ANGLICKÝ JAZYK základní úroveň obtížnosti
ILUSTRAČNÍ DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ KOMPETENCE Maximální bodové hodnocení: 93 bodů Hranice úspěšnosti: 44 %
Základní informace k zadání zkoušky
Didaktický test obsahuje 63 úloh. Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je 95 minut. Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby. U každé části je uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, např.: 5 bodů/1 bod = v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 5 bodů, za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 1 bod. U všech úloh je právě jedna odpověď správná. Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se body neodečítají. Odpovědi pište do záznamového archu. Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu, nebudou však předmětem hodnocení. Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis odpovědi bude považován za chybné řešení.
Pravidla správného zápisu odpovědí
Odpovědi zaznamenávejte modrou nebo černou propisovací tužkou, která píše dostatečně silně a nepřerušovaně. Hodnoceny budou pouze odpovědi uvedené v záznamovém archu.
Pokyny k uzavřeným úlohám
Odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, zřetelně zakřížkujte v příslušném bílém poli záznamového archu, a to přesně z rohu do rohu dle obrázku. A B C D 4 Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, zabarvěte pečlivě původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole. A B C D 4 Jakýkoli jiný způsob záznamu odpovědí a jejich oprav bude považován za nesprávnou odpověď. Pokud zakřížkujete více než jedno pole, bude vaše odpověď považována za nesprávnou.
Pokyny k otevřeným úlohám
Odpovědi pište čitelně do vyznačených bílých polí. 16 Povoleno je psací i tiskací písmo a číslice. Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá písmena. Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pak původní odpověď přeškrtněte a novou odpověď zapište do stejného pole. Vaše odpověď nesmí přesáhnout hranice vyznačeného pole.
Testový sešit neotvírejte, počkejte na pokyn! © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012 Test i příslušný klíč správných řešení jsou do okamžiku uvolnění testu k volnému užití, tj. do 23. března 2012, určeny výhradně středním školám, a to pro účely zkušebního testování jejich žáků ve škole. Jakékoli zveřejnění či užití obsahu tohoto testu či příslušného klíče správných řešení, jakož i kterékoli jejich části v rozporu s tímto určením, bude považováno za porušení zákona č. 121/2000 Sb. v platném znění (autorský zákon).
4 body/1 bod
Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 1–4 vždy jeden správný obrázek A–C. 1
What is the boy going to do tomorrow? A)
What is Amy looking for? A)
Which transport is going to Crystal Shopping Centre today? A)
Why is the woman cancelling dinner tonight? A)
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 5–12
16 bodů/2 body
Uslyšíte výklad turistické průvodkyně při prohlídce známé historické budovy v Anglii. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení v úlohách 5–12 pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).
P 5
Blanc Mansion was built in the 16th century.
The building was built using materials from France.
The owner of the building is originally French.
The dining hall is the biggest room in the building.
The dining hall cost the most to build.
10 The columns in the dining hall are there for decoration only. 11 The painting in the dining hall displays the same topic as the painting in the Sistine Chapel. 12 The owner of Blanc Mansion was fond of religious images.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 13–19
14 bodů/2 body
Uslyšíte telefonický rozhovor muže a zaměstnankyně letecké společnosti. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky doplňte chybějící informace na vynechaná místa v úlohách 13–19. V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. Čísla můžete zapisovat číslicemi. První úloha slouží jako vzor (0).
The woman who answers the telephone is called (0)
The man expected his luggage to arrive at his hotel by (13) _____________ o’clock.
The man’s surname is spelled (14) _____________.
The man arrived on flight number (15) _____________.
The delivery man began working for United Airlines on (16) _____________.
The man needs a/an (17) _____________ that is in his luggage. The man’s hotel is called the Gold (18) _____________.
The hotel is located on (19) _____________ Street.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 20–23
4 body/1 bod
Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 20–23 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C.
What is the woman looking for now? A) B) C)
What will the couple do today? A) B) C)
go camping go for a walk go for a bicycle ride
What does the man dislike about his current job? A) B) C)
her glasses her car keys her financial reports
the loneliness the long hours the colleagues
What is wrong with Peter’s car? A) B) C)
The oil needs changing. The lights need repairing. The engine needs repairing.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 24–28
5 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si pět krátkých textů. Na základě informací v textech vyberte k úlohám 24–28 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D. For several weeks Spanish police were looking for many valuable things that had mysteriously disappeared from bags and suitcases locked inside the luggage compartment of a bus travelling between Girona Airport and Barcelona. After one journey, when some things were missing once again, one of the passengers noticed a rather large suitcase among the others. Police opened it and found a man hidden inside. The man’s friend had bought a bus ticket and put the suitcase into the luggage hold. After the bus left the airport, the man got out of the suitcase and opened the other luggage looking for valuables. Before the bus arrived in Barcelona, he zipped himself back into his hiding place. (, upraveno)
Which would be the best title for this article? A) B) C) D)
Police Find Thief Hiding Inside Luggage Airport Bus Loses Passengers’ Luggage Policeman Hides in Luggage to Catch Thief Man Hides in Luggage to Avoid Buying Ticket
An Unusual Request It's common during Chile’s extremely hot summers to see men wearing suits and ties. Now the government has decided to ask men to take off their ties, unfasten their top shirt buttons and turn down the air conditioning. The government hopes that doing so can save the country around $10 million on energy during the summer. Energy conservation is a key problem in Chile, a country that produces almost no oil and gas. Instead, the country strongly depends on hydro-electric power, but that is often very limited during the long, hot months of summer. (, upraveno)
What does this article say about Chile? A) B) C) D)
The country uses too much energy producing suits and ties. Wearing suits and ties in summer brings higher energy costs. Chilean men spend millions of dollars a year on suits and ties. The government has forbidden using air conditioning in summer.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 24–28
Dear Hotel Guests, The hotel restaurant will be closed from Monday for renovation. However, room service is still available and our hotel bar will remain open on weekdays from 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 6 p.m. The renovation will finish on Wednesday, and after one day of cleaning, the restaurant will return to normal opening hours from Friday at 11 a.m. Thank you for your understanding. (CERMAT)
When will the restaurant open again? A) B) C) D)
on Friday on Monday on Saturday on Wednesday
M3nsa M3nsa, an artist from Ghana, has become well-known for his combination of hip-hop, soul, afro and beat music. The talented rapper was born in Ghana into a family of musicians. Although his father, a famous solo singer, regularly took M3nsa to concerts and his mother taught him to play the guitar, they never wanted their son to choose the same career, as a musician. But M3nsa has made his name as a part of the pidgin-rap duo FUN BOIS together with his compatriot Wanlov. Last month, however, they greatly surprised many of their fans when they decided to change their provocative rapping rhymes and include romantic ballads like “Fanti Love Song” in their recent album, No.1 Mango Street. (, upraveno)
What does the text say about M3nsa? A) His career has always been individual. B) His fame has been based on romantic songs. C) His newest CD is a different style from the previous CDs. D) His parents always wanted M3nsa to become a musician.
What Calvin Did for Love It was in 1972 when Calvin Trillin was in Great Britain organising an international art exhibition. His wife, Alice, was coming to meet him in London for some much-needed relaxation because she had been taking care of her ill parents in New York for some time. Calvin wanted to cheer her up a little and because he knew she liked jazz music very much, he brought her beloved jazz band to the airport. When Alice’s flight landed, she stepped right into the beautiful melody of an exciting performance of “Hello, Dolly!” She laughed and walked arm in arm with her husband towards the baggage area, followed by their personal musicians and singing passengers. (, upraveno)
What did Calvin do for his wife? A) B) C) D)
He took her to an art exhibition. He invited her to a jazz concert. He prepared a musical welcome at the airport. He asked the people at the airport to sing “Hello Dolly!” for his wife.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 29–38
20 bodů/2 body
Přečtěte si tvrzení v úlohách 29–38 a leták s informacemi o Carlisle. Na základě informací v textu rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).
29 You can rent a car at Carlisle Tourist Information Centre. 30 Carlisle Tourist Information Centre is closed in December. 31 Disabled people cannot use all of Carlisle’s walking routes. 32 Cycling routes in Carlisle are recommended only for experienced bikers. 33 You can go bird watching in The Solway Estuary area any time of year. 34 You can have a swim in Talking Tarn Country Park. 35 None of the hotels include breakfast in the price. 36 Willowbeck Lodge is the most modern building of all the accommodation options. 37 All the hotels are more expensive than the guest houses. 38 The hotels offer the option of take-away breakfast bags to visitors leaving early in the morning.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 29–38
The friendly, helpful staff at Carlisle Tourist Information Centre is happy to advise on interesting places to visit, where to hire a car or bike, the best walking routes, bus and train timetables, shopping facilities, as well as where to stay.
Carlisle The Visitor Centre, Old Town Hall, Carlisle Tel: (01228) 625 600 Fax: (01228) 625 604
Open: March to April Mon–Sat 10:30am–4pm May to June & Sept. to Oct. Mon–Sat 9:30am–5pm July to Aug. Mon–Sat 9:30am–5:30pm Nov. to Feb. Mon–Sat 10am–4pm
ACTIVITIES The city of Carlisle and its surrounding countryside offer a wide choice of ways to get active! Walking–There are several footpaths and tracks that are open to the public. Half of the trails have been made suitable for wheelchair access. Many of the most popular walking areas can be reached by public transport. Carlisle itself also offers many guided and self-guided city walks– just pick up our City Walks leaflet for details. Cycling–Carlisle is the centre where the Inverness to Dover route crosses the River Cycle Way. The Eden Valley Circular Cycle Way is perfect for all abilities. For full cycling information, please call 01228 625600. Bird watching–The Solway Estuary1 area is a nice place to go bird watching. It is worth a visit throughout the year. In winter, huge flocks of geese can be seen at the Wildfowl Nature Reserve over the Scottish border. To the east of Carlisle, the Geltsdale area has an exciting forest and a huge wild area. Water sports–Talking Tarn Country Park is a great location for sailing, windsurfing and canoeing. You can also hire rowing boats or go for a leisurely walk in the park’s woodland. Concerning swimming, it is only possible in the pools in Carlisle, which has 3 heated swimming pools, a waterslide and a magnificent Victorian Health suite.
_____________ 1
estuary: ústí řeky
Angus Hotel An old Victorian town house built on Hadrian’s Wall. 14 Scotland Road : 01228 523546 Price from £27.50 to £32.50 Prices do not include breakfast. You can book breakfast at the same time as your room(s) on:
Aldingham Guest House A warm welcome awaits at our historic town house. Spacious luxury bedrooms and bathrooms. 1 Eden Mount Road : 01228 577214 Price from £37.50 to £57.50 A generous and healthy breakfast is included in our price and take-away breakfast bags are available for those who have early departures.
Ibis Hotel This ancient hotel in the centre of Carlisle is ideally located for nearby shopping and eating out as well as exploring the numerous attractions in the area. Excellent value for your money and a warm welcome await you! 45 Botchergate Avenue : 01228 518000 Price from £54.85 to £59.85 Ibis room prices do not include breakfast. Breakfasts need to be booked at the hotel.
Willowbeck Lodge Guest House 38 Lambley Street : 01228 577214 Price from £40 to £50 The highest grade guest house in the Carlisle area, architect designed and built in 2004, offers contemporary accommodation of an exceptionally high standard. A wide choice of breakfast and evening meals is available. (Carlisle City Tour Guide 2006, upraveno)
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 39–43
5 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si článek o krádeži DaVinciho obrazu Mona Lisa. Na základě informací v textu vyberte k úlohám 39–43 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.
Mona Lisa Stolen 100 Years Ago On August 21, 1911, the most famous work of art in the world, the Mona Lisa, was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. A visiting artist, Louis Béroud, was the first to notice the blank space on the wall, where the DaVinci masterpiece had hung for the previous five years, and nervously asked the guards about it. The guards were initially uninterested, thinking that the painting had been removed for photographs. It was late in the afternoon before the museum realised the Mona Lisa had been stolen. The French police did their best to catch the thief. They questioned lots of people– among them the poet Guillaume Apollinaire, who once said the Louvre should be burnt down. However, the radical poet strongly denied the crime and said it was done by his friend, a young artist named Pablo Picasso. Soon the investigation came to a dead end though. The police closed the case without arresting anybody, believing that the painting was lost forever. It was two years later when the Mona Lisa appeared again and the world finally learned what had happened. A Louvre employee called Vincenzo Peruggia, originally from Italy, took the painting off the wall, hid it in a cupboard until closing time, and then just walked out with it under his coat. He kept it in his flat for two years and then decided to try to sell it–not to a private collector, but to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. Of course the gallery had already been informed of the missing painting and Peruggia was finally arrested by the Italian police. Peruggia’s motive was clearly patriotic. He loved learning about the rich history of his country and felt the French had no right to keep this piece of Italian art treasure in the Louvre Museum forever. The Italian courts apparently agreed because Peruggia was sent to prison for the robbery for only six months. The painting was eventually returned undamaged to the Louvre, after it had made an unauthorised exhibition tour in museums all over Italy. Today the Mona Lisa is again well-guarded in the Louvre, where it gets the attention of 6 million people every year. (, upraveno)
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
According to the first paragraph, what did the Louvre Museum guards do? A) B) C) D)
ÚLOHY 39–43
They questioned Louis Béroud. They saw the empty space first. They ignored Béroud’s report at first. They took the painting down for photographing.
What does the second paragraph say about the French police? A) They interviewed Pablo Picasso. B) They saved the museum from a fire. C) They arrested Guillaume Apollinaire. D) They stopped the investigation without success.
What did Vincenzo Peruggia do two years after the robbery? A) B) C) D)
He gave himself up to the police. He hid the painting in a cupboard. He sold the painting to a private collector. He offered the painting to the Uffizi Gallery.
Why did Vincenzo Peruggia steal the painting? Because he wanted to: A) study it. B) get public attention. C) return it to its country of origin. D) keep it in his private collection.
What was the Italian authorities’ reaction when they found the painting? A) B) C) D)
They punished Vincenzo Peruggia very hard. They showed the painting in Italian museums. They returned the painting to France immediately. They officially borrowed the painting from France for six months.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 44–48
10 bodů/2 body
Přečtěte si informace o pěti lidech, kteří hledají bydlení, a inzeráty realitní kanceláře. Na základě informací v textech přiřaďte k úlohám 44–48 vždy jeden inzerát A–G. Dvě nabídky jsou navíc a nebudou použity.
Elisabeth _____ She would like to buy a beautiful house in the countryside. She likes having big parties and inviting a lot of friends. To do that, she needs a really large place. Money is not a problem for her.
Danny _____ He has to move to a big city for work and find a small flat to rent. He has lived in the countryside since he was a child, and therefore he would prefer a quiet place in a green city area where he could do sport. He likes running and swimming.
Catherine _____ She is a modern woman who works a lot but who also likes enjoying life. She wants to buy a flat in the city centre so that she will be close to everything. She would like to have a little terrace and a garden where she can relax at weekends.
Caroline _____ She is retired. She wants to rent a house close to the sea shore where she can spend the holidays with her friends or grandchildren. She lives in a noisy city, and that is why she is looking for something quiet and traditional.
Matthew _____ Matthew and his wife are looking for a big house to rent. They want to live close to a school because their daughter will soon be 6 years old. They would prefer to live in the countryside rather than in the city. They like things that are nature-friendly.
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 44–48 D) We offer you a one-room flat on the Real ground floor of a modern building. The flat is very nice and it is located in a peaceful area of the city. There are two swimming Estate pools nearby and a park where you can walk, ride your bike or go jogging. The Advertisements shopping centre is only a 5-minute walk from here. Rent: £300per month. A) E) This flat is an ideal place to stay for those House for sale in the suburbs of London, who like life in the city but who also need next to the River Thames. Public transport quiet and enough light to work or to relax. isn’t far from here; the area is safe and Located on the second floor of a big, green, and good for families with children, beautiful house in London, this place is full but also for those who like sport and live of sunlight and has a terrace of 40m2 and an active lifestyle. Are you afraid of being a private garden. An 8-minute walk from bored? The train to London leaves the the city centre. Selling price is £199,500. station every 5 minutes! B) A unique, spacious house for rent. Constructed of ecological materials, this house is well-insulated and atypical, situated in the middle of a small village with a kindergarten and primary school, as well as a doctor’s office. Four furnished rooms with a garden of 90m2. A fireplace on the ground floor and two balconies. The conditions and dates of rent are negotiable1. C) Do you like the outdoors? Don’t look any further! For sale: a luxurious villa in Devon. Big, intimate space with a terrace and a garden with trees next to the river. Also, a big wine cellar with air conditioning. This is the perfect place to organise parties for your friends or your family.
F) Perfect accommodation for rent for those who love the countryside. A villa for 8 people, with a garden, located 10 minutes from the sea. The tenants2 will have the garden at their disposal3 and may use the private swimming pool. In the neighbourhood: cultural events, a farmer’s market and wonderful walks. Please contact Mrs. Richardson: 256347815 G) A flat for rent in a mountainous area of the UK where some of the world’s most beautiful villages can be found! A quiet area throughout the year, this is the ideal place to spend your free time and holidays. For 2 to 4 people, with a big garden in which your children can play. (CERMAT)
_____________ 1
are negotiable: závislé na domluvě tenant: nájemník 3 at disposal: k dispozici 2
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 49–63
15 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si článek o ženě, která přežila pád do Niagarských vodopádů. Na základě textu vyberte k úlohám 49–63 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C.
A Miracle at Niagara An exchange student from Japan has become the only person ever to survive a horrifying fall into Niagara Falls without wearing a life (49) ________ or any protective clothes. What is more, she miraculously escaped with only hypothermia1 and minor injuries. (50) ________ Tuesday evening, the 20-year-old Japanese woman, who is studying in Toronto, decided (51) ________ over a security wall. She planned to get on a pillar2 overlooking the Canadian side of the falls to (52) ________ an extraordinary photograph. Witnesses say she suddenly lost her balance and fell 165 feet into the Niagara River. Niagara police described (53) ________ incident as really hair-raising, and experts agree that the chance of surviving such a fall is (54) ________ low as surviving a plane crash. At the moment, the young woman is in a stable condition and (55) ________ quickly from numerous bruises in Toronto General Hospital. She remembers (56) ________ the fall, nor hitting the water. “All I remember is that suddenly everything was (57) ________ than before,” she explains. Officials say they are working with the Japanese consulate to (58) ________ in touch with her family, who live (59) ________ the north of Japan. Niagara Park Police always warn visitors that climbing over the security wall is very dangerous and strictly forbidden. The Japanese girl will probably have to pay a $10,000 fine when she leaves hospital (60) ________ she broke the rules and risked the lives of her rescuers. "Millions of visitors (61) ________ the scenic Niagara Falls up to now without any incident while respecting the safety wall," the police chief commented. Niagara Park Police also say that accidents of this kind do not happen very often and people (62) ________ be afraid of coming to see the magnificent Niagara Falls. They all hope the place (63) ________ a big attraction for tourists from all over the world forever. For all visitors respecting the rules, Niagara Falls are absolutely safe. (, upraveno)
_____________ 1 2
hypothermia: podchlazení pillar: sloup
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012
ÚLOHY 49–63
A) coat
B) jacket
C) suit
A) in
B) at
C) on
A) climb
B) climbing
C) to climb
A) make
B) take
C) do
A) a
B) the
C) ---
A) as
B) so
C) that
A) is recovering
B) recovers
C) is recovered
A) either
B) both
C) neither
A) much darker
B) the darkest
C) too dark
A) get
B) come
C) take
A) on
B) in
C) at
A) so
B) because
C) although
A) saw
B) have seen
C) had seen
A) cannot
B) may not
C) should not
A) will stay
B) is staying
C) stayed
© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), 2012