Content 1. News & Events (Main Priority) 2. Sejarah (Main Priority) 1.1.
PT. HUTAMA KARYA(Persero) selanjutnya disebut PT. HK awalnya merupakan perusahaan swasta Hindia Belanda ‘Hollandsche Beton Maatshappij’ yang dinasionalisasi pada tahun 1961 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) RI No. 61/1961 Tanggal 29 Maret 1961 dengan nama PN. HUTAMA KARYA. Status perusahaan berubah menjadi Perseroan Terbatas berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 14 tahun 1971 juncto Akta Perseroan Terbatas No. 74 tanggal 15 Maret 1973, juncto Akta Perubahan No.48 tanggal 8 Agustus 1973 yang keduanya dibuat dihadapan Notaris Kartini Mulyadi, SH yang kemudian berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Bersama Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris No. DU/MK.136/KPTS/03/2009 tanggal 29 Januari 2009 tentang Penetapan Hari Ulang Tahun PT. Hutama Karya, maka dengan ini tanggal 29 Maret ditetapkan sebagai hari ulang tahun PT. Hutama Karya. Tahun 1960 merupakan tonggak transformasi PT. Hutama Karya dari perusahaan swasta 'Hollandsche Beton Maatshappij ‘ menjadi PN. HUTAMA KARYA. Sejak phase transformasi, PN. Hutama Karya telah menghasilkan karya konstruksi yang bernilai sejarah dan monumental seperti Gedung DPR/MPR RI, Monumen Patung Pancoran. Menandai dimulainya teknologi Beton pra Tekan di Indonesia, dimana PN. Hutama Karya telah mengenalkan sistem prategang BBRV dari Swiss. Sebagai wujud eksistensi terhadap teknologi ini PN. Hutama Karya membentuk Divisi khusus prategang. Pada dekade ini Hutama Karya berubah status menjadi PT. Hutama Karya (Persero). Mengantisipasi tantangan bisnis konstruksi yang semakin berkembang dan kompetitif PT. Hutama Karya telah melakukan terobosan dengan diversifikasi usaha dengan mendirikan Unit Bisnis HakaPole yaitu Pabrik Tiang Penerangan Jalan Umum berbagai type dari baja bersegi delapan (Oktagonal) dan melakukan ekspansi usaha di luar negeri serta awal inovasi teknologi dengan ditemukannya LPBH-80 ‘SOSROBAHU’ (Landasan Putar Bebas Hambatan) oleh Dr. Ir. Tjokorda Raka Sukawati. Sejalan dengan pengembangan inovasi yang terus menerus dan mengikuti kemajuan teknologi konstruksi yang berkembang pesat, PT. Hutama Karya telah mampu menghasilkan produk dengan teknologi tinggi berupa: Jembatan Bentang Panjang (Suspension Cable Bridge, Balanced Cantilever Bridge, Arch Steel Bridge, Cable Stayed). PT. Hutama Karya telah memenuhi standar internasional dalam hal kualitas, keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan dengan didapatkannya sertifikasi ISO 9002:1994, OHSAS 18001:1999.
Era millennia dimana dinamika ekonomi semakin pesat, PT. Hutama Karya telah merevitalisasi diri dengan melakukan pengembangan usaha untuk sektor-sektor swasta dengan pembangunan: High Rise Building (Bakrie Tower, Apartemen), infrastruktur (Jalan TOL). Seiring dengan perkembangan tersebut, kualitas dan mutu tetap menjadi perhatian PT. Hutama Karya. Hal ini terbukti dengan didapatkannya ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 dan OHSAS 18001:2007. Perubahan lingkungan strategis memacu PT. Hutama Karya untuk turut berubah. Berbagai rencana di masa depan dicanangkan, salah satunya adalah menjadi perusahaan terbuka sebelum tahun 2015.
Proyek Superior Kesungguhan PT. Hutama Karya berperan di industri konstruksi, antara lain terwujudnya karya-karya konstruksi yang unik dan bercita rasa tinggi. Keunikan bangunan tersebut antara lain karena dibangun dengan suatu metode kerja berteknologi tinggi, ditemukannya peralatan konstruksi khusus dalam prosesnya, desain bangunan yang bercita rasa tinggi atau kombinasi dari unsur-unsur tersebut. Beberapa karya konstruksi yang dipersembahkan oleh PT. Hutama Karya adalah : 1. Tahun 2008-Bakrie Tower berlokasi di Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan - Jakarta merupakan gedung perkantoran yang dibangun setinggi 48 lantai dengan basement sedalam 4 lantai. Gedung ini dibangun menggunakan teknologi bekisting Caplock Turkey, dan Core Wall system Climbing. Kolom miring yang berbalik arah setiap 17 lantai merupakan keunikan bangunan ini. 2. Tahun : 2006-Jembatan Cipada merupakan salah satu jembatan di ruas jalan tol Cipularang, tepatnya di KM.112+300. Jembatan yang membentang di atas lembah sungai Cipada sepanjang 745 meter dan mempunyai lebar layan 2x9 meter, keseluruhannya merupakan karya anak bangsa. Dengan konstruksi pilar jembatan yang rata-rata tingginya di atas 30 meter dan dengan konstruksi atas berupa beton I-Girder non-black top (tanpa aspal), menjadikan proyek ini sebagai karya inovatif terutama dalam metode dan sarana konstruksi. Proyek yang dibangun sejak Mei 2005 sampai dengan Juli 2006, telah melambungkan PT. Hutama Karya sebagai kontraktor dengan kualitas produk terbaik & dengan waktu penyelesaian tercepat (sebagaimana dinyatakan Dirjen Jasa Marga saat itu).
English Dedication of PT. Hutama Karya in the construction industry can be seen in the unique and high-taste construction creature made by this company. This buildigs is called unique, because of be built with hi-tech methode, or invent the new equipments during the construction process, or hi-taste design, or combined of them. The great construction creatures that made by PT. Hutama Karya are : Year: 2006 Cipada Bridge is the one bridge in the part of Cipularang Toll Road, precisely in KM.112+300. The Bridge stretch on valley of the Cipada River along 745 metre and has wide 2x9 metre, the whole work was done by nation child. In general, height of pillar bridge above 30 metre and upper structure form of non-black top I-Girder concrete without asphalt, made this project as the innovative work especially in method and construction. The project was developed from May 2005 to July 2006, threw PT. Hutama Karya as the contractor with the best quality product and the fastest time from master schedule ( as being stated by the Director General of the Jasa Marga at that time ).
Portofolio Project : Bahasa : ALILA VILLAS ULUWATU – Pecatu Bali dibangun tahun 2005 – 2008, diatas areal seluas 14,4 hektar, Alila Villas Uluwatu berdiri diatas tebing bukit Pecatu Bali dengan ketinggian 150 meter dari permukaan laut dan berhadapan langsung dengan samudera Indonesia, mempunyai 41 unit One Bedroom Villas, 5 unit Cliftside Villas, 24 unit Three Bedroom Villas serta Public Area seperti Lobby, Bar, Restaurant, Gym & Office. Proyek ini dikerjakan dengan material ramah lingkungan melalui sertifikat ESD (Environmentally Sustainable Design), sehingga Alila Villas Uluwatu akan menjadi hotel pertama di Bali yang akan memperoleh serifikat level tertinggi ESD. Tahun 2006, Jembatan Cipada merupakan salah satu jembatan di ruas jalan tol Cipularang, tepatnya di KM.112+300. Jembatan yang membentang di atas lembah sungai Cipada sepanjang 745 meter dan mempunyai lebar layan 2x9 meter, keseluruhannya merupakan karya anak bangsa. Dengan konstruksi pilar jembatan yang rata-rata tingginya di atas 30 meter dan dengan konstruksi atas berupa beton IGirder non-black top (tanpa aspal), menjadikan proyek ini sebagai karya inovatif terutama dalam metode dan sarana konstruksi. Proyek yang dibangun sejak Mei 2005 sampai dengan Juli 2006, telah melambungkan PT. Hutama Karya sebagai kontraktor dengan kualitas produk terbaik & dengan waktu penyelesaian tercepat (sebagaimana dinyatakan Dirjen Jasa Marga saat itu). Tahun 2005, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah merupakan suatu karya monumental yang menjadi kebanggaan dan ikon wisata bagi warga Jawa Tengah, khususnya kota Semarang. Masjid bergaya arsitektural campuran gaya Hindu-Islam (Atap Masjid Kudus) dan Romawi dibangun pertengah 2003 s/d Akhir 2005. Menara pandang berputar setinggi 99 meter (melambangkan Asma’ul Husna), Payung bergaya Masjid Nabawi Madinah serta Outside Banner bergaya Romawi, merupakan ciri eksklusif dari masjid ini. Tahun 2004, BENDUNGAN PELAPERADO – Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat dibangun tahun 1999 – 2004, bendungan dengan tinggi 61 meter dan panjang 300 meter adalah bendungan tertinggi di Nusa Tenggara. Bendungan Pelaparado dilengkapi dengan Spillway sepanjang 600 meter lebar 40 meter, Diversion Tunnel sepanjang 420 meter, Gallery Tunnel sepanjang 150 meter serta Intake Tower. Bendungan type Rockfill Dam dengan volume timbunan 1.750.000 m3 ini terletak di desa Simpasai, Kabupaten Bima – NTB, diharapkan akan mampu untuk mengairi sawah seluas 2.500 Ha, obyek pariwisata, pembangkit listrik mikrohidro serta cadangan air baku untuk kota Bima. Jembatan Martadipura dibangun tahun 2001 – 2004 dan merupakan Jembatan Pelengkung Baja (type steel arch) terpanjang di Indonesia dengan bentang bebas (span) utama 200 meter dari total 560 meter panjang jembatan. Terletak di kota Kotabangun, Kalimantan Timur yang menghubungkan kota Tenggarong – Kotabangun – 5 kecamatan di hulu Mahakam. Pelaksanaan pekerjaan menggunakan metoda Perancah Gantung (Stayed Cable Method), yang merupakan inovasi metoda perancah gantung pertama di Indonesia Dermaga Armarbar terletak di sebelah Utara Jakarta, dan digunakan sebagai tempat Markas Komando Armada Barat TNI AL. Dermaga ini menggunakan konstruksi System Trestle sepanjang 460 m, lebar 12 m dengan Tiang Pancang Beton 45 x 45, dan System walling sepanjang 600 m, lebar 22 m dengan menggunakan Sheet Pile W 500 dengan panjang 16 m.
English ALILA VILLAS ULUWATU Pecatu Bali was built in 2005 - 2008, on 14,4 hectare area , Alila Villas Uluwatu construct above Pecatu Bali hill with the height 150 metre from sea level and came directly face to face with the Indonesian ocean, has 41 One Bedroom Villas units, 5 Cliftside Villas units, 24 three Bedroom Villas units as well as Public Area like Lobby, Bar, Restaurant, Gym & Office. This project was built with friendly environment material confirm to the ESD certificate (Environmentally Sustainable Design).Alila Villas Uluwatu is become the first hotel in Bali get the highest ESD level.
Year 2006 : Cipada Bridge is the one bridge in the part of Cipularang Toll Road, precisely in KM.112+300. The Bridge stretch on valley of the Cipada River along 745 metre and has wide 2x9 metre, the whole work was done by nation child. In general, height of pillar bridge above 30 metre and upper structure form of non-black top I-Girder concrete without asphalt, made this project as the innovative work especially in method and construction. The project was developed from May 2005 to July 2006, threw PT. Hutama Karya as the contractor with the best quality product and the fastest time from master schedule ( as being stated by the Director General of the Jasa Marga at that time ).
Year 2005-The Agung Mosque - Central Java is a monumental work that became proud and tour icon for the Central Java Resident, especially Semarang city. The Mosque with mixture Hindu - Islam architect ( like Kudus Mosque Roof ) and Roman was built middle 2003 until the end of 2005. The high of tower is 99 metre ( Asmaul Husna symbolized ) and stylish of mosque umbrella is Nabawi Medina and Outside Banner is Roman style, is the exclusive characteristics of this mosque.
Year 2004-Pelaperado Dam - Bima NTB was built in 1999 - 2004, dam with high above 61 m' and length 300 m' is the highest dam in Nusa Tenggara. Pelaperado dam completed by spillway with length above 600 m' and wide 40 m', Diversion tunnel 420 m' gallery tunnel 150 m' and intake tower. The location dam with rockfill type have heap volume 1.750.000 m3 is in simpasai village, kabupaten Bima - NTB, hopeful this dam can able irrigate wet rice field are above 2.500 hectare, tourism object, microhydro electricity generate and water back up for bima city.
Martadipura Bridge was built in 2001 2004 and is Longest Steel Arch Bridge in Indonesia, with main free span is 200 metre from the total 560 metre. Located in the Kotabangun city, East Kalimantan that connect Tenggarong City - Kotabangun - 5 subdistricts in Mahakam upstream. The Construction of work using Cable Stayed Method that was the innovation of first Cable Stayed Method in Indonesia.
The Groove Apartement was built in the midlle of jakarta city who is leaving place and office complex with high above 40 floor with 3 basement floor. This building construction using a reinforced concrete, bore piled foundation, metal deck form and clading precast. The Armarbar wharf is located on the north of Jakarta, and used as the place of the Post of Commando Armada Barat TNI AL. This Wharf used Trestle System Construction along 460 m., wide 12 m with the 45 x 45 Concrete Pile Foundation and Walling System along 600 m, wide 22 m by using W 500 Sheet Pile in a 16 m long.
News & Events HK was Holding a Homecoming PT Hutama Karya was holding “Mudik Bareng PT Hutama Karya 2011” as a expression of care to the workers to ease them in homecoming. The homecoming was held on H-4 before Lebaran, 27 August 2011 at Hutama Karya main office. This year, PT Hutama Karya departed 4 buses with destination cities including Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Solo. Before departure, there were a direction for the whole participants and depart the homecoming participants. Seen from the expression of homecoming participants, they were so happy because they could do homecoming together with other workers of PT Hutama Karya. Besides, they could do homecoming to their homes with safe and comfortable feelings.
Qurban at Hutama Karya At Eid Al-Adha day, Hutama Karya also participated in sacrifice celebration. The goat sacrificial has occured on Dzulhijjah 10th 1432 H (November 6th 2011) at PT Hutama Karya Head Office. The Islamic Preach Coordinatior of PT Hutama Karya is the party that was responsible for this event. This sacrificial celebration was also attended by Finance Director, Mr. Suparman; Main Director, Mr. Putut Ariwibowo and Mr. Rudi Hertanto, acting as Head Comittee of the Sacrificial Ceremony. Starting at 9 o’clock in the morning, the locals swarmed the area to witness the sacrificial ceremony. The sacrifice of 7 cows and 2 goats were then given to Madrasah Ibtidaiah Cawang and Nurul Qalbi Mosque in Cikampek area. At 3 PM. The locals came in queue to receive meat from the event comittee. Around 1200 package of meat has been prepared to be distributed. The whole event went organizedly; from the ceremony, meat sharing and wrapping until the distribution to the locals.
Official Opening of Lombok International Airport President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has officially opened the Lombok International Airport on Thursday, October 20th 2011. Lombok International Airport is located in Tanak Awu, Pujut, Region of Lombok Tengah, Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, approximately 40km south of Mataram. The signature event of the official opening was the speech from The President, followed by hit of big ‘beleq’ drum and inscription signing. Former vice-president Jusuf Kalla and wife, Hj. Mufidah Kalla, Main Director of PT Angkasa Putra I, Tommy Soetomo, Central NTB Governor, Zainul Madji, Main Director oh Hutama Karya Tri Widjajanto, Minister Cabinet of Indonesia Bersatu II, and also ministerlevelled echelons all attended th eofficial opening of The Lombok International Airport.
SNI Awards 2011 Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) of Indonesia held SNI Awards 2011, an event that represents the appreciation of Government of Indonesia toward Indonesian enterpreneurs of goods or service production who consistently showed excellent performance and implementation the national standardization. This event coincided with the celebration of National Quality Month and was held in Balai Kartini. PT Hutama Karya was nominated for the category big service company, along with PT Gapura Angkasa, branch Soekarno-Hatta Airport and branch Ngurah Rai. The Development General Manager of PT Hutama Karya, Wikumurti himself received trophy and certificate on the award night. With the SNI certificate from BSN, PT Hutama Karya is expected to improve the performance and also to keep up the quality of service especially in the construction area.
Construction of Indonesia 2011 Ministry of Public Civil Work, along with Indonesian constructor associates held the Event Construction of Indonesia 2011 on November 23rd-25th 2011. The event was an exhibition of the peak achievement of mational construction and infrastructural society. Djoko Kirmanto, acting as Minister of Public Civil Work officially opened the event by with Speech and gong pounding. An exhibition, included in event agenda, was held from 9 am until 8 pm in 6000 m2 area with over 150 participants. Hutama Karya, along with Waskita Karya opened an exhibiton stand of 50 m2 (25 m2 each). The icon of the joined stand was The Suramadu Bridge where Hutama Karya and Waskita Karya worked together on. Hutama Karya invited along all of company chlidren and Human Resource Division to join this event. Furthermore, the HR Division opened job opening stand for fresh graduates and experienced applicant to apply.
Award by Hutama Karya Ministry of Public Civil Work handed trophy and certificate for winner of Indonesian Performance of Construction Project Award 2011. Four categories were included this year. For Category of Road and Bridge Civil Work, the award went to Hutama Karya-Nindya for the Antasar-Blok M Non-Toll Highway Construction Project. Djoko Kirmanto, acting as Minister of Public Civil Work of Indonesia along with the Vice Minister, Achmad Hermanto Dardak attended the awarding event. Representatives from Hutama Karya are Tri Widjajanto as Main Director, and the award recipient, Dindin Solakhudin as DJJ General Manager and Wayan Mandya as Head Project. The award-winning hoghway Project was technically difficult and a sophisticated technology application is needed, particularly the balance cantilever technique for the beam install. This condition is even more special for the horizontal alignment arch, therefore the survey and the preprinted hollow concrete was done in a very careful manner.
Sosrobahu Patent License Agreement In order to increase company’s performance, management of PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) on 18 October 2011 at Park Hotel – Jl. D.I. Panjaitan has signed together in front of Farida Widyawati. SH., the notary with the founder/patent holders of Sosrobahu (Ir. Tjokorda Raka Sukawati). The purpose of this signature with the Patent Holder is to give the Exclusive Patent Rights to PT. Hutama Karya, to utilize, to use, to implement partial or whole SOSROBAHU’s patent. With the exclusive rights, Patent Rights Holder is not allowed to alter during the agreement is signed.
Inauguration of Hakaaston’s New Office On Friday, 2 December 2011, in an occasion of celebrating the company’s first anniversary and the opening of new operational office which is located at Plaza De’Minimalis – Jl. Caman Raya Kav.10 Jatibening Bekasi Barat – 17412, a simple thanksgiving was held as an expression of tankfulness for all His grace. The occasion was attended by the Commissioners, Supervisors, Directors, Workers, and whole AMP Chief Unit of PT. Hakaaston, and also invited guests from PT. Hutama Karya’s main office (Persero).
The occasion was started by ribbon cutting as the symbol of inauguration of the new PT. Hakaaston’s operational office by Ir. Soetanto, MM as PT. Hakaaston’s Supervisor. After that, continued with greetings from Ir. Budi Prasetyo as PT. Hakaaston’s main director. In his greetings, he asked the staffs and workers to become a solid team to expad PT. Hakaaston so that the company’s target and turnover can be achieved. Followed by greetings from Ir. Soetanto, MM as Supervisor, who gave spirit and encouragement so that PT. Hakaaston can move forward and develop, and can become a competitive company. The occasion was closed by the tumpeng cutting by Ir. Soetanto, MM and Ir. Budi Prasetyo, and continued by eating together.
PT. HUTAMA KARYA COLLABORATED WITH LPPM UNDIP TO DEVELOP DESA BINAAN KSU-MAJU SEJAHTERA AROUND WADUK WADASLINTANG In order to empower the society of Karamba Jaring Apung (KJA) fish farmers around Waduk Wadaslintang Kabupaten Wonosobo, on 10 December 2011, an agreement/MOU was made between PT. Hutama Karya, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Undip and KSU Maju Sejahtera. The purpose is to empower the society around this Waduh Wadaslintang, which is a secretariat program and PT. Hutama Karya’s Bina Lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (PKBL BUMN) through OKBL Unit Chief. For the first step, we PKBL contributed 1 millions rupiah of loan fund as th capital, beside the capital support which is rolling, PT Hutama Karya also gives Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) for the society of Wadaslintang. This activity will give result in empowering the society around Waduk Wadaslintang for the cultivation of tilapia, and this is a great potention which is owned by the society so that they can become independent and real enteurpreunerships. To start the program of PT. Hutama Karya, LPPM – Undip was also involved as a party which will play roles and give technical direction on the field and development for the society of Wadaslintang which wish to join the technical direction on the field and development for the fish farmer society of Wadaslintang who wish to join the program. This activity is expected to be able to reduce the dependence level of society to the foreign aid. So that with the efforts and coordinations from PT Hutama Karya and LPPM – Undip, they hpe that it will be vanished and society can become independent socially and economically in few periods of time.
In order to build “Rumah Pinter” which was found by PUSDIKZI (Pusat Pendidikan Zeni TNI AD), PT Hutama Karya participated by donating fund for the building of Rumah Pintar. ON 13 January 2012, located on PUSDIKZI block, Lawang Gintung, Bogor, the fund giving was held for “Rumah Pintar” by PT Hutama Karya for PUSDIKZI.This aid giving was attended by PT Hutama Karya’s General Managers including Bambang Bintoro, T Ari Widiyantoro, M. Fauzan, Willy Fikri, dan Edy Djunaedi, and his staffs. Rumah Pintar Pusdikzi is a learning facility or media for children in Kompleks Pusdikzi Lawang Ginting. In the Rumah Pintar, there are library, study room, music instruments, computer room (internet), mushroom house, and cafetaria. It was expected from the donation of Hutama Karya in building Rumah Pintar PUSDIKZI that it can become useful in increasing education’s quality of children at PUSDIKZI, and cooperation between Hutama Karya and PUSDIKZI can be maintained.
HK Realtindo PT. HK Realtindo is a subsidiary company of PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) which moves in developing property and house. Established on 10 May 2010, from the beginning until now, HK Realtindo has developed several products, and strategic house properties and spread almost all over Indonesia. Following are the gigantic projects held by HK Realtindo: 1.
The H Residence,
The H Tower
Techno Tower
Office Tower Antam
Townsite Antam
Office Area di Jababeka
PT. HK Realtindo Gedung Indra Karya - HK Realtindo Lantai 1 Jl. Letjen Haryono MT Kav. 9, Cawang, Jakarta Telp : (021) 8192550 Faks : (021) 8192550
HAKAPOLE PT. HAKAPOLE was established on 25 November 2012, as a subsidiary company of PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) which moves in stainless steel industries, including: Steel Pole : Monopole, Polygonal Pole, and High Mast Steel Tower : Transmition Tower, Tower BTS. Steel Structure : Stainless steel scaffold (warehouse, factory, building, stainless steel bridge frames, etc), Guard Rail. Metal
Mechanical/Electrical Works. Head Office : Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 13,5 Bekasi – 17310 Telp : 021 - 8255133/021 - 8255134 Website :
HAKAASTON PT. HAKAASTON was established on 25 November 2010, which moves in civil construction contractorl. PT HAKAASTON has 17 units of Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP), which was equipped with laboratorium and stone crusher in some of it’s units. These AMP Units are spread all over Indonesia to fulfill the orders from our customers. Besides this project, PT. HAKAASTON also serves cash or retail purchasing. In the future, PT. HAKAASTON will start to produce asphalt emulsion (in progress at Cikunir AMP Unit) and batching plant (concrete production). Head Office : Plaza De’Minimalis, Jl. Caman Raya, Kav. 10 Jatibening, Bekasi – 17412 Telp : 021-84995068 Website :