' Chief, NE
Chief of Base, Frankfurt
SULexT:ameau.--Operational/HINAT/CART 111WWW--
Interrogation Report
REFERENCE: EGFA-10453 1. Forwarded as attachments are the following reports written b y the author of the reports forwarded with the above referenced dispatch:
A) Attachment "A" - This report was prompted by rucent newspaper articles concerning attempts of the Swedish government to determine the fate and whereabouts of Raoul. WALLENBERG, Swedish diplomat missing since the end of the war. Subject attests he saw WALLENBAG in early 1945 and recounts informatiun he obtained subsequently concerning WALLENBERO's custody by the Soviets.
B) Attachment "B" - Personality report nom:rang one Hay Wale KOSSUIH, Hungarian writer. 2. In addition to the above, there are forwarded to Headquarters for „whatever interest they mAy have, four letters received by Subject frca Bela (tnu) PFEIFFER of the Hungarian Nst4 Csupckl in New Toxic, "'VARGA 'r-A141ished . in New York4 of thejegarian emigre WeroPe 741 and from AlexandeeSt. IVANYI, D.D. of t
of Christ, Lancaster, Mass.
3 lettsellENSW-4 4.-4Www-Frit,w
Cfm. s,
DIST: v3-MS, w/1 cy Atts A thru F, H/N 3-008, no att.'s.
It 51-2UA
dui.kenbt.rg sve- tiploLL.tarol 1.
, .
hevezetdkent szeLetnem 1,-,z3 . •:141, 1.),), idi...;.:nt .idt .i.ul .:uliel.ber ..., ,Ared .liciAmat.vL1 kLpcA.1 .ta arkkapirr:, v :tek #_,It2._.,o v: JOK rail: nc-zettdzi Aolum .1dtt .-k,i al.tt i.: v.111.r.i. ALt %i " zem azoL LL-r,yol.i , .Notk,,,iijAy siourtozom, ;--ti .1 Uneseuek (:!is kDranat Aluja. .1.;.deu.,duL4e-wy ridempmmmmmtTe nozutulaval eT,yeltire new akarok me g eldjOnni, ezzel vLrok.
Aaul 4al1anberg sved liplomata 1944-ben Likor ,:ayaror..;zaEon a legLayobb nyiles terror dult batran, elete toctazataval ezleken es tizezreten 13yekezett segiteni. land wegyarozszaon, mind pedig itt b szabad vilbgban us tulan jvedorszagbar is . ugy tudjat, /logy haul dallenberg cattle u zsidoton segitett as azot reszere adott ki sved-menlevelet amivel el lehetett erni, hogy tdzU.1Uk ttibbmedwar megmeLetUlt, new pusztult el. jz tevedes, wart a hds e ed diplomata a politikai Ulleadtteten is se0.tett. Igy en pontosan
egyrtil tudot precizen. Horvath_ Arpad, a Lemzeti ozinhaz volt idrendezdje, ati as ellenallbsi mozgalomban "Laci bacsi" nevem dolozott, tdbbszdr eszrevette,hogy 46— vetik. .;gy alkalommal mar annyibee a nyomaban voltak, hogy a letartozto:15;A varta, mikor az uton feltUnt haul ;;allenberg ge spkocsija. Isweretlenal leallitotta a tocsit, as as megallt. Az dIddzti nyilasok eldl beannyit moudott, nemettil: rontott a kocsiba. "Hilfe, hilfef.ich bin komunist..." Erre mar a nA.las jardr ott volt a cocsinal. jepfegyvert fogtak ra, mire haul Wallenberg az altala ismeretlan embert, aki mondta, hogy Ulddzik politikai magatartasa miatt - megvedte. Azt hargoztatta, hogy a kocsi e yed terUlet... jzovaltas utan a nyilasok elhugytak. daul dallenberg igy . mentette meg Horvath Arpadot, ismeretlenUl, elvitte a vuros masik elfogtak, actor pedig jart as erdevegebe es ott tette le: i esdbb ceben a ..argitkdruton Dominich Vilmos hudbiro szazadosnal is, de ott
eredmenyt elerni new tudott. Horvath Araad elpusztult, de arrol,hogy haul Wallenberg 1944 ottober A.ejen megmentette as eletet rajtam kivUl tud meg 4UJIN6Z::Y i:;ndrene budupesti lakos, kell,hogy tudjon rola egykori felesege 14.1211YI Lili operaemks!snd as ugy tddom, hogy tud me g errOl 'Ai62,TOR Bela filmrendezb, ski u.s 1ZuAil-ben el.
1945 januar vf_:gen 23-u .tdrdl b as utcuuun lel/6 lajor szanitoriumbol uduvrias l'olmr,ban A.vitte Syula_ Ar-t, ket orosz katonati6zt . a ma:;yar iepvi P1öfli2 vult elLdkeL, ho' legyen szives ed adjon nehuny felvilag,situst. .Jupta Jezu (laiit Audapest, Wuzeum kirut) art: kert,hogy ui.p.t 71.keitilet yula buc.dt. men;ex utuna, nezzem me 7 how: vi.zi Ldv31de terre vi,te.A ..z:.mra nem eml kszem, n?:o,ry a Eiru17 utcabol jobbm forlultuLk
m.6oUiK hbzUel
or itt volt ,aul :;,11,..nberg
Levet, eg7Jr.ovjet &atom: vez tte at az udvar
mulva kijOtt, cduk uinyit monlott, hcuy nu2yon
eldzeteL en ountaic itt mind ö vele, mind azokkal aki ckel ott
maul Nallenber cored diplomata 2
Me . ;ker•eztem tdle: .culalkozott-e :(aul carol lathi lehetett, ahogy melt tel mondtam. .orni uzt segitett a sved.
ott, az utlepcsdn... Mintha 6 lett volna -
hogy tdle is kerleztex:tch. , leg olyan Jo& um;:eren
Lzutan ho.szu ileig nem is hallottam semhit iiul 4ullenbergr61. 045 marcius . 12-en rossz tehergepkocsival mentem le Budapestr61 aebrecenbe, ahol a szUleim laktak. L:CKOI itt ...zekelt az Ideglehes :.emzeti Kormany i8.
Detrecenben i merkedtem meg egv orosz katona-tiszttel, OLDNLA Vladimirral, ti magyarul, oroszul, nemetUl eaeszun jol es iranciaul Licsit beszeit. 0 abban az iddben u szovjet ha(Lereg lapjanal az UJ .3Z0-nal dolgozott. amondta, hogy hanyszor volt uton mar Jebrecen es 3sdapeot kazdtt. A leLemlekezetesebb utja azonban,mint mondta februarbun volt. Zickor egy °Ivan egyehnel j6tt :Jebrecehbe, aki alhyit meaelt a haboru borzalmairol, ami meg neki a harcedzett kutonunak is sok. 4gy nyitott jipp kocsin egy szovjet tiszt ,,gy civil urat kisert recenbe, akit a Dery muezeumbiz mellett levd orosz komandcturara vittek, majd innen pillahatok Llatt atvittek a .:ossuth utcuban levd Iorosilov ebben 1.aZ i4dUen jebreceh:.en a Sassuth tabornok hadisztalasara. utcaaan lakott, az (21/Lori aloghhazhan. ;,;z egy egy'cmcletei Oulotaszerd epdlet. . Ozemben a azinhazzal. 7cle szerben aL:cor a miniszteriuu.ok voltak, a penzUgyi palotaban. 011ner egy csomo adatot is kapott as utitarstol,Lici nem volt mas,mint 10.(11 jullehberic._ Ismet hanguulyozom, hogy aaul -:allenber;:et e y szovjet tidzt vitte le Jebkecenbe, eiz•l a kocsival ment le Oldher 71i.dirir.s .Lovjet • idhadnagy is (sajnos 6 %.int tatu eL.ben az (2.5ben mar nem ...zeropelhet, mert Daden-Luden tOrh-eken szovjut idnudiJzt.11(AsrL mehve autoszerenphcshoL..u;oh isdztek .3vid csetlehseg tAdozata lett), ott elibb ideig, mt.jd b sved ii 1 low.tatutvittek Vs:osilov .Altoknok.ezidendiajara. Ott ri tOrtent - alrol mar tdhbet eskii alatt nem mere k vallani, mart nem tudom. Ida tartozik meg, nosy Jldner Iladi:Ar as . tiLLOr '-capott anyag eGykeszet fel is dolgozta, mert kdnyvet b.:art irni slnenyeir61,amit b haboruban szerzett. Ansi( kezirLta ma is edesapjanal, a3.ai ezanul van, Cud. Budapesten e.:;yetemi tuner. ,k . %
widimp4r -004' ft.4, .i/ / 501•44. 4/47
OALLAbasil., ALoul
4weui,h aiolomet.
de Ala." Adfce-,/ fAti•olf.:6,/
In tni intro.actiou I woul,; Ail to •.cla re tn . t I ss willing to testify an4 aeposit under oath besot' lny international authaity (f4ram 1 everything tnat I will set 404n here on thie paper in connection with .1ALLENASAG ...•ilian diplomat.
I believe that I am one of the-s very few perrons was ere the chief witnesses or hi ,. diseppearence.
any rate, 1 4o not want to publish ell this yet, I
snail wait.
In 1944, ohen the greatest Arrow..cro,:s (Nazi) terror raged in Hungary, Anoul, :weuish diplomat tried to help thousands and tgens of thousands bravely, risking hi? own life. Ad it i: known in Hungary nal here in the free world and perhaps also in "widen sALLEAdEdos &soul helped only Jewish people by izsuing them -wedish safe-conducts enabling reverel thousende of them to eve their lives instead of perishing. Thi I.- on error, becauae trial brave weuish diploast al.:o helped the politically persecuten. kaow of one particular case pamisely. HJAVATH Arpad, the ..orwer c.iel , :tage Jirector of the .:ational Theater, wuo darted in tne re,i , tande movement under the cover-name of °Unole :Asci i discovered several tine:. that he was being foliowed. At one occasion they (the Arrow-crosaMs4isi were 4. close behind him that ne expected hi, arrest dhen the motorcar of naL.Lt...11
appeared on the rued. .0t knowing who waa in Vie car, :Mole Leal,
flm t ged sown the vehicle, an4 when it .topped, he jua p ed in saying in German "Help, alp, I 3M a co.mauniA
tnl . Ursa the Arrow-cm , s...1s:A vtrol reached the car already ass raised
tneir . .scnine gun .ut 4LL ERG Raoul defenued the unknown man who Raid that he wa, persecuted lur hi political belief. ALIA:IWO repeated that the otorcer
y ALLsadadti, deoui .sedi,h tarretory
After roae exchange of word. the Arrow-croes-s.:La
lett them. Thus, veLLE.:sLAO dauul -e yed d.RVATH Arped who sea unknown to him, he toot th-AVATH then to the otnur ona o! the city sno let him gc. Later, &MATH seS rrested ussain end thi tine .ALLENMAD intervened in hi; intereA et the Jalitery tribunal, on the :4argit boulevard, by ,a4vac14 Vilmoe, captain, military judge, Out could achieve no re,ult • HWIVATH Arped perished, Put the fact that hin if. was :laved oy saL6ENsERG cleoal nt the be b inning of Jetober 1944 is Known oeAues me, to V.A.. .CU .U.4.47 Endre, resilent of dudepest; suet be 'mown oy ni* former wife st that time OsAENYI Lilt, opera singer; and the wey I Know it, is e14o Known oy 12 A-40A bele, five stage manager, who lives in Israel today. • • •
At the end of January 1945, around the o.rd, two Rusaian Army orficers with very
courteous mennsr -C(W-from the VS3 Almost., Pejor sanatorium el KOMI Gyula Dr. the .ormer pre4ident of the Hunioriun Hot, a of 2epre.entatives, with the requeut that he shoulo oe tind enough to give some information. :OKA Gems (residing at Museum Soulevord, auoqpe..t.) asKed me to follow them to find out where they take Uncle uyule. They took him to the Lovolde uare, Bud g peA, VI 1!:trict. I do not remember the houle number, as we turned to the right from the Kiraly street it 483 the second hou.e on the uare. At this time aALLE13ERO Aeoul was here ello. I have :eon him in heard hi, name, u ,oviet ! , oldier escorted him throuth thJ zuurtyerd. After few hours .,AAI- came out
lad only thet they were
polite to hi.1 and to all thooe who were there.
I e-eu him, ;Ad yo,, meet .ALLE.:6bdU iooul, I ow him, he could be seen fro, , the street et he nscienaed the tairs.... It seemed es though it
he - I =aid.
•.A.L. answered, that they wiked from him also. 1 ; it really true that the iweue helped ,o mony people.
eALLGNBIAG, Raoul. For a lung time after this,I did not hear anything of WALLENBZAG Reoul. %In the 14 or *wok 1945 I went with u truck, that was in bad condition, from Budapest to Debrecen where my parent.- lived. At this time the Temporary National OCvernaent also resided there. senile in Debrecen, I got ao;uainted with a Russian officer, GLUM Vladimir, who epoke Hungerian, Rwsien, and German very well, an some French. tit this
traj the Hungerien langusge newspaper of time he w*rked at the u llj .zolwew i f the Asvi•t army. Is relsted to me now many times he had already traveled between debrecen and Budapest. However, he aid that hi' most memorable trip be mode in Pebruary. At thiJ time ho traveled to Debrecen with an individual who related o .such about the horrors of the war that it was too such, even for him, a battle $oesoned ::oldier. A 'wrist officer escorted to Debrecen in en open Jeep a Oivilian gentleman who was taken to the Russian head quarters (0oumendature) .next to the .ery -mown. and who in a few aoments was taken rrom there to t a hvau ! darter of General VOBOLIHILM on Kos:-uth street. At this time VOrlu HILO, lived in the former Balogh house on Konluth treet in Del,recen. wads house is a onestory palace lixe Wilding opposite the theater. Pacing this ■440112., house in tne 'iinance oulldinrit thi time the ministrieJ. XUNSA received an amount ox data fros hi:. traveling compabion who was no one else Liat 4AhLKN3hAG Raoul. Agpin I repeat, aALLA,dEriG Raoul w•. taken by a ..oviet *Meer %o .ebrecen, .1.Dea.ri Vladimir, first lieutenant of the ,oviet.srmy al,o went with the same der - unfortunately QLDNER cannot appear S i a witness in thi3 case becaue he becswe a victim of an nuto accident in the vicinity of Baders-Bouen on
way to the -oviet general need orarters first they spent a A hort tine
at Lt. commsndature, and then the .:wedinh diplomat we. taken to the resicence of general Va, HILa. Under oath I dare not teAify more because I do not Know
as to what happened thins. It also belongs to Us matter, that wt.WN6d Vladimir •laborated pert of tit* material roceivod at this time beoause he wanted to publish in boolc form his experiences in the war. His monu,cripte are ti 1 I kept by his Pother KA., .ILI Olin, who is a university professor at Budapest. On that saentioned day, on the 12th or 13th of Yaroh,
would BOW have
liked to have talked spin to 4ALLSNBEA0 &soul, out ho could not find his en". sore.
day vyula .:osuuth-dijus drurol ••
ilay Jyulb iro u 0,141.[Li trtozit, mindehrol tajekdzutt, a ezer; u t ci. Ortenit, nemcuak mi.gyar vomutkozasbun, hunem szdvjet vaniatkazasUan is. Ot e.;eszen kiinnyen meg len,itne iogni es ukkor :,rie)( a komuniuta vileg szellemi, irodulmi, mdveuzeti eleterdl elsO tezbd1 lebetnenek infJrmalva. ...emmi mos nem cellene nozza csupah bZ, hogy naynitk i,:ruguton valumelyik szinhaz valumelyik durabjat eldadja es d ere kijdjjdn. pedig minden nehezseg nelkdl menne az ö reszere. testver van az. tudomusom sze4int, apila b2 iro, -ay ...aroly a festd es .ay aszlo a volt kulKereskedelmi miniuzter, jelL:nleg a 4.emzeti otnt elndke. WA Y 4 Yula reuztvett mar az 1919 - es komuniatu forradalombun is, mint egeszen fiats]. ember. A ;colt vilughaboru ctizOtti iddt ktilfdldLin tditdtte, tehat nem a.agyarorszagon elt. ;Jegtabb ildt iierlinben tdlteltt, uhol ttibb szindarabjat is eldadtak ( isten csatur puraszt). gajd onna:Iugy tuuom, bogy Yranciaorszagba ment es onnan ment at a 6zovjetunioba. 1945-ben vagy 1946-ban tert haza Lagyarorszagra. Itt humurosan megndsdlt, egy Lajoros Eva nevezetd ujsugirond a hitveue, aki 1945-ben, 1946-ban meg byugati lapoknak - emlekezete: szerint umuricai lapnak is - u mu&furorszagi tudoeitoja volt. A,arom
day hazaterte utan u M.S.;74r iroltlaomban igen eldkellii helyet foglalt el. .;senedes modorawaal es humanist& felfogasaval azonban hatterbe kerdlt, Illes lela lett helyette a "lathatatlun vezer". 4dzben valamiert - az °sot nem tudom - dbszetdzesbe xerUlt Ai:ajor -umussal a "emzeti • ,,zinhaz iguzgatojaval is. Lmiatt uztun durabiai ca k nugyon nehezen tuacai sziltrekerdlni. gajor teljsen el akartu nemitani, de a szovjet iroszdvetseg lepett kdzbe, es ezek meg Aiajornul es a ma.yar nepmdvelesi .niszteriumnal is elOsebbnek bizonyultak. Igy uz emlitett ;stenos:sax csaszar .paruszton kivdl Az :LET iiiDJ cimd da:A.bja is elOkssult udt mout arzi otthon magat. mesitetted azt meg. De aay a daibbjait. Mnnek bt elrult evekueL • t'lLb nelyen eyen ket evvL1 ez . Adtt kezdte drdlt. c;gy igen 1J1ke., vilagnec t hiret en kOzOltem vale, inert forditani egviK darabjat. bajnoksagrol vi:sz erkezett p irkozok monitaK. HihetetleLd1 megOldlt -b eml .i:ezetem nem neki. AzOth tUitOm_cA a lazabut ott eld ib oda ki LK;rt; ve0;,:s elJ csal tav:Ay melidzesert lc me,:beteGedett 0.. Lem tuddtt merni. , ezeK Lewc6a4 LbK,
elentik ;e... ore
ttd1,)1:1 1 6 ;.eL. -
4Lirpoth:St, Liar ot—LIOL is meol-
L( i:/) / 1 '19i/
" C:;:q
ha y siyula -ossulh
-o ,ALbb iaeig resztvett a part legfelsObb udvedzeti, irodalmi bizott386Ln6t 6 MUL4L.Abkill LS. jeienleg amellett, hogy ir durabokut, rvgeLyeket - u 'as utcaban dzekeld aziLmuveszeti Aiskola aramuturiai u vezetdje. aay 4yula 170-172 cm.
xdrsaseldl 75 xilo sulyu egyeL lenet.
52-56 ev. .iecete hLjet erdsen Oszdl. Jamb bore van. Jellegzetesen sokat dohanyzik. felesege u. sjoros Eva 35-4J ev kdrali no, soxical tdbb dicsdaeg-vagy van benne, mint a ferjeben. Azt hiszem, bogy elsdsorban 0 piszkalja a ferjet, bogy ne hagyja mugat elnyomni. 0ipkocsiva1 rendelxeznek, amit azonban suite csax a feleseg hasznal. ...ajcros ..vat a felje reven a Jozsef Attila perem-sinhazhoz szerzddtettek 195-ben dramaturgnak. A nOre . miLdent leiret mondani, csat azt nem,hogy
meggydzkideses komunista. 4dzvet1en a haboru utan teljesen szocialdemokrata voLulon alit. «.ost vonalasnak kell mutatkoznia - hu musert nem, a ferje miatt. Iro es ujaLwiro kdrOkoen nem titok otthon, bogy
beji.ratos a legteladbb
komunista politikus ardkbe is. ar.denbol telld tisztelettel iogadjak, es comoly tekintellyel is reLdelkezit. Stuical lenye,eseub azonban ennel, hogy a szovjet IroszOvetsegben is igen nagy texintelye van. (6acan ezert taragszenax ra otthon), de ezzel 8 Lem el vi6sza. y tudom, bogy :agya-. jevvel vagy ',yihonovval ( nem tudom,hogv a xettd kidzal melyikkel ) igen szoros kapcsolatban van. AllaLdoan leveleznek, sdt Lz volt allay vendege is az elault evekben a LeanvfaluL level villajaban. Megjelen..se, beszede, viscltedese te_jesen polgari. Nan liangoztatja a komunista jelszavakat. Emeuereket, axit ismer es meggytizOldtt rola,hogy becsUletese: - igvexazik tauogatni. kindenrdl igen jol van ertesillve. Hihetetlen sok elxese,edes van benne, ez erthetd mert eleg sok alaptalan elnyomas erte. 2miatt ha a bite a xomunizmusban nem is rengett meg, de belal nagy Wskevel jar. .,ifele nem igen mutatja, de nagyon hiunax iamertem meg. anex okra reszuen, hogy evtizeJe:en kereztUl mUvei caak ktilIdIddn jeleitek meg, vugy udtak azokat eld - es -ugyarotszaL;on ismertek. A 'hazel hirt zerette volna mesapni, de eLiJel. allundJan gancsoltak. - A maic OK, p.ig L.-in, mar emlitettem u felesege. reLen igen n; y te
to ,Alom,i no—zu i.r k•reJztd1
t 1!.3VAI
.Jene Elo hecte-
part egyik
4yula .:ossuth dijirol Amikor ...udapeaten
he . enie legalnab ket-Lnlom nllalommal
ut 104 ozam LaLtt levO ji egydtt.
..ztalin vacsorbzni fel-:sezevel
AnyaLi gondja a legjobb tudemasom szerint e.Lybltalun rincsen. A meadzes ellenere is velemenyem . arint felesegevel egydtt iy is met;keresi a havi 15 000 folintot. budapeati lakasanLk a telefonszame 160-034 va t:y 039 •••
ri10111d velamArgval_
ib:ost, bogy megindult a;;;7arordzagon az erjedes, .:ay Gyula egeszen meresz hangu ciktben kOveteite bz irodalmi Ujsngban a po1itiui valtozesokat is. na a k5zeljOv6ben Ondk beszelnenek vele, vagy vele ea a felesegevel igen sok eredmenyt erhetnenek el. Ez a tehetseges ember ugy erzi, bogy lenezik..fedig tehetseg3sebb,mint a legtObb part Aro, es-regi kowunista, talan az a baj, bogy regi harcps... Jgy lorr beldlolant a vulican. Ia nem lenyegtelen az, bogy igen jol van infsrmalve. LlsOrsorban terueszeteaen a szellemi elet ikohtjarol, es itt iu nemcsak a magyar dgyeket es azot kulisza-titkait ismeri, hanem a ozovjet es a kamunista vilag mUvel6desi, kulttralis eeyszoval dzellemi eletet iameri es ott igen elOkelld helyet tdlt be. Egy alkalommal oeszelgetes kOzLen felmerdlt '0iseLhoower elnOk beszede
(deni el5A volt valemi nag7jelontOsegii me6nyilk.tkozasa, badben a vasfaggdny Magbtti olszt.....;okrol is szo esett). - -by b.i4J1 azt mondth, bogy csodulbtoJak ezek az Lmbrikbiak. br evtized blatt a vilag leggazdagLbb birodalmat hoztak letre, Jo lenne ott elni p.r esztendOt. Mire a lele-ege cinixusan jegyezte meg: "Ez csak .iajtad mulik." Azt hiszem e L,::szelgetes eleg vilagoa...
Swedish diplomat.
In this introduction I would like to declare that I an willing to
and deposit under oath before any international authority (forum) everything that I will set down hero on this paper in connection with WALLENBERG Raoul. Swedish diplomst. I believe that I an one of those very few persons who are the chief witneeses of his disappearance. At any rats, I do not want to publish ell this yet, I shall wait.
In 1944, when the greatest Arrow-cross (Nazi) terror raged in Hungary,. MALLIMBILRO Raoul, Swedish diplomat tried to help thousands end tNens of thousands bravely, {tilting his own life. •
is.known2 in Hungary end here in the free world and perhaps also in Sweden WALLENBERG Raoul helped only Jewish people by issuing them Swedish safe-conducts enabling several thousands of them to save their lives instead of perishing. This is an error, because the brave Swedish diplomat also helped the politically persecuted. I know of one particular case pmcisely. HORVATH Arpad, the former chief stag, director f the National Thecter, Who worked in the resistance movement under the cover-name of 'Unole Ladl e discovered several tines that he was being followed.
occasion they (the Arrow-cross-
lasts) were so close behind him that he expected his arrest when the motorcar of WALLENBERG appeared on the road. Not knowing who was in the car, Uncle Lead, flagged down the vehicle, and when it stopped, he jumped in saying in German 'Help, help, I an • communist By this time the Arrow-cross-Nazi patrol reached the car elready and raised their machine gun but WALLENBERG Raoul defended the unknown man who said that he was persecuted for his political belief. WALLENBERG repeated that the motorcar
- 2 WALLENBERG, Raoul is Swedish terretory
After moms exchange of words tbe Arrow-cross-Nazis
left then. Thus,WiLLENBERG Raoul saved HORVATH Arpad who was unknomn to bin, he took HORVATH then to the other end of the city and let in go. Later, HORVATH was arrested again and this tins WALLENBERG intervened in his interest at the military tribunal, on the Margit boulevard, by DOKINIGH Vilmos, copes/no military judge, but could achieve no results. HORVATH Arpad perished, but the fact that his life was saved by WALLENBERG Raoul at the beginning of October 1944 is known besides me, to HRS. KUSINSULT Endre, resident of Budapest; must be known by his former wife at that time NEHENTI Lill, opera singer; and the way I know it, is also known by PASZSOR Bela, film stags manager, who lives in Israel today. • • •
At the end of January 1945, around the 23rd, two Russian army officers with very ‘1211# theemelvesi courteous manner iiafT.Wom the Vas street, Pajor siusatorium KORNIS Gyula Dr. the former president of the Hungarian House of Representatives, with the request that he should be kind onoulh to give some information. SUPKA O.L. (residing at Museum Boulevard, Budapest) asked me to follow them to find out where they take
Uncle Gyula. They took him to the Lovolde square, Budapest, VI district. I do not remember the house number, as we turned to the right from the Kiraly street it was the second house on the square. At this time WALLENBERG Raoul was here also. I have seen him and heard his name, a :Aviet soldier escorted him through the courtyard. After a few hours KORNId came out and said only that they were very polite to him and to all those who were there. I caked him; Did you meet WALLENBERG Raoul, I saw him, he could be seen from the street as he ascended the stairs.... It seemed se though it was he - I said. KORNIS answered, that they asked from him also; is it really true that the.Swede helped so many people.
mumacia, Raoul. For • long time after this,I did not hoar anything of WALLENBERG Raoul. On the 12 of Merck
I went with • truck, that was in bad condition, from Budapest
to Debrecen where my parents lived. At this time the Temporary National Government also resided there. While in Debrecen, I got acquainted with a Russian off Leer,
who spoke Hungarian, Russian, and Germsn very well, and some French. At this time he worked at the °Uj Sae(New Word) the Hungarian language newspaper of the Soviet army. He related to me how many times he had already traveled between Debrecen and Budapest. However, he said that his most memorable trip he made in February. At this time he traveled to Debrecen with an individual who related so much about the horror, of the war that it was too much, even for him, a battle seasoned soldier. A Soviet officer escorted to Debrecen in an open Jeep • civilian gentleman who was taken to the Russian head quarters (commandatura) .-next to the Dory museum.. and who in a few moments was taken from there to Co head quarter of General VOROSHILOV on Kossuth street. At this time VOROWILOV lived in the former Balogh house on Kossuth street in Debrecen. This house is • on+tory palace like building opposite the theater. Teeing this house in the Finance buildiniVii this time the ministries. OWNER received an amount of data from his traveling compabion who was no one else but WALLENBERG Raoul. Again I ref oat, WALLENBERG Raoul was taken by a Soviet officer to Debrecen, OWNER Vladimir, first lieutenant of the Soviet army also went with the same ear unfortunately OLDNER cannot appear as a witness in this case anymore, because he became a victim of an auto accident in the vicinity of Baden-Baden on his way to the Soviet general head quarters. first they spent a short time it the commandatura, and then the Swedish diplomat was taken to the residence of general VOBJSHILOV. Under oath I dare not testify more because I do not know
as to what happened there. It also belongs to the matter, that OWNER Vladimir elaborated part of the material received at this time because he wanted to publish in book form his experiences in the war. His manusaripte are still kept by his father KASSA' Ooze, who is • university profeseor at Budapest. On that mentioned day, on the 12th or 13th of march, OWNER would Ulami have liked to have talked again to WALLIN/MG Raoul, but he could not find him anyw more.
UAL Gyula writer, 4n; ,eutn pri4e winner.
HAY Gyula, the ,,riter,belonu to the literary . ,ri..tocrecy of the coomunist worla. Ho is well inZormed deout everything that nuppens in that field, not 46—0 only in it..; Hungarian bit sl!o inr -.oviet relation. He ,:au1,1 be vc"y easily won Over am: then you could hove fir t hand iaforAstion of the iritellectuel, litorery, and trti .,t1c life of the coAmuni•t woeld. All that would be nece:,.ary i . thst one of HAY' • play; .huuld oe pre7ented by one of the Aeutern theater: on, that he !hould come out for tre occa.ion. ?hi .: he could leonine without any oiMculty. •
As far ail 1 know, there are three HAY brothers; HAY Gyula, the .riteri HAY taroly, the pointer; end dAY /43z1o, the former ainiuter of foreign commerce, who is now the prowluint of the National Bank. Au a very young man HAY Gyula already partiolpeted in the 1919 cosmuniat revolution. AS ,pent the time between the twc world wars acroad end therefor. Q1,1 not live in Hungary. He ..pent the oo:t time in Berlin where -everal of hi3 ploys were preiented (od, 4speror,Pea:snt). A. I know it, he went :ram there to ?Vance ans than went on to the owlet 'Jnion. In 1945 or 1946 he returned to Runcsry ono ..:on married AAMO. dvs, s newspeperwomsn who had in 1945 and 1946 st!11 new
correuponuctt of .e.tern paperi, and if I remember ri-:ht, of en
American p,per 4, well. •
After hi, retuen to Hungcry, g.AY Jcciipied n /p ry prallnent no,ition in Hungarian hoe UmLwith his , literature. dcwsverThtmiulet manner Ansi hunordItic conception of Ufolo gen ,:ser purhed
the oan t.round 'mu in. tea of him,
Bela ascame the "inviuible
literary leoder". In the meantime .'or on row on hc was in A cuntroveruy with .4AJ4A :smas, airootor Ce' t;16
(I do not Kna0 •;.ot ouu3ed
HAI. Usuis •ritmr. Therefore, HAY's plays cuu15 be preseated only with great diffioultges. MAJOR wantt.o to alence him completely Jut t..le ratinratiun ot tt.e :owlet ..riterl inter. ironed inc tmoy O.:10 federstion, proved to be tronger than JAJOA, ana even otronget than the .!ungarian mihistry uf odstio coucation. a p e the mentioned play (Uod, limperor, Peasant. ) ana another sne "The bridge of life have been produced, in feet temp letter him peen Adapted for screen recently. -till, HAY feels upraised at home (in Aungeryi. •
Mt s plays hove been pre. , ented at , everal places abroad in the past years. He
was always happy s pout this.. A very enthusiaatimsTokyo men 6tarte4 to translate one of his plays about two years ogo. HAY was incredibly happy to receive this news from me wnich I learned from the wrestler, returning from the world chr . spionzhip games. A, I know it, the play has been presented there iinoe. It ey memory does not deoeive me, one of his plays was going to be presented in
...weeen is 't year. tiAY wanted to go there but because he Wain, Ui he could not go. iheAs foreign pre3entstiono !mesh a compensation to him for the .slighting sof:erste in :iunory, ulthough oven at home many people bow to hta not only for inowledge but Iso tor Ni u p olitical influenae. lowever, !!AY does not have 4 fi.tin, 4pirit. •
For a longer time :tiq pRrticivto., in the word of the uppermost artistic and literary ouo.mittee of the party. tt prebent, ousiaes writing plays and novels, HaY i the heed of the drams...
tar L ioal faculty ol the high school of t!Itetricel art. . HAY 4yuls
0A16.4A11, 4e104 "bout 75
RUOUt 54..56
year. ulu, nu, oloot heir, trrniiy kruying, ho3 u q rx cosplexion. He il a ver:/ atront . oiler. Ai, .cif.
4vs, L.a anon of ,out
:oar.i, 1.; 4uoh
MAY, uyule writer. 4ore cabitious than :ler ..u.Mand. I believe trot ane nigh her husband, that ii.tre -so.
he should not let alma
eu 1 a . t exclusively ay the dife. in
They have a wstorcer that t
wind we duntracted as a dramaturgist to tn•
AAJJEW. Ara tnruugh her
jozb•f Attila ouourb theater. 2merytning can be . aid noout the women, neve that aim 1a a convinced co.usuaitt. lAmediately after the war she has been completely on the lociali-t line. , Aow,
ha s to show that she is on the
party line, if for notaing ells out car nor hu.band l a sake.
It in no :ecret at home among 4riterd and newspepermen that HAT f 'squints the hi6he , t communiA political circles. Its le received everywhere with aue repeat and, in fact, he en;ay.; a . erious prestige. It ie. sore iuportant however, t7.ot he ol u ha...; a very great preAige in the Federation of :owlet iritera..eny poop'e at home ire .1-wry It him for this, but HAY does not abuse I know it, HAY i in very clo/e coonection with FA4YAJEY
thii .dvantlge.
(TJIAJW.INI; 1/I do not snow which one of the two/8.
(:...JIAJLV, or
they corr.: pond re ularlysnu in tne p.lt years no ha,; been a 'WWII &Net in VIL14 at Lealyfalu.
. 1.pearanoe, 'pooch
4e4svior is completely aloile cleos(6)nrosoisi.
he sue ,. not repeat co.r.su.i,t .logens. 1. triel to help 'Ind su p port the pull. 4.10. 1 he .etelrms to 'mow 1o.1 !Ands honest, ne is well informed ..,out everytAipg. co itaa en incredible „rest aolount of bitterness in utvelf wnioh in unaerstands'a• ince ne -.uttered enough unjwitified Qopre . ion. For tla reason, ev.:" . 1.ig
to$ not been hake's, he till bear.;,
:Ro due, not . .hQw till., on t_e urns°, but I 1, p rned to now him
ev i.
xen. The r:s on lie, partly in t..e fnct
leoades his
HAI, 4yula writer. works have been publisher; and presented only abroad end he wail barely known in Hungery. He wanted to %chimp reoognition at hone but in this endeavor he hes always been thwarted. The other reason, • I mentiowd before, is his wife. •
HAT enjoys a greet respect song tbo writers, however, he does not frequent them too often. The Federation of Writers, playing up to MAJOR Tamas very often Doodled HAT. HAT tolerated this needling almost without words, and very seldom deigned to answer. I do not state it, but the way I know it, is that 4Ptialla for • long tine thirUnstigetor of these intrigues wins% HAT his been HUAI Josephoiise of the chief ideologists of the party. Shen in Budapast, HAT together with his wife, usually ham d inner at least two or three times weekly st the Newspapermen's club, No.101. 4talin street. According to
boat knowledge, he has no finsnoiel worries at all. It As op
opinion, despite the feet that he is negleeted, he still earn. 1, 000 forints per month JointlY with his wife. Nis Budapest hone telephones 160.0,4 or 039. •
• •
sf persons% opinions
NQk that the fermentation process has started in Hungary, HAT Gyula,
e truly
daring voiced article in the Irodalmi Uisee(Literary News) demanded political changes. If in the near future you should telt to him • or with him and his wife, very greet results Gou l d be achieved. This talented an feels that be is looked down upon. Whereas, he Ls more talented than most party teithful writers and he Is an old oommunist, perbspa the trouble is that he is one of the old fighters Inside he is boiling like • volcano. It is not unimportant that he Is very well Interned. Naturally, In the first plasm be is well informed about the troeof the intellectual lifoon4 ftwelleidiftheeeeekeleeesembegoiebembee bore too be
MAI, Gyula writer. net oaly knows the *smarten intelleetual life eac its behind the step secrets but else he knows the educational. cultural, in word the intelleetuel life of the 4oviote ana the owrounist world, ana there
occupies e very prominent
position. Ai OW
amnion Pre:limn& hisenbower l e speech eon up in ecoversation.(50
nade a deeiaretton of greet leportaneo before the Oeneva conforenoe, in initial the countries behind the iron curtain wore also mentioned.) 4t this tins HAT said, • theme Americans aro wonderful. In a few deeades they created the rieholet eountry of the world. It would be niee to live there. few years. To this, his wife sareastically remarheds • That is only up to you. • I believe that this aserereetion is olear 'much