Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Uitgave: TU-Delft • Faculteit CiTG • sectie Sanitary Engineering Redactie: Mieke Hubert • Luuk Rietveld • Bouke Kooreman Contact: Postbus 5048 • 2600 GA Delft • +31152783347 •
[email protected] Internet: Nummer: 12e jaargang nummer 3 • Juni 2012
Redactie Ik zit aan mijn tafel op de dag dat het Nederlands
willekeurige sport) houdt ook bij hoeveel procent van
voetbalelftal de “alles beslissende” wedstrijd tegen
de tijd de bal zich waar op het veld bevindt, turft ook
Portugal moet spelen. Wat leuk is, is dat je iedereen
de aantallen goede en foute acties van een speler en
succes kunt wensen, er is geen concurrentie, we
past zijn tactiek en wisselbeleid daarop aan. Ik betrap
zijn allemaal voor hetzelfde. Wat ook leuk is, is dat
daar onze Bert nooit op. Tot slot houden we vast aan
iedereen een mening heeft: Huntelaar er in of niet,
de uitspraak van Cruyff: “Wie de bal niet heeft, kan
Robben links, Van Bommel eruit, etc. Zelf ben ik een
niet scoren”. Het Nederlands elftal is al jaren lang
hockeyer en vind ik voetbal hopeloos ouderwets. Om
wereldkampioenschap balbezit, maar daar krijgen we
te beginnen dat je niet continu mag doorwisselen,
geen beker voor. Tegen Duitsland hadden we ook
dat buitenspel nog bestaat, dat je geen gebruik kunt
61% van de tijd de bal, maar winnen ho maar. Kortom,
maken van de videoscheidsrechter. Dit zou voetbal
voetbal moet veel professioneler: werken voor je geld.
een stuk eerlijker en aantrekkelijker maken. Verder
Of moet het toch maar zo blijven zodat ik (en velen
vind ik voetbal veel te traag. Het feit dat professionals
met mij) mij er over op kan winden.
niet eens 90 minuten lang er voor kunnen gaan vind
Wat dit allemaal met water te maken heeft weet ik
ik vreemd. Dan moeten ze gewoon harder trainen
niet, want tijdens de wedstrijd zullen we het ook
in plaats van alleen maar die eeuwige rondootjes
niet veel drinken. Oh ja, toch, er kunnen weer leuke
oefenen. Maar het aller stuitendst vind ik het gebrek
vraagvoorspellingsgrafiekjes gemaakt worden tijdens
aan inzicht van de coach. Een moderne coach (zoals
de wedstrijd. Voor de rest, allemaal veel SUCCES
in het hockey) kijkt naar het materiaal dat hij heeft en
toegewenst vanavond en lees vanaf morgen maar
smeedt daaruit een elftal. In dit geval dus gewoon een
weer onze uiterst interessante nieuwsbrief.
4-4-2 systeem. Bert van Marwijk houdt echter vast aan een (verouderd) systeem en zoekt daar mensen bij die uit vorm zijn. Het is verder al lang bekend dat hoekschoppen er maar in 3% van de gevallen in gaan en als je deze spelhervatting indirect doet dat je het rendement verdubbelt. Wat doen wij…. Altijd maar weer die ballen voor de pot slingeren. Verzin eens iets anders zou ik zeggen. Bij strafschoppen hetzelfde verhaal. Als je ze hoog in de kruising jast, dan zitten ze altijd. Wat doen wij… we proberen met een geplaatst laag schot de keeper te verschalken. Een beetje hockeycoach (en coaches van elke andere
Luuk Rietveld
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Agenda Data colloquia 16.00-17.00 uur
Spreker 1
Spreker 2
Ana Pocas
Gang Liu
Zaal 4.99
Yasmina Bennani
Annelies Arts
Zaal E
[email protected]
Afstudeer colloquium
Fei Cui
Symposium Energie en Water schrijven toekomst
Cold CANON: Anammox at low temperature
20 Juni 2012
Datum: 10 Juli 2012
Tijd: 10:00-17:00 uur
16.00-17.00 uur
KWR Watercycle Research Institute,
Lokatie: TU Delft, Civiele Techniek, Stevinweg 1,
Shirin Malekpour
A Probabilistic Decision Making
Framework for Sanitation Systems in
Seminar on removal of emerging micro-pollutants
Low-income Countries
from the urban water cycle
Datum: 12 Juli 2012
Tijd: 9:00-17:30 uur
16.00-17.00 uur
27 Juni 2012
Lokatie: TU Delft, Civiele Techniek, Stevinweg 1,
TU Delft, Civiele Techniek, Stevinweg 1
Delft, collegezaal E
Delft, collegezaal E Inschrijven:
Nikolaas van Balkom Topic:
Anaerobic digestion of the residual fraction
Summerschool Aquatic chemistry for engineers
from fine sieved sewage: Biodegradability
and reactor design criteria
Tijd: 9:00-17:00 uur
30 Augustus 2012
Datum: 23 Augustus 2012
TU Delft, Civiele Techniek, Stevinweg 1
Delft, collegezaal E (de waterzaal)
16.00-17.00 uur
Lokatie: TU Delft, Civiele Techniek, Stevinweg 1,
Inschrijven: (vanaf 1 Juli)
Delft, collegezaal D Ton Knol Datum: 30 Augustus 2012 Tijd:
16.00-17.00 uur
Nieuwsbrief ontvangen?
Wilt u onze nieuwsbrief voortaan ook ontvangen? Stuur dan een e-mail naar het secretariaat van de Sectie Sanitary Engineering:
[email protected] 2
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Afstudeer verslagen Anaerobic digestion of the residual fraction from fine sieved sewage: Biodegradability and reactor design criteria
Residual fraction from fine sieved sewage From literature and lab experiments it was found that the RF has a high solid content: ± 20% dry solids where 80% of the solid content consists out of cellulose fibers. Important is that the RF has bad flow
Nikolaas van Balkom
characteristics and a very high organic content: ± 90% of dry solids. It was therefore necessary to consider
different digestion techniques as currently applied at
Every person uses more than 10 kg toilet paper per
Dutch STP’s. Reactor configurations from the field of
year. As a result, almost half of the suspended solids
OFMSW (Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste)
in the sewage consists out of cellulose. To completely
digestion where therefore considered. For the digestion
degrade cellulose inside the sewage treatment plant
of OFMSW, often thermophilic plug-flow reactors at
(STP), long retention times are required. Fine sieves
high (> 20 %) solid content are applied. The plug-flow
are able to remove suspended solids and cellulose
configuration enhances mixing and inoculation and the
fibers from toilet paper, directly from raw sewage. This
thermophilic conditions benefits the flow properties
significantly reduces the oxygen requirement in the
inside the reactor and can increases metabolic rates.
aeration tank of a sewage treatment plant. Waternet researches this application at STP Blaricum already
Biodegradability of the residual fraction
since 2008 (See STOWA report 2010/19 and 2012/07).
With help of a number of biomethane potential tests
A significant part of that research is dedicated to the
(BMP) the anaerobic biodegradability was investigated.
handling of the residual fraction (RF) produced by the
BMP is the maximal methane volume that is produced
fine sieves. One of the options is to anaerobically digest
per mass degraded organic material. First the material
the RF to produce renewable energy at a decentralized
is compared with similar substrates (toilet paper,
location. This option could also be implemented within
crystalline cellulose and primary sludge). Secondly,
the sewer mining concept which is a decentralized
the biodegradability at mesophilic and thermophilic
approach to obtain high quality water directly from the
temperatures were compared. And thirdly the influence
sewer without the need of a centralized energy source.
of inoculation on conversion rates was tested.
During the MSc project I worked on the assignment
From the results it became clear that the RF has
to research the anaerobic digestibility of the RF with
similar BMP compared to toilet paper and cellulose at
a reactor design as an end goal.
thermophilic temperatures. At mesophilic temperature the anaerobic degradation of the RF was lower,
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 however metabolic rates where comparable. The
hydrolysis step and a methanogenic step. The model
influence of inoculation on the conversion rates was
is first calibrated with the lab results and results from
not significant, however higher inoculation resulted in
a completely mixed lab reactor. After this, the model
shorter lag times.
is used to predict the volume, hydraulic retention time and recirculation rate for a anaerobic plug-flow reactor.
Mathematical modeling to obtain design criteria
The 23th of august I will elaborate further on the
From the lab results, kinetic parameters (the hydrolysis
anaerobic biodegradability and reactor design criteria
constant and specific methanogenic activity) were
for anaerobic digestion of the RF. I am available for
obtained by applying (non-)linear regression models.
questions at
These parameters were input parameters for a two-
[email protected]
step anaerobic digestion model. This model contains a
A Probabilistic Decision Making Framework for Sanitation Systems in Low-income Countries
Countries (1976-1978), followed by declaration of the
The low-sighted leading the clueless, with a map that
United Nations, led to a global realization about the
keeps changing
alternative sanitation options. It was revealed that the
1980s as the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade by the member countries of the
required investments in conventional sewage systems Shirin Malekpour
exceed the available financial resources in low-income countries and these sanitation options are not likely
Sanitation, as described by the World Health Organization (WHO), refers to the provisions of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. In the 21st century, lack of access to sanitation facilities by 40% of the world’s population sounds like an international scandal. This means that about 2.6 billion of the world’s citizens, majorly in developing countries, still rely on a bucket, a bush or a back street for excretion. For years, it was an inheritance of the colonial period to put emphasis on copying the western sanitary achievements by providing sewage coverage in developing countries. The results from a World Bank 2-year research project on Appropriate Technologies for Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing
to reach the huge poor populations in those regions.
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 In frustration of the failure of the centralized solutions,
This thesis recognizes the need for decision making
alternative solutions of small-scale and decentralized
support frameworks to assist the planners and decision
systems were proposed for developing countries, but
makers (specially in low-income countries) in selecting
did not remain protected from criticisms.
sanitation systems that are more likely to be the appropriate options within their local context. Unlike
While the centralized versus decentralized sanitation
its predecessor, it takes into account the uncertainties
options debate is ongoing, decision makers and
that lie in the decisions to be made, and keeps its
planners in developing regions of low-income countries
distance from making the uncertain certain! For every
face the dilemma of which path to choose. As various
assessment criterion, the collective judgments that
technologies that are required to address the global
exist among people and even experts with regard to
sanitation crisis are already available, the challenge
different sanitation options is pinpointed and through
remains in selection and implementation of appropriate
real examples from around the world, it is indicated
technologies in a way that the desirable outcomes
that the expected outcomes are not always achieved
would be resulted.
in practice. In contrast, this work tries to develop a probabilistic approach in which the evaluation of
Low-income countries, due to their vast socio-economic
sanitation systems is done NOT based on intuitive
inhomogeneity, are more complex target locations
judgments, but with respect to the probabilities that hide
for selection of appropriate sanitation options. The
in each and every assessment, i.e. the probabilities
dynamic situation in these regions with the rapidly
that the expected outcomes of selecting a sanitation
growing populations (specially in the urban settings)
facility occur in practice.
and the changing socio-economic structures makes decision making a more fragile process.
To quantify the occurrence probabilities of various outcomes of sanitation facilities, some methods are
In the existing sanitation decision making support tools,
developed and presented in this thesis. Nonetheless,
evaluation of the sanitation options is mostly performed
these methods may not be the only ways of quantifying
based on predicting the outcomes that best represent
the assessments. They are rather developed in order
a sanitation practice. This kind of ‘representativeness’
to show that, unlike the first impressions that one (and
is often used to feed the intuitive judgment with little
many experts) might get, it is not impossible to quantify
regard to the uncertainties that lie in these predictions.
such assessments; an impression that have been the
In these cases the ‘illusion of validity’ dominates the
major drive for turning into qualitative judgments by
evaluations, meaning that predictions are done by
over simplifying the reality.
selecting the outcomes that are most representative of a system, with no or little regard to the factors that
[email protected]
limit the predictive accuracy.
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Verslagen projecten Report about the workshop Pools’12
of you have seen the set-up and therefore you can imagine they found it impressive.
Marjolein Peters
We ended the day with some drinks at our department and a diner in De Prinsenkelder. We were happy that
At the 3rd and 4th of May Maarten Keuten (TU Delft)
at that point the last expected participant joined our
and Marjolein Peters (TU Delft) organized the first
workshop. During the diner, we tried to talk about the
international workshop on swimming pool research, Pool’s 12. During this workshop different PhD students and their supervisors joined to give to discuss their work. The workshop was given in the Faculty room of the TU Delft Science Centre. We started the workshop with a tour through the Science Centre, which is more like a shop window of Delft University. In the Science Centre, the equipment of different successful science projects from different faculties of TU Delft is shown.
weather, but as eager as we were, we also talked a
After the lunch professor Ernest Blatchley (US) gave
lot about swimming pool research topics.
an opening speech via Skype about swimming pool
Friday the presentations related to Disinfection
research. Next Maarten showed his findings of initial
By-Products (DBPs) were scheduled. During the first
and continuous bathing load. Were after a discussion
part, the formation under different conditions like pH
was held about the composition of swimmers dirt, alias
was discussed by Amer Kanan (Palestine) and Kamilla
Body Fluid Analogue (BFA). A little later Marjolein gave
Hansen (Denmark). Professor Luuk Rietveld led the discussion. In the second and third part the removal of DBPs was discussed. Stephan Uhlig (Germany) gave a presentation about the model he developed to predict the formation and the removal of DBPs. Yasmina Bennani (TU Delft) discussed the principle of using photoelctrocatalysis to remove DPBs. This principle was also investigated by use of UV-light by Kamilla Hansen and Mehrnaz Afifi (US, via Skype). Also the
her presentations about the microbiology in swimming
quality of water and air was discussed by ShihChi
Weng (US, via Skype). Professor Peter Appel gave a presentation about the chemical engineering view
The intellectual content of the first day was ended with
on swimming pools. This addition was rather an eye
a tour through the civil engineering water lab and the
opener about the treatment and as well as the view
experimental setup of Maarten and Marjolein. Most
of the reactor was interesting.
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 At the end of the workshop we had a discussion about
wish to continue these kind of meetings on a more
the needs for further (joined) research and possible
regular basis.
topics for a joined publication. There was also a strong After the closure of the workshop we all had some drinks in our botanical garden. All with all, the workshop was a big success. To whom it might concern, all presentations were recorded via Collegerama. If you are interested please contact Marjolein Peters and ask for the link.
[email protected]
RainGain project
on methods and experiences in fine-scale rainfall estimation. The experts present at the workshop Marie-claire ten Veldhuis
recommended innovative methods for radar rainfall
The RainGain project organized on 16 April 2012 an international workshop on fine-scale rainfall estimation. The workshop brought together about 35 radar meteorologists and urban hydrologists, to bridge the gap between these two disciplines. They discussed the use of new radar technology for measuring the
estimation that are to be implemented in the RainGain project in four pilot sites: London, Paris, Rotterdam and Leuven. The implementation of rainfall radars in urban water operational and strategic management will allow urban citizens to be better protected and prepared against risks induced by extreme rain storms. intensity of heavy rain showers over urban areas. Such
[email protected]
measurements are required to enable urban floods to be predicted at street or house level. As a result of the workshop, a review document will be prepared
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 Kick-off Delft Urban Water, Tuesday, May 29th 2012
weather’, followed by three flash presentations by PhD students on disdrometers, roof retention and multifunctional flood defences. Dr Merle de Kreuk highlighted recent achievements and upcoming research themes related to ‘Closing water, nutrient and energy cycles’, followed by flash presentations
Marie-claire ten Veldhuis
on cold Annamox, smart water reuse, seawater for toilet flushing and zero discharge solutions. Prof Zoran
The kick-off of Delft Urban Water Centre was held on
Vojinovic addressed a range of research challenges to
29 May 2012 in the Library building of TU Delft. Mr van
find socially-just and ecologically sustainable solutions
Haersma Buma, Dijkgraaf of Hoogheemraadschap
for ‘Water in megacities’. His presentation was followed
Delfland welcomed the participants and emphasised
by flash presentations on the SWITCH project and
the importance of research and innovation in the
urban growth modelling.
urban water sector to face problems of water scarcity, pollution and flooding worldwide. He stated Delft is
The scientific program was followed by a plenary
the appropriate location for this initiative, given its
discussion on challenges for the Delft Urban Water
strong tradition in water research and engineering.
Centre. The discussion was initiated by propositions
Additionally, the city of Delft and its surroundings form a
from representatives of the 4 research institutes
lively example of the challenges of water management
involved in Delft Urban Water: TU Delft, UNESCO-
in a highly urbanised environment.
IHE, Deltares and KWR. Main topics in the discussion
The dijkgraaf officially opened the kickoff by starting
were how to enhance the visibility of Delft Urban Water
the opening ceremony, launching the Delft Urban
through the website and other means and how to
Water logo and website:
identify and take advantage of upcoming opportunities for cooperation in project proposals. There was a
The core part of the afternoon was dedicated to a
strong support for Delft Urban Water among the
scientific program consisting of presentations on
participants and a shared feeling of readiness to get
selected themes of the Delft Urban Water Centre:
cooperation started.
key note lectures by invited speakers and flash presentations by PhD researchers. The presentations
More information about Delft Urban Water can be
gave a colorful overview of the broad scope of expertise
found on the website:, where
available within the Delft Urban Water Centre, on
keynote and flash presentations of the kickoff will be
water quality as well water quantity related topics.
available soon. Or contact: Marie-claire ten Veldhuis.
Prof Herman Russchenberg presented research challenges under the theme ‘Urban water and
[email protected].
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 Visit students ITB Bandung, Indonesia
immidiatly tried to apply Ankes tips and tricks and that they recognised when the sheets contained too much information. After their presentations, 4 of our own
Merle de Kreuk
PhD students gave a flash presentation to give some examples of the waste- and drinkingwater research at
At the 4th, 5th and 6th of June, the section sanitary
sanitary engineering. After this exiting afternoon, they
engineering was visited by 14 MSc. students from
headed to Wateringse Veld by bus, to have a barbeque
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and their two
at Merle de Kreuk house. Due to the bad weather a
supervisors Professor Prayatni and Dr. Ir. Marisa. After
buffet was served, but it still was a fun night with the
a touristic tour at our campus, they arrived at CiTG and
students and it is always interesting to see foreigners
were welcomed by Jasper Verberk and Bas Heijman
photographing items in the neighbourhood that are
and visited the laboratory with the above and Guido
completely unnoted to the inhabitants.
Kooijman. After some confusion in the canteen about
The next day, an excursion at WWTP Harnaschpolder was organised by Sigrid Scherrenberg and Merle de Kreuk and the students learned all about Dutch wastewater treatment and water re-use. After a photosession, they left by us to visit Neeltje Jans. On Wednesday Jasper Verberk showed them around the drinking water plant Berenplaat which they combined with a visit to Kinderdijk. It was a nice visit with a lot of information exchange, as the cooperation project with ITB intended. After my week of lecturing in Bandung in April, it was also really nice to meet the same students
the Dutch lunches, a full afternoon with presentations
in Delft again, a good way to establish closer contact.
was organised. After an inspiring lecture by Anke Grefte about presenting your results, the MSc students
[email protected]
presented their thesis work. It was nice to see that they
Opening week of the first Dutch full scale Nereda® sewage treatment plant in Epe
sludge treatment plant was officially opened. Excited as a small child in a candy store I drove to Epe in the morning, ready to meet Z.K.H. Prins van Oranje, although that was scheduled very accurately for the
Merle de Kreuk
afternoon. The atmosphere at WWTP Epe was warm and enthousiastic.
After many years of hard work, laboratory scale disasters and pilot scale frustrations, the crowning
During the day al speakers referred to the golden
moment of glory for the Nereda-team arrived at the 8th
triangle of industry, government and university that
of May, when the first Dutch full scale aerobic granular
has been crucial in the development of the aerobic
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 granular sludge technology. I totally agree, without
performed a cross over research, incorporating
the commitment of TU Delft, DHV, STOWA (or the
anammox in the aerobic granules, Siegfried Vleaminck
Waterboards) and STW the Nereda could not have
(LabMET, Ghent University) discussing the chances in
been developed, but I also think it was the enthousiasm
anammox research and Tomasso Lotti (TU Delft, EBT),
in the Nereda team, in which each worked with so
who told a bit more about the new “cold anammox”
much pleasure and drive. It rained heavilly when the
technology (or anammox for the B-stage of an A/B
Prince arrived, but during the opening ceremony itself,
System). In the late afternoon we were tickled by
the sun was peaking through the clouds and by starting
the presentations from Cora Uijterlinde on how to
a mini-installation the installation was officially opened.
develop a research agenda (WWTP 2030), Jos Paques about technology development in general
The other days of the week also other activities were
and the experiences at Paques BV and the thay was
planned, among others with a Benelux Young Water
closed by Helle van der Roest (DHV) who introduced
Professionals workshop with the theme “Technology
the fourth P in the people-profit-planet technology
Development” was organised. 40 (mainly) PhD’s from
development, namely the Passion.
Belgium and The Netherlands discussed the pittlfalls, the ingredients for success and the setbacks of a new
Passion could be seen as well on Friday, when many
develepment. Mark van Loosdrecht started the day
persons working with the aerobic granules during the
with a presentation about the origin of the idea to start
past 15 years gathered for a barbeque and on saturday,
the granular sludge development. I was lucky to tell
when almost the whole team was present again to
everybody what happened with me during my PhD and
explain to the pubblic about this new installation that
post-doc, during the development of the technology
has been build in their village. I was able to show “my
and Ruud van Dalen (waterboard Veluwe) discussed
invention” to my family that day, which I wish for each
the results of the full scale installation up till now and
researcher to experience once: this is the joy to work
the guts it took to be launching costumer as a Dutch
in applied science!
waterboard. After the tour along the treatmentplant and the lunch, we discussed the other succesfull technology Anammox, with Mari Winkler (TU Delft, EBT), who
[email protected]
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 MSc Watermanagement straks online en op afstand ?
krijgen. Met deze certificaten zal het mogelijk worden om stapsgewijs het MSc diploma van de specialisaties Gezondheidstechniek te verkrijgen.
Peter de Moel
Hierbij kunnen studenten zich per vak inschrijven en is het niet meer noodzakelijk om voor de gehele opleiding
Donderdag 14 juni zijn we officieel van start gegaan
in te schrijven. Voor deeltijders en voor buitenlandse
met het project Online afstandsonderwijs.
studenten blijkt dit namelijk een hoge drempel om aan
In dit project gaan we proberen om over 2 jaar onze
een MSc opleiding te beginnen, nog afgezien van de
hele MSc opleiding in te richten dat het mogelijk wordt
afstand tussen Delft en hun woonplaats.
om op afstand de gehele MSc te doen. Op afstand
We zullen in het komende studiejaar beginnen met
varieert hierbij van een balkon in Nieuw-Zeeland tot
diverse vakken die al op proef online gevolgd kunnen
een studentenkamer in Delft.
worden. Hierover zullen we in de komende Nieuwsbrief
Het project komt voort uit onze MSc in deeltijd waarin
verder verslag van gaan doen.
medewerkers van waterbedrijven hun MSc opleiding bij ons doen naast hun werkzaamheden in hun bedrijf,
Dit project wordt voor ons gefinancieerd door de TU
en ons Double Degree programma met Singapore,
Delft zelf (CvB via O&S).
waarin studenten in 2 jaar tijd steeds een half jaar
Het project is een logisch vervolg op onze
in Delft en een half jaar in Singapore zijn. Daarnaast
OpenCourseWare activiteiten, waarmee de afdeling
hebben we inmiddels diverse samenwerkingen met
Watermanagement toonaangevend is binnen TU Delft,
buitenlandse universiteiten, zoals ondermeer IT
en ook binnen Nederland.
Bandung, Mozambique, Suriname, Antillen, Australië
Naast Watermanagement zullen ook de Faculteiten
en Braunschweig. Kortom ons onderwijs is steeds
Lucht- & Ruimtevaart en Techniek, Bestuur &
minder gebonden aan de gebouwen in Delft.
Management meedoen, op minder ambitieuze schaal.
In dit project gaan we 26 vakken uit de MSc
Geheel volgens Jasper Verberk’s gouden regels start
Watermanagement zodanig inrichten dat ze
een project met taart.
afzonderlijk op afstand gedaan kunnen worden, waarbij studenten een certificaat per vak kunnen
[email protected]
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Prijzen OpenCourseWare
In de categorie Multimedia courses heeft de cursus ‘Sanitary Engineering’ deze award mogen ontvangen.
Al enige tijd is de cursus Sanitary Engineering
Hiermee mag de cursus zich rekenen tot een van
beschikbaar als OpenCourseWare cursus, op http://
de tien beste cursussen gekozen door de leden
van het OpenCourseWare Consortum,
aanbod van ruim 17.000 cursussen die wereldwijd
Van 16 - 18 april organiseert het wereldwijde
als OpenCourseWare zijn gepubliceerd. http://
OpenCourseWare consortium een jaarlijkse conferentie
ter ere van Open Educational Resources. Hierop
is vandaag, voor de tweede maal sinds vorig jaar,
een reeks Awards for OpenCourseWare Excellence toegekend.
Cursus CiTG wint OpenCourseWare-prijs 20 april 2012 door M&C De online cursus Sanitary Engineering van CiTG is een van de winnaars van de course Awards for OpenCourseWare Excellence 2012. Dat maakte het OpenCourseWare Consortium op maandag 16 april bekend tijdens zijn conferentie in Cambridge. De tien winnende cursussen werden geselecteerd uit het wereldwijde aanbod van ongeveer 17.000. Sanitary Engineering, samengesteld door professoren. J. van Dijk en F. Clemens, was een van de vijf winnaars in de categorie multimedia. ‘We zijn verheugd deze cursussen te eren’, zegt OCW Consortium Executive Director Mary Lou Forward. ‘Het zijn uitmuntende voorbeelden van de geweldige onderwijskundige bronnen die openlijk door de leden van het consortium worden gedeeld.’ De Delftse cursus behandelt de basisprincipes en ontwerpaspecten van infrastructuur op het gebied van drinkwater, riolering en afvalwater. Studiedoel is inzicht verkrijgen in de technologische aspecten van de stedelijke waterinfrastructuur. Het OpenCourseWare Consortium is een wereldwijde samenwerking op het gebied van Open Course Ware van meer 250 instituten voor Hoger Onderwijs en aanverwante organisaties.
uit een
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 Runner-up at the European Inventor Award 2012
cycle, without relying on addition on extra chemicals. It can also make water treatment much more efficient and cost effective” ( With this nice
Merle de Kreuk
description of the aerobic granular sludge technology we could go to Copenhagen for the ceremony on
In February this year Mark van Loosdrecht, Sef
the 13th and 14th of June. Before the EPO would
Heijnen and me (Merle de Kreuk) were nominated by
welcome us, we had to do something on our PR, so
the European Patent Office (EPO) for the European
we were filmed and photographed for 2 full days: in
inventor award 2012, category research, for the
the laboratory, in the office, lecture room, botanical
development of the aerobic granular sludge technology
garden, on a boat on the canals of Leiden and even
Nereda® (patents from 1998 and 2004), which has
in Madurodam. This lead to two wonderful movies
been developed with DHV and the Dutch Waterboards.
Very special that our patents were chosen from the
finalists/2012/loosdrecht.html and
200 entries and the thousands of patents granted
each year (already 62,115 granted patents at EPO in 2011). In Kopenhagen we met Boudewijn Zuurdeeg,
At the 13th of June we were invited to a dinner prior
who was the kind patent officer who came across our
to the award ceremony, were I felt like a true VIP
invention and thought it would be nice to send it to the
with all the attention of press, especially when it was
contest. The innovation was described as “a cutting-
discovered that I was the only female nominee.
edge sewage purification system which uses aerobic granular biomass; bridging biotechnology and civil
On the 14th the award ceremony took place in the
engineering lead to a solution that drastically improves
presence of the Danish Crown Prince and Princess
the quality if waste-water going back into the water
and the category research was first. Our opponents were Gilles Gosselin, the inventor of a new drug for hepatitis B treatment and Jason Chin and Oliver Rackham, who found a way to incorporate unnatural amino acids into proteins, enabling to understand and control the functions of proteins in cells. Dr. Gosselin won the competition and can call himself European inventor of the year. As Runner up, we were still pretty proud and honored and at least we had a great two days in Copenhagen, among all these great inventors.
[email protected]
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 Het beste idee en de mooiste IT-toepassingen in de watersector
De inzendingen kwamen uit de hele breedte van de watersector van waterbeheer tot drinkwater
Op 25 mei 2012 vond de eerste KNW bijeenkomst van
en met uiteenlopende toepassingsgebieden van
de themagroep “IT-toepassingen in de watersector”
beleidsondersteuning tot besturingsoplossingen. The
plaats. Het doel van de bijeenkomst was inspireren
human sensor van Ignaz Worm is verkozen tot het
en discussiëren over de huidige state-of-the-art van
beste idee voor IT-toepassing in de watersector (foto
IT in de watersector. Tijdens de bijeenkomst hebben
links) en de Dijksterkte Analyse Module (DAM) van Jos
de deelnemers middels een stemming a la X-factor
Maccabiani is verkozen tot de mooiste IT-toepassing
bepaald wat de mooiste IT-toepassing in de watersector
in de watersector (foto rechts). Kijk voor het verslag
is en ook wat het beste idee voor een IT-toepassing
van de bijeenkomst en voor alle inzendingen op http://
in de watersector is. Bart van Arem gaf
tijdens de bijeenkomst een inspirerend overzicht van de mooiste IT-toepassingen in het verkeer, waarbij hij zowel inging op de techniek als op de effecten van IT op mobiliteit.
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
TU Delft - Tongji University China – Netherlands Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP-NWO)
Programme 9:00
9.30 Prof. Luuk Rietveld Organic micropollutants in the Urban Water Cycle, research at TU Delft
12:30 Marco Casola Enhancement of biological degradation of pharmaceuticals during water treatment 13:00
Lunch break
10:00 Prof. Hui-Ping Deng Pilot studies and full-scale application of PAC-UF for treating micro-polluted surface water
10:30 Prof. Jan Peter van der Hoek Research towards advanced oxidation for the removal of organic micropollutants
14:30 Dr. Jun Shi Genotoxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced by Microcystin-LR
Coffee break
11:30 Prof. Xinxi Zhang System construction of ecological water source of Huangshan Mountain and direct drinking water of Yangtze River Delta region based on an idea of active-control mode 12:00 Chun Zhao Photodegradation of antibiotic oxytetracycline in aqueous solution under visible/solar light in a batch reactor: Mechanism study for photolysis and photocatalysis with NFTiO2 film at different pHs
14:00 Assoc. Prof. Lei Ding Bromide removal from water using MIEX
Tea break
15:30 David de Ridder Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship for adsorption of pharmaceuticals on carbon 16:00
PhD students’ flash presentations
Registration: Please register via (max. 50 people):
The registration is free of charge. Date:
27 June 2012
Lecture hall E, CiTG Stevinweg 1, 2628CN, Delft
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Symposium 20 juni 2012 Nieuwegein
Hoe (de)centraal, duurzaam en intelligent zijn we dan?
Energie- en watersector slaan handen ineen
Vervolgens gaan sprekers van Stichting Warmtenetwerk, STOWA en KWR achtereenvolgens in op warmte- en
Hoe zorgen we voor een duurzame energie- en
koudenetten, de rol van de afvalwatersector en de rol
watervoorziening in de toekomst? Hoe centraal of
van de drinkwaterwatersector.
decentraal zijn we in 2040? Belangrijke vragen, waarbij de energie- en watersector elkaar kunnen helpen.
Thermische energiesystemen
Beide sectoren zijn al volop bezig met besparing,
De middag behandelt onderzoek en praktijk van
en duurzaam en efficiënt gebruik van bronnen. Met
thermische energiesystemen.Waternet onderzoekt
het oog op de toekomst willen de sectoren nog
de mogelijkheden van het benutten van energie uit
meer leren van elkaars ervaringen en plannen. Om
drinkwaterleidingen. Deltares houdt presentaties over
deze kennisuitwisseling vorm te geven, organiseren
een ‘smart thermal grid’ in de TU-wijk en over koeling
Deltares, TU Delft en KWR Watercycle Research
met water uit de Nieuwe Meer in Amsterdam. Tot slot
Institute i.s.m. Stichting Warmtenetwerk op 20 juni
licht KWR het onderzoek naar rioolwarmte toe.
2012 het symposium ‘Energie en Water schrijven toekomst’ in Nieuwegein.
Aanmelden Het symposium is op 20 juni 2012 van 10.00 tot 17.00
Een visie op de toekomst, met aandacht voor de praktijk
uur en vindt plaats bij KWR Watercycle Research
van vandaag en morgen. Dat is het uitgangspunt van
Institute in Nieuwegein. Deelname is gratis. Om het
het symposium ‘Energie en Water schrijven toekomst’.
symposium bij te wonen, is het noodzakelijk dat u zich
De bijeenkomst start met de gezamenlijke toekomst
aanmeldt via Hier vindt
van de energie- en watersector. Ad van Wijk en Jan
u ook meer informatie en het gehele programma.
Peter van der Hoek van TU Delft blikken vooruit naar de energievoorziening en watervoorziening in 2040.
Recent papers in DWES Papers in open discussion:
66. Water investment in Mexico City: contradictory elements
64. Robust optimization methodologies for water supply systems
preventing investment efficiency, 7 juni 2012, M. J. Marquez-
design,18 april 2012, J. Marques, M. C. Cunha, J. Sousa, and
Dorantes, Drink. Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 5, 209-223, 2012
D. Savić, Drink. Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 5, 173-192, 2012 Recent final revised papers: 65. Subsurface arsenic removal column tests: from the laboratory
67. A new model for the simplification of particle counting data,
to the field, 4 april 2012, D. H. Moed, D. van Halem, J. Q. J.
6 juni 2012, M. F. Fadal, J. Haarhoff, and S. Marais, Drink.
C. Verberk, J. A. M. van Paassen, and L. C. Rietveld, Drink.
Water Eng. Sci., 5, 9-14, 2012
Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 5, 193-207, 2012
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Nieuwe medewerkers Başak Savun Hekimoglu
by advanced oxidation processes. As part of my MSc. thesis, I conducted some complementary laboratory
I was born in Istanbul,
work at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) at
Turkey 1987. I received
the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water
my bachelor’s degree in
Protection, Germany. I completed my MSc. degree in
Environmental Engineering
2011 with 3.72/4 GPA. During this time, I also worked
in 2008 from Trakya
as a teaching and research assistant at the Institute of
University. I continued
Environmental Sciences, which is a highly competitive
to pursue my academic
position. In April 2012, I have joined the TU delft,
career by enrolling in 2008
Sanitary Engineering Section as a guest researcher
into the Environmental Technology MSc. program at
and I am currently doing research on brine treatment.
the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey. My MSc. thesis was on
[email protected]
the pretreatment of municipal waste activated sludge
Mostafa Zahmatkesh
experience in an advanced university just like TU Delft to get more out of my potential, so I applied for
My name is “Mostafa”, born
the position and now I am here. Since May 2012, I
in 1982 in “Tehran”, capital
assigned as a PhD candidate in Civil eng. Department
and most populated city of
and my project is on design of bioreactors and of
“Iran”, very different from
course bioprocesses for biodegradation of lignin in
delft! So I have a lot to adapt
effluents using fungi to produce biogass.
with. I studied chemical
My two and half years of experience as a journalist,
Engineering and got my
helps me to connect ideas, data and facts together to
master degree in Chemical-
satisfy my curiosity. One of the best fields to use it is
Biotechnology engineering
in science and that is my approach.
in “Sahand University of
I have a black belt in taekwondo and I am an amateur
technology”. Our university was in “Tabriz”, a city in
climber, that’s how I practiced to be hard and I’m going
North West of Iran and it was literally on a mountain, so
to use it to nail this project.
I actually have lived on a mountain for a period of my
It’s not long since I’ve got here, but I already found
life. I was working in “Tehran institute of biotechnology”
this city lovely, friendly and peaceful. With these lovely
which belongs to “Academic center of Education,
people in our section; Sanitary engineering, I think
Culture & research” in Tehran university, as the head
every thing is ready for a passionate and joyful ride.
of “Bioprocess eng.” group for 3 years that I learnt
looking forward to meet all of you.
about a position in TU Delft, and it was funny because lately I was feeling like developing my knowledge and
[email protected]
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012 DP Mainali
Geoscience, Department of Water management. The project I am working on is Dutch Innovative Pool Project
This is me DP Mainali, originally from Chirang,
(DIPool) and the topic of my master thesis is “Biofilm
Bhutan, a small Himalayans country in South East
Development under Swimming Pool Conditions”. I am
Asia. I am married and since 2005 I have been
working under the direct supervision of PhD. student
living in Zuigerstraat, Den Haag with my wife Tulsa
Marjoein Peters.My faculty my supervisor is
Mainali and 3 months baby boy Pranish Mainali. At
Mark van Loosdrecht.
present I am doing M.Sc. LST- Track Biochemical
Swimming pools are a make crossroad of sports,
Engineering at the Faculty of Applied Science at
education and entertainment of today’s society.
Delft University of Technology. Besides study, I am
Therefore, hygiene and safe pool water is very important
working as the Chairman of Bhutanese Community
in public swimming pools. Nowadays, in all types of
in The Netherlands (BCN). BCN is the welfare form
traditional swimming pools, hygiene is maintained by
for Bhutanese in the Netherlands. It is a non-for profit
the addition of a chemical for disinfection. However,
organisation established to assist on the successful
the addition of chemicals has some disadvantages
integration of Bhutanese in the Netherlands.
like the formation of disinfectants byproducts (DBPs). Within the DIPool project, a new treatment concept for
Now I am in my final year of University study. In order
public swimming pools will be developed, based on
to complete University study, one of the requirement
advanced UV-treatment. This innovative concept will
is to carry our independent research with in TU Delft.
not use a residual disinfectant like chlorine. Since there
This is one of the requirements for completing study
is no disinfectant directly in the swimming water, it is
at any other University in The Netherlands I supposed.
likely that on the wall a biofilm will be developed in time.
In order to fulfil the above requirements, I choose to do research at the faculty of Civil Engineering and
So, during my research, I will investigate how this biofilm will grow and can be limited or removed. Some of the mail research question that will be answered during my research are: 1. How to control the biofilm growth? 2. How fast does the biofilm develop? 3. Different parameters that are influencing the development of a biofilm etc.
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Dispuut Watermanagement Nieuws Dispuut Watermanagement
De afgelopen twee maanden heeft het Dispuut
op 10 juli 20 studenten en 3 stafleden van de afdeling
Watermanagement veel activiteiten georganiseerd.
voor 3 weken naar Mozambique, Zimbabwe en Malawi
Het symposium, de bestuurswissel, het zeilweekend.
vertrekken voor de studiereis. Er zullen een groot aantal drinkwater en water beheer gerelateerde projecten
bezocht worden. Daarnaast is er natuurlijk ook genoeg
Het symposium met het thema ‘Water = Energie’ is
tijd voor de toeristische bezienswaardigheden.
bezocht door een groot aantal mensen. Studenten, Phders, professoren en mensen uit het bedrijfsleven
Naast deze grote activiteiten is er nog een lunch lecture
waren allemaal van de partij. Met een grote variëteit
van BAM infra geweest over de BoxBarrier en is Oasen
aan onderwerpen van de productie van biobrandstof
bezocht door Marleen Heidekamp om een presentatie
door algen tot energy opwekking uit het concentratie
te geven over haar project in Zuid Africa. Als afsluiting
verschil tussen zoet en zout water zijn behandeld. Al
van het jaar is er a.s. donderdag 21 juni de eindejaar
met al een geslaagde dag.
BBQ. Daarna is het al weer tijd voor vakantie.
[email protected]
Het zeilweekend was een groot succes. We zijn met 22 studenten en staf leden afgereisd naar Bruinisse
Website Dispuut:
om te zeilen op het Grevelingen meer. Met een mix
van Nederlandse en internationale studenten is er
Website Symposium 2012:
zaterdag gezeild. Er waren zelfs mensen die hun angst
overwonnen hebben en zonder te kunnen zwemmen
Website Studietour 2012:
in een zeilboot zijn gaan zitten.
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Sectie uitje 2012
Afscheid Jasper
Paas lunch
Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Juni 2012
Afstuderen Sid & Reinoud
Afstuderen Thijs Padmos