Hoe publiek is uw privacy? Mireille Hildebrandt Hoogleraar Smart Environments, Data Protection and the Rule of Law
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
New York Times, 25th March 2013 What You Didn’t Post, Facebook May Still Know By SOMINI SENGUPTA
In late February, Facebook announced partnerships with four companies that collect lucrative behavioral data, from store loyalty card transactions and customer e-mail lists to divorce and Web browsing records. They include Acxiom, which aggregates data from a variety of sources, including financial services companies, court records and federal government documents; Datalogix, which claims to have a database on the spending habits of more than 100 million Americans in categories like fine jewelry, cough medicine and college tuition; and Epsilon, which also collects transaction data from retailers. Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
March 22, 2013
By Simon Davies Yesterday Microsoft published a breakdown of more than 75,000 requests issued to the company last year by law enforcement agencies for access to information about its customers. Police, security and other entities routinely approach companies to access stored data about customers. In 2012 Microsoft and Skype received a combined 75,378 such requests for customer information, which potentially involved data from 137,424 accounts from services such as Hotmail, SkyDrive, Outlook.com, Xbox LIVE and Skype.
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe publiek? Privacy in de publieke ruimte?
1. 1. 2.
Anonimiteit Redelijke verwachtingen
Welke publieken?
2. 1. 2.
Publieksscheiding, contextuele integriteit Onzichtbare publieken
Privacy als publiek goed?
3. 1. 2.
Handel met persoonsgegevens Grenzen aan monitarisering
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe publiek? Privacy in de publieke ruimte?
1. 1. 2.
Anonimiteit Redelijke verwachtingen
Welke publieken?
2. 1. 2.
Publieksscheiding, contextuele integriteit Onzichtbare publieken
Privacy als publiek goed?
3. 1. 2.
Handel met persoonsgegevens Grenzen aan monitarisering
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe publiek? Privacy in de publieke ruimte?
1. 1. 2.
Anonimiteit Redelijke verwachtingen
Welke publieken?
2. 1. 2.
Publieksscheiding, contextuele integriteit Onzichtbare publieken
Privacy als publiek goed?
3. 1. 2.
Handel met persoonsgegevens Grenzen aan monitarisering
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Big Data:
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Motor van de vooruitgang?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Handelen met je gedragsgegevens?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Wat is dan privacy? Twee typen gegevens:
1. 1. 2.
Persoonsgegevens en niet-persoonsgegevens Maar: onderscheid is relatief [temporeel, contextueel, technisch en economisch]
Drie typen persoonsgegevens:
2. 1. 2. 3.
Vrijwillig verstrekt: voor toegang, reputatiebeheer Machinaal geobserveerd: cookies en nog veel meer Afgeleide patronen: personalisering
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Rol van consent en doelbinding
Toestemming of noodzaak (= contract, juridische plicht, vitale belangen betrokkene, publieke taak, legitiem belang)
Doelspecificatie en doelbeperking n n n
Publieke sector: koppelen, verrijken en profiering Nationale veiligheid, strafrechtelijke sfeer: geheimhouding Transfer gegevens buiten EU (ook: cloud computing): safe harbour agreements, binding corporate rules, Patriot Act
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Nood aan: Profieltransparantie
Welke klantenprofielen match ik? n n n n n
Bij Google Ads? Bij de verzekeringsmaatschappij? Bij de belastingdienst? Bij een solliciatie of toelating tot een opleiding? Bij justitie?
Duidelijkheid over: n n
Dat beslissingen tot stand komen dankzij geautomatiseerd profilering Wat de voorzienbare gevolgen zijn van de match
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe publiek is uw privacy?
Hoe Publiek is uw privacy?