CURRICULUM VITAE Ivan Lukianto Bukit Idaman no. 67 – Bandung Cell Phone: 0818 0922 6847 E-mail:
[email protected] Educational Background: 2004 – 2007
SMUK 2 Bina Bakti Bandung Science Stream
La Trobe University Student Exchange Base on Scholarship for 1 semester
2007 – Now
Working Experience: 2009 - 2010
Student Advisory Center Description: Helping students in learning for 2 semester
2011 – present
PT. Sinergi Wahana Gemilang Description: Associate IT Specialist
Organizational Experience: 2007
English Competition as Scrabble Officer
CIC Head of Property Division
Head of Property, Food and Beverages, and Transportation in CIC retreat
CIC Head of Cell Group Coordinator & Member of Property
Certification: 2009
SAP Overview
DB2 9 Database and Application Fundamental
M77 IBM Information Management Optim Technical Sales Mastery Test v3
M45 IBM Information Management DB2 Technical Mastery v2 100
000-730, DB2 9 Fundamentals
Achievement: 2007
An Outstanding Student in Information Systems
Student Exchange base on Scholarship to La Trobe University
Events and Trainings: 2009
ASEAN Youth Leadership Program “Global Crisis”
SAP Overview Module 1
DB2 Academic Workshop
APPENDIX A Below is the interview summary done by the author with the head of Operation Manager of Binus JWC, Mrs. Irma I. Ibrahim dated on the 24th of May 2011. The process of students is start from registration. The marketing division promote Binus JWC to schools then after registration students will be tested whether they are meet the Binus JWC requirements or not. After pass the test the students will formally become the Binus JWC student. The student starts the teaching and learning activities. The attendance of the students in class is recorded that later will be used to calculate the attendance to determine the student can attend the exam or not. It is calculated can be based on only the theory class or it can be also both theory class and lab class. It depends on the subject. Besides the students, the lecturer attendance is also recorded. Before the lecturer comes to the class to teach, they must input their ID for attendance in the student service. The attendance of the lecturer will be recorded. It is also checked whether the lecturer late or not. Then all of that will be used for the lecturer KPI. If there is any cancel, it will also be considered to the score of the KPI. Furthermore, the questionnaire that students filled is also scored for the lecturer KPI. Then it comes to the exam process. The exam process starts from the time for the lecturer to submit the exam questions. Then the operation will handle the copy of the question. It will determine how many students will attend for that exam to specify the amount of copy. The schedule of the exam, the room number and the student’s seat number will be set till the exam online system is set. Proctor monitors the exam in every room. Binus JWC outsources the proctor. The assignment of proctor to the exam
schedule also needs to be managed by the operation so then the finance can calculate the cost of proctor. When the exam is running the proctor is checked to ensure that the proctor is watched the exam properly. The proctor also has a requirement, they should be able to speak English and know technology so they able to use the exam online system. When there is student who has finished exam, the proctor should update the exam online system as soon as possible so then the other class, if it is parallel exam, can know there is student who has finished. It enables the proctor to not allow student that enter to the class after there is student who finished. This system is a new system that is enabled by the BEES. Before this system is enabled, it is difficult to handle that kind of situation. It can be enabled but it needs more proctor. If there is a case that student is found cheating on the exam, the grading system will be blocked. It means the lecturer cannot input score to that student. Student and Alumni Relations (SAR) will hold that student answer sheet until SAR has judgment to the student. If the student is not considered cheating, then the lecturer can be able to input the score. The time submission of exam score by the lecturer is monitored. It is also included in the lecturer KPI. The activeness of lecturer in terms of providing a new idea to the school and brought student to competition is included in the scoring of lecturer KPI. After the scoring of exam, it comes to the calculation of GPA. The calculation is using ABIOS system but now it switches to the BEES system. After the exam the students needs to do registration again. This time is the registration for the next semester. The registration process is pre-enrollment, enrollment and payment. The BEES system also handles the pre-enrollment and enrollment system. In the future the pre-enrollment
system can create an invoice with finance parameter likes checking the deposit. Currently the payment for the enrollment is still lacking between the operation and the finance. The calculation is still manual, after the calculation is done it sent to finance and the finance create the invoice. It is a problem if student add and drop class and manual enrollment because the operation should submit the calculation to the finance again, the finance has to calculate the invoice again and the creation of invoice is not instantly done because there are number of student that have the same case. Manual enrollment can be a result of on leave student or student has not taken a course so that student takes the course with the junior. It can be a problem if the course of the junior is different with the senior student so it should use manual enrollment. The enrollment of thesis can be a problem also. In order for student to take thesis, they must fulfill the 140 SCU and also a minimal score for courses. The problem is when students want to take thesis in the odd semester and the fulfillment of 140 SCU is on the compact but the enrollment is done on the even semester that is before the compact semester. After all those processes, the process comes to the thesis process. In this process there are the submission schedule for title, the schedule of thesis pre-defense and defense. Currently thesis process is enabled by the system only for scheduling the thesis predefense and defense and it also helps in calculate the scoring for defense to ensure the calculation of examiner. Later on the BEES, the thesis system will be improved so maybe it will let the students to submit the title and the system can validate and print for approval from the head of school. In the ABIOS and BEES can know students who eligible for graduation but it is important to check again. It is difficult for tracking the double degree student. Binus
JWC system is not integrated with the double degree university. It needs an academic transcript to judge the student has graduated or not. The double degree university should send academic transcript to Binus JWC but sometimes the double degree university does not tell Binus and the student also does not inform Binus. In this case Binus should be proactive to ask to the double degree university regarding the status of the student. In BEES there will be also a student tracking system. It is to know the status of student whether the student is on leave, resign, or in the middle of the semester the student is missing. Currently, to track student is queried the data to get when the last the student is active so when the enrollment time, Binus JWC can send mail to ask for continue studying or not. Every intake has to know the status of the student so Binus JWC can know the status of this Binusian ID. It will help the student retention in every school for the KPI
APPENDIX B Below is the interview summary between the author and Mr. Diyurman Gea as the head of IT department in Binus JWC. The interview is conducted in Bahasa.
IT di Binus JWC mendukung aktifitas operation baik dari sisi dukungan hardware maupun software (software paket dan develop) dan software untuk belajar mengajar seperti software untuk fashion and art and design (AD) harus di beli. Selain itu IT juga menyediakan dan membantu layanan training buat staff – staff yg belum memahami penggunaan IT. IT juga menciptakan innovasi untuk mendukung operational, tanpa harus ada problem terlebih dahulu. IT juga untuk enchancement menjadi otomatisasi system supaya efficiency dan low cost. BPR system adalah customize software untuk mendukung operation didukung dengan hardware, network, internet, dan layanan troubleshooting. BPR untuk konversi dan future, menjawab tantangan untuk future, penyempurnaan buat system yang sudah ada. Lebih ke sistem yg terotomatisasi dari desktop ke web based. Dalam pembuatan suatu system baru ada proses identifikasi masalah, semua nya mengikuti SDLC. Analysis requirement setelah ok dilakukan design, coding, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Proses Perkuliahan Marketing – Penjadwalan – perkuliahan – penilaian – graduation Proses ini harus didukung oleh aplikasi. Ada aplikasi marketing, aplikasi penjadwalan untuk men generate jadwal dosen dan mahasiswa, penilaian, syllabus, ujian, enrollment, thesis, wisuda (operational). Finance masuk ke dalam system operational. AccessBi dan Finance system ada di Binus Anggrek.
Aplikasi pendukung student adalah perpustakaan dan aplikasi accessbi. Aplikasi untuk staff HR (payroll, cuti, absensi, asuransi). Semua aplikasi nya bikin sendiri kecuali aplikasi finance menggunakan SAP. Alasan memakai SAP adalah untuk belajar SAP seperti apa sebanarnya tanpa SAP system finance sudah ada. SAP dipilih juga karena Binus JWC ingin menjadi world class karena itu perlu system yg world class jg. Orangorang jg tahu SAP adalah world class software dan karena Mahasiswa kita nanti bukan hanya dari lokal saja. SAP hanya module accounting/finance yang dipakai. Dalam hal mendukung system – system di Binus JWC, network harus ready untuk mensupport. Bandwith network dengan kabel fiber optic juga harus mendukung. Koneksi antar Kampus Binus menggunakan fiber optic tapi untuk serpong pakai wireless. Server ada di data center ada di binus syahdan. Server semua branded ada yg IBM ada yg ASUS ada blade server jg. Dari sisi OS pake linux untuk main server (server2 tertentu). Untuk applikasi pakai windows 2008 server. Untuk database pakai sql server. Semua terintegrasi namun beberapa belom terintegrasi. Tp pada core nya sudah teringerasi seperti library dan accessbi (nim, user, password, profile). Absensi, finance, dan exam juga sudah terintegrasi. Tinggal applikasi yang kecil - kecil yg belom terintegrasi seperti login hotspot belom terintegrasi karena tidak begitu major. Dari sisi pengolahan data, Binus semi distributed yaitu centralized dan decentralized. Centralized seperti untuk finance itu di Binus syahdan. Tapi untuk academic centralized nya di binus JWC lalu pada akhir hari data nya akan di kirim ke syahdan untuk copy. Bandwith internet di Binus JWC adalah 5MB (link international aja) u/ link local unlimited. Seluruh binus (link international 30mb) pakai telkom. Binus join sebagai ISP sehingga Binus bisa dapat bekerja sama dengan pemilik tempat kos, kerja sama untuk
penyediaan bandwith supaya mahasiswa yg ada disana bisa menikmati layanan internet dengan harga terjangkau. Binus JWC melakukan proses back up and recovery. Recovery nya tidak realtime karna kekhawatiran akan kemampuan teknologi. Dulu pernah dicoba untuk real time tapi malah menimbulkan masalah. Jadi ketika terjadi perubahan itu tidak ada jaminan 100% data bisa balik atau dia ke switch sehingga lebih baik melakukan manual. Backup di simpen di dalam komputer terpisah yang lalu akan di back up ke tape. Untuk dapat mendukung operational dengan baik, server operational ditaruh di JWC lebih cepat. Server library dan accessbi ada di Binus Syahdan. Kerja sama yang dilakukan Binus JWC adalah kerja sama dengan BEJ jg untuk membantu anak finance. Kerja sama juga dengan microsoft (MSDNA) dan dalam hal cloud computing. Student punya akun di Microsoft server. Alasan dilakukan kerja sama dengan Microsoft adalah Binus mau jadi world class karena itu binus menggandeng perusahaan world class yang diakui oleh orang - orang itu world class. Ada beberapa fitur kemudahan yg di dapat dari menggunakan Microsoft : •
fitur - fitur lebih familiar dengan menggunakan microsoft
kaya linux belom support applikasi untuk microsoft
free license for all microsoft software untuk lab, student, lecture.
ada aturannya untuk tidak diperjual belikan
ABIOS applikasi untuk operational untuk penjadwalan, dosen, mahasiswa, nilai. Abios dan penambahan 25% menjadi BPR. Inventory management untuk mendata semua asset2 yg dimiliki khususnya komputer. Data yg sifatnya lokal ada jg yg keseluruhan. Untuk yg fixed asset. Semua peralatan elektronik, ruangan, meja, kursi ada label nya.
Kantin online system untuk validasi supaya 1x makan dan untuk check cuma staff dan lecture yg boleh makan. CMMI framework itu konsep nya. CMMI dipakai untuk konsep pengembangan applikasi seperti penamaan file, table, procedure seperti apa. .NET framework itu untuk programmingnya/teknisnya karena platform OS pake windows kemudian menginginkan pengembangan yg lebih cepat. Kalu melihat ke depan .NET bahasa pemrograman masa depan kemudia itu web bases sangat mendukung platform internet. Ada beberapa program masi belom pakai .NET tp akan beralih ke .NET. sebelum .NET memakai vibi sebelum nya pakai foxpro (sebelum tahun 2000). IT policy : •
tidak menggunakan internet untuk hal-hal yang tidak berhubungan dengan
pekerjaan •
tidak bole akses bit torent
tidak diperkenankan memposting hal-hal yg tidak berhubungan dengan pekerjaan
menggunakan email kantor •
download file 10 - 15mb/download (bisa request untuk lebih)
diluar jam kerja (jam 8 malem) unlimited
rules lab (tidak boleh makan, tidak bole bongkar komputer, maen game, dll)
IT Security : •
untuk mendapatkan IP menggunakan DHCP server
segmentasi network (antar bagian tidak bisa komunikasi, antar ruang lab, antar
divisi, kecuali di kasi akses atau di routing) •
masing - masing user punya login sama password ke server, database dan aplikasi
user yang sudah keluar dihapus
akses ke server juga ada hak akses, baik dari data maupun file
hak akses ke hotspot (harus pakai autentikasi)
untuk monitor user ada audit trail dan ter record di dalem log
lebih dari 10 kali coba password akan di lock (accessbi belum dilakukan, kalau
binus maya sudah), tergantung harus liat pengembangannya kalau seperti itu merepotkan atau tidak •
update anti virus di lakukan secara berkala (manual)
patch OS semua manual
semua computer lab wajib pakai deep freeze
patch semua manual karena kalau otomatis sesudah install update harus restart dan
ada deep freeze yang akan mengembalikan ke posisi sebelumnya jadi update hilang. •
ada jadwal maintenance
menggunakan kaspersky total solution
Testing hanya assess efficiency saja, bila tidak perlu tidak dilakukan berdasarkan kepentingannya. Major problem biasa diketahui setelah ada incident. Untuk computer lab dilakukan cloning sehingga kalau 1 masalah semua bermasalah. Kaspersky yang total solution di install untuk setiap computer staff di Binus, kecuali di lab karena lab sudah menggunakan deep freeze. Virtualization server Untuk server tidak memakai virtualization karena cost virtual hampir sama dengan server yang saat ini. Virtual adalah teknologi terbaru sehingga tidak compatible dengan server yang kita punya. Binus belom ada server yang untuk dipakai virtualization
sehinnga kalau memakai virtual harus mengganti server yang mana biaya nya akan sama dengan sekarang. Untuk Binus belom ada arah ke virtualization tapi mungkin akan mengarah kesana. Cloud akan mengarah kesana tapi belom untuk server. Karena tdak semua harus cloud, seperti data2 finance tidak akan di cloud. Mungking hanya untuk worksheet (lembar kerja). Menyangkut data2 perusahaan tidah bijak untuk menggunakan cloud computing.
Web Service Web service untuk nge link account login dalam bentuk XML. Web service develop sendiri tapi sekarang masih hanya untuk user account. Untuk panggilnya sama dan keluarnya sama. Web service untuk autentikasi dan data (ada staff yg membutuhkan data dr tempat lain, akan dapat akses tp hanya sesuai kebutuhan saja). Server di Binus JWC
Use for authentication hotspot. The authentication is from database. (LINUX operating system)
Server for hotspot that has GUI dan authentication.
File server (worksheet, letter)
To manage and store files for Art & Design student. Save in MYSQL is
optional. 5
RFID Server
To enable recognition the Binusian ID card.
Web application
Use for attendance system
Use for DHCP server and file server (master file)
Accounting students 9
Windows server 2003. ABIOS and BEES database
113 APPENDIX C Below is the summary of the interview done by the author with the Dean of Program of Binus JWC, Mr. Minaldi Loeis. Binus JWC implements measurements of key performance to achieve the goals of Binus JWC. In order to achieve the goals, it is important to know approaches to take. The approach to take in achieving the goals stated in the strategy JWC Map. The measurements mentioned will be based on the JWC Strategy Map. According to Kaplan Norton, strategy map is needed to develop balance scorecard. The strategy map is divided into four that are learning and growth, internal process, customer and finance. Learning & growth is related to people development, for example what kind of people that can enable Binus JWC to achieve the goals. Binus JWC also strive to cultivate good people so that people can create a new knowledge and thus will increase the organizational capital as well. By cultivating outstanding people, it will influence by enhancing information capital and increasing organizational capital. The reason for Binus JWC chooses information capital is because Binus is an Educational Institution. The capital is different with other type of company. The capital of Binus is a knowledge or information. If those 3 are good, it will affect the internal process of Binus JWC. Internal process is a collection of processes that happen in day-to-day activities. The internal process consists of activities which involve the developing of high quality research and knowledge, enhancing of customer management processes, creating the best academic programs, improving contribution to community, and providing operations and service excellence. These 5 processes are the key processes in Binus JWC which needs to be measured. In developing high quality research, Binus JWC develops research and development department. Furthermore, Binus JWC wants to enhance customer management process. The Business
114 Process Reengineering is part of this process. Binus JWC also creates a leading academic program. The program that Binus JWC introduces must be a leading program which makes Binus JWC is different with other university. Binus JWC has to improve contribution to community known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The reason why Binus JWC needs to contribute to community is because Binus JWC wants international and national accreditation. Both accreditation proclaim that education organizations have to contribute to community. Binus also has a program called Teaching for Indonesia (TFI). Teachers outside Jakarta, in villages, are taught with no charge. Binus not only focus on financial matter but also wants to give back to community through those programs. For example, TFI helps the victims of Yogyakarta earthquake by sending donations. Another example is Binus JWC is collecting coffee waste to be given to orphanage that can be used to create a bag. The 5th process is the operation and service excellence. In order to achieve the operation and service excellence, Binus JWC needs to distribute questionnaires to students. In order for students to look their score in accessbi, they need to answer the questionaire provided by Research and Development department. This questionnaire helps Binus JWC to measure the performance of operations and service department. With the measurement, Binus JWC can identified which part of operations and service that need improvement. From the strategy map, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is derived. The KPI is measured and evaluated at the end of each year. The KPI which is based on job description is different among staff. For example, there is no operations and service indicator in the KPI of dean of program. Not only fulltime staff but also part time lecturer have KPI. The KPI for part time lecturer is shorter and more specific. It measures based on the lecturer performances of how on time the submission of exam questions, exam score, and attendance of the lecture. Mr. Firdaus creates KPI for him according to Binus CEO and also align with JWC Strategy Map. The CEO checks the KPI made by Mr. Firdaus and decide whether to agree or not. with
115 the KPI. If the CEO agree then the KPI is distributed to Dean of Program, director of continuing education, and etc. The KPI of Mr. Firdaus is the KPI of Binus JWC. The KPI of Dean of Program is distributed to head of school. The KPI is a top to bottom approach. At the end of the year, the total score in the KPI will be checked. Each individual KPI has its own passing grade. Deming Cycle Binus JWC has Deming Cycle to review the KPI. Deming Cycle has 4 processes which is PDCA (Plan Do Check Action). Plan process is a process to build KPI. The strategy map is considered in this process. Do process is a process of KPI execution. Check process is a process to review whether it is according to plan or not. The action process is based on the result of check process. At the end of the year, a meeting is conducted to decide the action. If the staff does not surpass the check process, his/her position will be replaced with another person. JWC Culture The strategy cannot be implemented smoothly if the culture is not suitable. Even though the plan is properly constructed, the occurrence of failure is still possible. Binus JWC wants to build a culture to support the planning. With JWC culture, everyone possess same behavior. Both planning and behavior are important to align with the Binus JWC strategy. Hiring New Lecturer The experience, teaching assignment and review are used for hiring a new lecturer. In order to become a full time lecturer, the candidate is required to have 1 year in contract. After 1 year, Binus JWC decides whether to recruit the candidate for full time or not based on the KPI. Study Plan Binus JWC do benchmark to other university such as Binus Syahdan, abroad university like UCLA, and also do focus group discussion with company.
116 It is also important to ask the company how well graduate student of Binus performed and ask for example what should be taught to student in computer studies. It is important to ask the company regarding the performance of Binus graduate students and the skill requirements that needed by the company in terms of computer studies or other subject. Furthermore Binus JWC creates the curriculum and decides the total number of SCU to be finished in order to graduate. Binus JWC consults with people that specialized in that study. Every year, Binus JWC revises the curriculum according to the expert people. For example, the expertise of Enterprise Application said that there is a new standard of Enterprise Application so Binus JWC should change the curriculum. Student & Alumni Relation Student & Alumni Relation handles the company that Binus JWC look for the collaboration for student who has graduate from Binus. Binus JWC choose top 100 companies in Indonesia or Fortune global 100 in order to make cooperation. The cooperation can be in terms of having Binus JWC student to have internship and full time job. The SAR also held the job expo event. Meet Stakeholder Expectation Meeting stakeholder expectation can be known by using survey to lecturers and students or conducting focus group discussion in order to meet the stakeholder expectation. Person and type of company is selected before conducting the focus group discussion. ISO certification ISO is a quality assurance for management systems which monitor Binus JWC operation process management. It is done in order to achieve operational excellence. For example, if Binus JWC stated that student would receive the exam score 2 weeks after exams, the ISO checks whether Binus JWC keeps their agreement or not. If it is not happen, Binus JWC should immediately
117 take action to address the situation. Every certain period Binus JWC reviews to the processes and do some changes if it is necessary. Within a year, there is a total of 4 processes evaluation. 2 times from the internal and 2 times from SGS because Binus JWC gets ISO from SGS. Journey toward Academic Excellence Accreditation EPAS will give Binus JWC an international recognition. Accreditation EQUIS is under preparation. NUS and NTU are EQUIS accreditation.
118 APPENDIX D Below is the summary of the interview done by the author with the Quality Assurance Manager of Binus JWC, Huibert Andi Wenas. Last year, Business Process Engineering (BPR) has been started but the real work is actually started at the beginning of this year. The idea is we want to completely analyze the information system that we have at the moment and support the business process better. The project is not only for Binus International but also the Binus Business School (S1 and S2). The project was initiated based on the awareness that there is a gap between the business and the business process. The problem identified in the past few years, we realize that we need to create a better system to realign the business and the business process. It is not only the system to change but also the business process. Part of the result is the enrollment. The enrollment system has been upgraded. The interface to the end user may not show significant changes but in the background there is significant changes to the system. The fact of this JWC campus is that we are aware that the business activities are growing and changing so we need to adopt the changing environment. For instance we have to comply with a new governmental regulation or we need to comply with external international accreditation institution. There is a certain requirement to get that accreditation. Those requirement will be translated to business processes and the support systems (Information Systems) need to be updated. Even without international accreditation, the business process still needs to be changed also because of the growth. We are having more and more students so the way we manage, the academic activities on the student and faculty side needs to be updated. It cannot rely on the existing processes. The existing processes are not designed for this growth. If the business process is not changed, we will overwhelm with problem. If the problem does not solve then later we cannot sustain the growth anymore and the public will know. It is not an easy
119 process in business process reengineering because not everybody happy with the changes whether the staff or stakeholder. A change is a must or we will be in trouble. Changes are good but on the other side changes are not good. The BPR will effect to academic, the availability lecturer to more and more classes, and manage part and full time lecturer. In the future, Binus International needs to build a new facility. The business process is supported with the information systems. BPR does not have a definit finish date because it is a continuity process. It is important that the system continuously be reviewed. Binus JWC realizes that IT is the business enabler. IT must be involved in the process to support the strategy. The new system that supported by the BPR is grading, enrollment, lecturer log system, lecture and scheduling including exam, and pre enrollment. Pre-enrollment system enables operation department have data of the classes that need to be offered in the next semester. IT in Binus JWC acts as a support because without IT, Binus can still do process manually but there will be certain constraints. From that perspective, you can already state that we do align or at least we are in the process of aligning the vision, mission, and strategies up to the level of it. The BPR already illustrates the alignment and the commitment of the management to ensure that the business strategy has supported by the infrastructure. The whole BPR project is reflecting our effort to make the alignment. The alignment is important because as you can see in the slide that they are different categories of perspectives by internal capabilities, finance, learning & growth and customer. BPR project will improve the internal capabilities of this campus. It is to support the customer, internal or external customer. The library is part of the internal customer by supporting knowledge material to students and staffs. Learning and growth The part that is relevant to learning could be the knowledge management part. I think part of the BPR project at least indirectly supporting the knowledge management. In the future, the system
120 will enable the user to get an updated knowledge in our system in academic related content or procedural related content. Knowledge management is required to improve the learning. Policy that operation staff needs to know is how to handle feedback from student. There is also another policy which is budget related policy. There are certain policies that become the standard of Binus JWC and each component should know that. The different between ABIOS and BEES
Abios is the current system. It is an automated system but it works dependent. With the BPR project, the ABIOS will be transformed to BEES application. BEES is stand for Binus Enterprise Education System. Hardly, it is already implemented but not complete yet. There are several modules still under development. The ABIOS is still running with BEES in parallel but when the BEES application is completed, ABIOS will be abandoned. Accessbi is not part of the ABIOS instead it is another system that has different prototype and different user. Accessbi is for student, faculty, and lecturer but ABIOS is dedicated for operation part. Problem We have limited number of human resources in the IT department. The capability is good but the number are not enough so if we map that to the tight schedule of BPR project, it becomes a problem. A problem which is going to surface in terms of several problem system. Human
resources is always a tricky area in project management, at the beginning you have to identify several number of people with certain qualification from different department that will be involved and solved the project. During the project, there is turnover of staff
that is new staff are coming in and existing staff is retiring. At the moment those become an issue in the BPR project. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Lecturer and staff have KPI as employee. Part time lecturer have different set of KPI as full time lecturer. Full time lecturer KPI has double role. They have the structuring position either as faculty member, program, or head of school but they also have function as lecturer and those will be measured. At the moment, KPI calculation is still done manually do the KPI. It is supported with excel but we are now developing an IT new system to define the KPI. The KPI from year to year would be different. With new system we can entry or modify the KPI into the system. The system is called executive dashboard. The executive dahsboard will monitor the KPI progress. The way the KPI is monitored depend on the design. Anytime the employee log in, the dashboard of the system could be actually show the status of the KPI at the moment so calculating, retrieving while the data shown different database in our system then show the performance of the custom employee. If possible the system should be able to evaluate and analyze the KPI also. Maybe for evaluation part, it is a feature that cannot be included in this year version. Executive dashboard is system that we dealing based on Jenjang Jabatan Akademi (JJA). JJA is a system design by our direktorat pendidikan tinggi, the high education department from the government. The rule is every lecturer in Indonesia with Indonesian nationality should have JJA that is the lecturer should collect point that represents their experience, expertise and qualification in the field of their teaching. For example, let say
I am now a lecturer, my qualification now is master degree to get qualification benefit standard of point JJA assign. If I continue my education to higher degree become doctor, i will get additional point. This point accumulation will be recognized as a record. The point can be used to determine their job position in university. In order to become professor, you have to be granted from government. It is endorsed by university but granted by the government. Lecturer cannot get professor title from the university. It must be approved by the government and the university must support as well. Furthermore, it is needed to complete all the document including the requirement, meeting the minimum JJA point and the professorship. The government will review and approve it in order for you to get your professorship. That is the JJA system and recognition of your expertise, experience and qualification. In other country might have different regulation but in Indonesia is regulated that way for the education and high level education. In the future, they want to enforce the rule of certification also for lecturer certification. You can only teach at university if you are a certified lecturer. In order to earn that certification, you must fulfill certain requirement including the JJA point. The lecturer and student research module is a module that we manage the research activity. The reason to have lecturer and student research module is because there are activities that are important for JJA point. By doing research, a lecturer can get point because it is critical for the professor or lecturer. The lecturer teaches something but the knowledge of the lecturer must improve continuously. Otherwise, the lecturer will just teach same thing which is already obsolete. By doing research, we expand the
knowledge. Lecturer and Quality Management In order to improve the lecturer and quality, they need training. For example the use of new software training that is related to teaching skill or the new system enables the lecturer deliver the teaching material better in class. There is a management related training also such as leadership training including the continuing your education level to a higher level. Library and knowledge management Library and knowledge management is related to teaching material collection that could be located in library or could be stored in the knowledge management system. The knowledge management system could also be part of the library actually. It includes a teaching material, lecture experience of training that lecture have followed. Those could be stored in the knowledge management so everybody can access and learn from it. They could be in a form of blog or could be in the portal and relate to database. The conventional library is the traditional form of knowledge management, but now we have electronic library which the modern kind of knowledge management. Knowledge management could be integrated into our daily activity. For instance we have lotus notes for the employee. Lotuse notes stores all the standard procedure, all the standard form and all the job description. Payment system In terms of payment, it could be included a calculation of bonus based on the KPI but I
don’t think there are such system yet. Currently the payment system in Binus is because we have a lot of part time lecturer and proctors during exam. The payment to those people needs to be manage well because they are many of them so we have this technique module. For the full time employee and lecturer has different system. It is only payment for teaching assistant, teaching lecturer, and student advisory. Yudisium Yudisium is a process to verify the credibility of each student to graduate. It could be supported by a system. Yudisium will use all the data in our system like the grade of the student and the SCU of the student. At the moment, Yudisium process is still handle manually but the information that is needed for yudisium is using a system. The system will generat all credit unit that the student has completed.
125 APPENDIX E Cooperations Education Institutions No
Field of Collaborations
Ciputra University, Surabaya
Local Academy of Cisco Networking Academy Program (CNAP)
Duta Wacana Christian University
Cisco Networking Local Academy Agreement
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Academic Cooperation
International Language Program
Teacher Training Courses
Field of Collaboration
ABN Amro Bank, NV.,
Academic Cooperation
Jakarta 2
Acer Indonesia, PT
Research and Development in Information Technology
ACL Services Ltd
Free Auditing Software License
Ad Quantum Advertising,
Academic and Industry Collaboration
126 Governmental Institutions
Field of Collaboration
Departemen Komunikasi dan
Development, Education and
Informatika Republik Indonesia
Research in Communication and Information Tecnology
Departemen Pertanian Republik
Cooperation MMSI and Departemen
Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan
Selection Program and Training
Transmigrasi RI
Center for 7th ASC Competitors
Dinas Pendidikan Menengah dan
Development and Implementation
Tinggi Provinsi DKI Jakarta
"Teach for Indonesia" Program at DKI Jakarta Area
Associations / Organizations / Foundations
No Partner
Field of Collaboration
AIESEC Indonesia
Global Internship Program
Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi
Education System Based on Information
Swasta Indonesia
(APTISI) Wilayah III DKI Jakarta 3
Badan Kerjasama
Industrial Engineering Journal
Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri (BKSTI), Koordinator Wilayah DKI Jakarta 4
BEA Photographic
Jogja Earthquake Recovery Program
127 New Collaboration
No Partner
Field of Collaboration Education Institution United Academic Kingdom Cooperation
Bournemouth University
Chosun University
Academic Cooperation
Guangxi Normal University
Academic Cooperation
Guangxi Teachers Education University
Academic Cooperation
Start Date
End Date
3Aug2009 25Jun2009 11Mar2009 10Mar2009
3Aug2012 25Jun2014 11Mar2012 10Mar2012
Industry Indonesia Industry and 21Academic AugCooperation 2009 Bina Favorit Indonesia Event Promotion 16Press, PT “The 13th BINUS FebJob Expo” 2009 11Elex Media Indonesia Entrepreneurship MarKomputindo, PT Skills 2009 Development in Book Authoring (Writerpreneurs) for Civitas Academia of BINUS UNIVERSITY Higina Alhadin, Indonesia Event Promotion 16PT “The 13th BINUS FebJob Expo” 2009 Association / Organization / Foundation AIESEC Indonesia Global Internship 14Indonesia Program Sep2009 Indonesia Industry and 30International Academic MayGeosynthetics Cooperation 2009 Society Indonesian Chapter (INAIGS) Oracle USA ThinkQuest 16Ecolab Indonesia, PT
21Aug2010 2-Mar2009 11Mar2011
14Sep2010 30May2013
Education Foundation Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur Indonesia
Program Indonesia
Database Management on Historical Building Documentation
Jun2009 7Aug2009
Jun2011 7Aug2014
1 2 3 4
Field of Collaboration
Educational Institution Bournemouth United Kingdom University Chosun University Korea Cologne Business School Curtin University of Technology
Germany Australia Industry USA
Academic Cooperation Academic Cooperation Partnership 3+1 Program Graduate Program in Accounting
Cisco Systems, Inc
Dream Pictures 21 Korea Co. Ltd. Fullcast Japan Technology Co., Ltd. & Global Needs, Inc. Japan Global Engineer Fullcast Training Program Technology Co., (GET Program) Ltd. & Global Batch II Needs, Inc. Fullcast Japan Global Engineer Technology Co., Training Program Ltd. & Global (GET Program) Needs, Inc. Batch III Association / Organization / Foundation Asian Development United Nations Program Funding Bank (ADB) Netherlands Collaboration in Collaborative IWEM Knowledge (Infrastructure, Network Indonesia Water Resources & (CKNet-INA) Environmental Management)
10 11
Regional Academy Program Agreement Production of LexaKingdom Global Engeneer Training Program (GET Program)
APPENDIX F Standard Operating Procedure