Threatened and Intimidated
Threatened and Intimidated Eszter Garai-Édler
Budapest, September 8, 2012
Threatened and Intimidated
Threatened and Intimidated Copyright © Eszter Garai-Édler, Budapest 2012
[email protected] All Rights Reserved
Threatened and Intimidated
Contents Preface........................................................................................................................ 5 Jobbik, Horthy and Csatáry.................................................................................... 7 Background . ............................................................................................................ 7 Intimidation, Scare Tactics and the Use of Force............................................... 10 What do the government and other official organizations in Hungary do to curb neo-Nazi activities?.................................................................. 11 Free People Rise to the Occasion, and the Madness of Crowds...................... 12 The European Union............................................................................................. 14 Csatáry as a hero and the growing Horthy-cult................................................ 15 NO! to fear – a personal note................................................................................ 16 On Freedom. – Quotations.................................................................................... 19 In a democratic country........................................................................................ 20 APPENDIX . ........................................................................................................... 21 Constant antisemitic filth and threats against my life........................... 23 Jobbik, Horthy and Csatáry....................................................................... 29 Web References............................................................................................ 42
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Preface Anti-Semitism, hatred of the Roma, and violent acts committed against minorities have clearly been increasing in the last few years in Hungary. People who oppose fascism first thought these were isolated incidents, but it has become obvious that one party in the Parliament (Jobbik) and the governing party (Fidesz) have been moving toward extremely right-wing ideas. Unfortunately, the present situation is well described by the fact that in the Hungarian Parliament an MP verbally abused Jews, shouting anti-Semitic slogans – all on live television. The number of atrocities is on the increase. In recent years some of the attacks on Roma people claimed lives. Although outlawed, in the last two years the extreme right-wing Magyar Guard has been growing, and perpetrated an increasing number of acts. One must recognize clearly that the Hungarian government and the Hungarian Parliament violate the provisions of the Paris Peace Treaty concerning Hungary. Probably that is why a young man was roughed up in the street simply because he was visibly Jewish, and Chief Rabbi József Schweitzer was verbally assaulted and threatened in public. In another case, Dr Péter Dániel, a well-known lawyer, and opponent of the policies of the government, had to be rescued by the police from a mob ready to lynch him. Most recently, Vilmos Hanti, chairman of MEASZ and 5
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FIR suffered serious injuries in an assault. And the threats against those who protest against Csatáry, currently one of the most wanted war criminals, perfectly fit this pattern. The following article tells the story of that incident. This report explores how the series of harassments and threats against my life which have recently embittered my life began, as well as how I am trying to resist and get beyond this frightening and paralyzing situation. Above all, however, I am trying to comprehend and make sure that others become aware of the processes in Hungary which resulted in this situa-tion, in order to assure that the political situation in Hungary is improved and doesnot get even worse, which in my opinion is the natural dynamics if there is no effective attempt to curb current anti-democratic and neo-Nazi activities Eszter Garai-Édler Budapest, September 8, 2012
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Jobbik, Horthy and Csatáry “The present is not interested in the past simply for its own sake, but because there is a need for it and a desire to put it to use.” (Gábor Gyáni, university lecturer, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
“Jobbik” is an extreme right-wing political party in Hungary. It is anti-Semitic, racist, and makes its platform clear to the Hungarian public. We have now got to the point where they have posted a reward for all those, including me, who protested against László Csatáry, a convicted war criminal. Immediately after the protest,, the far right website closely affiliated with the Jobbik party, launched a campaign of fear and intimidation. The site pub-lished personal information, including photographs, of all those who they were able to iden-tify as having participated in the protest. Many, including myself, have beencontinuously har-assed, and my life has been threatened more than once since then. Despite my appeals to the police , I have received no protection.
Background Many, including myself, think that the current government partially tolerates the extremist Jobbik party’s politics of hate. In the two and a half years since their election the government has not made sufficient efforts to curb verbal or physical abuse by the openly racist
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and ex-tremist Jobbik party. As a result, the political atmosphere in Hungary is sometimes signifi-cantly intensifying, overt, blatant, and extremely nationalistic and racist. In such a milieu, in a country with long history of extremism, it is not surprising that Jews and the Roma are rou-tinely scapegoated and targeted. They are the ones made out to be responsible for all the so-cial ills that the country faces, including high unemployment, the decline in living standards, growing poverty and crime. Jobbik’s politics have been legitimized and made to appear more acceptable through the ever-growing cult around the late Regent Miklós Horthy, Hungary’s authoritarian interwar leader and Hitler’s ally. Along with Horthy’s image some of the vilest symbols of the former fascist regime have been resurrected, rehabilitated and are in the process of being turned into icons. The government has made it clear that in several ways the politics of Hungary between the two world wars is seen as exemplary and worth following. Miklós Horthy was Hungary’s ruler from 1920 and during the era when Hungary’s Jewish community was deported and exterminated. Hungary may have been to first to restrict the rights of Jews by the numerus clausus law of 1920. In 1941, even before the German presence in Hungary, the Hungarian authorities deported to KamenetzPodolsk close to 19,000 Jews, where they were murdered; and the state played a key role in cruel treatment and significant loss of life of Jewish forced laborers. Later, in 1944, during the German occupation of Hun-gary, the state participated in deportation of 437,000 8
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Hungarian Jews, and actively assisted in the theft of their property and their transportation to the death camps. The far right presents Horthy as a hero. In one town, the local council named a park in his honor, while in another community a life-size statue was erected in Horthy’s memory. In yet another location, a marble plaque on the wall of a school again bears the fascist regent’s name, which had been removed from the same location in 1947. Yet the government does not vigorously oppose the rehabilitation of Horthy. By doing this, it encourages Jobbik and until now dormant fascist sentiments.1 Two Fidesz MPs participated in a fund-raising event for the erection of a statue of Horthy in Budapest. In an interview with Austria’s Die Presse, reflecting on the large number of events organized in Horthy’s memory Prime Minister Orbán declared: “The decision to hold such events is one that must be made by the local community.” He conveniently fails to mention that Fidesz politicians control nearly all municipalities in Hungary, most of which have local councils comprising almost exclusively Fidesz representatives.
“Whoever erects a statue for Horthy insults not only the memory of Jewish victims” (László Karsai, historian, university lecturer, holocaust researcher.)
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Intimidation, Scare Tactics and the Use of Force2 After the 2010 election Fidesz used its two thirds parliamentary super-majority to curtail the powers of the Constitutional Court and passed a new constitution which helps to cement the party’s grip on power and puts nearly all media under state supervision. Many, including the European Union, objected. Neo-Nazis in Hungary use an array of scare tactics to break and silence opponents.3 These include threats of physical violence, including murder, and publishing the most personal and private forms of information about those who dare to engage in social and political protest against the actions and rise of the extreme right. They target those who dare to protest and upload personal information of the latter to one of the most viciously fascistic news sites. Hundreds of thousands of people read these websites, and they can easily make the lives of democratic activists a living hell.
It is interesting and worth studying why the powerful negative emotion of hatred is an effective tool for inciting mobs (incitement to hate is not an emotion and in any case it is implied by hate). 3 I would like to note that in eyes of the neo-Nazis and supporters anyone can be a “Jew”, including those who are in deep slumber and are careful not to be seen or heard. It is very easy for anyone in Hungary to be labelled a “stinking Jew”, “anti-Hungarian”, and “ultra-Zionist”, who at minimum needs to be ousted to Israel or his spirit is totally broken to such an extent that he will never again dare to express his views! 2
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No one should have to read hateful and abusive emails such as this: “Rotten Jewish whore! Get lost from my country, along with your treasonous, filthy Jewish race. How dare you harass elderly people, you dirty Jewish whore.” Selected filthy and life threatening comments and outright threats are included in this document section: Constant antisemitic filth and threats against my life
What do the government and other official organizations in Hungary do to curb neo-Nazi activities? Online harassment is much more dangerous than verbal scare tactics. Threats expressed over the internet have a far more detrimental impact on the victim than the occasional verbal insult and abuse. It is also clear that Hungarian authorities have a range of digital and other tools at their disposal, which they could and should employ in an effort to stop internet-based harass-ment and intimidation. I have been harassed and my life has been threatened many times since July 2012. Neverthe-less, the Hungarian police failed to ensure that the personal data of protesters are removed from a website accessed and administered by groups that have no qualms about openly calling for the murder of those who dare to protest against their actions.
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The pervasive nature of internet-based communication and the speed at which information spreads means that the victims of abuse have nowhere to hide, many develop eating disorders and insomnia as a result of constant fear. They feel constantly threatened and nervous, as fears and nightmares fill their days and nights. Much of Jobbik’s open hate-mongering is permitted without sufficient action to curb it by the government. Everyone in Hungary, including the government, knows that the neo-Nazi party has no reservations about engaging in open intimidation, verbal abuse and harassment. I see absolutely no will or desire on the part of the government to bring an end to these threats or to employ the full force of the law. The government’s extremist allies help draft laws aimed at instilling fear in those who live in abject poverty, who are unemployed, as well as in employees, small businesspeople and, in-deed, in everyone and everything that moves.
Free People Rise to the Occasion, and the Madness of Crowds “The medium is the message” (Mashall McLuhan). Free people by nature oppose and try to stop scare tactics designed to control them. On the other hand, the post-World-War-I history of
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Hungary and Europe shows that small but deter-mined groups can quickly and radically change the political atmosphere and reality. In the past hundred years Hungary experienced this with radical swings between totalitarian, brutal Communism and genocidal Fascism. Well-known psychological research projects have shown that surprisingly many people can be rapidly manipulated and controlled to support and willingly perform inhuman actions they would not normally engage in4. Whereas under certain circumstances many if not most people can be influenced to do things normally against their conscience, each individual is fully responsible for his actions regardless of the madness of crowds. Just as a large number of people can be influenced to engage in negative and even cruel activities, one day the same social force could help Hungary separate from its past political patterns in order to bring a positive social and political atmosphere. There is hope for a better tomorrow. We must aim to ensure that the current atmosphere of fear and intimidation is curtailed before there is further escalation of hatred and its implied effects.
For example the early 1960-s “Milgram Experiment” at Yale University and the 1971 “Stanford prison experiment” at Stanford University – both in the USA.
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The European Union The European Union is now faced with a Hungarian government, which came to power through democratic means, but which went on to use its power in an anti-democratic manner. What is currently happening in Hungary is not an internal matter for Hungary, but it is the litmus test of whether the European Union is able to defend basic democratic values. Their efforts to date have been minimal and hardly a success. Anti-Semitism and racism are getting stronger all over Europe, but most worrisome is the Hungarian government trying to make this acceptable to the public. I don’t know any other country in the EU where the government would not officially condemn the rise of anti-Semitism (with smaller or greater success.) All other European governments take a clear and very determined stand against antiSemitism! Here in Hungary it is different. For example, there are some taxi drivers who refuse to take Jewish passengers. Reference: National Taxi “Taxis decorated with Greater Hungary can be seen in Budapest. Would you rather travel with them or with Communists, Jews and Gypsies?” Further details: It is shocking that the EU doesn’t take more determined steps against anti-Semitic statements and anti-Roma politics. 14
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Csatáry as a hero and the growing Horthy-cult In democratic societies, war criminals are held responsible for their deeds. Yet in Hungary it is those who call for justice when war crimes have been committed that face persecution. In democratic societies it is also unnecessary to turn to protests and international pressure in or-der to convince authorities to simply do what is their duty. For nearly a year Hungarian au-thorities have refused to take into custody László Csatáry, an infamous, sadistic convicted Nazi murderer5. I wonder why?, whose editors sit in the Hungarian parliament, offers monetary rewards to those who provide them with the personal information of those involved in the July protest. I have felt on my own skin what fate awaits those whose personal information is published by this neo-Nazi website. According to the site’s call to arms: “Those who send in the most relevant personal information on the largest number of people involved in the flash mob will receive 100,000 forints, of which 75,000 was offered by our comrade Béla Varga, in the United States. Happy hunting!”6
He was convicted in absentia for war crimes in Czechoslovakia in 1948 and sentenced to death. 6 5
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I am listed on a website where the regular readers celebrated the deadly terrorist bombing in Bulgaria, which targeted ordinary, innocent Israeli civilians. The web site followers are those who yelled “dirty Jews” during a friendly soccer match between Hungary and Israel. They are the ones who cheer Mussolini, wave Iranian flags and turn their back towards the soccer field when the national anthem of Israel is played. According to Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre’s Israeli office, “The events that occurred in the Puskás Ferenc Arena are reflective of problems that impact the entire nation.” Hungary is unwilling to confront its past – thus, unfortunately, toxic and dysfunctional patterns of the past continue.
NO! to fear – a personal note I must not be afraid! We must not be afraid! Fear destroys the human spirit. Journalists who interview me write that I live in terrible fear: “I am afraid to leave the apartment. I go to work only if accompanied, otherwise I don’t go because I can’t take the risk, etc.” 16
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This is not exactly so! I come and go freely and live my life as before, but periodically look around to see the people around me! It is true that for now I am careful not to attend anti-fascist demonstrations, since there I would be easy pray to the neo-Nazis. At such events violent individuals wait to attack those who wish for a society where there is peace, democracy, tolerance, justice and kindness. Unfortunately these days I can’t represent the above humane spirit, since the chances are small that I would remain alive. Here is the last violent incident when the leader of a peaceful antifascist demonstration was beaten up by a violent group: “When words become action: the case of Vilmos Hanti” Those who live in fear don’t live! Journalists write that I live in constant fear. In reality I am not afraid and refuse to fear! At first I was taken aback by all that was happening. Family and friends advised me not to walk in the streets and took me to work by car. I realized that I can’t live like that. 17
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The constant harassment by telephone and the ringing of the phone when no one is on the other side still troubles me, just as the extreme right’s aggressive messages on Facebook. I deactivated my Facebook page when the harassment started and have not reactivated it. Look-ing at the constant flood of filthy, threatening messages is as bad as is fear. Many friends advised me to change my mobile number and that I should open a new Facebook page under a new name. Doing this would be totally against my basic values. Should I ask for an unlisted phone number as if I were a secret agent or a criminal? Where do we live? I have always been an open and healthy person without frustrations. I am not going to change my life style and values because of a group of neo-Nazis whose goal and joy in life is to hate. Let them call me: I will not pick up the phone. They will tire of it after a while. I can live without Facebook until things become more positive, or until the government mi-raculously starts finally exercising its responsibility and using the full force of the law to stop the neo-Nazis. I will not change telephone numbers, will not change my place of work, will not appear on Facebook under a false name, and will not remain silent! This is exactly what they want! We must not live in fear and be silenced, because then hatred would triumph. I will not fade away and exist as my shadow under a false identity. 18
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On Freedom. – Quotations I have never differentiated between people because of race, language or religion and shall never do so. As man of the 19th century and as a Hungarian I am ashamed of antiSemitic agitation, and as a patriot I condemn it. (Kossuth, Lajos)
A nation that is trampled on can be re-born, but a nation which commits suicide cannot rise again. (Kossuth, Lajos) In general one values one’s freedom when one is no longer free, or when one needs to gain one’s freedom with great sacrifice. (Széchenyi, István) Freedom is if we can say that two and two is four. If we can do this then the rest follows on its own. (George Orwell) True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. (George Washington) All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. (Winston Churchill) Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. (John F. Kennedy) Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. (Ronald Reagan) Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves. (Abraham Lincoln) Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better. (Albert Camus) The true character of liberty is independence, maintained by force. (Voltaire)
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In a democratic country In a democratic country official government politics do not tolerate neo-Nazi, Fascist ideology! In a democratic country it is absurd that para-military organizations occupy certain areas and institute an atmosphere of fear among the Roma population. In a democratic country Horthy doesn’t deserve a statue. In a democratic country society rejects neo-Nazis and Fascist hoodlums. In a democratic country there are equal rights and opportunites for all citizens and for all gender, ethnic, religious, cultural and other groups. Orbán: “Half-asian people like us can only work together if there force is applied.” I think that this expression is full of implicit meaning and is expressive about Hungary’s concept of democracy and the country’s currently perceived political heritage and culture. After this we should not be surprised if extreme views spread like wildfire, and there are many who are so determined to identify with a Nazi war criminal and one time ghetto commander. 20
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Constant antisemitic filth and threats against my life Selected personal threats by extremist anti-semites The original texts are mostly in Hungarian. In long paragraphs the key phrases i bold letters are translated into English. English translation is in italics. 1. Attila Takács, July 17., 14:12 You will die you shit! Megdöglesz te szar! 2. Gáspár Krisztián, July 16., 22:53 Who are these chimpanzees? They should have been kicked in the head right there Kik ezek a csimpánzok? Jól fejbe kellett volna őket rugdosni helyben 3. Lászlo Lőrinczy, July 18., 12:20 A Star of David should be burned on the forehead of those garbage so they should be branded like animals. One day their filthy mouths will be shut A rohadékoknak dávidcsillagot kellene a homlokukra égetni hogy meglegyenek billogozva mint az állatok egyszer be lesz fogva a mocskospofájuk 4. Sajti János, July 30., 5:24 We needed a machine gun now, all of them (to be shot) in a line. There is still room for them in the Danube 23
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Milyen zsido defilé? Most kellett volna egy gólyoszoro, sorba mindet. Egyett azért nem értek vannak olyanok akik bizonyos oldalakon vállalják azt hogy magyar ellenesek akkor mi a faszért nem basszuk szét a fejüket?A duna még mindig elbirná öket 5. Andrew John Almady, July 19., 7:27 So many nauseating faces in one place, they should be buried alive, it would be a shame to defile the Danube with them de sok hanyingert kelto pofa egyrakason, elve kene elasni oket, kar lenne a Dunat sznnyezni veluk 6. Csaba Lovas, July 18., 2:17 Rotten filthy Jews all of them! To the Gulag with them! rohadt mocskos zsidó mind! gulágra velük! 7. Zoltan Buzas, July 17., 12:35 We will also never forget! The more photos up there the better! We will know who will be the first to go into the Danube Mi sem felejtunk soha! Minnel tobb fenykep van font annal jobb. Tudni fogjuk, hogy kik lesznek az elsok akik mennek a dunaba. Undorito mocskos parazita fergek. Nem veletlenul irtottak oket a tortenelem soran. Amig ezek a mocskok nincsenek kiirtva, nem lesz itt beke. 8. BlueEyes, July 17., 11:37 I’d hit a Gypsy or a Jew even in their coffin. Attila Germán hatáskörét túllépve?? Cigányt vagy zsidót még a ravatalán is ütnék!
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9. Radikális Róbert, July 18., 8:52 Sooner or later you will be destroyed, because we learned from Hitler’s work and will not stop half way Geci ráérő patkányok! Látszik, hogy nem dolgoztok s nem vagytok a munkától agyongyötörve. Ki a fasz ér rá nappal ilyen hülyesége? Szombaton sabbath van, akkor nem lehet bohóckodni, vasárnap nem illik, hétköznap meg értelmes ember nem ér rá ilyen faszságra! Tehát aki ilyet csinál, az a munkát még hírből sem ismeri! Mi van a kommunista vérbíróval, Biszku elvtársal??? Mi a kurva anyátokért nem vele meg a többi komcsi élő matuzsálemmel törődtök? Patkány zsidók, hányok tőletek, tetűhintás szarháziak! Előbb-utóbb meg lesztek semmisítve, mert Hitler munkájából tanulván fél úton nem fogunk megállni!!! 10. Homofob Antiszemita, July 18., 9:05 Unbelievable that so many filthy worms live without fear and are provoking us in this country! Their photos and identification details are saved and are on the future execution lists. Get out of here while you can you filthy zionist worms, because there will be no mercy for you. Dream your lies about that supposed holocaust, until it will actually happen to you. So help us God! Amen! Death to the zionist worms! Hihetetlen, hogy ennyi mocskos fereg el felelem nelkul, sot minket provokalva ebben az orszagban! A kepeik es adataik elmentve es a jovo kivegzesi listaira felirva. Addig huzzatok innen mocskos cionista fergek, amig nem keso, mert nektek sem lesz
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kegyelem! Addig almodoztatok a hazug holokamurol, hogy ennek eredmenyekent szamotokra valora fog valni! Isten minket ugy segelljen! Amen! Halal a cionista fergekre! 11. Béla Varga Hi Eszter, You’d done a bangup job with your associates the other day, at the apartment complex of Mr. Csatary. Was a definite winner if you asked me. Not only did you manage to make complete idiots out of yourselves in a chain-gang, but succeeded to evoke the wrath of one of the most influential nationalist websites on the planet, the fearsome kuruc. info. Honestly, I wouldn’t wanna be in your and your group’s shoes now, since interested individuals will find you, if not tomorrow, the day after, it’s just a matter of time. Was it worth it? I guess you never thought, you’d be walking around looking over your shoulder from now on. I don’t even want to imagine what’ll happen should this old man be convicted, let alone died throughout the proceedings. A friendly advice....get life insurance. All the best, j from Bela Varga 12. Béla Turi, July 17., 11:00 It’s this way these days: you won’t be expelled, but executed! For sure! For sure! Izgatnak, gyűlöletet keltenek, ráadásul maguk ellen? Hol van az ombudsman? Hol van a legfőbb ügyész? Hol van a belügyminisz26
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ter? “MI SEM FELEJTÜNK!” takonyzabálók, gyurcsótány szavait vegyétek komolyan! “ha nem tetszik el lehet menni!” Hogy is van ez a Palesztin terroristák szegény honvédő, éhező zsidókat gyilkolnak Palesztinában? Még a csecsemő Palesztinok is, támadóan ’lépnek fel, az anyjuk emlőin? Hogy is van ez mocskos békétlen, háborúsbűnös zsidók? Nincs a világnak olyan sarka, ahol zsidó, még nem okozott békétlenséget és viszályt! Hogy is van ez? Nincs bizonyíték, hát kreálunk egyet? Csehszlovákia, akkor ellenséges ország, halálra ítélte? Hol van ma már, csehszlovákia? Hol a vádirat? Ja az elég, hogy Magyar!???? A nyüvek egyenek meg benneteket még életetekben! A rüh már látszott rajtatok, már Egyiptomban is, ahonnan éppen ezért, és az összeférhetetlenségetek, és folyamatos gyűlöletkeltésetekért, kiűzetőtettetek! Mostanság úgy áll a sorsotok, hogy nem kiűzés lesz, hanem a kivégzésetek! Bizony, Bizony! Egy nemzet utál benneteket? NEM! Csak ebben a csonka-honban legalább tíz nemzet fiai-lányai! Akkor, mennyi is az, országonként? TAKONYZABÁLÓ FÉRGEK, MEZTELEN CSIGÁK!
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We never forget! SOHA NEM FELEJTÜNK!
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Jobbik, Horthy and Csatáry
It`s our last chance to seek justice for the victims!
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Facebook Event: Arrest the Nazi László Csatáry NOW! Source:
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“Let’s look for the Jews who are harassing the 97 old “uncle Csatáry” (with reward for useful information) – we identified seven anti-Hungarians.” Source:
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My personal details on Source:
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My personal details on Source:
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My personal details on Source:
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Selected comments on Facebook. Source:
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Selected comments on Source:
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Selected comments on Source:
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“The kuruc hunt for anti-fascists is successful: the stomach of one of the Jews is still constricted – it was the who prevented the Hungarica concert.” Source:
Threatened and Intimidated
BUDAPESTIȱREND^RȬF^KAPITÁNYSÁGȱ ȱ TiszteltȱBudapestiȱRendærȬfækapitányság!ȱ ȱ ȱ Alulírottȱ GaraiȬÉdlerȱ Eszterȱ (1091ȱ Budapest,ȱ Üllæiȱ útȱ 107.ȱ II/5)ȱ aȱ Btk.ȱ 269.ȱ §Ȭábaȱ ütközæȱ közösségȱ elleniȱ izgatás,ȱ aȱ Btk.ȱ 177.ȱ §Ȭábaȱ ütközæȱ személyesȱ adattalȱ valóȱ visszaélés,ȱ valamintȱ aȱ Btk.ȱ 179.ȱ §Ȭábaȱ ütközæȱ rágalmazásȱ ésȱ esetlegesȱ egyébȱ bÿncselekményekȱmiattȱismeretlenȱtettesȱellenȱ ȱ ȱ
feljelentéstȱ ȱ teszekȱazȱalábbiȱindokaimȱalapján.ȱ ȱ 2012.ȱ07.ȱ18.ȱnapjánȱaȱjelenȱfeljelentésȱmellékletétȱképezæȱ„Keressükȱaȱ97ȱévesȱCsatáryȱ bácsitȱ zaklatóȱ zsidókatȱ (nyomravezetæiȱ díjjal)ȱ –ȱ hétȱ antimagyartȱ márȱ beazonosítottunk”ȱ címmelȱ cikkȱ jelentȱ megȱ aȱȱ oldalon.ȱ Ebbenȱ aȱ cikkbenȱ gyÿlölködæȱ megjegyzésekȱ jelentekȱ megȱ azȱ antifasisztaȱ tüntetésȱ résztvevæiræl,ȱvalamintȱszemélyesȱadataik,ȱfacebookȱésȱiwiwȱprofiljuk,ȱtelefonszámukȱ isȱ nyilvánosságraȱ hozatalraȱ került.ȱ Tekintettelȱ arra,ȱ hogyȱ aȱ cikkȱ személyemmelȱ isȱ kiemeltenȱ foglalkozott,ȱ annakȱ megjelenésétȱ követæenȱ gyÿlölködæȱ ésȱ fenyegetæzæȱ eȬ mailȱ üzeneteket,ȱ telefonhívásokat,ȱ ésȱ facebookȱ hozzászólásokatȱ kapok.ȱ Ezekȱ olyanȱ mértékÿek,ȱ hogyȱ facebookȱ profilomatȱ eltávolítottam,ȱ aȱ telefonomatȱ felvenniȱ ésȱ aȱ lakásomatȱ elhagyniȱ semȱ merem.ȱ Aȱ cikkȱ tulajdonképpenȱ arraȱ hívtaȱ felȱ azȱ olvasókat,ȱ hogyȱ azȱ ahhozȱ mellékeltȱ videókonȱ ésȱ fényképekenȱ szereplæȱ személyekreȱ „vadásszanak”,ȱazokatȱüldözzékȱésȱezenȱszemélyekȱfenyegetveȱérezzékȱmagukat.ȱ Álláspontomȱ szerintȱ aȱȱ oldalonȱ megjelentȱ cikkȱ írójaȱ visszaéltȱszemélyesȱadataimmalȱ(illetveȱaȱtöbbiȱérintettȱszemélyesȱadataival),ȱamikorȱ facebookȱ ésȱ iwiwȱ profiljainkat,ȱ fényképeinket,ȱ telefonszámunkat,ȱ elérhetæségeinketȱ nyilvánosságraȱhozta.ȱ Aȱ Btk.ȱ 177/A.ȱ §ȱ a)ȱ pontjaȱ értelmébenȱ akiȱ aȱ személyesȱ adatokȱ védelmérælȱ vagyȱ kezelésérælȱ szólóȱ törvényiȱ rendelkezésekȱ megszegésévelȱ jogtalanȱ haszonszerzésiȱ célbólȱ vagyȱ jelentæsȱ érdeksérelmetȱ okozvaȱ jogosulatlanulȱ vagyȱ aȱ céltólȱ eltéræenȱ személyesȱ adatotȱ kezel,ȱ vétségetȱ követȱ el,ȱ ésȱ egyȱ évigȱ terjedæȱ szabadságvesztésselȱ büntetendæ.ȱ ȱ Álláspontomȱ szerintȱ azȱ elkövetæȱ megvalósítottȱ aȱ Btk.ȱ 179.ȱ §Ȭábaȱ ütközæȱ rágalmazásȱ törvényiȱtényállásátȱis,ȱmivelȱrólam,ȱmásȱelætt,ȱaȱbecsületȱcsorbításáraȱalkalmasȱténytȱ állított,ȱ híresztelt,ȱ vagyȱ ilyenȱ tényreȱ közvetlenülȱ utalóȱ kifejezéstȱ használt.ȱ Elæadom,ȱ hogyȱvéleményemȱszerintȱazȱelkövetæȱaȱrágalmazásȱminæsítettȱesetétȱvalósítottaȱmeg,ȱ hiszenȱ aȱ rágalmazástȱ aljasȱ indokbólȱ ésȱ célból,ȱ nagyȱ nyilvánosságȱ elættȱ ésȱ jelentæsȱ érdeksérelmetȱokozvaȱkövetteȱel.ȱȱ 1
My complaint to the police
Threatened and Intimidated
Aȱ jelentæsȱ érdeksérelemȱ esetembenȱ megvalósult,ȱ hiszenȱ aȱ lakásomatȱ semȱ meremȱ elhagyni,ȱ ésȱ aȱ munkahelyemreȱ semȱ jutokȱ el,ȱ sætȱ aȱ facebookȱ oldalamonȱ küldöttȱ fenyegetésekȱmiattȱmégȱaȱrendærségreȱsemȱmerekȱelmenni.ȱȱ ȱ Hivatkozomȱ továbbáȱ arra,ȱ hogyȱ aȱ Btk.ȱ 269.ȱ §ȱ b)ȱ pontjaȱ értelmében,ȱ akiȱ nagyȱ nyilvánosságȱ elættȱ valamelyȱ nemzeti,ȱ etnikai,ȱ faji,ȱ vallásiȱ csoportȱ vagyȱ aȱ lakosságȱ egyesȱ csoportjaiȱ ellenȱ gyÿlöletreȱ uszít,ȱ bÿntettȱ miattȱ háromȱ évigȱ terjedæȱ szabadságvesztésselȱbüntetendæ.ȱElæadom,ȱhogyȱazȱelkövetæȱeztȱírja,ȱaȱmegmozdulásȱ résztvevæiræl:ȱ „MindannyianȱlelkesȱEUJSȬtagok,ȱésȱaȱprofiljukȱmindenféleȱdávidsággalȱvanȱtele.ȱ^kȱ voltakȱaȱtüntetésȱaktívabbȱrésztvevæi,ȱkönnyebbȱvoltȱæketȱmegtalálni,ȱdeȱnemȱadomȱ felȱaȱkereséstȱazȱagymosottakȱután.”ȱ ȱ Aȱcikkȱcímeȱisȱmagáértȱbeszélȱ„keressükȱaȱ97ȱévesȱCsatáryȱbácsitȱzaklatóȱzsidókat”.ȱ Aȱcikkȱaztȱisȱírjaȱtovábbá,ȱhogyȱ„mintȱazȱalábbiȱhírbælȱkiderül,ȱnéhányȱmagyarellenesȱ zsidóȱ jóȱ mókánakȱ tartottaȱ azt,ȱ hogyȱ zaklatniȱ próbáljonȱ aȱ sajátȱ lakásánȱ egyȱ rendkívülȱidæsȱmagyart”.ȱEzȱaȱkijelentésȱönmagábanȱisȱalkalmasȱaȱgyÿlöletkeltésre.ȱȱ Idézniȱkívánomȱtovábbáȱazȱalábbiakatȱ „Azȱ ártatlannakȱ tÿnæȱ fiatalȱ arcokȱ mögöttȱ tehátȱ azȱ ölniȱ kész,ȱ azȱ ætȱ befogadóȱ ésȱ eltartóȱ magyarságȱ irántiȱ olthatatlanȱ gyÿlöletȱ általȱ hajtottȱ zsidóȱ rejtæzik,ȱ amitȱ pedigȱelkövetnek,ȱnemȱmás,ȱmintȱgyilkosságiȱkísérlet.ȱIdejeȱtehátȱmegtudni,ȱkikȱazok,ȱ akikȱ felmenæik,ȱ Kohnȱ Bélaȱ ésȱ Rosenfeldȱ Mátyásȱ nyomdokainȱ ma,ȱ 2012Ȭbenȱ isȱ magyargyilkolásraȱ szövetkeznek,ȱ sȱ ækȱ beszélnekȱ ilyenȬolyanȱ bÿnökræl,ȱ miközbenȱ elsæsorbanȱ fajtársaikȱ aȱ felelæsekȱ hazánkȱ kommunizmusba,ȱ majdȱ kapitalizmusbaȱ züllesztéséért,ȱ többȱ ezerȱ magyarȱ emberȱ haláláért,ȱ százezrekȱ kivándorlásáért,ȱ hatmillióȱ magzatȱ megöléséért,ȱ azȱ országȱ kiárusításáért,ȱ ésȱ mégȱ hosszanȱ sorolhatnánkȱcsakȱaȱhazaiȱ„érdemeiket”,ȱhogyȱaȱpalesztinaiȱnépirtásrólȱvagyȱaȱtöbbiȱ emberiségellenesȱbÿncselekményükrælȱmostȱterjedelmiȱokokȱmiattȱneȱisȱbeszéljünk.”ȱ ȱ Álláspontomȱ szerintȱ azȱ elkövetæȱ legalábbȱ aȱ fentiȱ háromȱ bÿncselekményȱ törvényiȱ tényállásátȱmegvalósította,ȱazonbanȱaȱcselekményȱminæsülhetȱmégȱaȱBtk.ȱ176/A.ȱ§ȱ(2)ȱ bekezdéseȱb)ȱpontjaȱszerintiȱzaklatásnakȱis,ȱmivelȱ„akiȱfélelemkeltésȱcéljábólȱannakȱaȱ látszatnakȱ aȱ keltéséreȱ törekszik,ȱ hogyȱ aȱ sértettȱ vagyȱ hozzátartozójaȱ életét,ȱ testiȱ épségétȱ vagyȱ egészségétȱ sértæȱ vagyȱ veszélyeztetæȱ eseményȱ következikȱ be,ȱ vétségetȱ követȱel,ȱésȱkétȱévigȱterjedæȱszabadságvesztésselȱbüntetendæ.”ȱ ȱ Kéremȱ aȱ T.ȱ RendærȬfækapitányságot,ȱ hogyȱ aȱ fentiȱ ügybenȱ nyomozástȱ elrendelniȱ szíveskedjenek.ȱ ȱ Budapest,ȱ2012.ȱjúliusȱ21.ȱ ȱ GaraiȱÉdlerȱEszterȱ
My complaint to the police
Threatened and Intimidated
Web References English 230673:nazi-war-crimes-debate-leads-to-new-risks-inhungary/?date=2012-08-26 aspx?id=278467,,16109079,00.html?maca=en-rss-enall-1573-rdf German!100057/ 42
Threatened and Intimidated!97456/ Hungarian verdijat_a_magyar_fiatalokert elleni_eljaras_meginditasaert_tuntetnek?source=hirkereso 43
Threatened and Intimidated hoztak_a_csatary_ellen_tuntetok_adatait_-_nyomoznak_az_ ugyben/2290154/?utm_source=rssfeed id=toplist arc&SID=0&AID=0&Direkt=103398