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Nomor : 20 Juli 2005 Hal : Daftar Perolehan Baru (DIP 2004)
DAFTAR PEROLEHAN BARU No. 20 Juli 2005 Dasarumpun Dewey (Dewey Decimal Classification) 000 Karya Umum 100 Filosofi dan bidang yang Berhubungan 150 Psikologi 200 Agama 300 Ilmu Sosial 310 Statistika 320 Ilmu Politik 330 Ekonomi 340 Hukum 350 Administrasi pemerintahan 360 Patologi dan pelayanan sosial 370 Pendidikan 380 Perdagangan 390 Adat istiadat dan cerita rakyat 400 Bahasa Singkatan:
a B BB T
500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Matematika Astronomi Fisika Kimia & ilmu yang berhubungan Ilmu tentang bumi & antariksa Paleontologi Ilmu Hayati Botani Zoologi Teknologi Ilmu Kedokteran Rekayasa Pertanian & yang berhubungan Manajemen Manajemen
660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 900
Teknologi Kimia Manufaktur Aneka ragam manufaktur Bangunan Seni Tata kota dan pertamanan Arsitektur Seni Patung Gambar, seni hias & kerajinan Seni lukis Grafika Fotografi Musik Hiburan dan pertunjukan Kesusasteraan Geografi dan sejarah umum
= Laporan F = Fiksi P = Pamflet = Publikasi ITB I/K = Koleksi khusus R = Rujukan = Bukan buku L = Koleksi ilmu perpustakaan Rb = Bibliografi = Disertasi, skripsi, tesis
t.p. = tanpa nama penerbit t.t. = tanpa nama tempat t.th = tanpa tahun
307.14 WEI
PP ITB WEINBERG, Adam S. Urban recycling and the search for sustainable community development / by Adam S. Weinberg, David N. Pellow, and Allan Schnaiberg. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000. x, 225 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: PELLOW, David N.; SCHNAIBERG, Allan : Social sciences : Community development : 0-691-05014-7 : 20051041
362.178 209 73 PHA
PHARMACY and the U.S. health care system / ed. by Jack E. Fincham and Albert I. Wertheimer. 2nd ed. New York: Pharmaceutical Products Press, 1998. xxi, 557 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 22 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
R 387.702 85 MER
: FINCHAM, Jack E.; WERTHEIMER, Albert . : Social problems and services : Pharmaceutical policy - Social welfare - United States : 1-56024-998-6 : 20051039
PP ITB MERRY, John A. Aviation internet directory: a guide to 500 best aviation web sites / by John A. Merry. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. xxviii, 395 hlm.; 23 cm. Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Aviation - Air transportation ISBN : 0-07-137216-4 No. Induk : 20051034
515.822 GAS
PP ITB GASKILL, Herbert S. Elements of real analysis / by Herbert S. Gaskill and P.P. Narayanaswami. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. x, 501 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: NARAYANASWAMI, P.P. : Mathematics : Real variables functions - Analysis : 0-13-897067-X : 20051043
523.8 PHI
PP ITB PHILLIPS, A.C. The Physics of stars / by A.C. Phillips. 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley, 2003. xii, 246 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. The Manchester physics series Subjek : Astronomy Kata Kunci : Stars ISBN : 0-471-987980 Paperback No. Induk : 20051030
546 RAY
PP ITB RAYNER-CANHAM, Geoff Descriptive inorganic chemistry / by Geoff Rayner-Canham and Tina Overton. 3rd ed. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2003. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
551.021 HOU
: OVERTON, Tina : Chemistry : Inorganic chemistry : 0-7167-4620-4 : 20051045
PP ITB HOULDING, Simon W. Practical geostatistics: modeling and spatial analysis / by Simon W. Houlding. Berlin: Springer, 2000. xvi, 160 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Earth science Kata Kunci : Statistics - Geology ISBN : 3-540-66820-9 No. Induk : 20051033
560 PRO
PP ITB PROTHERO, Donald R. Bringing fossils to life: an introduction to paleobiology / by Donald R. Prothero. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. viii, 503 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm. Subjek : Paleontology Kata Kunci : Fossils ISBN : 0-07-366170-8 No. Induk : 20051044
610.28 NIC
PP ITB NICHOLSON, John W. The Chemistry of medical and dental materials / by John W. Nicholson. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002. xii, 242 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. RSC Materials Monographs Subjek : Medical science Kata Kunci : Medical technology ISBN : 0-85404-572-4 No. Induk : 20051042
624.151 DAY
PP ITB DAY, Robert W. Geotechnical and foundation engineering: design and construction / by Robert W. Day. New York: McGraw Hill, 1999. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Engineering geology - Civil engineering ISBN : 0-07-134138-2 No. Induk : 20051036
R 628.162 AME
PP ITB AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION Water quality and treatment: a handbook of community water supplies / by American Water Works Association; technical editor, Raymond D. Letterman. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 1999. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
629.13 AND
: LETTERMAN, Raymond D. : Engineering : Water treatment - Water supply-Environmental engineering : 0-07-001659-3 : 20051046
PP ITB ANDERSON, David F. Understanding flight / by David F. Anderson and Scot Eberhardt. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. xii, 239 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: EBERHARDT, Scott : Engineering : Flight - Aeronautics - Aerospace engineering : 0-07-136377-7 : 20051032
658.8 CRA
PP ITB CRANE, Andrew Marketing, morality and the natural environment / by Andrew Crane. London: Routledge, 2000. x, 208 hlm.: tab.; 24 cm. Routledge advances in management and business studies Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Marketing management ISBN : 0-415-21382-7 No. Induk : 20051031
660.65 GLI
PP ITB GLICK, Bernard R. Molecular biotechnology: principles and applications of recombinant DNA / by Bernard R. Glick and Jack J. Pasternak. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology Press, 2003. xxiii, 760 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
K 745.5 MOR
: PASTERNACK, Jack J. : Chemical engineering : Genetic engineering - Biotechnology : 1-55581-269-4 : 20051038
PP ITB MORANDINI, Marcello Art design, 1964-2000 / by Marcello Morandini. Milano: Charta, 2000. 268 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. Subjek : Arts Kata Kunci : Design - Decorative arts ISBN : 88-8158-283-x No. Induk : 20051040
791.097 3 PER
The PERFORMING arts in a new era / by Kevin McCarthy [a.o.]. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001. xxviii, 137 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang Subjek Kata Kunci ISBN No. Induk
: MCCARTHY, Kevin F. : Arts : Performing arts : 0-8330-3041-8 : 20051029
796.355 CAD
PP ITB CADMAN, John Hockey: the skills of the game / by John Cadman. Ramsbury, Marlgorough: Crowood Press, 2000. 121 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. Subjek : Sports Kata Kunci : Field hockey ISBN : 1-85223-767-8 No. Induk : 20051037
808.51 MAN
PP ITB MANDEL, Steve Effective presentation skills: a practical guide to better speaking / by Steve Mandel. 3rd ed. Menlo Park, CA: CrispLearning.com, 2000. vii, 94 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. A Fifty-minute series Subjek : Literature Kata Kunci : Publik speaking ISBN : 1-56052-526-6 No. Induk : 20051035