By: Indah Rachmawati NPM: 27181019
R A B A Y A 2013
Has been qualified to be tested
Khoiril S.Pd
Indah Rachmawati NPM : 27181019
This study entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THEME AND CHARACTERIZATION IN THE NOVEL "HATI YANG DAMAI" By NH. Dini, written by Indah Rachmawati has been approved and accepted as a requirement to obtain a Bachelor degree in English Literature.
Examiners team
Dra. Arjunani, MM
) examiner 1
Yeni Probowati, S.Pd
) examiner 2
Dekan Fakultas Bahasa & Sastra Universitas Wijaya Putra
(Dra. Arjunani, MM)
The undersigned is: Name
: Indah Rachmawati, Mahasiswi Universitas Wijaya Putra
: 27181019
In developing the writer's work, entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THEME AND CHARATERIZATION IN THE NOVEL "HATI YANG DAMAI" By NH. Dini, along with the tools to be stored, published or reproduced in any form by the University of Wijaya Putra for academic purposes. So I've created this statement to the truth. Made in : Surabaya On date : 20 Maret 2013
(Indah Rachmawati)
First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT who has bestowed that great blessing on me, so that I can finish this thesis successfully. My deepest appreciation and gratitude also goes to my beloved parents who always pray and support for my success. Then I would like to thank to Dra. Arjunani, MM. the dean of English Department, the faculty of English and literature Wijaya Putra University Surabaya. My gratitude and great appreciation to Khoiril, S.Pd as my thesis advisor for his idea, suggestion, criticism and patient in guiding and helping me in writing and finishing this thesis willingly. Moreover I also would like to thank to all of the lectures in English Department, the Faculty of English and Literature of Wijaya Putra University; Drs. Mas Moeljono, Yulis Setyowati S.Pd, Yeni Probowati S.Pd who have taught and given me the knowledge during the study. I also thank for all my friend in Faculty of English and Literature that I can mention, who encourage me in writing and finishing my thesis. Finally, the writer hopes the study would be useful for all the readers, the other researcher and especially for the student of Wjaya Putra University.
Surabaya, Maret 2013
ABSTRACT Studying literature is very important, it can performances the word, it also as a source of factual information and can give an enjoyment. Thought literature, it offers a unique delight or satisfaction, an author of literary work present human nature, life, world, and give us lesson about mankind, personality and solving problem Study was made when the author comes a sense of wonder what the theme of the novel "hati yang damai" by NH. dini, it is because the writers are curious about the way the story is filled with conflicts of love, betrayal, loyalty, and indecision in this novel. The main theme is the idea/thought staple a piece of literature. Theme in story can be ilustrated us he boundary of a state. Theme in a plays is an important role, because it ussually provides the unity of the story. Another elements of the story such as : characterization, conflict and other element have their own technique. Characterizations are the presentation of characters and character image creation. The problem is the character of the characterizations and is one of the things whose existence in a mind is very important and even decisive, for not going there might be a work of fiction without any deaths reported that eventually formed the storyline. In analyzing the characterization in the novel "hati yang damai" the author make an analysis technique based on a physical description, portrayal of thought stream or conscious thought, reaction to events, discussing of environment, direct author analysis, reaction of other characters, conversation of other character. Finally, after trying to analyze the themes and characterization found in this novel, the author can conclude that the themes contained in this novel is a love triangle among others, dati, wija and sidik.
"Honesty is the best policy" Peaceful and calmness is a heaven And always pray in every step of your life
Offerings: My dearest parents, mother your love so precious and pure from your heart. I will devote my whole life to make you proud. My family, my father and my sister are the best in my life ever.
I miss you & I love you MOM
TITLE................................................................................................................... APPROVAL SHEET I……………………….....................................................
APPROVAL SHEET II.......................................................................................
STATEMENT SHEET.........................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study............................................... 1.2 Statement of the problem.............................................. 1.3 Objectives of the study.................................................. 1.4 The significance of the study......................................... 1.5 Scope and limitation...................................................... 1.6 Definition of key term................................................... 1.7 Organization of the study..............................................
1 3 3 3 4 5 5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theme............................................................................ 2.2 Characterization.............................................................
6 8
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Methodology................................................... 3.2 Design and Approach..................................................... 3.3 Source of Data................................................................ 3.4 The Process of Collecting Data...................................... 3.5 Analysis..........................................................................
11 11 11 11 12
FINDING AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Theme............................................................................. 13 4.2 Characterization.............................................................. 15 4.2.1 Physical Description Techniques............................ 16 4.2.2 Portrayal of Thought Stream of Thought Conscious.16
4.2.3 Reaction to Events.................................................. 4.2.4 Direct Author Analysis............................................ 4.2.5 Discussing of Environment..................................... 4.2.6 Reaction of Others Character.................................. 4.2.7 Conversation about other Character........................
17 18 18 19 19
CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion...................................................................... 21 5.2 Suggestion...................................................................... 22
REFERRENCES.................................................................................................. SINOPSIS………………………………………………………………………... BIOGRAFI……………………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Literary works are part of the community. Literature was born from the imagination of a writer, as well as reflections of social phenomena that are nearby. Therefore, the presence of a literary work is a part of community life (jabrohim, 2003: 59). Literature is one branch of art is always in the center of human civilization can not be denied even the existence
accepted as a cultural reality.
Literary works are not only valued as works of art that contains the values of imagination and emotion wrapped up in appreciation of the author. As a creative literary work which is used as an intellectual consumption in addition to emotional consumption (Spring, 1990: 1). Literature is one of the cultural elements of Indonesia which are assessed during this live and thrive among the other cultures, while the literary works of which are familiar with some form of poetry, drama, short stories and novels. Novel as a literary works has known since eightenth century in england. With the result as like novel, poem,poetry, drama and prose. Prose is often as specific terms for all discourage spoken or written which is not patterned into reccurent matrix united that we call verse. Prose has longer meaning because it covers everything, that is written as literary work but it includes some of non fiction work. In this case, writer makes a research limitation to characterization and theme. Characterization according burhan nurgiyantoro (1995:165) is a figure or people's character who is put forward in narrative work, or drama in which interpret by the eaders having a moral quality and certain tendency through dialogues and their
behavior. Theme as the meaning of the story which especially account of the largest number of its elements in the simplest way (Stanton,1965:30). Theme is some thing that has traditionally concerned writers and that therefore is a legitimate concern of readers (Kennedy, 1966:88). Theme is simple the meaning of the story realise, the meaning the story discovers. By theme we mean the necessary implication of the whole story, not as a separateable of story. Theme in fiction is what is able to make of the total experience rendered. The essence of the novel Hati yang Damai is turmoil the hearts by his wife aviator who met again with a lover who used to precisely at a time when her husband was away outside the house, but eventually find peace of heart character in the extent of her husband's heart. Although this novel is short or brief, many events that are entwined in it. The human figure also reflected not all can be read from the vagaries of the Act. The picture certainly enrich the knowledge and experience of the inner reader. This study chosen because the writer is intersted in studying literature. By reading literary work automatically we can develop our knowledge and science, and we can arrange the works that are chosen by the author. Beside that, the writer can also get the author's feeling or experiences from the object of the study in novel "Hati yang Damai" by Nh.Dini
1.2 Statements of the Problem a. What is the theme of the novel "Hati yang damai" by Nh. Dini ? b. How is the characterization in the novel "Hati yang damai" by Nh. Dini ?
1.3 Objective of the Study a. Researcher wants to know theme novel "Hati yang damai" by NH Dini b. Researcher wants to know how describe the characterization in the novel "Hati yang damai" by Nh. Dini
1.4 The Significance of the Study Through this analysis, the author hopes may be useful: a. For teachers, especially in teaching language and literature in order to have the appropriate skills and materials for the students. b. For students to assist in improving the knowledge of cultural, literary language skills, develop a love of literature that support the formation of character, in accordance with cultural values. c. For researcher to explore further to add to the experience and knowledge of the literature
1.5 Scope and Limitation This research is kind of non-experiment and descriptive also, the object of this research is a novel with the title "Hati yang Damai" by Marah Rusli. Thus, the scope of the research is focus on the instrinsic element with its limitation on theme and characterization.
a. Theme Theme is idea or main thoughts underlying the work of literature. So in a sense the question is covered and the objectives of the author to the reader.
b. Characterization Characterization is a definition of fiction figure that has a role-play in the story, for examples *Main Character is a figure that has the important feeling in the story. In the novel "Hati yang Damai" the main character is Dati *Additional Character is a character that is not directly being involved in the story. In the novel "Hati yang Damai" the additional character are Sidik, Nardi, Wija, Asti, Anto
1.6 Definition of Key Term 1.Theme: is Ideas or thoughts which underlie the major literary works. (Sudjiman,2002:50) 2. Novel: An exploration of a chronic or life, reflect on and describe the specific shape, influence, bonding, destruction or the achievement of the movements of humandesires(Lubis,1960:30) 3. Characterization : is a figure or people's character who is put forward in narrative work, or drama in which interpret by the readers having a moral quality and certain tendency through dialogues and their behavior. (Burhan Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 165)
1.7 Organization of The Study This thesis is Divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, chapter two is a review of related literature, the third chapter is the Methodology, the fourth chapter is Analysis, the fifth chapter is the Conclusion That contains the Conclusions of this thesis.
At this chapter the author will present a review of intrinsic element related to this novel , the first is theme and the second is characterization.
2.1 Theme Tema adalah gagasan utama atau pikiran pokok sebuah karya sastra (Tarigan, 2002:7). If we read fiction, often feel that the author did not merely want to convey a story with storytelling. There is something to the author presented through the story. The reason the author wanted to convey the story was about to present an idea. According to Sudjiman (2002:50) bahwa yang disebut tema adalah gagasan, ide, atau pikiran utama yang mendasari karya sastra. So in a sense the question is covered and the objectives of the author to the reader. The term theme normally often likened his understanding to the topic, but both have different notions. The topic of a work are the subject of the talks, while the theme is the central idea, that is something that will be fought out in and through the work of fiction. Realization of the theme in fiction, usually based on reason or motive of action figures. Other notions about the themes expressed by the Hartoko and the Nurgiyantoro Rachmanto (2000; 68) bahwa tema nerupakan gagasan dasar umum yang menopang sebuah karya sastra yang terkandung didalam teks sebagai struktur semantik dan yang menyangkut persamaan-persamaan atau perbedaan-perbedaan.
The theme of a literary work includes short stories always related to meaning of life. Through his work that the author offers a specific meaning in life by way of looking at the problem as he looked at it. The theme is an important element that must be present in a short story, either implicitly or explicitly, because the theme of the story. As revealed by Tarigan (1985; 125) : * every fiction must have basic or themes that have goals or objectives. * themes is the base or the meaning of a story. * the theme is a certain view of life or feeling of a particular form or build the basics of the main idea of a literary work. In a fiction, the theme function to contribute to the other elements of fiction, such as plot, character, and setting. The author weaves a plot, creating characters and behave in a particular setting, is actually a response to the chosen theme and the that will always be fired (Heriyanto and Rahmanto, 1998; 220). The theme is usually listed explicitly by the author. According to Sumardjo and Saini k. M (1997; 57) in a successful short story, the theme of it was disguised in an element. The author uses the dialogue of the characters, the way her thoughts, the events of the story. To reaffirm or redirect the contents of its theme, the author usually stated theme by stealth in the dialogue or the main character in a scene story. Talking about the method use for organize the theme of the story, it is necessary important to say that in appearing the theme by analyzing the story and also the character have been justified. The principle of formulating the theme of story, according to quoting L. Perrine, S. Harjono (1987 : 2.44-2.45) gives several kinds of principles to formulated the theme, those are:
a. A theme must be expressed as a generalization about life in expressing a theme, use characters name of story, mentioning names he makes a specific statement, and it should avoided to mention the names of characters and worth to use. b. A theme as the main concept, because it must cover and explain every detail incident of a story, and theme can not be based on estimate facts, stated or implied in the story, not the assumption that one get from his experience. A theme must be in story, not in the outside of the story c. The approach of thematic story of the problem approach which only has one interpretation theme represent bound human values can be surely expressed with more than one way. d. The formulating of the theme in a story, it should be state the central idea clearly, it means that the writer has been chosen a certain topic which become the main idea of the whole story, then state kind of supporting ideas which make the story more lie until the end. From the definition above, the author concludes that the basic idea of the theme is stories that expose the fundamentals of the development for a story that animates the whole story, as well as being the starting point of the author in the work of creation. To specify a theme of the story, the reader must understand in advance the whole story with deeply appreciated the way the elements of the literary work.
2.2 Characterization Each novel certainly has a character that is intentionally created to carry a story, creating characters with all the variety and where is his character referred to as the characterizations. The term characterizations by Sudjiman (1990; 61) diartikan sebagai penciptaan citra didalam karya sastra. Tokoh tersebut diciptakan oleh pengarang secara menyakinkan sehingga pembaca merasa seolah-olah berhadapan dengan manusia sebenarnya. While according to H.G. Tarigan (1995; 141) penokohan adalah proses yang digunakan oleh seorang pengarang untuk menciptakan tokoh-tokoh fiksinya. Events in works of fiction as well as events in everyday life, have always been run by a character or perpetrators of certain players. Pelaku yang mengemban peristiwa dalam cerita fiksi sehingga itu mampu menjalin suatu cerita disebut dengan tokoh, sedangkan cara pengarangnya menempatkan tokoh atau pelaku itu disebut dengan penokohan. (Aminudin, 2004 ; 79). According to Sayuti (1996: 36) argues that in its characterizations, known in two ways or methods used by the author to illustrate the character in the story that the method or methods of direct and discursive methods of dramatic or indirect method. Discursive method or direct method used the author by directly mentioning of the respective quality of his characters. The author directly exposes the attributes of a character, for example: tough-minded, hard-nosed, high minded, humble, ruthless, deceitful, arrogant, timid. Dramatic method or indirect method used authors by giving his characters to express themselves. This method can be done from some of the techniques include:
a. Physical description b. Portrayal of thought stream or conscious thought c. Reaction to event d. Direct author analysis e. Discussion of environment f. Reaction of other character. g. Conversation of other character Based on some of the opinions above it can be concluded that the depiction of physical characterizations and the souls of the characters through their behavior, as well as the idea of administering life a story.
3.1 Research Methodology In analyzing the problem, the writer has conducted the research in order to obtain data , analyze them, and formulate them. The research is presented into Design and Approach, Source of Data, The Process of Colecting and Processing Data, and Analysis.
3.2 Design and Approach This thesis a qualitative study inthe basic of literary criticism, because the writer wants to analyze what is the theme and how is the characterization in the novel Hati yang Damai karya NH.Dini In Quality Research for Education, Bogdan and Biklen (1992:28) explains: A quality research is descriptive. The data collected are in the form of words of picture rather than number, they often contain quotation and try to describe what particular situation or view of the words is like in th enarrative form. The written words is very important in qualitative approach
3.3 Source of data The source of data is the novel Hati yang Damai by NH.Dini (1998), published by Grasindo : PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia
3.4 The process of colecting and processing data. In conducting this study, the writer used library research. The analysis is departed by comprehensively reading the novel for some times to obtain profound
essence on the detail of the story. To achieve this purpose , the reading process comes to two sections as follows: a. Reading extensively. This activity is targeted to solely gain the overall understanding of the story b. Reading intensively. This activity is conducted further understanding the details of the story to meet with the necessity of the study. This process includes marking the necessary lines and quotation in the novel which Support the analysis
3.5 Analysis The data got from the novel were then analyzed according to the statement of the problem. It was then synchronized with the similar concept of theme and characterization. The synchronized data were useful to take the final conclusion. Therefore , the significance of the study can be achieved well.
4.1 THEME Theme in a literary work is of great importance, because the theme in a literary work is a main idea in a story, then after the author read a whole novel "Hati Yang Damai" by NH. Dini, the writer can find the theme of the novel is a love triangle, this can be seen in conversation excerpts below: “Sedih menatapku ia seperti ini memandang jauh, melampaui suatu kesadaran yang pasti. Memang ada apa-apa diantara kita”. Ia kembali duduk dan matanya terpaku ke wajahku. ada suatu pengenalan yang tidak akan di artikan orang lain. Dati berkata kepada Sidik, coba kau pahami keadaanku, "kau pasti tahu semua tentangku". Aku sudah menikah dan mempunyai anak. (Dini, 1998 : 2). Dati was betraying her husband can seen in this quote below: "Apakah sebenarnya yang telah kuberikan kepada wija suamiku? Laki-laki itu mengcap hidup dengan perempuan yang memberinya kepercayaan dan kesetiaan. Aku tidak mau dan tidak bisa menyalahkan diri mengapa kadang-kadang mengkhianatinya dengan pemikiran-pemikiran cinta kepada orang lain…. (Dini, 1998 : 7). I knew him in an exhibition organized by model plane waveguide-air waveguides. The entourage of my team I always try to not miss a chance like that. I never knew his name until a few weeks later. After graduating high school, leaving my hometown and was never heard from. One night I forced a friend to attend a party. Actually I do not like it, I'd rather stay at home, reading or listening to radio. I was sitting up in a rather dark look to where they are again dancing. Then I guess there is someone who always looks at me.
Finally I turned around, a high bit thin at me, the man nodded and smiled. I responded with the same attitude As an adult, I found someone who I expect to be a prince of my heart good. His pale-faced guitar player Dati went to London to work on a children clothes, that's where Dati met a man named Wija. It can be seen in the quote below: Sejak malam itu, sejak aku bertemu dengan wija tanpa sadar aku selalu menunggunya. Aku menolak ajakan beberapa kawan untuk keluar malam. Aku tenang tinggal di pondokanku menunggu Wija dengan keramah tamahannya. (Dini, 1998 : 14) Suddenly I'm not sure if I still had the desire to make love with men. Wija a friendly, well-built Wija which represents the distance that missed every women, now I'm dating needs. I understand her feelings and I kissed her cheek tenderly, but he did not let me. Two months after graduating from our educational wija married. I faced the world with all the behavior and lack of love. And finally Dati had children. On a day Wija send a letter to Dati that listed on pages in 32 "I crash landing today". The first letter tells wija troublemakers wreath homeland war. His letter was full of longing for peace, the love of every mother, wife and lover.
Dati was not believing what had happened that she was pregnant again. Like the footage below. “Pusing-pusing saja, dokter”, kataku ketika dia bertanya. Sebentar dia memeriksaku, bertanya macam-macam. “Baru dua bulan”, katanya, begitu pasti dan tidak tawar-tawar. Amat aneh rasanya. Atni dan Anto masih kecil. Suamiku selalu berkata ingin mempunyai anak tiga kini benarlah. Dati finally betrayed when wija in danger. Like the quote below. "Aku terbangun oleh dentang jam penjagaan. Mataku tertumbuk pada tingkap kecil di dinding kamarku. Aku berpikir apa yang terjadi. Aku tidak sadar , entah sudah berapa hari, oleh kabar hilangnya suamiku. Tapi pagi ini aku tidak menangisinya, aku menangisi perbuatanku terkutuk yang telah merampasku dari garis setia yang selama ini aku bentangkan di sekeliling diriku." So based on the quotations and the author's observation can be pointed out that the theme of the novel "Hati Yang Damai" by Nh. Dini is a love triangle, the theme is mean when people are late in love, the cradle of love that conquers all, including her own husband betrayed. 4.2 Characterization Basically the underlying conflict is a conflict of character plot figures, because the conflict is typically portrayed as a fight between the protagonist and antagonist. In the novel "Hati Yang Damai" by Nh. Dini very meticulous and detail in visualizing each character, so readers would be so easy for the imagination to figure recorded by the Nh. Dini in this novel. To describe the appearance, characters, and private figures then NH Dini very careful in visualizing the characteristics of each character.
4.2.1 Physical description With this technique N.H. Dini has managed to bring the character physically Asti, this can be cited of descriptive below. " ia sebetulnya tidak manis. Tetapi karena kulitnya bersih dan lebih putih daripada biasanya orang-orang sebangsa, maka ia selalu pantas dengan warna pakaian apapun juga (Dini, 1998 : 18) 4.2.2 Portrayal of Thought Stream or Conscious Thought Describes the performer's mind or what comes in it. Dati character increasingly refined techniques or, Portrayal of Thought Stream of Thought Conscious as quoted below: "Apakah sebenarnya yang telah kuberikan wija suamiku ? Laki-laki itu mengecap hidup dengan perempuan yang memberinya keperawanan dan kesetiaan. Aku tidak mau dan tidak bisa menyalahkan diri mengapa kadang-kadang mengkhianatinya dengan pemikiran cinta kepada orang lain. (Dini, 1998 : 7) This technique is also used N.H. Asti early to visualize the figure can be seen in this quote: " Aku kembali duduk, tidak tahu apa yang harus ku katakan". Tiba-tiba aku mempunyai perasaan tidak seharusnya orang lain mengetahui bahwa sesungguhnya istri kakakku itu tadi yang datang, dan aku tidak berani menduga Asti pergi kemana, sudah atau akan berbuat apa. (Dini, 1998 : 42) From the text above N.H. Dini also has presented the figures wija with the following characteristics: a pilot Wija is faithful to his wife and two children, although the idea that his wife has betrayed. As in the quote below: " Aku tidak tahu apa yang akan diperbuatnya terhadapku, istri yang tidak mencintainya. Tanganya berat meraba mukaku, aku tidak mau menengadah menentangnya. Kau menangis, mengapa ?Suaranya perlahan setengah berbisik. Aku menolaknya kupandang tenang-tenang dia wajahnya muram. Aku berjanji akan kembali. Dati kini aku kembali. Kepada siapa aku
harus datang ? Aku tidak memilki siapapun selain kau dan anak-anakku". (Dini, 1998 : 76) 4.2.3 Reaction to Event (Describing how the offender's reaction to events) In this technique N.H. Dini figures already show that it can be seen in the footage below: " aku terbangun oleh dentang jam penjagaan. Mataku tertumbuk kepada tingkap kecil di dinding kamarku. Sinar bulan pagi yang terang jatuh dari sana terus ke lantai. Aku berfikir apa yang telah terjadi pad diriku. Kemarin, hari sebelum hari kemarin dan malam sebelum pagi ini. Aku meneliti kepanjangan peristiwa sepulangku dari dokter, sesudah imam datang, dan ah, aku mau berteriak oleh terkejutku. Tanganku kututupkan kemulutku sendiri, tidak ! Aku hanya mimpi. Aku tidak sadar, entah sudah berapa hari, oleh kabar hilangnya suamiku. Segala bayangan bisa menggangguku. Dan aku melihat kesampingku, segala sesuatunya kelihatan bekas ditiduri. Sayup dari kejauhan kemudian aku ingat apa yang menimpa diriku. Dan aku menangis". (Dini, 1998 : 69) This technique is still in wija figure does not recognize her, because from childhood he lived with his father, this can be seen in the text below: " aku ibumu, dan kau menyebut aku". Suamiku berhenti. Aku ikut berhenti. Tanganya masih erat menggandengku. Perempuan itu dekat sekali. Kemudian aku melihat, bahwa perempuan itu tidak semudah yang kusangka. Garis-garis kulit mukanya yang kasar tertutup oleh bedak dan ramuanya. " ibuku sudah mati. Dalam hidupku aku hanya mempunyai seorang bapak yang merangkap sebagai ibuku sekalian. Dia kini sudah mati. Dan aku tidak memerlukan siapapun untuk menggantikanya". (Dini, 1998 : 36)
4.2.4 Direct author analysis (Author directly describes the character of the performers) With this technique N.H. Dini has presented the character of mas jat leaders, the people quiet and introverted. Can be seen in the excerpts below: " mas jat, aku memegang kakinya" aku tidak tahu, mengapa kau
tidak pernah menceritakan apa-apa kepadaku. Kita ini dikatakan bersaudara. Tapi sebenarnya kita seperti orang yang asing dan sama sekali tidak mengetahui atau mempedulikan kesedihan masing-masing. Mengapa begitu, Mas Jat ? " apa ingin di antara kita ada perasaan persaudaraan yang menyatu. Kita membagi kegembiraan atau kesedihan dengan menceritakan masing-masing. Tapi itu tidak pernah terjadi diantara kita. Aku.... (Dini, 1998 : 49) This technique is still in the character of good character to have Nandi. It can be seen in the following quotation: "kita akhirnya bertemu lagi disini," Dia menyambung lalu dia bercerita. Dia kini menjadi dokter di angkatan laut. Dia bertemu suamiku dalam rapat perwira. Dia melihat potretku dan anak-anakku. Lalu berjanji akan datang ke rumah, aku mengikuti ceritanya dengan kedamaianku. Kupandangi wajahnya, aku merasa bahwa ada persamaan orang ini dengan suamiku.Kemudian aku menemukannya. Ketenangan dan kedewasaan yang menyeluruh wajah keduanya. Pengucapannya amat meneduhkan bagi yang menatapnya" dan aku tidak mengelakkan sewaktu pandangan bertemu dengan mataku. (Dini, 1998 : 54) 4.2.5 Discussion of Environment (Author by directly analyzing the nature of performers, readers will be able to suggest whether the performer is dirty, clean, lazy, and so on) Characteristics of strengthened with technical discussions of the environment, such as the quote below: "Sidik makan siang di rumahku. Sebelumnya dia menelpon mau datang malam ini. Tetapi aku berkata bahwa aku akan pergi.Untuk menutup penolakan itu, aku mengundangnya makan siang. Aku merasa tidak ada salahnya jika ia datang, apalagi di siang hari. Tetangga di sebelah kamarku adalah orang yang suka mengetahui urusan orang lain. Tetapi mereka dapat melihat dengan terang ruangan kamar tamuku. Tidak ada alasan untuk takut di curigai. Penjaga telepon di ruang tengah pun bisa menengok ke kamar tempatku. (Dini, 1998 : 39) 4.2.6 Reaction of others character The author describes how the other performers to hear the views in a story on the main performers.
How Sidik react to Dati, this is reinforced by this technique and can be seen in the following quote: "kau pikir begitu ? Aku berkata tanpa melihat kepadanya. Aku pikir ini adalah suatu kebetulan yang terkutuk. Ini akan menghancurkan kehidupanku yang selama ini aku jadikan permata berharga. Ah, kau tidak pernah akan bisa mengerti apa arti kedamaian bagiku. Aku menahan perasaan yang mencukil-cukil dalam hati. Cemas dan khawatir yang mengaduk menyebabkan aku ingin menangis. " kedamaian ," dia seperti bicara pada dirinya sendiri," damai atau tidak itu hanya terletak pada dirimu sendiri. Kau bisa membikinnya sendiri. Soal yang kecil bisa menjadi besar jika kau menghendakinya.(Dini,1998 :3) 4.2.7 Conversation of other character (Other performers in a story discussed the state of the main performers, and thus indirectly secar readers an impression of the main performers of all things about it). With this technique we can see how the players react to the main character, as in the quote below: "aku tahu kau masih mencintainya, tapi aku juga tahu bahwa mencintai itu memang mudah. Untuk saling mengerti itu yang sukar". Ku dengar suamiku berkata, suaranya kaku dan terang, aku menoleh kepadanya. Jadi, dia tahu. Dia mengerti siapa sidik. Dia juga pasti mengerti semuanya. Kulihat sidik terhenti di pintu. antara kita ada pengertian yang besar, ada perasaan yang benar. Hanya dari dulu ada satu beda : aku mencintaimu dan kau tidak mencintai, Tidak bukan begitu, aku membantahnya. Mengapa kau tidak mau mengakuinya? Kau takut dan khawatir aku akan benci hati karena itu? kau tidak perlu takut. Aku sudah lama mengetahuinya. (Dini, 1998 : 76)
5.1 Conclusion Based on the data collected can be author conclude that the novel is a form of prose fiction in which a report various problem. In the author life highlighted by the theme and characterization that vary according to the life of the author response displayed by his imagination. Based on research by the author as well as the evidence and data that the author obtained, can the authors know that the novel "Hati yang Damai" by NH Dini has: 1. Characterization Character in the novel "Hati yang Damai" by N.H. Dini has a main character that Dati. These figures have an important role in the story and other characters that support the main character is Wija, Nardi, Sidik, Mas Jat, and Asti. 2. Theme The theme in the novel "Hati yang Damai" by NH Dini is on the question of a love triangle, both his love and also to Sidik and Wija. But Dati chose to marry because her prioritizes Wija peace of mind and had to leave his beloved Sidik.
5.2 Suggestions After the author describes the results of the analysis of the novel "Hati yang Damai" her proposed conclusions, the author put forward some suggestions: 1. Given the novel is more cheesy and whiny demand by the public, it is necessary and it is time to create a critique of the media or popular pulp novel. 2. That it was time an author should not be imaginary but can be a scientist of the meaning of the stories he imagined must be based on the property owned by an author, so that the pulp novel or popular does not become a cheap novel 3. Novel "Hati yang Damai" by N.H. Dini has a clear story, very communicative language is expected to bring substantial benefits to us all lovers of literature in general and can also increase creativity among educators in particular on the achievement.
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Dati adalah istri dari seorang penerbang yang bernama Wija. Besuamikan seorang penerbang memiliki pengalaman batin tersendiri bagi Dati karena suaminya selalu berdampingan dengan maut, dan bagaimana ia ingin menyelamatkan suamiya dari tangan maut dengan cinta. Tapi ia sadar tidak mungkin bisa menyelamatkan suaminya, ia hanya bisa berdo’a dan berharap kalau suminya akan kembali dengan selamat. Sebab ia menikah dengan Wija hanya rasa wajib jadi seorang istri. Tapi Dati masih menyimpan cinta yang lain ia berselingkuh dengan mantan pacarnya sewaktu main musik di kota yang bernama Sidik ia juga dekat dangan Nardi tapi Dati memutuskan cinta segitiga ini dengan menikahi Wija sosok lelaki yang ia anggap sebagai suami yang cocok buat dia. Perkenalan Dati dengan Wija diawali ketika ada suatu pameran model pesawat yang diadakan oleh pandu-pandu udara. Bersama rombongan
kesempatan-kesempatan seperti itu. Dati tidak pernah mengetahui siapa namanya sampai beberapa minggu kemudian. Setelah sekian lama tak bertemu siang itu Dati baru pulang dari kerja ia belum sempat makan ketika ia mendengar ada seseorang yang memanggil namanya didepan pintu lalu Dati membuka pintu teryata Wija ada di sana yang baru pulang dari Bali. Wija mengungkapan apa yang ada dalam hatinya dan ia melamar Dati dan akhirnya mereka menikah setelah dua bulan wija lulus dari pendidikan. Mereka mendiami asrama bersana kawan-kawan yang lain. Diantara mereka ada yang sudah berkeluarga ada juga yang masih bujang.aku semula masih terkejut dan merasa asing
dengan kehidupan barunya bertetangga banyak orang. Wija tiba-tiba mencium Dati di depan teman-temannya matanya memandang ku dengan penuh rasa cinta. Selang beberapa tahun mereka mempunyai dua anak Atni dan Anto.
Asti adalah istri dari
kakak dati yang biasa dipanggil dengan Mas Jat karena sama-sama sibuknya dan asti sering ditinggal Mas Jat keluar kota akhirnya asti juga memiliki cinta yang lain ia sering jalan dengan pejabat-pejabat tinggi dan salah satunya adalah sidik. Setelah beberapa bulan menikah ayah Wija meninggal. Pada saat pemakaman ada seorang perempuan cantik tiba-tiba muncul mendekati suamiku dengan tersenyum. Aku heran siapa dia? Teryata perempuan itu adalah ibu Wija yang meninggalkannya sewaktu masih kecil demi meneruskan usaha ayahnya di sumatra. Semenjak itulah kebahagiaan mereka lenyap ibunya pindah ke Sumatra dan hidup di sana tanpa menerima surat cerai dari suaminya. Ayah wija kembali ke Denpasar. Dan wija tumbuh dengan segala cintanya terhadap ayahnya. Dia baru mengetahui semua itu ketika ia menengok ayahnya yang sedang sakit keras, kemudian beberapa hari lagi datang kepadaku. Sebenarnya wija tidak ingin menceritakan semuanya karena ia tidak ingin mengulangi kesedihan dan tidak mau dikasihani. Aku kembali ke Jakarta beberapa hari kemudian. Ada hal-hal yang kudengar. Pendaratan pasukan Pemerintah Pusat sudah dilakukan di Padang. Aku bertannya-tanya dimana suamiku sekarang. Beberapa orang mengatakan, bahwa sebagian regu dipindahkan berpangkalan di Palembang, sebagian lagi masih di Medan. Sesudah sebulan ditinggal Wija, akhirnya aku agak tenang. Keluar berbelanja kekota dengan Sus dan kawan-kawan suamiku dan anak-anakku. Kadang-kadang ke bioskop dengan Sidik dan Atni jika ada film anak-anak. Sidik tampak terkejut ketika mendengar tentang kematian Asti. Ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi, ia sedang kongres di Surabaya.
Aku tak tau apa yang dipikirkannya. Dia hanya berkata,”Jadi, beginilah akhir kehidupannya. Perempuan yang malang” suaranya perlahan. Seperti diucapkannya di panggung sandiwara, perlahan dan terang untuk mencapai telinga penonton. Sore itu aku sudah gelisah menunggunya. Anakku tak sabar lagi berangkat. Aku sudah berjanji membawanya ke bioskop bersama sidik. Ketika lonceng penjagaan berdentang tujuh kali, aku sudah berputus asa. Dan aku berbuat berbagai cerita untuk menenangkan Atni. Lalu kami seperti biasa berkumpul di ruang tamu dan mendengarkan radio. Aku menyelesaikan beberapa sulaman baju anakku. Kudengar ada jib berhenti didepan rumah. Tapi aku tidak berdiri dari kesibukanku. Aku kira salah satu dari kawan-kawan suamiku yang ada di kompleks asrama utara. Biasanya mereka datang beramai-ramai untuk membawa anak-anakku keliling lapangan, atau kemudian duduk di teras bermain kartu atau gitar. Ternyata yang datang adalah Nardi aku terdiam memandangnya dia berdiri di depanku dengan senyum amat menyenangkan. Tangannya diulurkan kepadaku. Darahku disirap memanasi muka. Tapi aku segera menyambut tangannya. Dia menggenggam tanganku dalam kedua tangannya
sambil masih
tersenyum memandangiku. Aku, setelah agak bisa menguasai perasaanku, kemudian membalas senyumnya. Wajahnya adalah wajah yang tenang, yang memberi kepercayaan bagi kedamaian. Ia memadang kedua anakku yang duduk diarah radio bersama pengasuhnya. “Kita akhirnya bertemu lagi disini”, dia menyambung. Lalu dia bercerita. Dia kini menjadi dokter di Angkatan Laut. Dia bertemu suamiku dalam rapat perwira. Dia melihat fotoku dan anak-anakku. Lalu berjanji akan datang kerumah. Aku mengikuti ceritanya dengan kediamanku. Kupandangi wajahnya, aku merasa ada kesamaan orang ini dengan suamiku. Kemudian aku menemukannya: ketenangan dan
kedewasaan yang menyeluruh wajah keduannya. Pengucapannya sangat mengelakkan ketika pandangannya bertemu dengan mataku. Suamiku menitipkan sebuah surat yang berisikan bahwa beberapa hari lagi ia akan pulang. Dia juga berkata jika banyak regunya yang pindah ketimur, berpangkalan di Ambon. Pada akhir suratnya itu dia berkata
semangat,”katanya. “Dia mengatakan bahwa kau kenal dia. Sebab itulah surat ini aku berikan kepadanya. Kalau kau memerlukan apa-apa, minta sajalah kepadanya”. Tepat seperti dulu Nardi datang dengan surat atau titipan dari sidik. Nardi yang dulu selalu kaku pandangannya yang seolah-olah akan canggung menghadapi kehidupan masyarakat didepannya, kini ia datang dengan membawa surat dari suamiku. Sikapnya riang dan mengerti seperti Wija. Wajahnya cerah seperti suatu keteduhan pohon yang rindang tempat orang melepas lelah. Kemudian malam itu kami rayakan dengan berkeliling kota bersama anakku Atni. Dan Atni bercerita kalau dia sebetulnya akan pergi kebioskop denganbibi dan paman Sidik. “Jadi, dia masih disini. Dan kau masih mencintainya” dia berkata tanpa menatapku. Matanya memandang kealam yang suram. Langit diramaikan oleh titik bintang yang banyak jumlahnya. Aku menjadi dewasa oleh waktu dan lingkunganku, Dati. Kau tak perlu takut padaku. Aku dulu pernah mengguncangkan kepercayaanmu aku minta maaf, aku tidak malu sekarang meminta maaf. Tapi aku rasa memang lebih baik begitu. Kau kini menjadi istri Wija. Dia orang baik, kau tidak patut mengkhianatinnya. suaranya lembut sungguh-sungguh membujuk. Sore itu aku sendirian dirumah. Kepala agak pusing. Anak-anakku dibawa Sus dan Medi ke kompleks Utara, ketempat kawan-kawan lainnya. Sidik datang membawa karcis film yang mau dilihat malam itu tapi aku menolak untuk pergi. Teryata Sidik mengantarkan istrinya ke dokter makanya dia tak datang.
Malam itu aku tak bisa tidur suara pesawat yang mendarat dan berangkat dengan tiba-tiba, suara jib dan mobil mondar-mandir. Aku berpikir pasti terjadi sesuatu, tiba-tiba jib berhenti di depan rumah ternyata Harja yang berpakaian lengkap dinas jaga malam. Tangannya yang panjang merangkul bahuku sambil berkata membujuk “Tidurlah. Mereka akan segera selesai.” Apa yang sedang terjadi? Pesawat Kapten Suwandi hiang. Hatiku seperti ditusuk sesuatau. Kami berpandangan dengan kaku. Kepalaku kutundukkan, aku merasa pusing dan menarik nafas panjang. Aku merasa lantai rumahku bergoyang. Dan aku berpegang ke lengan Harja. Aku pergi kedokter seorang diri setelah selesai kulihat dia tersenyum.” Baru dua bulan” rasanya aneh suamiku memang menginginkan memiliki tiga orang anak sekarang terwujud. Malam itu aku keluar dan duduk dikursi panjang. Aku memandang kesemua tempat dengan pikiran ang kosong. Tiba-tiba tedengar suara seseorang berkata “kau sudah sembuh” teryata itu sidik. Sayup dan beningnya suara itu menyelinap hatiku. Dan akhirnya aku tenggelam dalam lorong hitam. Aku adalah istri terkutuk yang mengingkari kesetiaan dan kecintaan suamiku. Sudah empat hari aku menunggu kabar suamiku mereka masih mencari keberadaan pesawat yang jatuh. Asrama kosong yang ada hanya perempuan, anak-anak dan para penjaga. Ada sebuah mobil datang aku sudah tau itu siapa. Kemudian mendekatiku tapi aku membuang muka dan menghindari bibirnya. Tiba-tiba aku muak ingin muntah, aku jijik melihatnya. Aku benci. Perasaan yang tak pernah timbul kini mencuat dari dalam hatiku. Tapi dia memegang tanganku kuat-kuat, aku harus lepas! Aku mau melepaskan diriku. Kulihat Nardi berdiri didepan pintu, kemudian seorang lagi Wija. Aku terpaku. Aku melihat ia tegap, utuh. Tangannya diikat keleher oleh selembar kain putih, beberapa luka kecil dimukanya. Seketika aku ingin lari kepadanya dan memeluknya tapi tanganku masih
dipegang oleh Sidik. Aku memandang Nardi matanya meneriakan kebencian yang tak terhingga kearah Sidik. Disinilah mereka kini ketiga-tiganya, dengan masing-masing kepribadian yang berbeda saling berusaha memiliki aku, istri yang tak setia. “ Aku tau kau masih mencintainya. Tapi aku juga tau bahwa mencintai itu memang mudah. Untuk saling mengerti itu sukar.” Aku berjanji Dati kalau aku akan kembali, kini aku kembali. Kepada siapa lagi aku datang hanya kau dan anak-anakmu yang kumiliki. Kami berpandangan, pertannyannya sangat menyedihkan hatiku. Kututupkan jari-jari tanganku kebibirnya, dan kupeluk dia. Kurapatkan kepalaku kedadanya dengan terisak. Sebuah kekuatan yang sejuk mengaliri perasaanku. Kemudian aku menyadari kedamaian dan ketenagan yang dibawanya kepadaku. Aku mencintainya. Dan aku mencium jari-jari tangannya yang luka, yang tidak masuk dalam balutan.
Biography Nh. Dini Author profile Born in Semarang, Indonesia February 29, 1936 Gender : female Genre :Historical Fiction, Romance About this author Nh. Dini (Nurhayati Sri Hardini Siti Nukatin) started writing since 1951. In 1953, her short stories can be found in most of national magazines like Kisah, Mimbar Indonesia, and Siasat. She also writes poems, radio play, and novel. Bibliography: * Padang Ilalang di Belakang Rumah * Dari Parangakik ke Kampuchea * Sebuah Lorong di Kotaku * Jepun Negerinya Hiroko * Langit dan Bumi Sahabat Kami * Namaku Hiroko * Tirai Menurun * Pertemuan Dua Hati * Sekayu * Pada Sebuah Kapal * Kemayoran * Keberangkatan * Kuncup Berseri * Dari Fontenay Ke Magallianes * La Grande Borne