CCBI project 2nd national workshop The second national workshop was dedicated for introduction of the second year professional outcomes. During the second year of the CCBI project the focus was on lifelong guidance within the framework of lifelong learning strategy. Austria worked on the learners’ motivation, Slovakia on validation (APEL) and Hungary on cooperation and coordination concerning LLG developments. Ten people participated in the workshop. They represented the National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education, Ministry of National Resources, Ministry of National Economy, National Employment Office (PES), Education Observatory (REFERNET), University of ELTE, Budapest, Dept. of Andragogy, Universty of Technology, Dept. for inservice training for teachers. Participants listed some relevant programmes and initiatives concerning LLG; -
SROP 221 (ESF programme) renewal of the VET system including career-tracking system development SROP 222 (ESF programme) development of the national LLG System in Hungary Development of the validation system within the Hungarian higher education system EQF- European and National Qualification Systems developments REFERNET (VET observatory) Language learning and teaching in adulthood
During the workshop a short presentation introduced the content of the project. In the afternoon session the group was split into small working groups. The two groups collected activities for a national LLG System. After that we tried to focus on the development of the possible national career guidance system. The group used Borbély-Pecze model (2010) for this mapping exercise. The following items were collected: Higher education 1. 2. 3. 4.
career centres in higher education personalized education plan, students’ portfolio mentoring alumni as understood in the US and UK, graduates can be involved in the career management skills development 5. ERASMUS – as a learning way for mobility in the EU27, participation in projects later on EURES: job mobility in Europe 6. learning foreign languages also in the higher education, especially in the master and doctoral programmes, offering courses in foreign languages as compulsory parts 7. management as a module, skill and competency development as self-management 8. competency development for career planning 9. competency development vs. financing the mass schooling in higher education 10. career tracking
11. QA of the higher education, it should include career guidance services too 12. job fairs 13. students’ union/ offices as self-helpers 14. module / course for learning entrepreneurship … fostering self-employment 15. general information service (e.g. ECTS, learning pathways) 16. thesis in English, work of the students’ scientific committee etc. 17. mentoring teachers in the higher education, learning a second language for academic purposes, lecturing, internship REFERNET, National Public Education Research Institute 18. collecting information in the field of VET, adult education, providing information for the national partners also for EU level – for decision makers too 19. career development within the research institutes (junior, senior fellows…) 20. researches in the field of career, prestige of the different occupations … 21. validation and LLG National VET and Adult Education Institute 22. NQR knowledge about the course in VET 23. develop a map of competencies (HRDOP) 24. coordination between schools 25. collecting data in the field of VET 26. fora for professionals Ministry of National Economy (responsible for employment and VET policy) 27. coordination at national level and between policies 28. monitoring of services 29. develop a QA system, also legislation 30. career in the public administration as a good practice Ministry of National Resources (responsible for general education, higher education, social policy and culture) 31. coordination and cooperation at national level between sectors 32. combination of the top-down and bottom-up approaches 33. renewal of the national LLL strategy 34. implementation plan for the national LLL strategy 35. teachers’ training 36. NQF 37. dissemination National LLP Agency 38. information provision 39. develop platform for the professionals There was a lively discussion on the different meaning of career guidance and counselling. A question addressed the role of teachers in career guidance services. Recommendations:
1. teachers’ training (MA/Msc) must contain some modules / credits on career guidance – career management skills (CMS) development 2. It is important to understand LLG as a system not only as a unique service 3. lifespan perspective is crucial as cross-sectoral cooperation (Europe 2020 crosscutting) is a policy priority 4. advising / guidance and counselling have no real natural and well known Hungarian translation for daily life January 26, 2011
Annex 1
Annex 2
(source Hiebert 2009 p 10) Annex 3
Source: Sultana, R.G & Watts, A.G. European Commission Career Guidance in Europe's Public Employment Services Trends and Challenges October 2005, p31-32
Személyi szolgáltatások a munkaügyi kirendeltségen
Egyéni, többszakmás tanácsadás a Foglalkoztatási Szolgáltató Központban
1.) Önkiszolgálás az Interneten keresztül 2.) Önkiszolgálás támogatása a helyi munkaügyi kirendeltségek álláskereső központjaiban - egyéni tanácsadás álláskereséshez, képzéshez, önéletrajz íráshoz; - állásklubok; kb. 300 munkavállalási és foglalkoztatási tanácsadó bevonásával
3.) Személyes foglalkoztatási tanácsadás - interjúk - akciótervek - állások, képzési ajánlatok, aktív programok, EURES felkínálása - oktatási és szakképzési információk - mintegy 2.000 munkavállalási tanácsadó, illetve az ifjúságra és a bevándorlókra szakosodott tanácsadók
4.) Foglalkoztatási rehabilitáció - kb. 300 speciális munkavállalási tanácsadó/ és pszichológus
5.) Pályaválasztási tanácsadó, 250 pszichológussal
6.) Több szakmás egyéni tanácsadás - kb. 300 pszichológus és munkavállalási tanácsadó, akik együttműködnek az önkormányzatok szociális és egészségügyi specialistáival (300 fő)