Curriculum Vitae Carla Haelermans (updated November 2015)
Personal information Name: Date of Birth: Nationality:
Haelermans, C.M.G. (Carla) October 20, 1983 Dutch
Contact Details Maastricht University Top Institute for Evidence Based Education Research [TIER] PO Box 616 6200 MD Maastricht
[email protected] +31 6 18994041
Education 2012 2007-2012:
2005-2006: 2002-2006: 1996-2002:
University Teaching Qualification (BKO: Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs) Ph.D. in Education Economics, Maastricht University Thesis: On the productivity and efficiency of education – The role of innovations in Dutch secondary education. International Economic Studies (Master of Science) Major: Social Economics Maastricht University, the Netherlands Study abroad Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio, USA International Economic Studies (Bachelor of Science) Maastricht University, the Netherlands Pre academic education (VWO) Valuascollege, Venlo, the Netherlands
Working Experience 2015-now
Program coordinator University Teaching Qualification (BKO: Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs) for Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Maastricht University Teachers Academy, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Assistant Professor Top Institute for Evidence-based Education Research (TIER), Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Aug-Nov 2013 2012-2013
April 2012 2010-2014 2010-2012
2007-2010: 2007:
Program coordinator in the preMaster of Evidence Based Education in Teaching (preMEBIT) for teachers in primary education Teachers Academy, Maastricht University, the Netherlands Visiting researcher SOFI, Stockholm University, Sweden Postdoctoral Researcher Top Institute for Evidence-based Education Research (TIER), Maastricht University, The Netherlands Visiting researcher and lecturer Politecnico di Milano, Italy Affiliated researcher IPSE Studies, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands PhD-researcher on productivity and innovations in secondary education Top Institute for Evidence-based Education Research (TIER), Maastricht University, the Netherlands PhD-researcher on productivity and innovations in secondary education IPSE Studies, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Contract researcher IPSE Studies, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Internship Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Netherlands
Teaching activities 2011-now
Lecturer Statistics and Research Methods in the Master of Evidence Based Education in Teaching (MEBIT) Teachers Academy, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Member Exam Committee Master of Evidence Based Education in Teaching (MEBIT) Teachers Academy, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Course coordinator, lecturer and tutor Educational Minor (course: “School als Organisatie”) Teachers Academy, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Academic Guidance 2015-
Supervision PhD-thesis Marlau van Rens.
Supervision PhD-thesis Dimona Bartelet (Arithmetic performance in primary education). Thesis defended on 28 January 2015.
Supervision master thesis (5 students) Supervision semester papers (13 students)
Supervision master thesis (4 students) Supervision semester papers (22 students)
Supervision master thesis (4 students) Supervision semester papers (6 students)
Supervision master thesis (2 students) Supervision semester papers (7 students)
Supervision semester papers (2 students)
Supervision semester papers (1 student)
Awarded Grants 2014
The Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO), for a practice-oriented research project, on the effect of digital practice and parental involvement on language and math performance of secondary students (€95K).
Refereed International Publications Cabus, S.J. & C. Haelermans (2015). The Return on gaining in-School Practical Experiences (Accepted for publication in British Journal of Industrial Relations, doi: 0.1111/bjir.12166). Haelermans, C. & J. Ruggiero (2015). Nonparametric Estimation of the Cost of Adequacy in Education: The Case of Dutch Schools (Accepted for publication in Journal of the Operational Research Society, doi:10.1057/jors.2015.68). Cabus, S.J., C. Haelermans & S. Franken (2015). SMART in Mathematics? – Exploring the Effectiveness of Teaching Low Math Proficiency Students with an Interactive Whiteboard (Accepted for publication in British Journal of Educational Technology, doi:10.1111/bjet.12350). Bartelet, D., J. Ghysels, W. Groot, C. Haelermans & H. Maassen van den Brink (2015). The Differential Effect of Basic Mathematics Skills Homework via a WebBased Intelligent Tutoring System across Achievement Subgroups and Mathematics Domains - A Randomized Field Experiment. (Accepted for publication in Journal of Educational Psychology, doi: 10.1037/edu0000051). Agasisti, T. & C. Haelermans (2015). Comparing efficiency of public universities among European countries: Different incentives lead to different performances. (Accepted for publication in Higher Education Quarterly, doi: 10.1111/hequ.12066).
Haelermans, C., J. Ghysels & F. Prince (2015). Increasing performance by differentiated teaching? - Experimental evidence of the student benefits of digital differentiation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(6), 1161-1174. Haelermans, C., J. Ghysels & F. Prince (2015). A Dataset of Three Educational Technology Experiments on Differentiation, Formative Testing and Feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(5), 1102-1108. Haelermans, C. & K. De Witte (2015). Does social mobility improve educational outcomes? Evidence from the Netherlands. Social Science Research, 52(1), 351369. De Witte, K., C. Haelermans & N. Rogge (2015). The effectiveness of a computerassisted math learning program. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(4), 314-329. Brennan, S., C. Haelermans & J. Ruggiero (2014). Nonparametric Estimation of Education Productivity with an Application to Dutch Schools. European Journal of Operational Research, 234(1), 809-818. Haelermans, C., & Ruggiero, J. (2013). Estimating Technical and Allocative Efficiency in the Public Sector: A Nonparametric Analysis of Dutch Schools. European Journal of Operational Research, 227(1), 174-181. Haelermans, C. & De Witte, K. (2012). The role of innovations in Secondary School efficiency - Evidence from a conditional efficiency model. European Journal of Operational Research, 223, 541-549. Haelermans, C., & Blank, J. L. T. (2012). Is a schools’ performance related to educational change? – A study on the relation between innovations and secondary school productivity. Computers and Education, 59(3), 884-892. Haelermans, C., De Witte, K., & Blank, J. L. T. (2012). On the allocation of resources for secondary schools. Economics of Education Review, 31(5), 575-586. Haelermans, C., & Borghans, L. (2012). Wage effects of on-the-job training: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), 502-528. Haelermans, C.M.G. (2010). Innovative power of Dutch secondary education. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 12(2), 154–165.
Other Publications Haelermans, C. & J. Ghysels (2015). Als huiswerk Muiswerk. Didactief, November 2015, 48. Haelermans, C. & J. Ghysels (2015). Muiswerk werkt! Maar er moet natuurlijk wel geoefend worden. Educatieve Agenda Limburg
( 6 November 2015. Haelermans, C. (2015). Tegemoetkoming scholen met achterstandsleerlingen ontoereikend. Economisch Statistische Berichten 100(4717): 514-517. Haelermans, C. & J. Ghysels (2014). Rekenvaardigheden verbeteren met adaptief ICT-programma. 4W (Weten Wat Werkt en Waarom), Kennisnet. Jaargang 3, uitgave 4 – december 2014: 14-21. Haelermans, C. & L. Borghans (2014). Looneffect bedrijfstraining niet eenduidig. Economisch Statistische Berichten 99(4695): 626-629. Haelermans, C., Ghysels, J., Stals, D. & Weeda, F. (2013). Het effect van online digitaal oefenen op rekenprestaties van brugklasleerlingen. Economisch Statistische Berichten 98(4671): 650-653. Ghysels, J. & C. Haelermans (2013). Worden N-profielen te veel gekozen? Een onderzoek naar profielkeuze en doorstroom in de vwo-afdelingen van LVO. TIER Research Report. Maastricht University. Maart 2013. Haelermans, C. & De Witte, K. (2012). Onderwijsinnovaties en leerprestaties. Economisch Statistische Berichten 97(4642): 513-516. Hulst van B.L., E. van der Boom, C.M.G. Haelermans & S. van de Vlasakker (2011). Topinkomens in het Onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën 43(2). Blank, J. & C. Haelermans (2010). Naar innovatief onderwijs. Economisch Statistische Berichten 95(4588): 409-411. Blank, J. & C. Haelermans (2010). Innovaties en duurzaam onderwijs – het effect van innovaties op de productiviteit van scholen in het voortgezet onderwijs. Delft en Utrecht, Centrum voor Innovatie en Publieke Sector Efficiëntie Studies en VOraad. Blank, J., A. Dumay, C. Haelermans, A. van Heezik, B. L. van Hulst & P. Koot (2010). Productiviteit en effectiviteit van de publieke sector - Een agenda voor onderzoek naar relevant beleidsinstrumenten. Delft, Centrum voor Innovatie en Publieke Sector Efficiëntie Studies. Blank, J., A. Dumay, C. Haelermans, A. Heezik van, B. L. Hulst van & P. Koot (2010). Is de ziekte van Baumol te behandelen? - Een verkennend onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden om de productiviteit in de publieke sector te vergroten. Delft, Centrum voor Innovatie en Publieke Sector Efficiëntie Studies
Blank, J.L.T., P.M. Koot & C. Haelermans (2009). Schaalvergroting in historisch perspectief. In: Schaal op maat: Essays over schaalvergroting in zorg en onderwijs (eds: J.L.T. Blank). Delft: IPSE Studies, april 2009. Blank, J., C. Haelermans & B. van Hulst (2009). Innovatiekracht van het voortgezet onderwijs. Delft, Instituut voor Publieke Sector Efficiëntie Studies. Blank, J.L.T., C. Haelermans, B.L. van Hulst & P.M. Koot (2009). Second Opinion Benchmark Shared Services. Delft, IPSE Studies, 2009. Boom, van der E., B. van Hulst, S.M.J. van de Vlasakker, C. Haelermans (2009). Sectorgerelateerde maxima topinkomens onderwijs, in opdracht van ECORYS. Delft: IPSE Studies. Haelermans, C. (2008). IT-Innovaties in het voortgezet onderwijs. .ego Jaargang 8(1): 29-32. Blank, J.L.T., C. Haelermans, P.M. Koot & O. van Putten (2008). Schaal en Zorg. Economisch Statistische Berichten 93(4536): 326-329. Blank, J.L.T. & C. Haelermans (2008). Trends in onderwijsbureaucratie. Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën 2008(2): 58-73. Blank, J.L.T., C. Haelermans, P.M. Koot & O. Putten van (2008). Schaal en Zorg Een inventariserend onderzoek naar de relatie tussen schaal, bereikbaarheid, kwaliteit en doelmatigheid in de zorg. Den Haag, Raad voor de Volksgezondheid & Zorg/IPSE Studies.
Working Papers Belfi, B., C. Haelermans and B. De Fraine (2013). Cognitive and noncognitive long-term effects of school socioeconomic composition in primary education: A quasi-experimental approach (revise and resubmit). Ghysels, J., C. Haelermans & F. Prince (2013). The Economics of Information in Human Capital Formation - Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments on Information Efforts via Formative Testing in Secondary Education (submitted). Haelermans, C. & J. Ghysels (2015). The Effect of Individualized Digital Practice at Home on Math Skills- Evidence from a Two-Stage Randomized Experiment on Whether and Why it Works (submitted). Haelermans, C. & J. Ruggiero (2014). The influence of exogenous environmental variables on school costs in the Netherlands: A nonparametric analysis (submitted). De Witte, K., D. Bezuijen, R. Kruis & C. Haelermans (2014). Can ICT reduce teacher shortages? A mixed methods design (submitted).
Bartelet, D., C. Haelermans, W. Groot & H. Maassen van den Brink (2013). The effect of schooling on informal and formally taught mathematics abilities, while controlling for child specific characteristics - A regression-discontinuity approach (submitted). Van der Eem, M. & C. Haelermans (2015). The Cost Effectiveness of Student Involvement – Experimental evidence on gender differences in academic achievement and motivation due to increased student involvement (working paper). Haelermans, C., K. Marquardt & J. Ruggiero (2015). A note on measuring environmental harshness (working paper). Ghysels, J. & C. Haelermans (2015). New evidence on the effect of computerized individualized practice and instruction in literacy (working paper). Haelermans, C. & M. Heers (2015). The Effect of Ethnic Diversity in Secondary Schools on School Dropout and the Level of Vocational Education in the Netherlands (working paper). Haelermans, C., R. Korthals, T. Schils & A. Stenberg (2015). School Tracking and Low Achievers’ Non-Cognitive Skills (working paper).
Presentations 2015
Invited speaker NRO conference; Invited speaker symposium het gebruik van digitale oefenprogramma’s voor taal en rekenen in het VO; EEA; Seminar at CPB; Invited speaker NRO/Kennisnet conferentie Weten Wat Werkt met ICT; LEER workshop Education Economics; Third Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics and Econometrics of Education.
Invited speaker Dé Onderwijsdagen; EALE; ORD; NAPW; AEA.
EALE; Seminar at IFN, Stockholm; Seminar at SOFI, Stockholm University; EWEPA; ORD; Second Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics and Econometrics of Education.
ZEW Workshop on ‘Education and Equality of Opportunity’; EALE; ORD; NAPW; ICSEI.
First Valencian Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity; ORD;
Presentation on Innovatie Impuls at national educational conference called ‘lessen uit onderzoek’ (lessons from research). 2009
EWEPA; ORD; Inscope 2nd research meeting; Presentation at Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Participation in Courses 2011
Summer school on production economics Verona, Italy
Economic evaluation of treatment effects Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Scientific writing in English Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Summer school on efficiency and productivity measurement Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Refereeing Annals of Operations Research; British Journal of Industrial Relations; Computers & Education; European Journal of Operational Research; IZA Journal of Labor & Development; Journal of the Operational Research Society; Journal of Productivity Analysis; Omega; ROA RM Series; Social Science Research.
Other Languages: IT Statistics:
Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (reasonable) Stata; SPSS; TSP; R.