Beoordelingsmemorandum (Nederlandse bijdrage boven € 1.000.000)
Voor toelichtingen op de OS beleidsgegevens wordt verwezen naar het OS gegevenswoordenboek Activiteitennummer
Naam activiteit
Dutch NGO’s Joint Humanitarian Response for Ebola (JRE)
Korte omschrijving
Bijdrage van EUR 9.944.451 mln. om humanitaire noden ten gevolge van de Ebola crisis in West Afrika te lenigen, uitgevoerd door 7 Nederlandse NGO’s met als penvoerder Oxfam Novib.
Datum ontvangst aanvraag
5 december 2014 (laatste versie voorstel: 12 december 2014)
Uitvoerende organisatie(s)
Oxfam Novib (penvoerder), CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Plan Nederland, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes & ZOA
Juridische relatie
Committering in euro
EUR 9.944.451 mln.
7015S00 Noodhulpfonds
Begindatum activiteit
1 januari 2015
Einddatum activiteit
30 september 2015
Begindatum contract
1 januari 2015
Einddatum contract
30 september 2015
Overige Hulp
Donor rol
Single donor
Technische assistentie
Land/regio begunstigde
Guinee, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Landen binnen de regio (in-
0% van het activiteitenbudget
dien van toepassing) Locatie binnen het land (zo specifiek mogelijk) CRS Code
Beleidskenmerken gewicht
Choose an item.
Naam locatie(s)
72010 Material Relief Assistance and Services n.v.t.
‘principal’ zoals ingevoerd in Piramide.
Beleidskenmerken gewicht
‘significant’ zoals ingevoerd in Piramide. Specifieke toezeggingen van
de Minister en/of Staatssecretaris (special pledges)
Bijdrage activiteit aan beleidsdoelstellingen van BZ (beleidsrelevantie)
Een bijdrage van EUR 9.944.451 wordt verleend aan Oxfam Novib, dat als penvoerder optreedt namens een consortium van 7 Nederlandse NGO’s, voor activiteiten in de periode 1 januari 2015 – 30 september 2015 om de humanitaire noden als gevolg van de Ebola crisis in Guinee, Liberia en Sierra Leone te lenigen. Onderhavige bijdrage, waarbij gewerkt wordt met 1 penvoerder die namens het gehele consortium optreedt, betreft een pilot met als doel op termijn meer complementariteit en waar mogelijk verdergaande samenwerking tussen individuele NGO’s te bewerkstelligen. Daarnaast draagt het ondersteunen van een consortium van Nederlandse NGO’s bij aan een vergrote zichtbaarheid van de Nederlandse inzet op humanitaire hulp en vergroot dit mede hierdoor het politiek draagvlak op dit gebied. De voorgestelde activiteit past geheel binnen de beleidskaders. Het Nederlands beleidskader voor Humanitaire Hulp (Notitie Hulp aan Mensen in Nood, december 2011, bijgesteld met de instelling van het Relief Fund, september 2014) heeft als uitgangspunten het ‘humanitair imperatief’ (humanitaire respons gemotiveerd door streven van menselijk lijden van de meest kwetsbaren te verlichten), de humanitaire principes van menselijkheid, onpartijdigheid, neutraliteit en onafhankelijkheid, toepassing van internationaal humanitair recht en vraaggestuurdheid en effectiviteit van de hulp. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) heeft een response strategy opgesteld dat de implementatie van de national response plans voor de Ebola uitbraak, alsook de bredere maatschappelijke, economische en politieke/stabiliteitsaspecten van de uitbraak, ondersteunt. OCHA’s response strategy bestaat uit 5 strategische doelstellingen, nl.: 1) stop the outbreak 2) treat the infected 3) ensure essential services 4) preserve stability 5) prevent outbreaks in countries unaffected.1 Onderhavig voorstel richt zich op doelstelling 1 t/m 4 en daarmee zijn de JRE activiteiten zijn in lijn met OCHA’s response strategy. Dit garandeert de coördinatie en vraaggestuurdheid van de hulp en vergroot daarmee ook de effectiviteit van de hulp. De activiteit is door Oxfam Novib (penvoerder) voorgelegd aan Allegra Baiocchi, Head OCHA WestAfrika en de verschillende UNMEER Ebola Crisis Managers en akkoord verklaard.
Complementariteit overige NL bijdragen Noodhulp
EUR 10 mln. aan VN noodhulpverzoek via WHO (EUR 5 mln.) en UNICEF (EUR 5 mln.)
EUR 3,3 mln. via Rode Kruis
Overview of Needs and Requirements by OCHA, Sept 2014.
EUR 1,5 mln. via Artsen Zonder Grenzen
EUR 5,7 mln. leverantie van humanitaire hulpgoederen naar Ebola gebieden West Afrika
Regulier ontwikkelingsbudget2 EUR 15 mln. her-allocatie WASH programma UNICEF naar Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) programma Hiernaast draagt Nederland indirect bij aan de ebola bestrijding via de bijdrage aan bijv. CERF en in-kind (bijv. marineschip Karel Doorman). 2.1.2
Criteria 2.1
Indicatoren ( score 0, 1, 2)
Beleidsrelevantie 2.1.1
De voorgestelde interventie sluit aan bij een van de operationele doelstel-
2 2
Middels onderhavige interventie zullen
De voorgestelde interventie sluit zowel aan bij de hoofddoelstellingen als bij de subdoelstellingen.
humanitaire noden van de meest kwets-
lingen van de MvT
baren worden ver-
en daaraan gerela-
licht. De consortium-
teerde beleidsnotitie
leden respecteren de
(beleidstheorie en
humanitaire princi-
De voorgestelde interventie sluit aan bij de speerpunten
0 0
n.v.t. – het gaat om humanitaire activitei-
Choose an item.
(alleen voor OS).
De voorgestelde interventie sluit aan bij het jaarplan en
0 0
De voorgestelde interventie sluit in zijn
Choose an item.
geheel aan bij het
de resultaatketen
jaarplan en de resul-
van het MIB/MJSP.
taatketen van het MJSP, o.a. kwaliteitsverhoging op het gebied van effectiviteit van humanitaire hulp.
De bijdrage van de voorgestelde interventie aan de
0 0
n.v.t. – het gaat om humanitaire activitei-
Choose an item.
ten. Overigens zal bij
de verstrekking van
thema’s vrouwen-
de hulp wel aandacht
rechten en gender-
worden besteed aan
gelijkheid/ klimaat/
gender issues (zie p.
Exclusief bilaterale bijdragen vanuit posten. 3
PSD/ beleidscohe-
5 voorstel).
rentie en versterking maatschappelijke organisaties (alleen voor OS). 8 van de 8 punten) Totale score (maximaal 8
Probleemanalyse en geleerde lessen
2 2
Probleembeschrijving Ebola crisis en aanpak per land3 The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the world's deadliest to date, killing more people than all previously known outbreaks of the virus combined. On August 8th 2014, WHO declared the Ebola outbreak in West Africa a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). By December 2nd, there were 6.055 deaths and 17.111 cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.4 A total of 17.145 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) have been reported in five affected countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, and the United States of America) and three previously affected countries (Nigeria, Senegal, Spain) up to December 2nd.5 Countries fall into two categories: 1) Those with widespread and intense transmission (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone); 2) Those with an initial case or cases, or with localized transmission (Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain, and the United States of America). Guinee: probleembeschrijving Ebola crisis So far most cases have been registered in Macenta and Queckedou, however, in Upper Guinea the numbers are rising. Health centres, badly stretched by lack of resources before the crisis, are now overwhelmed. The allocation of scarce resources to fight the Ebola virus has jeopardized other priority needs, like the health of the general population. The chain of contamination is still not broken through. Additional risks to new outbreaks are related to, amongst other things, resistance within communities, funeral rituals, the lack of appropriate information and low level awareness of preventive measures. There is also still lack of sufficient early tracing of suspects and treatment, a weak health system, and lack of community health posts where suspected community members can be tested for Ebola. Guinee: aanpak Ebola crisis Stop the Ebola outbreak and Treat the infected: Activities focus on training of health workers in communities and districts to ensure that all contacts are traced and monitored, and contamination relating to burials will diminish. Two Community Care Centres will be constructed and purchased with equipment. If Ebola is confirmed, people will be transported to an Ebola Treatment Unit. To ensure clinical hygiene, WASH facilities will be installed and health workers will be trained to ensure prompt hygiene practices and disinfection measures. Also Personal Protective Equipment and supplies for health centres will be provided.
Omwille van efficiëntie is de originele Engelstalige tekst uit het projectvoorstel aangehouden. WHO Ebola Response Roadmap Situation Report, December 2nd 2014. The statistics for cases and deaths are widely agreed to be an underestimate. 5 Case counts Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: 4
Ensure basic services and Prevent further spread of Ebola: Activities focus on the establishment of WASH facilities in public places, livelihood and psychosocial support for children, and training of health workers in this respect. To increase public awareness and social mobilizations, media campaigns will be carried out, sensitization meetings will be held and volunteers are to be trained to support and engage committees in awareness raising. Also hygiene messages and kits will be spread to prevent further contamination of Ebola. Liberia: probleembeschrijving Ebola crisis The dynamics of the epidemic in Liberia has changed. There has been a downward trend since midOctober. Nonetheless, Liberia has been consistently reporting 20-45 new cases per day ever since. This is the most crucial period in the life of the epidemic. All response efforts need to be reinforced with scale up by all agencies in order to eradicate and clear the Ebola epidemic from Liberia. The Liberian health system is fragile and has significant deficits in human, financial and material resources. Prior to the crisis, access to health services, safe drinking water and sanitation were ongoing problems in Liberia. Nearly all homes in affected communities are vulnerable, especially in locations where citizens rely on communal facilities. Liberia: aanpak Ebola crisis Stop the Ebola outbreak and Treat the infected: Treatment and case detection remains important but the focus shifts towards prevention. To stop the Ebola spread, contact tracing and case surveillance will be carried out to ensure all probable cases are found and treated if necessary. To improve health care for persons with Ebola, ambulances will be delivered and clinical hygiene will be improved by the construction of WASH facilities in health care facilities. Ensure basic services and Prevent further spread of Ebola: Because of food insecurity in Ebola affected households, households under quarantine will be provided with food and affected households with cash transfers. Basic services for maternal and child health will be supported and clinical staff will be trained. Schools will be provided with WASH facilities. Foster families will be found and social workers trained for psychosocial activities. Public awareness will be raised by sensitization meetings and training of community mobilizers, including traditional leaders, teachers and other local authorities. Hygiene promotion will take place and kits are distributed to support hygiene messages. Sierra Leone: probleembeschrijving Ebola crisis On 24 November, the Representative of the United Nations Mission for Emergency Ebola Response (UNMEER), Anthony Banbury, indicated that the UNMEER will not meet its 1st December target6 for containing the virus due to escalating numbers of cases in Sierra Leone. At this moment, UNMEER indicates that the areas of greatest concern are rural parts of Sierra Leone as well as the city of Makeni in the centre of the country and Port Loko in the northwest and the capital Freetown. The Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone has clearly exposed the weakness of the national health system. System strengthening is needed, focusing on surveillance, contact tracing and safe burials to stop Ebola. In addition, the long-term implications of the Ebola outbreak will be of critical importance for Sierra Leone. Death among health workers and fear of contracting the disease has led to health facilities being closed; people who were in need of treatment have been turned away from health centres. Sierra Leone: aanpak Ebola crisis Stop the Ebola outbreak and Treat the infected: Health workers will be trained and community based alert groups and committees are identified and trained so they are able to trace contacts and support safe burials. Health workers will also be trained for safety and precautionary measures at
The mission set the goal in September of having 70 percent of Ebola patients under treatment and 70 percent
of victims safely buried.
Ebola Treatment Units, disinfection materials and WASH facilities are provided in those ETUs, as well as Personal Protection Equipment. Ensure basic services and Prevent further spread of Ebola: Activities include supporting households affected and under quarantine by providing food and cash transfers where possible, as well as reintegration support, psychosocial aid and strengthening of referral systems. Maternal and reproductive health is weak at this moment due to the Ebola outbreak; basic services will be provided and staff will be trained. Hand washing stations and rehabilitation of wells are activities to ensure hygiene and basic services at community levels. Awareness raising activities will take place as well. Recruitment Plan Ebola crisis Als gevolg van de omvang van de Ebola crisis kampen hulorganisaties met een tekort aan (medisch) personeel. Op initiatief van BZ zijn verschillende NGO’s, aangesloten bij de SHO, bijeengekomen om te onderzoeken of gezamenlijke rekrutering meerwaarde heeft. BZ heeft aangegeven bereid te zijn bij te dragen in de kosten. De strategie omvat een viertal samenhangende onderdelen: 1) lancering website 2) extern gerichte communicatie 3) opzetten recruitment centrum 4) koppelen vraag en aanbod. Het recruitment plan maakt integraal onderdeel uit van het JRE; er is wel een apart voorstel met bijbehorend budget ingediend (zie bijlagen). Gender Understanding the gender dimensions is a critical part of the fight against Ebola and reaching those most at risk. The assumption is that women, as primary care givers, are exposed through caring for sick relatives at home and as health workers (particularly as nurses and midwives), and in preparing bodies for burial. In rural communities where there are few health clinics, mostly women feed, wash, and care for patients without basic protections making them extremely vulnerable to contracting the virus. On the other hand, men are mostly responsible for burials, putting them at risk when someone dies as a result of Ebola. In awareness raising, social mobilization and preventive messages the JRE partners take the different roles of and risks for men and women into account. Prevention is done through involvement of women leaders (to access women), religious leaders (who are able to both reach men and women) and community leaders (who are often directly informing the heads of households in the community). Maternal health The consequences of the Ebola outbreak are also influenced by gender. Maternal health was already very poor in West Africa and the Ebola crisis has diverted critical resources. There is a real risk that women who are too afraid to seek medical care are instead dying at home from complications in childbirth. Besides training of clinical staff and local female workers for maternal health facilities, awareness raising messages are included to diminish fear for contamination relating to reproductive and maternal health care. Drop in household incomes The majority of smallholder farmers are women and they are experiencing a severe loss of income due to reduction in market trade, micro-credit schemes and agricultural work. When addressing immediate and longer-term food insecurity as an immediate effect of Ebola, the particular roles that men and women fulfill in their household will be taken into account. Voor een uitgebreidere genderanalyse, zie p. 5 voorstel.
Criteria 2.2
Indicatoren (score 0,1,2)
Motivatie en verwijzing naar relevante passages uit projectvoorstel
2 2
De probleemstelling
Het voorstel is gebaseerd op een zorgvuldige, gedegen contextanalyse waaruit een logische
(Ebola crisis in Gui-
Het voorstel is gebaseerd op een zorgvuldige, gedegen analyse en resulteert in een logische probleemdefinitie en doelstelling.
nea, Liberia en Sierra Leone) is helder. Het voorstel is ge-
probleemdefinitie en
baseerd op een
doelstelling voort-
gedegen context-
analyse en brengt de problematiek duidelijk in kaart.
Het voorstel legt vanuit het geformuleerde probleem op logische wijze uit waarom de interventie gericht is op de
2 2
De JRE focust zich op de door de Ebola
Het voorstel legt op realistische wijze uit waarom de interventie gericht is op de genoemde geografische locatie en onderbouwd dit met voorbeelden.
crisis meest getroffen landen met ‘widespread and intense transmis-
genoemde geografi-
sion’, d.w.z. Guinee,
sche locatie.
Liberia en Sierra Leone.
Het voorstel onderbouwt de keuze van de doelgroep.
2 2
De keuze voor de doelgroep, d.w.z. zij
Het voorstel onderbouwt duidelijk de keuze van de doelgroep.
die aan risico besmetting blootstaan alsook personen die reeds besmet zijn met het virus, is in lijn met OCHA’s response strategy.
Het voorstel beschrijft welke relevante actoren betrokken zijn geweest bij de formulering van het voorstel en
2 2
Het voorstel komt grotendeels overeen
Het voorstel beschrijft de betrokkenheid van actoren zowel bij de formulering van het voorstel als bij de voorgestelde interventie (inclusief sturing).
met OCHA’s response strategy en is in overleg tussen de 7 consortiumpartners
welke invloed zij
o.l.v. Oxfam Novib
hebben gehad op de
(penvoerder) tot
inhoud van het voor-
stand gekomen.
stel. 2.2.5
Er is een stakehol-
2 2
In het voorstel
deranalyse (incl.
wordt niet expliciet
vrouwen en jonge-
verwezen naar een
ren) uitgevoerd en de resultaten zijn in het voorstel verwerkt.
Het voorstel inventariseert wie belanghebbenden zijn van het programma/project en brengt hun relatieve belangen gedetailleerd in kaart.
uitgebreide stakeholderanalyse, wel wordt in het voorstel extra aandacht besteedt aan de belangen van de meest kwetsbare vrouwen, meisjes en jongeren.
Het voorstel beschrijft hoe resultaten uit evaluaties en/of studies meegenomen zijn in de formulering van het
1 1
Het voorstel besteedt hier tot op
Het voorstel verwijst naar resultaten uit evaluaties en/of studies maar geeft niet aan hoe deze hebben bijgedragen bij de formulering van het voorstel.
zekere hoogte aandacht aan (OCHA response plan, WHO, UNMEER sta-
tistieken etc.)
12 Totale score (maximaal 12 van de 12 punten)
11 11
2.3 Doelstellingen (outcome), resultaten (outputs), activiteiten en middelen, op basis van het SMART principe 2.3.1
Doelstellingen Het JRE kent twee strategische doelstellingen: 1. Effective and efficient implementation of the actual humanitarian response activities by the individual partner organizations; 2. Realization of added value through the collaboration that takes place between the JRE members and other stakeholders. Outcomes and outputs The interventions are in line with the first four strategic objectives of UNOCHA (STEPP)7. The identified results and locations are in line with the strategic priorities of the UNOCHA Strategic Plan Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak 2014, the WHO Ebola Response Roadmap, and the National Plans. To accommodate efficient planning and monitoring by individual agencies, some flexibility vis-à-vis these reports has been built in at the level of describing activities and output indicators. Hieronder volgt een overzicht van de logframes per land:
See the UNOCHA Ebola Outbreak overview. The fifth objective (prevent outbreak in countries currently unaffected) is not part of this joint
Program Logframe Joint Response EBOLA - GUINEA Lead organisation
Oxfam Novib
Program title
Dutch NGO Joint Humanitarian Response for EBOLA
Stop the Outbreak, Treat the infected, Ensure essential services and Prevent further spread (STEP, UNOCHA Plan Sept 2014) 9 months
Timeframe JRE Objective
Effective implementation of humanitarian aid delivery projects in priority sectors and locations after 9 months / at end of project
Implementingorganizations Strategic Objectives Results (UNOCHA Plan 2014) Key activities (partner projects)
Outcome indicator Output indicator (based on UNOCHA Plan 2014)
% woTarget men if applicable
Location (State)
Stop the Ebola outbreak TdH Identify and trace people with Ebola
Train health workers on means of EVD prevention, protection equipments, screening of Ebola cases and standard precaution measures
Conakry, Nzerekore and Kindia Region #Number of health workers trained for contract tracing
TdH Support safe and dignified burials
Train CHWs to support strategies of containing harmful social practices (funeral rites, etc.) with the participation of health authorities, local leaders and community structures TdH Increase case detection and surveillance
#Number of CHW trained and equiped for safe burials
Training for epidemiologi- #Number of CHW trained and engaged in public cal surveillance and moni- health surveillance toring contacts at the community level
Treat the Ebola infected
Plan Health care for persons with Ebola
Macenta, Guéckédou
Construction/rehabilitation #Number of treatment facilities (CCC) of Community Care Centers (CCC) and purchase equipment of CCCs
Purchase of ambulance motorbikes for CCCs
#Number of material for treatment facilities
Plan, TdH Ensure clinical hygiene with WASH facilities in treatment and care facilities
20% female
Macenta, Guéckédou, Conakry, Kindia
Purchase and installation of hand washing devices and hygiene kits in CCCs Training of health workers to ensure prompt and effective case management of all suspected and confirmed cases Construction of waste treatment systems, latrines facillities and hygiene kits in Health care facilities Plan, TdH Ensure medical care for health workers
#Number of WASH facilities in CCCs
#Number of health workers trained
#Number of WASH facilities in health care facilities
47% female
Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and laser thermometers
Training on disinfection #Number of health workers provided with protective measures for CCCs, train- gear and trained on use of disinfection measures ing for monitoring/support screening systems
Ensure essential services
#Number of health facilitites supported
TdH Provide food, nutritional and social safety net support to Ebola patients, families and affected communities
Macenta, Guéckédou, Conakry, Kindia 80
Conakry, Nzerekore, Kindia
Ensure that children iden- #Number of children supported on livelihood and tified as vulnerable and income generation victims from the case management system access to livehood livelihood support TdH Safe acces to Water and Sanitation facilities for the populations living in Ebola affected areas Establishment of at least 50 handwashing facilities in public places (markets, bus stations)
Conakry, Nzerekore, Kindia
#Number of WASH facilities in public places
TdH Increase protection to persons, including children, vulnerable groups and communities affected by the Ebola outbreak
50% women trained
Train health staff to estab- #Number of individuals trained lish and strengthen mechanisms in the child protection system for case management, to set up an observation center with psychosocial support for separated children Ensure that children iden- #Number of individuals, including children, receiving tified as vulnerable and psychosocial assistence and/or alternative care victims from the case management system access to psychosocial support and other support to reintegrate into the community
Prevent further spread Ebola
Conakry, Nzerekore, Kindia
Plan, TdH Increase public awareness, social mobilization and community engagement
Carry out media campaigns and community awareness sessions on complementary care provided by CCCs
50% female
#Number of individuals reached #Number of sensitization meetings
298.800 1.440
Train volunteers on social #Number of trained community mobilizers mobilization and community engagement, and support to health monitoring committees or volunteers in charge of supervision Plan, TdH Hygiene promoted among affected communities and vulnerable people, to support the enforcement of infection control measures of the Ebola response activities Spread key hygienerelated messages through door-to-door and public meeting methodologies, and train volunteers and community leaders on hygiene measures
Macenta, Guéckédou, Conakry, Nzerekore, Kindia
50% female
#Number of individuals reached with hygiene promotion messages #Number of hygiene promoters trained
Macenta, Guéckédou, Conakry, Nzerekore, Kindia
86.000 100
Distribute hygiene kits to households around CCCs
#Number of households receiving basic hygiene kits 4.285
Program Logframe Joint Response EBOLA - LIBERIA Lead organisation Program title Goal
Oxfam Novib Dutch NGO Joint Humanitarian Response for EBOLA Stop the Outbreak, Treat the infected, Ensure essential services and Prevent further spread (STEP, UNOCHA Plan Sept 2014) 9 months Effective implementation of humanitarian aid delivery projects in priority sectors and locations after 9 months / at end of project
Timeframe JRE Objective
Implementing organizations
Strategic Objectives Results (UNOCHA Plan 2014) Key activities (partner projects)
ORG Stop the Ebola outbreak
ZOA Identify and trace people with Ebola
S.A1.1 S.R3
Contact tracing
% women if applicable
Location (State)
Margibi County and/or hotspots based on needs #Number of contacts being traced in target area
ZOA Increase case detection and surveillance
Active case finding
Treat the Ebola infected
Outcome indicator Output indicator (based on UNOCHA Plan 2014)
#Number of cases proactively identified
Save the Child- Health care for persons with Ebola ren
T.A1.1 T.R2 T.A2.1
Improved transportation available for #Number of ambulances delivered referal of new cases to treatment facilities Oxfam Ensure clinical hygiene with WASH facilities in treatment and care facilities Provide access to safe drinking water #Number of WASH facilities in healthcare units at health facilities
Provide safe waste management at public health units
Ensure essential services
2 Montserrado, Nimba 20
#Number of WASH facilities in healthcare units
Save the Chil- Provide food, nutritional and social dren and ZOA safety net support to Ebola patients, families and affected communities
Margibi County and/or hotspots based on needs, Montserrado
Improve food security for ebola affect- #Number of households assisted with food and ed households and contacts' house(un)conditional cash transfer holds under quarantine, by cash transfers and food assistence Save the Child- Ensure basic services delivery with ren sufficient facilities, staff and medicines
Conduct Repoductive and Maternal #Number of basic services facilities assessed and Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH) supported Services Assessment for each Primary Health Care Facility (PHC) and Referral Hospital on degraded capacity of services in order to make a plan to address the needs, and conduct supplementary supportive supervision to strenghten quality
36% women trained
E.A3.1 E.R4
Conduct refresher training in delivery of basic emergency obstertric and neonatal care services to Primary Health Care Facility service providers and hospital staff in Margibi County, and training on Kangaroo Mother Care and essential newborn care Oxfam Safe acces to Water and Sanitation facilities for the populations living in Ebola affected areas Increase access to clean water at schools (rehabilitating and constructing WASH facilitites) Save the Child- Increase protection to persons, includren ing children, vulnerable groups and communities affected by the Ebola outbreak Identify foster families for Ebola affected children who have lost both parents and support the MoGCSP to conduct family tracing and follow up support to reunified children and children placed in kinship care Train social workers and community committees to facilitate psychosocial activities for families and children, to provide support and to protect them from risks of infection Distribution of reintegration kits to foster families to support care of foster children who left Ebola Treatment Unit Support Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) to establish a referral system (for health services, psychosocial support and alternative care for orphans) and case management database
#Number of clinical staff trained
Montserrado, Nimba #Number of schools provided with WASH facilities
15 25% wowomen/girls
#Number of children receiving long term care
#Number of social workers and community committees trained
#Number of reintegration kits provided
#Number of committees collecting data by referral/reporting mechanisms
Support MoGCSP set up a case man#Number of children registered agement database (procurement of computers, printers, anti-virus and set up of software application)
Prevent further spread Ebola
Oxfam, Save Increase public awareness, social mothe Children bilization and community engagement and ZOA
P.A2.1 P.A2.2
Monrovia, (rural) Montserrado, Margibi (county), Nimba
Public awareness training on ebola prevention, community sensitization and awareness
#Number of communities reached by awareness raising #Number of sensitization meetings #Number of trained community mobilizers (incl teachers, religious leaders etc)
Social mobilization rapid response
#Number affected communities reached with rapid social mobilization response in target area
Oxfam, ZOA Hygiene promoted among affected communities and vulnerable people, to support the enforcement of infection control measures of the Ebola response activities Hygiene promotion sessions #Number of households reached with hygiene promotion messages Distribution of basic hygiene kits and #Number of hygiene kits and household isolation household isolation WASH support kits support kits distributed to affected households in areas quarantined under Ebola Hotspot Response
800 180 337
Monrovia, rural Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba 20.000 21.000
Program Logframe Joint Response EBOLA -SIERRA LEONE Lead organisation
Oxfam Novib
Program title
Dutch NGO Joint Humanitarian Response for EBOLA
Stop the Outbreak, Treat the infected, Ensure essential services and Prevent further spread Ebola (STEP, UNOCHA Plan Sept 2014)
9 months
JRE Objective
Effective implementation of humanitarian aid delivery projects in priority sectors and locations after 9 months / at end of project
Implementing organizations SO1 S.R1
Strategic Objectives Results (UNOCHA Plan 2014) Key activities (partner projects)
Outcome indicator Output indicator (based on UNOCHA Plan 2014)
% women if applicable
Target Location (State)
ORG Stop the Ebola outbreak Care and Cor- Identify and trace people with Ebola daid
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu and Kambi, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area rural, Pujehun
Conduct training additional contact tracers and support through facilitation of communication for community-based agents
#Number of health workers trained for contract tracing #Number of contacts being traced
Establish early case detection at the community and health facility levels; reporting and referrals of cases through active surveillance; and extended outbreak investigation
#Number of Community-Based Alert groups and Community Health Committees identified, trained, held coordinationa meetings and provided with incentive
Enhance response capacity of national and dis- #Number of hired vehicles, motor bikes, trict authorities for surveilance, specimen computers and other IT equipments protransport and accurate reporting of Ebola cases vided at district level
45% women trained
1.200 8.000 880
Care and Cor- Support safe and dignified burials daid
Bombali, Tonkolili, Kambia, Koinadugu, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area rural, Pujehun
Enhance support to to DHMT, to training CHWs on safe and dignified burials including best practices as per WHO Standards
#Number of CHWs and committees trained and equiped for safe and dignified burials #Number of safe burials reported
50% women trained
550 200
Strenghten knowledge and skills of community actors to facilitate safe and dignified burials
#Number of Community-Based religious leaders, Traditional Women Leaders and other societal leaders and volunteers identified and trained on safe burials practices
14% women trained (leaders)
Support Community Volunteer burial teams #Number of trained community volunteer with incentives and protective gear, logistic and burial teams provided with PPEs, including operational support for safe burials Chlorine, Sprayers and incentives
Care and Cor- Increase case detection and surveillance daid
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu and Kambi, Port Loko, Kenema, Western area Rural
Train and facilitate PHUs, CHWs and volunteers #Number of CHW, PHUs and volunteers at community level on proper data managetrained ment and accurate reporting of Ebola cases
Treat the Ebola infected
50% women trained
Care Health care for persons with Ebola
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu and Kambia
Conduct training for health workers on safety and precautionary measures (WHO standards) at ETUs and ETCs
# of health workers trained
Distribute disinfection materials (Chlorine and Sprayers) to 4 DHMTs for disinfection of 400 latrines and homes in EVD affected communities
# of disinfection materials distributed
Care and Cor- Ensure clinical hygiene with WASH facilities in treatdaid ment and care facilities
Clinical hygiene with WASH facilities in treatment and care facilities provided
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu and Kambia, Port Loko, Kenema, Western area Rural #Number of healthcare facilities provided with hygiene and sanitation materials and structures #Number of CHC members trained and partipating in maintenance
170 750
SO3 E.R1
Cordaid Ensure medical care for health workers
Bombali, Port Loko, Kenema, Western area rural
Healthfacilities provided with and trained in safe use of protective gear for first screening
#Number of health facilites having PPE in stock for at least one month #Number of healthcare staff received refresher training on safe use of PPE gear
150 450
Ensure essential services Care and Cor- Provide food, nutritional and social safety net supdaid port to Ebola patients, families and affected communities
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, Kambia, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area rural, Pujehun
Improve livelihood and food security situation of vulnerable households and affected households
Distribution of packages to replace destroyed house- #Number of packages distributed hold items (i.e. Destroyed furniture and assets such as clothes, mattrasses, bed sheets)
#Number of households assisted with food and (un)conditional cash transfer #Number of households supported on livelihood and income generation
Provision of community care & reintegration support #Number of affected households reto quarantined families and survivors/victims of Ebo- ceived essential support package durla ing quaratine period and one week after Care and Cor- Ensure basic services delivery with sufficient facilidaid ties, staff and medicines
Restore basic service delivery, including maternal and reproductive health in target health facilities
Care and Cor- Safe acces to Water and Sanitation facilities for the daid populations living in Ebola affected areas
#Number of community based reproductive health service providers provided with financial incentives and full package of maternal and child health services#Number of midwifes trained in management of infection in maternal health facilities #Number of condoms distributed to EVD affected populations
400 800
Bombali, Tonkolili, Kambia, Koinadugu, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area rural 350 40 2.000
Bombali, Tonkolili, Kambia, Koinadugu, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area rural, Pujehun
Rehabilitation of wells in EVD affected communities to provide additional clean water for domestic use especially hand washing
#Number of wells rehabilitated, treated and tested on quality
Form and train Community WASH Committees (CWCs) to ensure efficient and effective Operation and Maintenance systems at community level
#Number of CWCs trained and functional
Set up additional handwashing stations at public utility sites
#Number of handwashing stations set up and managed by trained community members
Care and Cor- Increase protection to persons, including children, daid vulnerable groups and communities affected by the Ebola outbreak
Provide psychosocial support to EVD affected families, including children
Improve and strengthen referral system at chiefdom and district level, and organisational strenghtening of community health committees
Basic needs assistance to families with vulnerable children, teenage mothers and child headed households
Prevent further spread Ebola
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, Kambia, Port Loko, Kenema, Pujehun and Western Area Rural #Number of individuals, including children, receiving psychosocial assistance/alternative care (through phone or in person) #Number of group counselling sessions and social integration sessions conducted in highly affected communities #Number of mapping and coordination sessions conducted to set up referral system at chiefdom and district level #Number of committees received organisational support #Number of affected households received subsistance package for at least 9 months and are linked to Social Security systems
6.140 180
27 150
Care and Cor- Increase public awareness, social mobilization and daid community engagement
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, Kambia, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area rural, Pujehun
Improve skills and knowledge in social mobilization, outreach techniques and ebola prevention and care among community mobilizers (including teachers, community- and religious leaders, Traditional Women Leaders and community groups)
# of trained community mobilizers # focal discussions with traditional and religious leaders conducted
Increase public awareness, social mobilization initiatives through local radio/television broadcasts; doorto-door campaigns; and cellphone messaging, promoting responsible behaviours, dispel rumors, and reduce stigma
# of IEC materials produced and distributed # of households reached with awareness raising # community dialogue meetings facilitated in cooperation with trained community change agents
1.360 160
10.000 120.00 0 3.600
Care and Cor- Hygiene promoted among affected communities and daid vulnerable people, to support the enforcement of infection control measures of the Ebola response activities
Hygiene promotion among affected communities and #Number of households received vulnerable people WASH NFI kits or hygiene kits #Number of people reached by outreach of professional health staff (PHUs and CHWs)
Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu and Kambia, Port Loko, Kenema, Western Area Rural 6.600 40.000
Monitoring & Evaluatie Monitoring The final responsibility of adequate monitoring of the progress of the project implementation, regarding the agreed project plan and logframe, remains with Oxfam Novib (Lead). The Lead will monitor the overall process within this joint response, and members are required to notify the Lead on any deviations surpassing the flexibility thresholds as described in the award agreement. The Lead will focus its monitoring activities on programmatic progress, results and the generated added value through this partnership between the Dutch NGOs. Monitoring overall program implementation will be conducted through frequent communication and contacts with the members at forums and meetings. Evaluation Oxfam Novib (Lead) takes final responsibility for the quality and constancy of reports and evaluations. After five months, a mid-term event will be organized in the Netherlands, where the members will report on progress, status, possible re-adjustments, best practices and new initiatives/innovation within the first four months period of the program. A summary report will be presented to MoFA and information from these meetings will be used for visibility and information sharing by the JRE members in the Netherland as well as in West Africa. At the end of the program implementation period, each member will conduct an external audit and program evaluation. A final report shall be submitted by Oxfam Novib to MoFA on the output and outcome level results of the program. In addition, an external evaluation will take place, which will focus on the added value generated by the JRE members as a result of being able to implement projects under this Joint Response structure. 2.3.2 Nr.
Criteria 2.3
Toelichting score (1 punt
per indicator)
Motivatie en verwijzing naar relevante
Outcomes, ouputs,
passages uit pro-
activiteiten en
middelen, op basis van het SMART principe 2.3.1
De doelstellingen op het niveau van outcome zijn concreet geformuleerd, vallen binnen de invloedsfeer van het voorstel en zijn realistisch. De outcomes vloeien logisch voort uit het geformuleerde probleem.
de outcomes zijn specifiek geformuleerd.
5 5
De doelstellingen op het niveau van outco-
de doelstellingen vloeien logisch voort uit het geformuleerde probleem.
me zijn concreet ge-
de doelstellingen vallen binnen de invloedsfeer van het voorstel en zijn realistisch (ook gezien de looptijd en de lokale omstandigheden).
van het voorstel en zijn
de doelstellingen zijn acceptabel voor de doelgroep en andere stakeholders.
leerde probleem. Zie
formuleerd, vallen binnen de invloedsfeer realistisch. De outcomes vloeien tevens voort uit het geformulogframes voor Guinee,
Liberia en Sierra Leone.
de geformuleerde doelstellingen zijn realistisch in relatie tot de omvang van de activiteiten en de beschikbare capaciteit van de (lokale) organisatie(s).
De voortgang van de realisatie van de outcomes kan op objectieve wijze worden vastgesteld aan de hand van meetbare prestatie indicatoren.
voor iedere outcome zijn relevante prestatieindicatoren geformuleerd.
1 1
Er zijn geen relevante prestatie indicatoren geformuleerd voor
voor iedere prestatieindicator is een baseline en een meetbare streefwaarde geformuleerd (kwalitatief en/of kwantitatief).
iedere outcome.
de verificatiemethode (de wijze waarop gegevens worden verzameld / bronnen) is realistisch en haalbaar.
daar het gaat om hu-
Er zijn geen baselines en/of meetbare streefwaarden geformuleerd manitaire hulpverlening. Uit het voorstel blijkt niet duidelijk hoe verificatie zal plaatsvinden maar verificatie van gegevens lijkt realistisch en haalbaar.
De geformuleerde outputs zijn concreet en vallen binnen de span of control van
5 5 Het projectvoorstel is in duidelijke fases is verdeeld, allen met concreet geformuleerde outputs.
geven aan welke organisaties (gezamenlijk) verantwoordelijk zijn
het voorstel. De outputs vloeien logisch voort uit de geformuleerde outcomes.
De logframes per land
voor het realiseren van de outputs zijn specifiek.
de outputs, het is niet duidelijk wat de out-
de outputs hebben een duidelijke relatie met de outcomes, m.a.w. het is te verwachten dat de outputs een bijdrage zullen leveren aan de realisatie van de outcomes.
puts per individuele organisatie zijn. Zie logframes voor Guinee, Liberia en Sierra Leone.
de outputs zijn acceptabel voor de doelgroep en andere stakeholders. de geformuleerde outputs zijn realistisch in relatie tot de omvang van de activiteiten en de beschikbare capaciteit van de (lokale) organisatie(s).
De voortgang van de realisatie van de outputs kan op ob-
voor iedere output zijn relevante prestatieindicatoren geformuleerd.
jectieve wijze wor-
3 3
Voor iedere prestatieindicator is een meetbare streefwaarde geformuleerd maar geen
den vastgesteld aan de hand van meetbare prestatieindicatoren.
baseline (het gaat om
voor iedere prestatieindicator is een baseline en een meetbare streefwaarde geformuleerd (kwalitatief en/of kwantitatief).
humanitaire hulpverlening). Uit het voorstel blijkt niet duidelijk hoe veri-
de verificatiemethode (de wijze waarop gegevens worden verzameld/ bronnen) is realistisch en haalbaar.
ficatie zal plaatsvinden maar verificatie van gegevens lijkt realistisch en haalbaar. Zie logframes voor Guinee, Liberia en Sierra Leone.
Er is een logische relatie tussen de voorgestelde activiteiten en de geformuleerde outputs.
Er is een logische relatie tussen de activiteiten en de
1 1 het voorstel beschrijft de aard van de activiteiten en legt uit hoe de geformuleerde activiteiten zullen bijdragen aan de realisatie van de outputs.
het budget is onderbouwd met aantallen en tarieven (p x q).
outputs is logisch. Zie consolidated logframe SSJR.
0 0
Het budget komt voort uit activiteiten maar is niet onderbouwd met
projectbegroting (doelmatigheid).
De relatie activiteiten-
aantallen en tarieven (p x q) noch gespecifi-
het budget is gespecificeerd per output en/of outcome.
ceerd per output en/of outcome. Het budget maakt wel een onderverdeling in landen en sectoren.
De beoogde resultaten van de activiteit hebben aan het einde van de looptijd van de activiteit een duurzaam effect voor de uiteindelijke doelgroep.
het voorstel omvat een duidelijke visie met doelstellingen over hoe de activiteiten voortgezet zullen worden aan het einde van de looptijd van de interventie. om deze doelstellingen te realiseren worden specifieke maatregelen genomen tijdens de uitvoering van de activiteit om er voor te zorgen dat de doelgroep bij zal dragen aan de voortzetting van de activiteiten. het voorstel omvat een transitieplan of exit strategie waarin de verschillende actoren worden benoemd.
0 0
Het betreft activiteiten voor humanitaire hulp. Deze activiteiten zijn niet specifiek gericht op duurzaamheid maar op het lenigen van humanitaire noden.
het voorstel passende criteria aan de hand waarvan de voortgang m.b.t. voortzetting van de activiteiten kan worden gemeten.
De beoogde resultaten hebben aan het einde van de looptijd een duurzaam effect op de lokale partners.
0 0 het voorstel omvat een duidelijke visie met doelstellingen over hoe de kwaliteit van de activiteiten en/of de financiële onafhankelijkheid van de lokale partner wordt versterkt.
Het betreft activiteiten voor humanitaire hulp. Deze activiteiten zijn niet specifiek gericht op duurzame effecten op de lokale partners maar op het lenigen van humanitaire no-
om deze doelstellingen te realiseren worden specifieke maatregelen genomen tijdens de uitvoering van de activiteit.
den. Wel wordt waar mogelijk ingezet op lange termijnontwikkeling, bijv. door het trainen van community
het voorstel besteedt aandacht aan de capaciteit van de lokale partner om inkomsten uit verschillende bronnen te genereren.
het voorstel beschrijft passende criteria aan de hand waarvan de voortgang m.b.t. de institutionele duurzaamheid kan worden gemeten.
Totale score (maximale score 27 punten)
15 15
Samenwerking, harmonisatie en meerwaarde
Samenwerking en harmonisatie De JRE is door Oxfam Novib (penvoerder) voorgelegd aan Allegra Baiocchi, Head OCHA West-Afrika en de verschillende UNMEER Ebola Crisis Managers en akkoord verklaard. The interventions are in line with the first four strategic objectives of UNOCHA (STEPP)8. The identified results and locations are in line with the strategic priorities of the UNOCHA Strategic Plan Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak 2014, the WHO Ebola Response Roadmap, and the National Plans. To accommodate efficient planning and monitoring by individual agencies, some flexibility vis-à-vis these reports has been built in at the level of describing activities and output indicators. Besides aligning with UNOCHA’s strategic objectives, the proposal for this JRE has been elaborated after intensive consultations with the key-players in the Ebola response: All partners in this JRE have regular contact with their respective field offices; field offices and local partners are involved in the design and implementation of the program
See the UNOCHA Ebola Outbreak overview. The fifth objective (prevent outbreak in countries currently unaffected) is not part of this joint
Regular contact with the UN-bodies present and representatives of the national and other governments, like France and the US (voor meer details, zie p. 2-3 voorstel)
Plans are based on the needs recognized in the field and coordinated. Plans are based on needs in a certain timeframe, but change quickly in this crisis. This is where NGOs, donors and other actors involved have to be flexible and communicate about changing needs. Meerwaarde Added value from the joint response is expected in the areas of efficiency, learning and innovation, and complementarity, which are presented briefly below. Efficiency Channelling funds through a single Lead Agency is likely to reduce overhead costs and workload compared to individual project support; The focus on added value is an incentive for the partners to continuously consider efficiency gains, for example through sharing resources and methodologies, such as gender approaches; Learning about effective targeting methods, implementation approaches and M&E methodologies will produce efficiency gains for the partners involved. Learning and innovation Exchanging each other’s methodologies on targeting, gender and programming in this epidemic crisis has the potential to improve the quality of project delivery in future epidemic crises. An evaluation will be carried out of a specific issue involved in providing humanitarian assistance (to be identified), which should provide actionable recommendations to humanitarian agencies and other stakeholders involved. Complementarity and harmonization This joint response is being harmonized by together programming the activities according to the needs in the field. A distribution between the affected countries, as well as the relevant objectives, has been made; Monitoring progress on the programme and methodologies on issues like gender and dilemma’s in the field can be shared, while aiming for increasingly synergy in methodologies and programmes; The JRE intends to organize a lunch meeting at MoFA to present and discuss challenges and successes in regards the JRE initiative and progress on its intended results. Onderhavig project heeft als doel de verschillende consortiumpartners op termijn meer complementariteit en waar mogelijk verdergaande samenwerking tussen individuele NGO’s te bewerkstelligen. Daarnaast draagt het ondersteunen van een consortium van Nederlandse NGO’s bij aan een vergrote zichtbaarheid van de Nederlandse inzet op humanitaire hulp en vergroot dit mede hierdoor het politiek draagvlak op dit gebied. Voor meer gedetailleerde informatie over samenwerking, harmonisatie en meerwaarde, zie het projectvoorstel. 2.5
Kanaal en hulpmodaliteit (inclusief alignment)
Middels de interventies van het consortium van Nederlandse NGO’s zullen humanitaire noden in Guinee, Liberia en Sierra Leone worden gelenigd. De hulpmodaliteit - overige hulp – is hiervoor geschikt. Er is V. 1.
Financiële verdeelsleutel Taking into account the needs, international financial flows and implementation capacity of the organisations, the JRE partners decided to spend 40% of the budget in Sierra Leone, 30% in Guinea and 30% in Liberia. All activities contribute to larger programs in-country. 28
The funds are distributed amongst the members of the joint response based on the following criteria agreed in mutual discussions: 1. Priority countries with higher financial need and high contamination according to the UN/WHO 2. Priority sectors in-country according to the needs, under the UNOCHA Ebola Response Plan 3. Response programmes of the partners presented for this proposal. Organisation Care Nederland Cordaid Oxfam Novib
Country Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Liberia
Budget in EUR 1,932,000 1,932,000 775,000
Per sector 46% SO1+2, 47% SO3+4 46% SO1+2, 46% SO3+4 46% SO1+2, 46% SO3+4
Plan Nederland Save the Children
Guinea Liberia
1,449,000 973,000
69% SO1+2, 31% SO3+4 21% SO1+2, 72% SO3+4
Terre des Hommes
37% SO1+2, 63% SO3+4
30% SO1+2, 70% S03+4
In Guinea, Plan Nederland and Terre des Hommes are both active in the most affected areas of Guinea. Thematically they complement each other in addressing the needs, and both have the capacity to spend more than the available budget. To be decisive in their programme, they decided together to request both €1,449,000 in this JRE. In Liberia, ZOA focuses on activities to stop the outbreak and prevention in the rural areas around the capital, and requests €1,150,000. This complements to Oxfam’s focus on clinical hygiene and prevention in the capital and north-east of Liberia. Jointly they agreed that Save the Children would have additional capacity in addressing the needs for basic health care and services, as a result Save the Children requests €973,000 and Oxfam €775,000. In Sierra Leone, Care and Cordaid geographically complement each other, and they both have capacity for decisive action to address the needs in Sierra Leone. They concluded together to request both €1,932,000.
5.1.1. Kostenspecificatie
Budget in € Directe kosten / output
I. Personnel II. Fringe Benefits III. Program implementation IV. Assets & Equipment V. Other Direct Costs Totaal directe kosten ICR Subtotaal
Consolidated Budget Totaal
LIBERIA SO2 Treat the infected
SO3 Ensure basic services
SO4 Prevent further spread
SO1 Stop the outbreak 5.201
105.28 9 6.231
Support Costs
Total budget
SO1 Stop the outbreak
SO2 Treat the infected
SO3 Ensure basic services
SO4 Prevent further spread
Support Costs
Total budget
SO1 Stop the outbreak
SO2 Treat the infected
SO3 Ensure basic services
SO4 Prevent further spread
Support Costs
116.90 1
JRE Management and Added Value
Ebola Recruitement Centre
Totaal budget
Total budget
Eerste betaling is EUR 7.955.561, conform opgave Oxfam Novib. 5.3
Inhoudelijke rapportages Beslisboom activiteitenanalyse
Risico’s op ni-
Omvang van de
veau activiteit
Vereist voor de prestatiebeoordeling
Uitkomst 1 Niet van toepassing (niet mee in zee gaan)
n Zeer matig/ matig
Groot/ matig
Uitkomst 2 Accountantsverklaring + rapport van bevindingen + aanvullende matregelen
> EUR 500.000
Uitkomst 3 Accountantsverklaring + rapport van bevindingen
< EUR 500.000
Uitkomst 4 Inhoudelijke + financiële rapportage *
> EUR 5 mln.
Uitkomst 5 Accountantsverklaring + rapport van bevindingen + aanvullende matregelen + eindevaluatie doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid
> EUR 500.000
Uitkomst 6 Aanvullende maatregelen
Uitkomst 7 Inhoudelijke + financiële rapportage *
Positief JA
< EUR 500.000 NEE
> EUR 5 mln.
< EUR 5 mln.
Uitkomst 8 Accountantsverklaring + rapport van bevindingen + eindevaluatie doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid
Uitkomst 9 Inhoudelijke + financiële rapportage *
Financiële rapportages Beslisboom soort accountantsverklaring
Omvang activiteit in relatie tot de financiële omvang begunstigde > 50%
Controleverklaring bij de jaarrekening van
de begunstigde
Uitvoeringscapaciteit begunstigde positief
Controleverklaring bij de jaarrekening JA
van de begunstigde; activiteit identificeerbaar opgenomen
Controleverklaring op activiteitenniveau
Looptijd < 2 jaar
aan het einde van de activiteit
5.3.3 n.v.t.
Controleverklaring op activiteitenniveau situaties Aid transparency IATI -Overige International Initiative (alleen voor ODA) JA
5.3.4 n.v.t.
Jaarplannen + overige rapportages
op jaarbasis
Soort + evt. specifieke eisen*
Eind inhoudelijk en financieel
1 jan 2015 – 30 sep 2015
1 april 2016
1 jan 2015 – 30 sep 2015
1 april 2016
1 jan 2015 – 30 sep 2015
1 april 2016
Overig in te voeren
Externe evaluatie
Evaluaties Beslisboom voor evaluatieonderzoek
Motivering via evaluatieprogram-
Is het evaluatieonderzoek een nieuw voorstel in het kader van de evaluatieprogram-
mering; vervolgens vaststelling SG/DG beraad op advies Audit Committee
Uitvoering in consultatie met IOB Is het evaluatieonderzoek een toezegging aan de Tweede Kamer?
helpdesk (TOR, inhuur evaluatiedeskundigheid) en opnemen in e.v. evaluatieprogrammering
Is het evaluatieonderzoek gepland op grond van: 1. Omvang ODA besteding activiteit in relatie tot ODA besteding ODA beleidsdoelstelling (> 5 mln. Euro) 2. Strategisch belang activiteit voor doelbereiking beleidsdoelstelling themadirectie/ evaluatieprogrammering 3. Politieke risico’s/ belangen activiteit
Motivering via het bemo en in consultatie met verantwoordelijke JA
themadirectie. Uitvoering in consultatie met IOB helpdesk (TOR, inhuur evaluatiedeskundigheid)
Geen evaluatie