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Nomor : 28 Oktober 2005 Hal : Daftar Perolehan Baru (Pembelian Dana DIPA 2005)
DAFTAR PEROLEHAN BARU No. 28 Oktober 2005 – Pembelian Dana DIPA 2005 Dasarumpun Dewey (Dewey Decimal Classification) 000 Karya Umum 100 Filosofi dan bidang yang Berhubungan 150 Psikologi 200 Agama 300 Ilmu Sosial 310 Statistika 320 Ilmu Politik 330 Ekonomi 340 Hukum 350 Administrasi pemerintahan 360 Patologi dan pelayanan sosial 370 Pendidikan 380 Perdagangan 390 Adat istiadat dan cerita rakyat 400 Bahasa Singkatan:
a B BB T
500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Matematika Astronomi Fisika Kimia & ilmu yang berhubungan Ilmu tentang bumi & antariksa Paleontologi Ilmu Hayati Botani Zoologi Teknologi Ilmu Kedokteran Rekayasa Pertanian & yang berhubungan Manajemen Manajemen
660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 900
Teknologi Kimia Manufaktur Aneka ragam manufaktur Bangunan Seni Tata kota dan pertamanan Arsitektur Seni Patung Gambar, seni hias & kerajinan Seni lukis Grafika Fotografi Musik Hiburan dan pertunjukan Kesusasteraan Geografi dan sejarah umum
= Laporan F = Fiksi P = Pamflet = Publikasi ITB I/K = Koleksi khusus R = Rujukan = Bukan buku L = Koleksi ilmu perpustakaan Rb = Bibliografi = Disertasi, skripsi, tesis
t.p. = tanpa nama penerbit t.t. = tanpa nama tempat t.th = tanpa tahun
004.36 TAN
PP ITB TANENBAUM, Andrew S. Distributed systems: principles and paradigms / by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. xxii, 803 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
005.133 HEJ
PP ITB HEJLSBERG, Anders The C# programming language / by Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wiltamuth, and Peter Golde. Boston: AddisonWesley, 2004. xiv, 644 hlm.: tab.; 24 cm. Microsoft .Net development series AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
005.133 LIB
: STEEN, Maarten van : Computer Sciences : Processing modes : Distributed processing : 0-13-088893-1 : 20052051
: WILTAMUTH, Scott; GOLDE, Peter : Computer sciences : Computer programming - Computer program language - C# : 0-321-5491-6 : 20052064 PP ITB
LIBERTY, Jesse Programming C# / by Jesse Liberty. 4th ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, 2005. xx, 644 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Computer programming - Computer program language - C# ISBN : 0-596-00699-3 No. Induk : 20052052
005.756 DIE
PP ITB DIETRICH, Suzanne W. An Advanced course in database systems: beyond relational databases / by Suzanne W. Dietrich and Susan D. Urban. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. xvii, 302 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: URBAN, Susan D. : Computer sciences : Computer data - Relational database : 0-13-042898-1 : 20052045
511.5 KOC
PP ITB KOCAY, William Graphs, algorithms, and optimization / by William Kocay and Donald L. Kreher. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2005. 483 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Discrete mathematics and its applications AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
515 BRA
: KREHER, Donald L. : Mathematics : Graphs : 1-58488-396-0 : 20052047 PP ITB
BRADIE, Brian A Friendly introduction to numerical analysis / by Brian Bradie. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. xii, 933 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Analysis - Numerical analysis ISBN : 0-13-013054-0 No. Induk : 20052044
530.11 EXA
EXACT solutions to Einstein's field equations / by Hans Stephani [a.o.]. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. xxix, 701 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: STEPHANI, Hans : Physics : Mathematical physics - Relativity theory : 0-521-46136-7 : 20052062 PP ITB
530.427 5 MUL
MULTILAYER thin films: sequential assembly of nanocomposite materials / ed. by Gero Decher and Joseph B. Schlenoff. Reprinted ed. Weinheim: Wiley-VHC, 2004. xix, 524 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: DECHER, Gero; SCHLENOFF, Joseph B. : Physics : States of matter - Thin films - Multilayered : 3-527-30440-1 : 20052055
547.007 8 MAY
PP ITB MAYO, Dana W. Microscale organic laboratory with multistep and multiscale syntheses / by Dana W. Mayo, Ronald M. Pike and Peter K. Trumper. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 2000. xv, 668 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 29 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
551.458 PUG
: PIKE, Ronald M.; TRUMPER, Peter K. : Chemistry : Organic chemistry - Laboratory manuals : 0-471-32185-0 : 20052068
PP ITB PUGH, David Changing sea levels: effects of tides, weather and climate / by David Pugh. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. xiii, 265 hlm: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Subjek : Earth sciences : Geology Kata Kunci : Hydrology - Shorelines - Sea level ISBN : 0-521-53218-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20052048
PP ITB 551.460 015 118 BEN BENNETT, Andrew F. Inverse modeling of the ocean and atmosphere / by Andrew F. Bennett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xxii, 234 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Subjek : Earth science Kata Kunci : Hydrosphere - Oceanography - Mathematical models ISBN : 0-521-81373-5 No. Induk : 20052046
PP ITB 551.501 511 8 ENT ENTING, Ian G. Inverse problems in atmospheric constituent transport / by Ian G. Enting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xv, 392 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. Cambridge atmospheric and space sScience series Subjek : Earth science Kata Kunci : Meteorology - Atmospheric physics - Mathematical model ISBN : 0-521-81210-0 No. Induk : 20052042
551.524 6 CSA
PP ITB CSANADY, G.T. Air-sea interaction: laws and mechanisms / by G.T. Csanady. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. vii, 239 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. Subjek : Earth science Kata Kunci : Meteorology - Ocean-atmosphere interactions - air-sea interaction ISBN : 0-521-79680-6 (pbk) No. Induk : 20052053
570.727 FOW
PP ITB FOWLER, Jim Practical statistics for field biology / by Jim Fowler, Lou Cohen, and Phil Jarvis. 2nd ed. Chichester: John Wiley, 1998. ix, 259 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
577 MOL
: COHEN, Lou; JARVIS, Phil : Biology : Statistical methods : 0-471-98296-2 : 20052058
PP ITB MOLLES, Manuel C. Ecology: concepts and applications / by Manuel C. Molles. 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2001. xviii, 622 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) Registration code card; 28 cm. Registration code card disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Biology Kata Kunci : Ecology ISBN : 0-07-111168-9 No. Induk : 20052049
581.6 MCM
PP ITB MCMAHON, Margaret J. Hartmann's plant science: growth, development, and utilization of cultivated plants / by Margaret J. McMahon, Anton M. Kofranek, and Vincent E. Rubatzky. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. xvi, 573 hlm: gamb., tab.; 28 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: KOFRANEK, Anton M.; RUBATZKY, Vincent E. : Plants : Economic botany : 0-13-955477-7 : 20052056
615.902 OCC
OCCUPATIONAL toxicology / ed. by Chris Winder and Neill Stacey 2nd ed. New York: CRC Press, 2004. xviii, 602 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
616.079 ROI
PP ITB ROITT, Ivan Immunology / by Ivan Roitt, Jonathan Brostoff and David Male. 6th ed., Reprinted Edinburg: Mosby, 2004. xii, 480 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 28 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
620.112 99 SIM
: BROSTOFF, Jonathan; MALE, David : Medical sciences : Immunity - Immunology : 0-7234-3189-2 (pbk) : 20052067
PP ITB SIMON, Jacques Design of molecular materials: supramolecular engineering / by Jacques Simon and Pierre Bassoul. Chichester: Wiley, 2000. xiv, 494 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
R 658.05 HOL
: WINDER, Chris; STACEY, Neill : Medical sciences : Toxicology - Industrial toxicology : 0-7484-0918-1 : 20052061
: BASSOUL, Pierre : Engineering : Engineering materials - Microphysical properties - Molecular properties - Material science : 0-471-9371-8 : 20052043
PP ITB HOLTSNIDER, Bill IT manager's handbook: getting your new job done / by Bill Holtsnider and Brian D. Jaffe. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. xxx, 337 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: JAFFE, Brian D. : Management : Computer applications : 1-55860-646-7 : 20052059
658.404 PHI
PP ITB PHILLIPS, Joseph IT project management: on track from start to finish / by Joseph Phillips. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill & Osborne Media, 2004. xxii, 535 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Executive management - Project management ISBN : 0-07-223202-1 No. Induk : 20052060
669.94 POR
PP ITB PORTER, D.A. Phase tramsformations in metals and alloys / by D.A. Porter dan K.E. Easterling 2nd ed., reprinted. [.t.p]: CRC Press, 2001. xiii, 514 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: EASTERLING, K.E. : Chemical engineering : Metallurgy - Physicochemical metallurgical phenomena - Solidification : 0-7487-5741-4 : 20052063
700.103 SOC
The SOCIOLOGY of art: a reader / ed. by Jeremy Tanner. London: Routledge, 2003. xi, 265 hlm.: gamb.; 25 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
K 741.58 HAR
: TANNER, Jeremy : Arts : Arts and society : 0-415-30883-6 : 20052050
PP ITB HART, Christopher Manga mania fantasy worlds: how to draw the amazing worlds of Japanese comics / by Christopher Hart. New York: Watson-Guptill, 2003. 144 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Animated cartoons ISBN : 0-8230-2972-7 No. Induk : 20052066
R 741.6 LIV
PP ITB LIVINGSTON, Alan The Thames and Hudson dictionary of graphic design and designers / by Alan and Isabella Livingston. New ed. London: Thames & Hudson World of Art, 2003. 239 hlm.: gamb.; 21 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
791.433 WIN
: LIVINGSTON, Isabella : Arts : Graphic design : 0-500-20353-9 : 20052057
PP ITB WINDER, Catherine Producing animation / by Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi. Amsterdam: Focal Press, 2001. xvi, 315 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Focal Press visual effects and animation series AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: DOWLATABADI, Zahra : Performing arts : Public performances - Motion pictures - Animation : 0-240-80412-0 (pbk) : 20052054