanying music loud and clear. I told myself that the last one out of the pool would get eaten - you’ve never seen anyone haul themselves out of the pool so quickly at the end of the race. Other people stay in the water, catch their breath and savor the glory – I was out of there! Heart beating wildly and a medal in my hand. Sadly I no longer swim like a fish, I only drink like one. I achieved the splits as a kid after my sister surprised me by jumping on my back while I was practicing one day. My voice rose an octave too. Ouch! Recently, I put in a sterling effort at The Irish Cat at Kalvin tér when the song ‘Fame’ came on and I miraculously managed to do the splits on top of the bar. People still talk about the spectacle and tell me how loose I am. So drinking like a fish does have an upside. On the downside, my hips are now clicking loudly like castanets.
A Think Magazin jó szokásához híven rendszeresen jelenteti meg helyi írók, grafikusok és fotósok munkáit, hogy minél átfogóbb és innnovatívabb közösségi lapot teremtsen. Ha szeretnél hozzájárulni a Think-hez, küldj emailt a
[email protected]. Bármilyen témát szívesen látunk, szóval ha ötleted van, amit megjelentetnél a Think-ben, csak küld el... csupa fülek vagyunk!
Since my New Year’s Resolutions were getting very samey every year, this year I’ve added ‘gang bang.’ After all, we live in an era of sexual experimentation – well that’s what my male friends tell me. Achieving this looks rather unlikely, since I can’t get one guy interested in me, let alone eight. I guess it will have to remain a hot fantasy (which I’m actually pretty relieved about). For good measure, I’m also including in my New Year’s Resolutions, ‘to eat as much chocolate as humanly possible, possibly qualifying for a Guinness Book of Records title’ since this is a very achievable goal for me. Come to think of it, the gang bang would be a good way to reduce the calorific consequences of being such a record-breaker.
Do you Think?
Think Magazine is always looking for local writers, journalists and photographers to continue to make Think Budapest the most innovative and comprehensive community magazine. If you would like to contribute to Think email
[email protected]. Almost all subjects are welcome, so if you have an idea for a story that you would like to see Think Magazine publish…we’re all ears! W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
8 sport
Snowboarding TIPS FOR NEWBIES JUST STARTING OUT fakie, this jump and that jump, halfpipe specific and occasional powder steeps. These boards are generally symmetric with the same nose and tail shape. The length ranges from 135-155cm, resulting in an extremely maneuverable board. They are difficult, however, to maintain an edge with at high speed. The flexion of these boards is generally softer, and as a result they are forgiving at the tip and end to allow numerous lucky escapes while landing HUGE jumps. FREERIDE
his article is intended to get you informed on snowboarding and to provide some background information on how to get started with lessons, boards, haircuts, baggy pants, etc. One misconception I have noticed when talking to people who want to Snowboard and haven’t yet, is that it is difficult to learn. This is not so, however, if it is approached in the correct manner. Use an instructor. Design-specific instruction methods or (D.S.I.M.) for abbreviation junkies of technical terms (A.J.T.T.) has given us the opportunity to learn without injury. Progressively using (D.S.I.M.), you will move from face planting on the beginner slopes to carving fresh waist deep powder on 55 degree slopes. It’s that simple. The hardest part is leaving the cafe, bar, cafe, bar, bar and off the couch into the hills. An instructor will look after you on the mountain and on the lifts, so this once more is advisable.
Snowboarding Glossary Terms for Newbies: symmetrical - draw a line through the cen-
ter of your board lengthways. one side’s shape will be identical to the other’s. asymmetrical - board shape whereby the beginning of the edges are slightly offset from each other, resulting in a smooth transition (for plebs who can’t ride normal boards.) injury - something you will get for sure if you don’t have an instructor and/or rent a race board. face planting - the bit before the injury is
Boards vary in shape and size according to their intended purpose. Basically, now that there are so many brands on the market, you can’t really go wrong when selecting a board. The board when set on the ground on it’s tail should reach between your chin and your brow as a general rule for choosing length. The selection of the board’s shape is most important as the shape determines what boots you wear and into which bindings they are fastened. Together these components comprise what is known to the modern world today as STYLE. Three general styles prevail. The style you ride also determines the clothes you wear, so get this part right otherwise you’ll look like a dork wearing the wrong clothes on the wrong board. FREESTYLE
Freestyle boards are for tricks and jumps and oversized pants enthusiasts. Their antics include 360’s, 720’s and 4320’s (12 revs. in the air), rail slides, riding backwards or THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE
carving - riding gracefully through evenly arced turns using the edged only. impossible for jibbers. cafe - a place in which to congregate and dream of fresh mountain air. bar - a place inwhich to drink yourself into a
stupor as a result of a depression from lack of mountain air. style - Errrrrrrrrrrrr. dork - anyone who says “I’ll take my skis just in case I can’t snowboard”. It’s better to leave them at home, stay home, and watch it on tv. oversized pants - any pairs of pants you can attach to strings and fly as a kite.
Freeriding is to me the essence of snowboarding (church music in the background, followed by power chords.) These boards are designed to handle all the conditions the mountain will throw at you. They are longer boards that can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Specific for powder, large drop-offs, and all-mountain riding: the type of board you would be happy hiking with in backcountry. Freestyle boards are also suitable for cruising the groomed trails and carving on edge for skilled riders.
Please use soft boots and strap in bindings with high backs. This will provide you with stability and comfort with speed but also allow lateral ankle movement for landing jumps. An excellent choice of board for someone who wants to ride in all conditions. Lengths range between 150-200cm and are stiffer than freestyle boards, enabling a nice responsive ride. All boards are designed to be ridden by people of certain weights. However, there are no rules saying if you are female you need a specific board for women and vice versa. These boards are designed for highly skilled snowboarders. The main concept, as the name suggests, is speed. They are generally longer than other boards and are narrower in the center. Basically, with one of these boards you can reach humongous speeds and still maintain good edge contact with the snow. This requires strength in the body, mind and riding skill, something to look forward to. Looks most impressive, however it will take you a few years to get this level. Great for maintrail riding on hardpack snow and still o. k. off piste. If you want nothing but speed, buy or rent a race board or alternatively head to your nearest drug dealer. Other equipment that you will require can be hired, borrowed from friends or purchased. You definitely need good gloves if you like your hands and want to use them again. Contact with the snow is always inevitable. Also, waterproof pants are essential to stop your butt from freezing. To begin with, you will spend a few hours on it before you really get going, so these are handy. Jackets are a bonus but probably not as essential as pants. Bearing in mind that while you are on the mountain weather can become harsh at the drop of a hat, pin, glove, joint etc. so anything that will keep you warm is worth carrying. Style of clothing is very important as described earlier and a rule to follow here is the faster you want to go the tighter your clothes become, yes even lycra for racing.
házasság csak egy papír, és plusz macera, és kötelezettség, na meg teljesen elavult, de azért mégis csak hagyomány, erősíti a kapcsolatot, mert nehezebbé teszi a kiszállást, meg különben is jó szórakozás, és így tovább. Ezek az érvek mind a két oldalon meggyőzőnek tűnnek, hát akkor miért van az, hogy az emberek többsége megházasodik (és nem csak a fele)?
A válások száma egyre nő, de a házasodók száma változatlan marad, az emberek még mindig hisznek a házasságban. Mivel az észérvek statisztikailag ellene szólnak, csupán szociológiai/pszichológiai/érzelmi okokra gyanakodhatok. Tanakodtam, okokat kerestem. A társadalmi elvárás. Egy bizonyos korban bekattan mindenki, és rájön, meg kellene házasodni. Ha nem házasodik meg az ember fia/lánya, el kell viselnie a csúnya, öreg rokonok lenéző pillantásait, a sztereotípiákat, hogy „vénlány marad” (természetesen ez a férfiaknál a sokkal menőbb „agglegényre” módosul). Ez nem könnyű. Nem egy álom úgy élni, hogy folyamatosan küzdeni kell a sztereotípiák ellen. Talán ha egy kicsit elfogadóbbak lennénk, és megértenénk, hogy nem csak egy fajta boldog családkép létezik (férj, feleség, két gyerek és kutya). Az, hogy valaki egyedül él, vagy a partnerével (akár azonos nemű akár különböző) vagy a barátaival az a saját dolga, kik vagyunk mi emberek, hogy ítélkezzünk? Az emberi természet. Nemcsak egy kapcsolatra, hanem egy deklarált kötöttségre vágyunk? Lehet, hogy amíg néhányan görcsösen küzdenek a kötöttségek ellen, ugyanilyen görcsösen a többség pont ezekre a kötöttségekre vágyik? Vagy ezek megint csak társadalmi elvárásokból következnek. Mert jó házasnak lenni. Mert az a megszokott, hogy a feleség nem engedi el a férjet bulizni, a férj meg nem viszi a feleséget a barátaihoz. Lehet, hogy ez kell az embereknek, és ki vagyok én, hogy ítélkezzek? Önigazolás. Az, hogy valakit szeretünk nem elég. Megházasodunk, és aztán minden elkövetünk, hogy elhitessük magunkkal, hogy jó döntést hoztunk. Igen, a házasság egy nagy döntés, és ha nem jó, sokkal könnyebb magunknak hazudni, mint egyszerűen azt mondani, vége. Sokkal könnyebb azt gondolni, hogy jó döntést hoztunk, amikor kimondtuk az igent, mint elismerni, hogy ez már nem működik. A papír, pedig, segíti ennek az önigazoló mechanizmusnak a működését. (A pszichológia ezt hívja kognitív disszonanciának.) Talán a házasság nem is olyan rossz? Talán azért csinálja mindenki, mert jó? Mert tényleg ez a természetes, egyetlen egy társsal leélni az életet? Lehet, hogy szükségünk van arra, hogy legyen egy biztos pont az életünkben, akihez minden nap hazamehetünk? Lehet, hogy én látom rosszul, és én vagyok paranoiás… talán ki kellene próbálnom… Fotó: Wavrik Gábor, Styling: www.araakadé, smink-haj: Bernáth Cecilia W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
10 sport
Bezony, itt a snowboard szezon! JAVASLATOK TÉLI SPORTOLÁSRA...
Néhány javasolt snow boardparadicsom • Ausztria: Semmering, Kaprun, Tirol (ÖtztalPitztal), Schladming • Szlovákia: Donovali, Chopok • Franciaország: Puy St Vincent, Les2Alpes, Risou lehet, de kezdőknek nem ajánlja. „Szlovéniában is sok a pálya, de alacsonyabbak a hegyek, így nem olyan szép a táj és rosszabb a hóbiztonság (nem biztos, hogy folyamatosan van hó).
étségtelen: a sí a téli sportok királya. Azonban egyre többen kezdenek bele a snowboardozásba. Hogy miért? Elsősorban, mert sokkal gyorsabban meg lehet tanulni, másodsorban, mert jelentősen kisebb eséllyel lehet örök életre szóló térd-, boka- és csípősérülést szerezni (egyszerűen azért, mert a két lábunk nem tud ellenkező irányba csavarodni eséskor). Statisztikák szerint a Magyarországról síelni járók egyharmada sérül meg komolyabban előbb-utóbb, ám a snowboardnál sokkal jobb az arány. Pap Dávid, bár közgazdász, szakértőnek számít a témában. Több mint tizenöt éve snowboardozik; bejárta a környező
Tippek kezdőknek és profiknak • Ha kezdők vagyunk, fogadjunk tanárt, és ne a barátunktól próbáljunk megtanulni. Egyrészt így ő is nyugodtan töltheti szabadidejét, másrészt egy tanár sokkal gyorsabban és jobban megtanít (és nem is túl drága). Egy átlagos edzettségű ember két-három nap alatt eljuthat egy kezdő szintjére és már egyedül is nyugodtan gyakorolhat egy szolid pályán. • Ha van iPhone-unk, töltsünk le két alkalmazást. Az iTrailMap megmutatja bármelyik sípálya térképét, a SnowReport-on pedig mindenféle hasznos dolgot megtudhatsz a téli sportokkal kapcsolatban (például azt, hogy mikor, hol, mennyi hó esett vagy milyen pályák vannak lezárva).
országok téli üdülőhelyeit (vagy húsz-harminc helyen deszkázott már). Évente minimum egy hetet csúszással tölt, de jobb években volt, hogy ötöt-hatot is egy szezonban. Nyáron wakeboardozik – csak hogy formában tartsa magát. „Azt, hogy a környékbeli országok pályái közül hova megy az ember, nagyon sok minden meghatározza – mondja Dávid.
Kicsik a pályák és olyan drága lett mostanra, mint Ausztria (igaz a szolgáltatások színvonala is hasonló). Mindent egybevéve, nekünk inkább érdemes Ausztriába menni, mint Szlovéniába – összegez Dávid. De mint mondja, Svájc sincs annyira messze, hogy ne vegyük számításba. „Ezt az úticélt azonban csak a vastagabb pénztárcájúak engedhetik meg maguknak, hiszen ez a legdrágább síelő/snowboard-paradicsom a környezetünkben. Igaz, cserébe gyönyörű lejtőkön csúszhatunk, kiváló és teljeskörű a kiszolgálás az üdülőhelyeken.” A fentiek figyelembe vételével érthető, miért Szlovákia, Ausztria és Franciaország a magyarok három fő úticélja. A következő mártixban hasonlíthatjuk össze ezeket (pontozva egytől háromig, egyes a legjobb érték): AUSZTRIA
Szolgáltatások minősége / tisztaság
A legfőbb tényezők a távolság, Táj szépsége / az árszínvonal, a pályák hossza, felhóbiztonság szereltsége valamint az üdülőhelyen elérhető szolgáltatások - hotelek Kommunikáció, kedvesség boltok, a pályákon lévő pihenőhelyek, éttermek - minősége. Szlovákia, Távolság / Franciaország és Ausztria a magyar- autópályák hossza ok legfőbb célállomásai. Ola szor ÖSSZPONTSZÁM szág is szóba jöhet, de mivel nagyjából olyan drága, mint Ausztria, ám messzebb van és rosszabb a szolgáltatások színvonala, én nem nagyon szeretem. El lehet menni keletebbre is, Romániába, vagy Oroszországba, de senkit nem ismerek, aki járt volna arra. Ezeken a területeken sok a kezeletlen pálya, ami jó abból a szempontból, hogy reális esély van szűz havas területek meghódítására. Viszont kevesebb a hegyi mentő, és hosszú az út odáig.” Dávid szerint kalandos
Mindent egybevetve tehát Ausztria a nyerő! Dávidék az évek alatt a következő utazási stratégiát alakították ki: „Ha egy-két napra megyünk, akkor Szlovákia az úticél, ha három- négyre, akkor Ausztria, ha egy hétre, akkor Ausztria vagy Franciaország. Ha sok a pénz, akkor, pedig, irány Svájc!”
Ten ways to not get mugged
rime is rampant, very rampant, even people who have never once used the word rampant, much less several times in the same sentence, agree that if anything was ever rampant; it is most definitely crime today. Many criminals I know have been forced to hang up their masks and guns and find work as corporate executives because the competition on the street is so fierce. In these dark times there is a deep and desperate longing for some dim flicker of hope. That, or perhaps an enema, I’m not really sure. What is clear to me though, is that people urgently need a written guide to surviving an attempted mugging. One that is carefully researched and well thought-out, containing expert advice and colorful illustrations. However, I certainly did not become a writer to do something that labor intensive, so instead I cobbled together the following impressive sounding yet thoroughly untested strategies, perfect for anyone who may find themselves in a potential mugging situation.
1. Run. This is where your wise deci-
6. Insult the muggers’ mothers. This
sions to quit smoking, exercise everyday, and always wear sensible shoes really pays off.
probably won’t help, but will make for a great story if you survive.
2. Call for backup. For this to work
well, it helps to have a radio. And friends. For best results, make sure your friends are large, heavily armed and waiting in a van nearby. 3. Summon a ninja. As documented in
numerous studies, there is nothing like a helpful ninja to even the odds and tap the proverbial keg of butt-kickery. 4. Transform into a werewolf. If you have any lycanthropic tendencies, now is the time to explore them.
7. Use Hypnosis. Wave your wallet or purse rhythmically while repeating key phrases like, “Your weapons are very relaxed” or “Your ears are getting hairy.” While under hypnosis, your muggers can be programmed to give up their lives of crime, to turn themselves in, or at the very least to stop biting their nails. It should be noted that this technique is only effective if your would-be felons have not preprogrammed themselves with antihypnotic hypnosis. 8. Develop multiple personalities.
Make sure they all know karate. 5. Commence projectile vomiting.
Aim high. The goal is to trigger a cascade regurgitation, in which each gagging mugger will inspire a similar hurling in his associates on either side, who with any luck will motivate the ruffians near them to equally amazing feats of upchuckfulness. If done properly, this vicious cycle can continue indefinitely or until all criminal stomach contents have been expelled. Be sure to factor in your dry cleaning bill when considering this option.
9. Unleash the raging fury of PMS.
This strategy works best for those with the foresight to be female. 10. Fling poop. This technique always works well for monkeys, and at this point you really don’t have anything to lose by trying. Be sure to move quickly though, because an experienced mugger will know what you are up to as soon as you reach into your skivvies.
Yes friends, crime is bad. It clings to our communities like a persistent shower fungus, it clogs our courts like rancid bacon grease, it turns the stomach like a bad simile. But as we have seen, with a few basic skills and a generous health plan, you too can prevail over even the most fearsome workers of iniquity and emerge victorious, with your head held high, preferably with both hands. WWW.OMINOUSCOMMA.COM W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
12 travelogue
Africa fever REFLECTIONS ON AFRICAN CONNECTIONS He grinned at me, his expression a mixture of sympathy and delight. “You look scared,” he said. That morning, I trudged. The wheels of my suitcase hummed melancholy behind me. I waited in the lobby for four Kenyan couples and our driver, Carlos, to assemble and depart for the next hotel. More white people ambled through the resort than through the streets of Nairobi. They sported a sleek Europeanism and looked like they had traveled far and spent much for their African wildlife adventure. I supposed I looked like that too, only grumpier and less elegant. When I first went to South Africa as an exchange student five years ago, the distinction between black and white had gripped me, a native of white rural Middle America. But my fascination had ebbed, and in Kenya I spent little time reflecting on my own pallor, only occasionally thinking, “Wow, I am the only white person in this grocery store/wedding reception/city.”
No matter our origin, the sun shines equally on us all...
Of course I had known that my white skin and wildly curly Caucasian hair would make blending in Nairobi impossible. Not that I felt overwhelmingly extraterrestrial, but even the least interesting freak in a freak show attracts some stares. I felt a little freakish, certainly.
itting on the edge of my hotel bed, bent forward in self-pity, I squirted a thick glob of white sun block into my palm. I’d spent much of the night vomiting and rued the pineapple and mango, surely full of menacing alien bacteria, so irresistible at the hotel buffet. The manager of the hotel in Tsavo National Park allowed me an extra two hours after check-out time to stay in my room, where I stared at the ceiling, envying all the people of the world in good health, dreading the driving tour looming before me.
I came here almost by chance. A graduate student at the University of Cambridge this year, I flew to Kenya for the Christmas holidays to escape winter’s short days and gray skies but also to visit my friend Victor, whom I met during a study abroad semester in South Africa.
Perhaps strangely, seeing another white person in Nairobi for the first time had buoyed my spirits. Across the room at the Orange telecom shop, a blonde girl shopped for a phone with a young black man. I knew nothing about her, yet I knew we were alike, patronizing an African phone shop, not just tourists. But later, while waiting to leave the lobby in Tsavo, I wanted only to see my nine black travel companions. Two hours after I vacated my room, the Kenyan tour driver, Carlos, appeared at the front desk. I scuttled over to him. “Hi.” I said. “Do you know what time we’ll be leaving?” “Ah, yes. We are going soon,” he said in his strong African accent.
A Nairobi native, Victor has a quick laugh, bright white teeth, and a boundless generosity that sometimes makes me self-conscious. He is proud of Africa and Africans. When Victor told me during my second evening in Nairobi that I’d have to be up at six to catch a bus (without him) to a game reserve eastern Kenya, I panicked. I was exhausted by my journey to Africa, during which I spent a seven-hour layover in Qatar dozing with my forehead cupped in my palm, awaking with a great spasm every half hour, certain I had missed my connecting flight. My condition only worsened the next day after I accompanied Victor’s family to two Kenyan weddings.
“But but but… Victor!” I spluttered. Six in the morning was far too early.
“Ah, because I really feel unwell.” “Yes, how are you feeling?” he asked. “Um, really not so well…” “Oh,” Carlos did not seem to know how to react to my illness. “I’d like to go to the other hotel to rest before the afternoon game drive,” I said.
“You don’t want to go on the game drive?” “Yes, I just want to rest at the hotel first,” I explained. “What time do you suppose we will leave?” “Soon. Yes, when everyone finishes eating… You don’t want to go on the game drive?” “I do. Yes, I do! But I would like to rest first.” Telepathically, I urged Carlos to understand that I wanted to him to gather the flock and lead us away. He knitted his brow. “So you do want to go on the game drive?” y conversation with Carlos vanquished any hope for a speedier departure. I returned to my uncomfortable lobby chair to silently bemoan the culture gap separating the two of us. Perhaps a week later, or maybe merely an hour, the last of the tour group strolled into the lobby. Outside, I climbed into the tour van’s front passenger seat, my head against the window, my stomach swallowing me whole. My group drifted outside and started taking photos of the hotel, the garden, the van…
“I came here almost by chance. Graduating Cambridge this year, I flew to Kenya for the Christmas holidays to escape winter’s short days and gray skies...”
A short guy with twinkling brown eyes from Eastern Kenya, Albert, asked me to be in a group photo. “Okay,” I said, climbing out of the van, my smile masking my internal crying. Here was the evidence that there is no hurry in Africa. Finally settled at the next hotel, I considered skipping the game drive. Oh, Carlos… I thought.
Carlos was the nickname my grandma had used for Grandpa Chuck. When Victor arranged this tour for me, he didn’t know that my longtime interest in Africa began as a family affair. My grandparents had visited Kenya twice, South Africa once, and from them I caught my figurative African fever. An avid bird-watcher, my Grandpa Chuck was tall and dark, handsome with a brilliant smile, a titan of intellect and athleticism. He tanned quickly, and people mistook him for a native in Mexico, India and Thailand, though I wondered if he looked or felt native in Africa. It is Africa, the outdoors, wildlife and photography that I most associate with Grandpa Chuck, who died when I was eleven. Realizing that I was too far from home to skip the drive, I headed back to our van. I sat up front next to Carlos, who expertly navigated the roughshod red road and pointed out a group of elephants, a herd of buffalo, a family of baboons, impala, and water bucks. But what I noticed most of all were the birds. Beautiful birds. Big and small and bright and industrious, dotting the African sky, filling the African trees. No one else seemed to notice these birds, colorful as they were, but I soon became conscious that my stomach discomfort had disappeared, and, watching the birds, I felt joy. Oh, Grandpa Chuck would have loved this. As I photographed the wildlife, I felt him, the memory of him, with me. The next day, on the long road back to Nairobi, I sat next to Carlos again, my arm propped up on the window frame. Carlos had a penchant for pop ballads, and I grinned when his stereo filled the van with Bette Midler’s ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’. Here our cultures truly did meet. By the time Carlos dropped me at the bus stop in Nairobi where Victor’s family would meet me, my left arm was flaming red. I felt a little less like a white tourist and a lot more at home in Africa. But I probably should have used more sun block.
W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
14 truth
WikiLeaks Latest WHAT THEY DID NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW. to the average Joe”, a fresh cable last week revealed. A secret member of MENSA since the age of 3, Bush has apparently been heard to use “really big words” and spent many months practising how to fluff his lines and “sound like an idiot” so that the public would warm to him. He is also apparently a fan of the music of the Kronos Quartet, but only the early releases “before they lost their heads up their asses”. MISSING CABLE #100456 - PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA ‘NOT ACTUALLY BLACK’
nless you have had your head stuffed inside a cheese pie for the last 6 weeks, or perhaps have been trapped under an avalanche of fallen recycling, you will certainly be aware of the year’s biggest cat-out-of-the-bag story. Or to be more precise, a quarter of a million cats let out of hundreds of different US Embassy-shaped bags.
On November 28th, the whistle-blower website Wikileaks began to release snippets of Top Secret information, known as cables, supposedly lifted by members of the US military, who may or may not include Pfc. Bradley Manning, from military computers. And boy, has shit hit the fan since. Manning has been arrested, is awaiting trial and could easily spend the rest of his days in an orange jumpsuit with a pillowcase on his head, or perhaps dressed as Donald Duck, cleaning up vomit at Disneyland. However, the head of the Wikileaks site, Julian Assange, has been much trickier to pin down. Immediately after his website published the US cables, Assange was accused by two anonymous Swedish women of sexual assault, the timing of which was definitely not a massive coincidence or an attempt to smear him or his organisation. Fearing extradition to the US where he would face the same nightmarish pillowcase-on-head/working-at-Disneyland-forever scenario, Assange has been hiding out in a humble Georgian mansion in Suffolk, England, occasionally being grilled by completely unbiased British journalists about how many women he has played hide the sausage with.
So what does this have to do with me? Well, my fellow scandal chasers, what most people do not know is that not everything that was taken from those US computers made it to the Wikileaks site. A few of these missing Top Secret cables were delivered anonymously to yours truly, and I have decided, at the risk of a similar fate as Manning and Assange, to deliver them to you, the public. Just promise you will come and visit me at Disneyland. If I’m lucky they’ll dress me up as Goofy.
“Wikileaks’ silencing was sought by antidemocratic governments worldwide including China, whose censors work mightily to block all access to the site. Wikileaks’ plug was pulled, ironically, (not in China) but by a federal judge in San Francisco.” - Peter Scheer, California First Amendment Coalition MISSING CABLE #245007- GEORGE W. BUSH IS ACTUALLY ‘A GENIUS’
It will surely come as a surprise to most readers that George W. Bush has “an astonishing IQ of 168” and played down his towering intelligence in order to “relate
In possibly the most startling revelation yet, an Embassy Cable dated last year reveals that Barack Obama is not really the Harvard educated son of a mixed race couple, but actually method actor Daniel Day-Lewis in costume. A senior Republican member came up with “what seemed like a crazy idea at the time’ before approaching Day-Lewis who accepted what has become the most challenging role of his life”. The news was initially challenged by leading political activists and Matt Damon, but has recently been accepted as nobody has ever seen Obama and Day-Lewis in the same room at the same time.
With his widely known penchant for wearing masks and his ability to play double bass drums whilst suspended upside down in a cage, it may not come as such a surprise that former Vice President Dick Cheney was the drummer for American heavy metal band Slipknot “on the 1st and 2nd albums”. What may be more shocking though, is the manner in which he left the band. Apparently, Cheney had “developed an emotional infatuation” with front man Corey Taylor and propositioned the singer “on several occasions”. According to the cable, Taylor was “not totally against homosexual experimentation” but simply “did not fancy” Cheney, whom he described as “too bald”. MISSING CABLE #236500- CIA COMMUNICATED TO US SPIES ‘THROUGH TV SHOW FRIENDS PLOT LINES’
With international terrorism on the rise and the assumption that insurgents “had learned to speak English”, the CIA decided to communicate to foreign spies “in the last place anyone would look”. According to the latest leaked cable, Military intelligence discovered that “most Afghani terrorists hate Jennifer Aniston’s wooden acting” and that many Russian spies “couldn’t stand Matt LeBlanc’s big stupid face”. Placing hidden CIA codes within Friends plot lines seemed to be the next step for international espionage. It has been specifically revealed that the episode where Chandler and Joey lose Ross’ baby on the bus was actually “code to attack Bosnian militias” and the episode where Phoebe gives birth signalled “the dispatch of sleeper cells into China”. You heard it here first people...
18 food in the city
e all think, “Oh if we just tell a little lie it won’t hurt anyone.” Well. in truth there are no little “white” lies, as all lies are colorblind. About two months ago, a new member to my office came. He was posh, classy, and clean, with pearly white teeth that framed his charming smile. The night before he left to go back to the branch of the company he was transferring from, we went out to dinner, and then had something sweet, and salivating that was off the menu for dessert. He gave me a call one night recently to meet up again and continue where we left off, starting with dinner.
Well, he decided to take me to an alternative style restaurant, called HUMMUS BAR BUDAPEST, a classy, yet relaxing restaurant. Arriving, with him in an elegant white shirt and me in a sexy white dress, we were greeted at the door with a cup of hot tea and shown to a side room to a small table. The lighting was golden, and the seating was close and cozy, with the benches lined with throw pillows. It was very hidden and secluded (despite the fact that we were in the middle of the room). It was perfect, talking and reconnecting in a comfortable Middle Eastern environment. The menu was perfect for the evening, light but fulfilling, with food to fuel the heart. Everything just enhanced the evening. I was thinking light food would best for the situation so I decided on the salad Hummus plate, thinking of it can’t be that much food. He decided on the kebab plate. Well, little did we know… these plates were gigantic.
“As the night went on, the connections between us were growing closer and closer. Little did I know the only thing true was the food.”
I thought I was getting off easy ordering a vegetarian one with salads but I was flat out wrong. The plate was piled high with carrot salad, cabbage salad, and mushroom salad, all spooned on top of hummus and topped with a few falafel balls, alongside a giant round of bread. His was meat on top of the falafel, with a night. When the coffees came his phone went off. I picked up my cappuccino, and side of bread as well; it looked like enough food to feed an army. blew on it gently to cool it off, as well as to not invade his privacy on the phone. The three salads tasted so fresh and unique it was amazing. The falafel had the Yet, some things should be overheard. taste of herbs and spices and combined with the hummus made the perfect match He was saying “Oh baby yes I ordered the wedding cake for us, don’t worry I for the sensations of the tongue. He asked if I wanted to try his, so I took the meat right off of his fork, expecting the deep sensations of meat. Yet, it tasted almost will pay for the gown. I can’t wait for you to get here to Budapest. I love you so identical to the falafel. To myself I thought ha, I got more food by ordering vege- much. “ When I heard this my heart stopped. He had a fiancé! He was getting married and he led me on this whole time. When he got off the phone I asked calmly, tarian. I got the better end of this dinner... for now, at least. All was going excellently as we finished the food (or as much as was possible). As the night went on, the connections between us were growing closer and closer. We decided to get a cup of coffee before leaving the restaurant to continue the
“How long have you been engaged?” His response was “two years.” I was so angry, everything went white in a blur of rage and emotions. With cappuccino in hand I hurled the hot coffee all over his perfectly white shirt. The guy was horrible, but the hummus was divine. The moral of this tale is that even the whitest of lies can be soiled by a cup of good espresso and belly full of emotions. THREE LOCATIONS: Hummus Bar (vegetarian & meat) 1051 Budapest Október 6. u. 19, Tel: 354-01-08, Hummus Bar Budapest (vegetarian x2) 1073 Budapest Kértész u. 39, Tel: +36-70-378-7293 and 1054 Budapest, Alkotmány u. 20, Tel: 302-13-85,
19 étterem
Fehér Hús – a rák (ITT NEM A CSIRKÉRŐL LESZ SZÓ). Indonéz sült rizs rákokkal
magyar kínai étteremben megtalálunk. Minőségi konyha minőségi ételeket produkál, és kedves és gyors kiszolgálás juttatja el hozzánk a különlegességeket. Van itt mézes-gyömbéres ízesítés, és sok más szokatlan íz, a gumbao tényleg mogyorós, és az édes-savanyú mártás sem sima ketchup kis ecettel felhígítva. Autentikus hely, ami abból is látszik, hogy mindig tele van kínai vendéggel. A vendéglátóipari egység jó hangulatára jellemző az is, hogy a felszolgáló gárda szinte semmit nem változott az elmúlt 10-15 évben. Ugyanazok az emberek, némelyikük kissé őszesebb halántékkal, kicsit szégyellem is, hogy nem ismerem őket névről. Általában vakon bízom az ajánlatukban.
Rákot rendeltem, egy általuk ajánlott szószban. Életemben először ettem Wah-Tang szószt, és úgy gondolom eddig nem tudtam, mit hagytam ki. Csípős, és van valami pikáns benne, amitől a káposztával és a tojásos rizzsel nagyon jól harmonizál. A rákokat sem sajnálták belőle, jól jártam. - 1097. Budapest, Gyáli út 3 (Nagyvárad téri metro közelében), Telefon: +36 1 215-1236
Amikor belépünk a MOST-ba olyan érzés, mintha egy romkocsmát és egy elegáns étteremet összegyúrtak volna: különleges, letisztult, mégis rendkívül barátságos, fiatalos. A nagyterem feletti üvegkupolán átszűrődő természetes fény, pedig szinte egyedülálló hangulatot teremt napközben. Indonéz sült rizst rendeltem rákkal. Amikor Indonéziában utazgattam egy hónapig, gyakorlatilag minden második nap ilyet ettem. Olyan ez náluk, mint nálunk a főzelék. Népi étel, és sok fajtája ismeretes, tulajdonképpen nem más, mint egy sült rizses ragu. Az étel nagyon szépen volt tálalva, viszonylag gyorsan hozták, és nem okozott csalódást. Bőven volt benne sült zöldség, és nem csak répa és káposzta, hanem ázsiai rostok is: vízi-gesztenye, bébi-kukorica, zsenge bab. Öt darab rák volt benne, ami nem rossz egy tengerpart nélküli országban. Nem hiányzott a koriander sem belőle (még extra adagot is kaptam), így igazán autentikus, és finom falatokhoz volt szerencsém. A burkolóknak tervezett adag felét tudtam csak megenni, ugyanis a főétel előtt meggondolatlanul ettem egy sherpa levest, ami isteni volt. Csak egy kisebb kritikát fogalmaznék meg: túl sokszója szószt használtak, amitől ugyan nagyon szép színe lett az ételnek, de a kelleténél sósabb volt. Mindent egybevéve remek ebéd volt, még visszamegyek. - 1066 Budapest, Zichy Jenő u. 17. (Bazilikától 5 perc), Tel: +36 70 248 3322 TAIWAN ÉTTEREM – RÁKOK WAH-TANG SZÓSZBAN
A Taiwan Étterem egy üde színfolt a budapesti kínai éttermek palettáján. Itt nem ugyanazokat az ételeket esszük, amiket gyakorlatilag szinte minden Rákok Wah-Tang szószban
Zöld curry rákokkal
Végre egy hely Budapesten, ahol igazi, autentikus thai ételeket ehetünk, hiszen a tulajdonos- főszakács thai (férje, a másik tulajdonos, magyar). Igaz, a hely hangulata inkább eklektikus, abból is a nem-túl-átgondolt verzió, de ez semmit nem von le a kulináris élvezetekből, amiben itt részünk lehet. Aki szereti a csípős ételeket és a különleges ízeket, ki kell, hogy próbálja legalább egyszer életében a thai zöld curry-t. Lehet csirkével, rákkal, vagy csak zöldséggel is enni. Mi rákot választottunk hozzá, és hibátlan kulináris élményben volt részünk. Tökéletes arányok (8 db rák!) és ízharmónia. Nem túl sokan voltak az étteremben hétköznap dél körül, így a kiszolgálás is megfelelő gyorsaságú volt (megjegyzem, aki az underground stílust kedveli, annak itt vannak a város legszebb pincérlányai). A számlánál értettük meg, miért vannak kevesebben. Drága a hely ahhoz, hogy ide járjunk hétköznapi munka-ebédekre (2400 Ft + ásványvíz + borravaló). A városban kétfogásos ebéd menüket lehet kapni 800-1200 Ft-ért igényes éttermekben. Bevezethetnének egy dél körüli menüt a PARÁZS-ban is, biztos függő lennék. - 1067 Budapest Szobi utca 4. (Nyugatinál), Telefon: 06 (1) 950-3770
W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
20 filmek
Fény és sötétség AVAGY HÓDOLAT A FEKETE-FEHÉR FILMEKNEK jelmezzel, és a filmanyag megmunkálásával értek el) egy erősebb, különlegesebb, filmélményt adjanak. A szikár, letisztult képi világban jobban tudunk figyelni a szereplőkre, és így az érzelmi hatás is erősebb lehet. Ez a cikk nem pusztán két színről szól. Ellenkezőleg! Egy végtelenül sok árnyalatot tartalmazó világról. A fé nyről és a sötétségről. Egy feketefehér filmen bizonyos képi részleteket a fény, másokat a sötétség nyel el és rajzol me A kettő között kell a nézőnek észrevennie a kihangsúlyozott dolgokat. Egy félig megvilágított arcot. Egy hangulatot. Egy felvillanó szempárt. Egy nő árnyékát. Egy kezet, amint kinyúl a sötétből. Egy fegyvert, amin megcsillan a fény. Ugye világos, hogy miről beszélek? Ha a fekete-fehér filmekre gondolunk, a legkézenfekvőbb műfaj, ami az eszünkbe jut, a film noir: ez a műfaj használta ki a lehető legteljes- ebben a két színből adódó lehetőségeket.
Jótékony félhomály...
a már kevés fekete-fehér film készül, ennek az egyik fő oka, hogy mára eltűnt a fekete- fehér televíziózás. Manapság, az óriásképernyők, a HD-felbontás, és a sokmillió pontból kikeveredő színgazdagság korában mintha elvesztette volna érvényét a fekete-fehér filmkészítés. Ennek ellenére nem mondhatjuk, hogy a fekete-fehér film eltűnt. Csak átalakult.
A televízió megjelenésekor sokan attól tartottak, hogy meg fogja ölni a filmet. Mondhatnánk persze, hogy egy halott valóban lett, de ebben természetesen nem csak a televízió technikai fejlődése a bűnös, hanem a filmgyártásé is. Elvégre az amerikai televízióban még a hatvanas években is készültek fekete-fehér műsorok. A színes film fejlődésével, és a színes THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE „A
tévék elterjedésével azonban már nem volt szükség fekete-fehér szisztémával készíteni a műsorokat. A digitális korszak eredményeként a moziba járók között felnövőben van egy nemzedék, akik szerint a fekete-fehér film „uncsi”. Úgy tűnik, hogy őket csak a nagy színes robbanások és trükkök érdeklik. Pedig kevés dolog fogható ahhoz az élményhez, amikor belenézünk valakinek a szemébe egy óriásira felnagyított bi-kolor arcon. Az operatőrök mindig tisztában voltak ezzel: ahogy a fényképezésnél, úgy a fekete-fehér filmezésnél is ugyanaz a művészi igény volt jelen. Az operatőrök számára az volt a fontos, hogy a fekete-fehér kép manipulációjával (amit a világítással, a
Ezekben a filmekben az elmesélt történetek szerves része a fény és a sötétség, a jó és a rossz találkozása, harca, keveredése. Ezeknek a „noir” filmeknek az egyik legkiválóbb operatőre az egyébként magyar származású John Alton volt (aki Altmann Jenő néven 1901-ben született Sopronban.) Olyan klasszikus darabokban dolgozott, mint a Big Combo, és a T-Men (és ő volt a szerzője az első operatőri szakkönyv- nek!) Az egyik leghíresebb operatőr, akit a fekete-fehér filmezés mestereként tartanak számon, a 2006-ban elhunyt Sven Nykvist: az Ingmar Bergman munkatársaként forgatott filmjeinél a fekete-fehér technika éppen azt szolgálta, hogy a néző minél jobban át tudja érezni a szereplők között feszülő ellentéteket, a Bergman- filmek utánozhatatlan légkörét. Fehér nincs fekete nélkül. A színes film sem lehetne fekete-fehér film nélkül. A legkorábbi némafilmektől kezdve az ily módon készült munkák kövezték ki az operatőri művészet (világítás, szerkezet, hangulat) útját. Az operatőrök számára egy filmhez ma is óriási kihívás megteremteni a fényt és a sötétséget. Csak sokkal nehezebb a figyelmet megosztó színek kavalkádjában. Ezért ha egy rendező
manapság úgy dönt, fekete-fehérben forgatja le a következő filmjét, azáltal nagy valószínűséggel fel akarja erősíteni a történet mondanivalóját, nem csak felszépíteni, „valóságosabbá” tenni, mint ahogy az a színes filmnél lehetséges. Mindezek után javaslom mindenkinek, hogy gondolja újra az álláspontját a fekete-fehér filmekkel kapcsolatban. Értékes kincsekkel gazdagodhat, ezt garantálhatom!
15 fontos és érdekes feketefehér film: M – Egy város keresi a gyilkost (1931) – Fritz Lang, op-
eratőr: Fritz Arno Wagner Modern idők (1936) - Charle Chaplin, operatőr: Ira Morgan, Rollie Toteroh A Szépség és a Szörnyeteg
(1946) – Jean Cocteau, operatőr: Henri Alekan T-Men (1947)– Anthony Mann, operatőr: John Alton Sunset Boulevard (1950) – Billy Wilder, operatőr: John F. Seitz Psycho (1960) – Alfred Hitchcock, operatőr: John L. Russel Onibaba (1964) – Kaneto Shindo, operatőr: Kyomi Kuroda Persona (1966) – Ingmar Bergman, operatőr: Sven Nykvist Szegénylegények (1966) – Jancsó Miklós, operatőr: Somló Tamás Dühöngő Bika (1980) – Martin Scorsese, operatőr: Michael Chapman Rablóhal (1984) – Francis Ford Coppola, operatőr: Steven H. Burum Árnyékok és a köd (1991) – Woody Allen, operatőr: Carlo Di Palma Sátántangó (1994) – Tarr Béla, operatőr: Medvigy Gábor Pleasantville (1998) – Gary Ross, operatőr: John Lindley Az ember, aki ott se volt
(2001) – Joel Coen, operatőr: Roger Deakins
21 travel
ince priests here rarely speak a language I understand, I can now enter a church without having to defend the holes in my nose or my faith. And I enjoy sitting in the awesome stone cathedrals which are much less claustrophobic than the little wooden chapels of the Canadian prairies. Unfortunately, for as much as the churches are bigger and more beautiful, the opposite can be said for the public toilets on this continent.
Cramped, sticky, and confusing, the ultimate insult to using these penthouses of cholera is that you have to pay for them. This contradicts my belief that like love and happiness, toilets should be free. Besides finding spare change, there are three basic challenges to using toilets in Europe: reading gender signs, finding toilet paper, and flushing. The first two are for your own comfort, the last for the comfort of those who come after you. Reading gender signs involves determining which washroom to go into if you want to use the toilet, and which washroom to go into if you want to be embarrassed. An inability to understand the language in which the signs are written can lead to some interesting interactions with the natives. As a woman traveling through Europe I have noticed that the word for women frequently starts with a “D”. For example, in French it is “Dames”; in German “Damen”; in Italian “Donne”; and in Czech “Damy”. Not so in Hungary. Toilets may also be posted with little pictures of stick men and women, but these can sometimes be confusing. Arriving at one youth hostel, I was desperate to use the facilities. My backpack was squeezing my Sangria bloated bladder. The first washroom I found in the hostel had a picture of a thin person in a miniskirt outside the doorway. This pretty much matched my physical description so I proceeded to use the toilet. Then, after unpacking, I took a long relaxing shower in the same washroom. At one point I did hear male voices, but I simply assumed they were coming from the hallway. After the shower I returned to my room with a green towel wrapped around my head, which I had to remove before I could understand the cause of my sister’s hysterical laughter: I had been in the men’s washroom. Apparently the sign I saw was meant to be a skinny Scotsman in a kilt. The second problem, finding toilet paper, is new to me, because in Canada trees out number people by about 100,000 to 1. We make syrup from trees, we carve boats from trees, and when our American relatives come to visit we hide in the trees. So the idea of having no toilet paper is about as strange as running out of palinka in Hungary. Fortunately there is one basic rule to surviving a train trip, a night in a youth hostel, or an evening out on the town: hoard toilet paper like a flat-chested girl on prom night. Go to the washroom early on and if there is any toilet paper to be had stuff sheets of it into pockets, purses, and money belts.
most confusing. I am certain that in some small gray building there is some small gray bureaucrat who is employed by the European Union to invent new ways of flushing. I have rarely come upon two toilets that flush in quite the same manner. There are rusty chains, rotten strings, and chipped plungers to be pulled. Silver disks set in the walls to be pushed, raised levers sticking out of the floor to be stepped on. Sometimes patience is the only requirement. There are toilets which flush automatically, perhaps set off by a tiny laser beam which detects you doing up your trousers. The most inventive toilet I have seen to date was in the main Frankfurt railway station. The entertainment I got from using this brilliant contraption was well worth the 50 cents it cost. To flush the toilet it was not necessary to grab any sticky devices, in fact, there was absolutely no touching involved. All you had to do was to wave your hand, in the manner of a magician or the queen, in front of a small yellow pad on the wall. It was kind of like casting a spell on the toilet: Wave, wave. Flush, flush. More fun than a hyperactive bidet, I do hope that no one tries to use this same technology to reinvent sex: Wave, wave. Wave, wave.
“Was it good for you dear?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were having sex, I thought you were practicing tai-chi. “
You’ll be grateful later on when your body realizes that sausage soaked in whipping cream doesn’t agree with it after all. On my trip across Europe by far the best place to find extra rolls of toilet paper was in the 1st class cars of German trains. It was, however, the scratchy recycled kind, proving that sometimes even the rich have it rough. The softest toilet paper was in the Museo de Bellas Artes of Valencia. My sister and I may have fried our brains in the Spanish sun, but we decided that in order to fully enjoy these marshmallow rolls of pure decadence we would take turns wrapping each other up in it. Swaddled in ribbons of blue, my reflection was a cross between an Egyptian mummy and a Smurf. Of all the three challenges to using toilets in Europe, flushing can be the W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
As a last resort there is one fool-proof way to manage using the toilets in Europe: drink lots, and then drink more. Drink like there is an aquarium of alcoholic fish in your belly, or just drink like a fish. Drink like beer bellies are back in fashion or drink because bell-bottoms are. Then you will be too drunk to care about whether you’re in the men’s or women’s washroom. You will be too drunk to notice the lack of toilet paper. And you will be so drunk that when you grab the chain, the lever, or the wall to hold yourself up, you will automatically flush the toilet. You could also always try a church, if the toilets inside are anything like the chapels you can expect vaulted ceilings, ornate handles, and velvet cushions. Just remember to light a candle afterwards. THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE
What to wear? Ask Dr Dapper!
Top 5 Fashion Forecast Fashion week gave us lots to look forward to in 2011 and for a moment everyone just enjoyed visions of classy minimal whites and cheerful bold prints. It’s never too early to prepare for future fashion so if you’d like to be in the know why not check out our spring 2011 fashion forecast top five? BOLD COLOUR
If you like to get noticed you’re going to love some of the brights set to hit the high street next year. Whether tailored or feminine, eye catching hues from neons to citrus will liven up your clothing and really put a spring in your step. PRETTY PRINTS
From geometric to flowery patterns, and not forgetting snake skin for the bold, mixed prints are set to adorn any self respecting trendsetter in ‘11. MINIMAL LINES
magine for a moment that your closet is full of matching clothes and you don’t even have to think about what to wear. There is a solution for that issue: all your clothes should be white. This color has been a symbol of simplicity and purity through the years and it’s definitely a great element for your daily clothes.
You may think that to have a wardrobe full of white is boring, but in fact it will make your personality shine with little additions that we all buy (but no one otherwise notes as worthy). White is a bi-curious color. It can really go both ways. White blouses and dresses can look really feminine and delicate and will make every girl look like a fairytale princess. On the other hand is obligatory for every man to have a white shirt. It not only makes them look clean and sophisticated but also will save everyone from a fashion disaster because a man cannot go wrong with a white shirt, it’s a classy move.
Instant class comes in the shape of minimal lines in spring 2011. Many designs appeared in white on the catwalk but if you have the commitment to embrace this style the impact is well worth the dry cleaning bills. DRAPING
Spring and summer look set to be full of romantic flowing dresses so we can all feel free to express our feminine sides in some irresistible designs that both cling and cover in all the right places. SEVENTIES FASHION
Seventies fashion is back. Marc Jacobs, Derek Lam and Elie Tahari are just a few designers seen to embrace wide legs, 70s palettes, high waists and imaginative denim items on the catwalks during fashion week. Bonus tips
• Invest in some neon eye colours, brights won’t just be for your wardrobe in the spring. • Buy a new belt, it’s all about cinching in that waist and instantly transforming your look. • Stack jewelled rings together for a dramatic look.
Looking like snow, but being seen through the blizzard is easy. Actually, every colorful accessory you wear will help you stand out ten times more among all those men or women in winter-wear white. It can be fun and trend-setting if you know how to do it. White doesn’t have an age either; it has been around since the world entered the fashion era. Women and men of every age can wear this color and look good in every occasion. From baby clothes to grandma sweaters, it’s a solid choice. In youth it represents the innocence and purity and introduces the younger ones to a classy fashion world. Later it becomes a symbol of sophistication and maturity that every successful person wears to transmit that positive energy that surround them. White can be both elegant and sporty. Practical and universal are the best adjectives to describe this color that is so useful in every walk of life. You can start your day by going to the gym with a comfy white shirt and shoes, latter going to work in a “romantic” white shirt and end it wearing a sexy strapless cocktail dress for a night on the city. White is timeless. It’s never out, nor in. Trough the history of fashion, one of the most precious items has been white shirts. This unmistakable piece of clothing has been an omnipresent part of fashion and every respectable fashionista has one in the closet. This simple article has been reinvented over and over, and through different shapes and styles it has never become a boring piece, keeping it alive for centuries.
Among the most famous looks for white shirts we have the “Romantic Full-sleeved and voluminous,” perfect for hanging loose over skinny trousers, or to wear with a belt over a pencil skirt. The “Pretty Look for Drop-waist micro wet off-white dress small collars, frills or ruffles” is for softening working-wardrobe skirt or trouser suits, and the classic “boyfriendSEGÍTSÉG A TERMÉSZET style shirt” looks right with dark jeans or formal trousers. Finally .for the item of the month, we recall the amazing Hollywood A nagysikerű Office sorozat producere és főszereplője, Ricky Gervais így köszöntötte a 2010icon Marilyn Monroe and her famous es Golden Globe gálán megjelent celebeket: „Ha körbenézek az arcokon a teremben, eszem- white dress. This unforgettable piece is a bejut, milyen nagyszerű munkát végeztek ebben az évben…(kis szünet)…a plasztikai symbol of luxury, classiness and sexiness sebészek és szépségipari szolgáltatók!” A nevetés nem maradt el. that has inspired treasured designers like Dolce and Gabbana to make white’s presEgyre könnyedebben beszélünk a szépségiparról, egyre elfogadottabbá válnak a különböző beavatkozások. Ez egy olyan téma, ence known in the fashion industry. This ami mindig is vitákat váltott ki, és fog is kiváltani. Az egyik legkedveltebb vitatéma a műmell pártiak és ellenzők között van. Teljesen vegyes a kép! Néhány meghasonult férfi, például, szereti nézni a nagy szilikonokat (főleg, ha profi munka), de tapintani már nem! halter top, backless dress with flowing skirt Azonban vannak olyan területei a szépségipari beavatkozásoknak, amivel nagyon sokan egyetértenek. Ilyen például, ha valaki személyiségében károsodhas been reinvented through the years. So, na, ha egy testi fogyatékosságot nem javítanának ki (ami lehet akár egy hölgynél a mell hiánya). Szintén elfogadottabb beavatkozások mostanában a for this month, embrace the Hollywood műtéti eljárást nem igénylő szépítések is, például a különböző sugárkezelések, masszázsok, vibrációs kezelések, krém kúrák, vagy a botox. diva that you have inside of you by buying one of this classic figure dresses that will Ezek közül a botox az egyik legingoványosabb talaj. Sok botoxolt szájú hírességet láthatunk a képernyőn, akik úgy néznek ki, mint egy rajzfilmfigura. Vannak, akiknél a szemránc kezelés sikeredett olyanra, hogy minimalizálódik a mimika, így alakul ki a „buta” tekintet. Másoknál a mosoly lesz make your shine like a start.
Botox, vagy nem botox?
merevebb a túl sok botox használatától. Mindazonáltal nagyon sokan élnek ezzel a szépítő módszerrel úgy, hogy észre sem venni. A titok a mértékben van. Mint ahogy azt egy kezelt hölgy beszámolója elmondja: „A legfontosabb kérdésem a kezelés előtt az volt, hogy ugye, nem fogok úgy kinézni, mint a mimikával már nem is rendelkező hollywoodi sztárok? A doktornő kedvesen rázta a fejét és elmagyarázta a mérték szerepét a ráncok elleni harcban. Kiderült, hogy itt is az arany középút a javasolt, úgyhogy beadtam a derekam. Hat kis tűszúrást kaptam, és ha nem is tűntek el a kor és a gravitáció harminc felett jól látható nyomai, mindenképpen halványodtak. Tény: a látható változáshoz idő kellett. Hazamentem és félóránként kukkantottam lopva a tükörbe, de másnap reggelig semmi változást nem észleltem. Aztán szépen lassan halványodott a gödröcske. Persze, nem tűnt el, annál azért mélyebb volt. De legalább külsőleg a belsőmhöz fiatalodtam.” Van viszont, amiben minden ismerősöm egyetért: a tetovált szemöldök csúnya. Érthetetlen, miért teszik ezt sokan magukkal. A divatja már elmúlt, mégis sokan még mindig így járkálnak - ÁLOMARC COSMEDICA, HARGITA UTCA 6, BUDAPEST 1026, TEL: +36/1-2013238,
[email protected], WWW.ALOMARC.HU
Good bye for now, and see you in the next issue. This is one of the whitest times of the year, so embrace that pure shininess that the snow brings in this beautiful month. And remember… white is the new black! I hope to see Budapest as the bright city that it should be, (you know… reinvented).
whitey tighties
n many ways, it is easier to lead an environmentally-friendly lifestyle here than in the US. People often stare in astonishment when I admit that I have been here for 20 years - “god, why?!” they ask. Unlike the US, Hungary has among other things, a great public transport system, reusable bottles, an extensive national park system, and almost everywhere in Europe is less than a 24 hour train ride away.
When they have got a girlfriend or wife, the task is almost immediately delegated quickly to her. After all, she is the only one who sees. But what happens underneath those clothes is very important to the women, which is why we’ve put together some tips for women on how to choose the best underwear. The tips involve three simple steps which involves, firstly, working out what kind if guy you have, choosing the type of underwear and lastly, getting sufficient quantities the new style into the man’s drawer before explaining yourself. STEP ONE – WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU ARE DEALING WITH? The first step involves working out what kind of man you have. Try using the following guide: Ubermale: This guy is so concerned with his looks that he will take care of his own underwear and you can be sure that you can trust that it will look good on him. It is best to make sure that he does not end up out-dressing you in the underwear department. The best thing for this guy is to hand him a mens g-string so he can admire his own buttocks in a mirror. Metrosexual man: He owns at least some form of facial cream and does enjoy shopping. It would be normal to see this guy wearing something from Calvin. Trunks are the thing for this kind of man. Family man: Spends most of his time with babies climbing all over him. Therefore something comfortable and easy are important like briefs. By the time he crawls into bed after putting the baby to sleep you won’t notice what he has on anyway. Lad: This guy is busy down the local bar watching football, humming to songs as he showers in the football changing room. Best advice is too get him something that will not embarrass his mates at the club. Good old fashioned boxers are perfect for him and you can even choose to vary the material by buying something silkier.
type might even go unnoticed for a few days if you’re lucky.
“The fastest way to is to use the direct approach. Dump the underwear in the trash on a garbage day.”
STEP FOUR – EXPLAINING YOURSELF When your man asks where his favorite underwear disappeared to, you can choose your how you want to explain the truth. It is easy to say the washing machine chewed it up or go straight for the cliché, “I prefer you without them” and them head for the hot rumble that follows, helping him get over the fact his favorite y-fronts have gone. Huw Hopkin is the manager of, an online underwear store that sells women’s and men’s underwear.
STEP TWO - ORDERING A man will normally wear one pair of underwear for as long as possible without changing. It is pretty disgusting, therefore women should make sure he changes it and has at least 14 days worth of underwear supply. This way you can make sure he will get around to his washing every two weeks. However, if you want to make sure he washes his underwear more often, the solution is obvious, buy less underwear. A friend once bought a single three pack only. STEP THREE - MAKING THE SWITCH Now, tips on how to get rid of the old designs. The fastest way to is to use the direct approach. Dump the underwear in the trash on a garbage day. You really don’t want him rummaging in the trash can looking for them while cursing at you. Make sure his new underwear is placed exactly where the old ones would have been. If the colors match, the change in underwear W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
(színes, feliratos, ameriaki akciófilm) Aki szereti Robert
ED TEMPLETON: THE CEMETERY OF REASON Ed Templeton has been a professional skateboarder, but let go of his aggro and headed for the heady waters of the California alternative art scene. He sculpts, paints, designs skateboards and is a photographic artist par excellence.
He made waves in the 90s with works featuring skaters and street culture. It was a community in transition, much as the artistic scene was. Skaters were moving from the vertical wall to the streets, and street artists were moving into galleries. Templeton was there, at the juxtaposition between the adolescent and the adult in both. Not content with regard and accolades in his home county (Orange) or even California, he headed abroad. Touring as a skater led him to many museums in Europe, feeding a habit formed in California, nurtured by his grandmother. It’s no wonder he returned to Europe. In an interview with ESPN, he said, “In Europe, it’s no big deal to have a whole museum of all the people you read about.” Italians love photography, and his first big international prize (First at Search for Art, 2000) said they love Ed, too. He soon moved on to painting, holding an exhibit, The Essential Disturbance, at the Palais De Tokyo (Paris, 2002). His latest works comprise THE CEMETERY OF REASON. It’s a personal exhibit touching on his experiences traveling and meeting people as his art evolved. He’ll have plenty of text around to connect you to the figures, works and thoughts that the art arose from. No guessing on the meaning of his work, he flat-out tells you. There is no word yet on whether Ed will be skating about (as he and several other skaters did in a Cincinnati tour stop). Then again, in this weather a snowboard would be better. Has anyone invented the ice-skateboard yet? -Ernst Museum, X Budapest, Nagymező u. 8, Tel: +36 1 413 13 11, 22 January 2011 - 20 March 2011
Rodriquez filmjeit nem fog csalódni: vicces és véres, sok szexi felfegyverzett nővel. Nem simán véres, hanem brutális, így főleg férfinézőknek ajánlom, bár ismerek olyan terhes anyukát, aki jót szórakozott rajta. A főhőst alakító 66 éves (!!!) Danni Trejo nem véletlenül hiteles a jellem-váltó kemény csávó szerepében. Annak idején fegyveres rablásért, kábítószerrel való visszaélésért, és sok másért volt elítélve, és körülbelül tíz évig kisebb nagyobb szünetekkel börtönlakó volt. Később részvett egy rehabilitációs programon, és megváltozott az élete, jól kereső filmsztár lett (1990 óta minimum négy filmet forgat évente) és viszonylag békés családi életet él, három gyerekkel (két feleségtől). A film alatt egy percre sem jut eszünkbe, hogy túl öreg lenne a
Your Inner Fish: szerephez. Sőt azt is elhisszük neki, amikor a bombázó fiatalabb mellékszereplők ráhajtanak. Éppen ideje volt, hogy kapjon egy szerepet, ahol ő a „good guy”. A film másik érdekessége Antal Nimród, aki úgy tűnik jól összehaverkodott a rendező Rodriquezzel legutóbbi közös filmjük forgatásán (Ragadozó 3), így egy rövid mellékszerepre poénból beugrott a Machete-be is (és pár mondatot magyarul beszél!). — Gábor Wavrik
Invoking Twenty-Eleven The mistaken intellect Be mindful of the times for we are heading into no mans land of thought wisdom and conjecture. It is of paramount importance to be clear in ones thinking, observant in ones daily routines and compassionate in one’s heart and in all endeavors of one’s soul. We are on the verge of a great cataclysm of thought, and thinking will see a great fork in the road. We are on a plateau of grand opportunity and great scale. Be prepared to leap across the crevasse of logical thought processes and make way for a new visionary future. Wondrous times ahead Live without judgement Keep the river flowing Maintain an attitude of gratitude May you reap the benefits surrounding you. - SAW
A Journey into the 3.5Billion-Year History of the Human Body
This little book reports the discovery of one of the most spectacular transitional fossils of recent years, that of Tiktaalik. It’s a fish that crawled ashore 375 million years ago with limbs and a skull that are more similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates. The author is a paleontologist who also happens to teach anatomy in a medical school. He claims that it would be far easier for students to comprehend seemingly illogical anatomical structures, if they looked into their actual phylogenetic past. Have you ever wondered, for example, what the three minute bones in your middle ear are doing? How did they get there? They used to be parts of the jaw of a fish. The book is loaded with tons of plausible facts one wouldn’t find in anatomy textbooks. Highly recommended, especially to blockheaded medical students and practising physicians who don’t know the first thing about evolution through natural selection. An excellent read, it was shortlisted for the Royal Society Prize for Science Books as well.
Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow: Az idő még rövidebb története (A Briefer History of Time) 2005, Akkord Kiadó Ritkán lesz best-seller egy tudományos ismeretterjesztő könyv, kivált, ha kozmológiával foglalkozik. Hawking, a ma élő egyik legnagyobb kozmológus, fizikus, nem csak szűk szakterületéhez ért, hanem a könyvíráshoz is. Több mint 10 millió példányban kelt el leghíresebb könyve (2007-es adat) “Az idő rövid története”. Ebből szerintem jó, ha tízezret olvastak végig. A legtöbb példánynak csak az első tízhúsz lapja kapott friss levegőt, a többi oldal olvasatlanul porosodik sokmillió könyvespolcon. Pedig szerintem legfeljebb minden második ember vásárolta meg divatból. A többiek szerették volna megérteni mindazt, amit Hawking leírt. Keveseknek sikerült. Nekem se. Ezért is örültem meg Az idő még rövidebb történetének. Ennek a könyvnek kimondott célja, hogy érthetőbben fogalmazza meg a kozmológia alapjait. Sikerült. No, nem állítom, hogy mostantól nyitott könyv előttem a világegyetem, de több fogalmam van arról, hogy hol is tart ma a tudomány a világ keletkezésének és működésének megértésében. Persze a nem-műszaki hátterű olvasó sokszor esik abba a csapdába, hogy igazi megértés helyett a visszabiflázásig jut csak el, de mindezek ellenére is emészthető és gondolatébresztő munka – ellentétben előzményével, ami csak túlzott önértékelésünkre volt jótékony hatással. A laikusban a vége felé, amikor eldurvulnak az események, feltámad egy természetes szkeptikusság. Az az erős érzésünk támadhat, hogy amikor egy fizikai törvény valamit nem magyaráz meg, a törvény hiányosságát egyre bonyolultabb, egyre felfoghatatlanabb elméletekkel magyarázzák. Induljunk a Newtoni fizikától. Azt még mindannyian felfogtuk a középiskolában. Amit az nem magyarázott, arra az általános relativitás elmélete megadta a választ az egyetemen. Az ősrobbanás kezdeti állapotát és az atomi világ jelenségeit azonban Einstein sem tudta egyenletekbe foglalni. Az utóbbit teszi a kvantummechanika, ami már egyetemen is a szívóág. A kezdeti állapot megközelítésére megszületett a “húrelmélet”, ami minden elemi építőelemet sokdimenziós húrokként definiál. És itt hasonlatossá válik számomra a feltámadást magyarázó angyalsereghez. Azonban a menthetelenül bölcsész észjárású olvasó is megborzong a csillagászatban természetes határtalan távlatoktól:„Ha minden csillag csak akkora lenne, mint egy sószemcse, akkor a szabad szemmel látható csillagok elférnének egy kávéskanálban, a Világegyetem összes csillaga viszont egy több mint 12 kilométer átmérőjű gömbben férne csak el.” Teológusoknak is kiváltképp ajánlott olvasmány, ugyanis az ősrobbanást megelőző állapot kiváló helyet ad egy Istennek. Végtelen a sűrűség, a görbület és a hőmérséklet, és végtelen az idő és a tér hiánya. És ebből lett egy világ. Már csak ezért is érdemes elolvasni. — Berényi Anna THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE „A
To Buy or Not to Buy
any of these reports, published in the concern’s Ethical Consumer Magazine, are available online, with roughly six new ones added each month. ECRA’s website has recently been divided into two portals: www. (which contains the buyers’ guides) and (where Boycott News and other sustainable production and consumption-related information can be found). Of course, several other NGOs and watchdog organizations compile information on companies and their environmental records (such as Corporate Watch and Multinational Monitor), but Ethical Consumer is likely the only group to have systematically researched more than 10,000 companies and created product-issue matrices to rate such a wide range of product groups. Ethical Consumer Magazine “looks at the companies behind the brands.” For example, does a company manufacturing recycled paper also clear-cut virgin forests? Utilising newspapers, public records, health and safety related court proceedings, and reports from such NGOs as Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, and War on Want, Ethical Consumer examines 19 criteria before giving a company and/or product a rating of anywhere between 1 and 20, with 20 being the most environment friendly. Some of the criteria include: environmental reporting, nuclear power, workers’ rights, human rights, armaments, irresponsible marketing, animal testing, energy-efficiency rating, political activity, and whether or not products are organic or Fair Trade. So it’s really a good idea to consult these reports before buying anything, whether it’s an MP3-player, toothpaste, baked beans, mobile phone, vodka, fridge, toilet paper, baby carriage, bread, make-up, tent, or even internet banking services. Many of the reports are available for free, but the entire range is available for a small yearly subscription fee. Also, with Boycott News you can discover why companies like Shell (destruction of Nigeria’s environment), Tesco (use of chips embedded in products that collect personal data), Nouvelle (use of virgin forests to make toilet paper), Adidas (kangaroo skin used in some football boots), Caterpillar (bulldozers to the Israeli army), Nestle (irresponsible marketing of baby milk (formula) and Starbuck’s (Ethiopian farmers earn only about 2p/cup) are the targets of consumer boycotts.
Embracing Change: Another multi-format resource offering a wide range of interesting environmental information is resource is available as treehugger tv, treehugger radio, and a set of 32 “How to Green Your ...” guides.
Some examples of the latter include How to Green Your: Book (for both authors and publishers), Public Transport, Baby, Wedding, Meals, Heating, Summer, Car, Gardening, Clothing, Coffee and Tea, Work, Furniture-and, yes-even Sex. Did you know, for example, that 60-100 million condoms are improperly disposed of in the U.K. alone? This creates problems for rivers, plumbing and sewerage treatment plants. Some of treehugger’s tamer recommendations include: buying undergarments made from organic and Fair Trade sources, purchasing organic Fair Trade chocolate and organic massage oils, showering together to save water (though I suspect this might actually increase the length of time in the shower!), and using silky smooth bamboo sheets (which are manufactured using a rapidly renewable resource, naturally contain anti-microbial properties, and draw away moisture).
W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
A38 (SHIP) Under the Petöfi Bridge, Buda Side, Budapest, Tel: +36 1 464 3940, Take an old Ukrainian stone ship, permanently anchor it under a bridge, and fill it with rock. Or rap. Or anything that will bring people in and make them happy. Nothing can quite compare to boarding a ship and catching an awesome international act on the cheap. A38 knows this, and they play to that market well. The ship is loud down in the hold-cum-concert-cum-party space when it rages, but there is respite and some good dining to be had topside in the café or one of the bars. There are a ton of clubs who sport local (and highly talented) DJs in Budapest. A38, however, is hooked into a network of clubs that host international stars alongside local favorites. And we are not just talking DJs. The stone hauler is still often filled with top-notch rock. In February, they host Sisters of Mercy’s 30th
INSTANT VI. Budapest, Nagymező utca 38. Tel: +06 30 8 308 747, The interior design of Instant will leave your head swimming. Fish swim above you on the ceiling, and unending little bits of art beckon incongruously in unexpected places. It’s almost enough to distract you from all the hot bodies, writhing and sweating in the basement, jostling for drinks, and generally begging for attention. Almost, but not quite, that is. Unlike many open-air, Instant seems well cut out for winter partying. They cover up, place heaters and keep pouring. The crowd is a good mix of tourist and local, more local in the winter (as is the case most everywhere). Their website is unfinished for now, but is pretty fun to visit in and of itself. It’s as if the Monty Python folks opened a ruin bar… and slipped in some good art, found a passel of maestro-level DJs and tossed in some stair-climbing for the fun of it. If I ever saw this place empty, I would surely love the art. Somehow, I think that’s never going to happen, though…
MOULIN ROUGE VI. Budapest, Nagymező Street 17, Tel: +36 1 312 8000, Budapest has been called the Paris of Eastern Europe. Somebody obviously took the hint and launched Moulin Rouge to complement (read that as: nicely lift the name recognition of) the famed cabaret of France’s Paris (which, I guess, is only the Paris of Western Europe). However, there is more to Budapest’s Moulin Rouge than a crappy, commcerial movie and a bunch of scantily-clad pre-penicillin era, scandalously libertine risqué dancers. Yes, you can drink and eat (rather well, actually) at Budapest’s iteration of the classic club. There is even a cabaret. But this Moulin Rouge is built for patrons to go for dancing, flirting, drinking, partying and generally doing everything that might get you tossed out of the Parisian original. However, one thing still stands across both: there is a dress code. It’s a classy place to show your face. Here’s the best part of Budapest’s Moulin Rouge: they are open Wednesdays, when many other upper-end clubs are shuttered.
SZIKRA COOL•TOUR•HOUSE VI. Budapest, Teréz krt. 62 Tel: +36 1 911 0911, It’s new and hip, and enough of a maze to enjoy exploring the space on its own merits. Take a theater, update it from communism-era accommodation to club standards, outfit it for parties, concerts and music with professional production gear and technical expertise from the film world, and then turn it into a cooperative multimedia venue (and make it nonprofit). I don’t know how they did it, but so far it is working. The parties here are worth planning to catch ahead of time. When the club side of the business is dark, it is doing all kinds of other interesting things, like movies and award shows and even a talk show. That’s nice, isn’t it? But forget all that. We are here for the clubbing, and Szikra delivers it. Some of their DJ rosters are just insane. Check the website but use Google translate if you don’t do Hungarian. THINK BUDAPEST CITY MAGAZINE
AGENDA Party Time! 14 ÖTLET, HOGY ELMENJ HAZULRÓL The MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT is currently running an exhibit on the construction of the Chain Bridge. The machines of the early 19th century are on display. Locomotives, arm-mangling steam contrap- tions and other instruments of industrial progress and human suffering are in the exhibit, which has been rendered child- friendly by way of being paintings surrounded by excellent security measures. Check out Speaking of the early 18th century, FRANZ LISZT’S 200TH BIRTHDAY comes up in August, but Hungary is not waiting. Catch Jandó Jenő performing some of his music on the 13th at Magyar Rádió’s Márványterme (VIII. Budapest, Pollack Mihály tér 8, Tel: 06 1 328 7878). We love Liszt, he wrote and performed amazing music, cuckolded members of royalty and stole their wives, and spawned Lisztomania, the predecessor of
ing for Jazz, though, then there is always something interesting at iF Café (www., but this month we wanted to give a shout out to Jelen (VIII. Budapest, Markus Emilia u. at Stahly u., back side of Corvintető). They will be hosting the “GRENCSÓ REALTIME KOLLEKTÍVA” for free at 9pm on the 19th. These musicians have been making the rounds for a while now, so I am surprised this one is free. If Jazz alone is not to your liking, or this whole ageist trip is sticking in your craw, then we humbly proffer DÜRER KERT’S OPEN JAM SESSIONS. Each Wed., musicians from every era, known and unknown, young and old jam together from 7 until 9pm. It’s freeform and organic in that “living music” way we all love. Oh, wait… you say you don’t like living music, but Liszt was too “old school”? How about someone more recently deceased? For you (and those force-fed his music as children) ELVIS PRESLEY’S ORIG-
Think Recommends The Night of the Ad Eaters Jan. 29, Millenáris, II. Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16–20, +36 1 336 4000
Created in 1981 by Jean Marie Boursicot, the concept was simple: find the best in advertising from around the world, show it all at once, and surround it with humor, fanfare and more than a little partying. From this simple concept, a world tour has grown. Boursicot still produces the madcap show, and the latest and greatest is definitely on offer, every kind of ad for every kind of product, with every bit of drinking, smoking, nudity and debauchery the most libertine locales allow. One wonders if this show would pass the Media Council's muster... but I digress. Regardless the consequences, it all goes down January 29th andhere will be a marathon showing of the ads that usually lasts between six and 12 hours, so plan for an early start and a long, happy day. It is the one time you will watch to SEE the advertisements, not change the channel or leave the room while they play. — Beatlemania. We somehow doubt that any silk gloves or stockings will be shredded at this performance by screaming, rapturous young lasses… but one can hope. The work of FERNANDO BOTERO is featured in an exhibit at the Museum of Fine Art (www. this month. It may not be as kid-friendly to some, but don’t tell me how to raise my imaginary child. Franklin “Killer” Pruett, Jr. loves paintings of fat people, fat animals, and fat anything else he can mercilessly tease. The exhibit closes on the 23rd. On the 14th, A38 will kick off yet another round of Budapest festivals with, appropriately, their “START THE YEAR” (ÉV ELEJE) FESTIVAL. Roy és Ádám trió, Stereomilk, Napfénypresszó, Timur Lenk, Purga and Miki Kever will be playing, so if you are in the mood for some Hungaricum, this event will absolutely get you covered in it. If that is just not your cup of tea (or, roughly, .3l of Hungaricum), then maybe you should head to Gödör. THE “ESSENCE OF THE WORLD” festival runs from Jan. 19-22 and is replete with young, contemporary bands. For all three days, 1500 HUF will do the trick. That’s 500 a day, folks. You’ll spend more on beer the first night. If you’re lookW W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
INAL BAND is still touring and playing his
hits, albeit with a new singer. Apparently, necromancy just did not work out. They will be at the Budapest Sportarena on Jan. 25th, from 8 to 11pm. It should be a hip-swiveling time. Oh, and as far as hips, thighs, and other delights men should not stare at when their ladies are present go, you can catch an eyeful of these with a very low risk of a smack across the gob on the 19th and the 30th when Central Theater presents the musical “CABARET.” Both performances start at 7pm. This run will be in Hungarian, but you should still go if you’ve been to an English performance elsewhere. The talent in the lineup (Erika Marozsán and Sándor Csányi are the stars), the music and choreography is anticipated to be great (Yvette Boszik is among the best in the business). Finally, for those who like music more than genre and art more than form, we heartily recommend (and look forward to) TREEHUGGER DAN’S HOME SESSIONS. Billed as music “with acoustic guitars, violins, mandolins, cajons, percussion toys, kitchen appliances and whatever Dan has laying around.” It goes down Feb 10th from 7:30 to 9pm ( .
14 ötlet, hogy elmenj hazulról 14 WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR SOFA saládi programnak javasoljuk a „MOZGÁSBAN
című kiállítást a Közlekedési Múzeumban, amely a 19. század első felének esztétikus és furcsa masináit, gőzgépeit mutatja be. Egy felmérés szerint az egészen kicsi csemetéket nagyon kevés múzeum jellegű hely köti le, az egyik ilyen a közlekedési, ami sok szempontból gyerekbarát, például hozzányúlhatunk a kiállított tárgyakhoz. Ha egy vakarék az öntöttvasat meg tudja rongálni, akkor megérdemli! Egy másik kiállítás FRANCO BOTERO hatvan darab festményét mutatja be a Szépművészeti Múzeumban. Január 23-ig lesz nyitva, úgyhogy aki duci, vicces, de jól megfestett, egyedi képeket akar látni, most menjen. A gyűrődő hájtömegek a képeken néha még esztétikusak is, nem úgy, mint mikor a strandon mellénk fek-
gyerekprogramok noha Stúdió és Alkotóműhely 1137 Budapest, Pozsonyi út
Példaértékű szabadidős központ nyílt 2006 májusában a Pozsonyi úton. A „noha Stúdió és Alkotóműhely” alkalmi és rendszeres sportos, drámás, kreatív programokat kínál minden korosztálynak, 0-100 éves korig. Annak, aki nem ismeri, mindenképpen érdemes a weboldalukat megnézni, nagyon praktikus, és mindent megtudunk róla, amit akarunk. Például rögtön az elején szűrhetünk korcsoportra. Én a 0-3 éves korúaknak szóló programokat néztem meg, és rögtön találtam hat (!) rendszeres programot, amivel pici lányomnak örömet szerezhetek: mesélős órát, baba-mama kerámiát, zenei fejlesztőt és egyéb általános szórakoztató-fejlesztő programokat. Az alkotóműhelyt iparművészek hozták létre, a Jászai Mari tértől 5 percre van. Itt már azért parkolni is könnyebb. KÍSÉRŐZENEKARÁNAK tagjaiból áll, de
az öreget valaki helyettesíti, mert még mindig nem mutatkozik (pedig hát tudjuk, hogy él!). Természetesen a király dalait játsszák, nagy rock n’ roll bulit ígérnek.
nézhetjük a vásznat, más programok (például koncert, sportprogramok, kertészkedés) kíséretében. Nemcsak a klasszikus zene kedvelőinek ajánljuk Csalog Gábor
funky A tél beálltával a Fogasház programkínálata is kiteljesedett. 1073 Budapest, VII. kerület, Akácfa utca 51,
A hely téliesítése mellett megnyitott a Fogaskerék-pár bringabolt és –szervíz, és a Lomography magyarországi nagykövetségi boltja egy szakosodott kiállítóhellyel. A Demo Galéria bemutatta második kiállítását, újra indult a Vándoristenek a Krétakör színészeivel Kárpáti Péter Lakásszínházában, és folytatódtak a dzseszzkoncertek, a filmklubok, és természetesen a bulik. A Prizma folyóirat filmklubja Jim Jarmusch filmjeivel foglalkozik, a Demo Galéria bemutatja az idei építész szakos hallgatók munkáit, a Jazzfogócska koncertjein a Váczi Dániel triót és a Kovács Linda-Orbán György duót hallgathatjátok meg. Tovább koncertezik a Fogasházban a Brandon Mezzélo Group és a Bass Loco. Két új bulisorozat is indul a hónapban: a MustBeat dj csapatot már nem kell bemutatni, szerdánként, pedig, S10-es dj-ket és barátaikat hallgathatod. A hétvégéken meg bulizhattok még többek között Mango&Gattioval, Cyborg Templarral és Ali Bishoppal a Phunkrootsból, és a Funky Hustle dj-ivel.
szik egy nyolcvan kilós hetvenes néni hatvan négyzetcentiméteres kétrészesben. Több fesztivál is lesz januárban. Talán az első a január 14-én, az A38-as hajón megrendezett furfangos nevű ÉVELEJE FESZTIVÁL. Az immár trióvá terebélyesedett Roy és Ádám formáció előtt kis hazánk néhány zizzent vagy/és vidám pop-rock-alternatív bandája lép majd fel (Stereomilk, Napfénypresszó, Timur Lenk, Purga, Miki keveR) Belépő 1500 Ft. Többnapos fesztivál is lesz, mégpedig a Gödörben a VILÁGVELEJE FESZTIVÁL január 19-től 22-ig. A koncertek este hétkor kezdődnek, és a négy nap alatt körülbelül 25 együttest láthatunk (belépőjegyek 800-1500 Ft). Minden bizonnyal más korosztályt céloz meg január 25-én a TCB Band koncertje a Budapest Sportarénában, akikről azt kell tudni, hogy ELVIS PRESLEY
Január 29-én rendezik meg sokadszorra a REKLÁMZABÁLÓK ÉJSZAKÁJÁT a Millenáris Jövő Házában, ebben az évben a környezettudatosság jegyében („ÖKO-e vagy?”). A fő attrakció az esti-éjszakai „reklám maraton”, most dupla olyan hosszú lesz, mint szokott, tehát 12 órán keresztül (!!!)
zongoraestjét, amelyen LISZT FERENC műveket fog játszani a mester születésének kétszázadik évfordulójának alkalmából január 13-án a Magyar Rádió Márványtermében. Szerintem legtöbben úgy vagyunk vele, hogy tudjuk , ki volt, hogy nézett ki, meg hogy volt egy híres rapszódiája, de gondban lennénk, ha fel
kellene idézni magunkban egy dallamot. Mivel az egyik leghíresebb magyarról beszélünk (a kultúrális-művészeti szegmensben talán ő a leghíresebb), érdemes lenne egyszer rászánni egy kis időt annak is, aki nem komolyzene rajongó. Aki igényes, de nem populáris jazz-t akar hallgatni, miközben egy hangulatos és laza szórakozóhelyen élné társasági életét, menjen el január 19-én a Jelenbe (a Blahára). Este kilenctől a GRENCSÓ REALTIME KOLLEKTÍVA fog játszani (Realtime = Jelen, érted?), és a belépő ingyenes. Szexi combokat akarsz bámulni neccharisnyában, mindezt teljesen legálisan, feleséged társaságában? És jó lenne mellé valami ütős zene? Van megoldás! A Centrál Színház (Bazilikával szemben a Révay utcában) január 8-án, 9-én, 19-én és 30án mutatja be a CABARET musicalt. Bozsik Yvett a koreográfus, és erőteljes a stáb is: Csányi Sándort és Marozsán Erikát láthatjuk a főbb szerepekben. 2010 áprilisa óta minden szerdán MŰHELY ESTÉK zajlanak a Dürer Kertben (a Városliget szélén). Nem csak egyszerűen zenekarok lépnek itt fel, hanem azon is dolgozik a Kert, hogy zenészeket hozzon össze közös alkotómunkára. A program nem akar egyedi produkciókat reflektorfénybe helyezni, hanem klubesteknek, találkozásoknak ad teret.
groovy Mire vágyhat az ember egy hideg téli szombat estén? Kalicka Bistro, Budapest VII.kerület, Rottenbiller utca 32.
Mire vágyhat az ember egy hideg téli szombat estén? Például otthon maradni egy meleg takaróval. Aki viszont ennél több impulzusra szomjazik, azoknak tudunk ajánlani egy mind zenei, mind vizuális élményekben gazdag programot. 2011. január 15-én, este 9 órától a Kalicka Bistro vendége a Mitrio Jazz. A banda repertoárjában a jazz standerek-től a régi magyar slágereken keresztül a filmzenékig sokféle igényes muzsika megtalálható. A koncert nagyon kellemes, kötetlen hangulatú megmozdulásnak ígérkezik, hiszen a trió tagjai elhívnak vendégművészeket is jamelni, azaz a zenei vibrálás biztosított a kinti fagyos idő ellenére is. Mindezt megfűszerezi a Kalicka magával ragadó dekorációja, ami igazán egyedi atmoszférát teremt, olyat, ami által az odalátogató egy másik, kissé szürreális, mesés világba lép át. A falakon mindenki más és más történeteket fedezhet fel, a galériában pedig megtekinthető az éppen aktuális képzőművészeti kiállítás. Egy pohár finom borral kiegészítve minden érzékszervünknek egyforma örömöt érez majd, és ez segít abban, hogy pár órára kikapcsoljuk az agyunkat. Tehát, aki szeretne kicsit megfeledkezni a szürke, hideg hétköznapokról, az látogasson el január 15-én a Kalicka Bistroba!
W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
Stop messing up your life WITH THESE TEN SIMPLE STEPS
Stop taking so much notice of how you feel. How you feel is how you feel. It’ll pass
soon. What you’re thinking is what you’re thinking. It’ll go too. Tell yourself that whatever you feel, you feel; whatever you think, you think. Since you can’t stop yourself thinking, or prevent emotions from arising in your mind, it makes no sense to be proud or ashamed of either. You didn’t cause them. Only your actions are directly under your control. They’re the only proper cause of pleasure or shame.
Let go of worrying. It often makes things worse. The more you think about something bad, the more likely it is to happen. When you’re hair-trigger primed to notice the first sign of trouble, you’ll surely find something close enough to convince yourself it’s come.
Ease up on the internal life commentary.
If you want to be happy, stop telling yourself you’re miserable. People are always telling themselves how they feel, what they’re thinking, what others feel about them, what this or that event really means. Most of it’s imagination. The rest is equal parts lies and misunderstandings. You have only the most limited understanding of what others feel about you. Usually they’re no better informed on the subject; and they care about it far less than you do. You have no way of knowing what this or that event really means. Whatever you tell yourself will be make-believe. Take no notice of your inner critic. Judging
yourself is pointless. Judging others is halfwitted. Whatever you achieve, someone else will always do better. However bad you are, others are worse. Since you can tell neither what’s best nor what’s worst, how can you place yourself correctly between them? Judging others is foolish since you cannot know all the facts, cannot create a reliable or objective scale, have no means of knowing whether your criteria match anyone else’s, and cannot have more than a limited and extremely partial view of the other person. Who cares about your opinion anyway?
Give up on feeling guilty. Guilt changes nothing. It may make you feel you’re accepting responsibility, but it can’t produce anything new in your life. If you feel guilty about something you’ve done, either do something to
W W W. T H I N K - M A G A Z I N E . C O M
put it right or accept you screwed up and try not to do so again. Then let it go. If you’re feeling guilty about what someone else did, see a psychiatrist. That’s insane. Stop being concerned what the rest of the world says about you. Nasty
people can’t make you mad. Nice people can’t make you happy. Events or people are simply events or people. They can’t make you anything. You have to do that for yourself. Whatever emotions arise in you as a result of external events, they’re powerless until you pick them up and decide to act on them. Besides, most people are far too busy thinking about themselves (and worry what you are are thinking and saying about them) to be concerned about you.
“Whatever you achieve, someone else will always do better. However bad you are, others are worse. Since you can tell neither what’s best nor what’s worst, how can you place yourself correctly between them?” Stop keeping score. Numbers are just numbers. They don’t have mystical powers. Because something is expressed as a number, a ratio or any other numerical pattern doesn’t mean it’s true. Plenty of lovingly calculated business indicators are irrelevant, gibberish, nonsensical, or just plain wrong. If you don’t understand it, or it’s telling you something bizarre, ignore it. There’s nothing scientific about relying on false data. Nor anything useful about charting your life by numbers that were silly in the first place.
Don’t be concerned that your life and career aren’t working out the way you planned. The closer you stick to any plan,
the quicker you’ll go wrong. The world changes constantly. However carefully you analyzed the situation when you made the plan, if it’s more than a few days old, things will already be different. After a month, they’ll be very different. After a year, virtually nothing will be the same as it was when you
started. Planning is only useful as a discipline to force people to think carefully about what they know and what they don’t. Once you start, throw the plan away and keep your eyes on reality. Don’t let others use you to avoid being responsible for their own decisions. To
hold yourself responsible for someone else’s success and happiness demeans them and proves you’ve lost the plot. It’s their life. They have to live it. You can’t do it for them; nor can you stop them from messing it up if they’re determined to do so. The job of a supervisor is to help and supervise. Only control-freaks and some others with a less serious mental disability fail to understand this. Don’t worry about about your personality. You don’t really have one.
Personality, like ego, is a concept invented by your mind. It doesn’t exist in the real world. Personality is a word for the general impression that you give through your words and actions. If your personality isn’t likeable today, don’t worry. You can always change it, so long as you allow yourself to do so. What fixes someone’s personality in one place is a determined effort on their part—usually through continually telling themselves they’re this or that kind of person and acting on what they say. If you don’t like the way you are, make yourself different. You’re the only person who’s standing in your way.
Adrian Savage is a writer, an Englishman, and a retired business executive, in that order. You can read his other articles at Slow Leadership (, the site for everyone who wants to build a civilized place to work and bring back the taste, zest and satisfaction to leadership and life, The Creativity Class ( a place to discover the best ideas on having the best ideas, and Working Potential (www.potentialforwork.com0, where you’ll learn about great ideas for self-development. His latest book is called Slow Leadership: Civilizing The Organization and is available from