Webdesign, a web használhatósági kérdései
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others, using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Web ergonómia
y discoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave ..'~tJ;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. mportant impli~ationsfor a hostof s,from drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
Interakció tervezés THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others, using like colors for similar Web addresses.
y discoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave ..'~tJ;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. mportant impli~ationsfor a hostof s,from drugdevelopmentto Internet security BYALBERT-U\SZLO BARABASI ANDERICBONABEAU
HCI alapok
Interakció tervezés
3 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others, using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Meghatározás Designing interactive products to support people in their everyday and working lives Sharp, Rogers and Preece (2002) The design of spaces for human communication and interaction Winograd (1997) scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies.Célok tant impli~ationsfor a hostof Használható termékek el!állítása m drugdevelopmentto Internet security Felhasználók bevonása a tervezési folyamatba
• •
• •
• •
MAY 2003
4 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Interakció tervezés és a kapcsolódó területek
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Academic disciplines (e.g. computer science, psychology)
Design practices (e.g. graphic design) Interaction Design
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security BYALBERT-U\SZLO BARABASI ANDERICBONABEAU
MAY 2003
Interdisciplinary fields (e.g HCI, CSCW)
HCI tudomány
5 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others, using like colors for similar Web addresses.
• Human-computer interaction (HCI) is • “concerned with the design, evaluation
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them”
• (ACM SIGCHI, 1992)
MAY 2003
HCI kognitív keretei
Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• kognitív modellezési szintek • percepció • magasabb szint" mentális
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security BYALBERT-U\SZLO BARABASI ANDERICBONABEAU
MAY 2003
Professzionális interakció tervezés
7 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
interaction designers people involved in the design of all the interactive aspects of a product usability engineers people who focus on evaluating products, using usability methods and principles web designers people who develop and create the visual design of websites, such as layouts information architects scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave people who come up with ideas of how to plan and structure J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. interactive products tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security user experience designers BYALBERT-U\SZLO BARABASI ANDERICBONABEAU people who do all the above but who may also carry out field studies to inform the design of products
• • •
• • • • •
MAY 2003
8 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Koncepcionális modellek
• Tervez! koncepcionális modellje • Felhasználó által kialakított mentális modell • Interfész modell transzlációs képessége, modell bonyolultsága • Modell diszparitás
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
=> csökkent használhatóság
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
Tervezési modell
Rendszerkép Interfész
MAY 2003
Felh. mentális modellje
9 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Az elmélet átvitele a gyakorlatba elméletek => absztrakciók -> jelenségek tanulmányozása
• • •
generatív elméletek érvényességi területek
gyakorlati eszközök
• • • •
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
tervezési elvek tervezési szabályok elemzési módszerek min!ségi értékelési módszerek
Tervezési elvek
10 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• •
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
elméleti, tapasztalati és józan ész alapján kialkított elvek, el!írások felhasználás: design kialakítása láthatóság menük, MSO#ce visszacsatolás progress bars kényszerek szürke menü elemek, varázslók next-prev scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave gombjai J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof leképezés m drugdevelopmentto Internet security irány gombok pozíciója BYALBERT-U\SZLO BARABASI ANDERICBONABEAU utalás (a$ordance) gombok, slider
MAY 2003
• • • • • • • • • •
Tervezési minták (Design patterns)
11 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• közös tervezési “szótár” • pattern language • nem létrehozzák; azonosítják • invariáns értékek • struktúráltak • formális dokumentálási keret • pattern format
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
Design principles, frameworks
Pattern language
Design guidelines
Concrete deployed systems
MAY 2003
Web használhatósági tervezési minták (pl.)
12 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• Pattern: Required Field Markers • Problem: ensuring that end user provides essential information • Classification: User interface widget • Solution: clearly label required fields, make sure that all fields are really necessary • Related patterns: client-side validation,
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
server-side validation, what they see is all they get
MAY 2003
Design patterns
Web design THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others, using like colors for similar Web addresses.
y discoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave ..'~tJ;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. mportant impli~ationsfor a hostof s,from drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
14 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Verseny a felhasználókért
• rögtön szembesül a használhatósággal • oldalak milliói állhatnak rendelkezésre • a használhatóság könnyen mérhet!
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
gazdasági következményekkel
• m"vészi vagy mérnöki megközelítés • szabályok • ajánlások
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
15 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Vállalatok problémái a Webbel
• csak egy katalógus • webes projekt kezelése vállalati
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
• bels! struktúrákat tükröz! információ elrendezés
• tartalom tervezés • spec. médium spec. stílussal • hivatkozási stratégia
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
=> speciális megközelítést kíván
16 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• Klasszikus web használat • információs munkatér • információs munka • kognitív munka • információ átalakítás • munka, tanulás, szabadid! • információ visszakeresés • kollaboráció
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Web site használhatóság
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
17 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Web site használhatóság (folyt.)
• Új típusú web használat • Jelenlét (home location) • weblogs • Összekapcsolódás (aggregation, syndication) • RSS • Felfedezés (search engines) • Google • Kommunikáció (messaging) • ICQ
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
18 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Web használhatósági tényez!k
• cél közönség • felhasználói profil • site kategória • kereskedelem • információ • szórakozás • ego alapú site • tartalom • metafora • szerkezet • navigáció • technológia
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
Information foraging
Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• információ gy"jtés ökológiai modellje • magas szint" webes interakció modell • információ költség szerkezete • információban gazdag területek • gy"jtögetés • információban szegény területek • keresés • információ nyom (szimat)
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
Information foraging
Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others, using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Nyereség R2 R1
tB1 Foltok-közötti id!
Határ haszon g(tw) Nyereség függvény
t2 t1 Folton-belüli id!
Foltok-közötti nyomjavítás
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
g2(tw) Folton-belüli dúsítás
R1 tB
MAY 2003
Foltok-közötti id!
t2 t1 Folton-belüli id!
Info foraging (pl.)
Information Foraging
Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• Információ feldolgozási feladat • költség szerkezet • patch density • információ folyam • keresési tér redukciója • info keresés • info fogyasztás
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
The sorting of articles within piles to produce the 1” subpiles at the top of the 12” piles serves to further reduce foraging costs over and above the layout of piles discussed next.
Active Project Piles Computer Reference Area Figure 2. Schematic layout of the Business Intelligence office. Physical Workspace The analyst’s workspace was set up so as to allow his tasks to proceed with efficiency. Figure 2 gives a schematic picture of the space. There is a primary workspace where the analyst sits and can work on his computer together with place for several piles or pages to be placed. On the surfaces surrounding this primary place is a secondary area of surfaces where other piles can be placed. Several projects have more than one file; in each case, there is a main pile associated with some other information, such as related books or articles that should get filed. We identified four such pile groups plus a small set of piles on shelves related to social activities. These open pile groups allow the analyst to switch quickly among his major tasks. Surrounding this area is a set
MAY 2003
22 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Information foraging és a Web
• felhasználók • releváns oldalak találati rátája • információ források (szerverek) • oldalak attraktívitása • magas info tartalmú foltok rendezetlen halmaza • szerver oldali megoldások • indexelt tartalom (Lycos) • tematikus listák (Yahoo) • link gy"jtemények • kliens oldal • hierarchikus könyvjelz!k
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
Info nyom (scent)
Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• utalások az információ min!ségére a nyom követéséhez • web navigáció: • proximális nyom - disztális info • keres! gépek (between patch) • link kontextus • link követés (in patch) • link által hodozott utalások • cél környezet • URL • távolság (link szám)
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
24 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• médiumhoz kötött patternek • saját szociális dinamika • felhasználói felület patternek • formok • láthatóság • rendszer patternek • kliens - szerver funkciók szétválasztása • sávszélesség meggondolások
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
Web használhatósági patternek
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
MAY 2003
25 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• web interakciós referencia modell • böngészéssel kapcsolatos tényez!k
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
(taszk független, emocionális hatások)
• környezeti interakciókkal azonosak
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
• 3 fázisú interakció
MAY 2003
26 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
Környezet-pszichológia (folyt.) Environmental Psychology of Web Pages
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
ENVIRONMENT - Complexity - Coherence - Spatial configuration
- Mystery - Wayfinding
scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security
- Relation between purpose and overall impression
1. Initial encounter with Environment
2. Navigation/Information Gathering
Aesthetics & Functionality
3. Decision-making-process
Overall Impression
Fig. 9: General model of interaction with web pages.
The model illustrates the three different levels/stages in the perception of- and interaction with an environment. In this particular study, the surrounding computerbased environment (labelled environment in the model) has been consisted by web
Információ “építészet”
27 Webtechnológia 1
THE INTERNET,mapped on the opposite page, is a scale-free network in that some siteS (starbursts and detail above) have a seemingly unlimited number of connections to other sites. This map, made on February 6, 2003, traces the shortest routes from a test Web sinHo about 100,000 others,
• •
using like colors for similar Web addresses.
site tervezési megközelítés nagy site-ok problémái: megtalálhatóság navigálhatóság redundancia, hiányzó adatok, elavultság look and feel elveszik az alsóbb szinteken hozzáférés szabályozás megoldása megoldási lehet!ségek scoveredthat variouscomplexsystemshave tartalom kategorizálás J;i~e~tu"eg~Ye'l"rne(;lb9.$ha red organili ng principies. eV\Z* d[* L]nNdjgLZWH^iZCZZYh?d\ehcWj_ed7hY^_j[Yjkh[ tant impli~ationsfor a hostof m drugdevelopmentto Internet security hierarchiák kialakítása browse optimalizált szerkezet AND GOALS AS WELL AS CONDUCTING ONE ON ONE USABILITY TESTS TO DETERMINE HOW KEY TASKS ARE COMPLETED /NCE PROBLEM AREAS ARE IDENTIl ED SPECIl C METHODS FOR vizuális tervezés és alkalmazása a IMPROVING USABILITY CAN BE APPLIED hierarchiára ?dl[djehoWdZeh]Wd_p[oekhYedj[dj$)T IS IMPORTANT TO CLOSELY ANALYZE THE CONTENT
• • • • • • • • • •
MAY 2003