poř.č. domácnosti
osob. č.-.
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Datum interview Tazatel č.: _________________ Křestní jméno respondenta: ____________
„50+ in Europe“ SHARE A Drop-off Questionnaire Respondents receiving any type of old-age pension
SHARE 2012
Jak má být dotazník vyplněn? Většinu otázek můžete vyplnit tak, že uděláte křížek do čtverečku vedle Vám odpovídající odpovědi. Zakřížkovat prosím vždy jen jeden čtvereček: správně: chybně:
nebo při opravách
Zodpovídejte prosím jednu otázku po druhé. Otázky můžete přeskočit, jen když je k tomu dán výslovný pokyn. Příklad: Máte děti?
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Když zde zakřížkujete „Ano” pokračujte hned s následující otázkou!
Když zde zakřížkujete „Ne” pokračujte s otázkou uvedenou v rámečku!
Jak dotazník vrátit? V případě, že budete vyplňovat dotazník v přítomnosti tazatele, dotazník mu odevzdejte. Pokud Vám tazatel dotazník ponechal, zašlete nám prosím vyplněný dotazník v přiložené předplacené obálce co nejdříve zpět. Pokud budete potřebovat náhradní obálku, prosím zavolejte agentuře SC&C na telefonní číslo 222 511 221. ZAČNĚTE PROSÍM S OTÁZKOU ČÍSLO 1 NA DALŠÍ STRÁNCE. S VAŠIMI ODPOVĚĎMI SE BUDE NAKLÁDAT JAKO S VĚCÍ DŮVĚRNOU. JEŠTĚ JEDNOU MNOHOKRÁT DĚKUJEME ZA SPOLUPRÁCI!
1. During the last 12 months, have you made a gift or gifts to a church, to a foundation and/or to charity – monetary or in kind, whose total value was CZK 2,500 or more? (Please tick one box)
Yes (continue with question 2)
No (continue with question 5)
2. What was the total value of all gifts made to a church, to a foundation and/or to charity during the last 12 months? The total value of all gifts was CZK ........................... 3. Your gifts given to a church, to a foundation and/or to charity were to support: (Please tick all applicable boxes) a) Culture and arts b) Sports and leisure c) Environment and nature protection d) Health and health care e) Social services (children´s homes, homes for the elderly, programs for the handicapped, emergency intervention centers etc.) f) Education and research g) Human rights and rights of minorities h) Church and spiritual movements i) Emergency, humanitarian and development aid j) Animal protection (animal shelters etc.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
k) Other (please specify):
4. What were the main reasons for these gifts? (Please tick all applicable boxes) a) I care about these things
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b) I felt obliged c) I felt guilty d) It concerns me personally e) I want recognition f) I personally benefited g) I feel peer pressure h) I was asked i) I get a tax deductions j) No particular reason k) Other reasons (please specify):
5. What is/has been the meaning of your work to you?
(From the following options choose the two most important ones. Please tick only one box in each column) The first most important
The second most important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a) Possibility to acquire social status b) Possibility to implement my education and abilities c) Possibility to meet other people d) Possibility to do what I enjoy e) Possibility to be independent f) Necessity to earn the basic means for living g) Opportunity to make big money
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Imagine that you to could choose again the way how to retire. Under the current laws and regulations, would it be more profitable if you ... (Note: If you do not know the current laws and regulations, please answer what you think) (Please tick one box in each row) It would be It would not be I do not advanta- advantageous know geous for for me me
… choose early retirement?
… start receiving old age pension exactly at the retirement age?
… postpone retirement for later than the legal retirement age and receive a higher old-age pension later when you will choose to retire? … at the legal retirement age choose a partial (half) pension and continue to work and receive a higher old-age pension later when you will choose to retire?
7. If you could choose again the time of your retirement: By how much would your future monthly old-age pension has to permanently increase so that you postponed your retirement by one year?
99 I would never postpone retirement
.......................... CZK / month
8. Choose one of the following options: a) I receive full old age pension and I also work b) I receive partial (half) old age pension and I also work c) I receive full old age pension and I do not work d) I receive an early retirement pension e) Other situation
1 2 3 4 5
(continue to n. 9) (continue to n. 9) (continue to n. 15) (continue to n. 15) (continue to n. 15)
9. Why do you work while receiving an old-age pension? (Please tick only one box) a) Only old-age pension is not sufficient to cover my expenditures b) I support financially people who are close to me (family, children, other relatives, friends)
1 2
c) Earnings help me to overcome temporary financial problems (ie, repaying a loan). After these problems are solved I will stop working.
d) I still enjoy working.
4 5
e) My old-age pension is sufficient but I want to have higher income. f) Other (specify):
10. For how long do you currently commute to your job: (Please tick only one box ) a) Less than 15 minutes b) 15-30 minutes c) 30-45 minutes d) 45-60 minutes e) More than 60 minutes f) I do not commute
1 2 3 4 5 6
11. What is the maximum time you are potentially willing to commute to your job: (Please tick only one box) a) Less than 15 minutes b) 15-30 minutes c) 30-45 minutes d) 45-60 minutes e) More than 60 minutes f) I do not want to commute
1 2 3 4 5 6
12. Would you work in the future even if it required changing your profession? (Please tick only one box) a) Yes
1 2 3
b) No c) I have changed my profession since I retired
13. If it were not possible to work while receiving a full old age pension at the same time, I would... (Please tick only one box) a) Continue to work for the current wage and postpone receiving the old age pension b) Stop working in this case and choose the old age pension instead c) Choose a partial (half) old age pension and work at the same time d) Work in the grey market economy trying to go around the rules
1 2 3 4
14. Please choose to which extent you personally agree or disagree withthe following statement. (Please tick only one box) Fully agree
I am so tired of work so I really want to 1 retire
Not sure
Fully disagree
15. From which sources does the money come that your household has at its disposal on an average month ? Please write down the fraction (percent %) that come from the following sources (Write down the percentage in each row, the rows must sum to 100 %.) a) State old age pension (% of total money at your disposal)
b) Work (employment, entrepreneurship, part time job etc)
c) Savings and investment
d) Social benefits
a) Family support (ie, children, relatives, siblings etc.)
b) Other
16. How much money does your household have at its disposal on average per month (from all items listed in the previous question)? ...........................CZK / month
17. What is the total average monthly amount your household spends on all usual expenditures (food, housing, travel, clothing, drugs, activities etc.) ...........................CZK / month
18. Where do you think you will live (alone or with spouse/partner) in 5 years from now: (Please tick only one box) Compared to the current housing, the size of the future housing will be a) Own house/apartment b) House/apartment for rent c) In house/apartment together with children/family d) In my family house based on a contractual arrangement with my relatives* e) In a nursing home, residential care facility, health-care facility, or similar housing f) Other place
1 1
2 2
3 3
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
* In Czech „na vejminku“, a common arrangement especially in the past, where a retired person has a guaranteed housing, provisions and sometimes personal care for life
19. At the end we would like to ask you to write down your gender and the year of birth: I am… Male Female
1 2
20. I was born in the year Thank you very much for finding the time to answer our questions Please hand the completed questionnaire to the interviewer, or send it to us via post in the attached return envelope.
SC&C spol. s r.o. 7
Studie SHARE Americká 21 120 00 Praha 2 telefon: 222 511 221