SEMINAR NASIONAL Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri Ke-20 ISBN: 978-602-70455-0-7 Kantor Pusat Fakultas Teknik UGM Yogyakarta, 23 Mei 2014
Pusat Studi Ilmu Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20
Mitra Bestari: 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Soeprijanto, MSc 2. Dr. Dwi Aries Himawanto, ST, MT 3. Dr. Ir. Eflita Yahana, MT 4. Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Harwin Saptoadi, MSE 5. Prof. Dr. Ir. Rochmadi, SU 6. Dr. Ir. I Made Suardjaja, MSc, PhD 7. Dr. Ir. Hary Sulistyo, SU 8. Dr. Ir. Sarto, MSc 9. Dr. M. Noer Ilman, ST, MSc 10. Dr. M.K. Herliansyah, ST, MT
Editor: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Dr. Ir. Joko Waluyo, MT Dr. Ir. Aswati Mindaryani, MSc Ir. Suprihastuti SR, MSc Dr. Ir. Rini Dharmastiti, MSc
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 © 2014, Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Pusat Studi Ilmu Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada – Yogyakarta ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7 Alamat : Pusat Studi Ilmu Teknik UGM Jl. Teknika Utara, Barek, Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta 55281 Telpon : (0274) 565834, 902287 Fax : (0274) 565834 E-mail :
[email protected]
ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20
DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi
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Kekuatan Bending Komposit Tambal Gigi Komersial Yang Direndam Pada Media Saliva Buatan dan Coca-Cola ® Al Ichlas Imran dan Kusmono Kekuatan Tarik dan Tekan Komposit Laminat Hibrid AluminiumFiberglass-Bambu Galing Kalapaksi, Paryanto Dwi Setyawan, Sugiman, Agus Dwi Catur, M. Faruq Ramadhani Pengaruh Kekasaran Permukaan 316L Dan Beban Terhadap Sifat Keausan Ultra High Molecular Polyethelene (UHMWPE) Untuk Sendi Lutut Tiruan Iman Saefuloh, Rini Dharmastiti Pengaruh Penambahan TiO2 dan MgO Terhadap Mikrostruktur dan Sifat Mekanis Komposit Keramik Alumina Jarot Raharjo, Sri Rahayu, Tika Mustika dan Yelvia Deni Simulasi Tegangan pada Konstruksi Perpipaan Bawah Tanah Berbasis Code ASME B31.8 Joko Waluyo dan Tri Imam Prastiyo Perancangan Bejana Tekan Vertikal Berbasis Code ASME VIII Divisi 1(Studi Kasus Separator Unit Karaha PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy) Jundan Rais Fathoni, Joko Waluyo,, dan Rachmat Sriwijaya Simulasi Pembebanan Eksentrik Pada Nozzle Dengan Basis WRC 107 (Studi Kasus Separator Unit Karaha PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy) Jundan Rais Fathoni, Joko Waluyo,, dan Rachmat Sriwijaya Pengaruh Kromium dan Perlakuan Panas pada Baja Fe-Ni-Cr terhadap Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro Meilinda Nurbanasari, Dodi Mulyadi Analisa Kegagalan pada Super Critical Boiler Tube Meilinda Nurbanasari dan Abdurachim Evaluasi dan Perkiraan Sisa Umur Pakai Material Economizer Boiler Muji Prihajatno, M.N. Ilman, Kusmono Sifat Mekanik Dan Water Absorption Komposit Hybrid Serat Sisal / Serat Baja Dengan Filler Abu Sekam Padi Bermatrik Epoxy Nasmi Herlina Sari, Herga Prasetio, Agus Dwi Catur, Paryanto Dwi Setyawan Analisis Ketangguhan Paduan Fe-7,5Al-25Mn Pada Temperatur Transisi Ratna Kartikasari, Sutrisna dan Wisnu Widya Asmara Pengaruh Variasi Putaran Pada proses FSW Terhadap Sifat Mekanik dan Korosi Sambungan Las Dissimilar AA 5083-AA 6061-T6 Riswanda, Sckolastika Ninien H
ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20
14 Pengaruh Kecepatan Gerak Pemanas Radiasi dan Perbandingan Volume Bahan Baku Komposit Terhadap Ikatan Partikel Hasil Proses Indirect Layer Manufacturing Suryo Darmo, Alva Edy Tontowi, Suyitno, Muslim Mahardika 15 Perancangan Mesin Granulasi Pupuk Organik Tito Shantika, Rija Sudirja, Eso Solihin 16 Investigasi Kekuatan Bending Komposit Laminat Aluminium– Fiberglass–Bambu Umar Zaen, Sugiman, Paryanto Dwi Setyawan 17 Karakterisasi Mekanis Dan Fisis Lapisan Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) yang Dilapiskan dengan Teknik Plasma CVD pada Permukaan Baja Tahan Karat AISI 410 Viktor Malau, Soekrisno, Mangiring Lontas 18 Pengaruh Durasi Ball Mill Terhadap Kandungan Besi Oksida Dari Pasir Besi Wendy Efendi dan Suyitno 19 Pengaruh Filler Serat Alam Terhadap Karakteristik Mekanik “PAKOPLAS” (Papan Komposit Plastik AL-PE Bekas) Yusril Irwan, Wahyu Sulistyo, Febby Zidnni 20 Karakteristik Laju Perambatan Retak Fatik Velq Paduan Aluminium A356 Hasil Centrifugal Casting Putaran 350 RPM dengan Perlakuan Panas T6 Priyo Tri Iswanto
BT-MB – 79
BT-MB – 89 BT-MB – 95
BT-MB – 101
BT-MB – 111
BT-MB – 117
BT-MB – 123
Assessment Multi Cylinder Dryer Mesin Kertas untuk Produksi Kertas Tulis Cetak dengan Sizing Trismawati
KP – 1
The Implementation of Image Processing Technique on the Study of Pipe Diameter Effects for Horizontal Co-current Air-Water Plug TwoPhase Flow Akmal Irfan Majid, Bilhan Hartarto, Okto Dinaryanto, Deendarlianto, Indarto Hambatan Gelombang Kapal Selam Tanpa Awak (ROV) Pada Berbagai Kondisi Pengoperasian Ardi Nugroho Yulianto, Aries Sulisetyono Analytical Investigation by Using the Two-Fluid-Model to Study the Interfacial Behavior of Air-Water Horizontal Stratified Flow Hadiyan Yusuf Kuntoro, Deendarlianto, Indarto Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengukur Laju Aliran Dan Pengambil Sampel Air Limbah Domestik Berbasis PLC* Imam Maolana Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Debit dan Putaran Terhadap Kinerja Rotating Filter Yang Menggunakan Filter Keramik Prajitno, Agung
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MF – 7
MF – 13
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20
Pemanfaatan Krom Sulfat Daur Ulang Sebagai Bahan Baku Penyamakan Kulit di Sukaregang M. Dzikron A.M., Aswardi Nasution, Rosad Ma’ali El Hadi Pemanfaatan Karbon Bekas Baterai Sebagai Katoda Pada Proses Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Menjadi Air Minum Secara Elektrokoagulasi Sutanto dan Danang Widjajanto
PL – 1
PL – 7
Analisis Kuantitas Efek Refrigerasi Dan Daya Kompresor pada Air Cooled Water Chiller System Yang Menggunakan Accumulator Heat Exchanger Ega Taqwali Berman, Haipan Salam dan Mutaufiq Analisis Kondisi Aktual Water Chiller Untuk Pendinginan Produk Bahan Peledak Ega Taqwali Berman, Andriana Johari, dan Mutaufiq Metode Shorcut Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland (FUG) Termodifikasi Untuk Perancangan Kolom Distilasi Pada Destilasi Campuran Azeotrop Terner Heru Enggar Triantoro Peningkatan Perpindahan Panas Turbulen Dalam Penukar Kalor Pipa Konsentrik Dengan Alternate Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise Twisted Tape Inserts Indri Yaningsih, Tri Istanto
PKM – 1
PKM – 7
PKM – 13
PKM – 21
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Pengembangan Instrumen Pengukuran Iklim Keselamatan Pada Organisasi Kesehatan di Indonesia Chalis Fajri Hasibuan, Rini Dharmastiti Desain dan Pembuatan Sepeda Tandem Roda Tiga dengan Tinjauan Utilitas, Kinestetik dan Visual Faisal Arif Nurgesang, Mohammad Faizun dan Risdiyono Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Coil dengan Menggunakan Metode Min-Max (Studi Kasus pada PT. Kerismas Witicko Makmur Bitung) Isak Pansiang, Karunia Agung Mahardini dan Marsella Kornelis Penjadwalan Mesin Paralel Non Identik Dengan Menggunakan Metode Heuristik Karunia Agung Mahardini Perancangan dan Pengembangan Basis Data pada Industri Jasa Medis Marsella Kornelis Penentuan Maksimal dan Minimum Stok Yang Optimum Pada Sistem Persediaan Probabilistik dan Multi item Ridho Budi Juniarso dan Slamet Setio Wigati
ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20
Studi Pertumbuhan Partikel 1Yb10ScSZ Pada Metode Sol-Gel dan Presipitasi Oka P. Arjasa, Jarot Raharjo, Agustanhakri, Dewi K. Arti Beberapa Aspek Kinetika dari Reaksi Dekomposisi Metana dalam Reaktor DBD Plasma Berkonfigurasi Aliran Tiga-Lewatan (Three-Pass Flow) Setijo Bismo, Widiatmini S. Winanti, Rizki F. Darmayanti Pengaruh Aktivasi Kimia dan Fisika pada Pembuatan Karbon Aktif Berbahan Baku Sekam Padi Yuliusman, Rahadhian Adhitya Gangga
TR-TP – 1
TR-TP – 9
TR-TP – 15
Penentuan Waktu Optimum Penggantian Bearing pada Mesin Rotogravure Printing Gede Ari Pemayun dan Slamet Setio Wigati
ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
MPI – 1
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA
ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA
The Implementation of Image Processing Technique on the Study of Pipe Diameter Effects for Horizontal Co-current Air-Water Plug Two-Phase Flow Akmal Irfan Majid*1, Bilhan Hartarto1, Okto Dinaryanto2, Deendarlianto3, Indarto3 1 Graduate Program (Fast-Track) of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada 2 Post-graduate Program of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada 3 Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Grafika 2 Kampus UGM Yogyakarta 55281 E-mail :
[email protected],id Abstract An image processing technique provides a better understanding of the interfacial analysis for gasliquid two-phase flow. Particularly, when the gas flows with a higher velocity over the liquid surface, a flow disturbance is occurred. As the effects, the large amplitude waves potentially tend to block the pipe cross-sectional area. Therefore, the irregularity and high-pressure fluctuation become the main characteristics of plug and slug flow regimes. Those characteristics cause an oscillation that endangers the pipeline construction in fluid transportation. Moreover, the various pipe diameters are sometimes used in industrial fields depending on their necessity. On the other hand, the previous studies still show the contradictory results on the pipe diameters effect for this pattern. In the present study, the pipe diameter effects for the co-current air-water plug flow in a horizontal pipe are investigated, especially on the depth study of its flow pattern. Through an image processing technique, the quantitative results are automatically processed from the visual observation. Experiments were conducted in different internal pipe diameters such as 16 mm and 26 mm. Air and water were mixed by porous pipe and flowed co-currently in transparent horizontal acrylic pipe with 1 meter length test-section zone. The observed liquid superficial velocities (JL) were in range of 0.16 into 1.13 m/s whereas the gas superficial velocities (JG) were in between of 0.12 into 0.51 m/s. The visualization method was supported by a high-speed video camera with the abilities of 640 x 480 pixels and 120 frame per seconds during 30 seconds. Each of the video were extracted into sequence of images and processed by MATLAB® R2013a algorithm to measure the important flow parameters. The operation steps including RGB to grayscale conversion, noise reduction (background subtraction and image filtering), and image segmentation were resulted binary images that able to recognized the important object data based on the threshold value. As the results, the slightly lower wave velocity presence in small diameter pipe rather than in the 26 mm pipe diameter. The similar flow pattern and transient liquid hold-up were occurred for the both pipe diameter. However, a slightly different dimension and wave numbers were still occurred for both pipe diameter. Keywords: Pipe diameter, Plug flow, Interfacial characteristics, Image processing
Introduction Gas-liquid plug and slug flow are the most complex pattern that often occurred in some engineering applications. This regime is characterized by the intermittency, large amplitude waves, and high-pressure fluctuation. Slug flow has the high turbulent characteristics which able to leads pipe damage from mechanical impact and internal corrosion (Gopal et al., 1998, Villareal et al., 2006). The high slug frequency also initiates the pipe corrosion (Al-Safran, 2009). Therefore, the working fluid should be kept in the stratified regime to prevent the corrosion due to the slugging phenomenon (Ilman and Kusmono, 2014). Practically, the presence of plug or slug flow may be encountered in the petroleum industries, multiphase fluid transportation, nuclear reactors (which can cause water hammer due to the direct contact condensation), and chemical process industries. In the depth study of slug flow, there are two diverse sub-regimes. Those discuss about slugging initiation (growing slugs – transition from stratified to slug/plug flow) and the fully development (stable slugs). For the slugging initiation process, there are some proposed model such as the inviscid Kelvin–Helmholtz criterion (Taitel and Dukler, 1976) and the viscous long wavelength instability (VLW) theory (Lin and Hanratty, 1986). However, some models also agree that the slug initiation process is basically occurred by the disturbance of wave characteristics in stratified regime. For stable slug, the discussions pursed on the investigation of slug properties. ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA One of the contibuting factors of stable slug properties are the effect of pipe diameter. The investigations on the pipe diameter effects have been conducted by Lin and Hanratty (1987), Jepson and Taylor (1993) for large horizontal diameter pipe, Cai et al. (1999) for large inclined pipe, and Omebere-Iyari and Azzopardi (2007). On the other hand, there are still lack number of studies which involved advanced visualization techniques to obtain the pipe diameter effects in the horizontal slug/plug flow. Otherwise, the visualization technique was only used as the supporting studies by providing the merely qualitative data in the available previous studies. Therefore, on the pipe diameter effect discussion, the way to obtain the quantitative results from the visual observation is become a specific challenge as yet. The present study was designed to investigate the pipe diameter effects on the flow pattern by using a novel technique namely image processing technique. This report also provides a comparison of the obtained results by image processing operation in different pipe diameter. Research Methodology Experiments were conducted at the Horizontal Two-Phase Flow Facility of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Gadjah Mada University. This facility is able to carry out the horizontal multiphase flow experiments from stratified to annular flow regimes. It provides the experiments in the different inner transparent acrylic pipe diameter of 16 mm, 26 mm, and 50 mm, also various combination of working fluid. In this present work, air and water moved co-currently as the working fluid. Two identical experimental conditions with same pipe length (9.5 m) but different inner pipe diameters (16 mm and 26 mm) were conducted to satisfy the experimental purpose. Both of the experiments were performed adiabatically, obtained in the atmospheric pressure, and room temperature. In order to reduce image distortion effect, an acrylic correction box was attached into the pipe and filled by water. A schematic layout of the experimental apparatus is represented in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. A schematic layout of the experimental apparatus
A high-speed video camera with the frame speed of 120 frame per second (fps) and 640 pixel x 480 pixel resolution was conducted to observe the flow characteristics in different pipe diameter. Next, the recorded videos were splatted into sequences of images and digitally analysed by an image processing algorithm. On the other hand, the previous experiments by using CECM (Constant Electric Current Method) ever been conducted for 16 mm (Hartarto, 2013) and 26 mm (Dinaryanto, 2012). The sensors were consisted of brass-electrodes which located at 215 mm spacing line between each sensors. The obtained results of the signal processing experiments were used as data comparison of the plug flow wave characteristics. Otherwise, an image processing based study on the interfacial characteristics of plug flow in a 26 mm of horizontal pipe was also conducted by Majid (2014). ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA
Fig 2. Flow pattern maps of Mandhane (1974)
JL (m/s)
Table I. The experimental matrix data 0.12
JG (m/s) 0.24
The different gas and liquid superficial velocities were acquired in the present work. The experimental data ranging from 0.16 m/s to 1.13 m/s for the liquid superficial velocities (JL) and 0.12 m/s to 0.51 m/s for the gas superficial velocities (JG). The observed patterns were suitably classified into air-water plug flow which based on Mandhane (1974) flow pattern map. Fig. 2 plots the observed points while the matrix data are shown in Table I. Image processing procedures An image processing algorithm was prepared with the main goal to measure liquid-phase level. This algorithm treated sequences of image frames in the loop of some operations such as: conversion of RGB (Red Green Blue) to grayscale images, image cropping, image complementing, background subtraction, image filtering, image segmentation (thresholding and binarization), and image postprocessing analysis. Each of 30 seconds video were splatted into 3600 image frames and analyzed by MATLAB® R2013a. This powerful software has a friendly-featured Image Processing Toolbox to support the algorithm needed. Next, those digital images were treated as matrix (the column and row processing). For both cases of pipe diameters, the same algorithm was implemented. Fig. 3 depicts the results of each operation step in the 16 mm pipe diameter. The algorithm was begun by loading the extracted images. When those images did not reach the best orientation angle, an image rotation should be implemented. Next, the conversion of RGB to 1-layer grayscale images should be performed to ease the next steps. The grayscale images have the grey level index ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) pixel. In order to focus on the essential information, the images were then cropped into desired size (Fig. 3a). The noise reduction process was begun with the image complementary operation (Fig. 3b). A new background was constructed based on the complement images. This operation was combined with non-flat structuring element (strel) function to provide more uniform luminosity. After that, a subtraction of the complement images and the new backgrounds was carried out (Fig. 3c). In image filtering operation, two filtering types such as Median Filtering and Wiener Filtering were implemented. Result of image filtering operation is shown in Fig. 3d. The image segmentation which involved image thresholding and conversion to binary images needed a threshold value. It ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA corresponded to change the pixel value to be 1 (white) and 0 (black). Two ways to set the threshold value were by Otsu’s Method (graythresh operation) and manually. Those methods should be applied in combination due to the intermittency character of this regime. Result of the binary images were performed in Fig. 3e. To show the interfacial boundary of the object, the image complement of the bwperim function performed the clear image perimeter (Fig. 3f). Another detail works of image processing operation can be retrieved from Majid (2014) and Majid et al. (2014) for the plug flow cases. An analysis is started with the division of image frame zone to be three selected areas with 1pixel column width (Fig. 4). By object tracking algorithm, the lowest point white object (gas-plug) could be determined, thus tG is obtained as the gas-phase thickness. Moreover, the liquid phase-level () could be calculate by this following equation: (1) [( h 1) t G ] calibratio n (mm) where h is the column height (pipe diameter) and the calculation was calibrated from pixel to mm unit.
Fig. 3. The following steps of image processing operation in 16 mm pipe diameter: (A) Result of cropped image (B) result of image complementary (C) after background subtraction (D) after image filtering (E) after conversion to binary mode (F) result of image perimeter. (JG=0.18 m/s and JL=0.44 m/s)
Results and Discussion 1. Flow Pattern and Liquid Hold-up Profile All of the observed regimes were classified into plug flow. It was characterized by the presence of the elongated bubble flow without aerated bubble behind the bubble-tail. The flow topology including bubble-nose, bubble-tail, gas-plug, and liquid-plug can be showed through the image processing operation. The transition between sub-critical into supercritical region (hydraulic jump) was also defined. Therefore, the image processing operation simplify the flow configuration in different pipe diameters. An almost similar pattern occurs in the different diameter (16 mm and 26 mm), including their bubble nose and tail contour. This similarity occurs as the consequences of the small difference on the pipe diameters. . Bubble tail Bubble nose 16 mm 26 mm
Fig. 4. Comparison of bubble-nose and tail contours in same JL and JG combination (for JG=0.18 m/s and JL=0.44 m/s)
In the measurement in each pipe diameter, the liquid hold-up data were obtained by the concentric analysis on the liquid film thickness. The analysis provide a conversion from side-view visualization into cross-sectional analysis. The liquid hold-up was carried out by dividing liquid-area (AL) to total cross-sectional area (AT), which consisted of liquid and gas area. In the local analysis, the liquid hold-up data taken was the position of x/L =0.5, which means the 320th pixel position (Majid, 2014). ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA Fig. 5 presents the transient liquid hold-up data in JG= 0.24 m/s and JL= 0.25 m/s for both of the 16 mm and 26 diameter pipe. The same characteristics between two conditions were occurred. Each case has a gas-plug region which located in nether-area of this graph while liquid-plug is acted as the peak of the graph. The same liquid hold-up values that relied on 0.40 – 1.00 were ensued for the both cases.
Fig 5. Comparison of liquid hold-up profiles in same condition of JG=0.24 m/s and JL= 0.25
2. Wave velocity The wave velocity of air-water plug flow can be determined by dividing a certain distance with the time lags (between two waves) that obtained from a cross correlation function. The measurement used the waves at the 160th column pixel (x/L = 0.25) and the 480th column pixel (x/L = 0.75) per image frame. The wave velocity can be calculated through this following equation: Wave velocity =
(a) (b) Fig. 6. (a) Comparison of wave velocity in pipe diameters of 16 mm and 26 mm (for constant JL= 0.25 m/s) (b) Comparison of image processing result of average wave velocity with Franca and Lahey (1992)
Fig. 6(a) shows the obtained image processing result in different pipe diameter. Under the constant JL, plug flow in 26 mm pipe diameter performed a little higher wave velocity. The larger friction forces in smaller pipe diameter were occurred due to more dominant effect of the surface tension. Hence, the air-water flow inside it was slightly impeded. However, the difference was not too far. Fig. 6(b) depicts the comparison of the image processing result of plug flow in different pipe diameter of 16 mm and 26 mm. The present data are well agree with the previous studies of drift-flux model (Franca and Lahey, 1992) which use the Eq. (3), as follows: (3) Ug = C0 Jm + vgj where C0 = 0.98 and vgj = 0.16, for plug flow. As can be seen from this graph, both of the results shows a good significancy through Franca and Lahey’s correlation by the linear regression value more than 95 %. It should be noted that for highest JL and JG regions, the little-bit scattered points were still occurred. The high-velocity of each gas and liquid phase were potentially obscured the raw images ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Riset dan Teknologi di Bidang Industri ke 20 MEKANIKA FLUIDA quality which captured by the high-speed video camera. That phenomenon might be the reason of the unsuitability in the developed algorithm. This present work was a preliminary work to investigate the plug and slug flow characteristics in larger difference of pipe diameters and other flow properties by using an image processing technique. It is suggested to conduct the same experiments with larger difference of pipe diameter to obtain more significant results on the pipe diameter effects Conclusion An image processing technique was implemented to investigate the horizontal air-water plug flow in different pipe diameters (16 mm and 26 mm). Under the same gas-liquid superficial velocities, the similar flow pattern and liquid hold-up profiles were obtained for the both of horizontal plug flow in different pipe diameter. However, a slightly different occurs in the gas-plug dimension and the number of waves. Although the wave velocity were not differ much, the little higher wave velocities in 26 mm pipe diameter were performed by the higher time lags of cross correlation. Some of the similarities in the obtained results occur due to the small difference of pipe diameter (16 mm and 26 mm). By comparing the obtained results with the available previous experiments, an image processing technique can be an accurate method to study pipe diameters effects of plug flow. Reference Al-Safran, E, 2009, Investigation and prediction of slug frequency in gas/liquid horizontal pipe flow. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, No. 69, pp. 143–155. Cai, J.Y, Gopal, M., Jepson, W.P., 1999, Investigation of Flow Regime Transitions in Large-Diameter Inclined Pipes, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 121, pp. 91-95. Dinaryanto, O., 2012, Sifat-Sifat Aliran Slug Ditinjau dari Karakteristik Lokal (Visualisasi, Liquid Hold-Up, dan Signal Processing) pada Pipa Horizontal, Master Thesis of Mechanical Engineering, UGM, Yogyakarta, (in Bahasa Indonesia). Franca, F., Lahey Jr., R.T., 1992. The Use of Drift-Flux Techniques for The Analysis of Horizontal Two-Phase Flows, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 18, No.6, pp. 787-801. Gopal, M., Jepson W.P., 1998, The Study of Dynamic Slug Flow Characteristics Using Digital Image Analysis – Part I: Flow Visualization. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 120, pp. 97-101. Hartarto, B.G., 2013, Karakteristik Aliran Plug Air-udara Pada pipa Berdiameter Kecil dan Horisontal, Master Thesis of Mechanical Engineering, UGM, Yogyakarta (in Bahasa Indonesia). Ilman, M.N., Kusmono, 2014, Analysis of internal corrosion in subsea oil pipeline, Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-8. Jepson W.P., Taylor R.E., 1993, Slug Flow And Its Transitions in Large-Diameter Horizontal Pipes, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 411-420. Lin, P.Y., Hanratty, T.J., 1986, Prediction Of The Initiation Of Slugs With Linear Stability Theory, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 79–98. Lin, P.Y., Hanratty, T.J., 1987, Effect of Pipe Diameter on Flow Patterns for Air-Water Flow in Horizontal Pipes, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 549-563. Majid, A.I., 2014, The Interfacial Characteristics of Gas-Liquid Plug Two-Phase Flow in A Horizontal Pipe by Using An Image Processing Technique, Bachelor Thesis of Mechanical Engineering, UGM, Yogyakarta. Majid, A.I., 2014, Quantitative Visualization of the Wave Characteristics for Horizontal Co-Current Gas-Liquid Plug Two-Phase Flow by Using an Image Processing Technique, Proceeding of Seminar Nasional Thermofluid VI 2014, UGM, Yogyakarta, pp. 212-217. Omebere-Iyari, N.K., Azzopardi B.J., 2007, A Study Of Flow Patterns For Gas/Liquid Flow In Small Diameter Tubes, Chemical Engineering Research and Design Trans IChemE, Vol. 85, Part A2, pp. 180-192. Taitel, Y., Dukler, A.E., 1976, A Model for Predicting Flow Regime Transitions in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Gas-Liquid Flow, AIChE Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 47-55. Villarreal J., Laverde D., Fuentes C., 2006, Carbon-steel corrosion in multiphase slug flow and CO2. Corrosion Science, No. 48, pp. 2363–2379. Acknowledgements The work has been undertaken with the support from Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia as a part of the “Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi” UGM (Contract number: LPPM-UGM/1448/LIT/2013). The First Author gratefully thanks to “Fast-Track Scholarship for Master Program” in the scheme of “Beasiswa Unggulan” from Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. This work is also dedicated for Mr. Agus Budiman, Mrs. Nurul Indriani, Mr./Mrs. Nurman, and Mr./Mrs. K.H. Muh. Syahri, and Mr. Gigih Nugrohadi. ISBN : 978-602-70455-0-7
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