T 576.13 GUS
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian pendahuluan mengenai pembuatan sel amobil Streptomyces sp S21 hasil isolasi dari bakteri tanah, menggunakan senyawa koloid titanium (IV) hidroksida sebagai pengikat bakteri, di dalam gel yang dibuat dari larutan agar 2%. Koloid titanium (IV) hidroksida dibuat dari titanium (III) klorida yang diok sidasi dengan larutan hidrogen peroksida 30%, dilanjutkan dengan penetralan dan pengendapan dengan larutan amonium hidroksida 2 N. Suspensi sel bakteri yang telah terikat pada partikel koloid titanium (IV) hidroksida kemudian dibuat matriks dalam agar, dipotong-potong sampai diperoleh ukuran 5 x 5 x 5 mm dan direndam dalam larutan kalium kiorida 0,3 M dingin. Dari hasil pemeriksaan pertumbuhan bakteri tanpa di lakukan pengikatan dengan koloid, biakan Streptomyces sp S21 dalam medium pertumbuhan
dihidrogenfosfat, amonium sulfat, magnesium sulfat, sang sulfat dan besi (II) sulfat) pada efisiensi aerasi 3 , 4 9 4 x 10-6 mol oksigen per atm per jam per liter medium, menunjukkan aktifitas untuk mengkonsumsi glukosa sebesar 50% dari yang tersedia dalam medium, yaitu : dalam glukosa 1% tercapai setelah 21 jam, dalam glukosa 3 % setelah 21 jam dan dalam glukosa 5 % setelah 3 6 jam.
Data tersebut diperoleh dari hasil fermentasi 20 ml inokulum bakteri (absorbansi pada 555 nm 0 , 7 ) hasil isola si dari biakan dalam agar miring usia 21 jam, dengan laru tan NaCl 0,9%, di dalam 200 ml medium pertumbuhan. Suhu inkubasi optimal pada 30°C. Sel amobil dalam matriks diaktifkan dengan medium pertumbuhan seperti tersebut di atas, pada suhu 25°C , 300C dan 3 7 ° C dengan variasi kadar glukosa 1%, 3 % dan 5 % . Penurunan kadar glukosa medium tercapai paling cepat pa-da hasil inkubasi 30°C dengan kadar glukosa 1%, yaitu konsumsi glukosa sebesar 50% tercapai.setelah masa inkubasi 48 jam. Hasil pengujian aktifitas sel amobil yang telah diaktifkan terlebih dahulu pada suhu 30°C selama 24 jam di dalam medium pertumbuhan yang mengandung glukosa 1%, menunjukkan bahwa sel-sel amobil masih aktif; konsumsi glu kosa 50% tercapai setelah inkubasi 10 jam. Aktifitas sel amobil terhadap larutan p-aminobenzoat dan larutan L-triP tofan dapat ditunjukkan dengan penurunan absorbansi kedua senyawa tersebut di dalam medium selama inkubasi berlangsung, dari hasil pengamatan spektrum absorpsi pada pan - jang gelombang 270 nm ternyata aktifitas sel.amobil terhadap p-aminobenzoat lebih kecil daripada terhadap L-trip tofan.
ABSTRACT Preliminary study of immobilized Streptomyces sp S21 cells isolated and purified from soil bacteria was carried out; the cells were fixed to colloid particles of titanium (IV) hydroxyde in 2% agar gel. For this purpose, solution of titanium (III) chloride was oxydized first by slow addition of 30% hydrogen peroxyde solution, that followed by neutralization and precipitation with 2 N ammonium hydroxyde solution. Bacterial cells suspension fixed to colloid particles was used as matrices in agar gel, sliced in 5 x 5 x 5 mm size and soaked in cold solution of 0, 3 M potasium chloride. The result of bacterial growth by cultivating Strep tomyces sp S21
potasium dihydrogenphosphate, ammonium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, zink sulphate and ferrous sulphate) without colloid binding at aeration efficiency 3 , 4 9 4 x 1 0 -6 mol of oxygen per atm per hour per liter of medium, has consumed 50% of medium glucose as the follow ing data : in solution of 1% glucose was reached at 21 hours just like in 3 % glucose solution, but in solution of 50% glucose it was reached at 3 6 hours of incubation. The data was obtained in fermentation of 20 ml cells ino culum in 0,9% sodium chloride solution (absorbance at wavelength 555 n m w a s 0 , 7 ) , taken from 21 hours age of cells
cultivated on nutrient agar medium. The inoculum was suspended in 200 ml growth medium solution at 30°C as the optimal temperature of incubation. Matrices of the immobilized cells was activated in growth medium as mentioned above at 25°C, 30°C and 3?°C with variation of medium glucose content at 1%, 3% and 5 % . Decrease of medium glucose content was resulted most rapid on incubation at 30°C in the growth medium containing of 1% glucose, i.e. 50% glucose consumption was reached at 4 $ hours incubation. The activated immobilized cells (at 30°C, 24 hours) could decrease 50% glucose consumption in time, i.e. 10 hours incubation in growth medium that containing of 1% glucose. In further examination, the immobilized cells matrices had shown its activity in solution of p-aminobenzoic acid or L-tryptophan, which was indicated by spectral absorbance decreases of both compounds at 270 nm. In this case, activity of the immobilized cells in paminobenzoic acid solution was lower than its activity in Ltryptophan solution.