© Oktober 2015 Indonesian Youth Diplomacy Laporan ini disusun oleh Delegasi Indonesia ke Y20 Summit Turkey 2015 dan Indonesian Youth Diplomacy. Indonesian Youth Diplomacy atau IYD adalah sebuah organisasi yang didirikan anak-anak muda dan untuk anak-anak muda yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan partisipasi pemuda dalam diplomasi internasional untuk meningkatkan kontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasiona l dan kerjasama internasional. Kami ingin ada sebagai wadah bagi pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang tertarik pada isu-isu pembangunan, finansial, lingkungan, dan ekonomi di skala internasional untuk dapat mendalami isu -isu tersebut dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan kami dalam pertemuan-pertemuan dan kegiatan strategis di mana kami bisa mengembangkan jaringan dan kerjasama. IYD telah merekrut, melatih, dan mengirimkan delegasi-delegasi pemuda ke G8 dan G20 Youth Summit sejak tahun 2010. Para delegasi terlibat dalam menyusun komunike dan deklarasi dalam pertemuan Pemuda G8 dan G20. IYD sebelumnya dikenal sebagai G20 Youth Indonesia dan pada tahun 2013 mengubah namanya menjadi yang sekarang ini untuk memperluas lingkup kerjanya agar mencakup agenda-agenda diplomatik lainnya, seperti agenda pembangunan post-2015 dan pertemuan Majelis Umum PBB, dan melakukan program-program penjangkauan, seperti IYD Diplomatic Workshop dan Meet the Diplomats – sebuah kolaborasi antara IYD dan kedutaan besar asing di Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut: E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Twitter: @iYouthDiplomacy Facebook Page: Indonesian Youth Diplomacy – IYD
Youth 20 atau Y20 merupakan kelompok konsultasi resmi dari Group of 20 (G20), dimana Turki menjadi tuan rumah pertemuan G20 tahun 2015. Layaknya kelompok konsultasi G20 lainnya, delegasi Y20 bertugas menuliskan formulasi kebijakan yang akan menjadi rekomendasi kepada para pemimpin dari 20 negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di dunia. Perwakilan Pemuda Sekitar 94 pemuda dari negara anggota G20, dan juga perwakilan dari Afganistan, Madagaskar, Mongolia, Singapura, Spanyol, dan Vietnam, bertemu di Istanbul, Turki pada tanggal 16 – 21 Agustus 2015 untuk menghadiri Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) Youth 20, atau Y20 Summit. Indonesia tahun ini diwakili oleh Adiska Fardani, Biondi Sanda Sima, Kristia Davina Sianipar, dan Rocky Intan. Mereka telah melalui seleksi ketat yang diikuti oleh lebih dari 300 pendaftar. (Lampiran B: Profil Delegasi Indonesia, hal. 3) Acara Y20 Summit 2015 mengangkat isu-isu khusus pemuda, seperti ketenagakerjaan pemuda, pendidikan bagi pemuda, dan isu keamanan dan perdamaian yang berdampak pada pemuda, yang mana isu-isu ini belum diangkat secara khusus dalam G20. Negosiasi telah berjalan sebelum pertemuan di Istanbul melalui platform online Yammer. Pada saat Y20 Summit, para perwakilan pemuda melakukan negosiasi akhir untuk finalisasi komunike. Selain mengikuti Y20 Summit, Delegasi Indonesia juga melakukan pertemuan dengan PPI Turki dan KBRI Ankara sebelum dan sesudah Y20 Summit. (Lampiran D: Program Acara, hal. 8 dan Lampiran E: Catatan Harian Delegasi, hal. 9) Hasil Delegasi Indonesia menajamkan tujuan kunci yang dibawa untuk Y20 Summit, melingkupi upaya pengurangan kesenjangan pendidikan antara wilayah terpencil dan perkotaan, mendorong kualitas dan kesejahteraan tenaga pengajar, serta memastikan akses pasar dan mentorship untuk wirausaha muda; kesemuanya berhasil masuk dalam dokumen final Y20 Summit. Komunike ini diterima dengan baik oleh perwakilan G20 yang berkomitmen untuk mengikutsertakan rekomendasi Y20 Summit dalam pertemuan G20. Komunike ini akan dibawa ke pertemuan pemimpin negara G20 di Antalya, Turki pada bulan November 2015 dan diharapkan dapat diadopsi bukan hanya di Indonesia, melainkan juga di dunia. (Lampiran C: Komunike Y20 Summit Turkey 2015, hal. 4) Dukungan Delegasi Indonesia ke Y20 Summit Turkey 2015 berada dibawah naungan Indonesian Youth Diplomacy (IYD) dan didukung oleh Sherpa G20 Indonesia dan Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian serta Kementerian Luar Negeri. (Lampiran A: Dukungan dari Sherpa G20 Indonesia, hal. 2) Delegasi Indonesia mendapatkan dukungan dana dari Tanoto Foundation, PT Pertamina (Persero), Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan, dan KBRI The Hague, Belanda. Sisa dana kegiatan delegasi Indonesia ke Y20 Summit Turkey 2015 akan dikelola oleh IYD untuk kegiatan lainnya yang bertujuan memajukan diplomasi pemuda Indonesia di kancah internasional dan nasional. Delegasi Indonesia belajar banyak dari Y20 Summit ini (Lampiran G, hal. 24) dan berterimakasih banyak kepada para pihak yang membuat partisipasi Delegasi Indonesia dalam Y20 Summit Turkey 2015 menjadi mungkin. Sebagai bentuk apresiasi, logo pendukung dan pernyataan adanya dukungan mereka dicantumkan dalam laporan kegiatan dan media publikasi. (Lampiran F, hal. 21)
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Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 2 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
Rocky, Kristia, Adiska, Biondi Adiska Fardani Haryadi Adiska adalah kandidat Magister di Universitas Teknologi Delft, Belanda di jurusan Manajemen Teknologi. Dia adalah salah satu pendiri NoLimit Indonesia, sebuah usaha baru dalam bidang teknologi yang menyediakan solusi analitis media sosial. Adiska menerima Penghargaan Kartini Next Ge neration dari Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, dan mewakili industri kreatif Indonesia dalam World IT Show, Korea Selatan. Tahun lalu, dia adalah salah satu pembicara dalam Forum Ekonomi Dunia mengenai Asia Timur. Biondi Sanda Sima Biondi adalah kandidat Magister ganda di SciencesPo Paris dan Universitas Peking, Beijing, dimana ia mempelajari Kebijakan Ekonomi Internasional dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Sebelumnya dia bekerja sebagai Spesialis Komunikasi untuk OpenStreetMap, dan penerjemah bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin. Dia merupakan Penyiar Radio di Radio OISA yang berbasis di Paris. Biondi ditunjuk sebagai Pemimpin Muda Indonesia oleh McKinsey & Co dan Duta Besar Pemerintah Terbuka oleh Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP4). Kristia Davina Sianipar (Ketua Delegasi) Kristia adalah konsultan forensik di PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia. Dia sebelumnya bekerja sebagai auditor di Ernst & Young Singapura dan guru sekolah desa di Rote Ndao, NTT dengan Indonesia Mengajar. Ia menerima gelar Magister dari School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP) – Indonesia dan gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sistem Informasi dari Singapore Management University. Rocky Intan Rocky adalah peneliti di Pusat Studi Strategi dan Internasional (CSIS), Indonesia di Departemen Politik dan Hubungan Internasional. Dia lulus dengan cum laude dari Universitas Pelita Harapan, dengan konsentrasi di Perdagangan Internasional. Penelitiannya berfokus pada ekonomi politik global dan geopolitik di Asia-Pasifik. Dia telah diundang untuk menyampaikan penelitiannya di Tiongkok, Singapura, dan Korea Selatan.
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LAMPIRAN C: KOMUNIKE Y20 SUMMIT TURKEY 2015 Y20 Summit Communiqué Istanbul, Turkey – 19 August 2015 Preamble We, the 94 delegates of Y20, with the absence of India and Saudi Arabia, gathered together at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul on 16-21 August 2015 after having negotiated online for two months prior to the Y20 Summit on the themes of; 1. Youth Unemployment; 2. Youth and Education in the 21st Century; and, 3. Youth’s Contribution to Peace In addition, we welcome the presence of our guests to Y20, Singapore and Spain, as well as our invited guests from Low Income Developing Countries, Afghanistan, Madagascar, Mongolia and Vietnam, who have provided valuable input into the drafting of the final communiqué. As we are united by our profound belief that youth can make a positive contribution to the G20 decisionmaking, the delegates of Y20 Turkey 2015 has adopted the following policy proposals to be submitted to the G20 Leaders. We thank Turkey for its G20 Presidency and for its support for engaging Youth in G20 decision-making and Youth Commission for Diplomacy and Collaboration (YCDC) for hosting a successful Y20 Summit, and we look forward to our next meeting in Beijing 2016 under the Chinese Presidency. Youth Unemployment 1. We strongly urge G20 Leaders to adopt a concrete, quantifiable and collective target on reducing youth unemployment over 10 years in their respective countries. 2. G20 countries should continue to work to develop an enabling ecosystem for start-ups, which supports both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, and focuses on developing growth capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by: a. giving entrepreneurs access to better credit conditions and access to market and mentorship, by promoting collaboration between public and private sectors, financial institutions, education providers and creative capital, in the form of incubators and accelerators; b. creating fiscal incentives to equalize the cost-benefit ratio of employing young people with less training and experience; c. creating and improving digital, accessible services related to firm creation or job search through cooperation between the private sector and education providers; d. creating a G20 funded exchange program, in the style of Erasmus Mundus, for young entrepreneurs in G20 and Low Income Developing Countries (LIDC) entrepreneurs, in order to foster business and cultural dialogue between societies; e. including entrepreneurship courses in secondary and tertiary education school curricula.
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3. We urge G20 countries to recognize the empowering role of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and increase technology investment, in order to bridge the digital divide and foster entrepreneurship by: a. providing universal and inclusive access to basic technology infrastructure and internet, and developing affordable hardware and software and digital learning materials, especially in less developed and rural areas, targeting, in particular, women, persons with disabilities and indigenous people; b. facilitating disadvantaged groups’ contribution to technological innovation by introducing a scholarship and mentoring system, as well as supporting entrepreneurship in the IT sector; c. setting a concrete and quantifiable target to reduce the gender pay gap and promote inclusiveness in ICT education. 4. We recommend G20 countries take advantage of new technologies and Research and Development (R&D) to intensify job creation, prevent brain drain, and facilitate youth access to the labor market by: a. facilitating national and international network communication through open data policies, while ensuring adequate protection of personal and national security data; b. digitizing public services related to firm creation or job searches to make them readily accessible, for example through job market monitors, training centers and cooperatives for short-term internships or closer local cooperation between the private sector and education providers; c. increasing spending devoted to R&D in digital innovation, material sciences, renewable energies and innovative management. Youth and Education in the 21st Century 1. We recommend G20 countries eliminate gender disparities in the education and labor environment by promoting gender-sensitive learning content and teaching, tackling soft discrimination in workplace culture and gender-biased professions, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), and promoting programs to ensure equal access to career opportunities. 2. We urge G20 countries to prioritize education, and enhance the cooperation with the private and non-profit sectors by: a. creating Educational Banks, modeled on Development Banks, to facilitate the flow of funds into education, endowing these institutions with specific financial technologies like social yield bonds and students loan securitization tools to increase liquidity and lower interest rates; b. promoting regulation to ensure affordability, full expense coverage, and income contingency of student loans. 3. We advocate for the adequate supply of quality teachers in G20 countries by: a. incentivizing the study of teaching through grants and more accessible student financing in the form of loan assistance relief options, loan forgiveness or deferment; b. providing a procedure to select teachers and promote the teaching profession by developing a performance-based career structure and therefore creating education systems based on qualification attainment and the development of non-cognitive skills. 4. We strongly urge G20 countries to use education as a tool for social cohesion, tolerance and celebration of diversity by:
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a. promoting sensitivity towards the struggles of the disenfranchised and respect for diversity, through the enhancement of civic and national peace education curricula, as defined by the United Nations (UN) that aims to eliminate bullying and prevent youth radicalization, as well as to raise a society that promotes a culture of peace; b. addressing social inequalities by guaranteeing continuous access, outside of teaching hours, to educational and communal spaces, as well as sufficient access to free language courses for children with migratory and minority backgrounds. 5. We urge G20 countries to improve Early Childhood Development by creating interactive parentfocused projects, programs and workshops as well as strengthening intensive forms of help for children with special needs. 6. We recommend G20 countries to reduce the skills mismatch between the education system and the labor market by: a. increasing students’ access to information on labor market conditions, for example by publishing higher education rankings that prioritize graduate employment rates, teaching quality, and promoting the use of guidance counsellors.; b. improving communication between employers and education providers to ensure that education includes a focus on teaching relevant skills, particularly in STEAM subjects and coding courses, by encouraging education providers to take steps to limit graduate unemployment; c. promoting the role of internships and work experience as an element of tertiary education and ensuring that students have access to fair remuneration or support in accordance with national labor rights. 7. We urge G20 countries to recognize that demographic change requires a greater availability of learning opportunities in professional life, and therefore encourage the public, private, and non-profit sectors to design new and expand existing youth initiatives, traineeships, and vocational trainings to: a. strengthen intergenerational solidarity and skills transfers; b. better align the skills and needs of new and aging workers to the changing needs of the marketplace through the expansion of lifelong learning opportunities. 8. We urge G20 countries to introduce sustainable economic education from the secondary level, including: a. education which teaches cost-benefit analysis and personal finance to develop decision making skills in the economic field; b. teaching general economics, to increase conscious participation in the economic and political debate and to raise awareness about sustainable development issues. 9. We urge G20 countries promote student international mobility and expand opportunities to increase students’ chance in seeking quality education and experience sharing by simplifying the visa granting procedure for students and young scientists, including the reduction of costs and simplification of the visa delivery system. 10. Due to the gap in the quality of education between rural, underdeveloped and urban area s, we urge G20 countries to guarantee basic educational infrastructure and services, including internet access, in conjunction with the provision of support systems to encourage education attendance and online cross-degrees.
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Youth’s Contribution to Peace 1. We recommend G20 countries to improve youth participation in economic and social policy making and formalize the intertwined link between economic and social development, and peace by: a. permanently institutionalizing a peace discussion in future G20 and Y20 summits; b. encouraging dialogue between LIDCs, G20 governments and relevant NGOs, through the creation of a Y20 contact group with LIDC youth representatives; c. including youth in an institutionalized social dialogue at the national level on current social and economic law projects, through youth representatives in economic and social councils and similar institutions. 2. We recommend G20 countries to recognize migration as an international public good, which promotes dialogue among youth from different cultures, favoring tolerance and reciprocity, by: a. creating standardized qualification testing to recognize the qualifications and skills of migrants, as well as regulating and harmonizing migration flows by granting skills-based work visas; b. favoring social peace through workforce inclusion and schooling of migrants in countrysystems; c. adopting policies to strengthen and valorize the exchange between different cultures at the educational level, by notably cultivating intercultural and interreligious dialogue. 3. We recommend G20 countries to recognize refugees’ rights, by: a. bridging the funding gap for regional response plans and addressing humanitarian crises in accordance with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees Guidelines on Temporary Protection or Stay, through a legally binding global resettlement program across the G20 countries granting humanitarian visas, or financial assistance to host states; b. providing funding to university and community law clinics in recipient and transit countries that offer legal support to refugees entering the labor market and/or educational system of those countries; c. improving the inclusion of young refugees in all phases of humanitarian and development action to better foster cooperation between refugees and civil society, notably through existing and future refugee councils; d. supporting Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Programs in schools, between local youth and their migrant-born peers, to provide a safe, inclusive space for cultural and inter-religious dialogue. 4. We propose G20 countries adopt a common international norm for forced displacement due to climate change. 5. We recommend G20 countries to enable youth as peaceful agents of change through a global vision of positive peace, defined as not only the lack of physical violence, but also as the equal benefits from universal rights, recognizing positive peace preservation and green growth to be a key factor of wealth creation, and using comprehensive and up-to-date indicators of a country’s welfare and stability, such as the Global Peace Index and Green GDP, to monitor progress in positive peace.
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LAMPIRAN D: PROGRAM ACARA Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015 10:00 – 12:00 Registrasi di Hotel Le Meridien, Istanbul 14:00 – 16:00 Pertemuan dengan PPI Istanbul 19:00 – 22:30 Welcome Dinner Y20 di Cemile Sultan Wood, Istanbul Senin, 17 Agustus 2015 9:00 – 11:00 Pembukaan Y20 Summit Turkey di Universitas Boğaziçi, Istanbul • Prof. Gülay Barbarosoğlu, Rektor Universitas Boğaziçi • Dr. Emre Cenker, Ketua Y20 Turki • Duta Besar Ayşe Sinirlioğlu, Sherpa Turki untuk G20 11:00 – 12:00 Diskusi Umum dengan perwakilan G20, B20, C20, L20, T20, dan W20 12:30 – 13:00 Pembukaan oleh Ali Babacan, Wakil Perdana Menteri Turki 13:00 – 14:00 Inspiring Talk oleh Temel Kotil, General Manager dan CEO Turkish Airlines 15:00 – 17:30 Sesi Negosiasi (1) Ketenagakerjaan Pemuda, (2) Pemuda dan Pendidikan, (3) Pemuda dan Perdamaian 18:00 – 22:30 Makan Malam di kapal, Selat Bosphorus Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015 9:30 – 12:30 Sesi Negosiasi (1) Ketenagakerjaan Pemuda, (2) Pemuda dan Pendidikan, (3) Pemuda dan Perdamaian di Universitas Boğaziçi, Istanbul 12:30 – 13:15 Inspiring Talk oleh Serdar Çam, Presiden Lembaga Koordinasi dan Koperasi Turki TIKA 14:30 – 18:30 Sesi Negosiasi (1) Ketenagakerjaan Pemuda, (2) Pemuda dan Pendidikan, (3) Pemuda dan Perdamaian 19:00 – 22:00 Makan malam di Emirgan Pembe Köşk Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015 9:15 – 15:30 Sesi Negosiasi Akhir Komunike oleh Ketua Delegasi Kunjungan ke situs sejarah di Istanbul oleh anggota delegasi lain 16:00 – 18:00 Penutupan Y20 Summit Turkey • Dr. Ibrahim Kalin, Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Kepresidenan Turki • Ketua Delegasi dari negara anggota Troika (Australia, Turki, Tiongkok) 19:00 – 22:00 Gala Dinner di Çadır Köşk Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015 Perjalanan Sejarah ke Çanakkale Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015 10:00 – 14:00 Perjalanan dari Istanbul ke Ankara 18:00 – 21:00 Diskusi Umum Hasil Y20 Summit Turkey di KBRI Ankara
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Meeting PPI Istanbul and Y20 Welcome Dinner Sumber: IYD Website The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 arrived at Istanbul, Turkey. The delegation consists of Adiska Fardani, Biondi Sima, Rocky Intan, and Kristia Sianipar as the Head Delegate. The first thing in the agenda was to meet the Indonesian students in Istanbul. The meeting was organized by PPI Istanbul. The delegation shared about G20, Y20, Indonesian Youth Diplomacy, and Indonesian position in the topics raised in the Y20, which are Technology and Youth Unemployment, Youth for Peace, and Education. The delegates and the students had a lively discussion.
Discussion between the delegation and the Indonesian students in Istanbul
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Kristia as head delegate gave a token of appreciation to a representative of PPI Turkey
In the evening, the delegates attended a welcome dinner at Cemile Sultan Wood, which overlooked the Bosphorus Strait. Here the Indonesian delegates got to know delegates and observers from other countries, and shared ideas and stories.
Indonesian delegation at the Y20 welcome dinner
For more updates, follow us on Twitter @iYouthDiplomacy or our Facebook page. For more information on Y20, visit The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 is endorsed by the Sherpa of Indonesia, and sponsored by Tanoto Foundation and Pertamina, with support from the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands and Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan. Note: Our delegate, Wafa Taftazani, is not able to attend the Y20 Summit 2015 due to personal reason. He has to attend a leadership training for the LPDP Scholarship to attend Cambridge Judge Business School this Fall.
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Senin, 17 Agustus 2015
Y20 Commences, Coincides with Indonesian Independence Day Sumber: IYD Website There can be myriad of ways for youngsters celebrating Indonesian Independence Day. Flag ceremony is one thing, defending your country's interest in the often-dubbed the most influential youth platform is another. Today, our four Y20 delegates kick-off the Y20 meeting in Istanbul. The opening was packed with a lineup of important figures from Turkey's prominent leaders: Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, G20 Sherpa Ambassador Ayşe Sinirlioğlu, Boğaziçi University Rector Prof. Dr. Gülay Barbarosoğlu, Turkish Airlines CEO Temel Kotil, among others. Representatives from all the G20 engagement groups (B20, T20, L20, C20, and the newly created W20) were also present in a panel discussion.
Left: all the G20 engagement groups’ representatives. Right: Turkish Deputy Prime Minister addressing the Y20 Summit audience
The first breakout sessions commenced in parallel on the three topics of this year's summit: Technology and Innovation for Youth Unemployment, Education in the 21st Century, and Youth's Contribution to Peace. This year's meeting venue is hosted by Boğaziçi University, a leading higher educational institution in Turkey.
Y20 paralel meetings hosted by Boğaziçi University. Images are courtesy of @Y20Turkey's OC
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The day sets off with delegates come aboard for a dinner on a cruise sailing across Bosphorus Strait. Delegates had a chance to savor Turkish delicacies along the magnificent views of both the European and Asian continents guarding the strait on both sides.
Boat trip on the Bosphorus.
For more updates, follow us on Twitter @iYouthDiplomacy or our Facebook page. For more information on Y20, visit The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 is endorsed by the Sherpa of Indonesia, and sponsored by Tanoto Foundation and Pertamina, with support from the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands and Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan.
Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015
Second Conference Day of Y20 Turkey Sumber: IYD Website The second conference day of Y20 Turkey on August 19 was the most physically draining and substantively engaging. We had a marathon of four break-out sessions for each group. Also keep in mind that the night before, the delegates stayed up to discuss the points until around 02.00 in the morning. But it is the most substantively rich day of the conference. All of the points were discussed and debated. Discussion took a longer time than expected that the visit to the Istanbul Modern Art Museum had to be cancelled. According to reports from delegates, the discussion in the Youth's Contribution to Peace group seemed to be the most intense. Whispers were heard that delegates in the Peace group owed everyone an apology for making the dinner late.
Kristia in the Youth and Education in the 21st Century group. As Head Delegate, she navigated all the three groups.
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Rocky in the Youth for Peace group. Yes, Rocky, your group owed everyone an apology.
Adiska in the Youth Unemployment group.
Biondi in the Youth and Education in the 21st Century group.
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Pre-lunch break, we also received an inspiring talk from Mr. Serdar Çam, President of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA). Today's dinner more than made up for the physically draining sessions. It was in Emirgan Pembe Kösk, a beautiful garden restaurant with a pink building.
The 'We're-Hungry-But-Still-Fabulous' faces.
These guys entertained us while we undiplomatically devoured our food.
For more updates, follow us on Twitter @iYouthDiplomacy or our Facebook page. For more information on Y20, visit The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 is endorsed by the Sherpa of Indonesia, and sponsored by Tanoto Foundation and Pertamina, with support from the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands and Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan.
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015
Final Conference Day of Y20 Turkey 2015: Drafting of Final Communiqué Sumber: IYD Website In the last day, all delegations split into two groups: while the head delegates must endure over 7 hours of non-stop negotiation finalizing the communiqué, the rest had the chance to visit a complex of historical sites in Istanbul. Sultan Ahmet neighborhood hosting Istanbul’s finest landmarks, such as Topkapi Pal ace and Hagia Sophia, was easily picked as Y20 tour destination. Meanwhile in Boğaziçi University, Head Delegates must go against each other's heads, trying to squeeze the final communiqué more dense and compact. The intensity radiated well beyond the Rectorate Hall, the meeting room, as delegations were waiting in anticipation to how the final communiqué would sound like. After two hours extension, the agitated crowd finally breathed in relieve as the final communiqué was presented in front of Turkish presidency. The 3 pages final document, consisted of 3 clauses on Youth Unemployment, 10 clauses on Education, and 5 on Peace, would then be forwarded to the G20 Leaders Summit this November in Antalya.
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Final sessions were made for Head Delegates to refine the final communiqué, by which 2/3 of the draft evaporated as mos t clauses were merged into three pages.
Indonesian Delegation deserves a pat on the back for having tirelessly fought for its national objectives of bridging urban-rural education gap, promoting teaching profession and quality, and ensuring access to market and mentorship for youth entrepreneurs, of which were all well-represented on the final communiqué. The closing ceremony was marked by a speech from the Organizing Committee, and the troika, consisting of past, present and future hosts of Y20/G20 Summits. Delegations were then escorted to take a final picture, only to be pleasantly jaw-dropped once again with the fact that the final photo session was taken by a drone! The day ended with a gala in Çadir Köşk, another well-selected venue with astonishing ambience.
Final communiqué was presented and well accepted by the Turkish Presidency.
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It's a wrap: the Gala Dinner marked the bittersweet of the last conference day.
For more updates, follow us on Twitter @iYouthDiplomacy or our Facebook page. For more information on Y20, visit The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 is endorsed by the Sherpa of Indonesia, and sponsored by Tanoto Foundation and Pertamina, with support from the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands and Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan.
Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015
Visiting Canakkale: A Reminder of the Importance of Youth Diplomacy Sumber: IYD Website After the official closing of the Y20 Summit Turkey, delegates have a day of relaxing and fun. Some chose to explore Istanbul. Some went to Canakkale for a historic trip organized by Y20 Summit committee. Adiska and Kristia decided to go to join the Canakkale trip. Canakkale is about 300 km from Istanbul. We took a 5-hour bus drive to Canakkale. Canakkale has sites for both ancient and modern history of Turkey and the world. We visited Troy, the ancient city where the well-known Trojan War took place.
A remake of the Trojan horse
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Then we went to see the ruins of the Temple of Athena in an ancient city of Assos, locate d on top of Behramkale village.
On top of a hill at Behramkale village
Ruins of the Temple of Athena at ancient city of Assos, located on top of the hill at Behramkale village
From visiting ancient cities, we then went to the sites of the World War I. We went to see the statue of Corporal Seyit and learned the story of this Turkish war hero. We also visited the Martyrs' Memorial and the 57th Regiment Memorial, both memorials of those who died in the Gallipoli campaign of the World War I. These visits reminded us on the atrocity of wars. Diplomacy is key in preventing wars, and this should start in youth. Y20 Summit works to promote such peaceful diplomacy between youths of the world.
Statue of Coporal Seyit, Turkish hero of the World War I
Martyrs’ Memorial
For more updates, follow us on Twitter @iYouthDiplomacy or our Facebook page. For more information on Y20, visit The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 is endorsed by the Sherpa of Indonesia, and sponsored by Tanoto Foundation and Pertamina, with support from the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands and Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan.
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Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015
Ankara: Visiting Our Embassy Sumber: IYD Website After the conference was wrapped up, we still had one agenda left: visiting the Indonesian embassy in Ankara. We took a high-speed train from Istanbul, taking around 3 hours while indulging our eyes on the beautiful Turkish countryside. The discussion in Ankara was attended by various embassy officials and Indonesian students, not only from Ankara, but from other cities in central Turkey. On behalf of IYD, we also presented a token of appreciation to Mr. Alamsyah, our Counsellor at the Embassy. The discussion covered what we did in the conference, presentation of the communiqué, and what IYD does. The participants were engaging with their questions, particularly on unemployment and peace topics. One of them even promised to join the application for next year's delegation! Our only regret w as the engaging discussion stole time from our dinner time, but it was definitely worth it.
Mr. Alamsyah, Counsellor at the Indonesian Embassy to Turkey, in his welcoming remarks.
Our mandatory group photo in batik (and udeng!) in Ankara.
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For more updates, follow us on Twitter @iYouthDiplomacy or our Facebook page. For more information on Y20, visit The Indonesian delegation to the Y20 Summit 2015 is endorsed by the Sherpa of Indonesia, and sponsored by Tanoto Foundation and Pertamina, with support from the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands and Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan.
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015 Makan Pagi dengan Staf KBRI Ankara Sumber: Twitter dari Adiska Fardani
Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 19 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
LAMPIRAN F: KONTRA PRESTASI UNTUK PENDUKUNG Sebagai bentuk apresiasi dari tim Delegasi Indonesia ke Y20 Summit Turkey 2015 kepada para pendukung, tim Delegasi Indonesia mencantumkan logo para pendukung dalam media publikasi dan mencantumkan adanya dukungan dari mereka dalam laporan kegiatan. Spanduk
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Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 20 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
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Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 22 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
Y20 Summit Turkey 2015: Memakai Topi Seorang Diplomat Y20 Summit adalah konferensi tahunan yang diadakan oleh Youth 20 (Y20), salah satu engagement group dari forum G20 yang terdiri atas pemuda-pemudi dari 20 negara dengan tingkat perekonomian terbesar di dunia. Tahun 2015 ini, Y20 Summit diadakan di Istanbul, Turki dengan mengusung 3 tema, yaitu 1) The Impact of Technology and Innovation on Youth Unemployment, 2) Youth and Education in the 21 st Century, dan 3) Youth’s Contribution to Peace. Di akhir rangkaian summit, para delegasi harus menghasilkan suatu komunike yang singkat namun padat sebagai bentuk rekomendasi kaum mudah terhadap kebijakan yang nantinya akan diambil oleh para pemimpin G20. Meskipun secara resmi acara ini berjalan selama 6 hari, namun sebenarnya 94 delegasi dari 24 negara (termasuk negara tamu) telah berdiskusi selama kurang lebih satu bulan sebelum acara melalui sebuah online platform untuk memulai proses brainstorming dan negosiasi. Sebagai seseorang yang memiliki latar belakang teknikal, mengikuti sebuah ajang diplomasi tingkat internasional seperti Y20 Summit tentunya memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Selain harus memahami topik yang diberikan, mempelajari cara berkomunikasi (verbal dan non-verbal) dan bernegosiasi yang baik juga tidak kalah pentingnya. Sebagai seorang insinyur, saya terbiasa menggunakan pendekatan problem-solving yang analitis, sistematis, dan memiliki objektif yang jelas. Namun, kali ini saya dituntut untuk dapat pula berpikir secara politis dan menjaga ekspektasi atas hasil yang satisficing dibandingkan maximizing yang nantinya akan disepakati. Sangat banyak pelajaran yang saya dapatkan selama berpartisipasi dalam acara ini, terutama yang terkait dengan pengalaman berdiplomasi dan bernegosiasi. Lima diantaranya akan coba saya bagikan secara singkat pada tulisan ini. Pertama, saya semakin menyadari pentingnya penerapan ungkapan “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” sebelum kita mengutarakan suatu usulan. Dalam Y20 Summit, ada pentingnya untuk kita mempertimbangkan bagaimana proposal yang akan kita ajukan memberikan imbas kepada negara delegasi-delegasi lain, bukan hanya Indonesia. Hal ini akan mempengaruhi lebar/sempitnya konten proposal kita yang selanjutnya akan berpengaruh pula terhadap tingkat penerimaan proposal tersebut. Kedua, yang tidak kalah lagi pentingnya untuk diterapkan adalah ungkapan “it’s not (only) what you say, but it’s (also) how you say it”. Di fase awal, proposal yang diajukan oleh para delegasi jumlahnya sangat banyak. Bagaimana proposal X bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak suara dibandingkan proposal Y yang membawa hal yang sama? Atau bagaimana proposal Z yang inti kontennya tidak terlalu spesial bisa terkesan brilian? Tentunya karena cara penulis menjabarkannya kepada pembaca. Jangan lupa gunakan bahasa atau terms yang bersifat universal agar lebih mudah dipahami oleh orang dari disiplin ilmu lain. Ketiga, jangan ragu untuk menunjukkan kekhususan kita terhadap suatu topik sedari awal, tanpa meninggalkan topik-topik penting lainnya. Cara ini akan menunjukkan keseriusan kita terhadap topik tersebut, sehingga akan terkesan memiliki urgensi tinggi dan mendorong delegasi lain untuk mempertimbangkan dua kali proposal yang kita ajukan. Hal ini juga dapat mencitrakan pengaju topik sebagai seorang “expert”, sehingga lawan diskusi akan lebih mudah mempercayakan suatu topik kepadanya. Keempat, banyak manfaat yang didapatkan dari berteman dengan banyak delegasi dari negara lain. Selain tentunya memperluas jaringan, proses ini juga dapat memberikan bantuan dalam proses negosiasi.
Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 23 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
“Teman” dapat mendukung kita dalam meloloskan suatu proposal, seperti yang saya alami dengan delegasi dari Argentina, Uni Eropa, Italia, dan lainnya. Terakhir, be critical yet creative. Ketika proposal yang kita ajukan tidak lolos, tidak selalu proposal tersebut tidak penting atau tidak baik, namun mungkin terlalu spesifik atau kurang tepat penyampaiannya. Cara lain yang bisa ditempuh adalah mengintegrasikan proposal kita ke proposal delegasi lain yang lebih mendapatkan atensi, atau dengan cara kreatif lainnya, yang kembali lagi, membutuhkan modal hubungan baik dengan delegasi lain. To sum up, seperti yang sebelumnya sudah saya singgung, adalah cukup menantang bagi seseorang dengan latar belakang non-politis untuk menguasai seni berdiplomasi. Namun bukankah berpikir ana litis sekaligus politis adalah kombinasi yang baik, terutama dalam membuat kebijakan berskala nasional dan internasional? Y20 Summit telah memberikan kesempatan untuk mempelajari diplomasi secara aplikatif. Terima kasih kepada Tanoto Foundation atas dukungan yang diberikan kepada saya dan rekan-rekan delegasi Indonesia untuk Y20 Summit 2015. Semoga lebih banyak lagi teman-teman yang bisa mendapatkan kesempatan berharga ini.
Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 24 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
Biondi Sanda Sima
Y20 Summit Turkey 2015 Having the privilege to represent Indonesian youth in Y20 Turkey has been a rewarding, once in a lifetime experience. I have been an avid Model United Nations delegate and I have attended quite a dozen other youth events. But there is nothing like the experience one can get in Y20 Summit. There are at least two reasons why. First, everyone who are present must have gone through an unmistakably rigid and competitive selection in their respective countries. These are the youth who are selected for their passion, dedication, and records of contribution to their respective surroundings. This made the discussion lively and inspiring. Although the majority of the youth are very accomplished and occupied with their own businesses, they can still find the time to make use of their knowledge and energy to think about how they can function in shaping world’s policy and extending that in hope that it can ameliorate the lives of people concerned. Second, even though Y20 is a very exclusive platform, reserved only for the 20 economic powerhouses, it still showcases diversity in many facets. Developing countries, whose interests are what Indonesian delegation has devoted itself to advocate for, have access and fair representation to be heard. Global decision making is indeed not an easy task. Every policy being recommended has to be culturally sensitive but without weakening its power to bring about real changes. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all parties involved in making our meaningful journey possible. To Indonesian Youth Diplomacy for having devoted their time in putting together the recruitment criteria and mechanism; bringing the four of us working from complete strangers to an effective team. For Indonesian government, namely Indonesia’s Sherpa to G20 and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as Indonesian Embassy in Turkey, for being open and optimistic about the our contribution. For all the generous sponsors—Tanoto Foundation, Pertamina, Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan, the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands—for giving their utmost trust in the mission we are carrying out. Also to everyone, especially the youth, who has expressed this dynamic passion and support for having us as their voice in such a global stage. Our journey might have ended. Nonetheless, the after-effects it has imprinted for our personal development, the connection it has canvassed among these young leaders, and the spirit it has revived in ourselves to do better and not to stop contributing our very energy to the development of our country, as well as the world, will stay intact, and forever celebrated. Beijing, 20 September 2015 Biondi SIMA Indonesian Delegate to Y20 Turkey
Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 25 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
Kristia Davina Sianipar
Pemuda Indonesia dalam Forum Internasional Y20 Summit Turkey 2015: Seni Bernegosiasi dan Berkolaborasi Setiap tahunnya, 20 negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di dunia berkumpul untuk membahas isu-isu ekonomi global dalam suatu forum Group of 20 atau G20. Indonesia termasuk di dalamnya. Pertemuan G20 ini pada awalnya hanya mengikutsertakan Menteri Keuangan, Kepala Bank Sentral, dan Pemimpin Negara. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dirasakan penting untuk mengikutsertakan kelompok kelompok lain untuk berkontribusi dan menyuarakan pendapat mereka terkait kebijakan-kebijakan yang akan berdampak kepada masyarakat umum. Kelompok konsultasi ini ada yang mewakili pebisnis (B20), akademisi (T20), buruh (L20), lembaga masyarakat (C20), perempuan (W20), dan juga pemuda (Y20). Pada tanggal 16 – 21 Agustus 2015, diadakan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Pemuda Group 20, atau Youth 20 Summit (Y20 Summit) di Istanbul, Turki. Indonesia mengirimkan empat perwakilan ke Y20, yaitu Adiska Fardani (mahasiswa di Universitas Teknologi Delft), Biondi Sanda Sima (mahasiswa di SciencesPo Paris dan Universitas Peking), Kristia Davina SIanipar (konsultan di PricewaterhouseCoopres), dan Rocky Intan (peneliti di Centre for Strategic and International Studies). Ada tiga isu utama yang diangkat dalam Y20, yaitu ketenagakerjaan pemuda, pendidikan bagi pemuda, dan isu keamanan dan perdamaian. Isu-isu ini belum secara khusus diangkat dalam pertemuan G20, namun dinilai penting oleh pemuda dan direkomendasikan oleh pemuda dalam Y20 ke Pemimpin Dunia di pertemuan G20. Hasil akhir dari Y20 yang berupa komunike akan disampaikan di pertemuan Pemimpin Dunia G20 di Antalya, Turki pada bulan November 2015. Selama Y20 Summit, para delegasi berdiskusi dan bernegosiasi dengan intens untuk memfinalisasi komunike. Setiap delegasi memiliki kepentingan negaranya masing-masing dan ingin kepentingan mereka ini tersampaikan dalam komunike Y20. Indonesia sendiri memperjuangkan isu mengenai pemerataan kualitas pendidikan di desa dan kota, peningkatan kualitas guru, dan penyediaan program mentorship bagi wirausahawan muda. Yang menarik dalam negosiasi ini adalah bagaimana seringkali kepentingan negara berkembang bertentangan dengan kepentingan negara maju. Ketika delegasi Indonesia mengajukan rekomendasi mengenai meningkatkan kualitas guru dengan, salah satunya, meningkatkan kompensasi guru, delegasi dari salah satu negara Eropa dengan keras menolak dan mengatakan bahwa di negaranya sudah kelebihan guru dan tidak perlu lagi meningkatkan kompensasi guru karena akan menambah jumlah guru yang sudah terlalu banyak. Saat itu, Indonesia mendapatkan dukungan dari negara-negara berkembang lainnya, seperti Afrika Selatan dan Meksiko, dan kami bersama-sama memperjuangkan poin ini di meja negosiasi. Kami akhirnya berhasil memasukkan klausul mengenai peningkatan kualitas guru setelah dapat meyakinkan delegasi lain bahwa peningkatan kualitas guru adalah hal yang secara universal penting, terlepas dari jumlah guru yang telah ada ataupun kompensasinya. Dalam poin lain, delegasi Indonesia mengajukan klausul mengenai mentorship untuk wirausahawan muda. Ketika delegasi-delegasi lain dari negara maju berpendapat bahwa hal yang penting untuk mendukung wirausahawan muda adalah dengan meningkatkan akses ke pendanaan, Indonesia justru merasa itu bukan satu-satunya poin utama. Di Indonesia, akses pendanaan untuk bisnis cukup memadai, dimana hal ini kurang dirasakan di negara-negara maju yang saat ini melalui krisis ekonomi. Delegasi Indonesia menjelaskan bahwa selain akses ke dana, bimbingan bagi wirausahawan muda juga sangat penting karena
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biasanya wirausahawan muda tidak memiliki pengalaman dan jaringan yang cukup untuk memajukan usaha mereka. Dalam negosiasi selama Y20, banyak terjadi kompromi, terutama antara negara berkembang dan negara maju. Di sini kami belajar untuk mengerti posisi negara lain dan juga belajar bagaimana meyakinkan delegasi lain bahwa posisi kami juga penting dan relevan. Kami juga belajar pentingnya untuk mendapatkan teman dan dukungan dalam negosiasi ini. Ketika negara -negara berkembang lain merasa bahwa isu yang diangkat oleh Indonesia juga sangat relevan dalam keadaan nasional mereka, maka kami bernegosiasi sebagai suatu kelompok. Pada akhirnya, kami menghasilkan komunike Y20 yang disetujui oleh semua delegasi. Dalam komunike ini, walau ada usulan-usulan dari Indonesia yang berhasil masuk, kami sadar bahwa usaha ini bukanla h karena kami semata, tetapi karena banyak negara-negara lain yang juga mendukung. Komunike itu bukanlah hasil satu negara saja, tetapi merupakan hasil kerja sama semua negara -negara yang ikut serta dalam Y20 Summit. Semangat kebersamaan dan kolaborasi inilah yang berharga dari Y20 Summit. Komunike Y20 ini akan disampaikan kepada para pemimpin dunia pada bulan November 2015. Y20 adalah bukti nyata bahwa pemuda-pemudi dunia peduli dan antusias akan isu-isu global yang berdampak bagi pemuda dan juga komunitas dunia. Sebagai Delegasi Indonesia di Y20 Summit, kami merasa bangga telah dapat mewakili Indonesia dalam forum ini dan menyuarakan aspirasi pemuda Indonesia di forum internasional. Seiring dengan semakin pentingnya Indonesia dalam kancah dunia, maka sema kin penting pula peran pemuda-pemudi Indonesia dalam membawa perubahan lebih baik di dunia ini.
Oleh Kristia Davina Sianipar, Ketua Delegasi Indonesia untuk Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
Indonesian Youth Diplomacy • 27 • Y20 Summit Turkey 2015
Rocky Intan
Secercah Harapan Bagi Para Pengungsi dan Masa Depan Ketika mayat Alan Kurdi, seorang balita Suriah berusia tiga tahun, terdampar di pantai Turki, dunia bereaksi keras atas krisis pengungsi Suriah yang sedang terjadi. Negara -negara yang mampu diminta untuk berkontribusi lebih dalam menolong para pengungsi Suriah yang berusaha melarikan diri dari perang sipil yang melanda negara mereka. Padahal beberapa minggu sebelumnya, kaum muda dari pelosok negara negara G20 (Group of Twenty) juga berkumpul di Turki untuk membahas isu pengungsi. Salah satu kelompok kerja dari konferensi Y20 (Youth 20) adalah Grup “Kontribusi Pemuda untuk Perdamaian.” Masalah yang dibahas adalah isu pengungsi yang terjadi secara global, dari pengungsi Suriah dan Irak di Timur Tengah, Meksiko di Amerika Tengah, sampai Rohingya di Asia Tenggara. Selama dua hari, perwakilan kaum muda dari negara-negara G20 berkumpul untuk membahas bagaimana sebaiknya menangani krisis pengungsi global. Dalam delegasi Indonesia untuk Y20 2015, saya berada dalam grup ini. Saya menyaksikan keberagaman pandangan dan posisi negara-negara G20 dalam isu pengungsi. Pertama, dengan beberapa pengecualian, negara-negara maju cenderung lebih terbuka dalam menyambut pengungsi, dibanding negara-negara berkembang. Kanada, negara-negara di Eropa Barat, dan Uni Eropa merupakan contoh negara maju yang berposisi demikian, sementara Argentina dan Tiongkok mewakili negara-negara berkembang dalam situasi ini. Keterbatasan ekonomi sering diutarakan oleh ke lompok negara-negara berkembang atas keberatan mereka membuka total perbatasan mereka bagi para pengungsi. Kedua, terdapat perbedaan yang bahkan lebih tajam antar kelompok negara transit dan negara tujuan akhir pengungsi. Kelompok negara transit cenderung menginginkan perubahan atas status quo karena mereka lah yang menampung para pengungsi saat ini, sementara kelompok negara tujuan akhir lebih cenderung tidak tergesa-gesa. Tuan rumah G20 Turki dan Indonesia masuk dalam kelompok pertama, sementara beberapa negara di Eropa dan Australia masuk dalam kelompok kedua. Indonesia memiliki posisi tersendiri dalam isu penanganan pengungsi. Sebagai negara berkembang, Jakarta cenderung enggan membuka perbatasan secara terbuka bagi para pengungsi. Sebagai negara menengah (middle power), Indonesia berusaha agar isu ini ditangani melalui pendekatan regional. Sebagai anggota keluarga umat manusia, Indonesia memperjuangkan perlakuan terhadap para pengungsi secara manusiawi. Indonesia sendiri baru-baru ini mengalami masalah pengungsi secara langsung pada krisis pengungsi Rohingya. Keberagaman pandangan dan posisi tadi melebur dalam konferensi Y20. Tanpa lupa mewakili kepentingan negara masing-masing, perwakilan kaum muda negara-negara G20 mendiskusi ide-ide inovatif yang mengedepankan perlakuan manusiawi bagi para pengungsi. Ide-ide ini berkisar dari bantuan finansial bagi negara yang keberatan menampung pengungsi, klinik hukum untuk membantu status hukum pengungsi, sampai kerjasama G20 dengan badan regional seperti ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Meski tidak semua dari ide-ide ini tertuang dalam pernyataan resmi Y20, ini merupakan harapan bahwa pemimpin di masa mendatang dapat menanggalkan kepentingan nasional sempit demi kebaikan umat manusia bersama. Saat ini, konflik dan penindasan penyebab para pengungsi kabur belum terselesaikan. Namun, menyaksikan kepedulian kaum muda terhadap para pengungsi, ada harapan masa depan akan membawa kebijakan yang lebih baik bagi para pengungsi dan umat manusia.
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