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Strucc Kiadó
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Nyomta és kötötte: Csaba-könyv Bt.
zeneszerző // előadó
The home of the great German composer, Ludwig van Beethoven (1770– 1827) in Bonn has been converted into a
memorial museum. In one of the rooms
is the piano that Beethoven composed
many of his great works on. A girl who was visiting the shrine
with a party of American students,
looked on the instrument with awe and
asked the guard while tipping him
őr // borravalót ad // bőkezűen
generously, if she might play on it for a moment. The guard said yes, and she sat at the piano and strummed out a few
kalimpál, pötyögtet
bars of the Moonlight Sonata. While
ütem, taktus // holdfény
leaving she said to the guard, “I suppose all the great pianists who
zongorista, zongoraművész
have come here at one time or another have played on it.” “No, Miss,” the guard said, “Paderewski was here two years ago but he said he was not worthy to touch it.”
gh Pietro Mascagni (1863‒1945), the composer of Cavalleria Rusticana, once
Parasztkantáta (Mascagni opera)
heard an organ-grinder playing excerpts
kintornás // részlet, tétel, kivonat
from his opera underneath his window. 3
The composer, annoyed by the slow
bosszankodva (vmin)
tempo of the playing, rushed into the
street. “Here, here,” he cried to the street-
musician, “I am Mascagni — I will show you how to play this music correctly.”
megfelelően, helyesen
Thereupon he gave the crank-handle of
the barrel-organ a few rapid turns.
kintorna, verrkli // gyors
The next day Mascagni, hearing the barrel-organist again, put his head out
of the window and read the following sign over the hurdy-gurdy: ‘Pupil of Mascagni.’ 4
felirat // verkli, sípláda // tanítvány
gh Johannes Brahms (German composer, 1833‒1897) was often perturbed by the
nyugtalan, aggódik (vmi miatt)
financial instability of his parents. As
pénzügyi bizonytalanság
his career blossomed, he contributed to
pálya, karrier // virágzik // hozzájárul
the upkeep of their home but, well
aware of his father’s financial irrespon-
(vmi) tudatában // megfontolatlanság
sibility, wished also to provide against
// biztosít (vmi ellen)
unforeseen economic crises.4 “If things
kiszámíthatatlan // gazdasági válság
go badly with you the best consolation
rosszul megy // vigasz
is always in music,” he once told his father. “Read carefully in my old Saul5 and you’ll find what you want.” Though he found the advice rather
odd, his father remembered it. Indeed,
furcsa, szokatlan // eszébe jut
one day when trouble arose, he opened
eljött a baj
the volume, and found, between the
pages, a sizable stash of banknotes.
oldal // jókora // köteg // bankjegy
gh The wonderful Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink (1861‒1936), greatest con-
mély alt (hangú énekesnő)
tralto of her time, was seated in a res-
// ült
taurant near the Metropolitan Opera House6 with an enormous steak in front
hatalmas // sült hús
of her. Enrico Caruso (Italian operatic tenor, 1873‒1921) came in and joined
csatlakozik (vkihez)
her at the table. “Stena,” he said in astonishment, “you’re not going to eat that alone?” 5
döbbenten egyedül
“No,” said the portly contralto, “no,
not alone; with potatoes.” gh The famed Polish-born harpsichordist
híres // csembalóművész
Wanda Landowska (1879‒1959) once found herself arguing with another Bach
argue ‒ vitatkozik
specialist whose views on the com-
poser’s music differed markedly from
különbözik // határozottan
her own. “Well, my dear,” said Landowska, “you continue to play Bach your way,
and I’ll continue to play him his way.” gh Igor Stravinsky (Russian composer, 1882–1971) wrote a ballet for Billy
Rose’s7 Broadway8 show, The Seven Lively Arts. After the opening one of the
eleven // művészet, készség
dancers sent a wire to the composer:
“Ballet great success but if you would
allow violin to play pas de deux9 in-
enged // kettős
stead of trumpet it would be a tri-
trombita // hatalmas siker, diadal
umph.” Stravinsky cabled back: “Satis-
táviratozik // elégedett
fied with great success.” gh In the 1950s the Venice Festival commissioned Stravinsky to write an orig-
Velence // megbíz // eredeti
inal composition. When the piece was submitted, its length — only fifteen
elküld, átad // hossz
minutes — was found unsatisfactory.
nem megfelelő, nem kielégítő
Stravinsky was unruffled. “Well, then,”
higgadt, nyugodt
he said, “play it again.” gh
Walking with a friend one day, Fritz Kreisler (Austrian-born American violinist and composer, 1875‒1962) passed
elhalad (vmi mellett)
a large fish shop where a fine catch of
egy jó fogásnyi
codfish with mouths open and eyes
staring were arranged in a row. Kreisler
stare ‒ mereven bámul // sorba ren-
suddenly stopped, looked at them. He
clutched his friend by the arm and ex-
karon ragad
claimed: “Heavens! That reminds me —
felkiált // szent ég! // emlékeztet
I should be playing at a concert!” 7
gh Sir Thomas Beecham, British conductor
and impresario (1879‒1961) was travel-
impresszárió, művészeti vállalkozó
ling in a non-smoking compartment on
fülke, szakasz
a train belonging to the Great Western
tartozik (vhova, vmihez)
Railway. A lady entered the compartment and lit a cigarette, saying, “I’m
light ‒ meggyújt (lit, lit)
sure you won’t object if I smoke.”
tiltakozik, ellenvetése van
“Not at all,” replied Beecham, “provided that you don’t object if I’m sick.”
(feltéve,) ha // rosszul van, émelyeg; hány
“I don’t think you know who I am,” the lady haughtily pointed out. “I’m one
of the directors’ wives.” “Madam,” said Beecham, “if you were the director’s only wife, I should
still be sick.”
még akkor is
gh Shortly after assuming his post as pro-
betölt, felvesz // állás
fessor of music at the University of California, Jascha Heifetz was asked what had prompted his change of career. “Violin-playing is a perishable art,”
ösztönöz, indíttat, előidéz múlandó, rövid életű
he solemnly declared. “It must be
ünnepélyesen // kijelent
passed on as a personal skill. Otherwise
továbbad // készség // máskülönben
it is lost. I remember my old violin pro-
fessor in Russia. He said that some day I
egyszer, egy napon
would be good enough to teach.”
In the early part of his career, the virtu-
virtuóz, mester
oso American clarinettist, Benny
Goodman (1909‒1986) shared a flat with
megoszt, osztozik (vmin) // lakás
fellow-musician Jimmy Dorsey
(1904‒1957). Both played clarinet and saxophone, so there was fierce competi-
ádáz versengés
tion when any job came up. Rather than
share the work fairly, they operated on
the basic rule that whoever answered
the telephone first got the job. Goodman recalls an occasion when there was a tie:
felidéz // alkalom, eset // holtverseny
“Jimmy got the mouthpiece of the
phone and accepted the date. But I had
elfogad // dátum, időpont
the receiver and knew where the job
hallgató, kagyló
was.” Jegyzetek St. Petersburg: Szentpétervár, a volt orosz cári birodalom székvárosa a Finnöböl partján a Néva folyó torkolatában, Nagy Péter (I. Péter, 1672‒1725) orosz cár alapította 1703-ban 2 ducat: dukát — XIII. századi velencei aranypénz, amely később egész Európában elterjedt 3 Stradivarius: Antonio Stradivari (1644‒1737) neves olasz hegedűkészítő vagy fiai által készített mesterhegedű (latinos elnevezéssel) 4 crises: crisis (válság, krízis) többes száma 5 Saul: Händel darabja, amelyet 1873-ban adtak elő a Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde nevű társaság koncertjén — ennek a társaságnak Brahms volt a művészeti igazgatója 1872 és 1875 között 6 Metropolitan Opera House: híres operaház New Yorkban 7 Billy Rose: amerikai színházi vállalkozó és zeneszerző (1899‒1966) 8 Broadway: sugárút New Yorkban, egy része a város színházi életének központja 9 pas de deux: tánckettős, tánc két táncosra 1