Clove Diseases Project
A Technical Cooperation Proiect between
Overseas Develoqment
Administration United Kingdom
Research lnstitute for Spices and Medicinal CroPs lndonesia
Summarv of Research r97 5-1990 J
Publications by the Clove Diseases Project (ATA-71) and associated scientists
Compiled by Enc R Boa
Research Centrc tor Spices and Medicinal Crcps Jl Cimanggu 3, Bogor 161 1 l, west Java, lndonesia
(4alai Penetitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat) IBALITTRO]
Table of Contents
Purpogc of thir boolda; Imporrancc of clos b Indoocsir: Summsrkiot rcsulb; Sten of th Clovc Di$asc
Futur" publicatims
LISTOFPUBLICATIONS General Pathology Entomology Clove biology
Control Other
6 8
l0 l1
Summan of Research 1975-1990
Purpose of this booklet The aim of this booklet is to:
Provide a reference for all scientific ('refere€d') papers produced by the Clove Disease Project from 1975 to mid-1990 >
List important repons and other papers that are associated with the project
> Provide an abstract
or summary in English and Indonesian of important papers
To make more widely known the research on cloves, not only to those concemed with this unusual crop, but also to other scientists in other countries whose own res€arch may be related to topics investigated by the project
The importance of cloves to indonesia The overwhelming use of cloves in Indonesia is for making krctek cigareltes. Thes€ contain a mixture of shredded clove (the dried, unopened flower bud) and tobacco with an average of about 40% by weight constituting clove. The origins of the ketek cigarette are obscurc but it has over the last 80 years in Indonesia developed from a small, handmade industry to the very large commercial concems that now dominate the market Use of clove oil and cloves as a spice is, by comparison, of minor importance.
For many years the local production of cloves remained low and the import of cloves from Zanzibar provided both an important source of revenue for Zalzibar and a necessary supply for the lndonesian kretek manufacturers who were unable to obtain their full needs from local production. During the 1960s the area planted to cloves in Indonesia began to ris€ and has expanded considerably to the present date. This npid expansion in planting was helped by several factors, including the apparent ease of growing clove tre€s, the minimal inputs that were necessary to maintain the tre€s and, more rerently, a steady rise in the market price. Cloves are also easy to store and transport, The development of cloves grown in Indonesia was not, bowever, quite so straightforward since a major disease problem appeared in West Sumatra, then an important clove growing area, if not the most important. This led in the mid 1970s to the funding of a research programme by the Ovcrseas Development Adminstration, the bilateral aid agency of the British Covemment, which started in Solok, West Sumatra but later moved in 1982 to Bogor, west Java.
Clove Disease; Projecr
Start of the clove disease project The specific problem which prompted the creation of the Clove Dis€as€ project (ATA7l) was a very worrying disease of the clove tree which was of immediate importance in West Sumatra, where much of the early expansion of clove plantings took place. This diseas€ is known today as Sumatra Disease, although the acronym BPKC is prefened in lndonesia. Work b€gai at a new research station in Sotok, West Sumatra, estabtished with the assistanc€ of ODA, where team members from the UK and Indonesian counterparts worked together to investigate the disease. There have be€n 3 phases of the project in all, the last two phases being based in Bogor, West Java, although the res€arch itself continued to investigate outbreaks ard epidemics in sumatra as well as Java. In 1988 an offshoot project was staned in Nonh Sumatra. This set out to look at an impo.tant outbreak of Sumatra Disease in the Tanah Karo area, and to use this as an opponunity to test control measures which earlier lines of research had suggested. Relatively few results have b€€n published from this lalge study and we exp€ct a considerable amount of data to be published in the future. Several papers are already being submitted and conference proceedings will be published in the near future.
Summarising results
It is always difficult making the results of research more widely known and we hope by
publishing this booklet to demonstrate the excellent progress that has be€n made. This is the result of good technical coopeEtion between ODA scientists and Indonesian counrcrpans,
The major advanc€s have been in identifying the caus€ of Sumatra;e. (pseudomona, syqgii) urd the major if not sole vecto.(s) (Hindola spp.\. Exciting prospe.ts for control now exist, particularly through thc discovery of natural parasites of the vector, although there will be no easy road to success. Publications ar€ listed on page 5 according to the category of research to which they belong. The caregories used are CENERAL, PATHOLOCY, ENTOMOLOGY, C'OVE BIOLOGY, CONTROL and OTHER. Abstracts of the more imporranr papen appear later on and the opponunity has b€€n taken to translate these inio Indonesian whire this did not appear in the original.
We hope that the more general relevarce of our research may become apparent to other scientists: we have worked mainly with Indonesian scientists during the pioject, although separate projects with UK scientists have been established. If you experienie difficultf in obtaining copies of papers then pleale write to th€ address of Balittro, quoting the reference number that is given with each publication. There are a large numbeiof repons that have been w.itten, but never published, and with few exceptions these have not b€en refen€d to here. In most cas€s the us€ful ilformation they contain has since
been published.
Swwnory of Reseorch 1975-1990
Fuiur€ publicrtioDs
we intend to update this list of publications and welcome suggestions for any improvements that you might wish to s€e includ€d. Please tell us of any errors that occur in citing papers. Many of the early reports are of uncertain provenance and there is always a wee gremlin at work cha.nging things, just when you think everything has been correcied.
A large number of scientists have been involved in rcseatch on Sumatra Disese
thes€ have included plant pathologists, entomologists and plant br€eders. Recently this has also included socio-economists, and a compleie lisi of all who hav€ contributed to the
excellent progress of the proje{t would be both difiicult to compile and too lengthy to quole here. are healthy witness to good cooperation betwe€n officers of the ODA and scientists of Balittro. I hope that in the period following the end of active ODA involvement in the project - the project will end in July 1990 - that these good results can be built upon and research can seek the answers to the problems faced by clove farmers in Indonesia. This will not b€ an easy task.
It is enough to state that the results
E.ic R Boa Team IJader, ATA-71 1988- 1990
Production note Referenc€s were originally stored in r dBASE &trhse, sel€ct€d fot inclusion bere and output.s utrfodnrtt€d !ext. Th€s€ wer€ then fonndt€d in \ryordPerfect 5.1, which wrs rlso used erclusively to provide crmrr-re{dy copy ofrll lhe tert. Printitrg wi3 on trs€rjer lll, using tf,e ht€md, scdrble CG
fonis. Time from s€l€.tion of d.!.br-s€ re.ords lo receiving printed booklets, lbout two-three we€ks.
Summan of Research 1975-19m
A complete list of relevant publications, arranged approximately by date of publication within severa.l broad categodes (GENERAL, PATHOLOGY, ENTOMOLOGY, CLOVE BIOLOGY, CONTROL, OTHER), i3 printed b€low. For cstain key pap€rs the abstract of the original paper is also given. The abstractJ appear after this complete list and are usually in English and Indonesian. A copy of each publication is held at Balittto and can be tefen€d to by the number which occu$ above the first author.
GENERAL m52 Nutmn F.J. (1971) Report on lhc prtholoSicrl ind cultunl |sp€ct! ofclovc production in Indon6i..5 Ocrober - October, 1971. Minit ry ol Oversea! D.\Elopn nt (ODM), intedal rcport. 9w
Wallo J.
(1973) Report on visit to on€si. fo. preliniorry investigdioo of r of clov€s ir west Sunutn. 26 April - 26 Mry 1973.
ODM Pla^t PatholoL! Liason Ofrcs, internal rcpotl.
l2l9 wrtlcr J.M.,
inpoflant ov.ftcas }isit to
' k'
(197t Sunutn dis.$e of cfov€s in lndone'sir. P,INS
cottsid.r Sunatru (BPKC)'
Sitepu D.
p 13 Fi'rt paptr to d'soibe
gcn ral chaructcristics of,hc dk.4sc'
Djrfrruddin (197t
Msti t nanin cengkel di sumrten Bant. Koner.' PFI WI. 22-25 F.brua 1975. aW 2053
Waller J-
R€pon on s visit to thc ODM cfove pstholoSy schem€ in W. Indonesir. 19 Ociober - 7 Nov€mber 1976.
UnPublish't t'pon following the
statl of the Clow Disearcs Proj.d'
oDM PIan PatholoSy Li."on Ofic*, int.nal r.pon.8PP 2@4
B€nn€tt C.P.A., As|nm A., Maliphrnt G.X. {lnn Mrsrhh mati nrssrl cengkeh di Sumrler. B.d, DisktLti Prospzk Produkti dan Tata Niaga Ccngk h Barut. Tanggsl 8 - 9 Agust[t 1977-
Clove Diseases Projec,
ATA-7r (l9tO Peny.tit 'Surndr. dise{s€ prdr t nrnnn cengl(eh. Pri ted in BoSor bJ Balirro.gpp
Desc,iption oJ
dise6., discibu.d
t292 Asman A. (196t) Perkenbrr8m peoelitirn p€nyrtit pembuluh kcyu (PBPK) Penenuan Tchnn P.nanggulanSan Pcnta*it gah.ri P.nbuluh Kalu TahMan Ccnskzh 4 (t): 28-31 '\298 SJemsu H., Hedad E.A,, Aslnsn A. (l9tt) PenSlruh tinggi lemprt terhadap pnyrkil balreri penbutuh ki},ll prdr bibit cenSkeh. Penenuan Tchnis Pcnanggulan|an Penya*it Batleri Penbuluh Kayu TanMan C.n|kzh 4 (t): 8a-87 1291
Hsdiwidayr T. (198t) PerkemhnSs p€nyr&it p€mbuluh ks)u lanaEBn cengk€h di lndonesit. Pcnenuan Tchnis pehanggutan|aa pentalit Batderi P.nbutuh
Katl Ta"onan Ccaskh
Sukmrregsnds T.
P€nSembangrn rnetode FnSendaliar p€nyakit p€mbutuh
Petlcnuai Tch s P.nanggulangan P.,ryakit Baheri p.nbutth Ka./u Tahanan Ccntkzh 4 (t): 4t-55 1286
Ariful A., ltsdsd E.A. (19t9) Perkenbrng.n p€nelitim penyrkit trn.rsn c€ngkeh. P.rknbongan Pe".litianTansnal C.n8k h (.disi kh6,.t p.n.lition tananan rcnpah dan obat) 4: 4a-54
Bemett C.P.A., Hunt P., Asnen A. Aetiofogicd investigrtions into the russ d€.line of clov$ in
Konsr.s Naiorol PFI
v. Malane, t&20
y repon on hc possibt Suna;a Dk..(v.
An ea
caalcs of
1979. 8W
B€nnett C.P,A., Hunl P., trsnen A. (19t5) Asso.istion of r rylemlimited bacteriun wirh Surulrs dis€{s€
clov€ io Indoneir. Palhology 34t 487494
. of
page 14.
Sutnman ol Research 1975-19m
Ed€n-Creen S.J., Suprirdi, Hasnsm N., Huna P. (l9tt) Serologicd rehlionship betw€€n th€ ryl€m-limitd b..terium ciusiag Sumrtlr dis.rse of cloves in lndonesir rnd Pscudononaj
poSe 15.
k pal.
Proc.cdings of the 6.h Intcrnational on Plaht Pathog.,tic Bact.ria, MarJland, USA, 1985. Eds. E.L.Ciurclo, A.Colbn r, R.E.Da'/l, A.O.Oillaspic. Mrninu! Nijhoff, Dordr€.hr. pp 357-363 1053
Edea-Creen S.J.. Adhi E.M. (1986) Sumdn dise$€ of cloves nd Ps.udonon&e solaMc.arun. ACIAR 8ac1.rial wik N.ltsbnar l| 2-1 I l07
H., Nur*en& E. (19t7) Sunulrr dis€rse in cloves ind$ed by . rylemlirnited biaterium follo*ing m€chinicrl inocuhtion. PLrn, Patholog 36| t54-163 Huna P., E€nnett C.P.A., Syamsu
C.P.A., JorEs P., Huna P. (19t7) Irohlion, culturc rnd ultnstructure of i ryl.nlimited bc.r€.ium rssoci.ted vitb Surutr. dis€rs€ of clovcs. Platt Palhology 36 45-52 Benrreta
l06l Eden-Grcdr S.J., M.clmud M.
to fhe
lcrial Wih N.wslakr 3i
Clarif.r th. rot
P. sobnoceorum
in Smatra Discar. ard
p. sJlgii at th. ca8..
N{srun, Nurmmstrh, Zrmercl, MsrKyurdin (l9tt) bebenpr n€dium d.n konsentrasi BPK sertr vi.ulensiny. terhr&p bibit ctngkeh. Pen.nuan Teh t Penansgulangah P.ryakit Bahcri P.nb uh Karu Tananan C.nBk h 4 (lrt 5945 m35 Afirndie M- (t9tt) Perbindingrn sifet-sifit br&teri Ps.udononar solatuearun xyfem{imit€d b&rcri. prdr tirl.mrn cehgkeh. Th",sit, Fa*lllLt P.donian, l^etitrt P.dsnian Bo8or. Atpp
conDa so" b.,w..n p. sot. aad Sunarra bo.lerum (P. s]z]leii)
lm4 Supriedi, Ed€lt-creen S.J. (19t9) Isolrtion rnd host sp€cificity of brcteriophrges ro rhe Sumtn di.€s b.cteriuh. Indonzsian Joumal E Crcp Sci.nccs 4, 9-t4
Clove Diseases Prcject
. 5.. pas.
Suprisdi, E&n-Cr€en S.J., Krryrni N. (19t9) Pras€rvrtio6 of cultures of Ps.udonon$ s}Ilgii. lndLsttiol Ctopr R.t.otch Jounal 1284
| (2lt 7-t0
Suprisdi, Ed€r-Creen S.J. Evrlultior of 8ro*'|h medir for the Su|rutn dirers. brcterium. Ind4stial Crcpt R.;.arch Journol lt 4348
No reference numb€r Supriadi, Baff&s, R. &n l-olner, C.J. (1969) Det ksi Pseudmona: t?8ii deng.n uji Enzyne-Linked Immunosorbent Ass.y. P.mhcritaan Lenbaga P.wlitian Ta,tanan Indugri. (ln ptf5i)2004
Roberts S.J., Ed€n-Green S.J., Jones P., Ambl€r D.J.
PseudMon6 tlo/8ii, sp. oov., the cius€ of Sunialr. disase Syst.noti.
Appli.d MioobiologJ.
paqc 21.
Dcteclion ol P. sltygii with ELISA.
pase 22.
Eden-Crecfl S.J., Bslfls R., Sutrrjo T., Sulnihsii N., Ha.sncm
of th. Sunatru Dite.Lre bacte um.
sec pagc 21.
Prelininry results on the tr.nsmission of xyl.m-limited becteri. surutrr dis€a", of cloves in lndone-sie by tub€-buildin8 cercopoids, Hi,/ora spp.(Hompten: Michaerotidre). crusinS
Proceedings ofthc 6th ln crnatiohal Conlercncc on Plant Pathog.,tic
Dacleria, Morylaad, USA, 1985. Eds. E.L.Ci\erclo, A.CoUner. R.E.Dari!. A.C.CilLupie. M.rrinus Nijhoff, Dordr€.h1. pp 370'374 1054
Eden-Creen S.J., Bdff,s R., Jomdius (19t6) Tr.nsmission of xylemlimiled bacteri. crusing Sumlrr dis.{se
of tube-buildins cercopoids, tt,r/old
spp.(Homopte.i: Mrchaerotidre). Proceedings
of znd hncrnational worbhop on Lea| and
Plamhopp.ts oJ Econonic inponance. Prcto, Utah UsA, 2E Jury I Augtltt 1 6. F.d.s. M.R. wibon. L.R. Nauh. Co|rur|onwerlth Institute of Entomolo8y, lrndon. pp l0l-107 1215
Baffss R., Ed€n-Gre.n S.J., Sul.arjo T. Biolozi Hindob striata MaA. vektor penyrlit bakteri pembuluh kelu
(xLB) ps& lr'lrrtl.n c€oskeh. Pdb4ildan L.nbaRo P.lelitidn TanMan hdLnri llt 5l-55
'Ih. 'ofr.ial'
Summary of Research 1975-19n
Balfr! R., S{a.rjo f., Er}r}Gr..a SJ., $|$ N. (l9tt) S€ r88r-rin88. y.n8 polcolirl *t gri v.lior p.dy.ldt b.kt€ri F obduh Lryu (BPX) Fdr Fdtorsnn csrgtdr di J.wr 8rnt. P.nawan T.hnit Penanggulargan Pcnyakit Bardcri P.mbuluh Kdry Tananan C.nB*.h 4 (Dt ga-'oa 1294
A.rtrr 4., Idrb lL, Zrmrrd (l9tt) b.ttcri Fnbuluh tryu drri bcbenpr hse bdup ltiadola.Tetw. P.tldnuon Tdn* P.nangSt langan P.nyakit Bahcri Pcmbduh Kayt
Ta'nnaa C.ngk h 4 (r\. 6-10
No r€ferasco number
I-omer, C.J. Hindola
r|d J.mdils (19t9)
| 5..
poS. 26.
fulw !nfxl/.*od fluctir.tioo in W€st Sutrurni influqrce of
Ind$tial Oops
R.scarch Journal2
(l9tlt) Procrdlrc for the visudi$tion of clove (.t@,Sir.n aromariflm,
. 9. pag.27-
Pool P.A., B.nms/ie N.
isozyme! by horizontal strrch gcl cl€ctrophor€ri!. Penb.ri aan l2nbaga Pencli ian Tanaman Inda*ri
tt67 Poof P,A., B€.mrwi€ N-
Floril biology in lhe Z.rzibcr typ€ clov€ (sldjrSir.rr atumaticum)
. 5.. pag.
in Indonesh. Euphytica
211 -223
Pml P.A,, Bermrwie N. (l9to Pollen slon8c in cfove [S'?t8iu]||. arcnaticun (L.rluen. rlldper.. Ltdotr.siar Journal of &op Sci"r(! 2: 53-58 r214 Jarvie J.K., Koerniaai S., Pool P.A. ScreeninS for bud snd corhpstibility berween clove (qor'8irrt aronaticun, d rel,'red myrtrceous sp€.ies. P.mberitoat ltnbryt P.nclitian Tananan Indutrri llr 56-59
, 5..
pasc 29.
| 5.. pa?. 30.
Jarvi€ J.K., Ko€rniati S. k f .n tomicrl chsncters Indon sian Joynal
(lrt6) h rhe evrlurtion
pag. 3l-
of clove
crop Sci.ncc 2t 79-a6
Clove Diseoses Project
1t12 Poof P.A., 8€rtnslvi€ N.
fo. dificirl
(19t7) cross polliodioo
paSc 32.
clovc (s)zr8trfi
Euphytica 36t 4794a2
l1l I Jarri€ J., Koemisai S.
Shon he*st anicle.
clove 8€nnpl$m coll€.tion in Miluku.
N.$leuer of th. Rcgional Connitt.c Asia
ll08 HunlP.. Benne11C.P,A., Asrnan A. (l9tt Suppre.ssion of Surluttr diss€ symptoms in
trerle! wilh
rnlibiotics. Ptar, PdtfioroSy 34: 495-501 1289
Balfls R., E&n-Grc€n S.J. (l9tt) Stretegi penrnSguling$ Ftryrkit bikteri Fmbuluh kay! (XLB) prdr Pe'lenuan Tchnis P2nanegulanga P.nya*it Baheri Penbuluh Kayu Tananaa C.nskzh 4 (r)t 38-46
\296 Nssrun, Nurrnr^syah, Zamrr.l 09tt) Pe.gujiu kombinrsi rntibiotik dln insektisidr terhdap BPK d.n P.tlcrnuan T.hnis Pcnanggulangan P?ryakit Bald.ri Pcnhutuh f'ayu Tonanan C.ngk h 4 (r)t 7t-78 1291
Nurvendr 8., Idrh H. (r9E6) PenS.ruh rrus listrik serrrh (Dc) lerh.dap P€numbuh.n BPK di rtrs Penenuan T"hnk Pcnangsulangan Penya*i Baheri P.nbuluh Kayu Tananan C.ngkzh 4 (rrt 79-83 1299
Nurmarrstrh, Nasrun, zrmrrel, Hilda (196t) PenScruh beb€np. faktor linSkun8an .biolis ierhadrp p€rtumbuhad batteri pembuluh kq'u. P.ncntan Tchnis P.nanggulanga^ Peryakit Baheri Penhultth y'ayu Tananan C.ngkzh 4
o l0
'Sce Pa82 33.
summon of Research 1975-19m
Norma'rsy.h, Stride A.8., Lomer C.J. (1969) Prefiminiry ins€.licide $@ning rgair$ ,r'i,/olaJulw, of Sumatn diseis€ of clovss in Su|rl t'r.
Indwniat Ctups Res.arch Journal l(2),
pace 34.
pas. 35.
Se. pase 36.
D., Adrir, Atnrizd (19t9) &n perkembsn8sn cln FmgSuhn8mnyr. PerLznbansan PehclitianTawan CznSk h (.disi Ua.tus pc^elitiot tananan rcnDah dat ohat) 4t 4t4l So€topo
Hama cenSkeh
No referenc€ numb€r I,o|ner, C.J., Siswrnlo, Tri l-estari Mndinin*sih rnd Tatsq Sutarjo (19t9) Prefiminary ins€cticide screening trials against ,tinlo Ia striata. ve.rol of SuEln diserse of cloves in lndonasia. Indultrial Cnps Research Jo!.nal. (Itr prst No referenc€ numb€r I-omer, C.J., A.B.Stri'l€, Nurmansyrh, Siswmlo, T.
T.L.Mardiningsih (1990) Ins€cticide s.r€€ning triils rgainst lti"/ola spp., v€ctors of Surutf! dista-re of cloves in lndonesir. Tcsn of Asrochcnical, and Cuhiars ll AK) (Suppt.n.nt to Annal, of Applicd Eiolos!,ll5\ lo-ll.
ll86 Reitsna J. (1953) Penyrlit cengkeh. Tehnik"ian 2t 404426 1085
Hediwi{iqi. T.
'Metibudjang' dis€&i€ of the cfove tre€ (frr8?ria a ronatica Baill.). Contributio$ of th. G€ncral Agriclhurul Station , Bogot 143. pp t-72
20t4 Sastrr.etnaqis A.H. 0971) Hsil s€nledtlr| pemenks.rn penyskit edSteh di Sumrren Bsr I6titut Pcnahion Eogor , intenal rcpon . 25pp 2054 lryin€rns
A wry uqul pionce.inr @ntibution to ou und.ntanding of cloyc diseoses.
Clow disea:l/s in west sumatra. .
Repoti on clove productioo, ma.ketinS end procas-sing in Indonqsia. Ministry oJ D?vclopn?nt , intenal rcpon . 46pp
Clove Diseascs Projea
dr A.H. (19t3) Peoyddt-Fny&il ctoSk l| di Indo&si. drn di, S&sarrrt Workshop
Clort ln Indorr..sia coatrol in ttv f.A,
o! Db.borat .I.d.ral Pcrkbtnan. Ctawl, Bo9or,
Ldon sia, W 134-146 1066
A. (1t73) Nut.ieit di.ord.r |. . Do6.iblc c||lie of r clov. (Syztgiun arcdatican, dk€Ge in w.d$ulD.ln. Potafi n yi.r, 5, l-2 m58 Gwyer G. Suppfy rnd dcmrnd projcctions for FAO r.pon, unpublithd, lW
Ano,h.r h.W a,o,btk oI prducrion and prcj.ctionslor lutur. yars.
Summary of Research 1975-
waller J.M., Sitepu D. (197t Sumatra disease of cloves in Indonesia. PANS 2lz l4l-147
Since the early 1960s, an apparently infectious disease of cloves has been spreading throughout W. Sumatra, one of the main clove producing areas of Indonesia. preliminary field investigations were carried out in 1973, with a view to characterising the dis€a$ and attempts were made to isolate possible pathogenic organisms. Unfavourable soil and cultural conditions predispose tre€s to s€vere attack and pres€nt control is limited to correcting these factors.
Sejak permulaan tahun 1960'an, suatu penyakit menular pada tanaman cengkeh telah menyebar di seluruh Sumatera Barat, salah satu daerah penghasil cengkeh utama di Indonesia. Penelitian pendahuluan di lapangan dilaksanakan tahun 1973, untuk melihat gejala-gejala penyakit dan b€rusaha mengisolasi organisme penyebab penyakit. Keadaan tanah dan kultur ieknis yang tidak menguntungkan menyebabkan tanaman mudah brserdng penyatit secara hebat dan usaha pengendalian yang dilakukan sekarang baru terbatas pada perbaikan faktor-faktor
Clove Diseases Prcjecl
Hunt P.. AsmaD A. (lgtt
B€nnett C.P.A.. Association of a xylemlimited bacterium with Sumatra disease of clov€s in Indonesia. Plant Pathology 34t 487-494
Sumatra disease is highly destructive in most clove-growing areas of sumatra and in western pans of Java. symptoms of leaf-fall and twig die-back, staning in the upper bra.nches, and often associated with wilting, lead to ree death in 6-18 months. Normally, only sesdlings ard young trees survive. Symptoms are usually more severe and disease spread is more rapid at higher elevations. Pattems ofjump-spread suggest that the disease agent is canied via an airbome pathway, possibly by insect vectors. Small, Gram-negative, non-motile, rod-shaped bacte.ia are consisl,ently associated with the disease. Initial attempts to culture the bacteria in vitro did not succeed. The bacteria are confined within xylem vessels and are found throughout diseased tre€s, Greyish-brown streak are present in wood of heavily infected tissues which release a bacterial ooze ftom cut surfaces; in such tissues many of the vessels are occluded by bacteria embedded in a gelatinous matdx. At the time of first above-ground symptoms, bacteria are already well established in roots and the trunk base, from wher€ they appear to spread upwards in newly formed wood into the crown of the ree. Symptoms are thought to result from root dysfunction ard mechanical blockage of the vasculat system. All known clove varieties appear equally susceptibl€.
Penyakit Sumatera salgat merusak sebagian besat daerah pertanaman cengkeh di Sumatera dan bagian barat lawa. Gejala gugur daun dan mati pucuk dimulai dari rantingranting paling atas (sering diikuti dengan gejala layu) menyebabkan pohon menjadi mati dalam waktu Gl8 bulan. Pada umumnya hany bibit dan tanaman muda saja yang masih hidup (lolos) dari penyakit di lapangan. Di dataran tinggi, intensilas pohon yang terserang penyakit biasanya lebih tinggi dan penyakit tersebar lebih cepat. Karena pola penyebaran penyakit yang tidak teratur, maka penyebab penyakit diduga disebarkan melalui udan mungkin oleh s€jenis serangga vektor. Bakteri berukuran pendek, bersifat Gram negatif, tidak bergerak dan berb€ntuk batang selalu ditemukan di dalam pohon sakit. Bakteri ditemukan terbatas dalam pembuluh kayu. Usaha-usaha untuk menumbuhkan bakteri pada media buatan (in vitro) belum berhasil. Pada permukaan jaringan kayu cengkeh yang terinfeksi berat dapat ditemukan garis-garis coklat keabu-abuao, Bila bagian ini dipotong dan dipijit akan keluar eksudat bakteri dan biasanya banyat pembuluh kayu dari bagian ini sudah tersumbat oleh masa bakteri. Pada waktu pertama kali gejala penyakit terlihat dipohon bagian atas (gejala awal), biasnya balteri sudah tedapat dalarn akar dan pangkal batang. Dati bagian inilah kemudian bakteri menyebar kebagian-bagian lain yang baru tumbuh. Gejala gugur daun dan mati pucuk diperkiralan akibat tidak berfungsinya akar dan penyumbatan jaringan pembuluh kayu.
Sutmnry of Research 1975-1990
Eden-Grren SJ., Supriadi, Hasnam N., Hunt P. (1988) Serological relationship between the xylemJimited bacterium causing Sumatra dis€as€ of cloves in Indonesia and Pseudomotns solarccearum. Prcceedings of the 6th Inlemotional Confercnce on Plont Pothogenic Becteia, Msryland, USA, I 985. Etls. E. L. Cirv rolo, A. Collnc r, R. E. Dovis, A. G. G illatp ie. Maninus Nijhoff, Dordrecht. pp 357-361
A close serological relationship was rec€ntly observed between the Sumatra disease bacterium (SDB) and seveBl iwlalts of Psetdomou$ solanacearwn (PS), casting doubt on the specificity of s€rologicrl techniques developed to diagnose SDB. Antisera to whole c€lls of SDB or PS given either heat or glutaraldehyde trcatments cross-reacted in indirect immunofluorescence (lFA) and microagglutination tests against cultures of both bacleria. No consistent differences were deteated between the artisera,/antigen combinations in double-gel diffusion tests. At working dilutions of antiserum (l:100), antise.a to both orgarisms reacted strongly in IFA tests on SDB in sections from diseased plants. Cross-adsorption with PS removed most cross-reacting antibody from the SDB antiserat, but also reduced homologous titres in IFA tests on bacterial cultures. Cross-adsorb€d antisera reacted weakly against SDB in plant s€ctions and wer€ not suitable for diagnostic use. Antigenic similarities bet$een the two organisms contrast with major differences in their morphological and cultural char-acteristics, and call for funher investigation of the possible taxonomic relatedness of xylem-limit€d bacteria with other phytopathogenic bacteria.
Suatu hubungan serclogis yang dekat antara bakteri penyakit Sumatera (SDB) dan beberapa isolat Pseudomonas solanacecruz (PS), meragukar ke khas-an teknik serologi yang dikembangkan untuk mendiagnosa SDB. Aotisera untuk seluruh sel-sel SDB atau PS yang diberi perlakuan pemanasan atau glutaraldehyde bereaksi silang pada pengujian immunofluorescence (lFA) dan mic.oagglutinasi terhadap kedua macam kultur bakteri. Tidak ada perbedaan yang konsisten yang dideteksi (diperoleh) artara kombinasi (campuran) anlis€ra./antigen pada pengujian-pengujian double-gel diffussion. Pada pengenceran antis€rum yang biasanya di pakai (l:100), antisera te.hadap kedua macam organisme bereaksi kuat pada pengujian IFA terhadap SDB pada irisan melintang tanaman sakit. Adsorbsi silang dengan pS menghilangkan s€bagian besar antibodi yang dapat berealsi silang dari antisera SDB, tetapi juga mengurangi titer homolog pada pengujian IFA terhadap kultur-kultur bakteri. Adsorbsi silang artis€.a berealsi lemah rc.hadap SDB pada irisan tanamn dan tidak cocok digunakan untuk diagnosa. Kemiripan antigen antara kedua organisme berlawaran dengan pededaan-p€rMaan pokok sifat-sifat morfologis dan kultumya, memerlukan penelitiar lebih lanjut tentang kemungkinan hubungan taksonomis antara bakteri pembuluh kayu dengan bakteri penyakit tanaman lain.
Clove Diseases Proiect
SJ., Adhi E.M. (19tO
Sumatra dis€as€ of cloves utd Pseudonwnos solonacearwn. ACUR Bacteial WiL Newsletter lr 2-3
Sumatra disease of cloves (SlzySim aromoticum) has probably been present in westem Sumatra for over 60 years (Waller and Sitepu, 1975). The causal agent is an as yet un-named Cram negative bacterium which invades, and remains confined to, xylem vessels in both roots and branches (Bennett et al., 1985; Hunt et al., l9E6). Initial difirculties in culturing the Sumatra dis€ase bacterium (SDB), its apparent lack of rclat€dness !o other plant pathogens and ultrastructural features led to the preliminary clnclusion (Hunt, 1983) that it was relat€d to fastidious xylemlimited bacteria of the Pierce's dis€as€ group (Xylenella spp,).
A recently discovered serological relationship between the SDB and P. solanacearwn (Eden-Green et al., 1985) has now been substantiated by results ofa 'doFblot' hybridization between membrane-bound DNA from these two organisms and a DNA probe prepared from SDB. Although a fully quantitative comparison is not yet possible, spot intensities b€tween four isolates of SDB and two isolates of P. solanaceorwn were very similar and showed progressively decreasing intensities against control DNA preparations from P. cepacia, P. fluorescerc and Rhizabirpn meliloti, respectively. No hybridization was detected between the SDB probe and DNA from an isolate of the Pierce's disease bacterium, indicating that the previously suspected relationship with that group of organisms is erron@us. However, cultural characteristics and the limited range of metabolic propenies that have be€n investigated so far show that there are major differences between the SDB and P. solan4cearum, Isolates of SDB grow poorly on media commonly us€d for the latter, including those media used in many metabolic lests, typically producing colonies with a maximum diameter of < 2mm after 10 days growth on sucrose p€ptone agar and little or no growth on TZC aEaI. Motile forms of SDB are so far unknown.
(First two paiagraphs of this short report.)
Swnnory of Reseorch 1975-1990
Hunt P., Bennett C.P.A., Syarnsu H,, Nurwenda E. 0987) SumatE disease in cloves induced by a xylem-limited bacterium following mechanical inoculation.
Parhology 361 154-163
of a Gram-negative, non-motile, nutritionally fastidious bacterium, cultured _Suspensions - clove from trees affected by Sumatra dis€ase ard inoculated by needle puncture into the xylem of s€edling cloves and young trees, caused th€ death of over 60% of the plans within 2 years. Bacteria, confined to xylem vessels, occurred tiroughout the vascular systems of dying piants and were also still active in some of the plants which survived for 3 yean after inoculation. Bacteria resembling those used as inoculum were readily reisolated from dying plants but not from.any water-trealed controls. Symptoms in experimintal planrs and thi appea.rance anc drstnbltlon ol vessels occluded by bacteria were indistinguishable from those iesulting from natural infection. All clove types tested were susc€ptible, including progeny from tr€es which had survived past disease attack. Results suggest thi importance oi usin! vigorousty growing plants ard providing protection against full sunlight during incubation for thi successful establishment of bacterial infeation in juvenire clove planti following merhanicar inocuration.
Suspensi kultur bakteri Gram negatif, tidat bergerak, yang terbatas nutnsrnya, diisolasi yang diserang penyarit Sumarcr; dan diinJrulasi dengan rusukan 9T^fTT^1:.Tg.k:h Jarum Keoaram pembuluh kayu bibil cengkeh dan tanaman cengkeh muda, menyebibkan kemaiian lebih qan o{ryb unaman datam waltu 2 Ia}un, Bakteri yang lerbatas pada pembuluh_pembuluh kayu terdapat diseluruh jaringan pembuluh tanaman yang ,"t it C_ U"it"l jug" masih tetap aktif pada beberapa tanaman yang tetap hidup 3 taiun serelah diinokulasi. Bat
Clove Diseases Proicct
B€nnett C.P.A.. Jon€s P., Hutrt P. (19E7) lsolation, culture and ultr-astructur€ of a xylem-limited bacterium associated with Sumatra disease of cloves. Plz,t, Palhalogt 361 45-52
A xylemlimited bacterium (XLB) prcviously shown to b€ associated with Sumatra disease of clove tre€s was consistently isolated from diseas€d but not from healthy trees, Isolation of the XLB was most successful usinS freshly express€d bacterial ooze obtained from root and branch tissues with low to moderate levels of rylem vess€l invasion in trees at early stages of disease, XLB were commonly isolat€d from rees with the rapid form of disease but infrequently from thos€ with slow decline. Bacterial colonies grew slowly on nutrient agar, rcaching a maximum diameter of I mm in 5-7 days at 28'C. Cells of the bacterium were 0,50.6 pm in width and l.Gl.s Fm in length and did not possess flagella. The bacterial envelope was strongly rippled and Giam negative.
Bakteri pembuluh kayu (XLB) yang semula diberitakan berhubungan erat dengan penyakit Sumatera pada pohon cengk€h seca-ra konsisten dapat diisolasi dari pohon sakit, tetapi tidak dapat diisolasi dari pohon s€hat. Isolasi XLB paling b€rhasil dilakukan dengan menggunakan ooz€ bakteri yang baru saja dipijii keluar dari jadngan-jaringan akar dan ranting yang jumlah jaringan-jaringan pembuluh kayu yang hanya tertutupnya sedikil atau sedang pada pohon dengan tingkat serangan awal XLB pada umumnya diisolasi dari pohon dengan tingkat gejala yang cepat, tetapi kadang-kadang dari pohon yang bergejala lambat juga. Coloni-coloni bakteri tumbuh lambat pada nutrient agar, dengan diameter maksimum I mm sesudah diinkubasi selama 5-7 had pada 28"C. Sel-sel bakt€ri ters€but berurukuan 0.5-0.6 pm x 1.0-1.5 pm dan tidak mernpunyai flagela. Dinding te.luar bakteri sangat b€rlekuk dan bersifat Grarn negatif.
Sunnary of Research 1975-19N
> Supriadi, Eden-Grcen SJ. (19E9) Isolation arld host specificity of bacteriophages
Sumatra dis€ase bacterium. lndoncsian lounol of Crop Scierces 4z 9-14
Bacteriophages (phages) that lys€d indicator stnins of the Sumatra Disea$ Bacterium (SDB) of cloves were isolated from cultures of P. solanacearwn and from the banana blood dis€ase bacterium (BDB) on bananas. Three of these phages (P4, P5 and P6) lysed twenty isolates of SDB and one out of len isolaies of BDB, but failed to lyse eight isolates of P. solonaeeorum, orre iwlatf- of Xanrhatnoug cunpesris pv. celebensis and one isolate of X cunpastris pv- monihotis- The ph^Ees were still viable after 6 weeks when stored as suspensions in culture medium and could be preserved as stable lyophilized ampoules.
Bateriofag yang dapat menghancurk n strain indikator bakteri penyakit Sumat€ra (SDB) pada c€ngkeh dapat diisolasi dari kultur P. solonacearum dan bakteri penyakit dardh (BDB) pada pisang. Tiga dari bakteriofag itu (P4, P5 dan P6) dapat menghancurkan 20 isolat SDB dan satu dari sepuluh isolat BDB, tetapi gagal untuk menghancurkan delapan isolat P solaracearum, etu isplat Xanlhomon E canpestis pv. celebensis da'' satu isolatX conpestis pv. msnihotit. Bakteriofag ini tetap hidup sekurang-kurangnya 6 minggu dalam kultur medium sebagai suspensi, tetapi tampaknya bakteriofag dapat disimpan lebih stabil dengan cara liofilisasi.
Clove Diseases Pruject
Supriadi, Fien-Grcen SJ., Preservation of cultures of PJ"rldomon4s sy4gii. Industial Crops tusearch loumol l(2\i 7-10
Kartsni N. (19t9)
Cultures of P. ry?gii were preserved on slopes and by freeze{rying, and the viability the cultures was evaluated at regular intervals. P. syzygii cultures which were freeze-dried, were still viable after morc than 4 years when stored at 4'C. The duration of viability of cultures was not more than 2 years on agar slopes stotpd at 2G22"C. We recommend preservation by frceze{rying or store on agar slopes with subculturing every l-2 ye3fs.
Kultur Pseudorrnn4s spSii disimpan pada media agar miring dan pengeringbekuan. Viabilitas kultur dievaluasi pada waktu-waktu t€rtentu. Kultur-kultur P. ,rr?gii yang dikeringbekukan tetap dapat hidup sesudah lebih dari 4 tahun bila disimpan pada 4'C. Kemampuan untuk hidup dari kultur yarg disimpan pada agar miring pada temperatur 2G22'C tidak lebih dari 2 tahun. Cara penyimpanan yang disarankan adalah pengeringbekuan atau pada agar miring dengan melakukan subkultur tiap l-2 tahun.
Sunmarv of Research 1975-19n
Supriadi, Eden-cr€er SJ. (1989) Evaluation of growth media for the Sumatra dis€ase bacterium. Inllusrrial CrcDs Research lournal lr 41-48
Thirteen bacterial growth media were evaluated for growth of isolates of the Sumatera (SDB). Casamino acids, p€ptone-glutamate and half-strength nutrient agar media were suilable altemative media for SDB but PW medium was superior. On these media, SDB produced small, dome-shaped, transluc€nt and circular colonies visible after 3-4 days incubation at 29'C. Addition of the antimicrobial agents polymyxin B sulphate (600 units/ml) and crystal violet (2.5 pglml) reduced problems with microbial contaminants. disease bacterium
Tigab€las macam media untuk menumbuhk n bakteri dievaluasi untuk pertumbuhan isolat-isolat bakteri penyakit Sumatera (SDB). Media casamino acids, peptone-glutamate dan setengah nutrient agar cocok untuk media pengganti (alternatif) untuk SDB, tetapi medium PW yang paling baik. Pada media-media ters€but, SDB membentuk koloni-koloni yang ke4il, berbentuk kubah, tembus cahaya, dan berbentuk bulat terlihat sesudah 3-4 hari inkubasi pada 29'C. Penambahan bahan-bahan antimikobia polymyxin B sulphate (600 unit/ml) dan crystal violet (2.5 Fglml) mengurdngi masalah kontaminasi dari mikobia lain,
Clove Dis?oses Prcject
Roberls, S.J., Eden-Green, SJ., Jones P., Ambler DJ. (1990) Pseudomonas ryqgii, sp. oov,, the caus€ of Sumatra disease of cloves. Systematic and. Applied Microbiology (in Vess)
Forty-six strains of a xylemlimited bacterium isolated from clove trees with Sumatra disease in Indonesia were found to constitute a sufficiendy distinct and homogeneous group to warranto their designation as a distinct species. The name Pseudononas syqgii sp. nov, is propos€d. Th€ organism is an aerobic, nonmotile, nonsporeforming Cnm negative rod which grows poorly or not at all on many common bacteriological media. The optimum tempraturc for growth is around 28"C and all strains are oxidae and catalas€ positive, grow at pH 6.0 to 7.5, utilise fumarate, Dl--malate, pyruvate and succinate, and do not grow at 37'C, The DNA composition is 66-67 mol% guanine plus cytosine. DNA hybridisation studies showed that the species was most closely related to P. solonacearum, and this relationship was supponed by fatty acid profiles. St.ains could be differentiated into at least two groups on the basis of biochemica.l characters and fatty acid profiles. Strain R001 (NCPPB 3446) is designated as the type strain.
Summan of Reseorch 1975-1990
Eden-Gre€n S.J., Balfas R., Sutarjo T,, Susnihati N., Hasnam N. (196E) Preliminary results on the transmission of xylem{imited bacteria causing Sumatra diseas€ of cloves in Indonesia by tube-building cercopoids, Hin{,/o/d spp.(Homoptera: Machaerotidae). tuoceedings of the 6th Interrwrional Confercnce on Plant Pathogenic Bacteia, Msryland, USA, I 985. Fis. E.L.Civerolo, A.Collmer, R.E.Davis, A.G.Gillospie. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht. pp 3'70-3'74
The epidemiology of Sumatra disease (SD) of cloves is consistent with transmission by an airbome vector. Surveys of potential ve{tors revealed low numbers of tube-building cercopoids (Machaerotidae), identified as Hindolo stiato in u.l. Iava and H. lulva in Sumatra, and a leaflopper, Botracomorphus cocl€.r (lassinae), breeding on clove trees. In transmission tests in W. la'ra, H. striota, B. cocles a\d undergrowth species, collected from a diseased clove garden, were introduced into 6.5 mr cages each containing four healthy 2-3 yr old clove s€€dlings and at least one mechanically inoculated clove plant. One to six months after exposure to insects, all test plants developed typical Sumatra disease symptoms in a cage receiving IL stiata and in another cage reaeiving a mixture ofH. stiato a dB. cocles. Ore plant in a cage used for othcr cercopoid species collected from undergrowth, C/otia spp., also developed the dis€ase but over 30 plants in cages expos€d to other species, or kept as ins€ct-free controls, remained healthy. All diseased test plants were systemically infected with SD bacteria. Although these results re4uire confirmation, the uniformity of response in the test plants exm{€d lo Hitu1ola, together with the close association of these sp€cies with cloves, suggests that they are imponant natural vectors of the disease. T.ansmission tests with H. fulvo in Sumatra are incomDlete but SD bacteria have been isolated from field-collected sDecimens.
Epideruologi penyikit sulruterc (sD) pada tananan cengkeh m.ngganbarkan penularan olch vektor bawar.n udara. Survei sersnSga vektor potentisl menunjukkan ldeya er.nsss cercopoids berbbuns (Mschaerotidre), di identifi k&\ikan scbasri
HinAoh striata di Jawa Ba'g'r dan H.
ejedis l€Ihoppe\ Btia.onorphur cockr (lassinae) dan jenis-jenis s€ranssr di bswsn pohon cengkeh. Dalam p€ lransmisi di Jawr Ba'"t, H. striato, B. cocles da srogga lainnye yrng dikoleksi dari kebun cenSk€h s*il, din sukt& ke dahm kurungan berukuren 6-5 m' yang bensr Sunutera
enpat tanarmtr c€ogkeh seh8t umur 2-3 tdrun drn
prling sedikit srtu tamrun censkeh yrng diiookulasi s€c$r irkrnik. Sah! sampri e.rnm bul.n s€tehh p€reuktd etua8., emu reillfi uji &hh kunmgm ying menerimr H. r,rirra drn kumnge! lrh ying Merinr lt strio.a dtJt B. cocks oenudukkatr g€jdr knas Fnyltir Suralerr. srlu
&lah kuMSan yanS meneriiru s€rangSas€ranSga cercopoid lsin yang dikoleksi dari bawah lrnamsn
phon cengkeh, Clayd
juss m€nunjuftJGr 8ejal.
Fnyrtil Suruters, s€&ngkan l€bih dari 30 tanarmn drhm kurunSa. yrng menerima serenssr-s€rdssa lsin dAn kontrol crap srhrt. sem@ tqatle ujr )e! skit,
s€csra sistimtis terinfeksi oleh bakteri penyakit Sumatet!. Me.skipllll hasil ini memerlukan
konfirnasi, keErrgeman tespun pad, tanasun yan8 renenB Hndola d,a hubungan erat s€rangga Inr dengrn |.narun censkeh rnenunjuUGn bahwa serrnggr ini merupekm vektor alam penting drri
pnyakit Surnaterr. Pengujirtr trmsnisi detrgan d. tlra di Surl.lefr belum seles3i, tehpi balteri teleh berhrsil diisohsi &ri sennsg. ini yeng dikoleksi
Clove Diseases Projecr
> ETITOMOLOGY-Io54 (l9EO Eden-Green S.J.. Balfas R.. Jrmslius Transmission of xylemlimited bacteria causing Sumatra disease of cloves in Indonesia by tub€-building cercopoids, Hindola sP.(Homoptera: Machaerotidae). Prcceeding; of 2nd Inlenurional work;hop on ltalhoppers and Planthoppers of Eeonomic imponatrce. Prcvo, Unh USA, 28.tuly - I AuSutt 1986. As. M.R. wilson, L.R. Nauh. Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, lrndon. pp l0l-107
sumatra dis€ase (SD) of cloves is caused by a Gram negative xylemlimit€d baclerium and the epidemiology of the disease is consistent with transmission by an airbome vector. Surveys of potential vectors showed that low numbers of tube-building ccrcopoids (Machaerotidae), ider,'ifred, As Hindola striara Maa in W. Java and H. Iulva Baker in Sumatra, and a leafhopper, Batracomorphus cocles Knight (lassinae), were breeding on clove trees. Transmission tests were carried out in w. Java and W. Sumatra. In three experiments, most plants in cages r€{ei'linE Hin/1ola spp. consistently developed typical SD symptoms after maximum incubation periods of 4-12 months. One plant in a cage used for other cercopoid species, c/ovia spp. colleated from undergrowth, a.lso develop€d the dis€ase in one expe.iment and in another test three plants in a cage used for B. cocles were aJso affected. These transmissions could not be rep€ated and were thought to be due to accidental contamination by Hitulola. None of the test plants exposed to other ins€ct sp€cies, or kept as ins€ct-free controls, contracted SD. Resuhs of tests indicated that about 4% of the ins€ct population was naturally infective. All of the dis€ased test plants were sysiemically infected with Sumatra disease bacteria (SDB) and SDB were cultured from both sp€cies of Hindola. The uniformity of response in the test plants exposed to Hind.olo spp., together with the close association of these species with cloves. indicates that thev are the most imDortant natural vectors of SD.
Penyekir Suruterr padr trnsman censteh
dibrwrh pohon, juga menunjuklan sejala p€nyskit,
disbabkan oleh bakteri pembuluh kryu yrng sifstnyr Cram negatif drn epidemiolosi penyelii ierFbut konsist€o denSsr trrnsmisi oleh vektor mel.lui u&r| (8i.bome veclor). Suwei s€rangga-vekior potensrsl
s€dsnSku pdr p€rcob.a lain tig! (.nemrn dalam lurunsrn untuk L cocler ju8r nenperlihalkrn 8eiah. Hrsil lrensnisi ilrsbrlt tidsk dapat diulegi dan
n€nsjukksn bahwa s€jurnlah cercopoida benabung (Macheroli&e), ye8 diidentifi k&si x.baEsi Hindola striata Maa di Jsws Barat dan Hindola fulvo B*et di SurteB dsn sersnssr penShisap daun, Bair&honorphus celes Knighi (ls-ssinae), b€rkenbsns bick psdr trnsmsn censkeh. UJi transmisi dil*san*sn di Jrwr Brrlt drn Suruterr BaBl. Drri 3 p€rcobaan, s€bsgirn b€srr tanamatr dlfam kurunsan yans dit€n Hindola spp. s€.srr konsist€n menutrju}J(an sejrh khrs Penyrxrt Sumted sud.b l''e iDtubsi 4-12 bulm. Psda
secrrr tid{k disnsAjr deDge Hindola. ^d^ satu trnananpun yang diben spesies serangga lain, atau dip€lihar8 sebagai kontrol bebas seranggs ters€rang penyrkit suruterr. Halil-hasil pengulian
salah satu percobrrn
stu trnatnan dslam kurunSan sFri6 Ce.copoid lair. Craria digunake urtuk
spp. yang diperoleh dari lan.nan-tanarun (t€msung)
diduss dis€babkm karenr terkontamin&si (tercampur)
memp€rlihatkan bahws s€kit3r 4% populasi sersn883 inf€ktif se.lri llimr. s€mua tanainan Dercobaan
srstcnratrs terinf.ksi balteri
de SDB ilapst diielsi dan kerrua spesie$ t]irlo/d. Keseragrnun red(si t0nanan uji Sunst€rr (SDB)
di&ti Hindola spp., srl! hubungrn yug €..t spqsie\'sFsics ini d.Dgo tar.'lB c€ngkeh, menunjuklon brhwa s€rarggs-s€ranggi ters€but lneruprlin vektor rlami yang pa[ng penting unn'k yang
Swwnary of Research 1975-l9N
Balfas R., Eden-Grten S.J., Sutarjo T. (1960 Biologi Hindola stiaa Maa. vektor penyakit bakteri pembuluh kayu (XLB) pada tanamar cengkeh. Pembeitoaa Lemboes Penelitioa Tananua Industi llr 5l-55
Hindola stiata Maa is an insect vector of xylemlimit€d bacterial diseas€ (XLB) (Sumatra disease) of cloves in west Java. Studies on the life cycle, behaviour and host range of this sp€cies were conducted in cages and a green hous€ at Bogor. Observations on alternative host were also carried out in cages at Sukamantri and Cicurug. On cloves, th€ egg stag€ lasted 12-18 days (average 14 days); the nymphs stage lasted 32-90 days (average 44 days); and the average suwival of the aduli was l0 days. The eggs we.e laid in the middb. The nymphs were active when newly emerged, then s&ttled in one place until matur€. ln cages, H. sriola also bred on: Sy4gium polycephaloides, S. oquaeum urd S. rocemosum. Adults also appeared to fd on S. jstnbot.
Hindolo trriora Maa adalah suatu s€mrgga vektor penyakit balteri pembuluh kayu XLB pada tanaman cengkeh di Jawa Barat. Studi mengenai lama hidup, tingkah laku dan taraman inangnya telah dilakukan di rumah kaca dan kurungan kasa di Bogor. Pengamatan terhadap taaman inang dilakukan pula dalam kurungan kasa di Sukamantri dan Cicurug. Pada tanaman cengkeh, masa telur berlangsung selama 12-18 hari (rata-rata 14 had), masa nimfa s€lama 32-90 hari (rata-rata 44 hari), serangga dewasa rata-rata hidup l0 hari. Telur diletakkan di dalam tulang daun. Nimfa yang baru keluar dapat aktif, kemudian mengisap tanaman dan terus menetap hingga nimfa besar. Selain cengkeh, H. stiato berbiak Wda tanaman lain dari keluarga Myrtaceae slzyS ium polycephaloides, S, oquaeum dur S, rocemosum, dan erangga dewasa nampalnya menyukai pula S. janbos.
Clorv Discasas Pmiect
> loner CJ., Jrmrlius
ENTOMOLOGY- no reference numb€r
Inlluenc€ of weather variables dr Hitdolalzrw population d€nsiiy on clove trees in West Sumatta. Indusrrial Crops Rcsearch lounul 2(l): 610
The popufation density of Hindola fulw Balf,,r vias examined at Sub-BalitEo, Solok from March l9E5 !o June 1987 (adults) and February 1987 in October l9E? (nymphs). For both nymphs and adults lhere was a close correlation betwe€n rainfall and insect numben. Maximum t€mperatur€ also had a positive effect on adult numbers. As H. fulw is a xylem feeder, it is suggest€d that the effect of rainfall and temperaturE on population density may be mediat€d by variation in xylem tension in thc clove tree.
Suwnary of Research 1975-I9n
Pool P.A., B€rmawie N. (1989 Proc€dure for the visualisation of clove (Syqgium orometicun, isozymes by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Penbei@on lzmbsgs Penelition Tatwnon lrdusti 13-19
This pap€r describes a procedure for the visualization of six enzyme systems in clove using horizontal slarch gel electrophoresis. The enzyme syst€ms studied were alanine aminopeptidase (AAP), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), alc{hol dehydrogenase (ADH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), phosphoglucose isomera$ (PGI) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM). Proc€dural details and formulations for the extraction medium, gel and electrode buffers and stain recipes are provided. Twelve isozymes were identified of which eight were shown to be polymorphic. For polymorphic loci a total of nineteen allozymes were evident. The application of this technique is important in th€ future breeding of clove.
Tulisan ini menjelaskan suatu cala untuk memperlihatkan enam jenis ensim pada cengkeh dengan teknik 'horizontal starch gel electrophoresis". Jenis-jenis ensim yang diteliti adalah alanine aminopeptidase (AAP), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), alcohol dehydrogena!€ (ADH), malate dehydrogenas€ (MDH), phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) dan phosphoglucomutase (PGM). Cara-cara tercini dan formula untuk ekstraksi medium, buffer gel dan elektroda s€rta pewamaan, ada dalam tulisan ini, Ada dua belas isosim yang diketahui, delapan diantaranya merupakan polymo.phic. Pada polymorphic loci t€rdapat s€mbilan b€las allosim. Penerapan teknik ini Fnting artinya dalam pemuliarn cengkeh di masa depan.
Clovc Dkeoses Project
' CLOVE BIOLOGY-I167 Pool P.A,, Berrnswie N. (198O Floral biology in the Zanzibar type clove (Eqgium aronotic@n) in Indon€sia. Euphyrica 3* 217-223 Investigations of the floral biology of Zanzibar type cloves werc carried out on five mature trees. The rnajo.ity of flowers opened in the aftemoon. Anther dehisc€nce occurred shonly after anthesis and stamens were shed almost 2 days later, Nectar appearcd around the base of the sigma as anthers dehisc€d and remained in evidenc€ for approximately 60 hours. Three days after anthesis a constriction around the tip of the stigma b€came apparent. The stigma tip subsequently withered, tumed brown and was shed after a further four days. Maximum pollen viability and stigma receptivity were attained simultaneously, 48 hours after anthesis. Indications conceming the breeding system in clove are discussed and a procedure for artifi cial pollination is suggested,
Penelitian biologi bunga cengkeh tipe Zanzibar dilaksanakan pada lima tanaman c€ngkeh dewasa. Sebagian besar bunga membuka pada siang hari. Membukanya bunga jantan sambil menyebarkan tepung sari terjadi segera sesudah berkembangnya bunga jantan secara p€nuh (dengan s€mpuma) dan tangkai sari gugur hampir 2 hari kemudian Nektar muncul disekitar dasar stigma pada waktu bunga jantan membuka sambil menyebarkal tepung sari dan tetap demikian kira-kira 60 jam. Tiga hari setela.h bunga jantan menyerbuki (membuka dan menyebarkan tepun sari) terjadinya penyempitan disekitar pucuk stigma menjadi jelas terlihat. Kemudian Pucuk stigma b€rubah menjadi coklat dan gugur setelah 4 hari (4 hari kemudian). Daya hidup tepung sari (Viabilitas pollen)dan kemampuan untuk menerima tercapai bersamasama (pada walitu yang sama) 4E jam sesudah penyerbukan. Petunjuk mengenai cara pemuliaan cengkeh dibicarakan dan pros€dur untuk penyerbukan (polinasi) buatan disarankan.
Sumnary of Research 1975-l9n
Pool P.4.. Berma*ie N. (196O Pollen storage in clove [S]ry8ilrn aromuicum Ltdotesisn Jownol of Crop kience 2. 51-5E
> clovE Brol-ocY-l168 (L.)l Men.
and Perr.
Two exlEriments were conducted to find a method for the storage of clove pollen, The first study showed that pollen which had been dtied and subsequ€ntly froz€n retained some viability for severdl months. The second investigation examined three drying agents and four freezing rcgimes in mor€ detail. Treatments werc combined factorially and replicated five times. The results showed that drying pollen over calcium chloride for 24 h before freezing at 20"C to -25'C was the most effective proc€dure. Pollen storcd in this way exhibit€d viabilities 2.2% after 4, 12, 24 and 48 weeks respectively. of 39.096, 14.6%, 4.2% ^nd
Dua rangkaian percobaan dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan metoda penympanan tepung sari tanaman cengkeh. Penelitian pertama menunjukkan bahwa tepung sari yang telah dikeringkan dan selanjutnya dibekukan, viabililasnya b€rlahan sampai beberapa bulan. Penelitian kedua dilakukan untuk mengamati lebih mendetail penggunaan tiga macam bahan pengering kimiawi dan empat cara pendiginan dengan. Perlakuan-perlakuan dikornbinasikan s€cara fattorial dan diularg lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan tepung sari dengan Caclr selama 24 jam sebelum pendinginan pada tempe.atur -20"C sampai -25"C merupakan cara yang paling efektif. Tepung sari yang disimpan dengan cara ini menunjukkan viabilitas berturut-turut 39.0%, 14.6%, 4.2% dan 2.2% setelah penyimpanan &lama 4, 12, 24 dan 48 minggu.
Clove Diseases Prcject
Jarvie J.K., Koerniati S., Pool P.A. (1960 Screening for bud and compatibility betwe€n clove (Eqgium srcnaticum) and related myrtac€ous species. Pemberitaan Iambaea Penelition Tararun
During investigations into control of Sumatera dis€ases of cloves, two techniques were use to test the graft compatibility of clove with related species of Myrtac€a€, collected as sourc€s of resistarc€ to the disea$. Budding by the modified forkert method, the most promising intraspecific budding technique for clove-on-clove, could not be achieved between clove and any of the other species tested. However intersp€cific unions were obtained in more than 50% of seedling approach grafts between clove and three other sryies, Syzygium nuclled, S. pycneqhum and Psidium guqjavs, Composite plants of clove grafted onto thes€ species can now be produc€d to screen for resistance to Sumatera disease or testing for improvement in other desirable honicultural characters.
Dalam rangka penelitian penggulangan penyakit Sumatera pada c€ngkeh, dua teknik penyambungan telah dicoba untuk menguji daya gabung sambungan c€ngkeh dengan spesiesspesies yang sefamili lainnya (Myrtaceae), yang dikumpulkan ebagai sumber sifat ketahanan terhadap penyakit tersebui. Teknik penyambungan dengan metode forkert yang dimodifikasika. yang merupakan teknik terbaik untuk c€ngkeh di atas cengkeh, tidak berhasil baik untuk cengkeh dengan spesies lainnya yang diuji. Dengan teknik - approach grafting-, gabungan interspesies antara cengkeh denEaJ:, Syzygium muallei, S. pycnanthum arau psidium guajavs, keberhasilannya lebih dari 50%. Tanaman composile (sambungan) cengkeh di atas spesiesspesies ini sekarang dapat dibuat untuk keperluan screening peningkatan ket haran leftadap p€nyakit Sumatera atau untuk menguji peningkatan kankter lain yang diinginkan.
Swvnery of Research 1975-19m
Jarvie J.K., Koerniali S. (1980 l,eaf anatomical characters in the evaluation of clove genetic resourc€s. Indonesian loumol of Ctop Science 2t 79-86
The three major commercial t1'pes of clove have a narow genetic bas€ and are threatened by disease. Considenble germplasm diversity is found in Maluku, the centre of origin of the crop, where there exists a wider range of low€r yielding cultivated types as well as forest populations. l€af data has been investigated to test validity of groupings formed through previous analyses and to further evaluate clove germplasm. An overall appraisal of the rcsults has shown evidence of variation b€twe€n clove types. However, as with results derived from g.oss mac.omorphological data, clear delimilation of types is not possible, although group centres of variation are aoDarcnt.
Ketiga tip€ utama cengkeh yang umumnya dibudidayalan mempunyai dasar genetik yang sempit dan terancam penya.kit. Plasma nutfah c€ngkeh yang cukup b€sar ditemukan di Maluku. Di daerah ini, merupakan pusat asal c€ngkeh, terdapat populasi cengkeh yang cukup b€ragam baik tipe cengkeh yarg sudah dibudidayakan tetapi produktifitasnya lebih rendah maupun tipe cengkeh yang masih tumbuh liar di hutan. Data daun cengkeh diteliti untuk menguji kebenaran pengelompokkan berdasarkan analisa terdalulu dan untuk mengevaluasi lebih lanjut plasma nutfah cengkeh. Hasil aralisa menunjuklan adanya variasi di antara tipe-tipe cengkeh. Akan ietapi, hasil analisa kasar morfologi secaia keseluruhan belum dapat dibuat batasan yang jelas dari tipe-tipe cengkeh yang ada. Namun demikian sudah dapat dilihat adanya pusaFpusat variasi pengelompoklGn .
Cbre Ditcases Projnt
Plool P.4., Ecmrrlc N. (f9O7) Proc€dur" fc lrtifichl cross pollinatim in clorc
' clovB BIOTOGY-1112 (W$,n awfrtun
A irchniqur for artificial cmss pollinatiol in clove is describcd. Il|is involncg emasc-rfuinS flflErr two days bcforc anthctb, ad po[imting fo|lf dey3 hE, Follmring this procodurc e reod st of approxinaEly 25t can bc Cf,Fatcd.
Tcknit pcnycrbutan silang buatan pada cagldr diunitrn. Hel ini rncliFrti snasfuhsi bunga-bunga dua had s$clun pclcpesan EpunS ini &n pcnyertutrn cmpal hsri krlnrdian. Dcogan proscdur ini pemb€ntutan biji 25f; dapat diharapfan.
Summory of Research 1975-l9m
Hunt P., B€nn€tt C.P.A., Asrnan A. (l9Eg Suppression of Sumatra diseas€ symptoms in cloves treated with antibiotics.
> coNTROL-lIo8
Rep€aied infusions of oxytetracycline and streptomycin into the wood of initially symptomless clove trees exposed to natural infection by Sumat.a disease resulted in a delay in symptom onset and slower rates of symptom development compared with untreated trees. The numbers of bacte.ially occluded vessels in root samples of treated trees werc signincantly fewer than those from controls. These results strongly support the hypothesis that a xylem-limited, Gram-negativ€ bacterium, known to be consistently associated with Sumatra disease symptoms, is the causal agent. The productive life of treated trees was usefully extended but some phytotoxicity wat observed, resulting in leaf scorching and stunted flower buds. In view of the high value of the crop, antibiotic therapy merits further investigation as a short-term control measure.
Pemberian infus oksitetrasiklin dan streptomisin s€cara berulang-ulang ke dalam batang pohon cengkeh yang s€mula tidak menunjukkan gejala penyakit Sumatera menyebabkan penundaan mulai timbulnya gejala dan memperlambat perkembargan penyakit dibandingkan dengan pohon yang tidak dib€ri perlakuan (yang tidak diinfus). trbih sedikit jumlah pembuluh kayu yang tertutup bakteri pada contoh-contoh akar dari pohon yang diinfus dibanding dengan dari pohon kontrolnya. Hasil-hasil tersebut sangat menunjang hipotesis bahwa bakteri pembuluh kayu Gram negatif yang (diketahui) secara konsisten berhubungan erat dengan gejala-gejala penyakit Sumatera adalah penyebab penyaldtnya. Masa produktif pohon yang diinfus dapat diperpanjang, tetapi ditemukan pula gejala keracunan tanamar berupa mengeringnya daun dan kerdilnya kuncup bunga daun. Mengingat tingginya nilai hasil tanaman tersebut, perlakuan dengan antibiotik dapat dipakai dalam p€neliriar lebih lanjut unruk alat pengendati jangka pendek.
Clove Diseetes Prcject
Normansyah, Stride A.8., Lomer CJ, (19t9) Preliminary insecticide screening Eials Hindola fulva, verto( of Sumatra dis€ase of cloves in Sumatn. Industhal Crops Re;eorch Joumal I Q\t l-6
Ten ins€cticides were appli€d as foliar sprays, trunk paintJ or soil-applied granules to individual clove tlees to t€st their effect on Hind.ola fulw. Sihalottin, deliamethrin and monocrotophos (all as foliar sprays) gave imm€diate and longlasting contol; aldicarb gave long-lasting control starting from day seven post application. Carbofuran only took effect 42 days after the second application. Three foliar organophosphat€ sprays, dimethoat€, phosphamidon and ac€phat€, gave no reduction, and in some cas€s an incre3|€ h H. lvlva population. Acephate and monocrotophos applied as paints were not very effective, while methomyl spray had a shortlived effect.
Efektifitas sepuluh insktisida terhadap Hindola fulva diuji dengan cara menyemprotkan, mengoles batang atau memasukkan ke dalam tanah (untuk formula butiran) pada pohon c€ngkeh. Penyemprotan sihalotrin, deltametrin dan monokotofos memberikao hasil yarg c€pat dar pengaruhnya berlangsung lama, PenyemFotan aldikad juga pengaruhnya bertahan lama, terlihat mulai tujuh hari setelah perlakuan, sedaflgkan penyemprotan dengan ka6ofuran penganhnya baru terlihat setelah 42 hari dad perlakuan kedua. Peoyemprotan d€ngan tiga jenis organofosfat yaitu deltametrin, fosfamidon dan monokotofos hasilnya tidak baik, malahan dari beb€rapa kasus terlihat menaiklan populasi Hindola fulva. Pengolesan batang dengan asefat dan monokotofos hasilnya kurang efektif. Sementra itu, penyemprotan dengan metomil hanya berpengaruh dalam waktu yang singkat saja.
Swvnory of Rcsearch 1975-l9m
Iamer CJ., Siswanto, Tri L€strri Msrdinitrgsih,
CONTROL- no rcference numb€r
TslsnS Sutsrjo (19t9) Preliminary screening trials against Hindolt stiua, veclor of Sumatra disease of cloves in Indone,sia. Induslial Crcpt Rcsearch Joumal (in Vess)
Eight insecticides were tested as foliar sprays, trunk paints or soil-applied granules H. stiaa ur individual clove-t€e plots. Sihalotrin aDd monocrotophos, both apptied as foliar sprays, gavt immediat€ and long-lasting control of the ins€cts. Chlorlluazuron spray ano acephate paint briefly supprcssed the nymph population, while aldicarb, carbofuran, monocrolophos paint and diazinon sprey r€duc€d (although not significartry) the population after 4-5 week. Dimethoat€ spray had very little effcct on the poDulaiion. a$ainst
Clove Diseases Proiect
CONTROL- no rcference number
Lomer, CJ., A.B.Stdde, Nuroadsyrh, SlswaDto, T. Sutarjo rnd T.L.Mardiningsih (1990) Insecticide screening trials again* Hindola spp., veclors of Sumatra diseas€ of cloves in Indonesia.
(UK) Agrrchemicals and Cuhieaq (Supplencnr b An\ols of Applied Biolog!, 11O
Tests of
Two sp€cies of Hirdoto (Homoptera; Machaerotidae) arc v€clors of the xylem-limited bacterium causing Sumatra disease of clove rees in Indonesia. H. fllvo Baket is the veclor in SumatB, and It Jri4ro Maa on tava. As no host-plant resistance has y€t been found, ins€cticidal control of the vector appears to b€ a promising means of reducing dis€ase spread. Results of tests on the effectiveness of some insecticides arc presented here.
(Not€ that this is short paper, for quick publication and that it does not contain the usual form of abstract. Thirteen different ins€cticide treatmcnts were applied as sprays, paints or granules and tested against the two veclors. Treatments were tested on single-trce plots with five (Java) and six (Sumatra) replicates. The synthetic pyrethroids cyhalothrin and deltamethrin and the organophosphate monocrotophos were effective as spray treatments. Aldica6 was the most effective granule featment.)
Ktelek Factory Kuatus Central Java
Tigande*at, Notl h
Su matta