ANGLICKÝ JAZYK základní úroveň obtížnosti
DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ KOMPETENCE Pokyny pro vyplňování záznamového archu Pište modrou nebo černou propisovací tužkou. Odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, zřetelně zakřížkujte v příslušném poli záznamového archu.
Didaktický test obsahuje 63 úloh. Didaktický test obsahuje dva subtesty, ke každému subtestu je jeden záznamový arch. Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je uveden na záznamových arších. Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby Testový sešit
4 Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, zabarvěte pečlivě původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole. A B C D
U každé části je v pravém horním rohu testového sešitu uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, např.: 10 b./1 b. = v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 10 bodů, za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 1 bod. U všech úloh/podúloh je právě jedna odpověď správná. Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se body neodečítají. Odpovědi pište do záznamového archu. Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu. Hodnoceny budou pouze odpovědi uvedené v záznamovém archu.
4 Jakýkoli jiný způsob záznamu odpovědí a jejich oprav bude považován za nesprávnou odpověď. Pokud zakřížkujete více než jedno pole, bude vaše odpověď považována za nesprávnou. Odpovědi na otevřené úlohy pište čitelně do vyznačených polí.
15 Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá písmena. Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis odpovědi bude považován za chybné řešení.
Maximální bodové hodnocení: 63 bodů
Testový sešit neotvírejte, počkejte na pokyn!
4 b./1 b.
Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 1–4 vždy jeden správný obrázek A–D. 1
What is Mrs.Thompson’s hobby? A)
What is the advertisement for? A)
What is the perfect house for the woman? A)
Where is the man calling from? A)
ÚLOHY 5–12
8 b./1 b.
Uslyšíte rozhovor v restauraci mezi mladým mužem Henrym a jeho přítelkyní Veronikou. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení v úlohách 5–12 pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).
It is Veronica’s birthday.
Both Veronica and Henry order a salad for the starter.
Henry will have pork roast with peas and carrots as the main meal.
The best wine in the restaurant is from California.
Henry and Veronica are going to drink white wine.
Veronica tasted Californian wine at Henry´s father’s birthday party.
Henry spent 200 pounds on Friday’s dinner.
Veronica spent 150 pounds on tickets to a concert.
ÚLOHY 13–19
7 b./1 b.
Uslyšíte část prezentace průvodce k turistům během jejich návštěvy u jedné z významných turistických atrakcí v Hollywoodu. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky odpovězte na otázky v úlohách 13–19. V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. První úloha slouží jako vzor (0).
What colour are the letters of the Hollywood sign? (0) white How tall are the letters in the Hollywood sign? (13) _____________ metres What was the original purpose of the sign? It was (14) _____________. What did the sign originally say? (15) _____________ How often were the light bulbs on the sign changed? (16) ______________ How much did the sign originally cost? (17) $_______________ When was the sign repaired? (18) _______________ What is the guide’s favourite film? “The (19) _______________”
ÚLOHY 20–23
4 b./1 b.
Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 20–23 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C. 20
When does the afternoon section of the test begin? A) B) C)
Which street is the history museum on? A) B) C)
11th Street 12th Street 15th Street
What type of TV show does the woman watch most? A) B) C)
at 12 o’clock at 1 o’clock at 3 o’clock
drama comedy reality show
What are Liz and John going to do on holiday? A) B) C)
go camping go sightseeing go to the seaside
ÚLOHY 24–28
5 b./1 b.
Přečtěte si pět krátkých textů. Na základě informací v textech vyberte k úlohám 24–28 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.
Hi Samantha! Thanks for taking care of our plants while we‘re on holiday. We’ve got a lot of them, but don’t worry. It’s not difficult. We’ll water everything before we leave on Wednesday, so you’ll only need to give them water two days later. They should be fine until Monday, when we get back. We’ll get back late that night, so you can come on Tuesday for your money. Or if you are free on Friday, we will be having some friends for dinner, so you can join us. Thanks again! See you next week! James
(CERMAT 2009)
When should Samantha water the plants? A) B) C) D)
on Monday on Tuesday on Wednesday on Friday
During the 19th century, football was a popular sport at many English schools. In football, a player is not allowed to touch the ball with his hands. One day, a young student at a Rugby school picked up the ball during a match and ran with it. Word spread through England of what he had done, and students at other schools began to play a new kind of football that allowed a player to touch the ball with his hands. This game eventually became the sport of rugby. (, 20. 3. 2010, upraveno)
What is the best title for this short news item? A) B) C) D)
How To Play Rugby Why Rugby Is Popular How Rugby Was Invented When Rugby Was Invented
ÚLOHY 24–28
Patriotic Corn Flake Sells on eBay Two sisters from Virginia sold a corn flake that looked like the state of Illinois on eBay for $1,350. The auction took a week. The winner was Monty Kerr. The sisters offered to send the flake by post, but Kerr will pick it up in Virginia. That way it will not be harmed. This is not the first corn flake that Kerr has bought. Last year he bought the world's largest flake, but it was broken when it was delivered. Similar items have sold on eBay, including a corn flake that looked like Hawaii and a potato chip that looked like Florida. The sisters will use the money for a vacation. (, 2. 4. 2009, upraveno)
How will Monty Kerr get the corn flake? A) B) C) D)
by post in person by delivery at the auction
)))))) RADIO KICK (((((( When you turn on the radio, do you hear the same songs played again and again? Who really wants to hear the same ABBA song twenty times in a single day? Well, if you’re tired of the same boring radio stations, then you need Radio Kick. At Radio Kick, we don’t only play what’s the most popular – we play what’s good. And there are a lot of good songs out there. So, when you tune in to Radio Kick, you’ll also hear something new and fresh every day. And if you don’t like what we play, just let us know! We also take requests1. So, if you want boring, go back to your usual radio station. But if you want something more, listen to Radio Kick. CALL NOW: 567 567 000 1 (CERMAT 2009)
What kind of music can you expect to hear on Radio Kick? A) B) C) D)
only requested music especially songs by ABBA only the most popular music both popular and new music
_________________________ 1 request: píseň na přání
Did you know what a dollar is made of? Do you think it’s made of paper? Wrong! It’s kind of confusing because we often call it “paper money.” But there is no paper, or even wood, used in any of the U.S. printed money. All U.S. currency is made of 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen. It’s closer to cloth than paper. This product is made by the Crane Company, which is based in Dalton, Mass. The Crane Company created the patent for this special material for the Treasury in 1879. (, 8. 3. 2010, upraveno)
What is a dollar mostly made of? A) B) C) D)
linen wood paper cotton
ÚLOHY 29–38
10 b./1 b.
Přečtěte si tvrzení v úlohách 29–38 a leták dopravní společnosti. Na základě informací v textu rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).
There is a train from London to Cambridge every 45 minutes during the day.
You can visit William Wordsworth’s Museum in Cambridge.
Both trips include a visit to Madingley.
Ely and Madingley are both well-known for their historical buildings.
The Guide Friday tour bus stops at Cambridge railway station.
You don´t have to pay for the Guide Friday tour bus if you show a valid railway ticket.
You will get a free meal at the Holiday Inn if you show a valid railway ticket there.
You are advised to arrive at King’s Cross railway station 20 minutes before train departure.
Trains from London to Ely go only twice a day.
The recommended time to travel from Ely to Cambridge by train is after noon.
ÚLOHY 29–38
From the centre of London to the centre of learning If you find yourself with a day to spare, take a trip to the beautiful city of Cambridge. A fast and frequent service is provided, which means that you can really make the most of your day. Trains run every half an hour from London to Cambridge and the journey time is only 45 minutes nonstop. There are two great trips for you to choose from. Trip to Cambridge This trip introduces you to Cambridge and the magnificent architecture of its museums and famous university colleges, some of which date back to 1209. Many of the world’s most brilliant minds have studied here. William Wordsworth, Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin have all graced these halls of learning, as have 13 British Prime Ministers, 62 Nobel Prize winners and countless leading world figures.
Trip to Ely and Cambridge Or pack more into your day and take our second trip. This trip also includes Cambridge, but first takes you to Ely, which is dominated by its ancient cathedral and monastic buildings. Ely is also home to one of the largest collections of medieval architecture still in daily use. You can also visit the former house of Oliver Cromwell and take your time browsing through the historic rooms, exhibitions and displays.
Each trip also goes into Madingley, famous for the only American World War II cemetery in the British Isles. Many of those buried at this peaceful site were the young crew members of American aircraft based in Britain between 1941 and 1945.
Getting there To Cambridge Catch the train and on arrival in Cambridge head for the Guide Friday office located at the station. From there you can catch the tour bus and be shown the very best of what Cambridge has to offer, taking in Madingley on the way. Your Guide Friday ticket is included in the cost of your railway ticket and it is valid1 all day – so you hop on and off as often as you like. By showing your rail ticket you can also claim 10% discounts on punting along the River Cam and cycle hire or a free drink with your meal at the Holiday Inn. From London we recommend you catch the 08:15, 08:45 or 09:15 train. Please give yourself about 20 minutes at King’s Cross railway station.
To Ely and Cambridge Take the direct train to Ely to spend a few quiet hours visiting both the cathedral and one of the many museums – entry is included in the package price. You can also enjoy a cream tea in the museum – absolutely free. Then board the train back to Cambridge where you can tour the city by Guide Friday bus, taking in Madingley, and stop off at Silver Street to go punting on the River Cam behind King’s College. All of this is included in the ticket price. From London, we recommend you catch the 07:45 or the 08:45 train, although trains do run 45 minutes after every hour throughout the day. Please give yourself about 20 minutes at King’s Cross railway station. The best time to go by train from Ely to Cambridge is at 11:28 or 11:58.
Trains from Cambridge to London are at 15 and 45 minutes past every hour, although we recommend your last train should be the 19:15. __________________
valid: platný
(‘A Cambridge education in a day’, Wagon Railway leaflet 2001, upraveno)
ÚLOHY 39–43
5 b./1 b.
Přečtěte si dopis, který píše Carol svému příteli do Indie. Na základě informací v textu vyberte k úlohám 39–43 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.
Dear Michael, Have you not received my letters? Why haven’t you responded? Please write me, or I may buy a ticket to India and come to find you! The weather has turned out nice. Funny, because April is always so gloomy, especially here in London. If the weather holds, the trees will be in blossom1 when you return. My life here in London is different than it used to be. I wake up, go to work, and come home. It’s quite boring, and at the weekend I’m too tired from my job to do anything. Only now I realise how exciting and rich my life was when you were here. I especially miss our hiking and cycling trips and so do our friends, especially Mike and Mary. They went to Wales last weekend and stopped at the campsite near Seaton. They say that it has changed a lot since our last hiking expedition. I hope you’re being careful. I know you’ve got lots of experience, but the Himalayas are bigger than anything you’ve climbed before. Please stay safe and warm. And take lots of pictures! Mike and Mary are planning a dinner party in July and they are looking forward to your amazing photos. It was meant to be a surprise, but, to tell the truth, the photos are not important to me – the only thing I want is to have you back here, safe. Ok, now the real reason I’m writing is… I want to tell you something, but I don’t want you to get angry. Harry died. But it wasn’t my fault! I fed him every day, just like you showed me. I even cleaned the water in his bowl. I don’t know what happened. I found him today just floating. I’m sorry. I know you loved that goldfish. But don’t worry, because I bought you another one yesterday. In fact, it looks like Harry, so you probably won’t notice any difference. Other than that, your flat is fine, and all of your plants are healthy. Well, it’s midnight, and I need to sleep. Please be careful. And don’t forget to send me a postcard before you leave next week! Remember, I’ll be out of town when you return, because I have a conference in Paris next week. So, we’ll see each other in two weeks! Miss you! Love, Carol
(CERMAT 2009) ______________________ 1 be in blossom: kvést
What can we find out about Carol from the letter? A) B) C) D)
She is worried. She is excited. She is pleased. She is surprised.
What can we find out from the text about Michael? A) B) C) D)
Her life in London is exciting now. Her life has changed since Michael left. She met Mike and Mary during her recent trip to Wales. She made a trip to Wales with Mike and Mary last weekend.
How does Carol feel about Michael’s trip? A) B) C) D)
ÚLOHY 39–43
He has never been climbing before. He has climbed in the Himalayas before. He has had experience with climbing before. He had an accident when climbing in the Himalayas.
Why is Carol writing to Michael? Because she wants to tell him… A) about his flat. B) about her health. C) about her new job. D) about his goldfish.
What message from Carol could Michael find when he returned from India? A) There is a dinner party at Mary’s tonight! We’ll meet there at 8.00 pm. B) I will be back from Wales next week. I’ll call you back as soon as I get home. C) I won’t be seeing you till next week. I can’t wait to be back! Call me as soon as you get home. D) Welcome home! I’m sorry about Harry. I will buy you another goldfish as soon as I return from the conference. I promise.
ÚLOHY 44–48
5 b./1 b.
Přečtěte si popisy pěti mužů, kteří si hledají partnerku prostřednictvím internetu, a inzeráty s nabídkou na seznámení z internetové seznamky. Na základě informací v textech přiřaďte k úlohám 44–48 vždy jeden inzerát z nabídky A–G. Dva inzeráty jsou navíc a nebudou použity. 44
Age: 25 Job: university student Interests: modern music, mathematics and technology, sci-fi films and magazines about computers Other: doesn’t like reading books; speaks fluent Spanish; has never travelled, because he is afraid of flying
Age: 35 Job: lawyer Interests: flying his own plane, Cuban cigars and fine restaurants Other: owns houses around the world; never stays more than a month in the same place; is afraid of children; is terrible at sports
Age: 40 Job: teacher of Spanish at secondary school Interests: Spanish, classical music and cooking Other: prefers staying in London during the weekends; wants to settle down and bring up kids
Age: 33 Job: musician (violin) in a classical orchestra Interests: playing his saxophone, all music styles except pop-music Other: is French, but lives in London; is busy during the weekends playing in the orchestra which doesn´t mean that he doesn´t like travelling; dislikes women who smoke
Age: 34 Job: doctor Interests: gardening, going to the theatre at the weekends Other: lives alone in a small house near London; prefers quiet country life to busy city life
ÚLOHY 44–48
E) 25-year-old British female is looking for a university graduate with money. “I like travelling and eating in expensive restaurants in foreign countries. I don´t want to give up smoking and I don’t like classical music or sports.”
35-year-old woman is looking for a man who is interested in the simple things in life. “I’m a botanist. I don´t speak any foreign languages and I am not interested in music. My husband died last year, and I’m lonely. My dream is to move from London and live in the country. I enjoy books, the theatre, and walks in the forest.”
B) 20-year-old female computer programmer is looking for a man who loves fun and new technology. “I live in London, but I’m originally from Spain, so my English is not the best. I like dancing to pop-music and playing video games with friends. I prefer films to books. My favourite film is Space Hero.”
F) 23-year-old French female is looking for a guy not more than 40 who doesn´t smoke and really enjoys art. “I study art history, but I also enjoy photography and creating digital art using computers. I live in Paris, but I often travel to London during the weekends to visit the National Gallery.”
C) 36-year-old secretary interested in fashion is looking for a man over 20 who enjoys sailing and paragliding and doesn´t mind spending weekends abroad or eating out. “You must be in good shape, and you must know how to behave in high society.”
D) 28-year-old female singer is looking for someone who also loves music and singing. “I’ve been trained to sing opera, but I also love rock ‘n’ roll and jazz music. I am allergic to cigarette smoke. I like travelling and languages, too, and I’m currently (CERMAT 2009) studying Italian and French.”
G) 32-year-old Spanish business woman is looking for a mature man who enjoys classical literature, Mozart, and good food. “I have a young son from a former marriage, so you must be able to get along well with children, live in London and spend most weekends with us. Please, non- smokers.” (CERMAT 2009)
ÚLOHY 49–63
15 b./1 b.
Přečtěte si krátký příběh z prostředí Afriky. Na základě textu vyberte k úlohám 49–63 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C.
Clever crocodiles An Englishman was travelling in South Africa. It was very hot there (49)_________ that time of the year. Every afternoon, he went down to the sea and (50)_________ at the cool green water. How he wanted (51)_________ in and swim for half an hour! But he was afraid to do so because everybody in England (52)_________ that Africa was full of crocodiles. A man might lose an arm, or a leg, or even his life if he (53)________ near the water. One very hot afternoon (54)_________ he came to the sea, he saw an African boy there. He called the boy and asked, “Are there (55)_________ crocodiles in the water here?” “No, no crocodiles,” the boy answered. “Nobody (56)_________ a crocodile for more than 50 years here!” The Englishman (57)_________ with the answer. He (58)_________ his clothes, jumped into the water and enjoyed his swim more than (59)_________ in the world. Half an hour (60)__________ he came out of the water, tired, but happy. The boy was still there and so the Englishman began (61)__________
to him again. “Tell me, boy,”
he said, “Why are you so sure that there are (62)_________ crocodiles here?” The boy smiled at the man and replied, “You see, crocodiles are very clever. They never come here, because they are afraid (63)________ the sharks.” The Englishman couldn’t believe his ears. (Friendship 8 1994, upraveno)
ÚLOHY 49–63
A) on
B) in
C) at
A) watched
B) looked
C) saw
A) jump
B) jumping
C) to jump
A) said
B) told
C) spoke
A) went
B) will go
C) would go
A) when
B) while
C) if
A) no
B) any
C) some
A) saw
B) has seen
C) was seeing
A) satisfies
B) satisfied
C) was satisfied
A) removed from
B) took off
C) got undressed
A) something
B) anything
C) nothing
A) late
B) lately
C) later
A) talk
B) talking
C) to talking
A) no
B) none
C) none of
A) from
B) of
C) by