This chapter presents the conclusion and the suggestion of the study. The suggestion is proposed based on the significance of the study have been stated in chapter I, the result of the analysis, and the conclusion presented in this chapter.
5.1 Conclusion Based on the result of the analysis of the study, the writer concludes that the translation of narrative text from Bahasa Indonesia into English of the students of class XI of SMAK Suria Atambua is Good. In fact 195 (75.44 %) sentences are correct or Good while 65 (24.99 %) are wrong or Bad. Although the students translation classified as Good, but some students still created bad translation. The areas of difficulties faced by the students were lack of grammatical structure of English knowledge. Because many students translated the sentences with grammatically incorrect, their words choice is not appropriate, and the content is distorted from the original content. So, some sentences are not well translated in the right manner, the meaning is distorted, and the content are less or even not kept as that of originals. But the students are able to translate.
5.2 Suggestion Based on analysis previously provided, the writer would like to present some suggestion as follows : 1. For the English Teacher The teachers of English especially those teaching at the researched school, should pay attention in teaching English especially focus on grammatical aspects in translating and should be more serious in guiding the student, especially in order to develop their skill in translating although the students are able to translate.
2. For the Students The students should master the grammatical aspects and really learn on how to translate sentences correctly and they must spend more time to learn and practice translation both from Bahasa Indonesia into English.
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Pada suatu hari yang panas, seekor burung gagak yang haus terbang di atas ladang untuk mencari air. Untuk waktu yang lama, Ia tidak menemukan apa – apa. Ia merasa sangat letih dan hampir menyerah. Tiba – tiba, Ia melihat sebuah kendi air di bawahnya, Ia pun terbang ke bawah untuk melihat apakah kendi tersebut berisi air di dalamnya atau tidak. Gagak itu berusaha memasukkan kepalanya ke dalam kendi. Malangnya, Ia menemukan bahwa leher kendi itu sangat sempit. Kemudian Ia berusaha untuk menggulingkan kendi air itu agar airnya mengalir tetapi Ia menemukan bahwa kendi itu sangat berat. Gagak itu kemudian berpikir sebentar. Kemudian Ia melihat sekitarnya, ia melihat beberapa kerikil. Tiba – tiba terlintas dalam pikirannya ide yang bagus. Ia mulai memunguti kerikil itu satu per satu dan menjatuhkan tiap kerikil ke dalam kendi. Dengan semakin banyak kerikil yang di isi dalam kendi, jumlah air pun bertambah sehingga burung gagak dapat meminum. “ Berhasil ! ” katanya.
In a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For along time, It could not find anything. It felt very exhausted and almost giving up. Suddenly, It saw a water jug below, It flew straight down to see if there was some water inside the jug . The crow tried to put it’s head into the jug. Sadly, the Crow found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then, the crow tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but It found that the jug was too heavy. The crow thought for a while. Then looking around, It saw some pebbles. Suddenly, It had a good idea. The crow started to pick up the pebbles one by one dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. it was enough for the crow to drink. “ It’s working!”. Crow said.