Angličtina komunikativně a prakticky
Vzdělávání žáků se specifickými poruchami učení autorky: Mgr. Alena Pelechová, Ing. Markéta Metelková
Naučím se: časování slovesa být, tvary zájmen, přivlastňovací ´s, pozdravy a seznamovací fráze, abecedu 1. Přečti si rozhovor: J: Hello, are you looking for a job, too? P: Yes. My name´s Pavel. J: Nice to meet you, Pavel. I´m John and this is my cousin, Jane. P: Hi, John. Pleased to meet you, too, Jane. J: Where are you from, Pavel? P: I´m from the Czech Republic. And you? J: We ´re Scottish.
2. Odpověz na otázky: 1. Is Pavel from Britain? 2. Are Jane and John American? 3. Is Jane John´s sister?
3. Rozděl následující slova do tabulky: Pierre, teacher, French, Pavel, Ivan, Germany, plumber, Mayumi, Kurt, Czech Republic, German, manager, shop assistant, Natasha, Vietnam, Russian, waitress, student, Paola, Russia, Vietnamese, joiner, Scotland, Spanish, John, Czech, Jane, France, Scottish, hairdresser, Spain.
4. Přiřaď každé osobě údaje podle diktátu učitele: Bon jour!
Pierre is from France.
He´s 34 and he´s a teacher.
He speaks French.
Buenos días!
Dobrý den!
Guten Tag!
5. Procvičuj rozhovory podle vzorů: 1. Hello, I´m John. Hello, I´m Pavel. Nice to meet you.
2. Hi, I´m John and this is Jane. I´m Pavel. Pleased to meet you.
3. This is Pierre. He´s from France.
4. This is Natasha and Ivan. They´re from Russia.
5. Is Pierre from Germany? No, he isn´t. Where is he from? He´s from France.
6. Are you from Germany, Pierre? No, I am not. Where are you from? I´m from France.
7. I´m Pierre and I´m French.
8. This is Mayumi and she´s Vietnamese.
9. Is Pierre American? No, he isn´t. He´s French.
10. Are you American, Pierre? No, I´m not. I´m French.
11. What´s his name? His name is Pierre.
12. What´s your name? My name´s Pierre.
13. What´s your job, Pierre? I´m a teacher.
13. What´s her job? She´s a shop assistant. 2
1. Připrav si otázky, kterými se zeptáš na údaje o Jane: What´s …her…………… first name?
…………………………. surname?
…………………………. she from?
42, Hill Road, Edinburgh
…………………………. phone number?
730 650 228
jhenderson@ / at, dot /
How old…………………?
2. Napiš svoje údaje a zeptej se dalších studentů: YOU
3. Umíš anglicky vyhláskovat tyto zkratky? Přidej další: IBM, PC, USA, VIP, E.T., CD, U2, OK, CNN, FBI, CIA, ACDC, GPS
The alphabet / ei / / i: / /e/ / ai / / u/ / u: / / a: /
ahjk bcdegptv flmnsxz iy o quw r
4. Zeptej se kamaráda, jak se hláskuje jeho jméno a adresa: What´s your surname? It´s Baker. How do you spell that? B-A K-E-R.
What´s your address? It´s 43, Tavistock Road. How do you spell Tavistock? T-A-V-I-S-T-O-C-K. 3
JANE´S FAMILY 1. Napiš slova označující příbuzenské vztahy do tabulky: brother
grandmother son
2. Poslouchej, co říká Hana o své rodině a doplň chybějící slova: I live with my mother and my father and my two ……………. They are called Owen and David. Owen is … and he´s at university. Davis is …… and he´s at school, like me. I have two ………………….and one grandfather. My other gradfather is dead. I have one ………….. and one aunt. My aunt Janet is my mother´s ………….. They have two daughters. Rosa is ten and Gemma is ……….. They are my ……………
3. Doplň chybějící jména do rodokmenu Haniny rodiny: Mary + George ………….. + Martin …………
Susan + Ken ( 1935-2001) Julie …………
+ Stephen …………..
4. Procvičuj příbuzenské vztahy podle vzoru: Julie is Hannah´s mother. Hannah´s mother is Julie.
5. Nakresli rodokmen své rodiny a vyprávěj o ní.
1. Procvičuj tvary slovesa to be ‐ am, is are
2. Doplň správná zájmena - I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, my, your, his, her, its, our your, their
1. I ……. a student from Brazil. 2. My parents …………(not) rich.
1. My name´s Felipe. ……. am from Mexico.
3. My mother ………….. a teacher.
2. She´s my sister. ……….. name´s Elis.
4. My father …………. (not) Brazilian.
3. My parents live in Born...……are very happy there.
5. Where ………. you from? - We …… from USA. 4. …… is eight o´clock! The film starts! 6. My older brothers ………. (not) students.
5. Anette is from Germany. ……….. lives in Berlin.
7. They …………. in the army.
6. This is our dog……… name´s Ben.
8. It……………. (not) cold today.
7. ………. teacher´s name´s Eva. We like her.
9. We……….. at school. 10. How old ………. you? - I ……… 16.
………is nice and a good teacher 8. This is my brother. ………. name´s Tom. ……… is a good guitarist. 9. I like new students.……. names are Peter and Paul. 10. And your brother? How old is …………?
3. Přelož do angličtiny: 1. Jmenuji se Petr a je mi 16 let…………………………………………………………. 2. Je instalatér nebo truhlář?..................………………………………………………… 3. Moji bratři jsou studenti……………………………………………………………… 4. Tom můj bratranec a je Francouz.…………………………………………………… 5. Jaké je jeho telefonní číslo?.......................................................................................... 6. Naši rodiče nejsou Američané, jsou ze Skotska …………………………………….. 7. Těší mě, že tě poznávám……………………………………………………………..
4. Napiš otázky k odpovědím: 1. ……………………………………………?
My name´s John.
2. ……………………………………………?
I am 16 years old.
3. ……………………………………………?
He´s from the USA.
4. ……………………………………………?
No, she isn´t. She´s from Germany.
5. ……………………………………………?
My mother is a teacher.
6. ……………………………………………?
She´s a haidresser.
7. ……………………………………………?
We aren´t brothers. We´re cousins. 5
NUMBERS 1. Napiš číslovku číslicí: Three………………………………………… four pounds fifty………………………. Thirteen……………………………………... seventy dollars………………………… Twelve……………………………………… forty- four……………………………… Twenty - eight ……………………………… fifteen pounds ………………………… Ninety per cent……………………………… eleven…………………………………. Fifty pence …………………………………. ninety per cent…………………………. Thirty- seven………………………………... a hundred ………………………………
2. Napiš slovem: ……………………………………………..= number of weeks in the year ……………………………………………..= number of months in the year ……………………………………………..= number of hours in a day ……………………………………………..= number of days in August ……………………………………………..= number of seasons in the year ……………………………………………..= number of days in the week 3. Přečti jídla a ceny v menu a použij je v rozhovorech podle vzoru:
C: How much is a hamburger and chips? W: It´s three pounds fifty. C: Can I have a pizza, please? W: Here you are. Anything else? C: No, thanks. How much is that? W: Three pounds seventy-five. C: Can I have a ham sandwich, please? W: Anything to drink? C: Yeah. A mineral water, please. W: OK. Here you are. C: How much is that? W: Two pounds twenty.
4. Poslouchej nahrávku a zapisuj čísla, která uslyšíš:
Přehled časování slovesa to be I He She It We You They
am is
from the USA.
am is Where are
I he she it we you they
Zájmena osobní a přivlatňovací I my you your he his she her it its we our you your they their
Countries and nationalities Germany Spain Japan
German / Italian, Russian, Canadian, American, Austrian, Spanish / Polish, Scottish, English, Irish, British, Japanese / Vietnamese, Portuguese, Chinese, 7
! Czech, France- French, Holland- Dutch,
teacher………………………………………………………………………………………………….. plumber…………………………………………………………………………………………………. manager………………………………………………………………………………………………… shop assistant …………………………………………………………………………………………… waitress…………………………………………………………………………………………………. joiner……………………………………………………………………………………………………. haidresser……………………………………………………………………………………………….. speak……………………………………………………………………………………………………. spell…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. surname…………………………………………………………………………………………………. brother………………………………………………………………………………………………….. sister…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. father……………………………………………………………………………………………………. mother…………………………………………………………………………………………………… son………………………………………………………………………………………………………. daughter…………………………………………………………………………………………………. husband…………………………………………………………………………………………………. wife……………………………………………………………………………………………………… parents…………………………………………………………………………………………………… children………………………………………………………………………………………………….. aunt……………………………………………………………………………………………………… uncle…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. granmother………………………………………………………………………………………………. cousin……………………………………………………………………………………………………. called…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. school……………………………………………………………………………………………………. dead……………………………………………………………………………………………………… chicken…………………………………………………………………………………………………… egg………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ham……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. cheese…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Naučím se počitatelnost podstatných jmen, názvy potravin a nápojů, mluvit o mé stravě 1. Přečti si rozhovor a podtrhni všechna slova označující jídlo a pití: Jane is phoning from the supermarket to her cousin, John. J: John, I´m shopping for our dinner and I can´t find my shopping list. Plesase, go to the kitchen and check something for me. OK? J: Actually, I´m in the kitchen, really hungry. J: I´ve already got some rice and chicken, but I´m not sure if we have any mushrooms and peppers. Can you have a look into the fridge? J: There aren´t any mushrooms, there are no peppers but there are some tomatoes. J: OK, I´ll have a packet of each. And what about wine? Have we got enough red wine? J: There´s half a bottle of Californian. But you know I prefer beer after good dinner. J: So you can go to the pub for a beer and I´ll have some coffee and cake. My favourite chocolate mousse. J: Good idea. Oh, Jane, could you buy some crisps and peanuts for me, too?
2. Odpověz na otázky: 1. Where is Jane and where is John? 2. What´s Jane´s problem? 3. Have they got everything for their dinner? What do they need to buy? 4. Why do they want to go to the pub? Některá podstatná jména v rozhovoru patří mezi počitatelná / countables /, protože mají jednotné i množné číslo = mushroom-mushrooms, peanut- peanuts. Pozor na country - countries woman - women tomato - tomatoes child - children 9
bus - buses person - people man - men Jiná podstatná jména netvoří množné číslo, jsou nepočitatelná / uncountables /, např. money, time, work, cheese, water.
3. Sestav z přeházených písmen názvy potravin a rozděl je na počitatelná C a nepočitatelná U: C retutb
4. Použij názvy jídel z tabulky a říkej, co máš a nemáš rád podle vzorů: I like tea but I don´t like coffee. I like beer very much. I don´t like oranges at all. I quite like ice cream.
Pro countables a uncoutables platí zvláštní pravidla. Pozoruj tabulku a doplň ji výrazy a few, few, little, many, hodně, much, some, any, dost, too many. C
a banana
some water
many How …………bananas are a lof of/lots of bananas
nějaký +
any water
How ………water is
a lot of/lots of water
a little
pár, několik/ trochu
enough, not enough bananas
enough, not enough water
too much
příliš mnoho
5. Doplň do vět How much nebo How many: 6. Doplň do vět some, any nebo a/an: 1. ………………………. coffee do you drink?
1. Are there ……………. tomatoes in the cupboard?
2. ………………………. films do you watch?
2. Is there ……………….bread?
3. ………………………. tea do you drink?
3. There´s ……………….meat in the fridge.
4. ………………………. meat do you eat?
4. There´s ……………….orange on the table
5.………………………...cousins do you have?
5. Is there ………………..tea in the cup?
6. ………………………. magazines do you read ?
6. There are ……………..good programmes on TV
7. ………………………. languages do you speak?
7. Is there ……………….car in the garage
7. Doplň do vět little, few, a few nebo a little: 8. Doplň do textu a lot of /lots of/, much, many, too much, too many 1. I spend only …………………time reading
The Italians, French, Spanish and Greeks have a very
2. I have only ………………… good friends.
healthy diet in general. They don´t eat ……………...
3. I don´t watch TV much, only ………………..
fried food and they don´t eat ……….cakes or sweets.
4. I can´t pay, I have …………… on me.
They cook with olive oil and they eat …………........
5. ……………..people go to the cinema.
fresh fruit and vegetables. Some people drink ………
6. There´s ……………….. cheese on my pizza.
wine, but they drink it with meals and they don´t drink
7. There are ………………chairs to sit on.
………… However, they drink ........................... cups of coffee every day!
9. Podívej se na obrázek a doplň do vět some, any, a. Pozoruj i názvy vybavení kuchyně a předložky místa: 1. There´s …….. a carpet under the chair.
6. There are ……….. some books on the cupboard.
2. There´s ……calendar above the fridge.
7. There aren´t …….. cups in the sink, but ……. plates.
3. There isn´t ……….. juice in the fridge.
8. There isn´t …….... dustbin in front of the fridge.
4. There´s ………........ fruit on the table.
9. There´s ………..... chicken in the oven.
5. There´s ………............ bag on the rug.
10. There are ……...... wooden spoons by the window.
Jeden z dvojice dostane odlišný obrázek. Zjistěte rozdíly otázkami podle vzoru: Are there any wooden spoons?
Is there any fruit?
Yes, there are.
Yes, there is.
How many spoons are there?
How much fruit is there?
There are lots of spoons.
There are two bananas, ……….. 12
Where are they?
Where is it?
They are by the window.
It´s ……………………
10. Sestav věty o svých dobrých a špatných návycích z tabulky. Porovnej svoje věty s kama‐ rádem. Co máte společného? I eat too many sweets. alcohol a lot of
lots of
too much
computer games
I don´t
too many
fresh vegetables
water cigarettes
11. Uncountables můžeme počítat podle "balení", containers = láhev, krabička, šálek …. Doplň do tabulek názvy potravin z rámečku. Každý výraz můžeš použít víckrát. coffee crisps
water cake
meat cheese
sugar salt
juice biscuits
tea toast
bread milk
a packet of
a glass of
a piece of
a cup of
a bottle of
a slice of
12. Připrav si otázky a zeptej se svého kamaráda na jeho životní styl. V odpovědích použijte všechny výrazy množství, které ses dosud naučil. 0. chocolate / every day? How much chocolate do you eat every day? I eat a little chocolate every day. 1. coffee/ every week?....................................................................................................................................... 2. glasses of water/ every day?.......................................................................................................................... 3. fruit/ every day?............................................................................................................................................. 4. hours of exercise/ every week?...................................................................................................................... 5. hours of TV/ every day?................................................................................................................................ 6. free time / every day?.................................................................................................................................... 7. money/ spend/ on food / every day?............................................................................................................. 8. hours / sleep?.................................................................................................................................................
13. Two British teenagers, Rob and Monica popisují svoji stravu. Poslouchej je a zatrhni jídlo, které zmiňují. …. cereal
… Coke
…. soup
… pizza
…. toast
… crisps
…. salad
… pasta
…. tea
…. meat
…hamburger R M
…. coffee
…. fish
…. fruit juice R M
…. vegetables R M
…. biscuits
…. pudding
R M dog
R M 14
Reading 1) Přečtěte si e‐mail, který píše Alena svému americkému příteli Erickovi. Podtrhněte názvy všech jídel a nápojů:
2) Přečtěte si e‐mail znovu a vyberte jednu z daných možností:
Hi Erick! I´m studying at a language school in Leeds for the month of July. The course is great and I´m having a fantastic time. I´m staying in a small hotel near the sea. The breakfast is enormous! We have toast, cereal, fruit juice, sausage, egg, bacon, tomatoes, and a big cup of tea or coffee. It´s quite good, but it´s not very healthy. Everything´s fried! At lunchtime I eat in the school café. It´s OK, but it´s not like the food at home! The only really good things are the puddings, which are delicious. I eat in restaurants in the evening. You can try food from all over the world because there´s a fantastic variety of restaurants in Leeds: Indian, Chinese, Thai, French, Vietnamese, Jamaican, Spanish, Mexican or Italian. My favourite is Indian food because it´s quite cheap and it´s very different from what we eat at home, but it´s very hot! There are also lots of fast food burger bars and pizza places, but I don´t really like hamburgers and the pizza isn´t like real Italian pizza. If I want fast food, I get fish and chips – it´s delicious and very traditional! What do you think of my English now? Pretty good, isn´t it?
1. Alena is in Leeds for a one week b two weeks c four weeks d eight weeks 2. Alena is staying a in a hotel b with a family c in a bed and breakfast d in a youth hostel 3. Alena a b c d
really likes the breakfast likes the breakfast quite likes the breakfast hates the breakfast
4. The food in the school café is a excedent b all right c terrible d disgusting 5. In the evenings Alena eats a at the bed and breakfast b at school c in a café d in a restaurant
See you soon. 6. Alena likes Indian food because a it´s hot b it isn´t expensive c the waiters are nice d it´s very good
Love, Alena
7. Alena a b c d
likes some fast food likes all fast food doesn´t like fats food hates all fast food
Poslouchej znovu a zakroužkuj počáteční písmeno osoby ( R a/nebo M ) vedle jídla. 15
14. Přemýšlej o své stravě a napiš pravdivé odpovědi. 1. What do you usually eat for breakfast? ………………………………………………………. 2. What do you eat for lunch on a school day? ………………………………………………………. 3. What do you eat for lunch at the weekend? ……………………………………………………… 4. What do you eat or drink in the evenings? ……………………………………………………… 5. Do you like fast food? Why? Why not? How often do you eat it? ……………………………………………………… 6. Do you eat any snacks? ……………………………………………………… 7. How much fruit and vegetables do you eat? ……………………………………………………… 8. Do you eat fish, chicken or other meat? ……………………………………………………… 9. What food do you like from other countries? ……………………………………………………… 10. Do you drink enough water, milk or fruit juice? ………………………………………………………
Počitatelná podstatná jména
Nepočitatelná podst. jména : doplň český překlad.
I have a dog.............................................................
I like milk.........................................................................
We have some problems.........................................
I need some money..........................................................
Do you want any CDs?...........................................
Can you lend me any money?..........................................
I don´t see any cars.................................................
I don´t like any meat.........................................................
There aren´t many films on TV..............................
There isn´t much bread at home.......................................
How many cousins do you have?...........................
How much juice do you want?........................................
I have a lot of DVDs..............................................
I need lots of free time....................................................
There are few nice girls at school............................
There´s little snow this winter.........................................
I have a few good friends.........................................
I speak English only a little.............................................
There aren’t enough chairs.......................................
There isn’t enough love..................................................
There are too many cars...........................................
There is too much violence.............................................
VOCABULARY find check hungry rice mushrooms pepper tomato wine packet bottle prefer beer 17
pub crisps peanuts need butter sweets meat fruit bread vegetable egg onion biscuit toast quite at all language spend pay healthy diet fried cook fresh drink meal glass cup piece slice exercise cereal soup pasta 18
stay sausage bacon delicious try /from/all over the world cheap different hot youth hostel hate terrible disgusting expensive why snack other
Naučím se: Přítomný prostý čas, používat sloveso like, dislike a tázací slova
1. Přečti si rozhovor. Paul: Hi, how are you? John: Hi, thanks, I am O.K. P: And you? What do you do then? J: I am a student at high school and you? P: I work as a builder just round the corner. J: When do you get up? P: At 5 o clock, I commute every day 20 kilometres, it takes me some time. J: How do you travel - by car? P: Now, I do not have a car, I go by bus. And how about you, do you still live here? J: Yes, I do, I do not commute, I go on foot every morning. P: You have plenty of time in the afternoon, what do you do? J: I usually go out with my friends but sometimes I have homework then I stay at home and study. P: I finish my work at 4 o clock and I go to pub. J: Today I finish early then I want to go to library and then we can meet. P: O.K., bye. J: Bye.
2. Odpověz na otázky: 1. What does John do? 2. What does Paul do? 3. When does Paul get up? 4. Who commutes every day?
5. How does Paul go to job? 6. What does John/Paul do in the afternoon? 7. When does Paul finish his work? 8. Where do you want to go?
3. Spojte: When…..?
Where… ?
because he works here
At 5 o clock
In Jihlava
The big one
25 km
How much?
25 Kc
How many?
By bus
4. Vymyslete větu ke každému proloženému tázacímu slovu podle návodu. Příklad. When does he get up? At 5 o clock. Where does he live? In Jihlava
5. Doplňte správné tázací slovo.
1. A) "________ do you go to school?" B) "I go to school in Jihlava."
Where Who What
2. A) "________ does John work?" B) " He works every day."
Who Where When
3. A) "_______cars does his family have?" B) "They have no cars."
How much How many What
How many
4. A) "_______ does the dog want?" B) "She wants a big bone."
Where What
5. A) "_________ do you eat for lunch every day?" B) "I eat rice and vegetables for lunch."
Why What Where
6. A) ________ dog is hungry? B) The black dog is hungry, but the white dog isn't hungry.
Who Where Which
6. Přečtete si text a doplňte tabulku: My name is Peter I am Paul’s brother. I am not married and I have no children. I live in a small village in a family house with my brother who is a bricklayer and our parents. I have a girlfriend, she is 20 and I like her very much. I like my motorbike, I like driving fast, it makes me happy and I feel good. Peter home
your partner
work married/single children hobbies family
7. Doplň informace o sobě a svém spolužákovi. Ptejte se podle vzoru. Where/live? Where/work/study? Are/married? Do/have any children? What/your hobby?
8. Nyní napište informace o svém spolužákovi, které máte v tabulce. Radek lives in Brtnice. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Ptej se spolužáka jestli má…. Sister
Do you have a sister? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
computer pet mobile phone happy life brother friendly teachers a lot of time
10. Přelož: I like computers. …………………………………………………………………. I like computers very much. …………………………………………………….. I do not like computers. ………………………………………………………….. I hate computers. …………………………………………………………………. I love computers. ………………………………………………………………….
11. Tvořte otázky a odpovědi podle vzoru. Paul likes computers.
Do you like computers?
Paul likes pets. Paul likes mobile phones. Paul hates books. Paul loves riding a bike. Paul likes watching TV. Paul likes playing golf.
I like computers
12. 2 Do Dop oplňt ňte e ssp práávvn nýý tvvar sl so ovve essaa.. 1 Ja Jann
in in Jiihhlaavvaa.. (li ( ivvee)
2 He He
a fiireem mann. (be ma (be))
3 He He
ea earrlyy evverryy day d y. (g geett up up))
4 Hi Hiss w wiffee
a sm smaalll sh shoop p. (ha (havvee))
5 Th Theeyy
thheeiirr fri f ieen nd dss. (lik (l kee))
6 Th Theeyy
aw alw waay ys bu bussyy. (be (be))
13. 3 Po Poskláád dejt e te e sp sprráávvn ně ě vvě ěttyy.. 1 an andd gettss up up He He br b eaakkffaasst.. m maakkees … …… …… …… …… ……… …… ……… …… …… … …… …… …… …… ……… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… … …… …… …… …… ……… …… ……… ……… …… …… …… …… …… ………………………… 2 to t th the He H dr drivveess frriennddss sch hool. …………………………………………………………………… …… … …… …… …… …… ……… …… ……… …… …… … …… …… …… …… …. ….
3 o'c o cllo occkk. at a He He teenn thhee leettteerrss de dellivveerrss …………………………………………………………………… …… … …… …… …… …… ……… …… ……… …… …… … …… …… …… …… …. ….
4 hi h s Ma Marggaarreet.. he hellppss gi girllffriieennd dH Hee …………………………………………………………………… …… … …… …… …… …… ……… …… ……… …… …… … …… …… …… …… …. ….
5 th t e mak m kess Sh Shee ssuuppppeerr. …………………………………………………………………… …… … …… …… …… …… ……… …… ……… …… …… … …… …… …… …… …
14. 4 Jo Job b in nterv e vie v ew w: w: 5
Přečtětě si rozhovor: Peter: Good morning. Manager in a job centre: Good morning. P: I am looking for a job. M: How old are you? P: 18 M: Do you have any experience? P: No, I am a school leaver. M: Do you have a driving licence? P: No, I don’t. M: What is your profession? P: I am a builder. M: Do you speak any foreign languages? P: Yes, English a bit. M: A foreign company requires builders for their new project. Don’t you mind working abroad? P: Where? M: In India. P: For how long? M: The contract is for 3 months. P: O.K. I think it is a good chance. M: Yes, you are right. P: See you tomorrow. M: Good bye.
15. Doplňte vlastní rozhovor: You: Good ……………. Manager in a job centre: Good ……………… You: I am looking …………………………. M: ………………………………… You: ……………………………….. M: Do ………………….. …….. experience? You: ……………………………….. M: …………………………………. You: No, I don’t. M: What is your profession? You: ……………………………… M: …………………………. languages? You: ………………………………… M: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… You: ………………………………………………………………… M:………………………………………………………………….. You:…………………………………………………………………. P: O. K. I think it a good chance. M: Yes, it is. P: Good bye. M. Good bye:
16. Rozdělte věty ke správným obrázkům.
……………………………………………………………… …………… …………………………………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………………………………….. He works outside. H has very clean clothes. He needs a driving licence.
17. Nyní napište vlastní věty o každém povolání k obrázkům.
18. Ptejte se – spolužák je: Driver, cook, builder Do/get up? Do/ like your job? Why? When do/work? What do/wear? How do/go to work? ……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………
19. Přeložte:
Mám dva bratry. Nejsem ženatý. Dojíždím do školy. Nemám rád zimu. Miluji svoji přítelkyni. Nepracuji, chodím do školy. Mluvíš anglicky? Nesnáším sledování televize. Nečtu knihy. Můj kamarád hraje tenis a já hraji fotbal. Vstávám v 6 hodin. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
20. What time is it?
Doplň časy: …………………………………………………….……………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….
21. Poslech: Poslechni si text a odpověz: All Wheeler is from Canada. His holiday home is A)near a lake B)near river C)near a town I summer he goes A) fishing B)sailing C)to the sea In winter he plays A)basketball B)ice hockey C)computer games His favourite season is A)winter B)spring C)autumn How is autumn called in North America A)fall B) orange C)brown
Slovíčka: Gramatika: student
student ……………………………………………………………….
stavař ………………………………………………………………….
round the conner
za rohem ………………………………………………………
get up
vstávat ……………………………………………………………………..
dojíždět ……………………………………………………………………
by car
autem ………………………………………………………………………
bydlet …………………………………………………………………………
go on foot
jít pěšky ……………………………………………………………..
dokončit ……………………………………………………………………
knihovna ………………………………………………………………….
chtít …………………………………………………………………………
big bone
velká kost ………………………………………………………………….
jíst …………………………………………………………………………
rice married single
rýže ………………………………………………………………………… ženatý, vdaná ………………………………………………………………… svobodný, svobodná ………………………………………………………..
bricklayer It makes me happy.
zedník …………………………………………………………….. Jsem z toho šťastný.
domácí mazlíček …………………………………………………..
doručit ……………………………………………………………
I am looking for a job.
Hledám práci.
požadovat ……………………………………………………….
I don’t mind
Nevadí mně ………………………………………………………
oblečení ………………………………………………………….
obléci si ………………………………………………………….
kuchař ……………………………………………………………
Přítomný prostý čas po dm ět
slo ves o likecof fee.
+ I,you , we, the y He, she , it
likecof s fee.
I, do not likecof you fee. , we, the y He, doe not likecof she s fee. , it po mo cné slo ves o
? Do I,you , we, the y Do he, es she , it
likecof fee ?
likecof fee ?
Naučím se: there is/are, předložky místa, popisovat cestu Verze A 1. Přečti rozhovor: John: Hi Paul! Paul: Hi! J: How are you? P: I am in trouble, I can not find Café Apple, I have a meeting there. J: Let me think. Yes, I know it, it is at the end of Green Street, opposite a book shop. P: Which is the Green street? J: You will turn left, it is the first on your right, you can’t miss it. P: Anyway, what do you do? J: I work in a bank, it is the one next to the public library in the centre. But I do not like the work, it is too boring. I want to change my life. P: Do you have an idea what to do? J: Yes, I have an offer from a travel agency, I am thinking about it. P: Now I work for Café Sun in Long street and my meeting is connected with a new job. J: That is great! Good luck! P: Thanks, Bye! J: Bye.
2. Odpověz: What is Paul doing? Where does John work? Where is the bank?
What can you see in John’s living room?
3. Přelož a napiš na obrázek: sofa……………….. picture…………… table………….. chair…………………… fair place……………… clock………….. armchair…………. lamp…………..
4. Ptejte se vzájemně a najděte rozdíly. Are there books on the table? Yes, there are.
5. Pravidla: 1. Použij there IS pro jednotné číslo. There is a spider on the wall. 2. Použij there IS pro nepočitatelná podst. jména. There is milk on the floor. 3. Použij there ARE pro množné číslo. There are pencils on my desk. There ………….. books on the shelf. There ………….. milk in a glass. There ………….. a pencil on a desk. There ………….. water in a pot. There ………….. chairs in the kitchen.
6. Pokoje v domě.
Which room is living room, bathroom, bedroom and kitchen? Pojmenuj obrázky a použij tato slova. washbasin, bath, sofa, table, cupboards, roof, floor, beds, armchair
7. Popiš jednotlivé místnosti. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Doplň rozhovor a procvičuj se spolužákem. A: Where do you live? B: I live in ………… A: Do you live in a h…... or in a f…...? B: I live in a ………. A: How many rooms are ……………..… ? B: There are …………. in my ……….. . A: What is there in your room? B: There are ……………………………………………. A: What is there in your bathroom? B: There are ……………………………………………. A: Why do you like your flat? B: ………………………………………………………..
9. Ptejte se a odpovídejte. books
on the table
Are there books on the table?
in the class
Is there a window in the class?
an exercise book
in your bag
a car park
in front of your school
a garden
behind your house
in your kitchen
a towel
in your bathroom
a park
near your house
a bookshop
in your town
a bus stop
near your school
10. Poslechni a doplň.
11. Napiš o bytě nebo domě, kde bydlíš. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
12. Správně spoj. Ladies Clothing Shop or Boutique
Skirt, trousers, coat, pullover, socks
Book Shop Greengrocer Post Office
Florist Shoe Shop
Newsagent Baker
13. Přelož do češtiny. • Is there a chemists/supermarket in the area? ......................................................................... • Where can I get toothpaste/pet food? ……………………………………………………… • Where's the nearest shopping centre? ………………………………………………………
14. Přelož a použij ve větě. in front of před
There is a dog in front of our house.
opposite ………………………………………………………………………………………. on …………………………………………………………………………………………….. in ……………………………………………………………………………………………… next to ………………………………………………………………………………………… near …………………………………………………………………………………………… behind ………………………………………………………………………………………… go straight ahead ……………………………………………………………………………… turn left ………………………………………………………………………………………..
15. Poslech: 1. A Excuse me! Is …………….. a chemist………………. here? B Yes. It’s over ……….. A Thanks. Doplň: near there there 2. A ………… me! Is there a ……………. near here?
B Yes. …………. …………… Church Street. Take the first ………… ……………. …………… right. It’s …………. …………….. the music shop. A Oh yes. Thanks. Doplň: newsagent street on the next to excuse It’s in 3. A Excuse me! Is there a ………….. near here? B There’s Chinese one in Park Lane …………. ……………… the bank, and there’s an Italian one in Church street next to the ……………….. ………………….. A Is that one ……………..? B No. Just two minutes, that’s all. Doplň: next to far
travel agent
4. A Is there a post office near here? B Go straight ahead, and it’s ………… ………… left, ……… …………the pub. A Thanks a lot. Doplň: next to on the
16. Procvičuj rozhovory se spolužákem. Popište cestu na 2 místa podle obrázku.
17. Situace: Střídejte se a popisujte cestu z těchto mist do školy: dolní kašna na náměstí, Komerční banka, pošta, nemocnice.
18. Přelož do angličtiny. Bydlím v domě. Je tam 5 místností, můj pokoj je velký a světlý. V pokoji mám židli, stůl a postel. Vedle našeho domu je knihkupectví a škola. Za školou je zahrada. Běžte rovně a dostanete se k supermarketu, je otevřený. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Slovíčka: I’m in trouble.
Mít starosti. ………………………………………………..
public library
veřejná knihovna ………………………………………………..
nabídka ………………………………………………………..
umyvadlo ………………………………………………………
vana …………………………………………………………….
skříňka ……………………………………………………………….
ručník ………………………………………………………………..
go straight ahead
běž rovně ……………………………………………………
turn right/left
zatoč v pravo/v levo …………………………………………
střecha ………………………………………………………………….
podlaha …………………………………………………………………
spojený …………………………………………………………………
living room
obývací pokoj ……………………………………………………
dining room
jídelna ……………………………………………………………
koupelna …………………………………………………………
kuchyně ………………………………………………………….
kuchyňská skříňka …………………………………………………………….
dřez …………………………………………………………………………………
lednice …………………………………………………………………………….
předložka ………………………………………………………………………..
Naučím se: there is/are, předložky místa, popisovat cestu Verze B 1. Přečti rozhovor: John: Hi Paul! Paul: Hi! J: How are you? P: I am in trouble, I can not find Café Apple, I have a meeting there. J: Let me think. Yes, I know it, it is at the end of Green Street, opposite a book shop. P: Which is the Green street? J: You will turn left, it is the first on your right, you can’t miss it. P: Anyway, what do you do? J: I work in a bank, it is the one next to the public library in the centre. But I do not like the work, it is too boring. I want to change my life. P: Do you have an idea what to do? J: Yes, I have an offer from a travel agency, I am thinking about it. P: Now I work for Café Sun in Long street and my meeting is connected with a new job. J: That is great! Good luck! P: Thanks, Bye! J: Bye.
2. Odpověz: What is Paul doing? Where does John work? Where is the bank?
What can you see in John’s living room?
3. Přelož a napiš na obrázek: sofa……………….. picture…………… table………….. chair…………………… fair place……………… clock………….. armchair…………. lamp…………..
4. Ptejte se vzájemně a najděte rozdíly. Are there books on the table? Yes, there are.
5. Pravidla: 1. Použij there IS pro jednotné číslo. There is a spider on the wall. 2. Použij there IS pro nepočitatelná podst. jména. There is milk on the floor. 3. Použij there ARE pro množné číslo. There are pencils on my desk. There ………….. books on the shelf. There ………….. milk in a glass. There ………….. a pencil on a desk. There ………….. water in a pot. There ………….. chairs in the kitchen.
6. Pokoje v domě.
Which room is living room, bathroom, bedroom and kitchen? Pojmenuj obrázky a použij tato slova. washbasin, bath, sofa, table, cupboards, roof, floor
7. Popiš jednotlivé místnosti. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Doplň rozhovor a procvičuj se spolužákem. A: Where do you live? B: I live in ………… A: Do you live in a h…... or in a f…...? B: I live in a ………. A: How many rooms are ……………..… ? B: There are …………. in my ……….. . A: What is there in your room? B: There are ……………………………………………. A: What is there in your bathroom? B: There are ……………………………………………. A: Why do you like your flat? B: ………………………………………………………..
9. Ptejte se a odpovídejte. books
on the table
Are there books on the table?
in the class
Is there a window in the class?
an exercise book
in your bag
a car park
in front of your school
a garden
behind your house
in your kitchen
a towel
in your bathroom
a park
near your house
a bookshop
in your town
a bus stop
near your school
10. Poslechni a doplň.
11. Napiš o bytě nebo domě, kde bydlíš. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
12. Správně spoj a do třetího sloupce doplň, co tam můžeš koupit. Ladies Clothes Shop, Boutique
Skirt, trousers, coat, pullover, socks
Book Shop Greengrocer Post Office
Florist Shoe Shop
Newsagent Baker
13. Přelož do češtiny. • Is there a chemists/supermarket in the area? ......................................................................... • Where can I get toothpaste/pet food? ……………………………………………………… • Where's the nearest shopping centre? ………………………………………………………
14. Přelož a použij ve větě. in front of před
There is a dog in front of our house.
opposite ………………………………………………………………………………………. on …………………………………………………………………………………………….. in ……………………………………………………………………………………………… next to ………………………………………………………………………………………… near …………………………………………………………………………………………… behind ………………………………………………………………………………………… go straight ahead ……………………………………………………………………………… turn left ………………………………………………………………………………………..
15. Poslech: 1. A Excuse me! Is …………….. a chemist………………. here? B Yes. It’s over ……….. A Thanks. Doplň: near there there 2. A ………… me! Is there a ……………. near here? B Yes. …………. …………… Church Street. Take the first ………… ……………. …………… right. It’s …………. …………….. the music shop.
A Oh yes. Thanks. Doplň: newsagent street on the next to excuse It’s in 3. A Excuse me! Is there a ………….. near here? B There’s Chinese one in Park Lane …………. ……………… the bank, and there’s an Italian one in Church street next to the ……………….. ………………….. A Is that one ……………..? B No. Just two minutes, that’s all. Doplň: next to far
travel agent
4. A Is there a post office near here? B Go straight ahead, and it’s ………… ………… left, ……… …………the pub. A Thanks a lot. Doplň: next to on the
16. Procvičuj rozhovory se spolužákem. Popište cestu na 2 místa podle obrázku.
17. Situace: Střídejte se a popisujte cestu z těchto mist do školy: dolní kašna na náměstí, Komerční banka, pošta, nemocnice.
18. Přelož do angličtiny. Bydlím v domě. Je tam 5 místností, můj pokoj je velký a světlý. V pokoji mám židli, stůl a postel. Vedle našeho domu je knihkupectví a škola. Za školou je zahrada. Běžte rovně a dostanete se k supermarketu, je otevřený. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Slovíčka: I’m in trouble.
Mít starosti. ………………………………………………..
public library
veřejná knihovna ………………………………………………..
nabídka ………………………………………………………..
umyvadlo ………………………………………………………
vana …………………………………………………………….
skříňka ……………………………………………………………….
ručník ………………………………………………………………..
go straight ahead
běž rovně ……………………………………………………
turn right/left
zatoč v pravo/v levo …………………………………………
střecha ………………………………………………………………….
podlaha …………………………………………………………………
spojený …………………………………………………………………
living room
obývací pokoj ……………………………………………………
dining room
jídelna ……………………………………………………………
koupelna …………………………………………………………
kuchyně ………………………………………………………….
kuchyňská skříňka …………………………………………………………….
dřez …………………………………………………………………………………
lednice …………………………………………………………………………….
předložka ………………………………………………………………………..
Použitá literatura: New Headway elementary, Students book Ilustrace: Tomáš Kopečný