APPENDIX I AAT-classification and classification by clinical judgement of all patients
From the 76 patients that were tested with (a part of) the VECTA, 15 Broca’s aphasics and 19 anomics were included in the present study. The AAT-classification and the classification by clinical judgement were similar in these patients. All other patients were not included: 10 patients were not classified by the AAT, 12 patients received similar classifications but were not included for other reasons, 20 patients did not get similar classifications. Below, the classifications of the latter 32 patients are presented. similar classification, not included:
B16: B17: B18: B19: B20: A20: A21: W1: W2: W3: M1: M2:
Clinical judgement
Broca Broca Broca Broca Broca aphasic?/anomic aphasic?/anomic Wernicke Wernicke Wernicke mixed mixed
Broca * Broca ** Broca ** Broca *** Broca **** anomic ***** anomic ***** Wernicke Wernicke Wernicke mixed mixed
*: after adminstration of the VECTA the speech therapist tested this patient again with the AAT and at this time he was diagnosed as anomic **: only tested with a part of the VECTA ***: excluded because this patient suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. This could have confounded the data of this patient ****: excluded because this patient had suffered from a gastrointestinal bleeding between the first and the second session of the VECTA
Appendix I
*****: not included because the AAT computer programme reported that it was uncertain if the patient was aphasic or not no similar classification, not included: AAT U1: Broca U2: Broca U3: Broca apraxia/Broca? U4: Broca U5: Broca U6: Broca U7: anomic U8: anomic U9: anomic U10: anomic U11: anomic U12: aphasic?/ anomic U13: Wernicke U14: Wernicke U15: Wernicke U16: Wernicke U17: Wernicke U18: Wernicke U19: Wernicke U20: Wernicke
Clinical judgement mixed anomic o n l y
v e r b a l
global Broca? Broca? conduction aphasia only verbal apraxia aphasic? anomic? conduction aphasic mixed mixed anomic global anomic global mixed? anomic global
APPENDIX II Overview of the items in the subtests of the VECTA An overview of the items that were used in the different tests is presented in this appendix. The overview starts by listing the sixty verbs that were used in action naming and the nouns that belong to these verbs. These nouns were tested in object naming. Subsequently, the items in all subtests will be provided. First the testitems are given in Dutch, afterwards the translated version follows.
Appendix II doelwerkwoorden benoemen acties en bijbehorende objecten
1. worstelen 2. zeven 3. fluiten 4. bakken 5. vijlen 6. gooien 7. naaien 8. hakken 9. poetsen 10. ploegen 11. plukken 12. krabben 13. niezen 14. wippen 15. feliciteren 16. hoepelen 17. verven 18. zeilen 19. wringen 20. toveren 21. duiken 22. hockeyen 23. spitten 24. schaken 25. hurken 26. skiën 27. tollen 28. puzzelen 29. timmeren 30. kammen
vuist zeef fluit koekepan vijl bal naald bijl doekje ploeg bloem nagel zakdoek wip cadeau hoepel roller zeilboot sok tovenaar duikplank stick schop schaakbord knie ski tol puzzel hamer kam
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
snijden fietsen turnen dalen fotograferen vlechten stuiteren biljarten springen baden badmintonnen stijgen vissen varen masseren sproeien bedelen lijmen vouwen schoffelen tappen bellen melken roeren dweilen schaven zwaaien dobbelen sleeën zagen
mes fiets balk berg fototoestel haarspeld stoep keu been bad racket vliegtuig hengel boot duim slang bedelaar lijm papier schoffel tap bel hond* lepel dweil schaaf trein dobbelsteen slee zaag
* object hoort bij aaien (= afleider bij melken), opgenomen in verband met matching op frequentie
Items of the subtests Auditief Woordbegrip doelwoord 1. behangen 2. maaien 3. raspen 4. sjoelen 5. stempelen 6. knielen 7. koppen 8. harken 9. toeteren 10. pompen 11. klimmen 12. vliegeren 13. kneden 14. groeten 15. boren 16. bukken 17. vegen 18. tafeltennissen 19. prikken 20. strikken 21. gapen 22. zwabberen 23. zwemmen 24. rollen 25. roeien 26. tennissen 27. steppen 28. douchen 29. knijpen 30. kaarten
afleider verven spitten schaven dobbelen lijmen bedelen stuiteren schoffelen fluiten tappen dalen hoepelen wringen feliciteren zagen hurken poetsen badmintonnen roeren vlechten niezen dweilen duiken ploegen zeilen biljarten fietsen baden masseren puzzelen
noun kwast zeis rasp sjoelblok stempel rok lat hark toeter pomp boom vlieger deeg hoed boor rug bezem batje lepel veter kussen zwabber strand rol roeispaan racket step douche vinger kaart
noun-afleider roller schop schaaf dobbelsteen lijm bedelaar stoep schoffel fluit tap berg hoepel sok cadeau zaag knie doekje racket vork haarspeld zakdoek dweil duikplank ploeg zeilboot keu fiets bad duim puzzel
Appendix II
doelwoord 31. rolschaatsen 32. schaatsen 33. vangen 34. aaien 35. landen 36. knippen 37. föhnen 38. zinken 39. juichen 40. goochelen 41. schillen 42. blussen 43. hinkelen 44. trommelen 45. malen 46. zaaien 47. filmen 48. schermen 49. persen 50. metselen 51. koken 52. kruipen 53. knikkeren 54. boksen 55. kamperen 56. dammen 57. scheuren 58. schommelen 59. borstelen 60. bijten
afleider sleeën skiën gooien melken stijgen naaien vijlen varen zwaaien toveren snijden sproeien turnen bellen hakken plukken fotograferen hockeyen zeven timmeren bakken springen tollen worstelen vissen schaken vouwen wippen kammen krabben
noun rolschaats schaats bal hond vliegtuig schaar föhn boot vlag goochelaar appel slang krijtje trommel koffiemolen zaad camera degen pers hamer fornuis baby knikker bokshandschoen tent damsteen krant schommel borstel gebit
noun-afleider slee ski stok koe luchtballon naald vijl motor trein tovenaar mes kraan balk bel bijl bloem fototoestel stick zeef spijker koekepan been tol vuist hengel schaakbord papier wip kam nagel
Items of the subtests
Auditief zinsbegrip doelzin 1. de jongen hurkt op de grond 2. de man hakt het hout 3. het kind baadt in de badkamer 4. de vrouw vijlt de nagels 5. de vrouw poetst de kandelaar 6. de man ploegt de grond 7. de man hockeyt op het sportveld 8. de man stijgt van de grond 9. de mannen worstelen in de sporthal 10. de man bakt het eten 11. de vrouw masseert de man 12. de man daalt de berg af 13. de man schaakt aan de tafel 14. de vrouw naait de stof 15. het meisje fietst op de straat 16. de man verft de muur 17. de jongen dobbelt in de kamer 18. het kind fluit voor zijn moeder 19. de man vaart in het water 20. de man spit de tuin 21. de man schoffelt de tuin 22. de man feliciteert de vrouw 23. het meisje vlecht het haar 24. de man snijdt de ui 25. het meisje turnt op één been 26. de man tovert met een stokje 27. de jongen niest in de zakdoek 28. de mannen puzzelen aan de tafel 29. de vrouw zeeft het meel 30. de man skit de berg af
afleider bukken malen douchen föhnen vegen rollen schermen landen boksen koken knijpen klimmen dammen knippen steppen behangen sjoelen toeteren zinken maaien harken groeten strikken schillen hinkelen goochelen gapen kaarten persen schaatsen
Appendix II
doelzin 31. de jongen springt over de kuil 32. de man fotografeert in de tuin 33. de man stuitert de bal 34. de jongen vist in het kanaal 35. de jongen lijmt de kan 36. de jongen sleet van de heuvel 37. het meisje hoepelt op het veld 38. de vrouw wringt de handdoek 39. de man sproeit de tuin 40. de man melkt de koe 41. de man zaagt een plank 42. de jongen zwaait naar zijn moeder 43. de man biljart in het café 44. het meisje kamt het haar 45. het kind tolt op het schoolplein 46. de man tapt het bier 47. de kinderen wippen in de speeltuin 48. het meisje duikt in het water 49. de man schaaft de kast 50. de jongen belt met één hand 51. de man timmert een kast 52. de jongen gooit de bal 53. de man zeilt op het water 54. de vrouw roert het eten 55. de jongen krabt het meisje 56. de man plukt een bloem 57. de jongen badmintont op de camping 58. de man bedelt op de grond 59. de vrouw dweilt de vloer 60. de man vouwt het papier
afleider kruipen filmen koppen kamperen stempelen rolschaatsen vliegeren kneden blussen aaien boren juichen tennissen borstelen knikkeren pompen schommelen zwemmen raspen trommelen metselen vangen roeien prikken bijten zaaien tafeltennissen knielen zwabberen scheuren
Items of the subtests Benoemen acties 1. worstelen 2. zeven 3. fluiten 4. bakken 5. vijlen 6. gooien 7. naaien 8. hakken 9. poetsen 10. ploegen 11. plukken 12. krabben 13. niezen 14. wippen 15. feliciteren 16. hoepelen 17. verven 18. zeilen 19. wringen 20. toveren 21. duiken 22. hockeyen 23. spitten 24. schaken 25. hurken 26. skiën 27. tollen 28. puzzelen 29. timmeren 30. kammen
Zinnen maken 31. snijden 32. fietsen 33. turnen 34. dalen 35. fotograferen 36. vlechten 37. stuiteren 38. biljarten 39. springen 40. baden 41. badmintonnen 42. stijgen 43. vissen 44. varen 45. masseren 46. sproeien 47. bedelen 48. lijmen 49. vouwen 50. schoffelen 51. tappen 52. bellen 53. melken 54. roeren 55. dweilen 56. schaven 57. zwaaien 58. dobbelen 59. sleeën 60. zagen
1. klimmen 2. schaatsen 3. knielen 4. schommelen 5. vegen 6. metselen 7. zinken 8. knijpen 9. zwabberen 10. rollen 11. toeteren 12. knikkeren 13. steppen 14. schillen 15. landen 16. tafeltennissen 17. pompen 18. behangen 19. sjoelen 20. zaaien 21. prikken 22. kaarten 23. borstelen 24. boren 25. kruipen 26. maaien 27. stempelen 28. goochelen 29. vliegeren 30. rolschaatsen
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
malen vangen bukken aaien koken trommelen föhnen dammen bijten schermen gapen harken groeten raspen kneden koppen juichen persen scheuren hinkelen boksen roeien filmen tennissen knippen kamperen douchen zwemmen blussen strikken
Appendix II
Benoemen objecten 1. roller 2. slang 3. hengel 4. zeilboot 5. been 6. vijl 7. naald 8. koekepan 9. balk 10. bijl 11. knie 12. lijm 13. keu 14. puzzel 15. sok 16. hond 17. schaakbord 18. vliegtuig 19. wip 20. bedelaar 21. bel 22. hoepel 23. vuist 24. boot 25. bloem 26. stoep 27. cadeau/pakje 28. lepel 29. haarspeld/-knip 30. tovenaar
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
fluit zeef schaaf berg bal bad doekje trein zaag hamer mes ski ploeg dweil papier tap dobbelsteen zakdoek tol duikplank slee fiets stick nagel schop racket fototoestel schoffel kam duim
Items of the subtests
target verbs in action naming and the corresponding objects 1. wrestling fist 2. sieving sieve 3. playing the flute flute 4. frying frying pan 5. filing file 6. throwing ball 7. sewing needle 8. chopping axe 9. polishing cloth 10. ploughing plough 11. picking flower 12. scratching nail 13. sneezing handkerchief 14. seesawing seesaw 15. congratulating present 16. rolling a hoop hoop 17. painting roller brush 18. sailing sailboat 19. wringing sock 20. practising witchcraft wizard 21. diving diving board 22. playing hockey (hockey)stick 23. digging shovel 24. playing chess chessboard 25. squatting knee 26. skiing ski 27. playing with a top top 28. doing a puzzle jig saw puzzle 29. hammering hammer 30. combing comb
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
cutting cycling doing gymnastics descending photographing braiding bouncing playing billiards leaping taking a bath playing badminton taking off fishing navigating massaging watering begging gluing folding hoeing drawing beer ringing a bell milking stirring mopping planing waving dicing sledging sawing
knife bicycle beam mountain camera hairpin/-clip pavement cue leg bath racket airplane fishing rod boat thumb hose beggar glue sheets hoe tap bell dog * spoon mop plane train dice sledge saw
* object belongs to to stroke (= distractor of to milk), included in order to match for frequency
Appendix II Verb comprehension
target distractor verb noun 2 1. wallpapering painting 2. mowing digging 3. grating planing 4. playing shuffleboard dicing 5. stamping gluing 6. kneeling begging 7. heading bouncing 8. raking hoeing 9. squeezing a horn playing flute 10. pumping drawing 11. climbing descending 12. flying a kite rolling a hoop 13. kneading wringing 14. greeting congratulating 15. drilling sawing 16. bending squatting 17. sweeping cleaning 18. playing tabletennis playing badminton 19. poking stirring 20. tying braiding 21. yawning sneezing 22. swabbing mopping 23. swimming diving 24. rolling ploughing 25. rowing sailing 26. playing tennis playing billiards 27. scootering cycling 28. showering taking a bath 29. pinching massaging 30. playing cards doing a puzzle
distractor noun 1 brush scythe grater shuffleboard stamp skirt cross-bar rake horn pump tree kite dough hat drill back broom bat spoon shoelace pillow swab beach roll oar racket scooter shower finger card
distractor paint roller shovel plane dice glue beggar pavement hoe flute tap hill hoop sock present saw knee cloth racket fork hairpin handkerchief mop diving board plough sailboat cue bike bath thumb jig saw puzzle
Items of the subtests target distractor verb noun 2 31. roller-skating sledging 32. skating skiing 33. catching throwing 34. patting milking 35. landing taking off 36. cutting sewing 37. blow drying filing 38. sinking navigating 39. cheering waving 40. doing magic witchcrafting 41. peeling cutting 42. extinguishing watering 43. hopping doing gymnastics 44. drumming ringing a bell 45. grinding chopping 46. sowing picking 47. filming photographing 48. fencing playing hockey 49. squeezing sieving 50. bricklaying hammering 51. boiling frying 52. crawling jumping 53. playing marbles playing with a top 54. boxing wrestling 55. camping fishing 56. playing at draughts playing chess 57. tearing folding 58. swinging seesawing 59. brushing combing 60. biting scratching
distractor noun 1 roller-skate ice-skate ball dog airplane scissors hairdrier boat flag magician apple hose chalk drum grinder seed videocamera foil presser hammer stove baby marble boxing glove tent draughtsman paper swing brush teeth
distractor sleigh ski stick cow balloon needle filer engine train wizard knife tap beam bell axe flower camera stick sieve nail frying pan leg top fist fishing rod chess board sheets seesaw comb nail
Appendix II Sentence comprehension
target sentence 1. the boy squats on the floor 2. the man cuts the wood 3. the child takes a bath 4. the woman files her nails 5. the woman polishes the candleholder 6. the man ploughs the land 7. the man plays hockey on the field 8. the man takes off 9. the men wrestle in the room 10. the man fries the food 11. the woman massages the man 12. the man descends the mountain 13. the man plays chess on the table 14. the woman sews the piece of cloth 15. the girl cycles on the street 16. the man paints the wall 17. the boy dices in the room 18. the child plays the flute for his mom 19. the man navigates on the water 20. the man digs the garden 21. the man hoes the garden 22. the man congratulates the woman 23. the girl braids her hair 24. the man cuts the onion 25. the girl does gymnastics on one leg 26. the man practices witchcraft with a stick 27. the boy sneezes in the handkerchief 28. the men do a puzzle on the table 29. the woman sieves the flour 30. the man skis down the hill
distractor bending grinding showering blow-drying sweeping rolling fencing descending boxing boils pinching climbing playing draughts cutting scootering wallpapering playing shuffleboard beeping sinking mowing raking greeting tying peeling hopping doing magic yawning playing cards pressing ice-skating
Items of the subtests target sentence 31. the boy leaps the hole 32. the man photographs in the garden 33. the man bounces the ball 34. the boy fishes in the river 35. the boy glues the vase 36. the boy sledges down the hill 37. the girl rolls a hoop on the field 38. the woman wrings a towel 39. the man waters the garden 40. the man milks the cow 41. the man saws a shelve 42. the boy waves to his mother 43. the man plays billiards in the pub 44. the girl combs her hair 45. the child plays with a top 46. the man draws the beer 47. the children seesaw in the playground 48. the girl dives into the water 49. the man planes the cupboard 50. the boy rings the bell with one hand 51. the man carpenters a cupboard 52. the boy throws the ball 53. the man sails on the water 54. the woman stirs the food 55. the boy scratches the girl 56. the man picks a flower 57. the boy plays badminton on a campsite 58. the man begs on the floor 59. the woman mops the floor 60. the man folds the paper
distractor crawling filming heading camping stamping roller skating flying a kite kneading extinguishing patting drilling cheering playing tennis brushing playing marbles pumping swinging swimming grating drumming laying bricks catching rowing poking biting sowing playing tabletennis kneeling swabbing tearing
Appendix II
Action naming 1. wrestling 2. sieving 3. playing the flute 4. frying 5. filing 6. throwing 7. sewing 8. chopping 9. polishing 10. ploughing 11. picking 12. scratching 13. sneezing 14. seesawing 15.congratulating 16. rolling a hoop 17. painting 18. sailing 19. wringing 20. practising witchcraft 21. diving 22. playing hockey 23. digging 24. playing chess 25. squatting 26. skiing 27. playing with a top 28. doing apuzzle 29. hammering 30. combing
Sentence construction 31. cutting 32. cycling 33. doing gymnastics 34. descending 35. photographing 36. braiding 37. bouncing 38. playing billiards 39. leaping 40. taking a bath 41. playing badminton 42. taking off 43. fishing 44. navigating 45. massaging 46. watering 47. begging 48. gluing 49. folding 50. hoeing 51. drawing beer 52. ringing a bell 53. milking 54. stirring 55. mopping 56. planing 57. waving 58. dicing 59. sledging 60. sawing
1. climbing 2. ice-skating 3. kneeling 4. swinging 5. sweeping 6. bricklaying 7. sinking 8. pinching 9. swabbing 10. rolling 11. squeezing a horn 12. playing at marbles 13. scootering 14. peeling 15. landing 16. playing tabletennis 17. pumping 18. wallpapering 19. playing shuffleboard 20. sowing 21. poking 22. playing cards 23. brushing 24. drilling 25. crawling 26. mowing 27. stamping 28. doing magic 29. flying a kite
30. roller-skating 31. grinding 32. catching 33. bending down 34. patting 35. boiling 36. drumming 37. blow-drying 38. playing at draughts 39. biting 40. fencing 41. yawning 42. raking 43. greeting 44. grating 45. kneading 46. heading 47. cheering 48. pressing 49. tearing 50. hopping 51. boxing 52. rowing 53. filming 54. playing tennis 55. cutting 56. camping 57. showering 58. swimming 59. extinguishing 60. tying
Items of the subtests
Appendix II
Object naming 1. roller brush 2. hose 3. fishing-rod 4. sailboat 5. leg 6. file 7. needle 8. frying pan 9. beam 10. axe 11. knee 12. glue 13. cue 14. jig saw puzzle 15. sock 16. dog 17. chessboard 18. airplane 19. seesaw 20. beggar 21. bell 22. hoop 23. fist 24. boat 25. flower 26. pavement 27. present 28. spoon 29. hairpin/-clip 30. wizard
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
flute sieve plane mountain ball bath cloth train saw hammer knife ski plough mop sheets tap dice handkerchief top diving board sleigh bicycle (hockey)stick nail shovel racket camera hoe comb thumb
APPENDIX III The individual scores on the different subtests Below the individual scores of the Broca’s aphasics (B: n=15), the anomics (A: n=19), and the Wernicke’s aphasics (W: n=3), who participated in the present study and were not excluded on the different criteria discussed in chapter 2, are given. Subsequently, the scores of the normal controls (C: n=15) are provided. Both the subtest scores and the scores for the different types of verbs will be presented. SUBTEST
comprehension comprehension naming
object naming
sentence construction
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15
54 46 60 51 48 60 45 55 58 57 51 49 52 58 30
52 55 59 56 55 58 54 58 58 58 55 53 52 58 42
28 14 46 21 11 29 18 30 40 25 17 10 16 25 9
29 26 55 30 33 42 40 50 46 32 30 26 33 36 27
26 12 42 14 10 20 29 20 41 29 24 17 26 32 19
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
52 56 56 56 58 39 60 48 60 57
53 59 58 59 57 52 58 51 56 59
45 50 26 15 27 10 39 12 20 25
43 54 40 36 39 12 51 26 50 48
36 46 18 15 13 10 27 20 28 39
Appendix III
verb sentence action comprehension comprehension naming
object naming
sentence construction
A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19
56 60 59 54 53 57 57 59 58
59 56 58 56 58 59 57 58 59
38 29 40 26 26 35 9 31 22
52 46 47 34 40 46 22 40 53
44 44 43 27 41 43 13 35 44
W1 W2 W3
39 57 37
51 56 43
3 39 2
8 45 2
2 35 4
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15
58 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 59 60 59 60 60
60 60 60 60 59 59 58 60 60 59 58 58 59 60 58
54 59 55 58 50 51 56 57 58 54 52 57 54 53 51
56 58 57 57 54 51 55 55 60 55 56 57 58 50 51
51 60 57 51 51 50 59 53 50 55 53 50 54 51 56
Individual scores TRANSITIVITY
Word level intransitive
Sentence level transitive
transitive B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15
12 6 20 8 6 12 14 7 20 10 8 4 6 11 5
16 8 26 13 5 17 16 11 20 15 9 6 10 14 4
11 4 20 8 3 10 8 15 21 15 14 9 14 18 10
15 8 22 6 7 10 12 14 20 14 10 8 12 14 9
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19
22 25 11 8 11 4 16 6 7 10 17 15 20 13 12 21 6 10 4
23 25 15 7 16 6 23 6 13 15 21 14 20 13 14 14 3 21 18
18 23 10 9 5 5 16 9 12 20 21 25 23 15 22 23 9 15 20
18 23 8 6 8 5 12 11 16 19 23 19 20 12 19 20 4 21 24
Appendix III
Word level intransitive transitive
Sentence level intransitive
W1 W2 W3
1 17 1
2 22 1
1 19 3
1 16 1
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15
25 29 27 29 25 25 29 28 29 27 26 29 29 25 25
29 30 28 29 25 26 27 29 29 27 26 28 25 28 26
24 30 29 24 27 24 29 26 22 26 26 25 25 25 29
27 30 28 27 24 26 30 27 28 29 27 25 29 26 27
Individual scores INSTRUMENTALITY
Word level
Sentence level
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15
7 5 16 3 3 4 8 9 13 7 4 3 6 9 2
11 5 15 8 5 10 12 3 11 7 7 4 4 9 3
10 4 15 10 3 15 10 6 16 11 6 3 6 7 4
9 6 15 2 6 9 8 8 14 11 5 7 10 12 8
7 2 14 6 3 6 5 10 14 10 11 5 6 11 6
10 4 13 6 1 5 7 11 13 8 8 5 10 9 5
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19
13 14 5 2 8 1 11 4 5 7 11 6 11 5 8 11 1 11 7
14 18 12 7 8 5 11 3 7 9 13 10 14 11 11 13 4 11 8
18 18 9 6 11 4 17 5 8 9 14 13 15 10 7 11 4 9 7
10 14 5 5 7 2 12 7 10 10 17 15 14 8 13 16 2 11 13
12 16 7 5 3 4 6 6 9 12 15 16 15 9 12 13 7 12 15
14 16 6 5 4 4 9 7 9 17 12 13 14 10 16 14 4 12 16
-I: noninstrumental; +I-N: instrumental, name-related
Appendix III
W1 W2 W3
Word level -I +I-N 1 2 14 11 0 1
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15
17 19 19 19 16 16 18 19 20 19 17 19 16 18 15
17 20 19 19 16 18 19 19 18 18 17 18 20 18 17
+IN 0 14 1
Sentence level -I +I-N 2 0 13 12 2 0
20 20 17 20 18 17 19 19 20 17 18 20 18 17 19
18 20 19 18 16 16 20 19 17 17 19 15 18 15 18
-I: noninstrumental; +I-N: instrumental, name-related
17 20 19 17 18 17 20 19 15 19 16 17 18 18 18 not
+IN 0 10 2 16 20 19 16 17 17 19 15 18 19 18 18 18 18 20