´ lt cikkek: Refera
(1) B´ır´ o, T. S., Moln´ ar, E. and V´ an, P., A thermodynamic approach to the relaxation of viscosity and thermal conductivity, Physical Review C, 2008, (arXiv:0805.1061 (nucl-th)) (2) V´ an, P. and B´ır´o, T. S., Relativistic hydrodynamics - causality and stability, The European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 2008, 155, 201-212, (arXiv: 0704.2039v2). (3) V´ an, P., Berezovski, A. and Engelbrecht J., Internal variables and dynamic degrees of freedom, Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2008, 33/3, 235-254, (cond-mat/0612491). (4) V´ an, P., Internal energy in dissipative relativistic fluids, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2008, 3/6, 1161, (arXiv:07121437 [nucl-th]). (5) V´ an, P., Objective time derivatives in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2008, 57/3, 127-131. (6) Papenfuss, C. and V´ an, P. Scalar, vectorial and tensorial damage parameters from the mesoscopic background, Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2008, 57/3, 132-141 (arXiv:0712.008). (7) Bir´ o, T. S. and L´evai P. and V´ an, P. and Zim´ anyi, J., Mass distribution of quark matter, Physical Review C, 2007, 75, 034910, (hep-ph/0606076). (8) Matolcsi, T. and V´ an, P. Absolute time derivatives, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007, 48, 053507-19, (math-ph/0608065). (9) V. Ciancio, V. A. Cimmelli, P. V´an, On the evolution of higher order fluxes in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 45, 2007, 126-136, (cond-mat/0407530). (10) V´ as´ arhelyi B. and V´ an P., Shearing tests with continuously increasing normal stress, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Civ. Eng., 50/22, 2006, 1-10. (11) B´ır´ o, T. S. and L´evai P. and V´ an, P. and Zim´ anyi, J., Equation of state for distributed mass quark matter, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 32, 2006, S205-S212, (hep-ph/0605274). (12) V´ an, P., Unique additive information measures - Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon, Fisher and beyond, Physica A, 365, 2006, 28-33, (cond-mat/0409255). (13) Matolcsi, T. and V´ an, P., Can material time derivative be objective?, Physics Letters A, 353, 2006, 109-112, (math-ph/0510037). (14) V´ as´ arhelyi B. and V´ an, P., Influence of water content on the strength of rock, Engineering Geology, 84, 2006, 70-74. (15) P. V´an and T. F¨ ul¨ op, Weakly nonlocal fluid mechanics - the Schr¨ odinger equation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, London, 462/2066, 2006, 541-557, (quant-ph/0304062). Date: 2009. janu´ ar 5. 1
(16) V. A. Cimmelli, and P. V´ an, The effects of nonlocality on the evolution of higher order fluxes in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46, 2005, 112901, (cond-mat/0409254). (17) V´ an, P., Exploiting the Second Law in weakly nonlocal continuum physics, Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 49/1, 2005, 79-94 (condmat/0210402/ver3). (18) V´ an, P., The Ginzburg-Landau equation as a consequence of the Second Law, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 17/2, 2005, , 165-169, (r¨ovid´ıtett cond-mat/0210402). (19) V´ an, P., One and two component fluids: restrictions from the Second Law, Physica A, 340/1-3, 2004, 418-426. (20) V´ an, P., Weakly nonlocal continuum theories of granular media: restrictions from the Second Law, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41/21, 2004, 5921-5927. (cond-mat/0310520) (21) P. V´ an, C. Papenfuss and W. Muschik, Griffith cracks in the mesoscopic microcrack theory, Journal of Physics A, 37/20, 2004, 5315-5328. (condmat/0211207) (22) V´ an, P. and F¨ ul¨ op, T., Stability of stationary solutions of the Schr¨ odingerLangevin equation, Physics Letters A, 323/5-6, 2004, 374-381. (quantph/0304190) (23) C. Papenfuss, P. V´ an and W. Muschik, Mesoscopic theory of microcracks, Archive of Mechanics, 55/5-6, 2003, 459-477. (cond-mat/0212095) (24) P. V´ an, Weakly nonlocal irreversible thermodynamics, Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 12/3, 2003, 142-169. (cond-mat/0112214) (25) P. V´ an, Weakly nonlocal irreversible thermodynamics - the Ginzburg-Landau equation, Technische Mechanik, 22/2, 2002, 104-110. (cond-mat/0111307) (26) P. V´ an, Weakly nonlocal irreversible thermodynamics - the Guyer-Krumhansl and the Cahn-Hilliard equations, Physics Letters A, 290/1-2, 2001, 88-92. (cond-mat/0106568) (27) P. V´ an, Internal thermodynamic variables and failure of microcracked materials, Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 26/2, 2001, 167-189. (28) J. T´ oth and P. V´an, Applying a list of functions to an argument: a dual of Map, Mathematica in Education and Research, 9/3-4, 2000, 58-63. (29) P. V´an, C. Papenfuss and W. Muschik, Mesoscopic dynamics of microcracks, Phys. Rev. E, 62/5, 2000, 6206-6215. (30) W. Muschik, P. V´ an and C. Papenfuss, Variational principles in thermodynamics, Technische Mechanik, 20/2, 2000, 105-112. (31) P. V´ an and B. Ny´ıri, Hamilton formalism and variational principle construction, Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 8, 1999, 331-354. (32) P. V´ an, Thermodynamic stability of dia- and paramagnetic materials, Periodica Polytechnica, Ser. Chem. Eng., 42, 1998, 97-102. (33) V. Ciancio, M. Dolfin and P. V´an, Thermodynamic theory of dia- and paramagnetic materials, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 7, 1996, 237-247. (34) P. V´ an, On the structure of the ’Governing Principle of Dissipative Processes’, Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 21/1, 1996, 17-29. (35) P. V´ an and W. Muschik, The structure of variational principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics, Physical Review E, 52/4, 1995, 3584-3590.
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´ sok: Konferencia ´ıra
(1) Matolcsi, T. and V´ an, P., On the objectivity of time derivatives, Atti dell’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Suppl. I., 2008, 85, 1-13. (2) V´ an P., Objektiv anyagf¨ uggv´enyek fel´e a reol´ ogi´ aban, in M´ern¨ okgeol´ ogia ´es ´ ´es V´ K˝ ozetmechanika 2007, ed. T¨ or¨ ok A. as´ arhelyi B., (V4, M´ern¨ okgeol´ ogiaK˝ ozetmechanika Kisk¨ onyvt´ar), M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´ o, 327-332. (3) V´ an P. and V´ as´ arhelyi B., Sensitivity analysis of the Hoek-Diederichs rock mass deformation modulus estimating formula, in The Second Half Century of Rock Mechanics, Proceedings of ISRM 2007 (11th Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, 9-13 July 2007, Lisbon, Portugal) ed. Soussa, L.R., Ollala, C. and Grossmann, N.F., (2007), Taylor and Francis, p411-414. (4) B¨ auchle, B. and Cheng, Y. and Csernai, L. P. and Magas, V. K. and Strottman, D. D. and V´an, P. and Z´et´enyi, M., Fluid dynamics as diagnostic tool for heavy ion collisions, 2007, Journal of Physics G, Nuclear and Particle Physics, 34, S1077-S1081, (Proc. of Quark Matter ‘07, nucl-th/ 0701059). (5) V´ as´ arhelyi B. ´es V´ an P., V´ıztartalom hat´ asa a k˝ ozetek szil´ ards´ ag´ ara, (M´er´ ´es V´ n¨okgeol´ ogia ´es K˝ozetmechanika 2006, szerk. T¨ or¨ ok A. as´ arhelyi B.), 2006, M´ern¨ okgeol´ogia-K˝ozetmechanika Kisk¨onyvt´ ar 2, M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´o, Budapest, 245-252. (6) V´ an, P. and Szarka Z., Rock rheology - time dependence of dilation and stress around a tunnel, Eurock 2006, Multiphysics Coupling and Long term behaviour in rock mechanics, ed. A. Van Cotthem and R. Charlier and J-F Thimus and J-P. Tshibangu, Taylor and Francis, London-Leiden/ etc.., 2006, p357-353., Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, 9-12 May 2006, Li´ege, Belgium (7) V´ as´ arhelyi B. and V´ an, P., Analyzing the influence of the moisture content for the strength of the rock, Eurock 2006, Multiphysics Coupling and Long term behaviour in rock mechanics, ed. A. Van Cotthem and R. Charlier and J-F Thimus and J-P. Tshibangu, Taylor and Francis, London-Leiden/ etc.., 2006, p169-172., Proceedings of the International Symposium of the
(16) (17)
(18) (19)
International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, 9-12 May 2006, Li´ege, Belgium Cimmelli, V. A., V´ an P., First order weak nonlocality in extended thermodynamics of rigid heat conductors, Proceedings of WASCOM’05, ed. R. Monaco and G. Mulone and S. Rionero and T. Ruggeri, 2006, World Scientific, New Jersey-London-etc., 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, 2005 June 19-25, Catania, 122-127. P. V´ an, Thermodynamic models of porous media, in Proceedings of the First Hungarian Conference on Biomechanics, 2004, p510-516, Budapest, Research Center of Biomechanics and BUTE, (Budapest, 11-12/06/04) P. V´ an, The meaning of the Second Law (Nonlocal effects in continuum ´ Hideg, physics), in Complex Systems in Natural and Social Sciences, ed. E. K. Martin´as, M. Moreau and D. Meyer, ELFT, Budapest, 2003, p159-165, (Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Complex Systems in Natural and Social Sciences, M´ atraf¨ ured, Hungary, 26-29/09/02). P. V´ an, Thermodynamics, damage and granular media, in Quasi-static Deformations of Particulate Materials, ed. K. Bagi, p233-239, Publ. Comp. of BUTE, Budapest, 2003, (Proceedings of QuaDPM’03, Budapest, Hungary, 25-28/08/2003). P. V´ an and E. Imre, Dynamics and failure of soils - beyond rheology, in Soil Rock America 2003, ed. P. J. Culligan and H. H. Einstein and A. J. Wittle, V/I, p1219-1224, Verlag Gl¨ uckauf Gmbh. Essen, (Proceedings of SoilMech’03, Boston, USA, 26-28/06/2003). B. V´ as´ arhelyi and P. V´ an, Influence of the continuously increasing normal stress to the failure in case of shearing test, in Narms-Tac 2002, ed. Hammah et al., p443-446, (Proc. 5th NARMS-TAC, Toronto, Canada, July 7-10, ’Mining and Tunelling Innovation and Opportunity’). P. V´ an and B. V´ as´ arhelyi, Second law of Thermodynamics and the failure of rock materials, in Rock Mechanics in the National Interest V1, ed. D. Elsworth, J. P. Tinucci and K. A. Heasley, A. A. Balkema Publishers, LisseAbingdon- Exton(PA)-Tokyo, 2001, p767-773. ´ Deli, M. G´ B. V´ as´ arhelyi, A. alos and P. V´ an, Relationship between the Critical Dissipated Energy per Unit Volume and the Mechanical Properties of Different Rocks, Proceedings of NARMS’2000, Seattle, USA, p1289-1293. C. Papenfuss, P. V´an and W. Muschik, Mesoscopic theory of microcrack dynamics, Proceedings of SOLMECH’00, 2000, p305-306. ´ Ruszin and P. V´ E. an, Application of the Gyarmati variational principle to MHD-flows, Lecture held in Ushgorod, 1999. on the Conference Economic, Social and Scientific Problems in the Developments of the Regions, Scientific-Technical ...., 16, p232-234. (in Ukran) V´ an, P., A k´ arosod´as irreverzibilis termodinamik´ aja, Geotechnika’99 konferencia k¨ otet, R´ ackeve, 1999. okt´ober 27-29. (CD) V´ as´ arhelyi B., V´an P. ´es Ledniczky K. Ny´ır´ asi vizsg´ alatok k¨ ul¨ onb¨oz˝o nyom´oer˝ okkel VIII. Magyar M˝ uszaki Mechanikai Konferencia, Miskolc, 1999. aug. 30.- szept. 1., 147. o. P. V´ an, Are there processes in thermostatics? (ordinary and finite time thermodynamics), Proceedings of IIth Workshop on Dissipation in Physical Systems, Bork´ ow, Poland), 1998, p237-246.
(21) V´ an P´eter, Termodinamika ´es magneto-hidrodinamika, Termodinamikai K¨ ozlem´enyek 1996. (Szerk. L´amer G´eza), E¨ otv¨ os L´ or´ and Fizikai T´ arsulat, Budapest, 1997, 31-34. o. (22) V. Ciancio, M. Dolfin and P. V´ an, Thermodynamical theory of dia- and paramagnetic materials, (The Proceedings of the VII. International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, ed: Salvatore Rionero and ... Greco, Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 45 (1996), 125-135. (23) V´ an P´eter, Vari´ aci´ os elvek a kont´ınuumfizik´aban, Termodinamikai El˝ oad´ asok, (Szerk. L´amer G´eza), E¨ otv¨os L´ or´ and Fizikai T´ arsulat, Budapest, 1994, 187-191. o. (24) V´ an P´eter, Stabilit´as ´es II. f˝ ot´etel a kont´ınuumfizik´ aban, Termodinamikai El˝ oad´ asok, (Szerk. L´ amer G´eza), E¨ otv¨ os L´ or´ and Fizikai T´ arsulat, Budapest, 1994, 151-154. o. (25) V´ an P´eter, Stabilit´ as ´es II. f˝ ot´etel a homog´en testek termodinamik´aj´ aban, Termodinamikai El˝ oad´ asok, (Szerk. L´ amer G´eza), E¨ otv¨ os L´ or´ and Fizikai T´ arsulat, Budapest, 1994, 92-96. o. (26) P. V´ an, Asymptotic stability and the Second Law in Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics, (7th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, 1994, ed: Salvatore Rionero and Tommaso Ruggeri, Quaderno CNR - Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica), Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences 23, World Scientific, p384-389.
¨ nyv, ko ¨ nyvfejezet Ko
(1) V´ an, P. ´es Asszonyi Cs., Izotrop kontinuumok anyagt¨orv´enye ´es speci´alis esetei, Izotrop kontinuumok anyagtulajdons´ agai 1. fejezet, szerk. Asszonyi Csaba, (M´ern¨ okgeol´ ogia-K˝ozetmechanika Kisk¨ onyvt´ar, 6.), M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´ o, Budapest, 2008, 13-50 o.. (2) Asszonyi Cs., F¨ ul¨ op T., V´ an, P., Szarka Z. ´es Horv´ath R., Reol´ogiai alapmodellek ´es ¨ osszekapcsol´ asuk, Izotrop kontinuumok anyagtulajdons´ agai, 2. fejezet, szerk. Asszonyi Csaba, (M´ern¨ okgeol´ogia-K˝ ozetmechanika Kisk¨ onyvt´ ar, 6.), M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´ o, Budapest, 2008, 51-92 o. ´ eredm´enyek a (3) V´ an, P., Anyagi sokas´agok a nemrelativisztikus t´erid˝oben, Uj kontinuumfizik´ aban, 2. fejezet, szerk. F¨ ul¨op T., (M´ern¨ okgeol´ogia-K˝ ozetmechanika Kisk¨ onyvt´ar, 8.), M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´ o, Budapest, 2008, 37-54 o.. (4) Asszonyi Csaba, V´ an P´eter ´es Szarka Zolt´ an, Izotr´ op kontinuumok rugalmas ´es k´epl´ekeny ´ allapota, (M´ern¨ okgeol´ ogia-K˝ ozetmechanika Kisk¨ onyvt´ar, 5.) M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´o, 2007, Budapest, ISBN 978-963-420-932-4. (5) V´ an P. ´es Asszonyi Cs., Az ´altal´anos t¨ orv´enyszer˝ us´egek, Izotr´ op kontinuumok anyagt¨ orv´enye c. k¨ otet 2. fejezete, szerk. Asszonyi Cs., (M´ern¨okgeol´ogia-K˝ ozetmechanika Kisk¨ onyvt´ ar, 3.), M˝ uegyetemi Kiad´ o, Budapest, 2006, 25-87 o. (6) Matolcsi, T. and V´ an, P. and Verh´as J., Fundamental problems of variational principles: objectivity, symmetries and construction, in Variational and Extremum Principles in Macroscopic Problems, ed. Sieniutycz, S. and Farkas H., Elsevier, Amsterdam, etc., 2005, p57-74.
´b publika ´ cio ´k Egye
(1) Engelbrecht, J. and Herrmann, H. and V´ an, P., Preface, Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2008, 57/3, 1. (2) V´ an P´eter: Bevezet´es a nem-egyens´ ulyi termodinamik´ aba, Bazs´ o F¨ ul¨ op, Fekete Andrea, K´ ari B´ela, P´eczeli Imre, V´ an P´eter ´es Voszka Istv´ an: Biofizika (Jegyzet az eg´eszs´eg¨ ugyi m´ern¨ ok¨ ok sz´ am´ ara), szerk. V´ an P´eter, 2005, 1-23. (internetes: http://newton.phy.bme.hu/Biofiz.html). (3) V´ an P., A nemegyens´ ulyi termodinamika vari´ aci´os elvei, ELFT, Termodinamikai Szakcsoport honlapja: http:\\www.kfki.hu\ ∼elftterm, 2004. (4) Verh´ as, J. and V´ an, P., Theory of Biomaterials, Research News, 2003, n1, p15-16. (5) P. V´ an, Spacetime without observers: classical continuum physics, Mechanics of Solids, Proceedings of the Brainstorming seminars at the Technical University of Budapest, Ed. Gy¨ orgy K´ arolyi, 2000, p15-16. ´ Ruszin, Hartmann flow calculations with variational meth(6) P. V´ an and E. ods, Dokladi Akademii Nauk Ukraine, 12, 1994, 79-84. ´ Ruszin and P. V´ (7) E. an, Application of the Gyarmati variational principle to MHD-flows, Preprint Institute Teoreticeskii Physiki Imeni Bogoljubova, 1994, (in Ukran). 5.
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´ziratok: Ke
(1) M. T´ oth Tivadar, V´ as´ arhelyi Bal´ azs, V´ an P´eter, F¨ oldes Tam´ as: Repedezett t´ arol´ o modellez´es; k˝ ozetmechanikai modell-k´ıs´erletek ´es szeizmikus attrib´ utum alap´ u modellek korrel´ aci´ oja. II. Dorozsma, 2008. (2) P. V´ an, Irreversible Thermodynamics of Damage, Research Report at Centro Nacionale Ricerca della Termodinamica, Casaccia, ENEA, Italy, 1998. (3) P. V´ an, A probabilistic generalization of the Coulomb criterion of fracture, Research Report at Centro Nacionale Ricerca della Termodinamica, Casaccia, ENEA, Italy, 1998. (4) Verh´ as J. ´es V´ an P., A kat´ odi r´eteg modelljei, Kutat´ asi Jelent´es, 1997. (5) Verh´ as J. ´es V´ an P., A kat´odi r´eteg egyszer˝ us´ıtett modellje, Kutat´asi Jelent´es, 1997. (6) Verh´ as J. ´es V´ an P., Kat´ odes´es ´es hat´arfelt´etelek Kutat´asi Jelent´es, 1997.
(7) J. Verh´ as and P. V´ an, Electro-hydrodynamic equations, Research Report, 1996. 8.
´ k elo ˝ ke ´szu ¨ letben: Munka
(1) V´ an, P., Weakly nonlocal non-equilibrium thermodynamics - variational principles and Second Law, 2008, submitted (2) V´ an, P., Generic stability of dissipative non-relativistic and relativistic fluids, 2008, arXiv:0811.0257, submitted E-mail address:
[email protected] URL: www.rmki.kfki.hu/∼vpet/