Silabus ■ Nama Matakuliah : Geografi Manusia (Wajib Fak)
Tujuan Pembelajaran
■ Kredit : 2 SKS (2 jam tatap muka, 2 jam tugas terstruktur, 2 jam tugas mandiri) ■ Jumlah Tatap Muka : 16 Kali
Metode Pembelajaran
(Course Objectives)
(Class Lectures)
Merupakan mata kuliah pengantar (introduction course), menjelaskan tentang definisi dan posisi keilmuan geografi manusia, teori-teori dasar dalam kajian geografi manusia, cabang-cabang ilmu dan topik-topik penelitian, serta isueisue terkini (state of the arts) penelitian geografi manusia
■ Perkuliahan klasikal (kuliah tatap muka) ■ Diskusi kelompok ■ Tugas terstruktur : membaca referensi (reading assignment), menganalisis data, membuat paper ■ Tugas mandiri (praktek di lapangan secara berkelompok) ■ Quiz
Kontrak Pembelajaran ■ Kuliah dimulai pukul 7.00 WIB ■ Toleransi keterlambatan selama 15’, setelah 15’ tidak diperkenankan masuk ruang kuliah ■ Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan HP (telepon, sms, chatting, dll) selama perkuliahan berlangsung ■ Mematuhi semua peraturan perkuliahan
Penilaian ■ 50% s.d Ujian Mid (materi dari saya) ■ 50% setelah Ujian Mid s.d Ujian Akhir (materi dari Ibu Kistini) ■ Komponen penilaian antara keduanya bisa berbeda
Komponen Penilaian (50%) No 1 2 4 5
Komponen Yang Dinilai Ujian mid semester Quiz Tugas Terstruktur Tugas Mandiri & Diskusi kelompok Total
Proporsi 35% 10% 30% 25% 100%
Literatur ■ Human geography: an Essential Anthology; Agnew et al; 1999; Blackwell ■ Geography: a Modern Synthesis, Hagget, P; 1983; Harper&Row ■ An Introduction to Human Geography; Cox, Kevin R., 1972; John Wiley
Bab I Pendekatan & Teori (Minggu II & III) ■ Kedudukan dan Definisi Geografi Manusia ■ Landasan Filosofis, Teori dan Konsep, Pendekatan dan Analisis ■ Isu-isu mutakhir kajian Geografi Manusia
Literatur ■ Rubenstein, J. 2009. Human Geography. 9th ed., Prentice-Hall ■ Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture; de Blij, H.J. 2007; Wiley ■ Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context. Knox, P & Marston,S. 2004; Prentice Hall
Diktat Kuliah ■ Berisi print out power point materi kuliah lengkap ■ Dapat dipesan dalam bentuk copy cetak di bagian pelayanan foto copy Fakultas Geografi UGM seharga Rp. 22.500.000,oo ■ Tidak wajib (menyesuaikan dengan isi dompet masing-masing)
Bab II Kependudukan (Minggu IV & V) ■ Aspek-aspek dasar studi kependudukan; ukuran statis dan dinamis kependudukan ■ Migrasi Penduduk ■ Isu-isu kependudukan terkini
Bab III Proses dan Pola Kebudayaan (Minggu VI&VII) ■ Pendekatan konseptual kebudayaan dan Geografi Kebudayaan & Perkembangan spasial kebudayaan ■ Identitas: Ras, Etnik, Gender ■ Bahasa & Agama
Bab IV Organisasi Politik & Ruang (Minggu IX) ■ Konsep Politik, Negara, Bangsa, Pemerintahan ■ Konsep Wilayah ■ Isu Geopolitik Dunia
Bab VI Pembangunan Ekonomi & Industrialisasi (Minggu XII) ■ Konsep Pembangunan ■ Indikator-indikator pembangunan ■ Revolusi Industri, industrialisasi, dan perkembangan ekonomi tersier (jasa)
(Minggu VIII)
Ujian Mid Semester
Bab V Pertanian & Penggunaan Lahan Kedesaan (Minggu X & XI) ■ Sejarah perkembangan pertanian; Revolusi pertanian, penggunaan lahan kedesaan ■ Pertanian subsisten, agrobisnis, dan agroindustri
Bab VII Urbanisasi & Penggunaan Lahan Kekotaan (Minggu XIII&XIV) ■ Konsep urban & urbanisasi ■ Teori-teori dan pendekatan dalam kajian geografi perkotaan
Bab VIII Globalisasi & Isu Lingkungan Global (Minggu XV) ■ Konsep globalisasi ■ Isu-isu dan permasalahan global
Pertemuan Minggu II
(Minggu XVI)
Ujian Akhir Semester
What is Human Geography?
Kedudukan Geografi memiliki 2 cabang yang saling melengkapi (Complementary) 1. Geografi Fisik (Hidrosfir, Litosfir, Atmosfir, Biosfir) 2. Geografi Manusia (Antroposfir)
proses geologi menyusun geografi fisik dan aktivitas ekonomi menyusun geografi manusia
What is Human Geography? ■ Human = Manusia Kemanusiaan ■ Geography = Ilmu yang mempelajari muka bumi Yang membedakan manusia budaya Human Geography = Cultural Geography = Social Geography
What is Human Geography? ■ The study of how people make places, how people organize space and society, how people interact with each other in places and across space, and how people make sense of others and theirselves in their locality, region, and world. ■ ( de Blij, 2007)
What is Human Geography?
What is Human Geography?
Human geography = the study of how societies construct places, how humans use the surface of the earth, how social phenomena are distributed spatially, and how we bring space into consciousness
Human geography is part of GEOGRAPHY concerned with the spatial analysis of the human population.
(Encyclopedia of Human Geography:2006)
(A Modern Dictionary of Geography:2001)
What is Human Geography? What is Human Geography? Human Geography is one of the two main parts of geography (the other being physical geography) studying the spatial and temporal distribution of population, their activities, social organization and culture on a local to global scale. (Dictionary of Geography:2007)
Geography was no exception to this and gradually, through the 1980s, all of the sub-disciplines of human geography came to be conscious of the ‘cultural’ dimensions of their field of study: economic geographers ‘discovered’ embeddedness of local economies in local social practices; political geographers became aware of new nationalisms and notions of identity in boundary formation and exclusion; urban geographers turned their attention to lifestyle and they became enthusiastic about cultural regeneration of cities; the countryside was rethought as a cultural construction, as was nature itself; retail geographers became enthusiastic about sites of consumption, as opposed to patterns of distribution.
......Like Geography as a whole, human geography covers three related themes: (1) spatial analysis – the recording and description of human phenomena around the earth’s surface, with special attention to the significance of space as a variable; (2) the study of the inter-relationships between human beings and their environment, both natural and socio-economic; (3) a regional synthesis which combines the first two themes in specified localities. (Goodall:1987)
Geograf membiasakan kerja lapangan (fieldwork) untuk memahami variasi tempat dan ruang serta kompleksitas permasalahannya Contoh ■ Mengapa Daerah Lembang ditanami teh dan kopi?
(Social Geography Study Group Institute of British Geographers:1988)
Geographic inquiry focuses on the spatial:
Key Question:
What are Geographic Questions?
- the spatial arrangement of places and phenomena (human and physical). - how are things organized on Earth? - how do they appear on the landscape? - why? where? so what?
Spatial distribution What processes create and sustain the pattern of a distribution? Map of Cholera Victims in London’s Soho District in 1854.
Five Themes of Geography The patterns of victim’s homes and water pump locations helped uncover the source of the disease.
Absolute Location
Theme 1: Location ■ Where is It? ■ Why is It There?
Two Types of Location •Absolute •Relative
North Carolina
Absolute Location ■ North Carolina 36° N Latitude 79° W longitude ■ Chapel Hill 35° 55' N Latitude 79° 05' W Longitude
■ Location ■ Place ■ Human-Environment Interaction ■ Movement ■ Region
■ ■ ■ ■
A specific place on the Earth’s surface Uses a grid system Latitude and longitude A global address
Relative Location ■ Where a place is in relation to another place ■ Uses directional words to describe • Cardinal and intermediate directions
Theme 2: Place Physical Characteristics
North Carolina ■ North Carolina is bordered by Virginia on the north, South Carolina and Georgia on the south, and Tennessee on the west. ■ The Atlantic Ocean forms North Carolina's east coast. ■ North Carolina is one of the Southeastern States
■ Land Features ■ Mountains, plains, and plateaus ■ Climate ■ Bodies of Water
Theme 2: Place Human Characteristics
North Carolina: Physical Characteristics
People Culture Language Religion Buildings and Landmarks ■ Cities ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Photos above: Steve Pierce
North Carolina: Human Characteristics
Place Sense of place: infusing a place with meaning and emotion.
National Geographic Magazine
Top right:
Perception of place: belief or understanding of what a place is like, often based on books, movies, stories, or pictures.
Perception of Place
Theme 3: Human Environment Interaction How People Interact With Their Environment People . . . ■ Adapt to Their Environment ■ Modify Their Environment ■ Depend on Their Environment
North Carolina: Human Environment Interaction
Human - Environment Spatial interaction Human Ecology Biogeography Sociology
Theme 4: Movement The Mobility of ■ People ■ Goods ■ Ideas How Places are linked to one another and the world
Movement Spatial interaction: the interconnectedness between places depends upon: Distance Accessibility Connectivity
North Carolina: Movement
Theme 5: Regions What Places Have in Common ■ Political Regions ■ Landform Regions ■ Agricultural Regions ■ Cultural Regions
Regions Formal region: defined by a commonality, typically a cultural linkage or a physical characteristic. e.g. German speaking region of Europe
Functional region: defined by a set of social, political, or economic activities or the interactions that occur within it. e.g. an urban area
Formal Fungsional Perseptual
Regions Perceptual Region: ideas in our minds, based on accumulated knowledge of places and regions, that define an area of “sameness” or “connectedness.” e.g. the South the Mid-Atlantic the Middle East
North Carolina: Regions
Any Questions?
Steve Pierce
Quiz 10’ Auf Wiedersehen See U Next Week
Pertemuan Minggu III
1. Jelaskan apa yang anda pahami tentang geografi manusia! 2. Jelaskan permasalahan di sekitar anda yang terkait dengan geografi manusia!
Key Words:
Geographic Concepts and Approach
Old Approaches to Human-Environment Questions: ■ Environmental Determinism (has been rejected by almost all geographers) ■ Possibilism (less accepted today) New Approaches to Human-Environment Questions: ■ Cultural ecology ■ Political ecology
Key Word:
Geographers Concerned with Scale Local Regional National Global
Scale is a powerful concept because: - Processes operating at different scales influence one another. - What is occurring across scales provides context for us to understand a phenomenon. - People can use scale politically to change who is involved or how an issue is perceived.
Four Branch of Human Geography ■ Cultural (social) Geography ■ Population Geography ■ Political Geography ■ Economic Geography
An in-depth Social Science
Thinking Geographically
Where we find Geography? ■ Geography exist in the global issues receiving attention at this time things such as • Population growth • Terrorism • Cultural diffusion. • Diffusion is defined as the spread of linguistic or cultural practices or innovations within a community or from one community to another.
Thinking Geographically ■ In addition to political rule, boundaries can be drawn based on various components of culture including language, religion, values.
■ Many people have misconceptions about geography and think of the discipline as simply an exercise in memorizing place names.
Location, Location, Location ■ Geography's importance can also be established by looking at community issues, such as: • • • • •
Water supply Pollution Growth management Housing Retail • Openings • Closures
Questions to Ponder ■ Where would the most desirable places to live be located? ■ What impacts would this population increase cause?
Every Story Can be approached from a Geographers Perspective
Spatial analysis ■ Geography by its nature is a spatial science. Geographers therefore study space in order to locate the distribution of people and objects. Geographers ask two main questions, “where” and “why.” Spatial analysis is concerned with analyzing regularities achieved through interaction. Regularities result in a distinctive distribution of a feature. Distribution has three properties:
■ Consider natural events and natural disasters. Do humans choose to live in harm’s way?
World Political Boundaries (2004)
• • •
Density Concentration Pattern
How Geographers Address Location ■ Maps • • • •
Early mapmaking Map scale Projection Land Ordinance of 1785
■ Contemporary Tools • GIS • Remote sensing • GPS Fig. 1-1: National political boundaries are among the most significant elements of the cultural landscape
Ptolemy’s view of the world c150AD
Old Islamic Maps Fulfilling the duties of formal prayers and the pilgrimage, Muslims need to find the direction and routes leading to al Ka'ba from virtually any spot on the globe. The Ka'ba is the house of Abraham in Mecca. And it is the point at which Muslims must face when they perform prayers. Left - map of the world in 1154 by Idrissi Right - map of the world made by the Muslim geographer Jihani in the 10th century of the Christian era.
Maps of the Marshall Islands
Fig. 1-2: A Polynesian “stick chart” depicts patterns of waves on the sea route between two South Pacific islands. Modern maps show the locations of these Marshall Islands.
Examples of Map Projections
Scale Differences: Maps of Florida
Fig. 1-3: The effects of scale in maps of Florida. (Scales from 1:10 million to 1:10,000)
Township and Range System in the U.S.
Mollweid - Equal Area Map mapping/a_projections.html
Layers of a GIS
Fig. 1-4: Principal meridians and east-west baselines of the township system. Townships in northwest Mississippi and topographic map of the area.
Fig. 1-5: A geographic information system (GIS) stores information about a location in several layers. Each layer represents a different category of information.
Uniqueness of Places and Regions
Site: Lower Manhattan Island
■ Place: Unique location of a feature • • • •
Place names Site Situation Mathematical location
■ Regions: Areas of unique characteristics • • • •
Cultural landscape Types of regions Regional integration of culture Cultural ecology Fig. 1-6: Site of lower Manhattan Island, New York City. There have been many changes to the area over the last 200 years.
Situation: Singapore
Djibouti & Lahore
Fig. 1-7: Singapore is situated at a key location for international trade.
World Geographic Grid
Fig. 1-8: The world geographic grid consists of meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude. The prime meridian (0º) passes through Greenwich, England.
World Time Zones
Fig. 1-9: The world’s 24 standard time zones are often depicted using the Mercator projection.
Election 2000: Regional Differences
Fig. 1-10: Presidential election results by county and state illustrate differences in regional voting patterns.
Vernacular Regions
Formal and Functional Regions
Fig. 1-11: The state of Iowa is an example of a formal region; the areas of influence of various television stations are examples of functional regions.
Vernacular Region - Kurdistan
Fig. 1-12: A number of factors are often used to define the South as a vernacular region, each of which identifies somewhat different boundaries.
Spatial Association at Various Scales
What is Culture? ■ Your book defines culture as a body of customary believes, material trades, and social forms that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people. ■ The Latin root of culture is cultus, which means to care for. Example Agriculture (term for growing things)
Fig. 1-13: Death rates from cancer in the U.S., Maryland, and Baltimore show different patterns that can identify associations with different factors.
World Climate Regions
Cultural Ecology ■ Geographers also consider environmental factors as well as cultural factors, when looking at regions. ■ This is cultural ecology. • Basically, this is the geographic study of human-environmental relations.
■ In the 19th Century – some geographers said that human actions were caused by environmental conditions. (environmental determinism) ■ This is rejected by modern geographers that say some environmental conditions limit human actions. (possibilism) ■ Of course now we are realizing that humans can actually adjust their environment. (For good or bad)
Fig. 1-14: The modified Köppen system divides the world into five main climate regions.
Environmental Modification in the Netherlands
■ This is the branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms.
Fig. 1-15: Polders and dikes have been used for extensive environmental modification in the Netherlands.
Environmental Modification in Florida
Similarity of Different Places ■ Scale: From local to global
View of Miami Beach
• Globalization of economy • Globalization of culture
■ Space: Distribution of features • Distribution • Gender and ethnic diversity in space
Fig. 1-16: Straightening the Kissimmee River has had many unintended side effects.
The barrier Island Orchid Island – in the town I grew up in.
■ Connections between places • Spatial interaction • Diffusion
Globalization of the Economy
Globalization of culture ■ What are the major Elements of culture? • Customary beliefs • Social customs • Material traits
■ Affects of globalization of culture • • • •
Fewer local differences Enhanced communications Unequal access Difficulty in maintaining of local traditions
■ There is also globalization of environment •
Sensitive and insensitive environmental modification
Fig. 1-17: The Denso corporation is headquartered in Japan, but it has regional headquarters and other facilities in North America and Western Europe.
Density, Concentration, and Pattern
Density and Concentration of Baseball Teams, 1952–2000
Fig. 1-19: The changing distribution of North American baseball teams illustrates the differences between density and concentration.
Housing density in Hong Kong
Fig. 1-18: The density, concentration, and pattern (of houses in this example) may each vary in an area or landscape.
Space-Time Compression, 1492–1962
Spatial Interaction ■ Interdependence exists among places based upon the degree of spatial interaction. • Spatial interaction is established through the movement of people, ideas, and objects between regions. • For example, Travel has changed considerably over the last 500 years.
■ In the past, most forms of interaction among cultural groups required the physical movement of settlers, explores, and plunders from one place to another.
• Today travel by car or plane is much faster and communication is instantaneous. • When places are connected to each other through a network, geographers say there is a spatial interaction between them.
Fig. 1-20: The times required to cross the Atlantic, or orbit the Earth, illustrate how transport improvements have shrunk the world.
Airline Route Networks
Diffusion ■ Diffusion is the process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time. • The place of origin of the characteristic is called the hearth.
• For example – US, Canadian, and many Latin cultures can be traced back to the European Hearth.
■ There are two basic types of diffusion: • •
Relocation diffusion Expansion diffusion
• • •
Hierarchical diffusion Contagious diffusion Stimulus diffusion
■ Expansion Diffusion includes-
Fig. 1-21: Delta Airlines, like many others, has configured its route network in a “hub and spoke” system.
AIDS Diffusion in the U.S., 1981–2001
Any Questions?
Fig. 1-22: New AIDS cases were concentrated in three nodes in 1981. They spread through the country in the 1980s, but declined in the original nodes in the late 1990s.
Tugas Mandiri Give one Elementery Student a blank piece of paper. Ask the person to draw a detailed map of how he or she gets from home to the school where most of his or her weekdays are spent. Note the age of the person and the length of time he or she has lived in the place and traveled the route. Analyze the map.
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