Proses Pengembangan Produk Baru (Analisa Pasar/ Bisnis)
Proses Pengembangan Produk Baru - Market definition
Identifikasi Peluang Go
- Business Analysis - Development (Synthesis) - Product prototyping
-Pengukuran Konsumen - Perceptual Mapping & Product Positioning - Ramalan Potensi penjualan -- Product (Engineering, Speciification & Marketing Mix) Go
- Proses pengambilan keputusan
Testing -Product Testing - Market Trial Go
- Komersialisasi
- Pengembangan Ide/ gagasan
Introduksi (Launch Planning) Go
- Produksi skala reguler
Profit management -Market Respons Analysis & Evaluation -- Inovasi pada Phase Jenuh
Proses Pengembangan Produk Baru (Beberapa Kendala Utama) Miskin kreativitas dan kelangkaan ide Tekanan dan batasan yang berasal dari masyarakat dan pemerintah (UU, Patent, Lingkungan, Norma & Aturan Adat, dll.) Semakin pendeknya umur hidup (life cycle) sebuah produk karena kemajuan sains & teknologi Biaya pengembangan (R & D) yang tinggi dengan resiko besar (tidak ada jaminan sukses).
Prosedur Pengembangan Produk Baru Saran dari Staff Basic & Apllied Research
Saran dari Konsumers
Ide/Gagasan Produk Baru
Ekspresi Ketidak-puasan
General products Specifications
Preliminary Analysis -Technical Feasibility - Economic Feasibility
Detailed Feasibility Study
Technical Product Specification And Product Construction Market Trial Regular Scale Production and Distribution 3/15/2012
Sumber-2 Ide dan Metoda Pengembangan Sources of Ideas Patents & Inventions Competition Acquisitions Market Needs User Solutions New Technology Engineering Management & Employees
Methods to Generate Ideas Direct Search Exploratory Consumer Studies Facilities Users Solutions Technological Information And Forecasting Consumer Engineering Individual Incentives Creative Group Methods
New Product Ideas Concept Prototype Product
Seleksi Ide Pengembangan Produk Baru I = f (T, C, P dan D ); I = TCP/D I = Index of attractiveness
T = Probability of successful technical development C = Probability of commercial success (given that it is technically successful) P = Profit if successful D = Costs of development
Market Definition & Identification Many Potential Markets
Market Profile Analysis
Market Definition And Target Market Segmentation
Market Selection
Portfolio Of Most Attractive Product Market Opportunities
Market Definition & Identification An identification an area of opportunity It is critical in specifying the size
of a new product opportunity “ …Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want trough creating and exchanging products and value with others … “ (Phillip Kotler) 3/15/2012
Marketing Activities • Analysis Market Opportunities (to identify new markets for existing products and opportunity for new products) • Selecting Target Markets (measuring and forecasting market demand for existing and future products) • Developing the Marketing Mix (identifying the best strategy for increasing demand for a product; include making decisions about product attributes, channel of distribution, and advertising) 3/15/2012
Marketing-Design Interface Marketing
Market Trends Competitor Analysis Product Acceptance Market Potential
Market Share Sales & price Data Cost data Product Technology Limitations
Manufacturing Constrains Time Resource Limitations 3/15/2012
Market Opportunities Matrix (Market Portfolio)
Existing Markets
New Markets
Existing Products
New Products
Market Penetration
Product Development
Market Development
Product Diversification
Market Opportunities Matrix ( Market Portfolio) Existing Products
Existing Markets
New Markets
New Products
Market Penetration
Product Development
Tumbuh dan berkembang dengan produk dan pangsa pasar yang sama Contoh: sabun X, posisi awal sebagai sabun cuci, direposisikan sebagai sabun mandi, cuci piring, dll
Macam produk dirubah/ditambah
Contoh: Industri mobil yang merubah bentuk/model-nya karena life-cycle sudah habis
Market Development
Product Diversification
Mengubah orientasi pangsa pasar untuk memaksimalkan profit Pasar lokal, regional, nasional dan internasional
Konsentrik : dihadirkan dengan teknologi yang sama (penerbitan majalah, surat kabar, dll.) Konglomerasi : skala dan modal besar, produk dan proses sangat beragam macamnya
Market Characteristics • Sales Potentials – size of market, growth rate of sales, length of life-cycle of products, etc. • Penetration – costs of entry, time to become established, vulnerability of competition, potential for product advantage for users • Economic Scale – potential for significant market share, likelihood of competitive entry, significance of experience curve • Inputs – investment required, raw material avaibility, technological advancement necessary • Reward – margin size, competitiveness of pricing structure, ROI/ROR, etc. • Risks – stability, probability of competitive retaliation, changes of failure, patent of protection, rate of technological chance, possibility of adverse regulation, etc.
Target Group Selection (Market Segmentation) The consumer who will be the primary target group for the new product Splitting of total market into identifiable groups that behave differently in regard to the product To determine : (1) the size of potential market, (2) select the channels of distribution that may be needed, (3) estimate a potential pricing structure, (4) identify initial product positioning opportunities, and (5) guide market research 3/15/2012
Creteria & Measure Market Segmentation Demographic & Social-Economic – age, sex, income, race, marital status, family size, geographics, education, occupation, life cycle expectancy, etc. Attitudes – personality (attitudes to risk, loyalty to certain products), life style, product perception, purchasing policy (leasing, purchase/cash) and criteria (quality, service, price) etc. Usage Rate – heavy/light, buying pattents, etc. Preference/Choice – elasticity to price, importance of product attributes, purchaser/user, etc. 3/15/2012
Product Portfolio Assesment (Managerial Strategies) Relative Market Share of Products High
Growth Rate Of Market In Which Product Competence
Stars High Profits
Cows Very High Profits
Questionable Medium to Low Profits Dogs Low Profit/Loss