A Thesis Presented to The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) in English Language Studies
Maria Setyaningsih Nernere Student Number: 146332043
A Thesis Presented to The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) in English Language Studies
Maria Setyaningsih Nernere Student Number: 146332043
FIL ilIukarto. Ph.D. Advisor
Yogyak*rte, July 28, 2016
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LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAI\ PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH I'NTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa universitas Sanata Dhapma:
Nama NIM
: Maria Setyaningsih Nernere
Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma, karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:
TEACHERS' BELIEF IN TEACHER-STTIDENTS INTERACTION IN ENGLISH LEARNING CLASS beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan
kepada Perpustakaan universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya di Intemet atau media lain rintuk kepentingan akademis
tanpa perlu meminta
ijin maupun memberikan royalti
mencanfumkan saya sebagai penulis.
Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 28 Juli 2016
Yang menyatakan,
Maria Setyaningsih
kepada saya selama tetap
I do praise the Lord for kindly giving me chance so I can go through this path. Certainly, I can not finish this thesis without others’ help. First, I want to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., for his enlightment, big patience and supports for me during the process of writing. My gratitude also goes my thesis reviewers, Dr. J. Bismoko and Dr. Sunarto, M.Hum, for their sharing and great advices. Besides, I also thanks Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A., Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S.,M.A.(Hons), J.S.M Pudji Lestari, S.Pd., M.Hum., Widya Kiswara, S.Pd.,M.Hum., and other great lectures in English Language Studies in Sanata Dharma University for the sharing and inspiration. I also thank my nice friends whom I meet in ELS Sanata Dharma University for their care and support. My gratitude also goes to my beautiful participants, Susana Raheni, S.Pd. and Christina Maryeni, S.Pd. for letting me learn a lot from their sharing. Besides, I thank the supporting teachers and lovely students in SD Kanisius Wates and SD Kanisius Kotabaru. I also thank my students and colleagues in SD Kanisius Bonoharjo for inspiring me to write this thesis. I am also grateful for having Rini, Awang and Hehen as my true friends, ever. Last but not least, thanks to Bapa, Mama, Sawe, Ngare, Pae, Bue, Galuh, Vian, and Putri for the abundant love, forgiveness, and support. Hi love, thanks.
Maria Setyaningsih Nernere vi
TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................ ii DEFENCE APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................ iii STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY.......................................................... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ x LIST OF CODES AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................ xi LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xii ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... xiii ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. xiv
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1 1.1 Place of the Current Research ........................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope and Limitation of the Current Research ................................................. 5 1.3 Problem Formulation ........................................................................................ 5 1.4 Goal of the Current Research............................................................................ 5 1.5 Significances of the Current Research .............................................................. 6 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................ 7 2.1 Theoretical Review ........................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Teachers’ Belief ...................................................................................... 7 Definition of Teachers’ Belief .................................................... 7 Sources of Teachers’ Belief ........................................................ 9 The Role of Teachers’ Belief .................................................... 10 2.1.2 Teacher-Students Interaction ................................................................ 11 Definition of TSs Interaction .................................................... 12 Pattern of TSs Interaction.......................................................... 13 The Role of TSs Interaction in Young Learners’ Classroom ... 17 2.1.3 English Learning ................................................................................... 19 vii
PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI English Learning in Class ......................................................... 19 English Learning in Young Learners’ Classroom..................... 20 English Learning in Kanisius Elementary School .................... 21 2.2 Theoretical Framework ................................................................................... 22 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................. 24 3.1 Research Design............................................................................................. 24 3.2 Nature of Data ................................................................................................ 24 3.3 Research Instruments ..................................................................................... 25 3.3.1 Observation Notes................................................................................. 25 3.3.2 Interview Guideline............................................................................... 25 3.4 Source of Data................................................................................................ 26 3.5 Data Collecting Techniques ........................................................................... 28 3.6 Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 29 3.7 Trustworthiness ............................................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................ 31 4.1 RESULTS ...................................................................................................... 31 4.1.1 Types of TSs Interaction ....................................................................... 31 4.1.2 Pattern of TSs Interaction ..................................................................... 49 4.2 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 62 4.2.1 Goals of TSs Interaction ....................................................................... 62 4.2.2 Process of TSs Interaction .................................................................... 69 4.2.3 Sources of TSs Interaction .................................................................... 74 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 75 5.1 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................ 75 5.1.1 Teachers’ Belief in the Goals of TSs Interaction ................................ 75 5.1.2 Teachers’ Belief in the Process of TSs Interaction ............................. 76 5.1.3 Teachers’ Belief in the Sources of TSs Interaction............................. 78 5.2 IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................................... 79 5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 80
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 81 viii
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 84
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. Figure 3.1. Figure 3.2. Figure 3.3. Figure 2.5.
Theoretical Framework ............................................................ The concept of English- English TSs Interaction .................... The concept of English- Indonesia TSs Interaction ................. The concept of Indonesia- Indonesia TSs Interaction ............. The concept of Javanese TSs Interaction..................................
22 38 42 46 49
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
English as a Foreign Language English Language Studies English for Young Learners Initiation- Response- Evaluation Initiation- Response- Follow up Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (Curriculum 2009) Teacher Teacher-Student Teacher-Students Students Student-Student asking information giving information giving instruction interaction
Observation Notes and Trancript First Participant 1 ........... Observation Notes and Trancript First Participant 2............ Observation Notes and Trancript First Participant 3…….... Observation Notes and Trancript Second Participant 1 ….. Observation Notes and Trancript Second Participant 2 ....... Interview Transcript First Participant………....................... Interview Transcript Second Participant………. .................
86 99 110 121 137 146 159
ABSTRACT Maria Setyaningsih Nernere. 2016. Teachers’ Belief in Teacher-Students Interaction in English Learning Class. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. The fact that there are many educational researches concerning on TSs interaction has reflected how significant TSs interaction for English learning is. TSs interaction plays role for the success of learning by accomodating learning for the students before they are demanded to construct language individually. As what has been found by the researchers in EYL class, a teacher plays more dominant role in TSs interaction. Consequently, how the interaction goes may depend on the teacher. At the same time, what the teacher does is commonly affected by his/ her belief. On the other words, the study on TSs interaction in class can be done by investigating the teachers’ belief. Thus, the goal of this research is to find out the teachers’ belief in TSs interaction in English learning in class. This is a qualitative research. Here, the techniques used in this research were doing a direct observation in the English learning class and an in-depth interview with two English teachers. These two participants were selected using purposeful sampling. The observation aimed to find out how the process of TSs interaction runs in English learning class. Then it was followed by in-depth interview to find out the reasons of having such TSs interaction. The investigation resulted into texts as the data for this research namely observation notes and transcripts and also interview transcripts. The results of this research consist of the teachers’ belief about goals, process, and source of TSs interaction. It can give conceptual insight about how the system of TSs interaction in English learning process in Elementary schools through recognizing the teachers’ belief. Then, it may be beneficial for the teachers as a means supporting self- reflection, schools’ evaluation and also for the educational practitioners who want to investigate the TSs interaction in more details. Keywords: teachers’ belief, teacher- students interaction, English learning, qualitative study
ABSTRAK Maria Setyaningsih Nernere. 2016. Teachers’ Belief in Teacher-Students Interaction in English Learning Class. Yogyakarta: Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Sanata Dharma.
Banyaknya penelitian tentang interaksi guru dan siswa menunjukan bahwa interaksi guru dan siswa berperan secara signifikan bagi suksesnya pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Interaksi guru dan siswa berperan penting bagi pembelajaran karena mengakomodasi pembelajaran bagi siswa sebelum mereka mampu berbicara Bahasa Inggris secara mandiri. Seperti yang ditemukan oleh para peneliti pendidikan yang berfokus pada pembelajaran di usia dini, guru memiiki peran yang dominan saat membangun interaksi dengan siswanya. Oleh karena itu, guru sangat berperan dalam berlangsungnya interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Padahal, apapun yang dilakukan oleh guru dipengaruhi oleh apa yang dia percaya. Dengan kata lain, penelitian tentang interaksi guru dan siswa dapat dilakukan dengan menginvestigasi kepercayaan guru tentang interaksi tersebut. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepercayaan guru yang berhubungan dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswanya di kelas. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menganalisa hasil observasi dan interview pada dua guru Bahasa Inggris. Dua guru Bahasa Inggris ini dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposeful sampling. Observasi dilakukan untuk menemukan bagaimana proses interaksi guru dan siswa berlangsung di dalam kelas. Kemudian, teknik selanjutnya adalah interview. Melalui intervie, peneliti dapat menggali kepercayaan guru yang mempengaruhi keputusannya dalam mengatur interaksiny dengan siswa. Data dari penelitian ini berbentuk teks, seperti catatan dan traksrip selama observasi kelas, dan juga traksrip interview. Data tersebut dianalisis untuk mengetahui kepercayaan guru. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdiri dari kepercayaan guru yang berhubungan dengan tujuan, proses, dan sumber dari interaksi guru dan siswa. Diharapkan, penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran konseptual tentang bagaimana interaksi di kelas antara guru dan siswanya melalui apa yang dipercaya oleh guru. Dengan begitu, hasilnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk refleksi pribadi bagi guru dan referensi bagi peneliti lain yang ingin melakukan investigasi yang lebih detail. Kata kunci: kepercayaan guru, interaksi guru dan siswa, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, penelitian kualitatif
The current research is aimed to find out the teachers’ belief in teacherstudents interaction in English learning. This is a worth- doing research since it is useful for reflecting how the teachers quality of interaction in young learners’ English class. This chapter discusses the place of current research in the area of TSs interaction and the urgency beyond this research. Then, one research question is formulated. Besides, the theoretical and practical benefits of this research are stated.
1.1 Place of the Current Research Inspired by Vygotzki’s theory on the role of social interaction for the students’ development, there have been many researchers who have concerned on classroom interaction (Pinter, 2006). They focus differently on analyzing its pattern, causal factors, effects, and other aspects of interaction by researching the interaction in different setting, subject learnt or age level of participants and using different research methodology. In Indonesia, many educational researchers have concerned on classroom interaction. Murtiningrum (2009) has researched the typical moves in each interaction in classroom including TSs interaction in the area of vocational school. She finds that teachers interact with their students by accepting feeling, praising or encouraging, accepting or using ideas of the students, asking questions, lecturing, and giving direction. Madeten (2013) also
investigates classroom interaction in Junior High School. He finds out the four categories in interaction namely teacher talk, student talk, non- verbal interaction and related factors. Many research concerning on classroom interaction have shown the importance of interaction for learning. Classroom interaction consists of teacher- students (TSs) interaction, teacher- student (TS) interaction, and student- student (SS) interaction. Each pattern plays its own role for the success of learning. Due to Hammond’s model of language teaching, TSs interaction plays big role during the process of teaching learning before the students produce the text independently. Concerning on the importance of TSs interaction, Sibley (1990) investigated three-part exchanges, teacher feedback, and the role of gender in it. Nugent (2009) finds that TSs interaction has bigger role for the success of learning since it affects the students’ motivation and finally affects their achievement. Besides, Hong, et al (2011) believe that TSs interaction facilitates scaffolding for learning. Recognizing the importance of TSs interaction for learning, Nassaji & Wells (2000) research on the use of triadic dialogue in TSs interaction that depends on the teachers’ goals. McClowry et al (2013) also investigate factors affecting TSs interaction. Recently, Makasau (2015) goes into details by researching the adjacency pairs occuring in the TSs interaction. Acknowledging the importance of investigating TSs interaction for the learning success from the previous research, it is needed to investigate further the reality of TSs interaction in English classroom in Indonesia. In this research, the setting is in Elementary School. Although nowadays English is no longer a
compulsory subject to learn, some schools in Yogyakarta still have English for their students. The truth is that in elementary school, TSs interaction plays dominant role in the success of language learning. Many researchers concerning on teaching English to young learners such as Pinter (2006), Cameron (2001), Moon (2000), and Halliwell (1992) agree that young learners are willing to engage in learning only if the teaching and learning process is meaningful to them. Here is the role of TSs interaction. Ellis (2008) states that everything happens through a process of live interaction in a classroom. How the interaction can accomodate meaningful learning is very important in primary language classroom. Young learners do not directly learn from textbooks but they practice and tend to learn indirectly through the interaction that they experience in classroom. Hall & Walsh (2002) also state that most learning opportunities are accomplished through face-to-face interaction. Thus, interaction has role for effectual learning environments and in shaping of individual learners’ development. Realizing the importance of interaction, how the teacher interacts with his/ her students to construct meaning should be concerned. As Makasau (2015) states that the initiator of almost every exchange is the teacher. They may have purpose in mind so that they lead the interaction, guide the process and evaluate the result. The educational researchers have noticed what the developments in cognitive psychology highlight that there are complex relationships between what people do and what they know and believe. They find that it happens also in education (Borg, 2009). All decision that teachers have for TSs interaction is affected by
their knowledge and belief. Bandura, 1986; Dewey, 1933; Nisbett & Ross, 1980; Rokeach, 1968 in Pajares (1992) state that belief is the best indicators of the decisions individuals make throughout their lives. In classroom setting, belief affects the teachers’ decision on holding the teaching and learning process. Richards & Lockhart (1996) also support the influence of belief in the real class by stating that what the teachers do is a reflection of what they know and believe. Considering the important of belief, Puspitasari (2013) and Liao (2007) investigate the teachers’ belief in English teaching in Elementary stage to find out how the teaching goes. Considering the importance of TSs interaction for the success of learning and the dominant role of belief in influencing the teacher who dominantly takes part in the TSs interaction, this current research focuses on investigating the teachers’ belief in TSs interaction. Many researchers have concerned on TSs interaction. They were Petek (2013) investigating the teachers’ belief in classroom interaction and Chu (2014) discussing the belief of TSs interaction in kindergarten. Unfortunately, they have not investigated teachers’ belief in TSs interaction in Elementary stage deeper. This is the gap that this research tries to concern on. The findings from the existing theories are used as the references for this research. Pattern and forms of interaction that the teacher believes to work in constructing meaning in the real English class are observed. The reasons behind having such interaction are also investigated further. Specifically, this research focuses on investigating the TSs interaction in young learners’ classrooms in private schools. By researching the teachers’ belief, the concept of TSs interaction
in elementary schools can be illustrated especially related to the system of TSs interaction consisting of the goals, process, and its sources.
1.2 Scope and Limitation of the Current Research Classroom interaction consists of TSs interaction, TS interaction, and SS interaction. In this research, the focus is only on TSs (teacher- class) interaction. Here, TSs interaction refers to the interaction between teacher and his/ her students during the English learning. Learning can happen anywhere but in this research, the investigation will be focused in learning happening in the classroom. Interaction can be in the form of verbal and non- verbal. This current research focuses more on the verbal one. The interaction can be initiated either by the teacher or the students. Since the initiator of the interaction is the teacher while the teacher’s decision may be influenced by belief, this research focuses on investigating the belief of English primary teachers about the TSs interaction. The participants are specified from Kanisius Elementary Schools.
1.3 Problem Formulation Based on the background of the research, the problem of this research, as follows: What belief do teachers hold about TSs interaction in English learning class?
1.4 Goal of the Current Research In relation to the research question, the main goal of this research is to find out the teachers’ belief in TSs interaction in English learning in class. The investigation of this current research will deal with the goals, process, and the source of TSs interaction.
1.5 Significances of the Current Research This research is aimed to find out the teachers’ belief in TSs interaction in English learning in Elementary school. Thus, theoretically, this research may contribute to the concern of ELS especially in English teaching for Young Learners. Practically, this research may be beneficial for the teachers and the school/ institution. First, it can be a source for doing teachers’ reflection which aims to improve the efficiency in teaching. Song, Hannafin, & Hill (2007) state that successful teachers often reconcile by recognizing differences between their underlying teaching belief and practices and student learning practices. Donaghue (2003) also argues that eliciting teachers’ belief is important for teachers’ development since belief affects the acceptance and uptake of new approaches, techniques, and activities. Thus, through having the findings of this reseach, teachers can do self- reflection and be aware of their development process. Besides, the findings may be useful for the institution to evaluate the English learning process. Later on, it can be a consideration whether or not the institution should hold a teaching training for improving skills for interaction.
This section reviews the theories related to this current research. The theories are about teachers’ belief, TSs interaction, and English learning. Besides, the relation between those construct are presented in the theoretical framework.
2.1 Theoretical Review In this research, there are three constructs namely teachers’ belief, teacherstudents interaction, and English learning class. Here, the theories about those constructs are reviewed. 2.1.1 Teachers’ Belief There are three theories reviewed in this part. They are the definition, sources, and the role of teachers’ belief in language teaching and learning. Definition of Teachers’ Belief Due to the finding of the ELT practitioners’ research about belief, there is no clear explicit meaning for belief. This is why Pajares (1992) considers belief as a messy construct. Many researchers such as what Brown and Cooney (1982), Sigel (1985), Harvey (1986) in Pajares (1992) agree that belief is the major determinant of behavior. Belief that someone holds guide how he/ she acts. Bandura, 1986; Dewey, 1933; Nisbett & Ross, 1980; Rokeach, 1968 in Pajares (1992,p.2) support it because they agree that ‘belief is the best indicators of the decisions individuals make throughout their lives’. He/ she may find that what he/ 7
she believes on is true so what he/ she decides to do in his/ her life often be affected by his/ her belief. In classroom setting, teacher may act according to what he/ she believes on. Borg (2003,p.2) defines teacher as an ‘active, thinking decision-makers who make instructional choices by drawing on complex, practically-oriented, personalised, and context-sensitive networks of knowledge, thoughts, and belief. It means that teachers’ belief play a role in the teachers’ decision- making. Pajares (1992), Richardson (1996), Richards, Gallo, & Renandya (2001), and Phipps (2009) find on the influence of teachers’ belief on classroom decision making. Compared to teachers’ knowledge, Pajares (1992) and Marion Williams et al. (1997) in Xu (2012) noted that teachers‘belief have a greater influence on the way they plan their lessons, on the kinds of decisions they make, and on their general classroom practice. The teaching method, materials, tasks and activities a teacher designs and uses in class may be affected by his/ her belief. Thus, compared to knowledge, teachers’ belief was the better predictor of how teachers behave in the classroom (Marion Williams et al., 1997 in Xu, 2012). Unfortunately, there is often a ‘discrepancy’ between what the teachers say about their belief and the way they act (Marion Williams et al., 1997 in Xu, 2012). Therefore, investigating belief is not merely done by interviewing the doers. Not all teachers are aware of their belief. Besides, Pajares (1992) also states that understanding belief is not an easy thing to do since people tend to reluctant on representing their belief accurately. Therefore, it is better done through a ‘direct observation or measurement such a survey’ than inferring from “what people say,
intend, and do- fundamental prerequisites. Technically, White (1999) in Liao (2007) claimed that: “(1) Belief has an adaptive function to help individuals define and understand the world and themselves, and (2) belief is instrumental in defining tasks and behaviors. Thus, the belief systems that teachers develop are often held to be true and can guide their teaching behaviors.” Sources of Teachers’ Belief Belief is not created incidentally. It exists through process in which it is affected by various factors. Belief systems are dynamic and permeable mental structures, susceptible to change in light of experience (Muijs & Reynolds, 2002 in Liao, 2007). On the other words, belief is affected by experiences and vice versa. Richards (1998) and Borg (2003) agree that teachers’ belief are significantly affected by experiences in their prior learning and teaching practices, classroom observations that they were exposed to, their previous training courses, and other contextual factors. The same finding is also proved by Liao (2007) supported by Johnson, 1992; Richards & Lockhart, 1996; Smith, 1996 who state that English teachers may have belief about the ideal approaches in teaching which are affected by their previous educational experiences, cultural backgrounds, and social interaction, which may further shape their belief about English teaching. Besides affected by the past experiences, Pajares (1992) states that belief is affected by evaluation and judgment. Belief is different from knowledge which is based on objective fact. Logically, the experiences that the teacher has are evaluated, judged and finally born to be his/ her belief. Once a belief exists, it may
change any time as any experiences the teacher finds as truth can influence it. Though, Marion Williams et al. (1997) argue that belief tends to be culturally bound, to be formed early in life and to be resistant to change. Reviewing to the theories above, it is concluded that belief are values hold by someone, influenced by experiences of prior learning, practice, training or other related meaningful events that considered to be true by the person. Those values affect the person in his/ her action. Thus, belief can be observed through their action. The Role of Teachers’ Belief in Language Teaching and Learning Teachers always bring their belief in every situation in their lives, including in situations and decisions related to language teaching. Thus, the implementation in teaching is affected by the teachers’ belief. It is apparent that belief hold by teachers belongs to crucial aspect in language teaching. Kuzborska (2011) also emphasizes that teachers’ belief play a central role in some aspects of teaching and learning process including the classroom practice. Concisely, teachers’ belief affects the system of language teaching either the goal, process, or the components. First, teachers’ belief underlies the decision in formulating the goal (Graves, 2000). The quality of the output is also influenced by the teachers’ belief. If the teachers’ belief resulted on the working decision for the students, the goals of teaching can be accomplished well. It has been confirmed by Kuzborska (2011) who finds the significant relationship between teacher belief and student achievement.
Second, teachers’ belief affect the process of teaching, started from the planning up to the making it to be real in class. Xu (2012) states that teachers' belief shape in determining what should be taught and what path of instruction should be followed. It continues to affect the interactions with students. Third, what teachers hold as their belief influences their decision-making related to the components of teaching. What the teachers do in class whether it is about teaching methodology, language use, classroom management or other aspects in the teaching process is affected by their belief. Richards, Gallo, & Renandya (2001) confirm that teachers’ belief strongly affect the materials and activities they choose for the classroom. Besides, teachers’ belief also influences the teachers’ development (Richards, Gallo, & Renandya, 2001). In fact, those findings are not absolutely true. Phipps (2009) finds that considering on the practical classroom circumtances, the teachers’ belief are not always reflected on the classroom practice. Thus, teachers’ belief can be affected by the teachers’ practices, experiences or other external factors. Clark and Peterson (1986) in Richards, et al. (2001).
2.1.2 Teacher- Students Interaction Due to the Hammond’s model of language teaching, the classroom interaction happens between teacher and students, student and student, and also teacher and student. In fact, TSs interaction plays big role for the success of language teaching and learning since it happens almost in each stage of teaching excluding stage of independent construction.
12 Definition of TSs Interaction There have been many researchers who concern on classroom interaction and ended with synthesizing the meaning of interaction. Basically, interaction happens between two parties. In the interaction, Brown (2000, 165) considers that there is “an exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas resulting in reciprocal effect on each other”. Those two or more parties communicate each other based on their portion. Due to the interaction hypothesis proposed by Long, in interaction, there is a modification that may facilitate acquisition because it connects input, internal learner capacities, particularly selective attention, and output in productive ways (Ellis R. , 2008). As its name, TSs interaction is an interaction involved teacher and students in class. TSs interaction belongs to types of interaction in a classroom (Brown, 1987). This interaction dominantly happens on the stages of language teaching, started from building knowledge of field, up to joint construction of text as apparent in the Hammond’s model of language teaching. It happens between teacher and students during the course. According to Pica, et al. (1987), TSs interaction is kind of environment for second language acquisition in which both parties modify and restructure the interaction to arrive at mutual understanding. The interaction ends when the messages are understood well. The understanding is related to what the teachers want to accomplish as planned. In this case, the planning is suited to the goals of English learning in Elementary school which have been created in the curriculum. While, TSs interaction also becomes a focuse in social perspective, in which, this face-to-face interaction is a medium facilitating learning opportunities and plays a role in the ‘creation of effectual learning environments and in the
shaping of individual learners’ development. Specifically, through interaction, students ‘are socialized into particular understanding of what counts as the official curriculum and of themselves as learners of that subject matter’ (Hall & Walsh, 2002,p.187). A can be seen in Hammond’s model of language teaching, TSs interaction involves bigger participation in which all the students in class are invited to interact. Therefore, it is decided that TSs interaction is an interaction between a teacher and his/ her students during the learning in which they modify and restructure the interaction to achieve mutual understanding affecting students’ development. TSs interaction here can be initiated either by the teacher or the student. Then, it continues to build communication between the teacher and his/ her students in class. Pattern of TSs Interaction In TSs interactions, the interaction happens between teacher and students during the course. Cazden (1986, 1988), Mehan (1979) Sinclair and Coulthard (1975) in Kumpulainen & Wray (2002) agree on a typical classroom interaction pattern known as the Initiation- Response- Feedback. IRE is preferred by some writers and practitioners to reflect the fact that, most of the time teachers’ feedback is in the form of evaluation to assess students’ contribution. On the further research, it is found that the third move can be varied, thus the typical pattern is changed into Initiation- Response- Follow up (IRF) for the wider possibilities of moves (Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002). Nassaji & Wells (2000) find that IRF structure can be varied in forms and functions depending on the goal of
the activity. The goals themselves are influenced by how the teachers view their teaching. As the consequences, different view of teaching will lead into different of communicative function of IRF structure as agreed by Kumpulainen & Wray (2002). According to Brown (2000), there are twelve principles covered in three main principles namely cognitive, affective, and linguistic principles that become the foundation for interaction. Then, it will lead into different language learning environment (Hall & Walsh, 2002). In fact, teacher plays a dominant role during the interaction. How they act in class is reflected from their ideal perception about teacher’s role in classroom (Hong et al, 2011). Richard & Rodgers (2001) also agree that the learning approach defines the teachers’ role that creates specific patterns of interaction between teachers and learners in classroom. For instance, if they think that a class needs a controller, they will controls the content of interaction and the distribution of speaking turn (Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002). Nassaji & Wells (2000) have defined the roles in the interaction. First is about the primary knower. There are three available possibilities namely teacher as a primary knower and the adressees as the second knower; specific student as primary knower while teacher and other students as secondary knower; and no preselected knower in which all participants can contribute for constructing mutual understanding. Second is about the “manager” of the discussion in which he/ she has the right to select the speaker, decide the direction and pace of the talk.
According to Brown (2000), teacher may have five roles in the classroom namely as a controller, director, manager, facilitator and resource. Every role plays different actions during interaction. Commonly, there are two pattern often used in the interaction. First is IRE in which the teachers play the role as an expert and tend to evaluate to respond the students’ answer (Hall & Walsh, 2002). In this case, they consider themselves as the first knower (Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002). This pattern may limit the students’ learning opportunity to express their ideas. On the other hand, the second pattern involves a range of functions on the third moves. According to Hall & Walsh (2002), this pattern can lead into effective teaching since it promotes students participation, highlight key concepts and ideas, build a shared base of knowledge,and evoke feeling of inclusivity. Rashidi & Rafieerad (2010) draw the pattern into this detail: Table 2.1 Pattern of Classroom Interaction Initiating Acts a. Requestive b. Directives c. Elicitation d. Informative
Responding Acts a. Positive response b. Negative response c. Temporization
Follow- up acts a. endorsement b. concession c. acknowledgment
In the traditional classroom, the first pattern is dominant. The teachers tend to dominate their questions and the students rarely initiate a talk or share their ideas. Commonly, teachers give a question to discuss, an instruction to do by the students. Then, they give follow- up. From this pattern, it is apparent that the power of teacher in class exists. Teacher often initiates on the first and the third move. Moreover, Flanders (1970) in Moyles et al. (2003,p.102) find that ‘more
than two thirds of all teacher questions…are concerned with narrow lines of interrogation which stimulate an expected response’. Barnes (1979) in Moyles,et al. (2003) recognizes that teacher’s dominance in interaction exists as the teacher has a conflict between the need to promote learning and the need to maintain control. Unfortunately, this condition can ‘devalue both the knowledge the students have and their capacity to use speech to apply the knowledge to a new task’. Thus, it is better to “engage students in active ways rather than sitting passively listening to the teacher” (Barnes, 1979 in Moyles et al.2003,p.17). It will be different if the joint negotiation and meaningmaking are emphasized in learning and teaching. There will be wider communicative strategies and the nature of social interaction will be changed into more dynamic teaching and learning conversation (Orsolini & Pontecorvo,1992 in Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002). In this pattern, the communicative strategies used consist of repetition and rephrashing of students’ contribution instead of mere questioning and evaluation activity (Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002). Another perspective for classroom interaction is called collective argumentation developed by Brown & Renshaw in Kumpulainen & Wray (2002). In this pattern, the communicative strategies used are sharing or interpreting, comparing, explaning, justifying, establishing joint agreement and presenting for a validation to coordinate different perspective in classroom. Then, the teacher’s participation
encouraging students to evaluate, and providing strategies for dealing with interpersonal conflicts Brown & Renshaw (2000) in
Kumpulainen & Wray
(2002). In this perspective, the students take a part in classroom more than the teacher. It is not in line with Kovalainen, Kumpulainen, and Vasama in Kumpulainen & Wray (2002) who promote the teacher’s participation in class. In their research, they identify four modes of teacher’s participation into evocative, facilitative, collective and appreciative modes (Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002). By having that teacher’s participation, the students did not see their teacher as the knowledge- giving authority but instead proudly presented their own ideas and also questioned the assumptions presented by the teacher (Kumpulainen & Wray, 2002, p.14). The Role of TSs Interaction in Young Learner Classroom The verbal interaction in class must be exposed by the teachers for certain purposes. Brown T. (1987) argues that it is caused by the teachers’ intention to influence the actions of the young learners. If the learners react as expected, the teaching and learning process will proceed successfully as planned. In constructing the interaction, a teacher may fantasize about how her actions will be interpreted. Richard & Rodgers (2001) state that interaction aims to specify and organize the language teaching content so the purpose of communication can be met. Interaction may affect some aspects in teaching and learning. First, it deals with cognitive aspects. According to Yanfen & Yuqin (2010), through interaction with teachers, students can increase their language store and use all languages they possess. During the interaction, they can acquire the comprehensible input exposed to them. If the input is still incomprehensible, the
teacher can make the use of interaction to do modification if needed to make sure whether the input is understood by the students successfully. The modification can be done by doing comprehension and confirmation checks and clarification requests either by encoding or, more frequently, by triggering repetition and rephrasing of input content. Long (1996) also agrees that interaction facilitates acquisition because of the conversational and linguistic modifications that occur in such discourse and that provide learners with the input they need. Pica, Doughty, & Young (1987) and Sarab & Karimi (2008) find that this interactional modification facilitates second language comprehension better than pre-modified input. Modification done through the interaction can help the learners to comprehend
accommodate learning and acquisition for young learners. It is confirmed by Pica, Doughty, & Young (1987) who state the interaction of teacher and students in which both parties modify and restructure the interaction to arrive at mutual understanding can be an ideal environment for second language acquisition. It is also in line with theories of communicative competence. Due to those theories, the importance of interaction was emphasized to negotiate meaning (Brown, 2000). Second, it deals with affective development of students. By interacting with young learners in class, teacher can create an interesting atmosphere so the learners can feel motivated and the will not feel bored. It is in line with Nugent (2009) who finds the positive relationship between the teacher and students’ interaction and students’ motivation. Chowdhury & Rashid (2014) also agree that the effective interaction can create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom with
friendly relationships among the participants of the learning process. If the learning is interesting and meaningful to the young learners, the goals of the teaching and learning process can be accomplished (Halliwell, 1992; Moon, 2000; Pinter, 2006). Allwright in Sibley (1999) notices the importance of interaction so he suggests that the interaction should be inherent in the very notion of classroom pedagogy itself. On the other hand, Nystrand in (Hall & Walsh, 2002) argue that TSs interaction was a significant factor ‘in creating inequalities in student opportunities to develop intellectually complex language knowledge and skills. It is closely related with the dominant power of the teachers in classroom. It will be discussed further in the section below.
2.1.3 English Learning English Learning in Class Learning is a process of gaining input. In this research, the object learnt is English which is considered as the foreign language in Indonesia. Ellis (2008) defines learning as conscious study. Perceived from the cognitive theory, English learning has dynamic mechanisms. Anderson (1985) in Ellis (2008) elaborates the process of learning in which the learners select information, organize it, relate it to what they already know, retain what they consider to be important, use it in appropriate context, and reflect on the success of their learning effort. Cognitive theory is only an instance of learning perspective. Others perspectives that influence the way of learning are such as behaviorist theory, communicative
competence theory, humanistic perspective, social interactionism. Those perspectives affect the way someone learn a language and construct learning strategies from it. English Learning in Young Learners Classroom Compared to language learning in adult classroom, language learning in young learners’ classroom is different in some ways since young learners have their own characteristics. To make the learning works and meaningful to young learners, the learning should be adapted based on their characteristics. Moon (2000) states that young learners tend to go for meaning. They are experts on guessing meaning even if they do not understand individual words. Moreover, they can respond on it once they can grasp the meaning (Harmer, 2000). Unfortunately, teachers often ask their students to make sure that they understand. By doing constant checking in this way the teachers are implying that they expect the children to understand every little bit they hear. (Halliwell, 1992) As the implication, the teaching should be meaningful. If young learners do not find it meaningful, they will not be active as planned and the goal of teaching and learning may not be accomplished. Besides, young learners have short span of attention. It is easy for them to get bored and feel demotivated if their learning is difficult, not interesting and not meaningful to them. Moreover, what they learn is different from their mother tongue. Moon (2000) assures that the bored and demotivated young learners will not success in learning. Moreover, young learners tend to react based on their feelings (Moon, 2000). If they are
demotivated because of experiencing difficult situation, they will end up with hating to learn English. It will give bad impact to their English ability in the future. Thus, the teacher should design the learning that is not burdening for them. On the other hand, if the students experience the meaningful activities, they will learn from it. Harmer (2000) states that students often learn indirectly rather than directly. Thus, the more meaningful the learning they experience, the more knowledge they gain. Reflecting to those characteristics, the teachers of young learners should provide physical activities, deal with routines and repetition in learning, (Cameron; 2001), provide full of gesture, intonation, demonstration, action, and facial expressions to convey meaning (Pinter; 2006), provide authentic ready- made bits of language such as songs, rhymes, drama, etc., and do scaffolding (Cameron; 2001). According to Brown (2000), English teachers in young learners classroom should not only providing lot of ‘authentic language tasks’ but also mastering specific skills and intuitions to accommodate those characteristics. English Learning in Kanisius Elementary Schools Kanisius Elementary School is a private elementary school that still uses English as subject to study. Since the curriculum for English in Elementary school is no longer available in the curriculum 2013, the latest curriculum nowadays, this school decides to have KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) as guidance to set the goals and objectives for the learning. In KTSP, the core competence 2006 is used in which it is confirmed that “Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam
pengertian yang utuh adalah kemampuan berwacana, yakni kemampuan memahami dan/atau menghasilkan teks lisan dan/atau tulis yang direalisasikan dalam empat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis.” Thus, the interaction exists in listening, speaking, reading, and writing activity. Yet, the goal of English learning due to the core competence 2006 is dealing with spoken language. In KTSP, it is stated that ‘ tujuan belajar bahasa Inggris di tingkat SD adalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara secara terbatas yang disertai dengan tindakan’. It means that the goal of English learning in Elementary school is to develop speaking skill facilitated with the action.
2.2 Theoretical Framework From the reviewed literature, it is inferred that teacher- students interaction is influential for language learning. It facilitates the teacher and his/ her students to construct a mutual meaning. During this process, the acquisition process happens. In fact, may educational practitioners have confirmed that the teacher plays dominant role in TSs interaction in young learners’ classroom. Meanwhile, the teachers’ action in classroom, including in managing TSs interaction is influenced by the teachers’ belief. Since interaction is a system, it can be stated that the teachers’ belief influence the goals, process, and the components of the TSs interaction. How teachers believe about what interaction in English learning will affect his/ her decision in formulating the goals of the interaction, designing the content, and others.
Belief here is not learnt. It does not exist by themselves. They are born through processes that are affected by the experiences in their previous schooling, schools, or training (Borg, 2003). Those belief are used in decision making. Different belief towards learning will produce different interaction. The framework of the teachers’ belief is illustrated in this figure:
Professional Coursework: teaching experiences, KTSP, school policy & values
Schooling: learning experience (education), TEYL training
TEACHERS’ BELIEF in TSs interaction
Contextual Factors: T/ Ss Motivation
Goals of TSs interaction 1. Ss’ cognition 2. Ss’ affective
Classroom Practice: Class size, duration
Process of TSs interaction Pattern& Types
Components of TSs interaction 1. Teacher talk 2. Students talk
notes: affected by consists of Figure 2.1. Theoretical Framework adapted from Borg (2003)
This section describes the methodology used in this research. It consists of research design, nature of data, research instruments, sources of data, data collecting technique, and data analysis. Besides, there is a trustworthiness section describing how the validity and reliability of this research are gained.
3.1 Research Design Considering belief as a value, qualitative research methodology was chosen to be applied in this research. Creswell (2012) states that qualitative research is best suited to address a research problem which its variables are needed to explore.
3.2 Nature of Data The data obtained in this qualitative research would be in the form of texts. It consisted of observation notes and also interview transcripts. Here, the observation notes were the result of observing the interaction happening during the English learning in classroom handled by the participants. The transcripts of the verbal interaction between the teacher and her students during the learning in the classroom and the notes during the observation describing setting, any behaviors and interaction happening during the interaction would be written in the observation notes. Then, another text was in the form of interview transcript. It
was in the form of written one as the result of transcribing the interviews done with the participants.
3.3 Research Instruments 3.3.1 Observation Notes To find out the teachers’ belief, what actually occurred during the gathering data would be written on the observation notes. According to Ary et al (2010), observation notes would cover the comprehensive picture of a situation which was observed. The setting, any behavior and interaction during the observation were recorded in written. To gather the data during the observation, the researcher did not use video recording. It was purposefully done to keep the naturalness of the learning. Thus, this instrument was effective to investigate how the TSs interaction went.
3.3.2 Interview Guideline Investigating teachers’ belief using direct observation was not enough yet. Marion Williams et al., 1997 in Xu (2012) argued that sometimes there was a ‘discrepancy’ between what the teachers say about their belief and the way they act. Thus, guided by some ideas found as the result of the observation, the interview guideline was created to find out the deeper and clearer understanding. Finally, it would result in the form of teachers’ belief. By having interview guideline, the topic discussed during the interview could be controlled.
Since the focus on this research was on verbal interaction, this research would use audio recorder to collect data. It aimed to support the data obtained during the observation and the interview. It helped to make sure that all the data was obtained. It eased the process of analysis since it could be played many times as needed. Audio recording was the ideal instrument to record the data during the observation. It would not disturb the teacher and the students so the observed one was the natural one.
3.4 Source of Data Since this research aimed at exploring the teachers’ belief in TSs interaction, the participants were those who could give clear insight about that topic. Hence, this research used purposeful sampling as suggested by Creswell (2012). He stated that it was the way chosen by qualitative researchers to best understand the phenomenon. According to Patton (1990, p. 169) in Creswell (2012; 206), the participants should be information rich. By having the right target as the participants, the information gathered would be valid and complete. Graves (2000) implied that belief came from past experience and belief about learning and teaching that grew out of and guide that experience. Thus, to get the belief in teacher-students interaction, the participants were those who had experienced learning about interaction in young learner classroom in their research or educational training. Through having those experiences, they had some belief related to the topic of this research. Since the focus of this research was the interaction in learning English in elementary school, the basic knowledge was
about teaching English to young learners. Besides, they should have experienced a lot in teaching so that they had evaluated their theories and had some judgments to believe on. The more experience the teachers had, the more reliant on their “core” principles they had become (Gallo et al, 2001).In this research, it was decided to choose participants who had experienced teaching English in Elementary school for more than 10 years. In this research, the chosen participants who were considered as rich informants were two Elementary School teachers of English who were experienced and having background knowledge about teaching English to Young Learners. They were English teachers in Kanisius elementary schools. Both were from two different Kanisius Elementary schools. In this research, the participants were one English teacher from SD Kanisius Wates and another one from SD Kanisius Kotabaru. Both of them had learnt about English teaching in their English language Education study program. They also had taught for more than 10 years. Kanisius schools were chosen since compared to the other elementary schools, these schools remain to have English as subject to learn for their students. Since their newest curriculum does not involve English as Elementary subject, Kanisius Elementary schools decided to teach English using the guide of curriculum 2006 (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) in which English was still considered as the course to teach.
3.5 Data Collecting Techniques As stated in the literature review above, teachers’ belief could be obtained from what the teachers did during the TSs interaction. Therefore, investigating teachers’ belief was better done through a ‘direct observation’ as suggested by Pajares (1992). Besides, Watson-Gegeo in Sibley (1990,p.6) also agreed on the use of observation to investigate classroom interaction. They stated that interaction could be investigated through observation but it must be ‘systematic, intensive, and detailed’. In this research, the observation was done for many times as needed. The first participant was observed for three times. It was on April 13, 2016, April 20, 2016, and May 25, 2016. While, the second participant was observed twice. It was on April 11, 2016 and April 18, 2016. Direct observation was done to obtain how the interaction went through between the teacher and the students. It was done more than once to make sure that the data obtained can give information to the real pattern of the interaction in that class. The observation took places in English classes of fourth graders and fifth graders. Which classes to observe were decided by the teachers. During the observation, taking notes and recording the audio were done to get the data. The recording was transcribed to ease the analysis. After those data were prepared and analyzed, some important points that were considered as important themes were investigated more in the interview. Investigating teachers’ belief through doing direct observation was not enough yet. Hence, after doing the direct observation, the interview was done. The
interviews with the first participants were done on April 13, 2016, April 20, 2016, May 11, 2016, and June 6, 2016. While, the interview with the second participants were done on April 11, 2016, April 18, 2016, May 23, 2016, and June 17, 2016. By having interview as the data collection technique, useful information that could not be directly observed could be gained. Besides, the interviewer also had better control over the types of information received, because the interviewer could ask specific questions to elicit this information (Ary, et al, 2010). Both participants would be interviewed to clarify things and ask for clearer explanation for what had happen during the TSs interaction in class. As the last technique, the teachers were interviewed again to cross- check the result of data analysis.
3.6 Data Analysis In this research, the process of analyzing data was adopted from Creswell (2012). It consists of collecting data, preparing data for analysis, reading through data, coding the data, and coding the text for themes and description to be used in the research report. After the observation notes and interview transcript have been ready to a, the process of reading, coding, and describing will be done. Table 3.1 Procedures of Data Analysis Process Results collecting data observation notes, audio files of observation and interview preparing data for analysis observation notes, transcripts of classroom observation and interview reading through data notes of important understanding coding data coded data coding the text for description to be description used in the research report coding the text for themes to be used themes in the research report
3.7 Trustworthiness To keep the trustworthiness for this research, the data and the analysis should be trustworthy. The instruments as well as the finding should be valid and reliable. In this research, the trustworthiness of the data was achieved by doing cross- checking. It is done by having multiple data instrumentation namely direct observation and interview. According to Ary et al. (2010), if multiple data sources result in similar findings, the reliability of the research is improved. The data was compared whether they supported each other. What was found during the observation was discussed and investigated further during the interview. This was why the interviews were done right after the observation. It aimed to know the teachers’ consideration affecting their actions during TSs interaction at that time. Besides aiming to achieve the trustworthiness of data, the interviews were also done to confirm the results of the analysis. After having enough data, the analysis was presented and discussed with the teacher on the interview. As a result, the discussions in the chapter 4 were presented with the teachers’ confirmation.
This chapter presents the research results and the discussion. The results consist of two big lines namely types of interaction and pattern of interaction. Then, the analysis of the results is presented in a discussion. It covers the teachers’ belief on three parts of interaction system namely goals of TSs interaction, process of TSs interaction and the components of TSs interaction.
4.1 RESULTS In this section, the results of collecting data are presented. Some samples of data obtained from the observation notes and transcripts and the interview transcripts are provided. The coding above the data is the number of sample which is written in ‘< >’ and the coding below the sample is the locator for the source presented in appendices.
4.1.1 Types of TSs Interaction Although TSs interaction existed in English class, the language used was not in full English. In fact, it consisted of English (the target language), Bahasa Indonesia (the students’ first language) and Javanese language (the students’ native language). The distribution use of those languages was varied for each class. The teachers agree that Bahasa Indonesia was used more compared to English. Besides that, Javanese language was also used sometimes. Therefore, the distribution of the medium instruction was approximately 60%: 35%:5% for
Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Javanese language. In this case, the use of English depended on the students’ language proficiency and students’ motivation. The correlation was positive. The higher the students’ language proficiency or/ and the higher the students’ motivation to use English was, the larger the English portion would be. Commonly, English was used for simple interaction such as greeting and classroom instruction. When it came to discussion, teachers would guide and explain in Bahasa Indonesia. At the other time, Javanese language was only used if the teachers wanted to warn or make jokes to the students. Here is the detail for each type of interaction. English- English TSs Interaction During the observation, English-English interaction was promoted more in the first participant’s class. She expected that in English learning, the students were able to communicate using simple expressions. To achieve that goal, she often initiated TSs interaction in English. Thus, the students would be accustomed to such expressions and be able to respond them in English. The teacher wanted their students to practice communicating in English started in a classroom. Realizing that the students were still in a basic level, the teacher only applied English interaction for simple communication such as greeting, discussing things using display questions, giving classroom instruction, and closing. For instance, here was the dialogue for the greeting. <1> T : Attentions please, get set. Ss : Get set (stand up). T : Good afternoon, students.
Ss : Good afternoon, Ms Nana. T : How is everything with you? Ss : I am fine, thank you, and you? T : I am fine too, thank you. Sit down, please. Ss : Thank you. (obsN1_1-8) It seemed that the students had been familiar with the greeting since they did it as a routine for the students. They were familiar with the teacher’s initiation and the interaction went smoothly. The students responded their teacher without any doubt. As seen in the sample data <1>, teacher used English for giving classroom instruction. It was simple so the teacher was confidently speaking without translating it into Bahasa Indonesia. Based on the observations in the first participant’s class, the teacher varied the expressions for greeting. Sometimes, she said ‘how are you?’. At other chances, she said ‘how is everything with you?’. She expected that the students were able to be familiar with the varied expressions and able to notice the function. Later on, they could use those expressions to communicate (intN2_10). Personally, the second participant also had the same concern on varying expressions in greeting. She considered that every students should participate actively on the interaction so that they could understand and learn from it. However, she could not do it because her school had its own style for greeting. Every Monday and Tuesday, the greeting in classroom should be in English and the expressions had been fixed. She realized that instead of becoming an interaction to learn, the greeting only became a formality. It made the teacher worried to greet the students using different expressions. She wanted the students neither to be confused nor to respond randomly. Thus, she decided to follow the
rule. She used the fixed expressions to interact with her students (intY3_118-130). Besides for greeting, the students also experienced having English- English interaction for discussing things which they were familiar with, e.g interaction to discuss day and date for that day. <2> T : What date is today? Ss : Today is Wednesday, April, thirteen, two thousand and sixteen (unclear) T : Nah, March, first, two thousand and? Ss : Sixteen (obsN1_9-12) The teacher intentionally asked about day and date to her students after greeting in every meeting. She assumed that this kind of interaction could improve the students’ vocabularies and pronunciation skill. Since it was done as habit, the students would notice and be accustomed to days and date. The teacher stated that this kind of interaction encouraged the students to rich their memory about days and date. They should know the vocabulary first if they wanted to involve actively on the interaction. Based on the illustration <2> above, it was seen that the teacher asked the students to repeat their answer. She wanted to make sure that the students’ responses were correctly spoken. Sometimes the students only imitated other students’ answers. Besides for greeting and initial questions in the beginning of the class, English interaction was also built in a usual activity. In the first participant’s class, there is a habit to play lottery for choosing students to perform in class. First, she chose four small papers in random for having four students to come in front of the class. There was student’s personal information written on each paper. Later on, the teacher would read the information written on the paper as clue and the
students should guess whose paper it was. The information was spoken in English. The dialogue below was the illustration. <3> T : Okay, first student. Ss : Boy Girl T : Boy Ss : Boy! T : His hobbies are playing soccer and drawing. Ss : Iwan? Fidel? T : He was born on May. Ss : Fidel T : Yes, Fidel Ss : Yeay! (obsN1_36-45) Here the interaction began. The students were so enthusiastic and willing to respond the teacher. They considered it as a game so it was free for them to express themselves. By having clues, the students were encouraged to think. They competed to guess the meaning so they could guess whose personal information it was. This kind of activity was engaging for the students. It made the TSs interaction went successfully. The other example was the interaction initiated by the teacher using simple question. First, the teacher drew a picture on the blackboard. Then, she asked questions based on what the students saw on the drawing. <4> T : Nah, ms Nana want to… (drawing a figure on the blackboard) T : Nah, coba (“well, see.”), is the eye big? Ss : Yes T : Is the nose big? Ss : Yes T : Nah (well), two big eyes (while writing) T : (writing ‘nose’ and looking at the students) Ss : one big nose
T : Kalo headnya bagaimana ini? (“How about the head?”) Ss : big Ss : one big head (obsN1_78-92) She asked about some characteristics drawn on the face. The students responded directly. It seemed easy for the students since they only had to describe what the saw. Through having the interaction, they constructed the language to describe the drawing. First, the teacher guided them through giving question. They created the language together as a model. Surprisingly, the students could construct the language by themselves at the end. It seemed that the students understood on what they should do. Thus, when the teacher asked about the head, some of them directly said “one big nose”. Based on the observation, sometimes the students gave responses that are grammatically incorrect. The teachers stated that it was acceptable as long as the students could understand the teacher’s intention. However, the responses might be various either in English or Bahasa Indonesia. Actually, the teacher would be happier if the students could respond in English too. However, responding in Bahasa Indonesia was also appreciated as long as the students understood. The teacher stated that if they found such this case, they would inform the students about how to respond in English. They expected that the students could answer in English in the future. Unfortunately, this case was not found during the observation. During the interaction, everything did not always go smoothly. The students might misunderstand the teachers’ initiation or mispronounce a word. Thus, the teacher gave them follow- up by giving corrective feedback.
<5> T : I have? (touching eyes) Ss : Two eyes (mispronounced) T : Two eyes (correct pronunciation) (obsN1_25-27) Fixing mispronounced words was often done by the teachers. This kind of interaction often happened in the reading aloud activity. Teacher said that students should know the right pronunciation. In Elementary school, the early stage in education, students should be taught the right one. It would be for the sake of their future. If they still made mistake, it would not be a matter. At least, the teacher had informed the right one. Thus, the teacher also makes the use of interaction to communicate the right pronunciation. Based on the interview, the teachers used English only for simple conversation that the students had been familiar with. Moreover, she would expose more English to the students once they showed their interest to English. In fact, in the first participant’s class, the students made rule not to speak using Bahasa Indonesia during the English class. Thus, English- English interaction was promoted. During this interaction, teachers has bigger portion for speaking, since they often dominate the initiation and give the follow- up to the students’ responses. The initiation can be in the form of asking question or giving incomplete information. Then, the students’ response can be in the form of giving information. It was found that students also may initiate the interaction by asking question as the response to what the teacher said. The teachers paid attention on the students’ responses. If there was a mistake, they would give corrective
feedback as the follow-up. Once the students responded using Bahasa Indonesia, the teacher would give follow- up by informing how to respond in English. Unfortunately, this kind of interaction was not found during the observation. As what has been stated above, the teachers interacted with their students in English since they wanted their students to learn. Later on, they would use it to communicate. Here is the figure: school’s rule students’ proficiency students’ interest
T Goals: <1>communicate <2>check <3>be input <4>manage behavior
Goals: <1> <2> build confidence <3> be input <4> be input
S 2. RESPONSES <1> respond greeting <2> <3> respond <4> respond to instruction
1. INITIATION <1> greeting <2> ask info <3> giv info <4> giv inst
3.FOLLOW- UP: <1> giv confirmation <2> giv appraisal <3> echoing <4> give corrective feedback
enhancing language proficiency/ language acquisition (implicit knowledge)
fluency Figure 4.1. Concept in English- English TSs Interaction
39 English- Indonesia TSs Interaction In fact, English- English interaction did not always go smoothly. Sometimes, the students did not respond what the teacher said. They ended up either with silent or showing confusion. Consequently, teachers would modify their talk. Thus, sometimes the teacher decided to translate their talk (code switching). <6> T : Yes, she does. Ini pertanyaan nomer satu, kalo nomer dua (“This is number one, how about number two?”). Does she have a flat nose? Ss : (silent) T : Punya flat nose nggak? (“Does she have a flat nose?”) Ss : No, she does not. (unclear) T : no, no? T & Ss : She does not. (obsN1_247-251) Based on the dialogue above, although the teacher has switched her talk in Indonesia, she still expected the students to answer in English correctly. Thus, she asked for clarification. By emphasizing the answer, the students could know how to respond correctly and the others could notice and learn it too. Once the students found difficulty to respond, the teacher would translate it. Teacher realized that English was not used as a means of communication in students’ daily life. Thus, they did not want to burden the students to understand language that they had not been familiar with. Consequently, they considered that English could not be the only language used in English learning in Elementary school. There was also a teacher who sometimes translated her talk directly. She stated that translating was her habit done in grade one up to grade six. When she gave a talk in English, she would translate the words that she considered as the
difficult one. She did not want to take the risk if the students became confused in the future. It would make the class messy and the learning would not go effectively. Here is the illustration. <7> T : Have you finished? sudah selesai? 5 menit lagi yaa (“have you finished? 5 minutes more.) Ss : Ayo bu, istirahat bu, laper e.(Come on ms, let’s have a break, I am hungry.”) T : Ayok (“Come on.”), 5 minutes. (obsY1_384-386) Based on the illustration above, the teacher directly translated her saying. She assumed that her habit in translating was not done every time. It depended on the students’ proficiency. Sometimes, she only translated the difficult word. It was shown when the teacher asked her students to open the textbook. She gave instruction in English but she directly translated the page number. The teacher though that students were not familiar with the numbers. Thus, she would translate it into Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, code switching and code mixing were commonly found in the classroom. Besides that, building TSs interaction using English and Bahasa Indonesia also happened when the teacher wanted to discuss about meaning of vocabulary. It was often done during the learning. Here was the illustration. <8> T : Sekarang kita liat (“Now, let’s see.”), ssst, yang (“for”) Art, what is art? art itu apa (“what is art”)? Ss : SBK (art) T : Ya, SBK ato pelajaran seni (Yes, you can call it art science). Go home? Ss : Pulang (go home) (obsY2_67-70)
Based on the teacher’s experiences, exposing language to students was not enough for the students to learn. She thought that her students had mastered some vocabularies since they were mentioned and discussed many times during the classroom interaction. Unfortunately, when the students were having a test, some students questioned the meaning of those vocabularies. It meant that things did not work as she thought. Thus, starting from that time, she decided to check whether her students understand the meaning of the important words or expressions. This decision was also applied by another teacher. TSs interaction in her class was dominantly aimed on discussing meaning of words which were in Bahasa Indonesia. She wanted to make sure that the students had understood the input in their own language. If it was not done such a way, the students would ask a lot about the meaning of certain vocabularies during the exercise time. <9> Students should know the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia to help themselves doing the task. Once they could understand the reading in Bahasa Indonesia, they must be know how to do the task. If they do not know, but it does not always happen. Elementary students tend to need support in learning. If we directly give a text and we ask them to do a task, they will be confused. (intY2_14) Teachers assumed that through the interaction that helped students to understand in their own language, they could understand better so later on they could perform better. However, the teacher did not always discuss the meaning of vocabularies. It depended on the difficulty level. Once the students had understood English exposed to them, they could construct another model of language. It could be seen on this dialogue.
<10> T : Kalo beautiful dress? Gaun yang? (How about beautiful dress? Dress which is?) Ss : cantik (beautiful) T : Big dictionary? kamus yang? (dictionary which is?) Ss : besar (big) T : Coba..kalo, buku…buku…besar. Besar itu apa kemaren? (Try, if book…book…big. What is the English of ‘besar’?) Ss : big T : buku? (book?) Ss : book T : Brarti, a? (“so, a?”) Ss : big book T : big? Ss : book (obsY1_82-93)
First, the students were guided to understand the English exposure in Bahasa Indonesia. Then, the teacher gave another example in Bahasa Indonesia and asked the students to construct it into English. Based on the description above, the TSs interaction using English and Bahasa Indonesia could be presented in this figure.
students’ proficiency
T Goals: <1> check <2> manage behavior <3> gain comprehension
Goals: <1> build confidence <2> build confidence <3> corrective feedback
1. INITIATION <1> ask info <2> give instruction <3> translate
<1> <2> respond (comment, ask info)
3.FOLLOW- UP: <1> give confirmation <2> giv appraisal <3> prompting
enhancing language proficiency/ language acquisition (implicit knowledge)
fluency Figure 3.2. Concepts in English- Indonesia TSs interaction Here, Bahasa Indonesia and English were used by the teachers. The proportion for each language depended on the students’ proficiency. Once it seemed that the students did not understand, the teacher would directly modify their talk in Bahasa Indonesia. They only spoke English that was easy and the students were familiar with. These code switching and code mixing were done to gain comprehension. The teacher stated that comprehension was the first priority on the interaction. Later on, the teachers could give follow up so the students could understand and
respond it in English too. Thus, English- Indonesia TSs interaction was still focused to enhance English Language acquisition. Indonesia- Indonesia TSs Interaction The teachers stated that if they could make their talk simple, they would build the interaction in English. On the other hand, if the discussion was too complicated to be applied in English, the teachers would prefer to use Bahasa Indonesia. The use of Bahasa Indonesia dominantly appeared when the teacher wanted to discuss materials. Here was the illustration for using Bahasa Indonesia in TSs interaction. <11> T : Hhmmm, ssttt, ada penggabungan dua kata, kata sifat dan kata benda, ya.(“There is a combination of two words, adjective and noun.”) Yang ditulis dulu apanya? kata sifat atau kata benda? (“Which one is written first? adjective or noun?”) Ss : sifat (“adjective”) T : Naaa, kata sifatnya dulu. (“Right, adjective comes first.”) (obsY1_78-80) From the illustration above, it was seen that the students gave responses in Bahasa Indonesia. Teacher assumed that by using English, the students would feel difficult to understand. At the same time, the point of discussion was to achieve the same understanding. Thus, the teacher decided to use Bahasa Indonesia. They rarely explained in English since they did not want their students to misunderstand. If they spoke in English, it would make their students confused and subsequently demotivated. Teachers emphasized on the importance of helping students to understand clearly. Using English to explain things would be useless and make the situation getting worse.
<12> Full English, only at English teachers meeting, we teach the English teachers so they must understand. It will be different for Elementary students, I mean their daily language. In school, the language used is not English. If I use English all the time in class, the students may find difficulties. If I force to have full English in class, I’m afraid that they will not understand the material. It must be different if it is in other school, such as SD Tumbuh. There must be full English in class, if the teacher uses Bahasa Indonesia, there may be some students who do not understand. I teach in Elementary school, so it is still the basic. If I have high demand, they may hate English. What is important is that they understand and happy. (intY1_22) Bahasa Indonesia was also used when the teachers connected the discussion with the students’ real experiences. Besides using media as a topic to discuss, teacher also related what they were discussing about with the students’ reality. Here is the illustration. <13> T : Coba, nih, gambarnya siapa ini? (“Well, try, whose picture it is?”) Ss : Alana? Oliv? Aji? Valen T : Knapa kok kalian bisa nebak? (“How could you guess that way?”) Ss : Karena rambutnya curly (“because the hair is curly”) T : Rambutnya curly, sekarang kalo ini cewe, berarti ini apa disini kalo diberi nama?(“The hair is curly, now, if this is a girl, what should be written here?”) (obs1N_97-101) She asked whose face it was. The students guessed it. They were enthusiastic on defending their answers. The teacher responded it by asking why they have such guesses and the students mention the characteristic of the drawing together. They mentioned ‘curly hair’. The teacher expected that relating the learning with the students’ reality could ease the students to acquire the language. <14> yes ms, I expect that by relating the learning with the students’ reality and funny things around them, it will be easy for them to remember the vocabulary that they learnt. Thus, they could still remember. (intN2)
Besides, Bahasa Indonesia was also used when the teachers gave direction to the students. <15> T: Oke ya, temen- temen ya, ssssst. Kan disitu sudah ada apa namanya sudah ada contoh gambarnya, kalo lebih bagus lagi, kamu gambar, ya. (“Okay, friends, ssssst. There has been, I mean, there is a picture as the example. It will be better if you draw it.”) Ss: waaaa T: Yo rapopo to, kan hanya simple, itu balonnya. (“That’s okay. It’s simple, the balooon”) Ss: halaaahhh, haaaa, huuu. T: Yo, yo, tidak usah persis nggak papa. Balon kan tinggal bulet- bullet aja (“Okay, it doesn’t have to be similar. Just make some circles.”) Ss: Yaah… (obsY1_137-142) Based on the illustration above, the teacher negotiated with the students about the task. The students respond naturally in Bahasa Indonesia. They complaint since the task was too demanding. The teacher did not want to make her students feel demotivated. Thus, she tried to explain that it was not that hard. She interacted with their students to soothe her students. Based on the observation, it seemed that the teachers cared about the students’ condition. They interacted with their students to talk about the students’ experiences and feeling. It was found that the teachers wanted to make sure that the students did not feel burden during the learning. If it seemed that their students were demotivated, they would motivate their students. As the example, the teacher also motivated the students before they did an exercise. She did not want her students stop learning because afraid of making mistakes. <16> T: Okay, number one, dengarkan yuk nomer satu. Menggunakan jawaban
lengkap, kalaupun salah tidak apa- apa, boleh . Nanti dibetulkan ya, yang penting intinya sudah tau. Okay, number one, what toys does Helen like?(“Okay, number one, listen, number one. Use the complete answer. If it is false, that is okay. You can revise it. The important one is that you know.”) Ss: Doll (obsy1_396-397) They said that these efforts might be beneficial for building positive relationship with the students. Interacting using Bahasa Indonesia was also used when the teacher made jokes for the students. Here is the illustration. <17> T : Sekarang wajahnya juga, tadi ms Nana lupa. Kalo ini? (pointing at the figure drawn) (“Now, the face, please. I almost forget. How about this one?”) Bentuk wajahnya kira- kira apa ya? (“What kind of face is it?”) Ss : round face T : yak, round face, anggep ini bulat, jangan benjol (“right, round face, consider this as a round shape.”), round face. Ss : Kalo yang ini? (“How about this one?”) T : Oval Ss : Kayak round juga jadinya ya. Ini masih round juga e, yo sementara agak ditiruskan sedikit. Dikasih shading, kok malah jadi punya brewok. S : Apa itu bu? brewok (laughing) (“It is still like round face. Okay, make it slimmer. I will put the shading. It looks like moustache.”) T : Bukan, ini maksudnya biar…anggap ini oval ya.(“No, I make it so that…just consider that it is oval.”) (obsN1_151-158) The teacher was explaining the difference of round and oval face through drawing. She made a joke from the drawing in Bahasa Indonesia. She tried to create fun environment. She expected that it could make the students to notice and remember what they learnt from what they laugh at. Here is the figure.
T Goals: <1> check <2> gain comprehension <3> <4> maintain Ss motivation
1. INITIATION <1> ask compre <2> explain inst <3> soothe Ss <4> tell jokes
Ss 2. RESPONSES give info (show comprehension, negotiate) respond instruction & jokes
1. gaining comprehension 2. saving time 3. building relationship 4. creating fun atmosphere Figure 3.3. Concepts of Indonesia- Indonesia TSs interaction Javanese Language TSs Interaction The use of Javanese language also existed in TSs interaction. Javanese language was the students’ local language. As what has been described above, Javanese English was spoken by the teacher when she negotiated about students’ task. The interaction was quite informal. Besides, the teachers also spoke using Javanese language to warn the students when they did mistakes. <18> Javanese language was used as ice breaking. I used it when I warned the students so that they were not upset. I made a joke also. (intN2) Here is the illustration. <19> S : Ms, nomer tiga kok (Ms, how come number three be like that?”) yes, he doesn’t? T : Sing nggarap iki sopo to? (“Who did this?”) Ss : Sabrina T : Nek yes ki yes bagaimana? (“If it is yes, how to write it?”) Ss : yes, he does
T : Ss : T : Ss : T :
nek ‘nt’ ki nggo sopo? (“What is ‘nt’ for?”) no ini singkatannya dari? (“It is the abbreviation of?”) does not brarti nek yes yo rasah nganggo n? (“meaning that, if it is yes, you do not need to have ‘n’.”) Ss : ‘t’ (obsN1_347-357) In fact, the use of local language as a language used in TSs interaction was being a controversy. One teacher stated that interacting using Javanese language was acceptable. It aimed to make the situation not too tense. On the other hand, there was a teacher who assumed that Javanese language was not really suitable to be used in English learning since classroom language was only English and Bahasa Indonesia. In fact, she responded her students using Javanese language and she stated that she spoke unintentionally. T 1. INITIATION <1> ask inf <2> warn <3> tell jokes
Ss 2. RESPONSES <1> giv inf <3> respond jokes
1. ease the situation 2. create fun atmosphere Figure 3.4. The concept of Javanese TSs Interaction
4.1.2 Pattern of TSs Interaction Teacher- Students Interaction Initiation In classroom, TSs interaction existed at almost the whole session of learning, started from greeting to closing. Teachers initiated the interaction by asking information. Those questions might be from their own ideas or from the students’ previous question. As what has been described on the goal of TSs interaction above, teachers might vary the purpose of asking question. If they had already known the answer, it meant that they aimed to check the students’ proficiency. Here was the illustration for checking students’ vocabularies. <20> T : Oke, yuk, kita baca dulu. Sshhh, kita masih belajar tentang kata sifat. (”Okay, come on, let’s read first. Sshhh, we still learn about adjective.”) Ss: Adjective T : Ya (“Yes”) adjectives, apakah masih ingat? (“do you still remember?”) Ss: Masih (“Yes”) T : What are they? Apa saja? (“what are they?”) what are the adjectives? Ss: (Ss mention some adjectives) (obsY1_10-15) Seen from the dialogue above, the teacher wanted to check the students’ background knowledge. Actually she had known the answers but she only wanted to make sure whether the students had master what they had learnt from the previous meeting. By answering those questions, students could share what they had in mind. Later on, the teacher could observe whether the students had responded correctly or not. They also could notice which students who had not understood yet. Then, she could decide whether it was needed to explain the
previous material again or not. Thus, if teacher would like to know the students’ knowledge, they often initiated the interaction by asking questions. Initiating TSs interaction was not merely aimed for checking students’ knowledge. At the other time, teachers also asked about things of which answers they had not known yet. <21> T : Kelas V harusnya disana to? (“Class V, you should have been in another room, right?”) Ss : Tadi pagi disuruh kesini. (“This morning, we were asked to come here.” T : (nodding) (obsY1_153-154) By having the students’ answer, the teacher could get the information. Actually the information also could be in the form of students’ feeling, for instance by asking whether the material was easy or not. Teachers stated that the interaction happened in English learning was not merely about English materials. The teacher thought that interaction in class should not be monotonous. The subject for discussion was not only focused on materials but it should be varied by other talk which was fun. Thus, sometimes, teachers should also communicate with students about the things around them and how they felt during the learning. It was seen during the observation in which the teachers asked students about their background knowledge, experiences or opinion that were related to the topic being learnt. Sometimes, what was discussed was not related to the topic learnt. Teachers assumed that by asking such questions, the students would feel like being in the teachers’ attention. Consequently, it could give positive impact toward the TSs relationship.
<22> maintain the relationship between the teacher and the students, it was not only about academic things. By asking, they also…what to say…it was such the emotion, in class, we may not only focus on studying but we also should building interaction by asking questions. The example is like asking about holiday, how was your holiday? where did you go? was it fun? (obsk3_13) Moreover, by having such discussion, the teacher could introduce some vocabularies related to what they were talking about. It would increase the students’ proficiency. Unfortunately, this kind of discussion was not seen during the observation. The teacher only asked and did not give further responses. The teacher argued that this kind of interaction was not always done in every meeting. It depended on the students’ condition. If they were so noisy and not cooperative, the teacher would not make it. Besides asking information, teacher also initiated an interaction by giving information. The example was when the teachers informed about what they were going to learn at that day. It was commonly done by the teachers in the beginning of session. Due to the observation, students would not respond to such initiation. They would respond only if the information was incomplete or if the information was used as a clue to solve. The teachers wanted all her students to participate on the discussion. Thus, they often asked for the students’ attention e.g by calling the misbehavedstudents’ names. They expect that everybody would get the same understanding and nobody missed the information. Once it worked, it would save more time. On the other words, through successful TSs interaction, teachers could build efficient learning.
They did not need to spend much time for explaining the same things to each student. They believed that knowledge could be obtained as long as the students were aware of and involved in the process of interaction. Thus, teachers interacted with their students to negotiate students’ manner. She expected to have cooperative students. <23> T : Temen- temen nanti kalo rame, ms Yeni tidak mau memberikan lima menit untuk ganti lho.(Friends, if you are still noisy, ms Yeni will not give you time to change your clothes.”) Ss : Halah Yo nggak bu (No ms) T : Makanya yuk, dengarkan. Helen’s doll artinya apa? (So listen. What is the meaning of helen’s doll?”) Ss : Bonekanya Helen (helen’s doll). (obsY1_325-328) Teacher realized that it was difficult to have all her students involved in the TSs interaction. Quiet atmosphere in Elementary students’ class was something which was rarely found. Thus, she tolerated if there were some students who still made noises. At least, she had tried to manage the situation. The third move was by giving instruction. This was common initiation done in Elementary class. Teachers used this kind of interaction to manage what the students do or how the students behave. Once the teachers initiated the interaction, the students rarely gave verbal respond. They did it only if they needed clarification. Commonly, they would end up with either doing what the teacher asked them to do or being silent to show that they did not understand. <24> T : Nah, sekarang, now, please open your rainbow. Kita menyelesaikan ini dulu (“Okay, now, please open your rainbow. We finish this first.” Ss : halaman? (what page?) T : page seventy four
Ss : tujuh puluh empat (“seventy four”)(opening their books) (obsN1_74-77) What commonly found was when the teachers gave verbal warning to keep the students from not being noisy. During the learning, the teachers emphasize the important of noticing the discussion. They kept warning the students to behave properly by paying attention and participating on the interaction. Teachers had experienced that students would ask lot of questions on the exercise time if they did not pay attention during the learning. In fact, they often asked the same question. Consequently, students often spent time more than the given time when they were doing exercise. Based on the interview, they stated that students should notice what was discussed on the interaction. <25> If I do not remind them to pay attention, they will come to me for asking and asking again. It will be better if now we understand it together. Once everybody has understood, everything will go smoothly. If one student asks, another student will ask again. In fact, it was the same question. Thus, it is better to make all of the students understand first. (intY2_16) It would be better also if the students could respond. As the students give responses, it meant that the students had understood. In fact, eventhough the teachers had warned the students to pay attention, there were still some students who came to the teacher for asking clarification. Teachers realized that sometimes students will not directly learn about what has been discussed. They said that at least they had provided learning atmosphere. In fact, not all language exposed to the students will be acquired by the students. giving many language exposures to students during TSs interaction did
not guarantee that the students’ language mastery would be highly improved automatically. Those teachers’ experiences shown that the key for improving students’ language acquisition was on the understandable input. It was not about how often the language was exposed to the students. Then, to be understandable, teachers chose to translate the important language exposures into Bahasa Indonesia. They thought that elementary students might find difficulties to comprehend English exposures directly during the interaction. In the students’ daily life, English was not their first language. Thus, they still needed to be guided by the teachers. The guidance was in the form of checking meaning. If the students could translate it into Bahasa Indonesia, the teachers believed that their students would understand better. This was why teachers interacted with their students mostly to gain the same understanding about meaning of language exposed to the students. During the observation, it was seen that to understand a written text, the teachers interacted with their students to negotiate the meaning of some important vocabularies or expressions. Follow- up Once the students had given their responses, teacher might also vary on giving follow- up. First, they might directly evaluate their students’ responses by showing agreement. It could be done through giving confirmation, appraising the students or merely repeating students’ answers. <26> T : lalu thirty nya diganti half (“then, thirty is changed into half”), it is?
Ss : It is half past two T : okay, good, sekarang lagi (“now, continue”), jam tiga lebih sepuluh (three ten) .It is? (obsY2_18-20) <27> T : Apalagi? mahal? apa itu mahal? (“What’s next?”) Ss : Expensive (most of the students anwered together) T : Expensive, kalo tinggi? hayo? (How about tall? can you guess?”) (obsY1_20-22) The teacher stated that confirming students’ answer is very important. It could boost the students’ confidence to respond more actively in the future without worrying of doing mistakes. While, it was also found that the teacher did not evaluate the students’ response. <28> T : Nah, coba, (“well, try”) is the eye big? Ss : yes T : Is the nose big? Ss : yes (obsN1_79-82) The teachers assumed that they did not need to explain more and give feedback if the materials were easy. Moreover, most of the student answered the teacher question correctly. Consequently, after having the correct answer from the students, teacher directly moved to another question or another point to discuss. Once the students’ response was not clear, the teacher might respond it by asking for clarification. <29> T : What date is today? Ss : Today is Tuesday, April, twenty, two thousand and sixteen T : Nah, April, twenty, two thousand and? Ss : Sixteen (obsN2_7-10)
At other time, the teacher would not directly evaluate the students’ responses. It happened when the teacher noticed a wrong answer. She would neither comment that it was wrong nor revise it directly. Based on the observation, she preferred to question the students’ responses. <30> T : Oh iya, ini juga (“alright, this one is”) one pointed nose. Kalo rambutnya?(“How about the hair?”) Ss : banyak (“lot of”) T : iya banyak, nggak pake ‘a’ ya. (“yes, lot of, no need ‘a’”) S : pake (use) ‘s’ T : pake (“use”) ‘s’? Ss : nggak, nggak (“no, no”) T : iya, kan nggak bisa diitung (“yes, it can not be counted”) (obsN1_117-123) Besides, she would ask for the other’s opinion. If she assumed that the question was easy, she would ask it to the other students. <31> T : yes, yak, ini salahnya di apa ini?(“okay, is something wrong”) Ss : tulisan (“the writing”) T : harusnya apa ini? (“what should it be?”) Ss : S-H-O-R-T T : Yak (“yes”) (while revising the writing) (obsN1_308-312) She might also guide the students to find out the mistakes by their own and ask them to revise it. <32> T : Nah, bisa to? (Alright, you can do it, can’t you?”) What is dictionary? Apa itu dictionary? (“What is dictionary?”) Ss : Bukuuuu (“book”) T : Yang lainnya tau nggak dictionary itu apa? (“others, do you know what dictionary is?”) Ss : Kamus (“dictionary”) T : Kamus, iya…(“dictionary, yes”) (obsY1_62-66)
If the responses were varied, the teachers would guide until the students reached a consensus about the correct answer. <33> T : Kalo she, she bagaimana? (“what if she, how about she?”) Ss : She… Ss : have has T : Have apa has? (“have or has”?) Ss : has T : She has, okay, she has. (obsN1_103-107) In TSs interaction, teachers had many roles for guiding and controlling their students. They gave students chances to answer the questions. Thus, once the students do not answer the questions, the teachers often prompted the students to find the correct answers. <34> Actually the students have already known the answers. Thus, when there is a question, I will ask it to the other students. I know ms. Ah, there is someone who know the answer. (intY2_26) They found it was more beneficial to have the students to answer the questions by themselves compared to have the teacher as the only source. …the students could practice. Besides, they could memorize. If I directly help, it will be different. If they find the answers by themselves, it will be more memorable. (intN1_25) Specifically, first, students would remember the most if they were the one who solved the questions. Second, teacher could also check which students who have and have not known the answer.
59 Teacher- Student Interaction In classroom, the TSs interaction was not merely about the interaction between teacher and the whole class. During that interaction, teacher also interacted with student personally. It could happen anytime during the interaction. <35> T : Time, Mmmmm, Ocha, what time is it? What time is it? S : (silent for a moment) Mmmm, it is six… T : Six? S : twelve T : Twelve? Twelve apa? (“twelve, what?”) S : Twelve past ten T : Past ten, kalo mau pake past, yang dibacakan apanya dulu? Yang disebutkan apanya dulu? (“if, you want to use past, what should be read, first? what should be mentioned first?”) Ss : Menitnya dulu (“the minutes, first”) T : Menitnya dulu baru jamnya, berarti? (“minutes comes first, meaning that?”) Ss : Ten T : Ten? Ss : Past twelve T : Ten past twelve, ya dibalik kan? Oke. Kalo past itu apa sih?(“yes, you reverse it, right? Okay, how about past?”) ... (obsN2_42-54) TS interaction might end up with a problem. Thus, to solve the problem, teacher built a further discussion in the form of TSs interaction. She expected that the other students could contribute to give the solution. Teachers did not always answer directly if there was a student who asked them. Sometimes, they used that question as a topic for classroom discussion. <36> to check whether the other students had understood or not, sometimes the students just imitated when answering questions. If I give them chance to answer, they could start thinking. (intN2_35)
By doing so, she could check whether the other students knew the answer or not. Sometimes, the students only duplicate other students’ answers when they were asked by the teachers. Thus, the teacher would ask again to make sure that everybody had understood. Besides, they also wanted to give space for the students to find the answer using what they had known so far. Once there was no one who could not answer, she would help them by giving hints. Teachers assumed that students would memorize better if they processed the ideas by themselves. If the students got stuck, the teacher would answer the question. The TS interaction could also happen when there was a misbehaved student disturbing the TSs interaction. <37> T : Fajar, baca number one, nek rame pokok e podo moco, coba nomer satu Fajar. Ayo baca, soalnya sama jawabannya, Sing rame- rame nanti moco. (Fajar, read number one, if you are noisy, you should read, try number one Fajar. Read the question and the answer. Those who are noisy will read.” S : buku bahasa Inggrisku ilang e bu (I lost my English book, ms) T : Kita tunggu sampe selesai. Jadi kalo Fajar nggak baca, kalian juga nggak pulang. (“We wait until the finish. If Fajar does not read, all of you can not go home.”) S : Aduh, nggak ada e ms (“Oh, no. it is nowhere ms”) Ss : Kui lho, koe ki memperlambat e. (“You, you’re a troublesome.”) Huuuu (obsN1_285-289) Student- Teacher Interaction The interaction between teacher and the whole class might invite a student to respond. He or she might ask question for clarification or comment on the discussed topic. Once a student came up with a question, the teacher might vary her response. Sometimes, if they consider that the questions could be answered by
other students, they rarely answered it directly. They believed that there must be some students who have already known the answer. Therefore, they preferred to have others to answer. On the other hand, if the question seemed difficult, teacher would answer it directly. Thus, the student’s question would be asked to the other students. <38> … S : nek nama gimana ms? (“how about name ms?”) T : Nek nama bagaimana? Yo ini kita ganti misale Elok, (“How about name, ms? Let’s change it, for example, Elok”) does Elok have curly hair? punya nggak Elok curly hair? (“does Elok have curly hair?”) Ss : No T : No, Elok does not have curly hair (while writing it on the whiteboard), atau, Elok itu cewek apa cowok?(“or, is Elok a girl or a boy?”) .... (obsN1_252-255) While, if the students came up with a comment, teacher would have two responses. Sometimes, the student’s response might not be related to the topic discussed. As a result, teacher might just ignore it. <39> T : Naaa, kata sifatnya dulu (“Well, the adjective first”) S : Sifatnya jelek to Bu, bad (“the characteristic is bad ms, bad”) T : Kalo beautiful dress? Gaun yang?(“if it is beautiful dress, so a dress which is?”) Ss : cantik (“beautiful”) (obsY1_80-83) At other time, teachers would only nod or express their opinion a bit and directly continue to the earlier topic. <40> T : expensive? Ss : bag S : Bu, back itu kembali to bu? (“ms, back is coming back, right?) T : Tul, trus, apalagi ya? Rumah, rumah bersih. (“yes, then, what’s next?
house, cleasn house?”) Ss : a…clean…house S : Bu,bu, bu back kan kembali to? (“ms, back is coming back, right?) T : itu beda tulisannya, dah, (“the difference is on the writing”) (obsY1_98-102) If the student’s question was good to discuss, the teacher would respond it well. <41> T : Kalo second? (“how about second?”) Ss : istirahat kedua (second break”) S : ms, kok iso dibalik? kan harusnya pertama istirahat, kok jadi istirahat pertama?(ms, how can it be reversed? it should be first break, how come it becomes break first.”) T : Ya memang kalo Bahasa Inggris kan dibalik begitu. Okay ya? Sekarang kita liat, ssst, yang Art, what is art? art itu apa? (“That is, in English, it is reversed, okay? Now, let’s see, ssst, art, what is art? what is art?”) (obsY2_64-67) Besides, they might develop the student’s ideas to have further discussion. <42> … T : Balon, nomer satu itu gambar balon,(“balloon, number one is picture ‘ of balloon.”) S : bahasa inggrisnya? (What is the English ms?) T : Balon bahasa Inggrisnya apa? (What is the English of balloon?”) Ss : baluun, beluun? T : Tapi nulisnya bagaimana? (“how to write it?”) Ss : B-A-L-L-O-N T : B? Ss : A-L-L-O-N T : O nya berapa? (how many’O’?) Ss : O nya dua (“two O”) T : Oke ya, temen- temen ya… (Okay, friends.) (obsY1_125-137) Eventhough TSs interaction was dominantly initiated by teachers, the ideas were also produced by the students. Teacher often proposed a student’s question to the class discussion so everybody could gain more input. She considered that
the students could gain more vocabularies from what they discussed together. Thus, if she found words that were important to notice from any sources, she would directly ask her students to pay attention on it. If she got an idea in Bahasa Indonesia, she would ask her students to translate it in English. Conversely, if it was an English word, she would ask her students to translate it. She expected that the other students will notice and memorize it.
4.2. DISCUSSION Based on the results described above, there were three main themes concluded namely the goals, the process, and the sources of TSs Interaction. Those three themes are discussed further in the section below. 4.2.1 Goals of TSs Interaction TSs interaction existed when the teacher and his/ her students exchanged their ideas. Based on the observation, the interaction was dominantly initiated by the teachers. As teachers, they might have goals in mind when they acted in classroom, including managing the TSs interaction with their students. Based on the data gathered, it is analyzed that the teachers believe that TSs interaction is aimed for promoting English language acquisition and increasing positive attitude toward learning. Promoting English Language Acquisition and Learning Based on the observation, the teachers promote English as a language used to interact with their students. By exposing English to the students, the teachers
expect that the students will acquire it. It is more preferable to be called as acquisition process than learning process since it happens through ‘subconscious process’ (Krashen, 1981,1982 in Ellis,2008) during the interaction. On the other words, teachers do not merely see English as a means of communication but they also consider it as an input for language acquisition. Having the same belief about English as input, Yanfen &Yuqin (2010) state that through interaction with the teachers, the students can increase their language store. As a result, they can improve their language proficiency as the implicit knowledge. It is in line with input hypothesis proposed by Krashen (1985,1994 in Ellis 2008) in which through understanding input that contains structures a little bit beyond the students’ current level of competence, students may progress in acquisition. By acquiring language, the students can develop their speaking skill. Later on, it is expected that they are able to communicate easily in the future. Besides promoting English acquisition through exposing input, in TSs interaction, the teachers also promote acquisition through giving chance to the students for producing output. Producing output can be in the form of responding their teacher or initiating their ideas. The teachers consider that by producing output, the students may construct their understanding about the language. As can be seen in the data sample <10>, they were guided to process what they know and create it to be a new one. They created an interaction and produce language. This is what Swain and Lapkin (1998) in Mackey (1999) called with collaborative dialogue in which the students talk about the language they are producing or writing that may be a source of second language learning. The teachers have role
in this interaction to assist the students’ production. Due to the interaction hypothesis proposed by Long (1996), this kind of interaction can facilitate acquisition. Having the same belief, Mayer (2002) in Pianta et al. (2012) also states that this kind of process facilitates the ability to access and apply the language acquired which is needed in learning. If the students construct the language by themselves, the students will learn the language better. This consideration is different with Pica (1992) in Mackey (1999) and Ellis et al. (1994) who found no significant differences between learners who observed interaction and learners who took part in interaction in terms of comprehension level. They assume that participating on the interaction does not give a significant benefit for comprehension. On the other hand, the teachers think differently about it. The teachers believe that students who participate on the interaction will understand and learn better than those who do not participate. This is why they often encourage the students to participate actively on the interaction. Making mistakes during the production is acceptable. Consequently, the teachers may give corrective feedback as the follow up. In the end, as confirmed by the participants, they believe that through TSs interaction, they can promote English acquisition by exposing comprehensible input and facilitating the students to produce output. Later on, it will be useful for communication skill. The teachers consider that English acquisition is better proposed in the early stage. Thus, the teachers often communicate the input in English, encourage their students to produce output and give corrective feedback during TSs interaction.
66 Increasing Students’ Positive Attitude toward Learning Besides aiming to develop students’ cognition through English language acquisition, TSs interaction is also aimed to increase the students’ positive attitude toward learning. Attitude in this research refers to the students’ engagement and students’ motivation. First, in TSs interaction, teachers may manage their students’ behaviour verbally. It can be done by giving instructions to the students, reminding them about time allocation, and giving verbal warning to the misbehaved students. Those actions are aimed to keep the students engaged on the learning. Pianta, et al. (2012) also agree on the benefit of TSs interaction for the behavior management. They state that TSs interaction “promote positive behavior and prevent or terminate misbehavior in the classroom (p.374)”. If the behavior management is successfully done in class, the teacher may achieve an efficient learning since the students may understand at once. The teachers consider that their students are having short span of attention. It has been been young learners’ characteristic that is confirmed by the practitioners in English to young learners’ field such as Cameron (2001) and Moon (2000). Therefore, teachers often give verbal “reminder” to make the students aware and engaged in learning. Second,
communicating ideas e.g. sharing opinion and feeling in TSs interaction. They also spend time for talking about any ideas related to the students. One of the example is when the teacher communicates with the students about the consequence of being noisy in class. They share and tolerate each other. Moon (2000) states that negotiating class rules can bring students and the teacher closer
together and also build warm and friendly relationship. Consequently, they may build a positive learning atmosphere. Through sharing ideas, the teachers may know their students’ condition. Once the teachers notice that the students are feeling demotivated, they will motivate their teachers verbally. In TSs interaction, the teachers also boost the students’ confidence verbally to participate actively during the interaction. Nugent (2009) has also found that TSs interaction have role in influencing the students’ motivation. Consequently, the students will feel that the teachers care to them. Brown (2000) states that this kind of affective supports may be beneficial for decreasing the students’ language ego that can create a sense of fragility, a defensiveness, and a raising of inhibitions. By creating supporting atmosphere, the students may feel comfortable in learning. Then, the students will be active and more engaged in learning English without worrying things e.g worry of being blamed if they make mistakes. Liao (2007) also concerns that children also need individual attention and support from the teacher to make them feel more confident and secure about learning English. This is what Brown (2000) called with risk- taking. The students’ engagement toward learning will be higher if the barriers are small. Once their fear to talk is getting bigger or their confidence is decreasing, they will find more difficult to learn. This is why teachers do not only focus on learning for the whole session. As a result, there is a good communication resulting in positive relationship between the teachers and the students. Then, the students may have positive attitude toward learning. Zhu (2013) confirms this belief by stating that in
the learning environment, teacher-students interaction plays a major role both in influencing the cognitive and affective development of students. Third, the teachers may increase the students’ attitude toward learning through creating supportive learning atmosphere. Having supporting atmosphere is very important in young learners’ classroom. If the focus of the learning is only about discussing the materials, the students may feel bored. This is why in TSs interaction, the teachers sometimes make jokes to build fun atmosphere. Besides, sometimes the teacher uses Javanese language during the interaction. She considers that the use of Javanese language may break the ice. The teachers do not want to make their students feel demotivated. Thus, sometimes she prefers to warn their students using Javanese language. Using Javanese language in English classroom is considered as funny thing by the students. Thus, the students will not feel depressed if they are warned. Moon (2000,p.9) states that if the students are happy, they will enjoy and benefit from their language learning. On the other words, TSs interaction may facilitate the teachers to increase the students’ engagement and motivation. As what has been agreed by the teacher, TSs interaction can not merely be focused on the materials. Building relationship is needed to make them engaged and motivated in learning. It can be done by managing students’ behaviour verbally, increasing students’ attitude by communicating ideas and creating supportive learning atmosphere.
4.2.2 Process of TSs Interaction In fact, interaction and acquisition do not happen simultaneously. Acquisition only happens if the input in TSs interaction is comprehensible. It is in line with comprehensible input proposed by Krashen (1985) in Ellis (2008). If the students do not understand the ideas, there is no language acquisition. This is why the teachers often asked the students’ understanding in Bahasa Indonesia to make sure that they have understood. Based on the data, there are many ways to make input comprehensible. First, the teachers interact using simple English. The teachers realized that they are talking to Elementary students who consider English as foreign language. Thus, the level of complexity should be adjusted to the students’ proficiency. If the teachers can not adjust the language, they will explain using the students’ native language, Bahasa Indonesia. Here, the teachers see Bahasa Indonesia as a means to help the students for comprehending the input. Liao (2007) also agree on the use of Bahasa Indonesia by stating that viewing children’s native language as a useful strategy and resource for checking understanding and for communicating with others is beneficial for the teachers. Second, the teachers interact by using language that the students are familiar with. This is why the teachers only use English for classroom language instruction and any usual expressions. According to Nation (2007), to be learnt, an input should be the one that the students are familiar with. Only small numbers of unknown words are allowed. In fact, exposing simple language does not guarantee that the students will understand. Sometimes, there are some students who
misunderstand or even do not understand although the teachers have made their explanation simple. Third, the teachers use clues to help the students in comprehending the unfamiliar input. It aims to avoid the students’ misunderstanding. Besides, it may make the language more understandable so the students can catch the meaning eaisly. Due to the input hypothesis proposed by Krashen in Ellis (2008), to come up in comprehension, the teachers should combine the simplifying input with the help of contextual and extralinguistic clues. Nation (2007) also supports on the use of clues in TSs interaction by stating that the learners can gain some knowledge of the unknown language items through contextual clues and background knowledge. The clues can be in the form of students’ reality, pictures, or situation. First, they relate the input to the students’ reality. Students’ reality is the thing that the students are familiar with. It can be useful to help them interpret the situation especially the language exposed to them. Second, they expose the language using the help of pictures. Through having the pictures as a clue, the students can guess the meaning. The third, the teachers provide the input in a situation like a game. By having a game, the students can interpret the situation and find the meaning of the input by themselves. These three ideas really work on the Elementary students. According to Moon (2000), they have a good instinct for interpreting the sense or meaning of situation by using their knowledge of everyday life and the clues provided by the situation or the picture. This is their natural characteristics. Therefore, it is reasonable that the teachers make the use of pictures and students’
reality during the TSs interaction. They expect that their students can acquire the language the most. By knowing the context from what they observe in the reality, pictures and game, they can interpret the meaning. Consequently, the language exposed to them can be understandable or meaningful. Fourth, the teachers interact using English as a routine such as for greeting, closing, and other usual activity. It aims to make the students are accustomed to the language exposed to them. This strategy is in line with the time-on-task principle. This principle shows that the higher the frequency for doing something, the better the students are likely be at doing it (Nation, 2007). Thus, it is reasonable that the interaction done in a usual activity goes smoothly. If the language is exposed to the students for many times, the process for gaining it is easier. This is what Hatch and Wagner Gough (1976) in Ellis (2008) call with frequency hypothesis. Realizing the importance of gaining input in TSs interaction, the teachers always demand their students to involve in. The teachers consider that learning happens only if the students involve in the interaction. Thus, on the beginning of the interaction, teachers often demand the students verbally to pay attention and participate on the interaction. In fact, Makasau (2015) also finds ‘asking attention’ as one of typical adjacency pairs found in TSs interaction. By paying attention on the talk, the students may be aware of the function, how it was pronounced and how to respond it. It is in line with noticing hypothesis proposed by Schmidt (2001) in Ellis (2008) who emphasizes the importance of noticing input and noticing the gaps as essential processes in L2 acquisition. He states that learners
only learn what they consciously attend to in the input. Moon (2000) also supports the importance of participating on the interaction since she considers that the students may get English exposure. As a result, the students may have the opportunity to acquire the language exposed to them. Once they do not pay attention, they will not get the idea about what is being learnt. On the other hand, if they notice, they will learn. This is why teachers do some effort to get their students’ attention, e.g calling names and writing the important talk on the whiteboard. They realize that their students belong to young learners who have short span of attention as what Cameron (2001) confirms. In fact, there is no guarantee that the students who involve in the interaction will exactly acquire the language exposed to them. According to the teachers, the students who successfully acquire the language are those who can describe it in their first language (Bahasa Indonesia). Brown (2000) also admits that native language of every learner is an extremely significant factor in the acquisition of a new language. Thus, the students’ responses are required. As they respond on the interaction, it shows that they understand. The opportunity for learning will be bigger. During the observation, the teachers did not force the students to respond in English. The important point is that the students understand. As the follow- up, they will teach their students how to respond in English. What is true is that students’ responses in TSs interaction is useful for the teachers. According to Schunk (2012), like written responses, oral responses are assumed as valid reflection of what students know which may not always be true.
The responses can be right or wrong. Both of them give valuable information. Cameron (2001) also states that learners’ error can give teachers useful information about their learning process and their internal grammar. By acknowledging this error, the teachers can notice who have acquired and who have not and how far they have acquire the input. Later on, they can give followup. If the students do mistakes, the teacher can give corrective feedback. At other time, learners’ correct responses can be used as input for other students. Since it happens during TSs interaction, other students can notice. Consequently, everybody has the same chance to acquire the language. However, the teachers realized that not all students could notice and participate actively during the whole TSs interaction. They considered about students’ characteristics who were difficult to focus. This is the what Cameron (2001) concerns about in which young learners are those who have short span of attention. As what has been discussed above, the focus of TSs interaction is not merely on learning content but also providing the learning atmosphere. Since it is a young learners’ classroom, students’ affective development is really concerned. If the students are demotivated, there will not be an acquisition.This is why teachers are aware of the students’ motivation level. Thus, Javanese is preffered. It is in line with Cameron (2001), Halliwell (1992), and Moon (2000) who emphasize on the importance developing students’ affective for the success of learning. It will be discussed further on the student talk.
4.2.3 Sources of Interaction Teacher Talk Based on the results, teacher talk dominates the TSs interaction. According to Kumpulainen & Wray (2002), the role of the teacher was more salient and explicit in the whole class period. They may have their own purposes when delivering a talk to the students. As a result, it makes them play different roles in TSs interaction during the learning in the classroom. Besides affected by the goals, teacher talk exposed to the students is also affected by the students’ proficiency. According to Brown (2000), the students’ proficiency affects teacher in deciding which role that they play in the TSs interaction. Based on the observation, the teachers position themselves into three roles. First, the teachers position themselves as a controller. They give direction to the students and manage them to follow the instruction as what they expect. They decide what the students should do and discuss. According to Brown (2000), teachers who play this position can often predict the students’ responses. Thus, it is reasonable if the patter of IRE is found. They evaluate the students’ response to be as same as what they expect. On the other words, they control everything to get the expected results. It is the same as what Pujiastuti (2013) describes about the controller in classroom who is mainly giving direction, lecturing and asking question by which she led the flow of interaction. They may think that young learners need guidance during the learning. If there is no controller during the learning, the goal of learning can not be achieved.
Second, the teachers also position themselves as manager. They guide the students to the goals by informing the goals on the early meeting and give freedom to the students in responding but keep monitoring by giving follow- up during the ongoing process if needed to keep the right track. Here is the explanation for IRF pattern found during the observation. They also keep motivating the students’ performance by appreciating students talk, accepting student’s feelings, praising the student’s performance, and using student’s ideas. Third, instead of playing role as resource, the teachers consider themselves as facilitator. They think that the students may have the ideas already. Thus, they only need to facilitate the learning and guide the students to find what should be learnt. Besides considering different roles in TSs interaction, teacher also consider about the language used there. Based on the findings, the distribution of the use of Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Javanese language during the TSs interaction is 70%: 25%: 5%. The teachers agree that the preference of language depends on the students’ proficiency, students’ motivation, and the purpose of talk. Moon (2000) also supports it by stating that teachers vary widely in how much English they use in their classroom. It may depend on how comfortable they feel using English, the level of their pupils’ language or the purpose of the talk. Consequently, the teacher should be sensitive about their students’ proficiency. English is aimed for acquisition process in which the language should be comprehensible. While Bahasa Indonesia is aimed for helping the students
understand the unfamiliar ideas. At the same time, Javanese language is also used for creating more relaxed atmosphere. Student Talk Though the teachers dominate the talk, it does not mean that the students are passive. In fact, the teacher talk may either boost the students’ responses or motivate the students to initiate the interaction. It happens because the students are type of young learners who are keen to talk (Moon, 2000), especially if they are interested to the topic. They will ask questions until they get clear understanding. Besides, they can be motivated to learn so that they can perform better. They might give statement or raise further question. Based on the observation, once the students knew the answer, they would respond to the teachers’ questions. Moreover, if the teacher asked about the students’ experiences or real information, the students would directly respond it. The teacher assumed that students would respond easily only if they had fun on it. They also like to make adults happy (Cameron, 2001). Thus, they will directly respond if they know the answers. On the other hand, students would remain silent if they did not understand what the teacher said. They might also ask the teacher to explain again on what the teacher meant. Another fact was that students might vary their language. If they wanted to ask question or give comment, they would speak in Bahasa Indonesia. At other time, they would speak in English once they knew how to say it in English.
This chapter presents the conclusions of the analysis of this research. Then the implications and the recommendations are proposed for the contribution to the English language studies, especially to English teaching for young learners.
5.1 CONCLUSIONS This research was done to find out the teachers’ belief in TSs interaction in English learning class. Based on the research done, the teachers’ belief in the goals, process, and the sources of the interaction are revealed.
5.1.1 Teachers’ Belief in the Goals of TSs Interaction First, the teachers believe that in TSs interaction they can promote English language acquisition by exposing comprehensible input and giving chances to the students for producing output. As what has been confirmed by the teachers, in TSs interaction, English language is not only seen as a means of communication but it is also considered as language input for the students. English proposed to the students should be suited to the students’ proficiency. This is why English is only used for simple TSs interaction such as greeting, closing, and other simple usual conversation. This finding explains how comprehensible theory proposed by Krashen (1985) works during the TSs interaction. In addition to exposing comprehensible input, teachers believe that acquisition can also be promoted by giving chance to the students for producing 75
output. By producing output, they may get the follow- up from the teachers. The teachers agree that both of confirmation and corrective feedback from the teachers may strengthen the students’ understanding. Besides that, the students have chances to construct language by themselves guided by the teachers. As a result, they can acquire the most since they are the one who make it. Besides, they also can get input from other students’ production. Thus, the teachers emphasize the importance of participating in TSs interaction. Second, the teachers believe that through TSs interaction they can increase the students’ positive attitude towards learning. The students’ attitude here refers to the students’ engagement and students’ motivation in learning English in class. Through TSs interaction, the teachers give verbal communication to keep their students engaged in learning. Besides, the teachers may also share ideas and feeling with their students. The teachers also experience that this kind of communication may result into good TSs relationship and positive learning atmosphere. As a result, the students can be more engaged and motivated in learning.
5.1.2 Teachers’ Belief in the Process of TSs Interaction To be acquired, the input exposed in TSs interaction should be comprehensible. There are some ways that the teachers proceed during the TSs interaction to create comprehensible input. First, the teachers only interact using English of which complexity is relevant to the students’ proficiency. This is why the teachers do not use English to explain things. It may seem complicated to the
students. Consequently, it makes the students feel demotivated. Students in Elementary school are the type of students who are easily either motivated or demotivated. It depends on their feeling toward the learning. If it sounds difficult, they are not interested anymore. Second, the teachers only use English that the students are familiar with. Once the talk consists of unfamiliar ideas, they will explain it using Bahasa Indonesia. In TSs interaction, the priority is to make the students comprehend. Here is the role of Bahasa Indonesia. Once the students have understood, the teachers may come up with English. Third, the teachers use clues to help the students catch the meaning. The clues can be in the form of students’ reality, pictures, or situation. Fourth, the teachers interact using English in a routine. Once they have been accustomed to, they will understand the context and acquire easily. Affecting by their experiences of teaching, the teachers believe that the students comprehend the input if they can transfer it into Bahasa Indonesia. This is why teachers often ask the translation of some ideas to make sure that they have understood. In TSs interaction, the focus is not only on gaining comprehension to achieve acquisition. TSs interaction in young learners’ classroom also should accommodate the learners’ characteristics. It aims to optimize the acquisition process. Thus, through TSs interaction, the teachers have goals in mind to build positive learning atmosphere that support the learners’ characteristics. It can be done by concerning on students’ affective development. It may result on positive teacher students relationship. Teachers should be sensitive toward the students’ condition. This kind of situation may minimize the learning obstacles that
commonly happen in young learners’ classroom. Besides that, by interacting with students, the teachers also maintain and improve the students’ engagement towards learning. The teachers consider about the short span attention owned by the students. Thus, verbal interaction aiming to make the students focus on learning is important to do. Teachers realize that these kinds of effort were important to be noticed so that the goals of TSs interaction can be achieved effectively.
5.1.3 Teachers’ Belief in the Source of TSs Interaction The source of TSs interaction consists of teacher talk and students talk. First, dealing with teachers talk, the teachers believe that teachers talk has dominant portion in TSs interaction. They manage their talk for different goals. This is why they play some roles in TSs interaction. First, they believe that teachers should be the controller of the interaction. It aims to lead the students who are having short span of attention to stay focus on the goals of learning. Thus, the control of the teachers is very important to keep the students progressing on the right track as what the teachers expect. Second, they acknowledge the students’ potential in developing learning. Thus, they believe that teachers should position themselves as manager. They know how to manage and optimize the students’ potential to acquire the language the most. Third, instead of playing role as resource, the teachers consider themselves as facilitator. They think that the students may have the ideas already. Thus, they only need to facilitate the learning and guide the students to find what should be learnt. Besides that, the teachers
also believe that English, Bahasa Indonesia (students’ native language) and Javanese English (students’ local language) have each role in TSs interaction. English deals with promoting acquisition, Bahasa Indonesia deals with facilitating students’ comprehension, and Javanese language deals with influencing students’ atmosphere. The second source of TSs interaction is students talk. The teachers believe that in TSs interaction, the students only respond if they understand and engaged in the learning. Thus, the teachers are in agreement that they should provide comprehensible input and chances to optimize output. Besides they ought to create positive learning environment. Consequently, the teachers should accommodate young learners’ characteristics so that the students are into learning.
The investigation of teachers’ belief in this research has revealed some ideas to concern for optimizing TSs interaction in English learning class. First, it is about the importance of TSs interaction for English language acquisition. There are some requirements to meet in order to enhance the acquisition. First, the teachers should optimize TSs interaction using comprehensible input English. Second, they should provide chances for students to produce output. Besides that, young learners have their own characteristics. Thus, to optimize the learning, the teachers should acknowledge it and do some suitable strategies.
As the consequence, the teachers should be aware of their action during the classroom practice. Besides that, the empirical truth of this research was found in line with the existing theories related to teachers’ belief in TSs interaction in English learning. Thus, this research has been part of revealing the truth related to TSs interaction in English learning.
5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS Realizing the potential to improve the TSs interaction, it is recommended for the teachers to participate in English training for teaching to young learners, or do any activities e.g. doing peer observation to support self- reflection. Besides, it is also recommended for the educational practicioners to concern of this issue. They may create practical strategies to optimize the TSs interaction in young learners’ classroom. Besides, teachers should be wise in using English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Javanese language. For those who are interested in conducting similar research, they are recommended to analyze the use of non- verbal interaction. This study is focused more on the verbal interaction. In fact, non verbal interaction between teacher and the students is also crucial in young learners’ classroom.
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APPENDIX 1 OBSERVATION REPORT 1 (OBSN1) FIRST PARTICIPANT Day Date Time Allocation School Class Number of students
: Wednesday : April 13, 2016 : 70 minutes : SD Kanisius Wates : IV : 34
Setting: The room is neither big nor small for 34 students. The space between the whiteboard and the students’ tables are small. There is no big space in the room. There are some windows on the left side so the room is not dark. Unfortunately, the English class in grade IV is at noon so it is too hot to be inside the room. Students’ characteristics: The students are smart and cooperative. They participate actively during the lesson. Num Subject Script 11.55 The teacher came into the class and get prepared. The teacher started the lesson by greeting the students. The students answered it using the pattern that they have accustomed to. 1 T Attentions please, get set. 2 Ss Get set (stand up). 3 T Good afternoon, students. 4 Ss Good afternoon, Ms Nana 5 T How is everything with you? 6 Ss I am fine, thank you, and you? 7 T I am fine too, thank you. Sit down, please. 8 Ss Thank you As usual, the teacher asked about the day and date of that day to the students. Most of the Ss answer it together. Then, the teacher asked whether there is a student who is absent at that day. The students directly answer it. 9 T What date is today? 10 Ss Today is Wednesday, April, thirteen, two thousand and sixteen 11 T Nah, April, thirteen, two thousand and? 12 Ss Sixteen 13 T Who is absent? 14 Ss Some Ss: Laura
Some Ss: Family, family 15 T Who is absent today? Yang nggak berangkat? 16 Ss Laura 17 T Laura, okay. The teacher reviewed the previous material by showing gesture and asked the Ss to describe it. She gives examples by saying ‘I have.’ 18 Ss (busy talking) Ms, nanti lottery nya tentang apa? 19 T Lotterynya tentang… 20 Ss Family Makanan (some Ss are busy responding) 22 T About your description, jadi deskripsinya tentang kalian, lima, misalnya rambut hitam apa kemaren? 23 Ss Black hair 24 T Black hair, jadi, I have black hair (touching hair) 25 T I have (touching eyes) 26 Ss Two eyes (mispronounced) 27 T Two eyes. I have (touching nose) 28 Ss One nose 29 T Boleh pake pointed nose, pointed itu mancung kayak gitu tuh (pointing at a student who has pointed nose) 30 Ss (laughing) 31 T I have two eyes, I have one nose, I have? 32 Ss black hair two hands ten fingers 33 T two hands ten fingers 12.02 Teacher explained that she will use the lottery. The chosen Ss would stand in front of the class and describe his/ her physical appearance. The Ss were really excited to find out who will be chosen. They were busy talking about the lottery. 34 T We have four students ya, One… two…three… four…(taking the lottery one by one) 35 Ss two…three… four…( together with the teacher) 12.05 The teacher took the first card and read the personal data of the card’s owner. The students were guessing whose card it was. They kept calling names. They were so excited. Finally, a student realized that it was his card and he came in front of the class. 36 T first student (looking at the first card) 37 Ss boy
girl (busy guessing) 38 T Boy 39 Ss Boyyyy 40 T His hobbies are playing soccer and drawing 41 Ss Iwan? Fidel? 42 T He was born on May 43 Ss Fidellll 44 T Yes, Fidel 45 Ss Yeayyy 46 T (reading the second card) Now, girl 47 Ss Yeayy 48 T She was born on January 49 Ss Ririsss, Ririss 50 T Her hobby is swimming 51 Ss Caren 52 T (reading the third card) His hobby is playing yoyo 53 Ss Eros 54 T He was born on May 55 Ss Eros 56 T (looking at the fourth card) Boy, He was born on May 57 Ss Putra 58 T His hobby is cycling 59 T Yuk Putra 60 Ss (four students came in front of the class) Wuessss The students were so noisy. Then, the teacher warned the student not to start describing himself if his friends had not be quiet. Then, everybody kept silent. There were 4 students who were chosen. They took turn to come in front. Some students paid attention on them and some were busy with themselves. The teacher focused only on the students’ performance. 61 T Yo bentar. Fidel, don’t start, don’t start. Don’t start don’t start if your friends are not silent. 62 S I have… 63 T Ayo apalagi, anggota tubuhnya ada banyak kok 64 Ss One, two, three, four, five…(counting for the time left) 65 T Okay, Caren 66 S I have… 67 T Okay, next 68 S I have… 69 T Okay, Eros 70 S I have… 71 T Yes, nah, Fidel yang belum karena kebanyakan ketawa
12.11 Teacher started to continue the learning. She asked the Ss to open the textbook. She drew a face on the whiteboard and she started asking her students. She gave an example in spoken and written form. Then, the Ss continue to describe the face by themselves. Then, the teacher drew another face and she asked her students to describe it. She wrote what her students described. 72 T Minggu kemaren kalian mengerjakan apa? 73 Ss Banyak Banyak banget ms Banyak, susah meneh 74 T Nah, sekarang, now, please open your rainbow. Kita menyelesaikan ini dulu 75 Ss halaman? 76 T page seventy four 77 Ss tujuh puluh empat (opening their books) 78 T Nah, ms Nana want to… (drawing a figure on the blackboard) 79 T Nah, coba, is the eye big? 80 Ss yes 81 T Is the nose big? 82 Ss Yes 83 T What about the mouth? 84 Ss Small 85 T Nah, two big eyes (while writing) 86 T (writing nose and looking at the students) 87 Ss one big nose 88 T (writing) 89 Ss one small mouth 90 T kalo headnya bagaimana ini? 91 Ss big 92 Ss one big head 93 T Nah, disini pura- puranya I ya. Klo I brarti gimana? 94 Ss I have 95 T Nah, ms Nana punya lagi (draw another figure) 96 Ss Commenting on the drawing 97 T Coba, nih, gambarnya siapa ini? 98 Ss Alana? Oliv? Aji? Valen 99 T Knapa kok kalian bisa nebak? 100 Ss Karena rambutnya curly 101 T rambutnya curly, sekarang kalo ini cewe, berarti ini apa disini kalo diberi nama? 102 Ss she 103 T Kalo she, she bagaimana? 104 Ss She…
105 106 107
T Ss T
Ss: have has Have apa has? has She has, okay, she has. Yang menyolok apa ini? rambut Curly… hair Apalagi? Pointed nose Pointed nose. Mulutnya? Hmmm… Termasuk besar to ini? ya, one big mouth Oh iya, ini juga one pointed nose. Kalo rambutnya? banyak iya banyak, nggak pake ‘a’ ya. pake ‘s’ Pake ‘s’? nggak, nggak iya, kan nggak bisa diitung
108 Ss 109 T 110 Ss 111 T 112 Ss 113 T 114 Ss 115 T 116 Ss 117 T 118 Ss 119 T 120 Ss 121 T 122 Ss 123 T 12.:24 After writing what the students describe, the teacher asked the Ss to read the description together. Then she asked about the description of the students. A student directly became a volunteer to describe herlself. The teacher asked other students to practice. She pointed at some Ss to share. 124 T Oke, coba yuk. She has curly hair 125 Ss She has curly hair 126 T She has one pointed nose 127 Ss She has one pointed nose 128 T and she has one big mouth 129 Ss and she has one big mouth 130 T apalagi yang belum? 131 Ss matanya, matanya 132 T Matanya gimana? 133 Ss small big 134 T brarti apa? 135 Ss one 136 T one? 137 Ss two, two two big eyes 138 T nah, sekarang kita ke ‘I’ lagi.
139 140 141 142 143 144 145
T Ss T Ss T Ss T
Rambutnya ini panjang, long apa short? This is long or short? short short…what is the colour? black black hair (writing it) yah. Kalo yang itu rambutnya (pointing at another figure)? long
146 Ss 12:30 Teacher asked Ss to open the textbook. She gave example on how to do the assignment. Then, she gave 3 minutes for the Ss to do the rest. Without asking questions, Ss did the assignment. 147 T Yah, sekarang, now, back to your rainbow. Okay, repeat after ms Nana ya. big eyes 148 Ss big eyes 149 T small eyes 150 Ss small eyes 151 T sekarang wajahnya juga, tadi ms Nana lupa. Kalo ini (pointing at the figure drawn) bentuk wajahnya kira- kira apa ya? 152 Ss round face 153 T yak, round face, anggep ini bulat, jangan benjol, round face 154 Ss Kalo yang ini? 155 T Oval 156 Ss Kayak round juga jadinya ya. Ini masih round juga e, yo sementara agak ditiruskan sedikit. Dikasih shading, kok malah jadi punya brewok. 157 S Apa itu bu? brewok Other Ss: laughing 158 T Bukan, ini maksudnya biar…anggap ini oval ya, 159 T Yes, nah, kalo round face kan kalo face itu jumlahnya berapa? 160 Ss one 161 T nah, a, kita juga bisa jugakan a round face, kalo oval face bagaimana? 162 Ss an, an 163 T an oval face, masih ingat, lanjut, next, a pointed nose 164 Ss a pointed nose 165 T a flat nose 166 Ss a flat nose 167 T pointed itu brarti? pointed? 168 Ss mancung 169 T mancung, kalo flat? 170 Ss pesek
171 172
173 174 175 176 177 178
Ss Ss T T Ss T
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
S T S T S Ss S T Ss T
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
197 198 199 200 201 202
204 205 206 207 208
bukan berarti pesek ya, tetapi lebih datar saja nah, sekarang, about the hair, now, about the hair, long and straight hair long and straight hair panjang dan lurus panjang dan lurus, Elok itu, rambutnya long and straight hair, short and curly hair short and curly hair Okay, nah sekarang tentang diri kalian sendiri- sendiri, dari Indy, I have apa, apa yang tentang dirimu, rambutnya I have short and straight hair hemmm I have big eyes big eyes I have a round face. I have a pointed nose Nggak dong ms Trus, e,e… Sudah empat saja nggak dong ms Ya coba Sabrina, yuk Sabrina. oh, coba berdiri aja biar temannya bisa liat, yuk berdiri, stand up I have big eyes (mispronounced) big eyes I have a flat nose nah, oke, trus? I have long and curly hair I have? I have hair long and straight. I have fingers. I have elbow. Udah empat aja, stop. Coba Iwan, silahkan deskripsikan kamu. mukanya bagaimana, rambutnya kenapa, yuk coba, I have? berdiri ms Stand up. I have? I have? (silent) I have an oval face, apa round face, rambutmu warnane apa, I have a….a…. Sampai bisa, tadi kelompok sini Sabrina sudah bisa, yuk, kamu sekarang. (the chosen boy was silent. Elok raised her hand since she really wants to try describing) makane jangan rame ya, coba Elok, stand up, I have a long and straight hair. Hmmmm I have oval face. I have pointed nose Ehemm…satu lagi?
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
225 226
Ss T
227 228 229
Ss T Ss
I have big eyes (Alana raised her hand to ask for a chance to speak) Okay, Alana, yuk. I have long and curly hair. Ehmmm, brapa ms? four I have long and curly hair I have, eh she has lho kok she has lha kan aku cewek tapi kan kamu menyebutkan dirimu sendiri I have flat nose trus? I have small eyes Okay, disini coba (move to another group) hmmm, I have long and straight hair. I have big eyes Okay, nah, now, please open your rainbow on page seventy six, coba. We have Bili, Nando, Mrs. Tina Sukamto and Dita. Nah, jadi gambar- gambar ini kalian akan mendeskripsikan itu, kalian tulis disini, di buku? Ya boleh, langsung. Number one, ms Nana beri contoh ya. Nando has? Nando has? bla bla bla Apa namanya? Siapa bisa? cepat, Akuuu nomer berapa? nomer satu lah Nando has a long, eh, short and straight hair Yah, Nando has short and straight hair bisa, ato black hair Yuk, kerjakan lainnya, nomer dua sampe lima. Disini nggak papa? Iya Disini ya ms Iya di buku tulis ya Iyaa three minutes ya (doing the exercise)
230 T 231 Ss 232 T 234 T 235 S 236 T 237 S 238 T 239 S 240 T 241 T 242 Ss 12.34 The teacher walked around to check how Ss did the assignment. Some Ss liked to ask personally to the teacher about which one should be done and how they should write. They called the teacher’s name and the teacher approached them.
12.35 She noticed that there was a misunderstanding so she asked the students to pay attention on her. She wrote an issue and asked Ss about it. Then, she explained it to the Ss. 243 T Ya, coba. Ini padahal udah dari kelas tiga, ya jawaban panjang, Coba, does she have curly hair (while writing it on the whiteboard)? Pertanyaannya yang ini, does she have curly hair? 244 Ss Yes 245 T Yes? does she have curly hair? yes apa? 246 Ss yes, she does 247 T Yes, she does. Ini pertanyaan nomer satu, kalo nomer 2, does she have a flat nose? 248 Ss silent 249 T punya flat nose nggak? 250 Ss no, she does not 251 T no, no? she does not 252 S nek nama gimana ms? 253 T Nek nama bagaimana? Yo ini kita ganti misale Elok, does Elok have curly hair? punya nggak Elok curly hair? 254 Ss No 255 T No, Elok does not have curly hair (while writing it on the whiteboard), atau, Elok itu cewek apa cowok? 256 Ss Cewek 257 T Yasudah, berarti rasah diganti rapopo, tetep no she does not 258 Ss brarti nggak usah pake nama? 259 T Nggak harus, yang penting itu cowok apa cewek saja 260 T (continue checking) finished? have you? 261 Ss bentar 12:37 Ss continued to do the assignment. T was walking round to check and comment on the Ss’ works. Ss liked to approach the T and asked technical questions (meaning of words, the use of he/she, difference of does not and doesn’t, etc.). Those who had finished also took turn to have the teacher checked their works. 12:40 Ss were still busy finishing their assignment. Some who had finished were chit-chatting with their friends. The teacher cleaned the whiteboard. 12:45 Teacher asked Ss to write down their answers on the whiteboard. There were some students who were eager to write down their answers. They played simple game to choose who get the right to write. 262 T Okay, number one,
263 264 265 266 267
Ss T
268 269 270 271 272 273
S Ss T T S
274 275 276 277 278
T Ss T Ss T
279 280
281 282 283 284
T Ss T Ss
Ss T
(come to consult their works) (continue checking) Yuk (noisy) Coba kita lihat pekerjaan temennya ya. Number three cowok aja ni, coba Bintang. Ms, aku nomer empat! Ss still asked. Others were chit- chatting. Boy dulu ya, dari grup boy, ada nggak, brarti pindah grup sini Fidelll Kok aku to? (Ss approached T to ask about what number to write. There were still some Ss who consulted their answers.) Yuk ini yang kedua aku ms, aku (Ss competed to write their answers) Yuk, Sabrina Halaaah ms, nggak, ini berdasarkan tempat duduk. Kasih ke satu, dua, tiga, empat, kasih ke Riris. (Ss were noisy) (A student stated that he had not understood. The teacher came and helped him.) Sudah? nomer lima kasih ke, bebas Ss were berebut to write their answers. Yuk, cepet yok, nomer selanjutnya belum. (a student was writing while others were chit- chatting since they did not have any tasks more to do)
12:50 Ss finished writing the answers on the whiteboard. Teacher discussed the answer with the Ss. She revised the wrong writing. T asked Ss to read to make sure that Ss knew how to pronounce correctly. 285 T Fajar, baca number one, nek rame pokok e podo moco, coba nomer satu Fajar. Ayo baca, soalnya sama jawabannya, Sing rame- rame nanti moco. 286 S buku bahasa Inggrisku ilang e bu 287 T Kita tunggu sampe selesai. Jadi kalo Fajar nggak baca, kalian juga nggak pulang. 288 S Aduh, nggak ada e ms 289 Ss Kui lho, koe ki memperlambat e. Others: huuuu 290 T Siap- siap Tio nomer dua. Ento nomer tiga. Pokok e sik do rame, ngobrol- ngobrol sama temennya saya suruh mbaca, 291 T Rangga… Yuk, come on, Fajar. 292 S Nando has black hair.
293 297 298
299 300
302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325
T S Ss S T S T Ss T Ss T T S T S S T S T S T S T T
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336
S T S T S Ss S T S T Ss
Ha? Nando has? black hair black hair? bisa, short hair bisa, small eyes, bisa semua, nomer dua…Tio, Mrs… Ms yang nomer dua to? Mrs Tina itu lho mas. Mrs, Cuma mbaca aja kamu tuh, Soale diwoco sek (the chosen student did not know what to do) Cuma suruh baca soal? Mrs… Mrs. Tina sukamto, has..has a pointed nose pointed nose Okay, Vito, nomer tiga to bu? yes, yak, ini salahnya di apa ini? tulisan harusnya apa ini? S-H-O-R-T Yak (while revising the writing) Rangga, nomer empat Dita has an, has an (mispronounced ‘an’) has an? Dita has an (fixed pronunciation) Dita has an oval oval, oval apa? oval apa di bukunya oval face nomer limanya via two big eyes two big? eyes eyes, okay number one, levi, eh number one, number two Levi, does Dita? yes she dus (mispronounced) yes she dus? does, yes, she does soalnya dibaca mas Levi, does? dus Dita… DOES Does Dita have long hair? yes, she does okay, Putra, nomer tiga Dus…. Dus lagi DOES
337 338 339 340 341 342
S T S T Ss T
343 344 345 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361
S T S S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
362 363 364 365
Ss T T Ss
366 367 368 369 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376
T T Ss T S T S T S T Ss T
Does Mr. Anto Sukamto have a flat nose? Jawabannya? he dus… Dus lagi DOES Nomer tiga ini jawabannya ya, he doesn’t, ato he does? pake does ya (nodding) Daniel, number four Does Billy have short and curly hair? Yes, he does Ms, nomer tiga kok yes, he doesn’t Sing nggarap iki sopo to? Sabrina Nek yes ki yes bagaimana yes, he does nek ‘nt’ ki nggo sopo? no ini singkatannya dari? does not brarti nek yes yo rasah nganggo n? t nomer berapa lagi? (T& Ss checked ) Nomer empat tadi riris ya? Does Billy have short and curly hair? Billy punya nggak ini? short sama curly? yes, he does yes, he does, pake ‘nt’ nggak? mboten, nggak nggak Da, eh, Daniel udah, Noel, Noel Krisnaaaa Eh kok Noel, Krisnaa, sorry Does Nando have an oval face? an oval face, terus? No she Nando he apa she? No? No, he dus heh, dus lagi DOES Siapa yang does? No? Jawabannya udah belum? Nando apa? No? Nomer lima, nomer lima dibaca, no? no, he doesn’t
13:05 T ended the course without giving homework. Ss seemed so happy. 378 T nah, sudah, please packing your book 379 T nggak ada pr ya hari ini ya 380 Ss yes, 381 S pulang to ms? 382 T ya, doanya kan beda- beda to, ada yang extra, jadi doanya sendiri- sendiri aja 383 Ss yes T leaves the class.
APPENDIX 2 SECOND OBSERVATION REPORT (OBSN2) FIRST PARTICIPANT Day Date Time Allocation School Class Number of students
: Wednesday : April 20, 2016 : 70 minutes : SD Kanisius Wates : V : 23
Setting: It was at noon. Fortunately, the room was comfortable for the students to learn. It was large enough for 23 students. There were one whiteboard, one table and one chair for the teacher. Every student had their own seat. Only one empty chair remained. Most of the front chairs were sat by the girls. The rest was for the boys. The situation was not too hot. Students’ characteristics: The students were active in classroom. They participated actively on the activities. Most of them responded what the teacher initiated. Only few students were not really active on the interaction.
Num Subject Script 11:55 Teacher stood in front of the class and greeted the students. All the students answered it together. It seems that they have been accustomed to that greeting. Then, the student whose number was the same as the date came in front and wrote the day and date on the whiteboard. 1 T Stand up, please. Get set. Good afternoon students. 2 Ss Good afternoon, ms Nana. 3 T How is everything with you? 4 Ss I am fine, thank you, and you? 5 T Very well, thank you. Jam kalian lambat ya? 6 S Lambat, ho’o ms, lambat. 7 T What date is today? 8 Ss Today is Wednesday. April 20th (unclear) 9 T April? 10 Ss Number 20. Yeeee Some students reminded the teacher about the lottery. The teacher explained the rule in English. It made a student confused. Then, the other students explaining about the meaning. The teacher observed them.
11 12 13
Ss T
15 16 17 18
Ss T S T
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Ss T T Ss T S T Ss
Ms, lottery. Oh yaaa, okay, we will have four students ya. S1: Maksude? Some ss: Empat siswa Some ss: Ah, aku uwis Aku udah lho ms Soalnya nanti, please mention, sebutkan eight adjectives, delapan kata sifat yang sudah kalian tahu Yes, sudah hafal. Empat orang ya Ms, pake arti ya ms? Iya, pake artinya, Boy, he was born on May. His hobby is cycling. He lives in Panjatan. Wowooook. ( nodding) Girl, her hobby is cooking Ayuuu She lives in Pengasih, She lives in Pengasih Margosari Pengasih She was born on May Yeeee, cieeeee (a student realize that she is the one who is described, so she raise her hand up)
12:05 A student reminded T to pray. The teacher confirmed it. Then, they pray. Another student came to lead the pray. After praying, they continued the lottery. 27 S Ms, berdoa 28 T Ya, berdoa dulu yuk (T and Ss prayed together. Someone lead) 29 T (T continued to read the next chosen notes)Yes, boy. He lives in Pengasih. He was born on June. His hobby is collecting reptile. 30 Ss Haaaaa 31 S Ms? Maksudnya apa? 32 Ss Koleksi reptile 33 T Boy, he was born on February. 34 Ss Valen 35 T His hobby is playing basketball. He lives in Margosari. 36 Ss Valen 37 T Yak, Valen. Yuk. 38 S dewo, ayu, artha, valen 39 T Iya Students were busy commenting those who got the lottery. The four chosen students stood up in front of the class. They took turn to to mention the adjectives and the meaning. The other students paid attention on them. They
gave clue to those who couldn’t do the task correctly. The teacher observed them. She let the students to help each other. 40 T Okay, kata sifat udah nggak ada masalah ya? 41 Ss nggak 42 T (T wrote “TIME” on the blackboard. She started the discussion.) Time, Mmmmm, Ocha, what time is it? What time is it? 43 S: Waduh susah S1: silent : Mmmm, it is six… 44 T Six? 45 S twelve 46 T Twelve? Twelve apa? 47 S Twelve past ten 48 T Past ten, kalo mau pake past, yang dibacakan apanya dulu? Yang disebutkan apanya dulu? 49 Ss Menitnya dulu 50 T Menitnya dulu baru jamnya, berarti? 51 Ss ten 52 T Ten? 53 Ss Past twelve 54 T Ten past twelve, ya dibalik kan? Oke. Kalo past itu apa sih? 55 Some Ss: Lebih : Lewat 56 T Lewat, to? 57 Ss Kurang T asked Ss to open the English textbook. The teacher asked students to read after her. She asked about the meaning of what they had read. 58 T Nah, open your rainbow page twenty four. 59 Ss (opening their books) 60 T Coba, repeat after ms Nana ya. It is three o’ clock. 61 Ss It is three o’ clock. 62 T It is eight o’ clock. 63 Ss It is eight o’ clock. 64 T Itu kalo jamnya past, kalo jamnya pas brarti kita tambahin apa? 65 Ss o’ clock 66 T O’ clock, nah, skarang kalo lebih. Ini sudah pernah ya, jam ya sebenarnya ya. Tapi tinggal diulang lagi sedikit. 67 Ss It is eight o’ clock. 68 T Dulu kelas empat, 69 Ss tiga 70 T Eits kelas tiga.
71 72 73 74 75
T Ss T Ss T
76 77
Ss T
78 79 80 81 82 83
Ss T Ss T
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
96 97 98
101 102
103 104
It is five thirty. It is five thirty. Jam berapa to five thirty itu? Lima tiga puluh Bisa, boleh nggak pake past ato to, misale it is twelve ten, juga bisa. Nah kalo mau pake past gimana? Menitnya dulu jadi, it is thirty past five. Thirty kata lainnya apa? half Half, kata lainnya half, ada yang lain, selain tiga puluh ada lima belas atau seperempat, kata lainnya apa? Silent Lima belas itu bahasa Inggrisnya apa? fifteen Fifteen, atau? Some ss: quarter Quarter, quarter, okay, Repeat after ms Nana lagi, it is five thirty. it is five thirty. It is thirty past five It is thirty past five It is half past five It is half past five It is ten thirty. It is ten thirty. It is thirty past ten It is thirty past ten It is half past ten It is half past ten Nah, yang kedua, please read, Adya. Yang bawahnya itu yang seven fifiteen (the student is looking for the part to read) Yes, read It is seven fifteen. It is fifteen past seven. It is a quarter past seven. Okay, nah itu tadi yang kita sebut, fifteen bisa jadi a quarter. Next, Marsel, sampingnya It is twelve forty five. It is fifteen to one. It is a quarter to one. Okay next, Jo, bawahnya It is four twenty. It is twenty past four. Okay, Bernard It is eight fifty.
It is ten to nine 105 T Hmm, okay 12:13 T drew a clock on a whiteboard. T interacted with Ss to accomplish the tasks. She involves her Ss to do the task (reading time). She also often asks about meaning. Then, T wrote the students’ answer. During the discussion, a student asked how they could read time such a way. 106 T Kalo ms Nana punya…(drawing). Biarpun nggak… 107 S Nggak lurus 107 T Normal, Hehe, jam sekarang kan macem- macem to modelnya. 109 Ss Yayaya Ms situ enam? 110 T Ini jam berapa sih ini? 111 Ss S: half Other Ss: setengah 112 T setengah? 113 Ss oh setengah tiga 114 T gini- gini (fixing her drawing) 115 Ss setengah empat 116 T berarti apa? It is 117 Ss It is…half 118 T mau pake yang biasa dulu boleh, it is three? 119 Ss thirty 120 T bisa, terus? It is? 121 Ss It is 122 T pake yang past, pake yang past, brarti apa dulu 123 Ss it is thirty past…three 124 T atau 125 Ss it is half…past…three 126 T Ini kalo pake past, kalo pake to brarti? tiga? 127 Ss tiga puluh 128 T tiga puluh terus jam empat, thirty to? 129 Ss (silent) 130 T setengah empat berarti jam? 131 Ss (silent) 132 T bisa nggak pake “to” ini? 133 some Ss: kurang 134 T Jadi bagaimana kalo kurang? 134 Ss It is 136 T It is? 137 Ss thirty 138 T thirty? 139 Ss to four 140 T atau? it is? 141 Ss it is half…to four
142 143 144 145 146
T T Ss T Ss
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150 151 152 153
Ss T Ss T
154 155
Ss T
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Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
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Ss T T S T S T
kalo yang ininya nggak bisa dirubah Bisa to? kalo empat tiga puluh bisa dibuat begitu? bisa ada yang masih bingung? Some Ss: tidak s: masih gimana- gimana? nek setengah, kan itu dibalik… (a student explains her confusion) nek setengah, itu kan jam tiga lebih tiga puluh, atau jam empat kurang tiga puluh to le nyebut, iya kan? (silent) iya nggak sih? kok jadi bingung iyaaa nahh, kenapa kok ini nggah diubah? kalo ini nggak diubah karena nggak four thirty, yang bisa diganti kan hanya thirty thirty, kalo to itu ke four, nek past itu lewat dari tiga, ya? siapa yang masih bingung? bingungnya dimana? karena digabung sama ms Nana? (silent) hmm, kalian nggak akan bingung kalo sudah liat ini. Coba halaman 85 itu yang satu tiga puluh itu jam berapa itu? nomer berapa? nomer dua, it is? it is one…thirty trus apalagi? It is…thirty…past…one heem it is half…past…one ya boleh pake salah satu, ini kalian jadi bingung karena ms nana gabung, maksudnya kalo yang seperti ini, itu juga dibolehkan. Sekarang ms nana hapus ininya biar kalian nggak bingung. Boleh pake past, boleh pake to, pokoke intine kalo past itu lewat, kalo to? kurang kurang past itu lebih, kalo to? kalo nggak pake? kalo nggak pake apa? past? bisa, boleh, itu kan Cuma biar kalian tau cara menjawab, cara menyebutkan jamnya saja. Ini coba, sekarang kita pake yang lima belas menit ya
12:17 T draws another clock. T guided the students on reading the time. After discussing, a student raises a question. Actually it has been discussed before. Thus to make the students remember, the teacher writes on the whiteboard about some English terms used in reading time and their meaning in Bahasa Indonesia. She permits the students to write them on the notes. 171 T ini jam berapa ini? 172 Ss sembilan 173 T sembilan? 174 Ss lebih eh kurang lima belas menit 175 T sembilan kurang lima belas menit 176 T jangan pake lebih terus, pake yang terdekat, kita pake yang to ya, sembilan kurang lima belas, nek dibuat seperti ini tok jadi bagaimana? 177 Ss delapan.. it is eight 178 T it is eight? 179 Ss forty..five 180 T nah ini kan? berapa ini? 181 Ss delapan empat lima 182 T trus yang bawah apa? 183 Ss it is…fifteen, 184 T fifteen? 185 S fifteen to six? 186 T to? 187 Ss six nine 188 T yang ini? 189 Ss it is 190 T& Ss a quarter to nine 191 Kan bacanya dibalik to. Lima belas menit kurangnya dari jam sembilan. Lima belas menit kurangnya dari jam sembilan. Menitnya dulu baru jamnya 192 S Quarter itu apa ms? 193 quarter itu lima belas menit. Kalo nggak salah pas kalian kelas tiga dulu, sudah belum ya? 194 sudah 195 Sudah ya? kalo nggak pas kelas tiga kan pelajarannya belum pake “past” sama “to” to? Baru yang baca itu tok to? Ya, take notes, silahkan ditulis dulu. 196 S Kata lainnya tiga puluh itu apa? 197 T Half itu tiga puluh 198 S Digambar hoo ms? 199 T Yo digambar. Jadi gini, misalnya gini, half itu tiga puluh
menit, quarter, lima belas menit (while drawing the figure), past itu lewat, kalo kurang apa? to boleh ditulis? kalo menurutmu penting, kalo nggak penting nggak usah (Students are writing their notes)
200 Ss 201 S 202 T 203 Ss 11:23 T asks a student about how to question about time. 204 T Kalo menanyakan jam itu bagaimana sih Nico? tanya jam bagaimana? Cara bertanya jam? 205 S (silent) 206 T what? 207 Ss what time is it 208 T nah, gimana co? gimana tanyanya? coba dibuka halaman delapan puluh lima, what time is it? 209 S what time is it? 210 T Eh, Leni, kamu tanya jam sama Noel. Hayo jawabnya gimana 211 S what time is it? 212 T what time is it, Noel? 213 S Setengah siji kurang limang menit. 214 Ss Hahahaha 215 T masa setengah siji kurang limang menit? 216 Ss Hahahahahaha, 217 T Jam berapa itu? dua belas berapa ato satu kurang berapa? 218 S dua belas 219 Ss Basa Inggris 220 S It is, 221 T Heeh, 222 S It is twelve 223 T Twelve, nek mau pake past, berarti menitnya dulu yang di depan. 224 S It is thirty past twelve 225 T It is gimana? 226 Ss hahahahhaaha 227 T rasah digeguyu, sing ngguyu kui yo rung mesti dong kok. Dua belas berapa to ini? What time is it? 228 S dua belas lebih dua puluh lima menit 229 T nek kamu mau langsung, daripada bingung, langsung aja kan bisa, twelve twen? 230 S twenty five 231 T lha nek mau pake past, brarti apa? 232 S twenty five past 233 T past? 234 S twelve 235 T twelve, kan gitu bisa. Nek mau pake kurang kan kalian
kejauhen, maksude, tiga puluh, tiga puluh lima kan kejauhen, kan mending pake yang tiga puluh lima. Biar nggak bingung, ms kasih soal 236 Ss Wokee The teacher writes ane exercise about time on a whiteboard. A student is chosen to write the time. Other Ss are busy talking. Only some Ss who pay attention. 237 T What time is it Dewo? (pointing at the first question) 238 S (silent) 239 T What time is it Dewo? 240 S It is two o’ clock. 241 T Ini karena pas, jadinya Cuma two o’ clock. Tapi kalo ini, Ezza. What time is it Ezza? Ada dua penulisan ya 242 S Tiga ms 243 T dua, tiga kan beda lagi 244 S It is two ten 245 T Trus? 246 S It is ten past two 247 T Okay, Eza sudah, Clara. Clara, 248 S ms pake quarter to ms? 249 T Ada tiga, pake biasa dulu, fifteen, terus quarter. 250 S It is two… 251 T bisa nggak? 252 S forty five 253 T Nah, trus lainnya? pake fifteen 254 S It is 255 T menitnya dulu kan 256 S It is fifteen…to two 257 T Ya, trus? 258 S It is a quarter to two 259 T okay, thank you. bisa ya? Sekarang ms mau ngasih soal, dengarkan, saya nggak akan ngulang, I won’t repeat. Ini, kalo sudah pas begini, nggak ada pilihan lain, kalo pas, two o’ clock. Kalo lebih, lewat sepuluh, atau kurang mungkin, sepuluh kan nggak ada kata lainnya to? 260 Ss nggak 261 T yang ada kata lainnya itu? 262 Ss lima belas dan tiga puluh 263 T model begini, it is two ten, atau ten past two, nah, number three, two fifteen. Fifteen itu kan punya kata lain, jadinya it is? 264 T& Ss two fifteen 265 T it is? 266 T& Ss fifteen past two 267 T it is? 268 T& Ss a quarter past two 269 T Kalo mau pake to bisa nggak? Kalo mau pake to gimana? Kalo
mau pake kurang, jamnya gimana? Jadi jam tiga kurang empat puluh lima, susah ms, kelamaan, jadi dipake empat kurang lima belas, sampe sini jelas? jelas
270 Ss 12:33 T asks Ss to do the exercise on the textbook. It seems that the Ss do not pay attention so they ask the same questions about the detail instruction. The students are quiet when they do the exercise. Then, the teachers also walks around to check the Ss’ works. 271 T 10 soal, nggarapnya di buku tulis (showing the exercise) 272 S yang mana ms? berapa ms? 273 T sepuluh soal, nggarapnya di buku tulis, soalnya kan dibuat kayak gini (pointing at the example). Nggak cuma satu tok. 274 S Jamnya juga ditulis to bu 275 T iya, nggak usah digambar, ditulis aja 276 S ms nggak usah digambar ya? 277 T bolehhh, maksude ki nggak usah mempersulit dirimu to, kok ndadak nggambar. Ms Nana nggak akan memikirkan gambarane, yang penting kalian bisa njawab 278 S njawabnya pake yang mana ms? 279 T tadi ms Nana bilang apa? kalo yang ada kata lainnya ya jadi tiga jawaban. Selesai bawa sini ya, lima dulu deh, nggak usah semua, lima dulu. 280 T (T walks and see a student’s work). Kalo mau pake ini, nggak usah pake quarter dulu, ini kan biasa dulu, le ngganti nanti kalo diubah. Ni lho, perhatikan, kalo disini two quarter, two fifteen saja dulu. Fifteen itu bisa jadi quarter kalo dia pake past. Depannya tetap biasa. 12:37 T walks around and comments on Ss’ works. The Ss who have finished, take turn to have their works checked. When some Ss have finished, they started move around and check their friends’ work. While the teacher is busy checking, giving scores, and give it back to the owner. Sometimes, she gives personal feedback. 281 T Ini jadi nilai quiz ya. 282 Ss Haaaa… 283 T Lha wong dikon nggarap, kalo dua yang jadi dua, punya siapa ini? (showing a student’s work that is seemed not yet correct as what is instructed.) 284 S Dewa 285 T Sini Dewa, coba liat temen- temenmu nggarap e piye, malah santé wae. 12:45 Ss are talking about their scores.The teacher is also still busy checking and give
explanation to those who have not understood yet. Some of the students are chitchatting while finishing the exercise. The class is noisy. Realizing that her students have finished and make noise, she asks her Ss to continue doing the next exercise. 286 T Yang sudah selesai, coba lanjut, nomer enam sampe sepuluh 287 Ss Ya 288 (Ss are working. A student is singing aloud while doing the exercise) 289 T Nanti le nggarap salah lagi 290 Ss Hu 291 T wong nggak nyanyi we salah kok 292 S ms, kalo empat puluh itu nggak ada kata lain yo? 293 T Cuma lima belas dan tiga puluh 294 T saya ambil lima orang saja ya dari yang kedua ini 295 S lima orang? 296 S kalo kurang dari lima orang? 297 T ya yang saya masukan hanya lima orang yang dapat seratus, nggak dapet seratus ya nggak dimasukan 298 S kalo ada enam? 299 T ya cuma lima yang tak masuke, klo cepet tapi nilainya 80 ya nggak masuk, 300 (Ss start to be quiet and focus on doing the exercise. The teacher walks around to check the Ss’ works and comment on them.) 301 S Kalo waktunya nggak cukup ms? 302 T kan cuma lima orang 303 T Yang sudah selesai, boleh berdoa, boleh pulang. 304 S Klo belum selesai, nggak boleh pulang ms? 305 T yo nek bel yo pulang to 306 T Yo, sudah tiga ya, empat lima, stop dulu (continue checking) 13:00 The bell is ringing, T asks Ss to continue doing the exercise at home. Ss put their stuffs into their bags shake hand to their teacher. The teacher greets them, one by one by saying, “see you”.
APPENDIX 3 THIRD OBSERVATION REPORT (OBSN3) FIRST PARTICIPANT Day Date Time Allocation School Class Number of students
: Wednesday : May 25, 2016 : 60 minutes : SD Kanisius Wates : V : 23
Setting: The setting is the same as the previous observation. Nothing changes. Students’ characteristics: On this day, the focus is about test preparation. Only some students are cooperative during the discussion. The others tend to not focus on the discussion. Fortunately, when they are asked to do the exercise individualy, they are very obedient. They do it quietly. Num Subject Script 11:50 Teacher greeted the students. All the students answered it together. As usual, they talk about the day and date for that day. Then, the student whose number was the same as the date came in front and wrote the day and date on the whiteboard. 1 T Get set 2 Ss Get set. Good afternoon students. 3 T Good afternoon, ms Nana. 4 Ss How are you today? 5 T I am fine, thank you, and you? 6 S I am fine, thank you. Sit down, please. 7 T What date is today? 8 Ss Today is Wednesday,twenty five May two thousand and sixteen. 9 T May, twenty five, two thousand and? 10 Ss sixteen 11 T Twenty five ada nggak? 12 Ss Nggak 13 T berarti two plus five 14 Ss seven, seven tujuh 15 Ss Arga,hahahaha 16 T boleh nyari
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
T Ss T Ss T S T S T S T T S T S T S T S T T Ss T
42 43 44 45 46
Ss T Ss T S
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Coba dikerjakan sampai number ini dulu (showing the paper test) Semua aja bu, sampe jam satu Sampe romawi tiga aja romawi dua aja Romawi Satu dulu yuk, kita kerjain bareng- bareng yee Sebenernya dijadikan PR, tapi ini soalnya baru ketemu tadi, ya oke, yuk kita bahas dulu, start from Ayu, come on. What animal is it? C Yes C a bear Dog likes to eat? B B, bone, nah Yasmin? A parrot can fly. A dolphin can swim, a dog can…c. bark C yak, Maria, eh Maria, Ocha What animals do have two legs? They are…D D, what is that? Eagle and duck Ya, eagle and duck, two legs ya. Fitri? What is not true about a lion? A Ya, A, it can bark Six, Maria, semua nyimak nggak jawaban yang tadi. Nggak Bentar, kalo misalnya kalian nggak denger, usaha kalian untuk mendengarkan itu bagaimana? (silent) a giraffe has long neck, jerapah punya long neck kan? ya ya, neck itu leher. Okay, good. Seven, Clara. Seven, the animal has wings, but it cannot fly. It can swim in the sea. It eats fish. What animal it is? is it, is it a? penguin penguin, yak, number eight Where does a rooster live? It lives, C C, on the farm, yak, number nine dus does does a rooster (mispronounced) a rooster? a rooster have horn
57 58
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ss T Ss T S Ss T S T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss
Does a rooster have horn? rooster itu apa sih? Ayam jago, ini maksud pertanyaannya apakah ayam jago punya tanduk? punya nggak? no No, berarti yang mana jawabannya? A A, yak no, it does not. Ten, what dus hahahaha, watdus, wedus what does, what does what does a rooster usually do in the morning, C apa itu? it crows crows itu ngapain sih? berkokok kalo flies? terbang hop? melompat climbs? memanjat okay, yuk, eleven The opposite of naughty is…nice naughty itu apa sih? nakal, jahil ya nakal, bad? buruk nice? bagus good? bagus thick? tebal kalo ringan? light twelve? my uncle has a blablabla body, big ya, thin, apa itu? kurus thick? tebal handsome? ganteng kayak Kia itu handsome, wueeeess
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
Ss T S T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
S T S T S T S T S T S T S T Ss T S T
sambil disimak ya, ini kalian sambil belajar juga, daripada digarap sendiri nanti kalian bingung, jadi tak bahas langsung ya thirteen, my mathematics test result (mispronounced) result? result is bad, but my English test result is…C,good yak, good, diligent apa diligent? rajin heavy? berat good? bagus nice? baik fourteen, tidak ada yang tanya jawabannya apa, fourteen, ayo Look at that boy. He is…strong naughty itu apa sih? nakal strong? kuat rich? kaya lazy? malas sambil disimak ya, nanti kalo tak suruh mbaca lagi biar bisa, fifteen. Adelia is wearing, D. a beautiful dress okay, sixteen, nggak ada yang menanyakan nomer, okay, yuk Sebastian is titik titik singer. He has a lot of money.A, rich is a? rich singer fast itu apa Leni? cepat poor? miskin light? ringan seventeen Toni and his brother never do their homework. They are very.. never do their homework, never itu apa? never never tidak pernah tidak pernah lazy ya, lazy, eighteen
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
S T S Ss S Ss S T S T S T S T Ss
159 160 161 162
163 164 165
Ss T S
166 167
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
It is a toy. It is light and big (mispronounced) light and big light and big (mispronounced) light Boys, haha, anak jalanan hahhaha boys like to play with this toy What is it? What is it? kamu suka main apa? D Tunggu, Bernard, what is your answer? d. a ball okay, dictionary itu apa sih? jadwal kamus hayo, yang kalian pake buat nggarap kamus doll boneka Jangan udah tau jawabnnya njuk udah ya, kalian juga harus tau kosa kata yang lainnya. Jangan cuma ngapalke jawabannya, siapa tau soalnya ming diganti, ya? ya okay, nineteen hurry up, Dad. It is eleven o’ clock now. We are getting late, Eleven o’ clock, B Yak, B, twenty it is blablabla now, It’s time to play badminton. It is D, fifteen (mispronounced) fifteen to? fifteen to four fifteen to four, okay, good. Twenty one? Rida, what time is it now? Desi, it is a, five to twelve yes, a. Twenty two, Ayu, nggak usah dibaca teksnya Dyo gets up at blablabla ever morning. e..C C, quarter past five twenty three, what time? what time does hoo? B B, he goes to sleep at ten past nine, yak, twenty four. At six fifteen at berapa? at enam lima belas eh, yo Bahasa Inggris kok
184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
Ss S T S T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T
197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
Ss T S T Ss T S T
205 206
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
T S T Ss T Ss T S T
216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
Ss S T Ss S S S S
hahahaha at six past fifteen yo kebalik eh, fifteen past six heem Dyo, C C, Dyo, takes a bath? jam berapa to itu? enam lima belas ngapain? goes to school iyak, enam lima belas bisa dibaca bagaimana? quarter? quarter past six yak quarter past six bisa atau fifteen past six, atau bisa juga six? nek langsung? six? (silent) kok kalian jadi malah lupa lupae ms twenty five what does Dyo do at thirty past six,hmm… yak? dinner dinner, yak after he has dinner at a half past six, he does his homework. twenty six, my father blablabla in Solo yesterday, but he is at home today (mispronounced) today today, hmmm C nah, ada kata yesterday, berarti itu sudah? kemaren sudah lampau, berarti pake yang apa? pake is ato pake apa? was was, yang C. Twenty seven I was sad yesterday, but I am blablabla today, B but I am happy today. Okay, dialogue, dibaca dialogya. Laura baca Laura, and Valent as Dion Hahahaha Hi, Dion (mispronounced) Hi Dion? (imitating the student’s pronunciation) Hi (fixing) Hi, Dio, where were you last holiday? I was in Jakarta last holiday Really? How was it? It was very interesting. I went to Monas and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. I also went to Kota Tua. How about you,
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
T S T S T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T S T Ss S T S T T
Laura? I was in Prambanan temple last holiday. It was tiring there, but it was fun okay, where was? where was Laura last holiday? in Prambanan temple yes, prambanan temple, twenty nine? How was Dion’s holiday? It was, interesting interesting itu apa sih? menyenangkan boring? membosankan tiring? melelahkan melelahkan,great? hmmm bagus banget, great. Thirty? Was Dion? Was Daien? Dion, pas ngomong Bahasa Inggris dadi daien hahahahaahahaha was Dion at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah last holiday? Apa jawabannya? C No, he was not Apakah Dion berada di taman mini Indonesia Indah, last holiday? Yes
246 Ss 12:15 T ask Ss to do the exercise individually. Ss start doing it and they are so quiet. Sometimes, T walks around and check the Ss’ work. 247 T Yes, he was. Nah, karena romawi satu sudah bareng- bareng, sekarang kalian kerjakan sendiri, romawi dua sampai romawi empat. Jadi nanti ada dua puluh lima soal 248 S romawi dua sama empat bu? 249 T sampai romawi empat 250 T jarum panjang di angka sembilan, satu soal satu menit 251 S ha? satu soal satu menit 252 T wis digarap wae cah, 253 S boleh cari ms? 254 T boleh cari 255 T twenty five minutes ya 256 Ss yes 257 T we will be stop at fifteen to one, fifteen to one, brarti jam berapa selesainya nggarap? 258 Ss jam satu kurang lima belas 259 T ya, jam satu kurang lima belas
260 261 262 263
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
Ss T S
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T Ss
277 278 279 280 281
282 283 284 285
T S T Ss T S T
ms, yang nomor empat nomor berapa? empat coba semua perhatikan, nomor empat, romawi dua, jadi nanti nggak ada yang bertanya lagi, kami bisa lihat dari soalnya, yang long itu long apa biasanya? Oo… Udah? udah (Ss continue working) Kenapa Ayu? nggak papa ms pake pensil juga boleh kok ya ms selesai po? (approaching a student) sudah okay, good. Ayo yang lain … Kalo kelas A itu jumlahnya berapa? dua puluh tiga … Ada yang sudah selesai? (two students are raising their hands) Adel sama Nico? sampe romawi empat? (nodding) yes, good … digambar hoo ms nomer lima? iya, digambar jamnya ms yang nomer tiga itu, cara mbacanya yang mana? satu saja, ms kan kasih tiga pilihan, biar kalian tahu saja caranya mbaca, jadi pilih salah satu ya ms
286 12:28 T sits in her seat. Those who have finished doing the exercise are talking to a friend next to them. Sometimes, some Ss walk to their friends’ seats. T allows it as long as they discuss about the exercise. 287 S ms, nomer tiga yang dikerjakan, eh rum empat, jawaban panjang apa pendek? 288 T pendek saja, yang penting kalian tau artinya 289 Ss oke ms 290 T Fifteen minutes, yuk. … 291 T ten minutes to go 292 Ss (Ss are busy working. They do not respond the teacher.)
293 294
T Ss
Okay, who has not finished? yang belum selesai? kurang satu e ms bentar ms okay Yuk, pokok e selesai nggak selesai, kita koreksi ya. Ya ms Bu nanti ditukar seperti biasa to bu? Iya Three minutes to go
295 T 296 T 297 Ss 298 S 299 T 300 T 12:35 Ss start to be noisy. it seems that most of them have finished doing the exercise. Then, T ends the time for doing exercise. She manages her students to exchange their works to be checked. Then, they discuss each item. T reads the question and write the answers on the whiteboard. 301 T Okay, stop 302 Ss Yeeee 303 T Silahkan ditukar ya 304 T Ayuk, grup Yasmin dengan meja sini, kelompoknya Ocha dengan ini 305 T Hitungan kelima kalo belum selesai nggak saya koreksi, okay, one, two 306 Ss (Ss are panic) 307 T Okay, number one, snake is a dangerous animal because it has 308 Ss poison 309 T yes, poison, artinya racun 310 T does a cat have soft feather? 311 Ss no 312 T no, cat kan punya nya bukan feather, tetapi? 313 Ss fur 314 T yak, fur, berarti no apa? 315 Ss no, it does not 316 T no, it does not 317 T does, a buffalo have horn? 318 Ss yes (only some Ss answer) 319 T apakah kerbau punya tanduk? 320 Ss yes 321 T okay, yes it does. 322 T An elephant is a unique animal. It has one long? 323 Ss trunk 324 T yes, good 325 T It is also has two? 326 Ss ivories (Only some Ss who answers. Other are chitchatting) 327 T Look at the t-shirt. Kenapa kok kalian rame sendiri to? Look at the t- shirt. It is very? 328 Ss dirty
329 330 331 332 333 334
T T Ss T S T
335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356
T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss
357 358 359 360 361 362 363
T Ss T T Ss T Ss
364 365 366 367
T S T Ss
368 369
dirty the baby is? young young new? masa bayi baru? kalo untuk barang ya old and new, kalo baby ya young number eight, Yudi is short, but Yuda is? tall Wake up, Tommy. It is? twenty five twenty? twenty past five past five, nah. Number ten? twenty to five twenty to five, eleven? empat tiga puluh nah, twelve? delapan sepuluh delapan sepuluh, yak, thirteen? Mr. Bimasakti? was okay, was, karena yesterday ya, fourteen? were fifteen? am, I am Tulis betulnya berapa Salah piro aku eh salah piro (Ss checked their scores) Okay, next, chicken likes to eat? corn corn It is white animal? zebra Good, what time is it now? a half past twelve thirty pas twelve bisa a half past twelve bisa, thirty past twelve bisa ms kalo twelve thirteen? Ya, pilih salah satu Ms, nek tulisane salah gimana ms? Ms, kalo ini gimana ms? (Ss consult to the T. They speak louder to get the T’s attention. It is so noisy.) Ya nggak papa, yang penting mendekati Ini angka sembilan, ini angka tiga (pointing at the numbers),
berarti jam berapa itu? quarter past nine? nomor lima? sembilan lebih lima belas yak, berarti gambarny begini ya (drawing a clock on the whiteboard) 372 Ss aaaak, salah yeyeye (Ss comment on their result) 373 T Betulnya berapa lagi? 374 T Okay ya, bawa kesini, ms, nilai. Kalo sudah, berdoa sendirisendiri dan boleh pulang. Ss are in queue to have their works checked. After that, they pray and go home. 370 371
Ss T
APPENDIX 4 FIRST OBSERVATION REPORT (OBSY 1) SECOND PARTICIPANT Day Date Time Allocation School Class Number of students
: Monday : April 11, 2016 : 60 minutes (07.55- 09.05) : SD Kanisius Kotabaru : V : 21
Setting: The room is fit enough for 21 students. There is a small space at the back of the room. There were three empty chairs at the back (three students were absent at that day). There are a blackboard and a whiteboard in front of the class. The teacher’s desk is in front of the blackboard. Thus, the whiteboard is the only one board often used by the teacher. The space between the whiteboard and the students’ tables are small. The classroom is cool and light enough. There are some windows on the right side of the room. The English class was in the morning so the air is still fresh. Students’ characteristics: The characteristics of the fifth graders students are varied. It ranges from the very talkative student up to the passive students. It was surprising to have a boy who could not stop talking during the whole of the lesson. Sometimes he responded to what the teacher said. Unfortunately, he often spoke about other topics which distracted the other students. There is also a student who was really passive. He rarely did the teacher’s instructions and only kept silent or busy with his own. Fortunately, most of the students are willing to participate in the classroom, starting from answering the teacher’s questions, reading aloud, and doing the exercises. Besides, they like to comment on things such what the teacher says and what their friends do. They are so noisy in class (I was sitting at the back of the class. Moreover, the noisy boy sat in front of me so I experience how crowded the class was. But, the teacher seems to give them a big freedom to talk as long as they did not overreact and disturb the others.
Num Subject Script 07:56 T came in to the classroom. It was so noisy at that time since everybody was talking. She stood in front of the class and asked Ss to do greeting. T’s voice was loud enough so Ss directly greeted T together. After greeting, it was so noisy again. Some Ss continued talking while others were busy collecting their homeworks. But, T asked them to collect it later. She directly asked the Ss to open their English textbook. All of them did it. Unfortunately, waiting for them to be ready with the book took time since they were busy chit- chatting. 1 T Yo, siapkan dulu kelasnya. 2 Ss S1: Greet the teacher. Ss: Good morning, ms.Yeni. God bless you. 3 T Good morning, God bless you too. 4 Ss (Ss collected their works.) Nanti mengumpulkannya ya. 5 Ss Yo 6 T Okay, ssssh, now open your book page seventy four, yuk.,halaman tujuh puluh empat 7 Ss (Ss were so noisy.) 8 T Ayo, ayo, seventy four. Ssssshhh, coba dibuka halaman tujuh puluh empat, sudah ya? tujuh puluh empat yang bawah, bagian bawah. 9 Ss (Ss were still noisy.) 08:00 T informed about what they were going to learn for that day. She interacted with Ss to discuss some adjectives and their antonyms. It seemed that Ss had mastered the adjectives. They were so excited to answer. Most of them answered all the questions correctly although the pronunciation was not always correct. 10 T Oke, yuk, kita baca dulu. Sshhh, kita masih belajar tentang kata sifat. 11 Ss Adjective 12 T Ya adjectives, apakah masih ingat? 13 Ss masih 14 T What are they? Apa saja? what are the adjectives? 15 Ss (Ss mention some adj) 16 T Yak, kaya…apa itu miskin? 17 Ss Purr? 18 T Poor, kalo kaya? 19 Ss rich 20 T Apalagi? mahal? apa itu mahal? 21 Ss Expensive 22 T Expensive, kalo tinggi? hayo? 23 Ss Tall (Ss mispronounced) 24 T Tall, lawan katanya apa?
25 26 27
Ss T Ss
Short Short, yak, bersih? Clean S1: Dirty, dirty! 28 T Dirty, lalu kalo berat? 29 Ss Heavy Other Ss: light, light, light 30 T Ya, light, lalu kalo panjang? 31 Ss Long Other Ss: short, short 32 T Kalo muda apa? 33 Ss Young (Ss mispronounced) 34 T Young, kalo tua? 35 Ss Old 36 T Old, yaa, baru? 37 Ss new 38 T Okay, apalagi yang kemaren? 39 Ss S1: Kecil, kecil, mini 40 T Small? what is small? 41 Ss Kecil `42 T Kecil, lawan katanya? 43 Ss Big, big T explained about noun phrase. She gave examples by reading some phrases and asked Ss to repeat after her. Then, she discussed the meaning. Some Ss paid attention and followed her instruction. The noisy students were busy talking. T had warned them but it did not work. 44 T Okay, kalo ini halaman tujuh empat, nah, kita akan belajar membandingkan dua kata, ssshhh, kata sifat dan kata benda ya. Coba kita baca dulu yang bawah ya. Disana ada clue nya, ada petunjuknya. Beautiful, artinya apa? 45 Ss Cantik 46 T Okay, itu apa aja? yuk, repeat after me. What is it? 47 Ss What is it? 48 T It is a beautiful dress. 49 Ss It is a beautiful dress. (A student was commenting out of topic. It was so disturbing.) 50 T What is it? Ayo semuanya (while knocking the table) 51 Ss What is it? 52 T It is a big dictionary. 53 Ss It is a big dictionary. (After reading aloud, Ss were really noisy.) 54 T Ulangi ya, shhhhhhhh, dilihat gambarnya. Yuk, ulangi ya,
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss
71 72 73 74
Ss T Ss T
75 76
Ss T
77 78
Ss T
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
Repeat after me.What is it? What is it? It is a beautiful dress. It is a beautiful dress. What is it? What is it? It is a big dictionary. It is a big dictionary. Nah, bisa to? What is dictionary? Apa itu dictionary? Bukuuuu Yang lainnya tau nggak dictionary itu apa? Kamus Kamus, iya, Yang sebelah kiri kita lihat itu ada gambar apa? dress Ada kata petunjuknya, apa? beautiful cantiiiik Penggabungan dua kata antara kata sifat dan kata benda, nah disitu sudah ada, contohnya, what is it? apakah ini? It is a beautiful dress It is a beautiful dress. Beautiful dress, yang di tengah- tengah. Ss were noisy Sssstt, E, e…dengarkan dulu. What is it? It is a beautiful dress. Coba yang sebelah kanan, what is it? It is a big dictionary. Disana ada beautiful dress and big dictionary. Nih coba, ini ya, coba, dilihat dulu, What is it? (Ss followed) writing while saying) a beautiful dress, a big dictionary, nah, coba kita lihat. (a noisy student kept talking) Hhmmm, ssttt, ada penggabungan dua kata, kata sifat dan kata benda, ya, yang ditulis dulu apanya? kata sifat atau kata benda? some Ss: sifat Naaa, kata sifatnya dulu s1: Sifatnya jelek to Bu, bad Kalo beautiful dress? Gaun yang? cantik Big dictionary? kamus yang? besar Coba kalo, buku…buku…besar. Besar itu apa kemaren?
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss
98 99
T Ss
100 101
T Ss
big buku? book Brarti, a? big book big? book Kalo coba contoh, tas mahal. Mahal itu apa? expensive expensive, tas? bag expensive bag expensive? bag a noisy s: Bu, back itu kembali to bu? Tul, trus, apalagi ya? Rumah, rumah bersih. a…clean…house a noisy s: Bu,bu, bu back kan kembali to? itu beda tulisannya, dah, Bu, bu, Tanya bu, Kenapa? bedanya home sama house? home, home itu suasananya, kalo house itu bangunannya. Ooo… Apalagi, ada pertanyaan? (silent) Tadi penggabungan dua kata, yang kita tulis tadi apa dulu? sifat Kata sifat lalu kata? benda benda, ya, ada pertanyaan teman- teman? ndak
102 T 103 Ss 104 T 105 Ss 106 T 107 Ss 108 T 109 Ss 110 T 111 Ss 112 T 113 Ss 114 T 115 Ss 08:06 T asked Ss to write what has been written on their notes. A student is asking how to write the English of balloon. She asked the other students and she wrote what was said by them. After that, she asked the students to do the exercises. 116 T ndak, kalo sudah, catatan ya, siapkan buku catatannya dulu 117 Ss (busy preparing their books) 118 T Tulis tanggalnya dulu ya, (T wrote on the whiteboard.) 119 Ss (writing on their notes) 120 T Yo dicatet, ms Yeny tak ke belakang dulu. Kok kelas V nggak disanae? 121 Ss S1: nggak papa buk, balik ke kelas IV,
S2: Koe dewe rapopo aku wegah Dah, yuk. Gampang ya temen- temen ya
08:11 T asked Ss to do an exercise written on a textbook. She guided the Ss by explaining how to answer the first question. She also requested Ss to draw the picture. It made Ss protested. She did not want to make her Ss feel demotivated so she ease the exercise. During the exercise time, T interacted with the Ss. She asked Ss about who was absent. Besides, Ss also asked about the exercise. 123 T Kalo sudah menyelesaikan catatan, lalu kerjakan buku latihan ya, 124 Ss ya bu 125 T Yang nomer satu itu gambar apa ya? 126 Ss balon 127 T balon, nomer satu itu gambar balon, 128 Ss bahasa inggrisnya? 129 T Balon bahasa Inggrisnya apa? 130 Ss baluun, beluun? 131 T Tapi nulisnya bagaimana? 132 Ss B-A-L-L-O-N 133 T B? 134 Ss A-L-L-O-N 135 T O nya berapa? 136 Ss O nya dua 137 T Oke ya, temen- temen ya, ssssst. Kan disitu sudah ada apa namanya, sudah ada contoh gambarnya, kalo lebih bagus lagi, kamu gambar, ya 138 Ss waaaa 139 T Yo rapopo to, kan hanya simple, itu balonnya… 140 Ss halaaahhh, haaaa, huuu 141 T Yo, yo, tidak usah persis nggak papa. Balon kan tinggal bulet- bulet aja 142 Ss Yaah… 143 T Who is absent today? Ss (silent) 144 T Yang absen siapa ya? Ss ha? 145 T Yang absen? 146 Ss Andreas Niko 147 T Wo, ho’o, Niko, Niko. Andreas, Niko, 148 Ss Kalo gambarnya persis, nilainya berapa bu? 149 T Bu Yeni nggak liat gambarnya kok, 150 Ss s1: Yowis, nggak usah digambar.
151 T Lho, kok gitu to 08:18 The students took turn to have the teacher checked their works. During the exercise time, the noisy student kept talking all the time. It made the other students respond on him. The classroom atmosphere did not support the learning. The teacher often warned the noisy students by calming them. It made the teacher keep warning that student since the 6th graders were having a test. 152 Ss (Ss were noisy, especially a boy sitting at the back.) 153 T Iyan, iyan (warning a noisy student) Kelas V harusnya disana to? 154 Ss Tadi pagi disuruh kesini.(The noisy student couldn’t stop talking.) 155 T Iyan, Iyan, Iyaaaaan (He still made noise.) 156 Ss Bu ini no tiga gimana? clock? 157 T Wo ya beda, jam tangan sama jam dinding ya beda. Jam dinding apa? 158 Ss clock? 159 T Kalo jam tangan? 160 Ss watch T Yayaya. 161 (A noisy student kept making noise.) Eh, Iyaaaann, 162 Ss Sabar ya Bu 163 T Berisik e Iyan tuh. Ss (His voice was very disturbing. He kept talking about 164 unimportant topic.) T Iyaann, sambil mengerjakan. Iyan, Iyaaaan, sshhhh, mengganggu kelas VI. Nanti 165 Bu…masuk kelas lho. Jangan rame, mengganggu kelas VI. Ss (The noisy student didn’t care about the warning and kept talking.) 166 T Eiy,eiy, eiy, shhhhhh, mengganggu yang kelas VI. Eh yang 167 lainnya bisa diem lho, 168 Ss (A female student was annoyed and she shouted the noisy student’s name.) 169 T Sshhhh, mengganggu kelas VI. Eh, jaga ketenangan, kelas VI baru ada ujian. Ei, ssst, besok kalian juga kelas VI to?Kalo kalian ujian diganggu dengan suara berisik seperti ini? 170 Ss Some students were commenting. It made the situation noisier. The teacher just stared at them and did not say a thing. 08:23 The students were still working. Some of them were running around the class (boys). Some students were chit-chatting. While the teacher was on her desk
checking the students works. 08:26 While the other students were still doing the exercises, there was a student reading a comic at the back of the class. The teacher were not aware of it since she was busy checking the students’ works. Realizing that some students have finished doing the exercises, she asked those students to read a text from page 79. 171 T Sssst, ayo yang sudah selesai. Yang sudah selesai, sssst, yang sudah selesai silahkan mencoba kamu baca sendiri dulu. Halaman 79 ya. 172 Ss (Ss were busy themselves.) 173 T Yang sudah selesai, silahkan buku rainbownya dibuka. Open your book page seventy nine. 174 Ss seventy nine 175 T Yang Helen’s dolls, baca sendiri dulu. Helen’s Dolls. Dibaca dalam hati dulu ya. 08:29 The teacher told that the students still had 10 minutes for doing the exercises. She sat on her seat and waited for the students who wanted to check their works. 176 T Yuk, yang belum, ms Yeni kasih waktu 10 menit lagi. 177 Ss (Ss were busy talking.) 08:31 T reminded the Ss who had finished doing the exercise to read a text. She asked them to read it silently. Surprisingly, they merely read the text aloud. It was so noisy. The teacher had warned them but they were still noisy. 178 T Ayok, dibaca sendiri ya. 179 Ss (Some Ss were reading aloud while others were still finishing the exercise.) 180 T Yuk dibaca sendiri yuk, dibaca dalam hati Ss (Some were busy reading, others were still doing the exercise. 181 T (After checking students’ works) Siapa yang belum lagi ya? Udah ya? Ssssst, dibaca dalam hati ya. 182 Ss (Ss continued to read) 08:33 It seemed that Ss got bored. They couldn’t stop talking and some of them were walking around. Then, the teacher asked them to sit down. 183 T Ssssst, sit down, please. 184 Ss (those who were walking around went back to their seats. Still, they were so noisy) 08:35 Teacher asked to keep silent. The other students also warned the noisy student
to keep silent. She warned the noisy students by calling their names. 185 T Okay, be silent, please. 186 Ss Adi, eh, Ajeng kenapa disana? Ajeng balik! Tata…. 08:36 Teacher asked to read after her. Unfortunately, some students were still so noisy. A student played helmet and the others were busy talking to their friends. The teacher warned Ss for many times. She knocked on the table, some female Ss also warned the noisy students but they were still noisy. 187 T Sudah ya sebagian ya? 188 Ss sudah 189 T Eit, eit, yang belum, yang sudah, kita buka halaman tujuh puluh sembilan, yuk Helen’s Dolls, kita baca dulu ya. Ssst, yuk kita baca dulu. 190 Ss (Ss were still noisy.) 191 T Yuk, kita baca dulu ya. Be quiet, please. Ssssstt, Aduh, kelas V ini, (knocking the table) Be quiet, please. 192 Ss (still noisy) 193 T Ssstt, hey, ayo to, udah ya, sekarang kita baca buku halaman tujuh puluh Sembilan, ya. Yuk. Repeat after me, okay ya. Helen’s Doll 194 Ss Helen’s Doll 195 T Tidak hanya mendengarkan tapi baca, ya, tidak ada yang rame. Yuk kita ulangi, Hellen’s Doll. 196 197 198
Ss T Ss
199 200 201 202 203
T Ss T Ss T
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
Helen’s Doll My sister Helen, My sister Helen (the noisy Ss were busy talking) Ssshhh, ayo, ayo, my sister Helen. my sister Helen likes playing dolls very much likes playing dolls very much Aduhh, ngbrolnya sudah to. Nggak usah pelajaran aja yuk. Yaudah, ms Yeni yang keluar, nggak usah pelajaran. Yuk kita baca sekali lagi yuk, semuanya, helen’s doll helen’s doll Semuanya membaca, Helen’s doll Helen’s doll My sister Helen My sister Helen likes playing dolls very much likes playing dolls very much She has many dolls She has many dolls in her bedroom
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T
in her bedroom she gives names she gives names to all of them to all of them there is miss Beau there is miss Beau a beautiful doll a beautiful doll from our grandmother from our grandmother nenek grandmother grandmother It has big eyes It has big eyes and golden curly hair and golden curly hair There is also, ulangi- ulangi. There is also Poo. There is also Poo. a brown teddy bear, a brown teddy bear, nanti yang tidak membaca, ditunjuk maju ke depan yaa Poo is very soft. Poo is very soft. Helen likes playing it Helen likes playing it every night before every night before she goes to bed she goes to bed Ulangi- ulangi, Helen likes playing every night Helen likes playing every night Ulangi ya, Helen likes playing it every night Helen likes playing it every night before she goes to bed before she goes to bed Helen’s favorite doll is Ento Helen’s favorite doll is Ento Ento is a dog doll Ento is a dog doll It is a small doll It is a small doll but it is expensive
258 Ss but it is expensive 259 T Helen never forgets 260 Ss Helen never forgets 261 T to put all dolls in a cupboard 262 Ss to put all dolls in a cupboard 263 T Ulangi ya, to put all dolls in a cupboard 264 Ss to put all dolls in a cupboard 265 T Duh, ini kelas V. She always cleans the cupboard 266 Ss She always cleans the cupboard 267 T regularly on Sunday. 268 Ss regularly on Sunday. 08:38 T asked Ss to read again. Sometimes, T increased her voice if Ss were busy doing another thing. 269 T Ulangi dari pertama, Helen’s doll. 270 Ss Helen’s doll. 271 T My sister Helen 272 Ss My sister Helen 273 T likes playing dolls very much 274 Ss likes playing dolls very much 275 T She has many dolls 276 Ss She has many dolls 277 T in her bedroom 278 Ss in her bedroom 279 T she gives names 280 Ss she gives names 281 T to all of them 282 Ss to all of them 283 T Nanti Adi maju ke depan ya, kok nggak mbaca? 284 Ss woooo 285 T there is miss Beau 286 Ss there is miss Beau 287 T a beautiful doll from our grandmother 288 Ss a beautiful doll from our grandmother 289 T It has big eyes 290 Ss It has big eyes 291 T and golden curly hair 292 Ss and golden curly hair 293 T There is also Poo 294 Ss There is also Poo 295 T a brown teddy bear, 296 Ss a brown teddy bear, 297 T Poo is very soft. 298 Ss Poo is very soft. 299 T Helen likes playing it every night
300 301
Ss T
Helen likes playing it every night Hadoh, malah gojek sendiri. Ulangi, Helen likes playing it every night Helen likes playing it every night before she goes to bed before she goes to bed Helen’s favorite doll is Ento Helen’s favorite doll is Ento Itu ada s nya lho ya. Helen’s favorite doll is Ento Helen’s favorite doll is Ento Ento is a dog doll Ento is a dog doll It is a small doll It is a small doll but it is expensive but it is expensive Helen never forgets Helen never forgets to put all dolls in a cupboard to put all dolls in a cupboard She always cleans the cupboard She always cleans the cupboard regularly on Sunday. regularly on Sunday.
302 Ss 303 T 304 Ss 305 T 306 Ss 307 T 308 Ss 309 T 310 Ss 311 T 312 Ss 313 T 314 Ss 315 T 316 Ss 317 T 318 Ss 319 T 320 Ss 321 T 322 Ss 08:45 T asked the students to understand the reading. She asked what the title of the story was. T warned if the students were still noisy, she wouldn’t give the students some time to change clothes (Ss wanted to have physics class). 323 T Okay yuk, kita pahami dulu. What is the title? Sssssst, what is the title? 324 Ss Helen’s Doll 325 T Temen- temen nanti kalo rame, ms Yeni tidak mau memberikan lima menit untuk ganti lho 326 Ss Halah, yo nggak bu. 327 T Makanya yuk, dengarkan. Helen’s doll artinya apa? 328 Ss bonekanya Helen 329 T Namanya siapa? 330 Ss Helen 331 T suka bermain boneka, dia mempunyai banyak boneka dimana? 332 Ss di tempat tidurnya 333 T di tempat tidurnya, dia memberikan nama kepada semua bonekanya. Ada miss Beau. Boneka yang cantik yang diberikan oleh siapa? 334 Ss nenek
335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353
T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss
355 356
Ss T
dikasih neneknya. Bermata besar dan rambutnya gimana? keriting keriting warnanya? emas ada juga namanya siapa? Poo Poo, teddy bear, apa itu? boneka? beruang warnanya apa? coklat, Poo sangat halus Tul, Poo sangat halus, lalu? Helen bermain setiap malam sebelum tidur Helen suka bermain setiap malam sebelum dia? tidur Ya, kalo boneka favoritnya Helen siapa? Ento Ento itu boneka apa? anjing dia kecil tetapi mahal Ento itu harganya mahal. Helen tidak lupa meletakkan bonekanya dimana? di lemari dia selalu membersihkan lemarinya, teratur ya, setiap hari apa? minggu jadi setiap hari minggu dia membersihkan lemarinya
357 Ss 358 T 08:48 T explained the meaning of the questions. She warned the students to pay attention on her since she would not re- explained again. 359 T Oke, sudah tahu ya, sekarang coba, ada lima pertanyaan, coba ms Yeni jelaskan nomer satu sampe nomer lima, nanti tidak ada yang tanya lagi, maksudnya apa, ya, 360 Ss nggak usah bu (Ss were commenting) 361 T number one, number one nanti tidak ada yang tanya lagi maksudnya apa. Dengarkan, Ms Yeni hanya menjelaskan satu kali, ssst, number one, what toys does Helen like? Yang ditanyakan adalah what toys. Toys itu apa? 362 Ss Mainan 363 T Mainan apa yang disukai Helen? ya, number one, seperti itu 364 T nomer dua, is miss beau beautiful? apakah, ingat, kalau kata depannya is, are, ya, kalo am itu jarang ya, itu adalah pertanyaan yes? 365 Ss or no 366 T hmm, nomer tiga, apakah, nomer tiga artinya? apakah nama?
369 370
Ss T
371 372 373 374 375 376
Ss T Ss T Ss T
boneka beruang teddy bear number four, sama dengan nomer dua, is Ento a cheap doll? Apakah Ento, apa? a cheap doll? boneka? murah number five, where does Helen pull all the dolls? Where itu apa? What is where? dimana dimana, dimana? dimana apa? Helen meletakan meletakan? bonekanya bonekanya, sudah ya, nomer dua dan nomer empat, pertanyaan yes/ no
08:50 T finished the discussion. T encouraged the Ss that they should be used to write the complete format to answer open- ended questions. 377 T bonekanya, sudah ya, nomer dua dan nomer empat, pertanyaan yes/ no 378 Ss bu, gimana nulisnya? jawaban lengkap apa pendek? 379 T lengkap 380 Ss Wah, terlanjur 381 T Yang udah terlanjur nggak papa. Usahakan belajar menjawab pertanyaan dengan jawaban lengkap. Salah tidak apa- apa ya. Belajar menjawab dengan jawaban lengkap. Kalaupun salah, tidak apa- apa. Yo, coba kerjakan. 08:52 They started writing the answers. Some Ss approach her to make sure that they did the work correctly. Others were still talking. Thus, the situation was noisy. During that time, the teacher walked around to check the Ss works. She talked to them personally about their work. She warned the Ss if they were very disturbing. 382 T Ssssst, yang rame membaca di depan po? 383 Ss nggakk 08:55 T asked whether the Ss had finished. The students were busy with their stuff so the T thought that they had been finished. She reminded the Ss that they still had 5 minutes for finishing the exercises. She kept warning the students who were so noisy. 384 T Have you finished? sudah selesai? 5 menit lagi yaa 385 Ss Ayo bu, istirahat bu, laper e. 386 T Ayok, 5 minutes 08:57 T asked the Ss to sit down. She kept warning the students who were so noisy. T asked to check the works together for many times but Ss kept delaying.
Then, finally they discuss the answers. After discussing the answer T wrote its complete answer on the whiteboard. 387 T Sit down, please. Eei, ei, Tata, Adi! 388 T Yuk, kita bahas ya. 389 Ss Bentar bu 390 T Sudah ya, yuk, kita koreksi saja. 391 Ss (Ss were singing.) 392 T Yuk, kita koreksi nggak papa ya, yuk yuk. Perhatikan! Kalian belajar mengoreksi pengerjaan. Kalo salah pun tidak apa- apa. Boleh dibenerkan. 393 Ss Yeeeeeay. (Ss were so noisy) 394 T Ini lho ms Yeni tunggu. Nanti tidak jadi, lima menit kurang ganti lho 395 Ss Cepet to bu (the noisy boy could not wait anymore for changing clothes.) 396 T Okay, number one, dengarkan yuk nomer satu. Menggunakan jawaban lengkap, kalaupun salah tidak apaapa. boleh Nanti dibetulkan ya, yang penting intinya sudah tau. Okay, number one, what toys does Helen like? 397 Ss Doll 398 T Doll, tapi jawaban lengkap adalah, Helen likes, 399 Ss (Ss were so noisy.) 400 T ssssst. ayo, ayo kelas V 401 T Number one, what toys does Helen like? Helen atau she likes ya, apa? 402 Ss a doll 403 T Helen likes dolls. 404 Ss Yes, bener. 405 T Boleh dibetulkan, tapi jawabannya doll ya. 406 T Number two. 407 Ss Yes, it is. 408 T Yes apa? 409 Ss Yes it is. Kalo nggak pake it is? 410 T Dibetulkan, number three, di poin sendiri lho ya. Ayo belajar mengoreksi. What is the name of teddy bear? 411 Ss Poo 412 T Kalo jawaban lengkapnya? It is Poo. 413 T Number four, is Ento a cheap doll? 414 Ss is not No 415 T No apa hayo? 416 Ss No It is not. 417 T No It is not. It is? 418 Ss expensive
Kalo mau, no it is not, It is an expensive doll. Not it is not sudah betul 420 T Number five, where does Helen put all her dolls? 421 Ss in the cupboard 422 Helen puts all her dolls in the? 423 cupboard She said good bye and nobody answer. Ss were not patient enough and busy to change their clothes. 424 Dah ya, bisa ya temen- temen ya, besok pas UKK ada menjawab pertanyaan. Hari ini nggak ad PR. PR nya belajar di rumah. Okay, sekarang boleh ganti. Okay ya, see you next week. Good bye, see ya.
APPENDIX 5 OBSERVATION REPORT 2 (OBSY2) SECOND PARTICIPANT Day Date Time Allocation School Class Number of students Topic
: Monday : April 18, 2016 : 60 minutes (07.55- 09.05) : SD Kanisius Kotabaru : V : 21 : Time
Setting: The room is fit enough for 21 students. There is a small space at the back of the room. There were three empty chairs at the back (three students were absent at that day). There are a blackboard and a whiteboard in front of the class. The teacher’s desk is in closely in front of the blackboard. Thus, the whiteboard is often used by the teacher. The space between the whiteboard and the students’ tables are small. The classroom is cool and light enough. There are some windows on the right side of the room. The English class was in the morning so the air is still fresh. Students’ characteristics: In this meeting, the students were little bit more supportive than the last meeting. Most of them were participating on the interaction. Though, they still liked to make some noises during the session.
Num Subject Script 08:06 It was so noisy. T tried to manage Ss but some of them still could not stop talking. She louder her voice so everybody could pay attention on her. 1 T Okay, good morning, Good morning everyone. 2 Ss Good morning 3 T Greet the teacher 4 Ss Good morning ms Yeni, God bless you 5 T Good morning. God bless you too. Yuk, siapkan buku Bahasa Inggris. Coba perhatikan. 6 Ss (noisy) 7 T Yuk, ini yang mejanya masih kosong. Iyan. Yuk, bukunya dikeluarkan. 8 S (noisy) 9 T Yuk, ini mau belajar apa rame? yuk kita lanjutkan
10 11 12 13 14
Ss T Ss T Ss
15 16
S Ss
18 19 20 21 22 23
Ss T Ss T Ss T
pelajarannya kemaren. Okay, kita lanjutkan, (noisy) sssst, kelas V… Teman- teman kemaren kita sudah belajar.. (noisy) sssst, kali ini tolong dengarkan ms. Yang rame silahkan iya ms (noisy again) bu bukuku dicolong koncoku woo… (noisy) lha iki sik nyolong ki lho Yuk, ssst, kita ulangi sebentar. Open your book, page eighty four, page eighty four. (noisy) Sssst, page eighty four, halaman delapan puluh empat ya. (noisy) Sssst…Semuanya sudah kita pelajari kemaren ya. (noisy) Halaman delapan puluh empat, semuanya sudah kita pelajari kemaren ya. (they opened their books, yet they were still noisy)
24 Ss 08:08 T asked about how to read time. Some answered it while other were just silent. 25 T Kalo jam tepat, misalnya jam dua tepat, bagaimana? it is? 26 Ss two o’ clock 27 T It is two o’clock. Kalo jam lima tepat? It is? 28 Ss five o’ clock. 29 T Kalo jam dua tiga puluh? It is? 30 Ss It is two twenty twelve 31 T Menitnya dulu, lalu it is? thirty past two (together with Ss) 32 Ss Thirty past two 33 T lalu thirty nya diganti half, it is? 34 Ss It is half past two 35 T okay, good, sekarang lagi, jam tiga lebih sepuluh.It is? 36 Ss It is three ten. 37 T Kok yang lainnya diem aja? 38 Ss It is ten past three. 08:09 T wrote 5 questions about time on the whiteboard. Ss were asked to read.It seemed that everybody had mastered on reading time so they could answer the teacher’s questions easily. 39 T Coba ya, sebentar ya? (writing 04:25 on a whiteboard) It is? empat dua lima. It is four?
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss
51 52 53
T T Ss
54 55 56 57 58 59 60
T Ss Ss T Ss T Ss
four twenty five (together with T). It is twenty? twenty five past four (together with T) sembilan (writing 9:50), sssst, lima puluh. It is? nine fifty (together with T). It is ten? ten to ten (together with T) Good. (writing 11:35) Yuk, it is? eleven? eleven thirty five It is? berapa? dua lima It is twenty five to twelve Ya, tambah satu. Okay. good. Sudah bisa ya? Eh tapi yang lima belas belum. Tujuh lima belas. It is? seven fifteen It is fifteen past seven. It is a quarter past seven. (together with T) Good, sekarang yang pake to (writing 08:45). It is? Eight forty five. (together with T) It is fifteen (mispronounced) it is fifteen (highliting fifteen)? to? fifteen to nine (together with Ss) It is a quarter? a quarter to nine (together with T) (Ss were noisy again.)
08:12 T asked Ss to open their textbook. They discussed about the schedule on the textbook by focusing on the meaning. Sometimes some Ss were playing around so T warned them. 61 T Sssst, Okay, sekarang kita lanjutkan. Open your book page eighty nine. 62 Ss (noisy) 63 T Yuk, page eighty nine, yang bawah ya, kita akan belajar membaca schedule. Schedule itu apa? 64 Ss jadwal 65 T Jadwal, nanti kalian mengerjakan halaman berikutnya. Yuk, perhatikan dulu jadwalnya. Sssssst, Iyan. 66 Ss (Some Ss were translating the activities on the schedule while others were busy talking) 67 T Sssst, okay. Okay, disana, di jadwal, look at the schedule, please. 68 Ss Yes 69 T Lihat di jadwal, ada tulisan social science. Itu mata pelajaran apa? 70 Ss social
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss T Ss S
ada tulisan seperti ini (writing 1st break). Bacanya gimana? First? break Nanti ada (writing 2nd break), nah. Second (mispronounced) second break, break itu apa? istirahat first itu pertama, jadi? istirahat pertama Kalo second? istirahat kedua ms, kok iso dibalik? kan harusnya pertama istirahat, kok jadi istirahat pertama? Ya memang kalo Bahasa Inggris kan dibalik begitu. Okay ya? Sekarang kita liat, ssst, yang Art, what is art? art itu apa? SBK Ya, SBK ato pelajaran seni. Go home? Pulang
83 Ss 84 T 85 Ss 08:14 T asked Ss to pay attention on page 90. They were asked to do an exercise but before that they were guided to understand by translating the activities 86 T Okay, nanti, kalian akan mengerjakan, coba buka halaman sembilan puluh, next please, buka halaman berikutnya. Itu nanti… 87 Ss (noisy) T Tolong perhatikan ms Yeni, ms Yeni baru ngomong. Okay ya, nanti mengerjakan halaman sembilan puluh, dan ada dua tugas, halaman sembilan puluh satu. Sekarang halaman yang berikutnya, halaman sembilan puluh yang bawah 88 Ss yang atas 89 T halaman sembilan puluh yang bawah dilihat dulu. Ini adalah kata kerja atau aktivitas sehari- hari ya. Kalo yang dulu, itu adalah kegiatan sekolah, kalo yang ini, ini adalah kegiatan sehari- hari. Yuk, coba kita lihat, pahami dulu. Get up itu apa get up? 90 Ss bangun tidur 91 T Bangun tidur, take a bath? 92 Ss mandi 93 T yak, have breakfast? 94 Ss sarapan 95 T sarapan, makan pagi, go to school? 96 Ss pergi ke sekolah 97 T have lunch? 98 Ss makan siang 99 T makan siang. do homework? mengerjakan?
100 Ss PR 101 T take a nap? 102 Ss tidur, tidur 103 T boleh, tidur atau istirahat siang 104 T play in the yard? bermain di? 105 Ss halaman 106 T take a bath? 107 Ss mandiii 108 T have dinner? 109 Ss makan malam 110 T study? 111 Ss belajar 112 T go to sleep? 113 Ss tidur 08:16 T asked ro repeat after her (about the schedule). After that, she explained Ss about what to do and she made sure that Ss know what to do. But still, there were some Ss who still ask what to do after the explanation. 114 T Kita baca dulu ya, yuk. Repeat after me. Get up 115 Ss Get up 116 T Take a bath 118 Ss Take a bath 119 T Have breakfast 120 Ss Have breakfast 121 T Go to school 122 Ss Go to school 124 T Go home 125 Ss Go home 126 T Have lunch 127 Ss Have lunch 128 T Do homework 129 Ss Do homework 130 T Take a nap 131 Ss Take a nap 132 T Play in the yard 133 Ss Play in the yard 134 T Take a bath 135 Ss Take a bath 136 T Have dinner 137 Ss Have dinner 138 T study 139 Ss study 140 T go to bed 141 Ss go to bed 142 T Udah tau semuanya ya? Nah, tugasnya ada dua, yang pertama
143 144
Ss T
145 146 147 148
Ss T Ss T
149 150
Ss T
151 152
Ss T
153 154
Ss T
155 156
tadi dikerjakan halaman sembilan puluh, yang kedua halaman sembilan satu, apa yang dikerjakan? benar ato salah nah menulis, disana ada fill in the table correctly. Nah, disana centang, tetapi tidak usah ya, begini, nanti mengerjakan yang halaman Sembilan satu berdasarkan halaman sembilan puluh, menulis, write T or F, T itu apa? apa artinya true? benar False? salah Nah, lawan katanya salah. Jadi nanti kalian kerjakan, halaman sembilan puluh, Ssssst, halaman sembilan puluh, nanti ditulis, jawaban digaris bawah berdasarkan daftar halaman delapan puluhs sembilan, based on schedule on page eighty nine, table halaman Sembilan puluh satu noisy aduh, ms Yeni baru ngomong lho ya. Ssst, nanti kalo tanya nggak ms Yeni jawab lho ya oke halaman Sembilan puluh satu tidak usah menggambar tabel, tabelnya ndak usah, tapi berupa kalimat, di belakangnya T ato F. Contoh nomer satu, winda gets up at five o’ clock (while writing it on the white board). Coba dilihat jadwalnya, true or false? benar Tulis, true ya. Boleh mengerjakan dalam kelompok maksimal empat, boleh tidak, tetapi tolong jangan rame. Yuk, sembilan puluh dan sembilan puluh satu, silahkan mengerjakan. (Ss were calling her T for asking individually.) Jadi tugasnya hanya dua, halaman sembilan puluh dan sembilan satu
08:21 Ss were doing the task while T was walking around to check. Some Ss were still talking so it was noisy. some Ss also approached T to ask. 157 T boleh mengerjakan kelompok, kalo nggak ya berdua ato sendiri aja. 158 Ss (doing exercise while talking) 08:23 T sat down in her chair. Some Ss came to her for asking. It seemed that most of them were asking about number 3 so T asked all Ss to pay attention on that question. 159 T Lihat jadwalnya ya. 160 Ss (continue working, some Ss were approaching her) 161 T Yang nomer tiga boleh yang pertama atau yang kedua. Ayok…Sambil mengerjakan ya.
(Some Ss were still approaching T) They were still asking about question number 3. nah, yang nomer tiga, coba liat yang nomer tiga, kui kan ono tulisane o’ clock, brarti dilihat yang cuma satu itu kan ada o’ clock, brarti yang mana kalo o’clock? (Ss continued working and talking)
163 T 164 S 165 T 166 Ss 08:27 Ss discussed in the group. Some Ss still took turn to ask T. During that time, T sitting on her chair, kept warning Ss since they were noisy. Sometimes, she walked around to check and comment on the Ss’ works. She also warned Ss about the time left to finish their tasks. 167 T Ayo. Ayo sambil mengerjakan. 168 Ss (busy) 169 T Adi, Pasha. 170 Ss (noisy) 171 T Jarum panjang angka sepuluh ya, kita koreksi. Nanti ms Yeni panggil satu- satu semua harus bisa jawab. 172 Ss (Ss were busy consulting their works. It seemed that there was a student who asked how to write 13 for time) 173 T Temen- temen kalo jam 13? 174 Ss Jam satu bu, 175 T Yak, kita kembali lagi ke jam satu. 176 Ss (continued working) 177 T Dipahami dulu pertanyaannya. 178 T Jarum sampe angka sepuluh, jadi masih ada five minutes. Ayuk, selesai ya? 179 Ss (Ss were busy) 08:37 T went back to her seat. She noticed some Ss who walked around so she warned them. Some Ss were in queue to have their works checked. Some Ss were playing around. They could not stop talking about unimportant things. It seemed that they did not care on T. 180 T Sssstt, ten minutes more. Sit down, please. Yang sudah ayok, jangan ganggu temannya. 181 Ss (still noisy) 182 T Andreaaas, Ardiii 183 Ss (still noisy) 184 T Ayuk, five minutes. Nggak ada tambahan waktu. Five minutes. Andreas, Ardi. 185 Ss (noisy) 186 T Ajeng, Gustiii. Ayoook, kalo belum selesai ya selesaikan dulu. (continue giving consultation) 187 Ss (noisy) 188 T Andreas. Ayo to, kalo belum selesai itu kerjakan dulu. Ayo. 189 Ss (noisy)
190 191 192 193
T Ss T Ss
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
T Ss T T T Ss T Ss T T
204 205
Ss T
206 207 208
Ss T Ss
Boniii, Iyaaaaan, (noisy) Who haven’t finished? Siapa yang belum selesai? (some Ss raised their hands) I am yang belum tambahan lima menit lagi yaa, yang sudah selesai? (some Ss raised their hands. Then, they made noise again) Gusti, Nilam nggak rame mainannya nanti to (noisy) Ssssst, ayo to kelas V Buk, ini lho. (noisy again) (T seems desperate) Okay yuk, sit down. Okay udah ya, waktunya udah habis, dengarkan kelas V. Yuk, yuk. Be quiet, please. (noisy) Semuanya perhatikan. Pay attention, please. Masih ada yang belum selesai. Dan selesaipun tidak mengerjakan seperti yang ms Yeni jelaskan. Ho’o. Sopo hayo Belum selesai sudah ngobrol. ho’o kui ms waktunya dah habis to ms? (silent) waktunya dah habis to ms?
209 T 210 S 08:49 T made agreement with Ss. 211 T Ssssstt, nanti tidak jadi ms Yeni kasih jam untuk ganti seragam lho 212 Ss Ahhhhh 213 T Makanya perhatikan to. Sssstt, sudah ya, jadi tidak ada waktu untuk ganti seragam! 214 Ss Tidaaaaak 215 T Sssst, yuk sekarang kita koreksi bersama. Yuk, nanti kalo belum selesai ngoreksi dua pekerjaan lho ini, nggak ada waktu. Yuk perhatikan (knocking the whiteboard). Aduuuuh. 216 T Yuk, number one, number one sudah ya, sekarang nomer dua 217 S Number one apa? 218 T I study 219 Ss at eight 220 T Ulangi, ulangi, I study social science? 221 Ss (noisy) 222 T I study social science? Ajeng, nomer dua Ajeng, social science, at?
223 224 225 226
S T Ss T
227 228 229 230 231 232
Ss T S T S T
233 234
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Ss S T S T S T S T T Ss S T T T Ss T Ss
( silent) Yang lainnya tolong dengarkan! at? Jam berapa social science? delapan tiga puluh eight thirty boleh, atau half past eight, boleh. Okay, Dion, number three, nomer tiga (noisy) Ayok, Dion It is seven o’ clock now. It is time to It is time to? It is time to masih ada yang belum memperhatikan. Okay, number three, it is eleven o’ clock now. okay good, number four, please, number four, (answering) Eiii, jaaan, mbok dengarkan to, kalo ada temennya membaca itu ya didengarkan. (noisy) number four, nine thirty number five, who want answer number five It is… okay number six, Ardi jam lima lebih., false. sudah ya number three. Yak number three, nomer tiga ya answer She goes home at ten number four ayok, number four, lainnya, lainnya yuk half past one, true True true or false yes, true ulangi, ulangi, she does she does she does the homework before okay good. Sudah ya
1 2
3 4 5
9 10
R Ketika di awal pertemuan, muridmuridnya sudah langsung, “Get set.” N Sudah kebiasaan sih, itu biar mereka, sikapnya juga lebih siap gitu kan, kaya get set yang buat baris itu maksudnya. R Jadi biar semua siswa siap gitu ya ms N iya R lalu saat greeting, biasanya yang ditemukan di lapangan kan guru hanya bertanya, ‘how are you?’, tetapi kemaren ms menggunakan ungkapan ‘how’s everything with you?’ N Ya biar mereka bisa tau selain how are you saja, biar lebih banyak, kan nggak cuman, kadang- kadang nggak Cuma ‘how are you?’, pas ditanya orang kan, biar mereka tau, ini maksudnya sama R Oo…dan kebiasaan greeting ini juga berlanjut ke menanyakan day and date ya ms? kemudian ditulis di papan tulis N iya, rutinnya mereka, R jadi, bisa dibilang, greeting dan kebiasaan berbicara lainnya itu ditujukan agar siswa terbiasa dengan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris y ms N iya begitu R ketika berinteraksi dengan siswa, yang ms bahas itu lebih ke arti. Misal tadi setelah membahas suatu kosa kata bahasa Inggris, kemudian ms bertanya ke anak- anak, sudah tau artinya belum? N Ya itu berdasarkan pengalaman yang dulu- dulu to ms, kalo misale, selama ini saya kira udah, tapi pada akhirnya ketika itu keluar lagi mereka nggak bisa R oalah, jadi misal walaupun sudah banyak dibahas di kelas, tapi kalo siswanya nggak tau artinya (dalam bahasa mereka), mereka bisa lupa ya ms? N heem, jadi semenjak dari situ tu saya, kadang- kadang kita nggak harus menanyakan artinya, tapi pada
physical responses
int as source of input
int done in routine
input should be meaningful
15 16 17
18 19
20 21
25 26
28 29 30
prakteknya anak- anak itu harus tau artinya. Jadi memang menanyakan langsung arti dari apa yang sedang dibahas itu penting ya ms? He eh, Kemudian saat membahas artinya, he’eh, pertama mancing- mancing dulu, kita nggak langsung itu, tapi habis itu baru, nek mereka udah, kirakira mukanya udah, haha kayak putus asa gitu ya ms, naah bingung semua, langsung dikasih tau artinya daripada nanti malah malah do stress tapi kadang- kadang juga selain dipancing, tak suruh mbuka kamus, biar mereka nggak memeng mbuka kamusnya bisa nggak ms kalo saya bilang, diskusi itu dibuat biar mereka juga sekalian practice, y sekalian biar practice, selain itu kan juga biar mereka bisa mengingat, kalo langsung dari kita kan beda Oh, ketika idenya dari mereka sendiri, mereka lebih kelingan iyo, kelingan, lebih mengena gitu Kemudian yang menarik dari kelas ms adalah, penggunaan lottery. Lottery, lottery itu memang buat, ternyata, itu kan gini, jadi dulu kan iseng- iseng aja, pada pengen, ms, nyanyi dong, ato dikasih pertanyaan gitu, nah, jadi dibikin lottery trus mereka nanti surprise, ternyata mereka lebih antusias, bahkan bahasa Inggris akhirnya yang ditunggu- tunggu malah lottery nya. Tapi yang lottery nya itu cuman, apa sih, berbeda- beda setiap kelasnya, kan kalo yang anak kecil nyanyi ow, beda tantangannya iya, tantangannya, lagipula saat lottery, mereka juga
T as manager of the discussion
int to activate students’ thinking
fun activity to boost interaction
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41 42
sekalian practice y ms, N practice ngomong, practice ngapalke kosakata, sekalian juga pelajaran yang dibahas hari itu R Menurut ms, lebih gampang menanyakan materi secara langsung atau lewat lottery? N aslinya lewat lottery, karena mereka jadi lebih, kan menurut mereka itu bukan pelajaran, kan fun, kayak game gitu R jadi karena ms merasa lottery bermanfaat, jadi dipakai terus sampai sekarang ya? sudah lama ms? N sudah dari, udah lama itu N memang biar mereka lebih bersikap, kayak baris gitu kayak tentara, biar tau variasi juga, biar ada rutin yang terbentuk, itu kan, kayak itu kan kita nyiapin pelajarannya dulu, nyiapin anak- anaknya dulu. Soale pernah kan nggak tak pake kayak gitu to, itu tuh mereka malah nanyain e, anakanaknya. Ms, kok nggak ada get set. R Kemudian menurut ms, namanya anak- anak kan pasti rame N iya sih, tak biarkan selama masih normal, tapi nek udah menimbulkan keributan, ganggu konsentrasi yang lain R Lalu ketika diskusi, apakah selalu tentang materi? N hmm, lebih banyak ke materi sih, tapi kadang- kadang kalo ada apa, trus kita bahas apa, R penting nggak sih menanyakan halhal di luar materi (related to Ss) N ya penting juga sih, itu kan juga buat nambah- nambah mereka, mereka juga merasa diperhatikan, tapi sambil nambah di bahasa Inggris R Jadi ngobrol tentang apapun, bahasa Inggrisnya juga sekalian dikenalkan ya ms. N ketika ada pertanyaan, sebisa mungkin ms tidak langsung menjawab, tapi ms
to discipline Ss
affective+ input
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melemparkan pertanyaan itu ke dalam diskusi dengan anak- anak ya, lebih banyak seperti itu, biar mereka memikirkan dulu, kalo bisa ya saya pancing, kalo nggak bisa baru saya bantu kemudian tentang bahasa yang dipakai di kelas, menurut ms, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang baik di SD sekarang itu yang menggunakan full English atau campur? kalo ms kan campur, penggunaan bahasa Inggrisnya ya pas greeting, kalo menjelaskan materi saya lebih banyak pake Bahasa Indonesia, kalo pas pertanyaan ya ada Bahasa Inggrisnya gitu, sama closing, Inggris. Kalo menerangkan kok pake Bahasa Indonesia? Karena kalo pake Bahasa Inggris, anak- anaknya malah nggak dong kalo kita nggak campur- campur, tapi kalo yang di kelas tiga ini, ini anakanaknya lumayan bisa, saya lebih banyak Bahasa Inggrisnya sama Bahasa isyarat daripada bahasa Indonesia, jadi nanti mereka, ms, I, I drink ya, kita pake bahasa Inggris dan bahasa isyarat karena mereka inisiatif sendiri, no bahasa Indonesia in class. Ow, jadi kalo anaknya minat, baru ms menggunakan bahasa Inggris, klo terlihat nggak nyaman, brarti campur ya ms, iya tapi kalau classroom instruction? kalo classroom instruction ya pake Bahasa Inggris ms, pernah nyoba full English? belum pernah lalu ada reading aloud ho’o, karena biar mereka itu konsentrasi to, nek mereka baca sendiri, nanti ada yang nggak mbaca, kadang- kadang saya juga sok ngasih
T as guide
language used
language chosen depends on students’ level& initiative
61 62
63 64 65
hukuman sih, nek nggak ikut mbaca, tak suruh mbaca sendiri tu skalian ngecek pronunciation juga to ms heem, tapi yang mulai ini, kemaren tu, njajal karena bahasa Inggris agak banyak, di kelas V mereka malah jadi diem, jadi grup yang paling banyak ngomong pake bahasa Indonesia yang dapat poin, ternyata mereka malah anteng, ngertio ket mbiyen, padahal selama ini saya selalu, diaaaam! hehe ms kalo berinteraksi pake gesture? tergantung per kelasnya, kalo sama yang kelas kecil banyakan gitu, tapi kalo kelas besar, nek mereka nggak dong aja, jadi nggak selalu tergantung anaknya ya ms iya saat menerangkan materi lebih suka individu atau klasikal? ya klasikal dulu, nanti ngecek e, pake penegasan pertanyaan gitu, nanti nek nggak ini, baru per individunya ow
Contexts 1
3 4
5 6 7
8 9
12 13 14 intN1_50
S Scripts R Greeting dan menyebutkan day& date kan sudah menjadi rutinitas di tiap pertemuan. Mengapa dibiasakan ms? Apakah ada tujuan khusus? N tujuannya sih untuk membentuk anak biar mereka siap, pertama sih biar mereka siap mengikuti pelajaran aja, habis tu biar mereka merasa, yang kedua biar mereka merasa nek diperhatikan to, nek greeting gitu kan kita menyapa mereka sama menyiapkan mereka itu dan itu memang harus jadi rutin soale kalo nggak gitu jadi nggak teratur gitu R kemudian day and date nya? N itu selalu karena selain untuk menambah kosa kata, itu juga untuk nambahin apa namanya, buat, biar mereka lebih teratur, pertama kali pas ini dan mereka mau nggak mau harus ngapalin tanggal R jadi biar tahu, biar mereka menguasai angka, nama- nama bulan juga ya ms N trus ya jadi rutin juga biar ada keteraturan R kemudian, variasi saat greeting, kan ms memberi contoh ada how are you, how is everything with you, itu kan ms bilang biar kalo ada yang ngomong kayak gitu, mereka bisa paham N bisa njawab, iya R itu berarti Bahasa Inggris ini diajarkan ke siswa biar dipakai untuk berkomunikasi nantinya? N biar bisa berkomunikasi dan bahasanya nggak hanya itu- itu saja, untuk bahasa sapaan sih, bahasa bakunya ya R berarti ms setuju dong kalo siswa belajar melalui interaksi dan belajar untuk berinteraksi N iya, R oh gitu N pokoknya dari interaksi itu mereka bisa belajar R kemudian penggunaan bahasa di kelas, kalo di kelas 3 itu kan mereka karena inisiatif untuk menggunakan bahasa
discipline the Ss affective goal
interaction encourages Ss to rich their vocab for communication
language to communicate
classroom language based on Ss’ interest
16 N
17 R
18 N
19 R 20 N 21 R
22 N
23 R 24 N
25 R 26 R
27 N
Inggris di kelas, jadi ms banyak berbicara Inggris di kelas, berarti penggunaan bahasa di kelas itu disesuaikan dengan minat siswa minat siswa sama kemampuannya juga, kan kemampuannya satu kelas kan ada juga yang rata, lebih, saat mereka minat dengan bahasa yang digunakan, apakah itu juga mempengaruhi partisipasi mereka saat berinteraksi? heem, kalo yang mereka, trus mereka jadi kadang suka nyoba, dapat kosakata baru, ms, kalo mau pinjem itu bilangnya gimana, misalnya may I borrow trus mereka jadi praktek sendiri, tertarik terus merasa butuh gitu ya ms heem, trus buat sama temennya sendiri kemudian saat lottery, ms kan mendeskripsikan ciri- ciri siswa yang dapet lottery, anak- anak kan jadi pada mendengarkan dan nebak itu temen mana yang dideskripsikan, kan jadi interaksi to ms, menurut ms, mereka belajar sesuatu nggak dari situ? iya, jadi mereka nanti akhirnya tahu, misalnya cara menyebutkan tanggal lahir tu gimana jadi tau juga dari seperti itu walaupun pada awalnya mereka nggak tahu dan saya nggak menyebutkan artinya, trus mereka yang nebak- nebak, ini jawabannya apa to, ini yang apa, ow, brarti ini maksude tanya apa gitu oke learning from mereka jadi belajar dari situ, cara the usual menyebutkan ini, trus cara boy and girl interaction kadang- kadang kan ada juga yang masih ini… salah- salah ya jadi dengan seringnya mereka mendengarkan tentang hobi, tentang bulan- bulan, jadi kemudian masuk di otak gitu ya ms, iya, masuk di otak
28 R jadi dengan kebiasaan, rutinitas, itu bisa terpola di otak 29 N jadi nanti struktur juga jadi tau sih, kan there is, there are 30 R jadi tanpa harus diterangkan ya ms, 31 N iyaa 32 R kemudian, dari observasi, saya melihat ms lebih menjadi pengontrol diskusi, 33 N iya sih, soale siapa tau ada yang punya pendapat lain juga, 34 R jadi nanti pas ending, ms tinggal state bner atau salahnya ya ms 35 N heem, sama buat ngecek, yang lain itu udah dong belum, ya kan kadangkadang cuma ikut- ikutan, nek misale saya nggak langsung mbenerin kan nanti mereka bisa mikir lagi,
indirect grammar learning
teacher as controller
R Menurut ms, setelah siswa merespon, seberapa pentingkah follow up itu? N Iya perlu untuk mengapresiasi dia sekaligus buat pemahaman yang lain ms R maksudnya pemahaman yang lain? Apakah setiap respon dari siswa harus direspon balik oleh guru? N Iya, harus direspon balik ms, jadi kita juga bisa mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan siswa tadi. Maksudnya sekaligus buat menegaskan pemahaman siswa yang lain ms R Tapi kemarin saat di kelas, ada juga respon yang tidak di follow up ms N iya biasanya kalo pertanyaannya sederhana dengan materi simple tidak saya bahas lebih lanjut ms R ms tadi kan bilang, follow up untuk mengapresiasi siswa. Seberapa penting tindakan mengapresiasi itu? Apa pengaruhnya ngomong ‘good’ ke siswa? N ya biar anak merasa dihargai, jadi si anak juga merasa bangga bisa menjawab betul, biar lebih percaya diri lagi kalo besok ada pertanyaan lagi. R Jadi berinteraksi juga sambil meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa untuk aktif di kelas ya ms? N iya ms, dengan berinteraksi kita bisa mengapresisasi dan meningkatkan percaya diri pada siswa R Lalu, saat diskusi, ms kadang memnghubungkan materi dengan realita siswanya, kayak kemarin, nah, ponted nose tu mancung kayak gitu lho, nah, handsome, ganteng kayak Kia N iya ms, harapannya agar anak- anak lebih mudah mengingat kosa kata yang mereka pelajari ketika itu dihubungkan dengan kondisi realita siswa sama hal- hal yang lucu di sekitar mereka. Jadi mereka tetep inget. R owa, iya, pantes njuk pada ketawa N haha, ya gitu ms R Lalu menurut ms, apakah dengan mendengarkan, siswa bisa paham?
N Ya selain mendengarkan juga harus disertai dengan contoh dan visualnya ms, ga harus yang berlebihan tapi cukup yang sederhana saja juga bisa, yang penting penyampaiannya R Lalu saat berinteraksi dengan siswa, ms kan pake bahasa Inggris, apakah ms berharap siswanya juga merespon dengan bahasa Inggris? N iya, berharapnya siswa terpancing dan akhirnya merespon dengan bahasa Inggris, yang paling sederhana sekalipun R Tapi kan siswa kadang juga menjawab pake bahasa Indonesia ms N ya agak kecewa juga sih, karena ternyata siswa belum menguasai sepenuhnya, tapi pada akhirnya asal siswanya sudah jelas, pake bahasa Indonesia is oke, mungkin diberi pengertian cara menyampaikan dalam bahasa Inggrisnya, biar next time kalo ada lagi mereka juga bisa merespon dalam bahasa paling sederhana R jadi ms sengaja pake bahasa Inggris biar siswanya juga termotivasi untuk ngomong pake bahasa Inggris juga ya ms? N iya, itu tujuannya R atau hanya biar siswanya tau tentang jenisjenis expressions saja? N tujuannya biar siswa bisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan seharihari, yang simple- simple dulu. Nah, caranya dengan mengenalkan ke siswa, expressionnya. R Jadi sebisa mungkin pake bahasa Inggris di kelas ya ms? N iya ms, seperti itu R lha ms, kemaren juga pake bahasa Jawa di kelas N Bahasa Jawa itu sebagai pencair suasana ms, saya pake bahasa Jawa kalo pas memperingatkan anak, supaya nggak terlalu tersinggung, ditambahi guyonan gitu. R ow, yaya, noted ms. Lalu ms kan selalu langsung mengoreksi anak- anak yang mispronounced. Apakah itu efektif?
N iya sih, menurut saya itu efektif ms, dengan begitu siswa langsung tau cara pengucapannya. Kalo dibiarkan nanti malah terlanjur melekat yang kurang tepat. R Kemaren pas saya observe, si levi kan mispronounced, ngomong does she, ms sudah membenarkan, bahkan sampe tementemennya juga ikut membenarkan, tapi dianya tetap salah, berarti problemnya ada di siswa ya ms N iya ms, kan sudah saya benahi, tementemennya saja notice R Jadi menurut ms, apakah dengan terlibat dalam interaksi, siswa bisa mempelajari sesuatu? N iya ms R secara otomatis? N seharusnya sih secara otomatis, tapi pada akhirnya tergantung kemampuan siswa, yang jelas dengan berinteraksi membantu lebih banyak
greeting obsY1_13
1 2 3 4 5
S Ia R R Ia R
8 9
Ia R
10 Ia
11 R 12 Ia 13 R
14 Ia
15 R 16 Ia
17 R
18 Ia using Eng and Indo obsk1
19 R
Scripts Hari ini masih mengajar lagi bu? Iya, hari ini 2 kelas Wow, ibu, sabar sekali tadi. Huhu, kelas V mbak. Kalo untuk tadi, yang greeting awal, greet the teacher, ho’o itu memang kebiasaan, dari sekolah tu mintanya kalo setiap senin selasa tu Bahasa Inggris gitu. Tapi kalo di hari lain, di kelas Bahasa Inggris juga greetingnya begitu bu? Iyo, ket mbiyen kan ngono mbak Kemudian, kalo mengajar kelas V, anakanaknya ya itu tadi mbak, rame, kalo sama guru mapel tu mereka nggak bisa diem, nggak takut, tapi kalo sama wali kelas pasti takut. makanya njenengan sering bersuara keras ya bu ya nek ra dingonoke do ra mendengarkan. Padahal sudah pake suara keras, anakanaknya masih pada gitu (ramai dan sibuk sendiri) ya bu. Kadang memang, opo yo mbak, kan itu tergantung kita juga, pas sabar yo sabar. Lagian sudah ms Yeni kasih tau, mau mendengarkan sudah, nek nggak yo sudah. Jadi kalau siswanya mau mendengarkan yo ayo, kalo nggak yo nggak papa ya bu. Lha pada rame terus. Nek ngurusi itu terus, nanti ga selesai- selesai pelajarane. karena memang orang- orangnya itu- itu terus. Kemudian njenengan tadi di kelas, menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia ya bu, iya mbak, karena kalo di SD memang kebanyakan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, nggak full. Ow, dan pemakaian Bahasa Inggris hanya
int as habit
Classroom Language
untuk 20 Ia Nah, pas classroom instruction gitu dan untuk awalan 21 R Ibu sudah pernah mencoba menggunakan full English? 22 Ia Full English, Cuma pas PLPG, kan yang diajari kan kita sendiri (guru- guru Bahasa Inggris) jadi nggak mungkin nek pada nggak dong. Lha kalo murid SD kan beda, bahasa sehari- hari kan, maksudnya yang dipakai di sekolah aja pengantarnya bukan Bahasa Inggris, Klo pake Bahasa Inggris terus, nanti bocahe mrasa susah. Kalo tetep dipaksakan takutnya, pelajaran, mereka malah nggak nyantel. Mungkin beda kalo di sekolah lain, seperti SD Tumbuh itu kan memang harus full English, nek ngomong Bahasa Indonesia malah ada yang nggak dong. Kan ngajare juga di SD, masih dasar. Nek dipaksakan beratberat, ngko malah do ra seneng Bahasa Inggris. Yang penting mereka dong, dan seneng lah. obsk1_193 23 R Kemudian tadi kan ada reading aloud, dan itu reading diulang berkali- kali aloud 24 Ia Ya kadang nek ada kosa kata baru, ya trus reading aloud. Ya walaupun nggak diwajibkan pronunciationnya harus benar, tapi nek saya setidaknya mereka tau, oh, jane ngene ki to. Ada yang bilang, pronunciation ki ra penting, sing penting dong, tapi nek saya providing sing penting dari awal wis dikasih tau. Besok- right besok nek salah kan, nah. Nek seko SD ne exposure salah kan sateruse ngono. Setidaknya saya memberi tahu yang bener lah,mbuh nantinya siswanya…
Interviewee: Ms. Y
Contexts Translating her saying into Bahasa Indonesia obsk1_6
translating text with Ss obsk1_323-358 translating questions obsk1_359-376
Scripts Ketika ibu berinteraksi dengan murid- murid, ibu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, kemudian diartikan. Mengapa langsung diartikan bu? 2 Ia Apa yo, kebiasaan po yo mbak. Soalnya dari kelas I sampe VI khusus SD, biasanya saya gitu, walaupun mereka udah tau lho ya, guiding Ss kalo kelas VI kan pasti udah tau, tapi tetep aja saya gitu. 3 Kebiasaan mengartikan itu tujuannya untuk apa bu? 4 Ya, mungkin untuk menuntun. Karena kan ini di tingkatnya SD, beda dengan SMP, 5 Ya memang tidak semuanya diartikan sih bu. 6 Ya paling kalo mudah ya nggak saya artikan, apa yo mbak ya, kalo umpamanya itu tadi mungkin hanya kebiasaan aja yo,tapi mungkin juga ya tidak selalu. 7 Tapi kalo agak susah ya saya artikan. 8 jadi tergantung tingkat kesulitannya ya bu. 9 Kemudian masih berhubungan dengan mengartikan, ketika ibu mengajak siswa untuk memahami teks, mengapa pembahasannya lebih ke arti? 10 Sebenernya nggak selalu seperti itu. Pernah, pernah itu saya kasih silahkan kerjakan, pahami sendiri, jawab pertanyaan, tidak usah tanya ms Yeni dulu, coba dulu, bisa nggak, soalnya kan itu untuk latian pas UKK, gitu juga pernah. Bisa juga, 1
11 12 13 14
Calming Ss before doing activities
dibaca dulu bersama, lalu nanti ayo kita artikan bersama- sama. Itu juga pernah, ya tidak selalu sih mbak, Ketika mengartikan bersama muridmurid, posisi ibu Hanya menuntun, ayo coba, kalo gini artinya apa, coba ditebak Jadi mengapa interaksinya lebih fokus pada mengartikan? Tau artinya karena untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu. Kalo bisa memahami bacaan dengan bahasa mereka, nanti pasti mereka bisa menjawab pertanyaan. Nanti kalo nggak tau artinya, tapi ini kasusnya nggak selalu lho ya, Kalo SD kan masih butuh tuntunan mbak, kalo dah dikasih paragraf, kon nggarap, nanti artine opo, nanti, nanti minatnya berkurang mbak. Daya minat belajar bahasa Inggris, ora dikandani, kon nggarap wae,kok nggak dikasih tau, opo to artinyaa. Jadi dipastikan dulu mereka sudah paham belum ya bu, dalam bahasa mereka sendiri. Ya nek nggak gitu, nanti tuh tanya lagi mbak, maju tanya mulu, tanya mulu, mending sekarang kita pahami bersama, semuanya udah dong, nanti kan enak. Klo satu tanya, nanti ada lagi yang tanya, padahal pertanyaan yang sama. Mending sekali, semua udah tau Kemudian sebelum berbicara di kelas, ibu juga selalu menenangkan anak- anak dulu. Seharusnya seperti itu, karena kalo nggak diam, mereka pasti nggak mendengarkan malah ngobrol sendiri, nanti tanya ms, suruh ngapain ms, tadi tu opo jawabane tu opo. Setidaknya sudah membuat kelas, mencoba untuk tenang, itu nanti ya ada yang masih rame. Kalo yang bagus guru yang baik itu
guiding Ss to understand and be able to solve task
create efficient learning
requirement of successful interaction
memang harusnya do ngrungoke kabeh, gurune ngomong, bocahe ngrungoke. Tapi itu yang tergantung, sekarang bukan kayak gitu lagi. Ya itu, kadang yo bingung, ada yang mau mendengarkan, ada yang nggak. Nanti nek nunggu pada diem, tapi nggak diem- diem, pelajarane, jamnya malah gimana. Ayo to ms gek cepet, itu lho temenmu masih ngomong, ya tergantung suasana mbak, sekolah itu ya menyesuaikan aja,
Reading aloud
Kalo baiknya memang seperti itu, mereka mendengarkan, nggak usah bola bali ngandani, tanya- tanya terus, aslinya kalo ya itu ya liat di lapangan. Yang baguse seperti ini, tapi itu cuma teorinya, kan beda sama di lapangan. Reading aloudnya tadi kan juga diulang sampai berkali- kali. Itu karena untuk membiasakan mereka dengan Bahasa Inggris atau bagaimana bu? Ya tergantung di lapangan mbak, kalo pertama mereka sudah mendengarkan, memperhatikan, ya nggak diulang. Tapi kalo belum semua ya coba diulangi. Berarti diulang- ulang itu agar mereka semua ikut ya bu, bukan untuk membiasakan siswa dengan Bahasa Inggris? Kalo membiasakan Bahasa Inggris itu kayaknya dari mereka saja mbak, kita tidak usah memaksa, kalo saya di SD yang penting adalah dasarnya dulu, kamu dong yang ini. Kalau menuntut biar bisa bahasa Inggris, saya nggak. Jadi biar mereka tau aja, bahasa inggris itu apa to artine. Umpamanya mau ke kamar mandi mau Bahasa Inggris, ya hanya kebiasaan aja lah, saya nggak
making Ss notice
goal of learning is to make Ss know
motivating Ss obsk1_381
talking out of topic obsk1_120,143,153 24
25 26
menuntut yang lebih. Nek SD dasar aja dah, kosa kata udah tau aja udah seneng Ketika berinteraksi kan juga tidak melulu membahas tentang pelajaran, ibu juga memotivasi siswa, kalo salah tidak apa- apa Y penting, setidaknya tanya, gimana liburan kemaren, kamu bisa nggak yang ini, tuh tulisane yang bener, biar nggak kaku ho’o, udah lama dari kelas 1 sampe kelas 6 kan udah biasa
Interview 3 Interviewee: Ms. Y
Contexts informing 1 what to discuss obsk1_10,44 2
9 10
11 12
S Scripts Themes R Mana yang ibu pilih, menginformasikan topik langsung ke siswa atau membimbing mereka untuk menebak topic yang akan dipelajari? eh, nganu, kalo saya, ini nggak selalu, tidak selalu langsung, tidak selalu mbimbing, pokok’e tergantung situasi tergantung situasi itu maksudnya waktunya atau? ya itu juga mempengaruhi, kan waktunya kalo tinggal beberapa menit yo langsung ke tema, kalo masih awal- awal gitu waktunya masih banyak ya mungkin, karena juga untuk mengisi waktu Jadi kita membimbing siswa hanya sekedar untuk ngobrol- ngobrol atau ada tujuannya sendiri? ya kalau tujuan pasti ada, kalau hanya untuk ngobrol mungkin bisa juga tapi tidak untuk selalu seperti itu mbak, semua itu tergantung situasi di kelas pasti ibu pernah membimbing siswa untuk diskusi semacam itu, menurut ibu itu bermanfaat tidak? sepertinya bagus juga, kan mereka juga Int to check untuk apa namanya, eee, untuk ngetes knowledge pengetahuannya, ya to, kayak gini itu udah tau apa belum ya, dengan bertanya seperti itu, jadi bisa saya simpulkan, dengan berinteraksi guru sekaligus mengetes pengetahuan siswa. Ibu setuju tidak? bisa, jadis interaksi verbal, selain untuk mengetes kemampuan mereka, apakah ada manfaat lain? kalau di luar dari ilmu pengetahuan itu, hmmm, selain kognitif itu, afektifnya juga afektif?
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22
24 discussing to solve questions obsk1_6265,129-136, 156-161
27 28
ya untuk menjaga hubungan antara guru dan siswa, apa tidak hanya untuk akademik, tapi kan dengan saling bertanya itu, mereka juga, apa yo mbak, emosinya atau gimana gitu mbak, ning kelas ki ora ming sinau tapi saling interaksi bertanya, kamu gimana, umpamanya ini tentang liburan ya, kamu liburannya kemarin kemana? menyenangkan atau tidak? jadi membangun relasi, sekalian menanyakan topik juga, ya,ya jadi tidak selalu tentang kognitifnya, pengetahuan, tapi juga afektifnya kalau menurut ibu, membangun hubungan lewat interaksi itu penting tidak? penting, seberapa penting? karena anak kan tidak selalu belajar, ga Cuma mbahas pelajaran tapi juga perlu membangun relasi guru dan siswa tadi itu. Kalo saya itu, masa di kelas, sekarang belajar ini, ngene ngene ngene,ya kadangkadang lah mbak jadi tidak sering tetapi ya perlu, tergantung kondisi siswanya, melihat situasi kelasnya juga to mbak, kalo kondusif, baru… ow, pantes kemarin waktu saya observasi, ibu langsung state, ‘kita masih belajar tentang adjective ya’ ya itu mbak, wong masih pada ngobrol sendiri ow, yaya, kemudian ketika ada pertanyaan dari siswa atau pertanyaan ibu sendiri, kemudian pertanyaan ibu lempar ke siswa- siswa yang lain, apa peran ibu pada saat seperti itu? kalau saya, kadang sih…sebenarnya mereka itu udah tau, ini artinya apa sih? lha artine opo? sering saya tanyakan ke teman yang lain, ini artinya apa ni? oh itu ms, lha itu, ada yang tau, jadi memang sebaiknya ditanyakan ke siswa dulu ya bu ho’o… kan kalo mereka udah
int to maintain relationship
depends of Ss’ condition
29 30 31
32 33
fixing pronun obsk1_24,34 34
36 37 38
39 40 41
42 43 44
45 46 47
mengerjakan, lalu mereka maju ke depan, ms, ini artinya apa to ms? lhoh, kok lupa, coba tanya teman, kalo nenenene ini artinya apa, lhah masa gitu aja nggak tau, nananini, kalo misalnya mereka nggak tau, baru tak kasih tau jadi ibu tidak akan langsung memberi tahu ya sebenernya walaupun saya ngajari, tapi udah ada yang tau, itu to ms,, lho malah tau, padahal rung tak ajari e jadi guru hanya mancing aja ya bu, tapi kalau kasusnya pronunciation gimana bu? ya pernah, ini kan sudah pernah dipelajari, coba kalo itu, nah itu benar, nah kalo itu salah, yang bener itu seperti ini, tapi saat kemarin di kelas, ketika ada yang mispronounced, ibu kemudian langsung repeat tapi dengan pronunciation yang benar, hemm berarti ibu memberi tahu secara langsung, kalo tadi kan, ini kan acaranya beda, ini kan tentang discuss to, kalo itu kan menjawab spontan to mbak, ow, jadi kalo aktivitasnya berbeda ho’o lalu saat berdiskusi, ketika siswa sudah merespon pertanyaan ibu, lalu ibu lebih memilih langsung mengevaluasi atau mancing ke anak- anak yang lain dulu? kalo diskusi to ini? ya kalo diskusi biasanya enaknya mancing mbak kalau interaksi di kelas? ya kalo ada yang tanya ya ditanyakan dulu ke siswa yang lain, tergantung pertanyaannya dulu, maksudnya tergantung pertanyaan? ya kalo pertanyaannya tentang arti kata, kan temennya bisa njawab, ow, jadi kalau menurut ibu ada yang bisa menjawab lalu di- floorkan ke anak- anak yang lain ho’o, atau kalau saya itu kadang seringnya
T as a guide
evaluating Ss
51 52
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begini, coba, kayak pertanyaan gitu ya, coba kamu kira- kira dulu deh, kamu kan udah tau artinya ini to? coba dikira- kira, dicari artine, dalam paragraph itu lho, kata yang mirip disitu apa, kalo saya tu biasane gitu, memang kan kadang pertanyaanya gampang, tapi mereka tuh udah mikir kejauhan, jadinya kok susah gitu ya, coba dikira-kira dulu, kalau ini artinya gini to? oh iya ms, iya, iya gitu tapi saat interaksi dengan anak- anak, saat ada yang merespon ibu langsung mengevaluasi, okay, good atau? bisa, tapi ya nggak selalu seperti itu, tergantung, kadang- kadang ya good, tapi mancing ya juga bisa, tergantung disini itu maksudnya gimana bu? kalo pertanyaannya sepertinya gampang, saya biasanya mancing, kalo sulit ya, mungkin, saya juga langsung ngasih tau juga pernah ya, opo yo mbak, kayane udah otomatis gitu lho mbak, nek angel ngono langsung njawab, nek gampang, pokok’e sudah otamatis gitu lah, menurut ibu, saat ibu berinteraksi dengan the siswa, semua siswa perlu memperhatikan, importance apakah ibu merasa seperti itu? of noticing input and giving responses seharusnya memang seperti itu, sama ketika saat ibu bertanya, hanya beberapa orang yang menjawab ya seharusnya semua menjawab, tapi pada kenyataannya pada kenyataannya itu semua, tau sendiri ya mbak, bocah, ya karena latar belakang bocah e itu beda- beda, ya memang bagusnya itu semua njawab, tapi karena kondisi iyo mbak, tapi dilihat dulu, apa hayo, tadi kok nggak njawab? ow, jadi guru memang harus peka ya bu, harus bisa membaca, siapa yang memperhatikan dan tidak
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iya, pokok’e itu semua ora saklek, tergantung situasi kelas, situasi siswanya juga situasi yang bagaimana? heem, ya kayak guru, harusnya kalo mengajar bahasa Inggris itu harus full, nek ora dilarang, kan itu sebenernya nggak boleh, laa, wong ra tau ndelok lapangan…lha ya di atas itu, kalo belajar bahasa inggris nggak boleh diterjemahkan, nggak boleh, ya karena nggak tau situasi di lapangan, ya kalau sekolah- sekolah khusus bisa, lha kalo sekolah pinggiran kan beda to mbak jadi menurut ibu, bahasa Inggris di kelas itu posisinya bagaimana? di SD atau dimana ini? di SD bu, kan mereka belajar bahasa Inggris, tetapi selama interaksi, kebanyakan Bahasa Indonesia, lalu posisi Bahasa Inggris? kalo saya, di SD itu, apa yo mbak yo, kayaknya kalo bahasa kedua itu belum yo mbak yo, jadi bukan dibiasakan untuk komunikasi gitu ya bu saya kok ilmu ya mbak, kalo komunikasi English as a mungkin di SMP, itu bisa dibiasakan, tapi knowledge kalo di SD, nggak di sekolah internasional lho mbak, lebih jadi ilmu pengetahuan sih… Sekarang kan Bahasa Inggris di SD udah nggak ada to mbak, di SD Negeri, nggak dapat ilmu, jadi nek ditanyakan sebagai apa ya, untuk tambah ilmu, apalagi cuma mapel, ya pengembangan, jadi yang penting anak- anak sekedar tahu heem, sudah seneng belajar, bahasa Inggris nggak usah full, udah seneng kita, kalo saya lho, udah tau artinya, eh, maksudnya itu kayak gini, mungkin dia di rumah udah belajar sendiri atau sama temen- temennya, tapi mungkin ya, tapi saya nggak mengharuskan kudu iso, nggak jadi itu yang membuat, ketika berinteraksi
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di kelas, tidak harus full English? heem, ya kalo bisa ya Inggris, kalo nggak ya Inggris trus Bahasa Indonesia, ibu lebih memilih berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris 1 expression lalu diartikan atau Inggris Indonesia di-mix dalam 1 kalimat? ow, nggak selalu, kalo hanya bahasa di kelas, classroom instruction kan udah tau tu, itu full English? ya, kalo yang di luar itu, mungkin agak, ya Bahasa Indonesia, apalagi kelas satu tuh, tapi kadang dicampur juga, open your book, kalo kelas satu kan Cuma belajar satu sampai sepuluh, lha kalo halaman lima puluh delapan? iya ya buk jadi ya, open your book, halaman lima puluh delapan, jadi itu full English lalu diartikan to bu? bisa, tergantung kelasnya juga, lihat situasi dan sekolahnya piye, Jadi kalau saya simpulkan, guru berinteraksi untuk mengetes kemampuan siswa? bisa, ngetes pronunciation? bisa, membangun relasi juga bisa, berbicara tentang membangun relasi, ibu kan juga memotivasi siswa, iya, ayo dicoba, moso nggak tau, ah, dulu udah pernah belajar di kelas satu nih, kemaren waktu di kelas, ibu juga memastikan, gampang kan, ya memberi support, motivasi, ho’o supporting Ss gitu tau, kok lupa, betul- betul, motivasi bisa kemudian, kalau saya simpulkan, melalui interaksi ibu juga mengontrol kelas? mengontrol itu maksudny? ya saat ibu memberikan instruction, ya sekarang semuanya buka bu, nah, bisa, ho’o.
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tidak melulu dengan perintah sih bu, memberi saran, berkomentar, atau warning, sama kayak waktu ibu bilang, hayo nek rame, nggak ada waktu buat ganti lho ya. Tapi itu sepertinya last option ya bu? ho’o, nek bocahe udah rame banget, padahal yo nggak, nanti nek rame nilaine tak kurangi, padahal yo nggak tak kurangi ya memang cuma buat, yaa, jenenge bocah ki, kalo pada rame kan interaksinya jadi nggak efektif iyo, kalo ada satu yang rame, wis, kabeh ngomong, rame dewe- dewe, haa, pusing jadi interaksi hanya bisa efektif kalo siswanya suportif ya bu? ho’o kalo rame brarti interaksinya tidak efektif? ya ramenya karena apa dulu, diskusi oke, rame nggak papa to, tapi kalo sibuk sendiri, jalan- jalan ya itu nggak efektif to, tapi mau nggak mau hari itu kita harus memberikan sesuatu, materi to jadi harus tetap berjalan sesuai dengan rencana heem, kalo harus nunggu diam, anak sekarang itu beda e mbak, SD itu,waaaaa jadi ibu memaklumi kalo ada siswa yang tidak terlibat dalam interaction? iya selama mereka tidak mengganggu betul lalu mbalik lagi ke awal bu, ketika greeting, kan itu adalah kebiasaan setiap hari senen dan selasa, ibu setuju nggak dengan pembiasaan seperti itu? boleh nggak papa greeting yang selalu sama, maksudnya tipenya, God be with you eh, tapi kalo selalu sama, ini, secara pribadi, kalo saya sih nggak, moso yo ngono- ngono terus,
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jadi? tapi karena kan ini juga, kita tuh mengajar, maksudnya pengajarnya, maksudnya gurunya kan nggak Cuma Bahasa Inggris tok, engko nek diajari kok bedo, aku njawabe ki piye yo, ngko nek nganu, lha ngko muride ra nganu malah nggak dong dan nggak bisa merespon ya bu ngko malah bingung, ra kompak po piye, nah, iye yo mbak yo, saya sebenernya nggak setuju sih, jadi kalau di kelas, ibu tetap menggunakan greeting yang sama kalo itu sudah otomatis e mbak, ibu tidak setuju karena? lha tadi itu, kok koyone diseragamkan, enake kan, yo maksudnya kan, halo good, morning, good morning. Bukan yang, Goooood morniiiiiiiiiing Mam, sebenarnya kan ada banyak versi ya bu, how are you, how is everything with you. Kalo greetingnya Cuma itu- itu aja, siswanya kan cuma taunya itu- itu aja nah, makanya jadi menurut ibu, seharusnya bervariasi? tapi ya tergantung ini tadi, jadi intinya, greeting hanya sebuah pembiasaan ya bu, bukan sebagai bentuk komunikasi ya bu iya sih
Interview 4 Interviewee: Ms. Y Contexts intY3_118
Scripts Themes interaksi kan manut dari peraturan sekolah, kemudian ibu menganggap itu bukan komunikasi tetapi sebuah bentuk pembiasaan, menurut ibu, interaksi yang seharusnya itu seperti apa? ini menurut saya? iya, menurut ibu, seharusnya seperti apa? harusnya, idealnya itu how are you, satu- satu gitu. Tapi karena kadang kalo udah masuk itu situasinya itu udah, ya pernah gitu, tapi ya pas kelasnya nggak rame, kadang kan kalo pergantian jam itu kan ow, maksudnya ada interaksinya ya how are you satu- satu, ya kadang nggak semua, tapi yo kentekan waktu yo, ya how are you, dalam Bahasa Inggris? heem, ya kadang mereka jawabnya ya sakarepe dewe, kalau yang peraturan sekolah itu kurang natural ato gimana bu? oh yang ini, kan memang ngko nek mlebu ngomong ngene, njawabe ngene menurut ibu, yang satu- satu tadi? apakah dengan begitu siswanya bisa belajar sesuatu secara langsung? kalo belajar sesuatu pasti belajar tapi ya nggak, nggak banyak gitu, karena kan Cuma kuwi- kuwi wae to, mungkin kalo dalam pelajaran tau, selain kalo menurut ibu saat berinteraksi, misalnya saat reading aloud, terus ibu meminta anakanak untuk memperhatikan, walau sudah memperhatikan, tapi ibu akan mengulang biar semuanya memperhatikan. Nah menurut itu, seberapa penting siswa harus memperhatikan? seberapa penting? ya kalo itu harus memperhatikan, kalo nggak memperhatikan nanti mereka nggak tau, pemahamannya kurang, jadi kalo dibilang penting ato nggak,
ya penting jadi kalo mereka sudah memperhatikan itu pasti mereka bisa dong? ya setidaknya, setidaknya menju kesitu udah bisa, daripada rame, mereka nggak tau apaapa. Setidaknya mereka udah, ya walaupun nggak semuanya dong tapi kalo udah memperhatikan itu, pasti ya bisa lah apalagi kalo merespon ya bu nah, kalo merespon berarti dia tau to, paham gitu kemudian ibu kemarin ngendika, dengan berinteraksi, tanya jawab itu bisa membangun emosi, membangun relasi, itu bisa dijelaskan lagi nggak bu, maksudnya gimana? yak arena ngobrol itu to, ya tidak hanya sesuai dengan materi tapi kita di luar materi, ya itu juga ya membangun komunikasi dengan siswa kalo dengan membangun emosi, dampaknya ke siswa ya lebih nganu to, kayaknya malah lebih akrab, nggak kayak guru karo murid, tapi kan ada kedekatan, walaupun nggak deket seperti di rumah, tapi mereka merasa diperhatikan jadi kalo mereka merasa diperhatikan, mereka merasa ya nyaman gitu lah, jadi pelajarannya bisa he’e, nah itu, idealnya seperti itu kemudian ibu, misalnya saying good, ketika anak- anak merespon, atau ibu mengulang jawaban mereka, itu tuh sebenarnya fungsinya untuk apa bu? nah, mungkin dia ngomongnya nggak jelas juga bisa, ngomonnya nggak jelas jadi kita ulang lagi biar temen- temennya pada mendengarkan dan tau gitu to. Kdang kan disuruh ngomong, tapi nggak keras, udah ngomong, tapi tetep aja nggak keras fungsinya guru ya itu tadi, biar semuanya mengingatkan, ini lho jawabannya yang dia jawab tadi, bener ato nggak. Jadi menurut ibu, posisinya guru di kelas itu T as sebagai supervisor, supervisor
fasilitator ya Ya bisa dibilang begitu