Retail Research
INDONESIA 7 July 2011
CIMB TraderAM Mastono Ali +6221 3006-1765 –
[email protected], Patricia Sumampouw +6221 515-1330 –
[email protected]
What’s Relevant
Corporate News • Bank Panin (PNBN) telah menjual 15.36% saham di Jakarta Setiabudi International kepada Nomura Singapore Limited senilai Rp138bn. • BPJT mengatakan bahwa ada 14 projek jalan tol yang akan ditender. • Bulog telah memperoleh ijin dari menteri perdagangan untuk mengimpor lebih banyak beras
• Indonesia: JCI kemarin ditutup di level 3908.95, -15.17 poin atau -0.39% dengan volume 4.4 bn dan value Rp3.7 tr. Foreign mencatat net balance. Sementara saham-saham yang menguat kemarin dipimpin oleh TBLA 660 (11.8%), ADMG 670 (11.6%), MICE 710 (9.2%), JPFA 5050 (8.6%). Saham yang mengalami penurunan dipimpin oleh COWL 140 (-6%), EKAD 530 (-5.3%), BKSL 128 (-4.4%), IMAS 8700 (-4.4%). Hanya 2 dari 10 sektor yang berhasil bertahan positif kemarin dipimpin oleh sektor basic indu +0.81%, tambang +0.08% sementara 8 sektor yang melemah dipimpin oleh misc indu -1.38%, finance -0.60% • US: Dow Jones kemarin ditutup di level 12626.02, +56.15 poin atau +0.45% dan traders menghiraukan perlambatan di sector service. ISM service sector turun ke 53.3 bulan lalu vs 54.6 pada May. Bursa US mixed karena sell off di Eropa dan kenaikan suku bunga di China. Sektor finansial mayoritas turun setelah Moody’s menurunkan rating Portugal ke junk, BOA -2.4%, JPM -1.2%. Japan leading economic indicator naik 3.6% pada May, EUR GDP naik 0.8% pada 1Q11. • Oil: Harga minyak per barel (untuk delivery Aug) naik $0.02 ke $96.91, setelah American Petroleum Institute menunjukan crude inventory turun 3.2mn barel minggu lalu (vs cons -2.3mn barel)
Trades for the Day Fundamentally:
• CIMB mempertahankan rating OVERWEIGHT untuk banking sector dengan top pick pada BMRI, BBKP, BBTN masing-masing dengan target harga Rp 9300, 1200, 2800. Ditengah apresiasi Rupiah, external debt/GDP terus merosot ke 27.4% pada 1Q11 dari 28.3% pada 2010 dan 36% di 2006. External debt dari private sector lebih banyak yang mature pada short term daripada pemerintah. Sepertinya domestic bank masih menjadi pilihan untuk berhutang dan mengurangi resiko terulangnya 1997.
• Alam Sutera Realty (ASRI IJ; IDR 320; Buy on weakness) – Kritkal posisi IDR 300 • Sentul City (BKSL IJ; IDR 128; Buy on weakness) – SEC dan MACD masih bullish • Bumi Serpong Damai (BSDE IJ; IDR 860; Sell on strength) – garis linear regresi volume justru turun
JCI Chart & Summary
Support I Support II Resistance I Resistance II
: : : :
3900 3850 3980 4000
CDS +0.57% level 135.83 bp, Dow Fut +0.23%, NKI Fut -0.10% sementara pagi ini bursa Asia dibuka menguat tipis: NKI +0.08%, HSI +0.60%, ASX -0.07%, KLCI +0.16%, FSSTI +0.36%. Dow Jones kemarin ditutup di level 12626.02, +56.15 poin atau +0.45% dan traders menghiraukan perlambatan di sector service. ISM service sector turun ke 53.3 bulan lalu vs 54.6 pada May. Bursa US mixed karena sell off di Eropa dan kenaikan suku bunga di China. Sektor finansial mayoritas turun setelah Moody’s menurunkan rating Portugal ke junk, BOA -2.4%, JPM -1.2%. Japan leading economic indicator naik 3.6% pada May, EUR GDP naik 0.8% pada 1Q11. VIX +1.74%, EIDO -0.65% dan Rupiah pagi menguat ke 8535 Melihat indikator pagi ini, JCI kembali berpeluang rebound meskipun penguatannya mungkin akan terbatas karena kurangnya katalis baru. Dalam 3 hari terakhir, trend kenaikan masih bertahan di posisi 4.6 dari Standard Error Channel periode 112. Chaikin mengarah turun 16% ke 0.16 sementara Money Flow ke 60.3 atau penurunan 5%. Peluang turun masih tak dapat dieliminasi sama sekali di tengah bullishnya MACD. Meskipun demikian, tertekannya indeks yang dalam, akan membuka timbulnya peluang bargain hunting
• Australia mencabut larangan ekspor daging sapi ke Indonesia • BI belum mengatur remunerasi gaji dan bonus bankir meskipun dewan stabilitas keuangan telah meminta. • BPS memprediksi inflasi July11 akan melebihi 0.55% dan diharapkan tidak melewati 1% • RUPS TRUB yang dijadwalkan kemarin diundur hingga 29 Jul11, sementara Indo Infra Group mengalihkan 0.1% saham TRUB kepada Credit Suisse Securities. • MEDC memenangkan tender projek pembangunan PLTG 3X8.5MW di Pulau Batam senilai Rp179bn • BUMI mengatakan belum ada calon pembeli potensial dari CG yang diterbitkan terkait dengan rencana penjualan 75% saham BRMS kepada Bumi Plc, karena memerlukan persetujuan RUPSLB BUMI. • Hingga 1H11, BTPN telah memberikan pinjaman kepada 75k nasabah dengan kredit total Rp2.7tr, namun sebagian besar unutk keperluan konsumtif. BTPN juga mengadakan pelatihan untuk 10k nasabah melalui 1056 cabang BTPN • BP migas mendukung BUMD Maluku ikut memiliki 10% saham di Blok Masela dan mengharapkan tidak menggandeng perusahaan swasta lainnya. Saat ini, blok Masela dikelola oleh Inpex 90% sementara sisanya oleh ENRG • BPS menyarankan pemerintah untuk mengimpor beras untuk menjaga inflasi agar tetap rendah pada Jul-Aug11. Pada bulan lalu, petani sudah menjadi net consumer (Sumber: RTI)
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Selected Statistics (AM) Indices JCI Index Dow Jones Index Nikkei 225 Index Hang Seng Index ASX200 Index FBM KLCI Index Shanghai Index FSSTI Index Top Volume KIJA SIPD BKSL ADMG LCGP Top Gainers MBAI MYOR JPFA DSSA ROTI Top Losers ASII GGRM GDYR IMAS ITMG Currency & Commodities IDR/USD CPO (RM/ton) Nickel ($/ton) Tins ($/ton) Crude Oil ($/barel) Coal (Newcastle) ** * Libur kemarin ** Dilaporkan mingguan
Please read carefully the important disclosures at the end of this publication.
Last 3908 12626 10082 22517 4605 1591 2810 3114 Price 154 69 128 670 60 Price 30000 13750 5050 15650 3075 Price 65100 48050 10500 8700 44600 Price
% chg -0.39 0.45 1.10 -1.01 0.15 0.60 -0.21 -0.48 %chg 3.36 2.99 -4.48 11.67 %chg 3.45 6.18 8.60 1.62 7.89 %chg -1.81 -1.64 -4.11 -4.40 -0.78 Previous
Ytd%chg 5.54 9.05 -1.43 -2.24 -2.95 4.76 0.08 -2.36 Vol (lot) 1202672 490672 488189 281008 221544 Vol (lot) 284 1082 36901 15 6300 Vol (lot) 5211 1657 1 1460 3439 % chg
8544 3039 23380 26745 96.65 120.90
8533 3051 23300 26350 96.89 121.17
0.12 -0.39 0.34 1.50 -0.24 -0.22
Retail Research
INDONESIA 7 July 2011
Trend Spotter Patricia Sumampouw +6221 515-1330 –
[email protected]
Alam Sutera Realty (ASRI IJ; IDR 320) – Buy on weakness FY12P/E: 8.7x, P/BV: 1.8x
Chaikin Money Flow (-0.02584)
Dalam rentang periode 100 terlihat adanay trend kenaikan marginal 0.91 di Standard Error Channel, garis linear regresi volume bergerak naik. Money Flow dan Chaikin bergerak turun, masing-masing ke arah -0.07 dan 37.2 dari posisi -0.03 dan 41.3. SEC yang bullish dikombinasikan dengan Chaikin, Money Flow dan MACD yang turun, seharusnya masih menempatkan ASRI di posisi yang menarik. Dengan catatan, jika tak meluncur di bawah IDR 300 dengan volume significant
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Money Flow Index (41.3190)
MACD (3.40685)
20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 350
Alam Sutera Real (320.000, 330.000, 320.000, 320.000, +0.00)
Supports: minor IDR 310, major IDR 300
250 200 150
Resistances: minor IDR 330, major IDR 340
80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 x10000
Sentul City (BKSL IJ; IDR 128) – Buy on weakness FY12P/E: x, P/BV: x
MACD (3.34467) 10 5 0
Trend kenaikan marginal 0.26 terlihat di Standard Error Channel periode 101, diikuti trend serupa di garis linear regresi volume. Prediksi penurunan Chaikin 43% ke 0.08 terlihat akan melampui prediksi penurunan Money Flow 7% ke 74.3. Chaikin dan Money Flow yang menurun vs SEC dan MACD yang bullish, mengindikasikan adanya bayangan jenuh di BKSL. Mengarah ke posisi kritikal jika hari ini BKSL terpuruk di bawah IDR 120 dengan volume significant
-5 Chaikin Money Flow (0.14441)
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7
Money Flow Index (80.0935)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
Supports: minor IDR 123, major IDR 120
20 10 Sentul City Tbk (133.000, 134.000, 127.000, 128.000, -6.00000) 150
Resistances: minor IDR 130, major IDR 135
100 12000 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 x100000 November
February March
Bumi Serpong Damai (BSDE IJ; IDR 860) – Sell on strength FY12P/E: 16.6x, P/BV: 1.9x
Money Flow Index (48.4772)
Chaikin bergerak turun dari posisi 0.09 ke 0.04 sementara Money Flow ke 43.7 dari posisi 48.5. Lebih lanjut, Standard Error Channel periode 98 merekam adanya trend kenaikan dengan kemiringan 2.4, garis linear regresi volume justru bergerak turun. Dikombinasikan MACD bearish, memberikan indikasi posisi yang semakin kritikal bagi BSDE jika hari ini terpuruk di bawah IDR 820 dengan volume significant
0 MACD (-3.52811)
-50 Chaikin Money Flow (0.08708) 0.5
-0.5 Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (870.000, 880.000, 860.000, 860.000, -10.0000)
1100 1000 900
Supports: minor IDR 840, major IDR 820
800 700 600 500
Resistances: minor IDR 880, major IDR 910
400 300 200 100 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 x10000
Please read carefully the important disclosures at the end of this publication.
Retail Research
INDONESIA 7 July 2011
Important Dates July 2011 SUN
4: US libur
5: US ISM manuf index
7: US unemployment claims
1: CPI (Inflasi) Ekspor, impor, trade balance US non farm payroll, unemployment rate 8: Cadangan devisa
11: Consumer confidence JPY interest rate
12: RDG BI RATE US trade balance
13: Money supply US FOMC
14: US PPI, retail sales
15: US CPI
19: US building permits
20: US exisiting homesales
21: US unemployment claims
26: US consumer confidence
27: US durable goods order
29: US GDP
Source: Company, Bloomberg
August 2011 SUN
1: CPI (Inflasi) Ekspor, impor, trade balance EUR PMI USD constrc spending and ISM index
2: US personal spending
4: EUR CPI US unemployment claims
5: USD non farm employment and unemployment rate
10: US wholesale inventory
11: US unemployment claims
12: US retail sales
15: EUR holiday
16: US industrial production
17: Independence day
18: US CPI
22: EUR current account
23: US existing homesales EUR consumer confidence
24: US core durable goods order
25: US unemployment claims & new homesales
26: Penjualan otomotif US prelim GDP
29: US personal spending
30: Idul Fitri
31: Idul Fitri
Source: Company, Bloomberg
Please read carefully the important disclosures at the end of this publication.
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As of 6 July 2011, CIMB has a proprietary position in the following securities in this report: (a) As of 7 July 2011, the analyst, Mastono Ali and Patricia Sumampouw who prepared this report, have an interest in the securities in the following company or companies covered or recommended in this report: (a) -.
The information contained in this research report is prepared from data believed to be correct and reliable at the time of issue of this report. This report does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require. CIMB or any of its affiliates does not make any guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness, reliability or fairness of any such information and opinion contained in this report and accordingly, neither CIMB nor any of its affiliates nor its related persons shall be liable in any manner whatsoever for any consequences (including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profits and damages) of any reliance thereon or usage thereof. This report is general in nature and has been prepared for information purposes only. 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BUY: The stock's total return is expected to be +15% or better over the next three months.
OVERWEIGHT: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, has a high number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of +15% or better over the next three months.
HOLD: The stock's total return is expected to range between +15% and -15% over the next three months.
NEUTRAL: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, has either (i) an equal number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of +15% (or better) or 15% (or worse), or (ii) stocks that are predominantly expected to have total returns that will range from +15% to -15%; both over the next three months.
SELL: The stock's total return is expected to be -15% or worse over the next three months.
UNDERWEIGHT: The industry, as defined by the analyst's coverage universe, has a high number of stocks that are expected to have total returns of -15% or worse over the next three months.
CIMB Research Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No. 198701620M)