TEMPUS - Pályázat Trendek és kihívások a felsőoktatás nemzetköziesítésében Budapest, 2017
Civilek vagy szakemberek? Budapest Nephrology School Egy szakma újjáépítésének anatómiája és tanulsága
Dr. Rosivall László Széchenyi és Khwarizmi díjas professzor
Semmelweis Egyetem Kórélettani Intézet Elméleti Doktori Iskola Nemzetközi Nephrológiai Kutató és Képző Központ Teheráni Orvostudományi Egyetem
Igaz történet – Működő modell Megfigyelés / megoldandó feladat 80-as évek: egykor világhírű hazai vesegyógyászat eltűnőben - súlyos következmények
Megoldási stratégia Magyar Vese-Alapítvány (1987), II. Világháború utáni első jótékonysági alapítvány (Ötlet újság: „ötlet embere”)
Következmény Függetlenség, szakmailag és anyagilag is „szabad” működés
Eredmény Ma a Budapestet ismét a világ nephrologiai hálózatának közismert központjaként ismerik, illetve elismerik
Magyar Vese-Alapítvány munkássága A. Új, jól képzett nephrologus generáció felnevelése: 1. Együttműködés / szerződés kötés nehrologiai továbbképzésekre, Torontoi, Alabamai (UAB), Vanderbilt Egyetemekkel 2. Kutatói és utazási ösztöndíjak 3. Elismerések, díjak alapítása 4. Budapest Nephrology School (BNS) létrehozása, 19945. Új, kötelezően választható nephrologiai kurzus (NK) indítása, 19936. Nephrologiai PhD program akkreditálása, 1994 7. Egyetemi Nephrologiai Hálózat (NH) létrehozása, 1994 8. Nemzetközi Nephrologiai Képző és Kutató Központ (NNKKK) megalapítása, 2014 9. Nephro-Physio-Pathophysio-Pathologiai Tea (NPPPT), 2015
B. Egyéb nephrologiai feladatok: 1. Betegek és a társadalom oktatása, speciális oktató anyagok, 2. Vese Világ Napja (2005) 3. Nemzetközi (európai, világ) társasági feladatok, megbízások (IFKF, ISN, ERA-EDTA, stb.) 5. Folyóiratok szerkesztése, Physiology International, International Nephrology, Hypertonia és Nephrologia, stb. 6. Cikkek, szakkönyvek, ismeretterjesztők (magyar, angol) C. Egyéb fontos feladatok ellátása: 1. Cigány Orvosképzési program, 20112. Orvosi jelnyelv, 2012-
A Budapesti Nephrologia Iskola / Magyar Vese-Alapítvány eredeti célja: -
A hazai és a regionális vesegyógyászat újjáélesztése Nemzetközileg ismert budapesti nephrologiai központi szerep visszaállítása
Nemzetközi kapcsolatok építése, erősítése Tanítva tanulni, új szakértő, oktató generáció kialakítása A hazai kimagasló nephrologiai történelem és hagyományok bemutatása Új típusú, holisztikus megközelítésű oktató - képző fórum létrehozása
A 24. BNS megnyitó előadása, hogy megérezzék annak 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Céljait Hangulatát Struktúráját Eredményeit Visszajelzéseket
Welcome to Budapest Nephrology School
You are really lucky!
There are real and dengerous wars in the World
Nanaopeptides kill HIV
Hubble telescope Large Hadron Collider –higgs bozon
We, however, have the privilege and joy to deal with science and nephrology
What is the BNS?! - Regular cultural and professional event - International get-together for a quarter of century • to enjoy nephrology • to build networks • to meet the opinion leaders • to discover Hungarian hospitality
Where are you?
Semmelweis University
200th anniversary of his birth!
Ignaz Semmelweis 1818-1865
Puerperal fever mortality rates (Vienna Maternity Institution 1841–1849). Rates drop when Semmelweis implemented chlorine hand washing 1847.
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has included the 150th anniversary of Ignaz Semmelweis’ death in the list of notable anniversaries celebrated in 2015. - The printed materials on the discovery of the causes of childbed fever (1847-1861) was inscribed in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register
Why the kidney is such a special organ with long history!? Relief from the tomb of Tepemānkh (Djadjaemankh), ca. 2700 to 2200 BCE. Louvre Museum, Paris, France. .
Among the list of funerary offerings, fat around the kidneys is shown in the boxed hieroglyph. Eknoyan G JASN 2005;16:3464-3471
The importance of the kidney, history
Kidneys in the Bible The „kidneys” used to signify the center of feeling, awareness, such as joy or pain (Job 19: 27; Isa.11: 5; Rev. 2: 23). Jeremiah 17:10. I the Lord search the heart, I try the kidneys, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. Psalms 26:2 Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my kidneys and my heart. In Chinese and Japanese medicine in middle age:
Kidney is the Gate of Life, Gate of Vitality, Yin and Yang
Where are you!? Hungarian language
Middle of Europe
Territory: 93 000 km
Population: 9,9 million (demographic ratio <1) Population density: 109 person/ km
Official language: Hungarian (FinnoUgrian)
„Are you aware that there is a language that because of its constructive ability and the harmony of its rythm I have placed on the same level as Greek and Latin? It is the Hungarian language! I know the poems of the new Hungarian poets and their musics has completely enchanted me. Keep your eyes on future developments and you will witness such an upsurge in poetic genius, which will totally justify my prediction” Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti (1774 – 1849) Watts transaction of the Phylological Society 1855
Why Hungary is the most appropriate place for BNS?! Established 896, The first Christian King was coronated in 1001.
„sacred crown”
Hungarian coronation jewels St. Stephen (970-1038)
St. Stephen, King of Hungary (969-1038)
advices to his son:
How One Can Become a Successful King? „The one language country is very weak. Please invite foreigners, make them settle down. Their knowledge will increase your power.” The philosophy of BNS is the same! The Hungarian Wisdom, Hospitality
Leo Szilárd, Jeno Wigner, Ede Teller
Albert Szent-Györgyi
Janos Irinyi
Hungarian inventions
Gabor Domokos Peter Varkonyi
Laszlo Biro Erno Rubik
Janos Neumann
Denes Gabor
Jozsef Galamb
- Hungarians are good not only in science, but in sport too! - Hungary has won more Olympic medals than any other nation that has never hosted the Games. - Historical rank: gold medal 8th, all medals 12th
- History of the Hungarian Nephrology - Strong start at turn of 19th/20th century
von Sándor Korányi 1866 - 1944 FIRST: - applied freezing point reduction to
measure osmotic activity of urine - measured renal function by concentrating ability
- coined the term „renal insufficiency” and hypostenuria
History of Nephrology
- Brake in further development of nephrology at eighties - Establishment of Hungarian Kidney Foundation 1987
Establishment of Hungarian Kidney Foundation The 1st charity foundation in Hungary after the II World War Established: 30 years ago! In 1987 by Laszlo Rosivall
Type: Charity, public foundation
Strategic plans: -
provision of grants by applications
establishment of Nephrology Research and Training Centre, 1990
by inter-departmental network -
Aim: To support the development
of education, research and
academic nucleus training young talented nephrologists
at international levels -
establishment of PhD program, 1993
establishment of an international
clinical practice of nephrology
CME course, BNS, 1994 -
establishment of Awards
The original proposal for the establishment of World Kidney Day Dear Fond of Kidney Colleagues!
I would like to make a recommendation for our organization in order to have more recognition and support worldwide for kidney diseases, research and renal education. I think it is time and it is our duty to call for the attention of the nations, governments and statesmen to announce and support a Day or a “Week of KIDNEY”. This international event should happen in all the countries at the same time addressing the same issues from public level to the professionals employing all the available means like media, open days in universities or dialysis centers, lectures, distribution of flyers etc, to increase the public awareness and attract more support for Nephrology. It is possible that in some of the more developed countries they have similar projects, but this international movement will increase the power of the Foundations and will ultimately benefit the renal patients. I will raise this question in Amsterdam and I would like to request you to consider it positively, provide your inputs even via email beforehand and wish our organization will enjoy your support for this idea as well. I am looking forward to seeing you soon in Amsterdam. Sincerely yours, Laszlo Rosivall
Special postgraduate education with the help of Hungarian Kidney Foundation Aims: - Revitalization of nephrology - Regaining regional leadership - Support and establishment of a new professional generation Some of the results: - Accredited Nephrology PhD program with 61 PhD degrees so far granted - Worldwide recognized CME course for 24 years - Establishment of the International Nephrology Research and Training Center - International recognition, awards, invitations, etc.
1. Gypsy-MD program improves the gypsies’ Health care, Health parameters, Social integration.
2. Sixteen gypsy medical students entered Semmelweis University, 10 still continue studies. 3. Extremely positive response from the society. 4. Blessing in written from Pope Ferenc, The Holy father and recognition from Jose Manuel Barroso.
Introduction of Medical Sign Language at Semmelweis University, 2011 • Improves equality • Helps in health care provision • Helps learn better observation of patients because signs without gestures have no meanings • Extreme popularity • European Union Recognition, 2012 • Spreading to other universities
The Silver Plate Award of Hungarian Kidney Foundation (1990) „…recognition of the significant contribution to the development of Hungarian nephrology…”
1990 Taraba I. (Magyarország) 1995 Schulman G. (USA) 1996 Ritz E. (D), Hercz G. (Kanada)
2000 Heemann U. (D) Vas S. (Kanada)
2005 Bargman J. (Kanada) 2006 Andreoli TE. (USA) 2008 Bell PD. (USA) 2010 Peti-Peterdi J (USA) Wiecek A. (PL) 2015 Luft F. (D) Ito, S (JAP)
Hársing and Taraba Awards (diameter: 6 cm, thikness: 0.6 cm, silver)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011
Dr. Mucsi I. PhD (1963-)
Dr. Kárpáti I. PhD (1955-)
Dr. Peti Peterdi J. PhD (1970- )
Dr. Hamar P. PhD (1969-)
Dr. Wagner L. PhD (1970-)
Dr. Szabó A. PhD (1969-)
Dr. Vásárhelyi B. PhD (1968-)
Dr Müller V. PhD (1970-)
Dr. Torry K. PhD (1975-)
Dr. FeketeA. PhD (1975-)
Dr. Kocsis I. PhD (1973-)
Dr. Masszi A. PhD (1975-)
Dr. Wagner Z. (1974-)
Dr. Zsembery Á. PhD (1967-)
Dr. Novák M.PhD (1968-)
Dr. Molnár M. Zs. (1977-)
Dr. Sebe A. PhD (1976-)
Dr. Kökény G. PhD (1975-)
Dr. Dolgos Sz. PhD (1977-)
Dr. Prókai Á. PhD (1982-)
Dr. Rusai K. PhD. (1978-)
Dr. Vannay Á. PhD (1973-)
2014 2016
Dr. Cseprekál.Orsolya(1983-) Dr. Studinger Péter (1978-) Dr.Kis Éva (1981-) Dr. Ambrus Csaba (1971-)
Awards of Hungarian Kidney Foundation For Nephrology Award Life achievement recognition, 2007 • Kiss István, 2008
• Nagy Judit, 2008 • Radó János, 2009 • Perner Ferenc, 2010 • Polner Kálmán, 2011 • Szegedi János, 2011 • Kakuk György, 2013 • Ormos Jenő, 2013 • Balla József, 2014 • Kárpáti István, 2015 • Makó János, 2016 Renal tree of Life, designed by Pál Kő 2008
„Center of Excellence - Hungarian Kidney Foundation” Founded by the Hungarian Kidney Foundation atthe 20th Anniversary of its Establishment, 2007 (cupper, 25x40 cm)
Faculty Members of the BNS (159) Cs. Ambrus H-J.Anders T. Andreoli M. Arici C. Avila-Casado J. Balla J. M. Bargman C. Baylis P. Bárány M. Beck Göőz P. D. Bell W. van Biesen R. Blantz A. J. Bleyer E. P. Botos B. M. Brenner M. Cantarovich C. T. Chan R. de Châtel D. Cohen E. Cole A. J. Collins R. Coppo W. Couser A. Covic P. Csermely A. Davison Gy. Deák M. E. De Broe G. Devins J. Dirks T. B. Drücke
Cs. Dzsinich K-U. Eckardt A. Falus Cs. Farsang J. Feehally M. Fischereder L. G. Fine J. Floege A. Fogo D. Fouque B. I. Freedman M. Geiszt P. Gergely D. Goldsmith M. S. Goligorsky M. Göőz S. Goral J. G. Grunfeld S. Halperin Á. Haris L. Harper U. Heemann A. Heidland J. H. Helderman G. Hercz E. J. Holtzman E. Honsova A. Horváth L. Hunyadi A. Iaina N. Ismail
S. Ito B. Iványi K. Jager J. Járay V-M. Kahari K. Kalantar-Zadeh K. Kauser É. Kemény D. Kerjaschki M. Ketteler J. T. Kielstein I. Kiss H. Klinkmann E. Kolossváry G. Kovács Cs. P. Kövesdy R. T. Krediet K. Kurokawa S. Van Laecke N. Lameire R. Langer N. Ledó A. Logan N. Levin H. Liapis M. Little F. Locatelli G. M. London F. C. Luft A. MacLeod G. Mayer Z. Máthé
O. Mehls D. C. Mendelssohn A. Meyrier K. Mészáros M. Z Molnar I. Mucsi S. Mustata G. A. Müller H. Mürer J. Nagy D. Naimark S. Nielsen M. Novák R. Oberbauer K. Olgaard H. H. Parving M. Paul A. Perkowska-Ptasinska F. Perner J. Peti-Peterdi M. Picken R. Pisoni K. Polner J. Rees G. Remuzzi Gy. Reusz E. Ritz B. Rodríguez-Iturbe P. Ronco S. Rosansky L. Rosivall B. Rutkowski
I. Rychlik B. Sarkadi D. Sclöndorff H. Schmidt-Gayk K. Schneider G. Schulman K. Skorecki E. Slatopolsky S. Sonkodi G. Spasovski A.Spät P. Stenvinkel Z. Stevanovic T. Szabó B. Szamosfalvi Á. Szél M. Tapolyai D-C. Tarng V. Tesar A.Tislér J. Titze S. W. Tobe T. Tóth T. Tulassay R. Vanholder S. Vas P. Venetianer J. J. Weening A. Wiecek I. Wittman D. De Zeeuw P. Å. Zillén
We are grateful and proud of those who always supported BNS And have been with us
Roscoe Robinson
Eberhard Ritz
Gerald Schulman
Thomas E. Andreoli
The ’Thomas Andreoli’, ’Eberhard Ritz’ and ’Gerald Schulman Scholarship’ of the Hungarian Kidney Foundation Thomas Andreoli Scholarship: Zivojin Stevanovic Eberhard Ritz Scholarship: Vladimir Kruzljak Gerald Schulman Scholarship: Ahmed Emara Founding document - 15 April, 2017 With the support and full agreement of its advisory, as the president of the Hungarian Kidney Foundation, the Foundation creates three scholarships on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, in order to further enhance the participation at its internationally renowned initiative, the Budapest Nephrology School. The grants mean a full or partial reimbursement of the travel costs, support for the registration fee, and the costs incurred during the stay in Budapest. The maximum amount of the grants is 1.000 Euro. The exact amount, proportion and name of the grants will be determined by the Hungarian Kidney Foundation at all times. With the names of the scholarship I would like to pay tribute to the memory of our great masters, Professors Thomas Andreoli, Eberhard Ritz and Gerald Schulman who took an active part in our CME from year to year right from the beginning. Dr. László Rosivall Founding president of the Hungarian Kidney Foundation
Participants - from the region - now from all over the world Education of more than 1500 nephrologists!
Participant’s Countries (67) from 5 Continents Albania
Saudi Arabia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Czech Repubilc Italy Denmark Japan Ecuador
ERA-EDTA and Hungarian Kidney Foundation Fellows ERA-EDTA Fellows
Bozaxhiu, Eneida
Emara, Ahmed
Kosovo Godanci-Kelmendi, Vjollca
Mrgud, Jasmina
Hungarian Kidney Foundation Fellows EG
Emara, Ahmed
Bozaxhiu, Eneida
Kruzljak, Vladimir
Nazareth, Maria Gina
Santamaria, Liesle
Stevanovic, Zivojin
PhD Students HU
Czirok, Szabina Julia
Kőrösi, Beáta Zita
Tod, Pál
Bakos, Bence
Doronina, Alexandra
Bárczi, Adrienn
Cseh, Katalin
Barabás, János Imre
Gönczi, Lóránt
Paksicza, Lilla Mária
Kasiri, Elnaz
Korda, Dávid Ádám
Lendvai, Zsófia
This year: -
12th World Kidney Day 15th International Symposium on Wine and Health 4th Renal Wine Competition 4th Renal Rubik’s Cube Show and Competition „Meet the Professors” Renal Pathology Program Poster Presentation Tai Chi Visit the Parliament, boat tour on Danube Organ concert at St. Istvan Basilica Faculty, Fellows, Accreditation, Book, Evaluation, Certification, etc
Faculty of the 24th Budapest Nephrology School Csaba Ambrus Susan Allison Kerstin Amann Davide Bolignano Ernő Péter Botos Marc E. De Broe Tibor Fulop Danica Galešić Ljubanović Giovanni Gambaro Kishore Gopalakrishnan Simin Goral Ágnes Haris J. Harold Helderman Sadayoshi Ito Béla Iványi
Rafael Kramann Zoltán Máthé Miklos Z Molnar Tibor Nadasdy Zoltán Prohászka György Reusz László Rosivall Brad H. Rovin Fumitoshi Satoh Jens Titze Tibor Tóth Tivadar Tulassay Raymond Vanholder Andrzej Wiecek Per Åke Zillén
Thomas E. Andreoli Eberhard Ritz László Rosivall 655 pages, 2nd edit. ISBN 963 218 8322 State Printing Co Budapest, 2006
Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis, Transplantation from Pathophysiology to Bio-Psycho-Social Aspects, ed. Laszlo Rosivall, e-book, (5th edition) pp 655, bns-hungary.hu, 2016
Accreditation The 24th Budapest Nephrology School, Budapest, Hungary, 26/08/2017-31/08/2017 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 32 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
The Course includes 45 scientific lectures and a final examination which can be locally evaluated according to national standards (in Hungary it is equal to 50 CME credits).
Evaluation forms
Please have it always with you, and fill it out time to time!
Certification will be only given to those who - actively participate - are always present - fullfil the evaluation forms
Commentary “This course has changed the way I practice Nephrology now! It was great fun to be a part of this course and I am sure that with the amazing faculty, it will continue to be the leading course for young Nephrologists all over the world!” „Great work, worth to recommend to colleagues.” “What a great school and great decision I made this year, I will come back!” “The BNS provides an opportunity to meet “up close and personal” with nephrology greats in an informal atmosphere. I personally found it very enriching.” Participants „..., it is a pleasure for the International Society of Nephrology to recognize the tradition established by Dr. Rosivall and his colleagues in the heart of Europe, servicing so many colleagues in their quest for knowledge. Experts from various parts of the world have contributed to render the Budapest School into one of the best of its kind. We congratulate Dr. Rosivall on this momentous achievement.” Jan J. Weening, Past President of ISN „As a President of ERA-EDTA association I’m very proud that our Society is a sponsor of the Budapest Nephrology School that next year will celebrate the 10th Anniversary. The best comment about the quality of this school come from a letter I received from one of the participants at last school “I was fortunate to be one of the sponsored delegate by the ERA. I do not have any words to express my sincere gratitude to the ERA and especially you for considering me for the grant from ERA.” I do believe there are no other words to add!” Francesco Locatelli, Past President of ERA-EDTA „The Semmelweis University under the dedicated leadership of Professor Rosivall has developed the tradition of an annual Nephrology Summer School in Budapest… The panel of experts is impressive and has included some of the top leaders of nephrology in the world. In recognition of the high standard of this meeting, both the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the European Renal Association (ERA) co-sponsor this important event.” Eberhard Ritz, Past President of ISN „Thank you very much for inviting me to this beautiful city. Congratulation for this 20th anniversary and also for the perfect organization. The topics and the audience are great, the discussion more than lively. A great thing for young and old. Please go on this way!” Raymond Vanholder, Past President of ERA-EDTA
A Budapesti Nephrologia Iskola / Magyar Vese-Alapítvány sikerének Okai / Titka: -
Elkötelezett, karizmatikus, hiteles szakemberek Az elérhető legmagasabb szakmai színvonal Minden döntés hátterében a szakmai érték elérése áll és a gazdasági érdekek másodlagosak Valamennyi szervező, előadó a szakma fejlődése érdekében vállalt jótékonyságból működik közre Budapest turisztikai vonzereje és a hagyományos magyar vendégszeretet ötvözése a szakmai „szent” célokkal Szakmai kérdések holisztikus megközelítése
A semmiből egy új és növekvő hálózatot teremtettünk, a BNS világhálót Szociális, pl.:.:
Erdős Pál és Rényi Alfréd
Skála független hálózatok Barabási Albert László
BNS résztvevők kapcsolati rendszere
Biológiai, pl.:
Tanulási képesség változás
Pszichológiai, pl.:
Bizalmi hálózat kialakulása
BNS sikere / Eredménye / Üzenete Sikeres oktatás csak fontos céllal, magas minőségben, komplex formában lehetséges Misszionáriusi elkötelezettséggel végzett oktatás közvetlen és közvetett haszna szinte beláthatatlan Az oktatás és tudomány nem ismer határokat, A tudomány – oktatás egymástól elválaszthatatlan és a legeredményesebb eszköze a szebb és jobb jövőnek
Nemzetközi oktatás és kutatás elősegíti a tolerancia kialakulását, a háborúk megszüntetését Nemzetközi csoportos oktatási formát / együttlétet semmilyen webex, skype stb., forma nem tudja helyettesíteni, mert ez sokkal több, mint verbális ismeretátadás