In regards to the letter from IDX no. S-04342/BEI.PPR/07-2010 dated July 13, 2010 regarding Explanation Request; hereby the Company provides the explanation as follows: 1. Tenure of deposit placements with information on placement date and expiry date of the related deposits Explanation: With regards to deposit placements, subsequent to the completion of Right Issue II the Company has placed Rp1.136 trillion on time deposits in PT Bank Capital Tbk (“BACA”). However in the same month, the Company has transferred some portion of the deposits, amounting to Rp866 billion, into principal protected short-term investment and during the following month another Rp139 billion was used to settle initial acquisition related expenses. The proceeds were placed in short-term investment on which the majority of them would be used to finalize the acquisition of 10% stake in the Production Sharing Contract Masela block from Inpex. The difference between deposits amount booked by the Company as of March 31, 2010 with the booking of BACA as around that time Company has started the shortterm investment process by transferring the investment proceeds as well as payments for the initial acquisition expenses. It would be more accurate if the Company accounted the deposits in BACA as of March 31, 2010 in the amount of Rp130 billion, whereas the Company had booked deposits in BACA in the amount of Rp1.136 trillion, as the short-term investment process has yet to be completed. 2. Details of the nature and amount of the deposits in Rupiah currency and foreign currency (if available): Explanation: The deposits booked by Company in BACA are in Rupiah currency and amounting to Rp130 billion (please see the explanation in point 1 above).
3. Estimate of deposit interest rate Explanation: The deposit interest rate is 7% per annum. 4. Other significant information that affect the quality of deposit withdrawal Explanation: There is no other significant information that will affect the quality of deposit withdrawal. 5. Request for Company to submit evidence copy of deposit placements and the evidence submitted by Company will only be used for internal review materials and not disclosed to the public Explanation: Evidences of Deposit Placement of Company as attached are confidential, hence we request not to be distributed to the Public. 6. Request for explanation for any development with the recent event, information or material facts which potentially affect the going concern of Company and fluctuation of the Company’s stock price in the Bourse Explanation: At this moment there has not been any development of events, information nor material facts that will affect the going concern of Company and fluctuation of the Company’s stock price in the Bourse. Should there be any information or material fact relating to the Company arises, it would immediately be informed to the Indonesian Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia).
Press Release ENRG melaporkan penempatan dananya di bank internasional yang memiliki reputasi baik ENRG reports its funds placement with an international reputable bank
Jakarta, Indonesia – 16 Juli 2010
Jakarta, Indonesia – 16 July 2010
PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk. (“ENRG”) reports its funds placement with an international reputable bank. In February 2010, ENRG completed its rights issuance process and raised Rp 4.8 trillion funds. The following are the use of rights issuance proceed:
PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk. (”ENRG”) melaporkan penempatan dananya di bank internasional dengan reputasi baik. Di bulan Februari 2010, ENRG menyelesaikan proses penawaran umum terbatasnya (“PUT”) dan menerima dana sebesar Rp 4,8 trilyun dari PUT tersebut. Berikut adalah penggunaan dana hasil PUT oleh Perusahaan:
1. Around Rp 2.75 triilion was used to repay the outstanding loan and its related financing charges. 2. Around Rp 800 billion (of the allocated Rp 908 billion) was used to finance the Company’s working capital and capital expenditure requirements. 3. Around Rp 237 billion was used to settle the underwriting cost (underwriter, legal counsel, public notary, public accountant fees, etc.) 4. Around Rp 139 billion (of the allocated Rp 945 billion) was used for costs related to the Masela PSC related transaction.
1. Sekitar Rp 2,75 trilyun digunakan untuk melunasi hutang Perusahaan dan biaya keuangan terkait. 2. Sekitar Rp 800 milyar (dari Rp 908 milyar dana teralokasi) digunakan untuk membiayai keperluan belanja modal dan modal kerja Perusahaan dan anak-anak perusahaannya. 3. Sekitar Rp 237 milyar digunakan untuk pembayaran biaya-biaya terkait dengan proses emisi PUT (biaya-biaya Konsultan Keuangan, Akuntan, Konsultan Hukum, Notaris, Biro Administrasi Efek, dll.) 4. Sekitar Rp 139 milyar (dari Rp 945 milyar dana teralokasi) digunakan untuk transaksi yang terkait dengan akuisisi blok Masela PSC.
Consequently, around Rp 866 billion fund is placed by ENRG’s subsidiary in the Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore, while around Rp 47 billion is placed in ENRG’s subsidiaries’ operational accounts for working capital and capital expenditure purposes. These funds will be used to complete the 10% acquisition of Masela PSC and to finance ENRG’s capital expenditures and working capital requirements as reported in the Company’s Rights Issuance Prospectus issued on 31 December 2009.
Untuk itu sisa dana sebesar Rp 866 milyar pada saat ini ditempatkan oleh anak perusahaan dari ENRG di Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore, dan sekitar Rp 47 milyar ditempatkan di rekening-rekening operasional anak-anak perusahaan dari ENRG untuk keperluan modal kerja dan belanja modal. Dana-dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk pelunasan pembelian 10% interest di blok Masela PSC dan untuk membiayai keperluan belanja modal dan modal kerja Perusahaan based on the Corporate Rights Issuance Prospectus issued on 31 December 2009.
For any question relating to this release please call Herwin W. Hidayat (Investor Relations) at +6221-2994 1500. Other related Company information can be found at . PT ENERGI MEGA PERSADA Tbk.
Imam Agustino President Director