Electric Mobility Centre Netherlands East Initiative October 2014 E-mobility Workgroup Martijn Hendriks, Tonnie Tekelenburg
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Big interest in Lochem in electric mobility Test Drive Days Lochem Energie 20 and 27 September
• • • •
Civilians Businesses Government Social organisations
Car sharing Car leasing Owned cars Acht erhoek elekt risch
E-Car sharing project Lochem Energie •
IPIN Pilot
A big success
Full utilisation of current pool of 4 elektric smarts
High attention rate
Soon an extension of the pool (+4)
Soon a second home-base at Stadskantoor Hanzeweg
Soon an extension of the number of public charging stations in Lochem (from current 3 to 8) Acht erhoek elekt risch
Peer and reference e-car sharing projects • Daimler: Car2Go: 30 cities worldwide • 8 cities with electric drive (Amsterdam, Austin TX, Berlin, Portland OR, San Diego CA, Stuttgart, Ulm, Vancouver)
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Peer and reference e-car sharing projects • Terschelling: 4.800 inhabitants, 88 km2, 2.000 cars, 30 hr/yr utilisation • Schlyge e-car sharing project: 100 Nissan Leaf • Optimised utilisation • 17% willing to abandon their own car (340 cars) • 10% (110.000) of total km’s driven: 15% reductions in fuel and CO2
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Peer and reference e-car sharing projects • Community of Sittard-Geleen • Pilot E-car sharing between community, civilians, businesses • 10 Nissan Leaf, extension up to 50
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Local electricity network stress test 9 November 2014 • • • •
19:00 19:15 19:40 20:00
zero measurement 3 Renault Zoe EV’s start charging – 3 phase 22kW 8 additional EV’s start charging – 1 phase 3,7kW pizza’s in the ovens!
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Local electricity network stress test 9 November 2014
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Local electricity network stress test 9 November 2014
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Local electricity network stress test 9 November 2014
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Why drive electric? • Secure future energy supply in The Netherlands
• Enable the Big Energy Transition • Contribute to international climate improvement objectives and reduce CO2 emissions • Improve city environmental conditions related to air quality (NOx and fine dust) and traffic noise • Improve innovation and drive new business growth in The Netherlands: fast growing e-mobility sector • Local energy communities can support the transition to energy neutral operations
Source: Elektrisch Rijden in de versnelling, Plan van Aanpak 2011-2015
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Electric vehicles on the road Objective 2015 15.000 to 20.000 2020 200.000 2025 1.000.000 Source: Elektrisch Rijden in de versnelling, Plan van Aanpak 2011-2015
Facts 2011-12 2012-12 2013-12 2014-08
1.579 7.311 30.086 40.691
Source: Agentschap.nl – Cijfers elektrisch vervoer Acht erhoek elekt risch
Period 2010-2014 • During 2010-2014, the growth in e-mobility has been promoted primarily in the large cities, based on large government programs and subsidies. • Participants: city governments, companies.
• So far the rural areas didn’t get much attention in terms of e-mobility promotion. However: in our region there are many benefits of a transition to e-mobility as well. The moment to start is NOW. Acht erhoek elekt risch
Distinctions between our region and the large cities in The Netherlands Randstad
Driver: Improve air quality
Driver: Sustainability chains
Dependency on public charging infrastructure
Own parkings: charge at home. Less dependent on public charging.
Kilometres in the city: start stop, 30-50 km/hr, low efficiency
Kilometres between villages: 50-80 km/hr, higher efficiency
Dependency on the electricity network
Own roofs: produce energy locally
Naoberschap and communities. Cooperative models for transport and energy distribution are easy to achieve.
No car, cars sharing (Car2Go) or 1 owned car
1 or 2 owned cars, car sharing
Walking/biking distances, good public transport
Larger distances, less sufficient public transport
Unique fine grained fast charge network in The Netherlands for long distances E-scooters, e-bikes, e-boards, e-uniwheel
Agricultural vehicles
City tourism
Care farms, rural tourism Acht erhoek elekt risch
Fastned: 200 fast charge stations along the motorways
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Fast charging in the Benelux
• The most dense fast charge network in the world • 20 minutes • Freedom • Allows for long distance traveling with full electric cars
Source: ac-lader.nl Acht erhoek elekt risch
Charging along the border areas • The charging capacity has to be improved in the areas along the NL-Ge border
Acht erhoek elekt risch
New Car Tax Regulations 2016 Expectations: • 7% en 14% bijtellingstarieven verdwijnen, wordt 18% en 25% – Brandstofauto’s worden aanzienlijk duurder in bijtelling – Hybrides en plug-in hybrides worden (relatief) minder aantrekkelijk
• Het extra lage 4% bijtellingstarief voor auto’s met zeer lage en nuluitstoot (zero emissions) blijft behouden – Volledig elektrische auto’s worden (relatief) aantrekkelijker
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Quickly growing number of options Renault Zoe
Nissan Leaf
Ford Focus EV
Tesla Model X
BMW i3
smart fortwo ED
VW e-Golf
VW e-Up!
Kia Soul EV
Tesla Model S
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
Nissan e-NV200
Renault Kangoo ZE
VW Golf GTE Volvo V60 D6
Mercedes B ED
Audi A3 e-Tron
BMW i8
Toyota Prius PIH
Opel Ampera
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Electric Mobility Centre East Netherlands EVC Charge Station Normal and fast charging • Flex work location • Eye catcher
Knowledge centre
Test drive center
Advice, Education, Training
All brands and models
The EVC is for: • • • • •
Private persons Businesses Governments Communities Social organisations
Inspiration and promotion Try it yourself days, demo’s, events
Partnerships E-car Sharing Car sharing with own pool Private ‘buy and share’ Sharing between government, companies and civilians
Climate goals Communities Provinces EU
Unique characterist ics of the region
Charging solutions At home, at the office, semi-public and public. Incl. Fast charging
Research and innovation: Test fields, research &development
Long term innovation themes:
Offer lease and pool management: • Owned fleets Third party fleets
Complete, integrated solutions EV, charging, self producing energy, SmartGrid, Vehicleto-Home, Domotica
Market Policies Offerings Technology Finance and tax
• Sustainability chains • Energy transition • Energy communities
Acht erhoek elekt risch
The initiative • A single place for all questions and answers
• Objective: promote the growth of electric mobility in the regions Stedendriehoek and Achterhoek-Salland-Twente
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Employment and education • Small daily team: operations manager, e-advisors, maintenance team • Education program with internships from colleges (ROC’s) and vocational universities (e.g. Saxion, HAN Automotive).
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Innovative sustainability concepts • CO2 compensation concepts for local mobility businesses, e.g. fuel stations, transportation, logistics • Reference project: Haren, Noord Brabant • Local businesses sponsor each 14th PV panel sold via Lochem Energie and/or EVC • Resulting in a 7% (€350) discount per PV panel for the buyers
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Electric Mobility Centre East Netherlands EVC Charge Station Normal and fast charging • Flex work location • Eye catcher
Knowledge centre
Test drive center
Advice, Education, Training
All brands and models
The EVC is for: • • • • •
Private persons Businesses Governments Communities Social organisations
Inspiration and promotion Try it yourself days, demo’s, events
Partnerships E-car Sharing Car sharing with own pool Private ‘buy and share’ Sharing between government, companies and civilians
Climate goals Communities Provinces EU
Unique characterist ics of the region
Charging solutions At home, at the office, semi-public and public. Incl. Fast charging
Research and innovation: Test fields, research &development
Long term innovation themes:
Offer lease and pool management: • Owned fleets Third party fleets
Complete, integrated solutions EV, charging, self producing energy, SmartGrid, Vehicleto-Home, Domotica
Market Policies Offerings Technology Finance and tax
• Sustainability chains • Energy transition • Energy communities
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Acht erhoek elekt risch
De meest gestelde vragen • Hoe ver kan je er mee rijden? • Waar kun je opladen? Gewoon thuis? • Hoe lang duurt het opladen?
• Hoeveel kost de elektrische auto? • Hoeveel kost het opladen? • Zijn er wel genoeg laadpalen in de Achterhoek/Twente? • De kosten voor leasen EV reduceren door delen tussen burgers (huishoudens), overheden en bedrijfsleven Acht erhoek elekt risch
De uitdagingen • Kiek’n wat ‘t wurdt • Minder grote, internationale bedrijven die de adoptie kunnen trekken • Minder visibility op straat – minder laadpalen, grotere spreiding, grotere regio, auto’s op eigen terrein • Lokale autodealers hebben geen EV in het assortiment of hebben de kennis niet
Acht erhoek elekt risch
De ambities (en uitdagingen) • Uitbreiding deelautoaanbod van stad Lochem naar de gemeente Lochem, van Lochem naar de Achterhoek en Twente • Van delen tussen huishoudens naar delen tussen burgers, overheden en bedrijven • Maatwerk in de infrastructuur van opladen • Lokale opwek duurzame stroom voor de laadinfrastructuur • Efficiënte nieuwe aanpak van voorlichting en beleving (niet het traditionele reclame-verkoopmodel) • Combinatie van showroom, beleving, ‘clubhuis’ van eambassadeurs, educatie, voorlichting en promotie Acht erhoek elekt risch
Aanpak •
Samenbrengen van reeds bestaande activiteiten
Keuze juridische vorm en relatie met Lochem Energie
Showroom met verschillende merken
Actief op beurzen, markten en voorlichting op locatie
Uitbreiden van de activiteiten om alle behoeften af te dekken
Samenwerken en partnerships
Leren van het voorbeeld in Rotterdam: HNR Elektrisch Vervoer Centrum Acht erhoek elekt risch
Beoogde partnerships •
Onder meer: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Rai Vereniging: Platform voor Elektrische Mobiliteit Lochem Energie Gemeente Lochem Allego: Laadinfrastructuur Alliander: Elektriciteitsnetwerk, proeftuinen SlimNet, IPIN EFRO, Interreg Universiteit Nijmegen Universiteit Twente Cleantech Center Noorderhaven Zutphen: Duurzaam Innovatiecentrum Oost Nederland Provincie Gelderland Provincie Overijssel Saxion Hogeschool HAN Automotive Hogeschool BMW Dusseldorp Renault Munsterhuis, Segerink & Wolbers Nissan Mitsubishi Herwers Acht erhoek elekt risch
Kostenplaatje • Showroom (huur en vaste lasten: van der Kooi: Kwinkweerd 10d, 7241 CW Lochem, 0573 255 933) • Kosten makelaar deelauto (verbinder, innovator, voorlichting) • Kosten wagenparkbeheer • Kosten beheer showroom, administratie, directie • Kosten promotie, voorlichting • Kosten aanschaf software • Kosten zon-PV installatie en laadplein • Kosten autowasstraat en garage kleine handelingen
Acht erhoek elekt risch
Inkomsten • • • • • • •
Een plus op doorleasen of verhuren Elektrische auto’s Subsidie provincie GLD Projecten Interreg en EFRO Verkoop artikelen Voorlichtingsbijeenkomsten Investeerders Sponsoring bedrijfsleven
Acht erhoek elekt risch