1 2 BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE COMMERCIAL DUTCH GRAMMAR. Rupt ft- dinf; thp "I'ra1 tipal Dutch Gr.1mmar mhl "\n dy,is." Pnre 3. Hoi. KEY TO THE PRACTICAL...
II. , 11 Pre8idcnt ... 112 III. , a 1\Iemuer of l'arIV. V. VI. \'II. VII I.
IX. X. XI. X II.
liamc nt ur Cauin••i l\Iini~tur .. . .. . To a Chief Justice ... , a Juug-•· , a Barr.slcr .. . , a Consul .. . , a General .. . , 11 Culond .. . , a Baronet .. . , a JJi3hop .. . , a DtiCtor uf Dh
XVI. To a Doctor ufLitt'l'Uturo, or Lawb ...
112 112 112 IH [ 114 114 I 114 1H 116 Uti Jltl
llll llli
llli i
Wf,JZEN VAN ADHESSEl<JREN. I. Aan tlen Gouverneur II. , een Pre~itltent III. , ccn L itl van hct P:trlPmcnt of Minister ... ... IV. Auneeniiooftlrechter Y. , cen Rechlt'r ... VI. , con Advuk:tttl... VII. , con Consul ... Vlll. , o~'n Gencmal... IX. , cPn Kolonel ... X. , eon Jonkheer... XI. , cc:n BiHselwp .. . :XU. , 1 on Doctor in de godgelcurdhei'l ... XIIL Aan eon Prrdik:tnt XIV. , ecn Kurkeraad XY. , den 8up,•rint~nJ.ent G<·ncmal van Onderwijs . , .. , XVI. A:tn ucn Doctor in Jo L~ltorcn of de llueltt~gelccr•lheid
XVII. To a l'rufcosor at a l'nin.roity or Cuilege ... . X \'III. 'I'o a Phy~ieian XIX. , a Town Cnune:I XX. , 11 iiiehool Board ...
118 11~ 11~ 11~
XXI. A Firm to :tnulhcr Firm ........ .
I 18
XXIL An IntliyiJual to a Firm .. . ... .. . XXlli. To a l\Ittn of Mlalion or of me:md ... XXTY. 'fu a •rrwksnmn or othPt' in si•uilar ~oeialp»biliun ...
XVll. Aan een Profe~bor uan cenc l,.nivt r~it<>it of A tho meum XVITL Aan <'l'll flem·uslteer XIX. , ccn 8i:tdorMtl.., XX. , m•ne Schoolcorumis~;ic ...... XXI. Ecn lt'irrna a:tn ccne andere }firma .. . XXII. Een priv:tat perooon ann Ptno Firma .. . :XXIII. Aan lcmund nit hoogcrun btand ... XXIV. Aan eeu Jlandwerkd· mllll ufipmallll vau golijkH poaitic in >lP mttatRchappij
( 1:CN'f L:C~fEN, Ue ~m kind a~ to ~L·m1 me my aeeouHt fur the ln~t thrl'o monthK. Yom· l•ooks will show Ihal ou i.hu 1"t of A 1•ril laot 1 haw• p.titlmy tlellt up to that date. Your:,; truly,
l';t;L)l,\ "'·
2. Ditto. Mn. D.
DookFollor, Capo Town. \VELLTl\!,Tu!>, ,]!•llt
For tlw
l'iX IJ!Outh:o l haVl' n·, 1•iw•1 n•J
lllLnt r,f
from you. .AK T ul•.iL'l't t,., tlPtJ(K nwuiu~ U]>, l l't''11W~t y1111 ~tate Within L"igJtt lltyH fl'!llll HOW h!iW lllllt'h 1 11111 (J\\ i11g
n•'t'!lllllt l11
N" t1oing yuu will olllif!t', \ 1111 r~
trIll ,I', l. .J. KIWEH.
zrifhiFHTK.\.\~RCHI 1~
-GELDZAKEN. 1. Aanvraag om eene Rekening. DEX lfEE!lt1'1 .T. PA VIH Kmt11~btl.
Ik L,.], i11 Zt·~ llHUl!tl~n geeue rekl•ning van [; outvangen. D:uu· ik er op tt·g• n ltL'Il, H'ltnl•l<·u te Iaten oplunpt·n, wrzm·k ik 1' ui•'ll'll'lijk, mij ltinw n aeltt •lngt·u v.m ]]{'dt•n r,p te gen·n, ]!O('VI>]
ik fT Yt'fh<'hllldigtl
Jncncle zult Gij vcrplieh im, l'w llit·n~twilligen Dil'naar, l. .J. KnoB~. n ~
3. Reply to 1. ZnE~rAN, }:Hl!.
I:etl furd. (hrE TowN,
3rd, 1RD2.
Bu:, Yonr Ht:ltrmPJJt agree" with wlmt our l•ookR ;,how; a1l was pairl up till th!' ]Ht of .\pril lakt. \VL' h<·r<·with PL'll
DAYIH ,\-:
4. Reply to 2. I .•T.
EKQ., Welliugton.
Tow", .lunr 61),, 18D2.
T rrct>iVL';,t, b··illf.! _iu~t lntsy uwkitll( nnt my n<'t'OUlllN. I h•n•\\ith c·nclu~o y~>nr~ fur tl.<· las! ~ix mmdl'N, wlJil'lt I trn~t will h• fonwl corrl'd. TI!'.,Lliellt ly,
5. Account Returned. ~IF:~~ns.
& Co., D'C"rhan.
I hNowith acknowlc·Llgo rcr.oipt of your account fur the last thn•c months. 1 am Korry to h:tV<' tn ,[t·aw y<)tll' atkution lo the fact th.1t it contains cPrtain mh;;. of
3. Antwoord op 1. DE"
\YELEllEr.E:-. IIEElt
1lt·,1fmrl. KAAPRTAD, :;
Jwti, 1KD2.
\YEL~:IlgLE l!EE!t,
1 Wt· 1"''' t•riug :,trookt lltl'l ltl•lgt '' '11 onzP J,ot•kt ·n nitwi~7<'ll : tot np 1 .\plil l.l. (laat~-otlPdcn) waR allucl Vllltlmtn. \Vij Z!'mku lT dt· rd,,·mng tlt•r l.tttbit• tlrit· mrrandt·H lul' op rw l'ip;l'n Yt rlangt·n, t'll uiet om lT utnignr.iu~ la-ant·Pu ,;tmr rl'ktllilll!L'll uit. to ZI'Iill• n. Plh in Cwt· )!'.Hhl :t:mlli·Vdl'nd, it l'k1·u•·'1 ;\ij ouH, l'E1l'. Tli<'H~lw. liit lt:trt n, J. Ti \VIS & l'n. T
4. Antwoord op 2. IlE:N \VET.EDELE:N TTE~at
Wellington. KAAPST \ ll,
ll .Junl, 1R!J2.
\V gLEDELE 1T m:r:, 11<: lll'h lTwe min>iVt• v:m dt·n lHteu dt'"-''1' outvangeu, maar er nil'! per ulll)..'ttttn,lL• op f!mnt woor,l, OlT" ln.t ik ,iuiHt llc7.ig waH, mijue nkl'nirgt·u mt it· :-<"lirijwu. Ili' Jlnl zal lH:vollllen worilt u :JCj vo•Jr YLrtlure l•e»tdlingen tut Zl'L'rbtu aaliheVl'li·nll, J,c'll ik, l'Ed~. ]liL'llblW.Jlit•U., ]). \YATTS
5. Rekening geretourneerd. DEN liJ<.El:EN
W. DuNCAN & Co., lYCrhan. BuANTIFORT,
15 Jttni, lt-:)2.
~liJN ~l lJEEUE-'<,
Bij tlLzn erkcn ik rle ontvangst van IT we rekening oVl'r t1e laab;tc Llr1o m:tanLlen. Tvt rnijno RJ •ijt moet ik er U op at tent maken, dat er fouten in zijn. Op 1:3 .\pril toch hoh ik nfet ;l.) pnd. koffie uu 5:.l }11111. suik.:r,
TilE SVU7'11 .lFRIC.LV LbT7'/£A'-WAITA'R.
sugar, hnt l.J lLs. of coffee aml H2 n,s. of Rugar (sco pa~s-book). Consequently I return tho account, requesting to have the R;:tid mistakoR r\;ctified. Your.: truly, Y. WEAVEH.
6. Application for Money. 1\Irrssus. .T. 0
Co., Port- Elizn both.
Huoing that f'omo of my creditors arc urging me to make certain ]Jaymonts before the ].)th inst., ancl finding myself nuu1,le to meet their demandR, I apply to your iirrn for l'cing a<·,·ommodatcd with a sum of five hundred. pounds sterling for a term of Rix months, upon E.uch eonclitions as you may think fit. Trusting that for the sake of our :ong-stanuing frienchhip you will accede to my request, I remain, Your olJcclient .~ervant, M. ZWAUT.
Sm, Your favour or tho 1st iust. duly to hanc1. \VP ure pnrry to lc::trn of your cnrharrnssment with regard to finamJCR, t1ml we h;:tsten to reply that we allow you to dmw on us for the RUm of fi\·e hundred pounds sterling on the 15th inst. Our conditions aro a 'I follows: Tlmt ],efore tho date mentioned you hand us yonr prurui~~· •ry note fur a sum uf five hundred. pounds with interest thereon at ;;ix per cent. per annum, payaule Rix: months aftl'r date; And that in addition you find two securities for tho s:tid amunnt, wLose nttrncs must be approvca of hy ull the ml'mbers of our DEAR
Hoping in this way to meet your
we remain,
Yours faithfully,
& Co.
i>E /-C.'JJ-AFRlK.I L\,)CfiE RA'IRI•:)'TR! I EN.
w::tat• l.j pn•L knfiio t•n b:J pntl. snik, r uutv::.n,_;t.:H (zie hot winkdboekjL•). Ik zutd lT de rekenin~ derhalvc terug, mut vcr-zoek gezug•lu ahuizon to verbdcrtll, lJw. Dicnstw. Dion.,
Y. \Y.cAYEU.
6. Aanvraag om Geld. llEX lieM>FX
C'.\1 \IN ,'\; Co.,
Port n;JI,IhL th. 81'EI.LENL03C:ll 1 1 All!Jii'fn.<, 1:-·il:!.
::\liJXE lhr:r.EN, \:tngL·.lien Rnmmi~e mijncr eruditeuren mij dringon, z kero f'tommun te hutah·n Yt·,:,r Jon 1 :J,llon dezcr, un 'k nitlt in ;.b:tt l•en a:tn hurmA oi,rhtu te vnltl<~t'll, Vt:rzoek ik T'we iirm:t miJ met cuw Rom v:tn v:jf honJLru rvmd. ;,!)!. vo)r ccn termi.!n van zes m:w.nt!Pu te willen lw!p,a, op ;mike voorwaurden als niJ moo::;t gootlvinclcn. \'ertrouwentlc d:tt
7. Antwoord op 6. DEN \VELiiVEL.CN Ih1m
HteliLuh,,~uh. l'oRT-ELIZAimTJI, 5 Auuu·fu.<, 18!12. \\'TiLE: hLI: T!nEn, F wu miKsivu van dt•ll lstt:n dezur iR in ordc on1.vang(!ll. liut ;,pijt rom to huuren, lht Gij in p;cldulijkll verlegonheitl Y.ijt, en wij h.ta<;tton ons t• antW•JJnl,•n, Llu: wij T' to,·bta:m 011 ons to trekkL•n YtHil' u·n l•t•tlro.~.,.; van vijf hontl.·rtl piJwl stg. op tlen lGcl•·n tlt·zer. Chl7e Plllltliti•:n zi:n ttl~ volgt: llo.~.t (;i5 Oll> v(,:,r )!l'llleLlcn •ltttum L'wo }ll'tJllleHHe h·r lmntl l'iol t. vuor uunc :--L•:n 'an vi.]f bmtll't'Ll ponu stg. mot intL"re~t tugen l'l'S per et.:nt. pt!r i•mr, l•utaalh,tnr liC'b mauntlen 1m datum; En uttt edmg, wiornamen gu,•Llgekenr• liDoL·tun wordc·n du01' ::tlLlc kucn u'ller firma. TTupeuuu op den: wijze a::m Cw vcrhmgun to vol•loon, Yorl>lijvun wij, TTwe J>lcns:w. !Jillnarell, J. CAUVIN & UP.
8. Advice about an Acceptance Bill. l\h:ssus. Cox & Oo., Worcester. GENTLE:\IEN,
Our Mr. Bcrentz will call on you on thP. 25th im;t., with a hill for your acceptance amounting to Efil7 128. G./. Jue by yon to us, n.ml for which yon wm find a detailed account <•ncloRHtl. It iR
our custom to have all acceptance& m:tllo out at :10 days; if, howover, yon ;,hould wish for a longer lll'riod, we shall be ltaPl'Y to take yours at liO uays. Awaiting your reply through our 1\fr. Deren!z, "\Ve remain, Gentlemen, Yours obediently, K. C. YrLLIEns &- Co.
9. Inability to meet a Bill. l\IEssns. J. D. Cu::mnNG & Co., King \Villiam'8 Town. DD AAn, Rot'tlltbtr Hth, lbD2. GENTL~~)IEN,
The acceptance of £121 ::is. 3•1. dmwn hy you four months ago, falls uuo on tho 21st inst. n(•ing unable at tho present moment to meet it, owing to rlulness in tho tmde, I Rolicit the favour of a renewal at three months, even should n higher rate of interest be charged, and on my enga:..;'ing i.o remit !:24 5s. 3•1. on account. This being the first time I apply for accommodation, I have no doubt you will Lo willing to meet mo. Awaiting your favouraLlo reply, I rom~in, Gentlemen, Yours ouedicntly, P. Elllo~:s.
8. Advies over Acccptatie Wissel. DEN IlEEltt:N
Cox & <'u., \Yurccstcr. Uu~~~~";-1~,
I.J .Tnl/,
Jle hecr lkreutz V11ll on7e firma Zrtl up lien 2 jsten
9. Onbekwaamhcid om cen Wissel te honoreeren. .r. 11. Ct MmNn ''" c Kin!-( William's To\\ u.
.JliJN~l liEmnl'l,
•. , DE .\.Au, 11 ,\~"'"'''b' r, lfl!l:! .
De wis~el, ;!rout 1:1:! 1 Gs. 3d., vier maand<m geleen,tlt up dl'n 2lRton e.k. (cerstkomenue). tlp llit l•ogunblik niut llij machte zijwl<', lte1n to ltuuorceren, tengevolgo van ~bplwitl in den lmmlel, vurzol'k ik om •lu p;unHt v.m vernienwing 01• driu lm\anllcn, r. lf~ tegPn <'L'll hoogcrun rentPkoerH, en up ],elofk, dat ik op mij n~.men zal, 1:21 5~. 3•l. op rekening to rcmittccron. Daar Llit de Cl·rste mual is llat ik om tc;emoctkoming vraag, twijfel ik niet, of nij zult mij van dienst willen zijn. ~w wdwilleml untwoorll af\l~tchtend, Blijf ik, mijno ITctn·eu, rw ])iunstw. 1li<·n., P. ESLI~N.
10. Bill Returned. 1\lEBSRt<. K. C.
,\:: Uo., neorge. WuU~JeoTFn,
.July '20th,
( }E~ 'I' L ~.MEN,
Wo have io nnlify to you receipt of your favour of the 15th inst., al~o vh,it of your Mr. Berentz, who callcrl this morning. Our reply to him is the sumo aH that to yon, that, nl1mr:y, tho amount owing by our firm to yours iB not £:Jl7 Ek Gd., l•ut only C1V:J, a~ your hoo:rs will Hhow. \Ve have, ruu;.,t•tJUenily, rdnrnerl tl1c bill to .:\lr. lloront;;, who wi:l no Llonht rommunicato w1th yon on tho suhjcct. \Yo further beg to intimate that \\e bh.:t!l accept yonr roctifit•tl bill at 00 days, antl not at GU, though we mu&'; ihfmk you fvr your kintl consideration in tim; respect.
\Yo have tho honour to remain, Gontlemor., Yours ohtJlliently,
Uox <X Co.
11. Bill Dishonoured. l\ln. ClEO. \VILLH, Capo 'l'own. CArE 'f.>WN, .11'7!/ 17111, JlilAil
I rl'grot very nnwh i>• lmvo to inform yon Hmt whtH Uti~ morning l ]>resented yonr hill at :'If< Hl>rt:. B< stcr & Co.':, olrit•r>, whore it i,4 lllatlu p.tyablo, it waR l'l'fUhOU. AltltiiU[.!,h r lrns{ ('Xl'fl '" lllY very great. Klll'lJl'iHe at this, l eannuf h• lp ihiukin!-( ilm'.: yutl may not l>e aware of the ~tate of your 1inarwcN with ) our hankl•rK, for which n'aHon I write, engu.ging to tnke no stc1" ..t;;.:tin'lt Y<)U, provided tlu; amount of tho bill be mot by to-monuw \J .ur. Awaiting yuur reply, 1 am, Llcar t:lir, Your~
truly, 11 .•\xr:;,
Ll'll•.JFJUI\-.t.lXSr'f!F. JJR!F.FSTELLJ,R.
10. Wissel Gerctourncerd. ])J::~ liEDUh.'!
K. ('. VII
ull:tl~ ,y Cu., (;cort'e.
Wow L'Tl.r:,
\V1j lwhloeu du uui.van~,t tu L,•riehtuu 1,111 Cl\'(' r,JiH.ivu v:w 1len l::iuen tlLZLr, al~ouk het l>e?:ock van ueu hen· Berentz van l'wc\ firma, die dezcn morbt·n l>ij uns gLweest is. Ons antwuord aan hem b hot;;dfue al~ dnJ nan r, namdijk, dat het be,lrag lluor nn;~u firma aan de I'we vt·r~t·lmltllf!ll, uiet 1.:017 12<, ()d., maar Rlechts C1'J2 iR, zuoal!l l'11e l•·>thn zullen aantooneu. \Vij he1l>eu derha:vu Ul"l wi~~el a:m ,]u'< hLer llerentz gerdu>lrrcLrcl, die l' ungdwijfel1l OVLl' 1le zr..1k RehrijVL'l z;tl. Yerder lnttn 11ij l' 11uten, d.tt wij Uwon gerectitii'ndl'n w;Hsel ;~ulleu
ueee}>teerru op
81 I
Llagen, en nid op CO, ofRehoon wij l'
uJJZPn llank versdmlui~J ziJn vour Cwo vriendL·lijko ronHitleratic• iu tltze. \Vij hehh~n •le (Ll' te Vl'l'l>lijnm, Heeren,
Jld ~Jii.Jt mij Zl'l'l' L. tc mneten me:• len, dat, lut>n :k l!e,[t>n ''' tr~' n ('wen "i> 0 >_l a:m hct kanlo11r v:m dt> lH·eroJL lL·~:.er 8r (\>., w:mrup ltij h• trok;,, 1 ic, ltrc-.cntu•rll,,, l•l'l:tlin;.: t;t'Wl'ihl:l'•l Wl'l'll. ()fo..,•hn•m il- ll.i,;:H· Jl(•er gruuto vt•rwolltlering hit>ruH'l' moet uii.drukl,en, k,m ik nid n.tlalt•u to Lleuk•m, d.tt Gij uul>eWUkt zijt van Jnl!luem ik mij, :\lijuhr~r, l'w Dit·u~tw. l>icnaar,
12. Recovery of Money by Action. :\[u. (;En. \VrLLK, ('ape 'fown. D~:An
You having failed to honour your hill of ncl'optaner, allULlcd to iu my letter of yeHtcr.lay'~ date, at tho time statcll, 1 Leg to :vlvi-<e yon that 1 have pla~cJ tlll1 Jo~nnwntR in the hawl-. of my attorney, in!'truetinp; him to rLcovcr the money hy inf-titnting an action ap;ain~t you' forthwith. All furth<'r eorrc-.p,,ndr·nce on thiK ]t)int yon will be p;ood enough to adLlre;;s to :\lr. n. \Van, .\lturncyat-law, Adtlerley St. I am, ucar 8ir, Your;-, truly, II. AXIH.
13. Application for Money to a Bank. Tu Tnn
lliANAUEH oF 'flU: H.\.t>K OL' .'ln:rc\,
Cape Town. l'AAm., Angn•t :;r,J, lS!l!. ~llt,
llaviug to mu0t l1cavy p·tymcntK iu tho oOllr~l· of t1w pre>-l'11 t month, I requef;t you to allow me to overllr::tw my loank aecunnt to nn amount of prolntbly t:lllll, to he rcfnllflcu ou or 1wfore tho 1st of Ol'toLcr next. In aduition to the payment of the usual interest, I offer you as security five ~:;harc:l in tho X. Y. ~. Company, which my attorney, 1\Ir. HamuolH, of Cape Town, will hand to you on your signifying to him your conKont to my ror1nest. Hoping my sideration,
will meet with your favourable conI rL·main, Sir, YourR olicrlioutly,
12. Innen van Geld door gerechtelijke vervolging. DEN TT!mrt 0Eo. 'SrLLS,
Kaapstarl. KAAl'~TAD,
ll': Juli, 18!)1.
.\ange:rion GiJ in gehrl'ke p:eblcvcn zijt den door U geacccptcerJen wis~el, waarover ik in mijnon hdef van gistoren goschruven hoh, op clLn hrp l::tltlen tijd te honoroorcn, geef ik U konnis, clat ik do documrnton aan mijnen prormrcur overgegovcn hoh, met instructi<;ll om hot gelrl to innen door Jatlclijk cone actio tegen U in to Rtellcn. Tevom.; vorzoek ik r allo vurdero corrospondcntic met 1etrekking tut tlcze zaak to adreqsecron aan den hcer 1). Wan, I'rocurenr, .\tluerley Ht. Ik nor·m mij, ::\Iijltltc<'r, rw J1ir·nstw. Dlen., H. AXIS.
13. Aanvraag om Geld aan eene Bank. • i•w DE'I
T;r;~TlTltl>~ii\ YAN JJJ11
VA'f .\FUIK\,
Kaup~tad. PAATIL,
:1 Augn,fn•, 18!)1.
\VELEDELE lh;~:u,
Daar ik in den loop dt'z:·r maallll groote sommen to 1otalou hub, vor·zoek ik !' vrientlelijk, mij tne to ;:taan, mijne b:tnkrekming to overtrrkk<'u tot oen lll'tlrag van nmtrunt £100, wolk hGdrag op of v("'•r rl<'H hten O.•t11lll'l' a.q. (aan:,taalllh·) inl1ctaalu z;:tl wortlcn. H~>lmlvt' l•d tlin.!, van •lt·n gt•wmwn interL.Rt, l1iml ik lT als Re..'nritr-it vijf am~tkdl'll in tle X. Y. Z. nstw. Dil'naar, ('. DAXmLS.
TilE ,)Of'llf AFJU!'.tX lf:'T7Tii'-WRJTL'R.
14. Cheque Requested. :\ln. 1'.
Uj•UX\i: D~:Au
gn,·lm·r•lph·'l·• tt11•l :-,cal• m•·nt of :tr('()m•l ],."'' <''1114, fnr tlu· tl'ot•lllllt of"hi, h (~l:i:! 7,, ::1.) julll' rlll"l'l<' wil. fT•••lly o~loli;.r••. t lur il·1111~ !1''<• ":ul'lt ,.,t~h." \Vl' .tl'L', olnm· ,-,[r, "Trm \\'\KKEI:->'fllPmr TANNI'i•: Oo~., LTI•." J',,