Data Terbuka Membuat Akses Informasi Menjadi Lebih Mudah dan Cepat Workshop “Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Data Terbuka untuk Transparansi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Madani” tahap kedua kerjasama KINERJA – USAID dengan World Wide Web Foundation dan organisasi lokal GERAK Aceh berlangsung sukses pada 27-28 April 2015 di kota Banda Aceh. Pada hari pertama workshop diberikan khusus untuk CSO/ Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil termasuk media dalam memberikan ruang kepada mereka untuk mengelaborasi data apa saja yang saat ini mereka butuhkan dari masing-masing SKPK (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Kota)/ Dinas yang ada di Banda Aceh. Ada tiga belas perwakilan CSO yang hadir pada hari pertama, diantaranya Forum LSM Aceh, Aceh Institute, SAKA (Sekolah Anti-Korupsi Aceh), MSF (Forum Multi-Pihak), Flower Aceh, Majelis Syura, Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI), dan juga jurnalis warga. Menurut M. Haikal Sanjaya, salah seorang peserta yang berasal dari SAKA mengungkapkan workshop ini amat bermanfaat bagi kerja-kerja advokasi kepada masyarakat untuk isu-isu antikorupsi. “Data terbuka semakin membuat kerja kami lebih mudah karena dapat mengakses data yang kami butuhkan lebih cepat dari masing-masing Dinas. Selain itu, data terbuka juga semakin membuat kami lebih mudah dalam menganalisis data yang ada karena dibuat dalam format universal yang dapat dibuka melalui program aplikasi komputer apa saja dan gratis,” ujar mahasiswa semester 8 FISIP Unsyiah, Banda Aceh ini. Pada workshop hari kedua, hadir 10 SKPK yang diwakili beberapa Kepala Bidang dan juga petugas teknis yang berhubungan dengan data dan teknologi informasi. Beberapa SKPK yang ikut serta dalam workshop untuk mendengarkan hasil workshop hari pertama terkait permintaan data dari CSO itu diantaranya: Bappeda, PPID Utama, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Kependudukan, Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja, Kantor PTSP (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu) dan Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.
Asna Mardhia dari PPID Utama Kota Banda Aceh/ Dishubkominfo sedang menanggapi beberapa permintaan data yang disampaikan perwakilan CSO dari Forum LSM Aceh. Seluruh SKPK yang hadir sepakat untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan data dari CSO, karena memang pada prinsipnya hampir semua data yang diminta telah ada pada mereka, tetapi format datanya memang masih beragam, seperti: masih dalam bentuk word, excel, bahkan PDF. Oleh karena itu, mereka sangat berminat dan menganggap penting untuk mengikuti pelatihan pada dua hari berikutnya, 29 dan 30 April 2015 mengenai data terbuka yang akan menggunakan format universal yaitu CSV (Comma Separated Value) dimana format terbuka ini dapat dibuka dengan menggunakan aplikasi apa saja pada komputer, berbasis Windows maupun Android. ***
Open Data Makes Accessing Information Easier and Quicker Following a successful Open Data pilot project last year with the Kota Banda Aceh Local Government Public Information Official (PPID) office to provide accessible educational information from the district education office (DEO), Kinerja recently organized further workshops in Kota Banda Aceh for representatives from both the Kota Banda Aceh PPID as well as civil society organizations (CSOs) with a view to undertaking the same process but this time with information from the district health office (DHO). As with the pilot project, Kinerja held the workshops in conjunction with the World Wide Web Foundation and its former intermediary organization (IO), GERAK Aceh. The first day of the first workshop (April 27-28) aimed to give local CSOs, citizen journalists, local media and multistakeholder forum (MSF) members the opportunity to engage with officials from 10 of the city’s Municipal Technical Working Units (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Kota – SKPK) and PPID office to explain the different kinds of information they need to be able to access for their work. Representatives from a number of CSOs were present at the workshop, including the Aceh NGO Forum, the Aceh Institute, SAKA (Sekolah Anti-Korupsi Aceh – Aceh Anticorruption School), Flower Aceh and the local branch of the Indonesian Journalists Association (Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia - PWI). One of the participants, M. Haikal Sanjaya from SAKA, explained how valuable the workshop was for his organization’s advocacy work on raising public awareness about corruption issues. "Open data makes our work much easier because we can access the information we need quickly from each local government agency. In addition, open data also allows us to better analyze existing data because it is available in a universal format that can be opened via any computer application program, and it’s free," the fourth-year university student said. The second day of the workshop was attended by the same officials from the SKPK, including several section heads, as well as technical personnel who work in data-related and information technology (IT) fields. Other attendees who wanted to hear the results of the first day’s sessions concerning the CSOs’ data requests included representatives from the Local Government Agency for Regional Development Planning (Bappeda), DHO, DEO, Department of Population, Social Sevices and Labor, One-Stop Shop (OSS) and Community Empowerment Agency (Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat – BPM). 3/5
Asna Mardhia from Kota Banda Aceh PPID responds to the data requests put forward by representatives from the Aceh NGO Forum. All those present welcomed the CSOs’ feedback and agreed to provide the information they requested, as the data was already available but hard to access given that it exists in various formats, such as Word, Excel and pdf. As a result, all the SKPK and PPID officials enthusiastically attended the second two-day workshop (April 29-30), during which Kinerja and its partners offered technical training on transferring the existing data to CSV, or Comma Separated Value, a universal digital format that can be accessed on all computers and gadgets, whatever their operating systems. Around 80 percent of the SKPK officials had a good understanding of CSV and were able to use the digital format to upload data online. The remaining 20 percent, however, needed further assistance. Therefore, during the interval between this workshop and the next planned sessions in May, at which the officials will begin the data transfer process suing CSV, GERAK and a staff member from the Kota Banda Aceh PPID will provide intensive mentoring to those that need it to ensure that all the SKPK representatives are sufficiently capable of using CSV. Staff from the Web Foundation also agreed to help with the mentoring via email and phone from their office in Jakarta. Besides the successful launch of this second stage of the Open Data program in Kota Banda Aceh, the workshops resulted in the promise of expanding the program to the provincial level. During his 4/5
time in Kota Banda Aceh, the head of the Aceh PPID, Ibu Asriani asked Kinerja Media Specialist Firmansyah to deliver an introduction on open data and the importance of making government data transparent and accessible to staff from 42 provincial-level technical working units (SKPA). Following the presentation, Ibu Asriani confirmed that Aceh PPID would be seeking Kinerja’s assistance to establish the same Open Data program for SKPA staff and other provincialgovernment agencies as the one in Kota Banda Aceh.