Publications De Bildt, A., Mulder, E.J., Scheers, T., Minderaa, R.B., Tobi, H. (2006) PDD, behavior problems and psychotropic drug use in children and adolescents with MR, Pediatrics (in press) Mulder, E.J., Anderson, G.M., Oosterloo-Duinkerken, A., Minderaa, R.B., Kema, I.P. (2006) Urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and serotonin in hyperserotonemic and normoserotonemic autistic individuals, Poster presented at the International Meeting For Autism Research (IMFAR), Montreal, Canada Mulder, E.J., Duinkerken-Oosterloo, A., Anderson, G.M., De Vries, E.G., Minderaa, R.B., Kema, I.P. (2005) Automated on-line solid-phase extraction coupled with HPLC for measurement of 5hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in urine. Clinical Chemistry, 51, 9, 1698-1703. Tobi, H., Scheers, T., Netjes, K.A., Mulder, E.J., de Bildt, A., Minderaa, R.B. (2005) Drug utilisation by children and adolescents with mental retardation: a population study, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 61, 297–302 Mulder, E.J., Anderson, G.M., Kema, I.P., Brugman, A.M., Ketelaars. C.E.J., de Bildt, A., van Lang, N.D.J., den Boer, J.A., Minderaa, R.B. (2005) Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism Associated to Rigid-Compulsive Behaviors in Pervasive Developmental Disorder, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 133B, 1, 93-96. Mulder E.J., Oosterloo-Duinkerken A., Anderson G.M., De Vries E.G.E, Minderaa R.B., Kema I.P. (2005) Automated on-line SPE HPLC measurement of 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in urine; method validation and application to the study of serotonin metabolism in autism, Poster presented at the Spring Meeting of the Dutch Association for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Lunteren, NL Mulder, E.J., Minderaa, R.B. (2004) Het syndroom van Asperger, p.77-84. In: Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie: Psychopathologie. Eds.: Verhulst, F.C., Verheij, F., Ferdinand, R., Van Gorcum, Assen Minderaa, R.B., Mulder, E.J. (2004) Pervasieve Ontwikkelingsstoornissen, Niet Anderszins Omschreven, p.84-93. In: Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie: Psychopathologie. Eds.: Verhulst, F.C., Verheij, F., Ferdinand, R., Van Gorcum, Assen Geurts, H. M., Verte, S., Oosterlaan, J., Roeyers, H., Hartman, C.A., Mulder, E.J., Van Berckelaer-Onnes, Sergeant, J.A. (2004) Can the Children's Communication Checklist Differentiate between Children with Autism, Children with ADHD, and Normal Controls? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 45, 8, 1437-1453 De Bildt, A., Sytema, S., Ketelaars, C., Kraijer, D., Mulder, E.J., Volkmar, F., Minderaa R.B. (2004). The interrelationship between ADOS-G, ADI-R and DSM-IV-TR classification in children and adolescents with mental retardation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 2, 129-138 Mulder, E.J., Anderson, G.M., Kema, I.P., De Bildt, A., Van Lang, N.D.J., Den Boer, J.A., Minderaa, R.B. (2004) Platelet serotonin in pervasive developmental disorders and mental retardation: diagnostic group differences, within-group distribution and behavioral correlates. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 4, 491-499 Mulder, E.J. (2004) Boekbespreking: Doen alsof je normaal bent. Leven met het Aspergersyndroom, Holliday Willey, L. & Mafkezen en het Asperger-syndroom, Jackson, L. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 46, 12, 847-848 Troost, P.W., Lahuis, B.E., Hein, S., Mosman, A., Mulder, E.J., Ketelaars, C.E.J., Buitelaar, J.K., Van Engeland, H., Scahill, L., Minderaa, R.B. (2003) Preliminary Results on Weight Gain in the Dutch KCRN Multicenter study of Risperidone in Autism Spectrum Disorders. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 12, S2, 71 Anderson, G.M., Mulder, E.J., Kema, I.P., de Bildt, A., van Lang, N.D.J., den Boer, J.A., Minderaa, R.B.. (2003) The Platelet Hyperserotonemia of Autism: Investigating the Phenotype and the Genetic Determinants. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 12, S2, 91 Mulder, E.J. en R.B. Minderaa (2003) Welke vormen van Autisme zijn relevant voor de huisarts en welke plaats heeft het syndroom van Asperger hierin? Vademecum permanente nascholing huisartsen; Psychiatrie. jrg.21, nr.35 Mulder, E.J., Anderson, G.M., Kema, I.P., Minderaa, R.B. (2002) Reactivity of serotonin in whole blood, Biological Psychiatry, 51, 3, 266-267 Marike Serra, Erik Mulder, Ruud Minderaa. (2002) Aan autisme verwante stoornissen: klinisch beeld en classificatie, DTh, 22, 2, juni, 100-123 Mulder, E.J., Klin A., Pauls D., Volkmar F. (1996) Stoppage Rules in Autism Revisited, Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Philadelphia, USA