THESIS Presented to State Islamic of Tulungagung in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Education
By Ferya Dinata Rahmat Tulah Nim.3213113074
This is to certify that the Sarjana thesis of Ferya Dinata Rahmat Tulah has been a pproved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the Board Examiners.
Tulungagung, 09 July 2015 Advisor,
Dr. Sukarsono, M.Pd NIP. 19710514 200501 1 002
This is to verify that the Sarjana thesis of Ferya Dinata Rahmat Tulah has been ap proved by the Board of Examiners as the requirements for the degree of Sarjana P endidikan Islam in English Education Board of Thesis Examiners Chair,
Dr. Susanto, M.Pd
Arina Shofiya, M.Pd
NIP. 197308311999031002
NIP. 197705232003122002 Main Examiner,
Muh. Basuni, M.Pd NIP. 19783122003121001
Tulungagung, 06 August 2015 Approved by, Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Education IAIN Tulungagung
Dr. H. ABD. AZIZ, M.Pd.I NIP.19720601 200003 1 002
“Everything Depend on Our Belief and Effort”
This thesis especially dedicated to: 1. My parents, Mr. Afid Abdulah and Mrs. Sulikah, You are both special in every way, Encouraging me more and more each passing day. You are the reason why I am so strong. You’ve made things better in every situation. Thank you both for always being there and showing me that you truly care. 2. Thank you for my lectures, especially Dr. Sukarsono, M.Pd as advisor. 3. Thank you very much for my deer, Dwi Terry Fahmiyati who always keeps support and becomes the reason for my passion. 4. To all friends, especially TBI 8-C who always support me to finish this research.
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, Herewith, I: Name NIM Faculty Program Date of Birth Address
: Ferya Dinata Rahmat Tulah : 3213113074 : Education and Teacher Training : English Education Program (TBI) : Tulungagung, : RT/RW 5/1 Dsn. Pelem, Ds. Serut, Kec. Boyolangu, Kab. Tulungagung
Declare that: 1. This thesis has never been submitted to any other tertiary education institution for any other academic degree. 2. This thesis is the sole work of the candidate of and has not been written in collaboration with any other person, nor does it include, without due acknowledgement, this work of any person. 3. If a later time it is found that this thesis is a product of plagiarism, I am willing to accept any legal consequences that may be imposed to me.
Tulungagung, 09 July 2015
Ferya Dinata Rahmat Tulah
ABSTRACT Tulah, Ferya Dinata Rahmat. Student Registered Number. 3213113074. 2015, Deixis Used in SpongeBob Movie Series. Sarjana Thesis. English Education Department. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung, Advisor: Dr. Sukarsono, M.Pd Keyword: Deixis, SpongeBob Movie Script Every information uttered by speakers’ refers to different things. The meaning can point person, place, and time. Actually, understanding meaning of the speakers is difficult. Thus, the speaker should understand the context of conversation. Deixis is a part of discourse analysis, which concerns to the context of utterance and referring to who is speaking, the time or place of speaking, the gesture of the speaker or the current location of the discourse. According to, The most viewed cartoon that is watched by children occurs in SpongeBob movie. SpongeBob Square Pants is an American animated television series. Created by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg, it is broadcast on Nickelodeon, an American cable network. This study was intended to investigate deixis based on the formulation of the research problems as follows: (1) what are the types of deixis found in SpongeBob movie script? (2) How is the frequency of each deixis in SpongeBob movie script? The purpose of this study was to: (1) found out deixis types and (2) frequency of each deixis in SpongeBob movie script. Research method: 1) the research was conducted by using a quantitative descriptive while the data taken from the print media (SpongeBob movie season script). And the data analysis was done by using the theory of pragmatics, especially deixis from Levinson theory. The research finding showed that: (1) there are five kinds of deixis, namely person deixis (first person, second person, and third person), place deixis (proximal and distal), time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. Person deixis was the most fragment found in the SpongeBob movie season. Person deixis concerns the grammatical categories of person such as; me, you, them, us, and so on. The center of Place deixis is the place that the speech event occurs (here and there). Time deixis is the word used to point certain period of time in the speech event (yesterday, tomorrow, now). Moreover, discourse deixis or text is the expression of the referent is not shown in the sentence, but the referent is attached to the last, next or the current position of the discourse. The last, social deixis used in social absolute relation when an utterance is produced the speaker to addressee. (2) The frequency of occurrence of types of deixis as follows: the person deixis is the one which reached a greater level than another, means it was used by 156 times or (71.89%). The detail of person deixis is in first person used 75 times or (34.56%), the second person used 62 times or (28.57%) and third person used 19 times or (8.75%). The next is discourse deixis usage 29 times or (13.36%). The vii
following, place deixis used 22 times or (10.14%) and time deixis used 9 times or (4.02%). The last, social deixis used 1 times or (0.46%). It is recommended to the next researcher. Study deixis is important to improve student writing skill because deixis helps the writer and the reader understanding the production and interpretation utterance. So the researcher suggests to the next researcher will discuss about the kinds of deixis and the nature of the references in different fields, such as referent anaphora and kataphora in deixis. Referent anaphora and kataphora are important. It helps in understanding the meaning of an utterance of something.
ABSTRACT Tulah, Ferya Dinata Rahmat. Nomer Induk Mahasiswa. 3213113074. 2015, An Analysis of Deixis found in SpongeBob Movie script. Skripsi. Tadris Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung, Pembimbing: Dr. Sukarsono, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Deixis, Filem SpongeBob Setiap informasi yang diucapkan oleh para pembicara mengacu pada hal yang berbeda. Setiap kata mempunyai arti untuk menunjuk seseorang, tempat atau waktu. Sebenarnya, ketika pembicara memahami makna dari penutur memang sangat sulit apalagi kalau tidak mengetahui konteks percakapanya. Dalam hal ini Deixis menjelaskan tentang bagian wacana analisis, yang melibatkan konteks ucapan, mengacu pada siapa yang berbicara, waktu atau tempatberbicara, sikap pembicara atau lokasi wacana. Menurut, kartun paling banyak ditonton oleh anak-anak adalah film SpongeBob. SpongeBob Square pants adalah serial televisi animasi Amerika Serikat. Dibuat oleh ahli biologi kelautan dan animator Stephen Hillenburg, serial ini di tayangkan di Nickelodeon, jaringan kabel Amerika. Penelitian ini menyelidiki deixis pada perumusan masalah penelitian sebagaimana berikut (1) apa saja jenis deixis yang ditemukan di filem SpongeBob? (2) bagaimana frekuensi setiap deixis yang muncul dalam film SpongeBob? Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk: (1) mengetahui jenis deixis ditemukan di dalam filem SpongeBob dan (2) frekuensi deixis yang muncul di masingmasing filem SpongeBob. Metode penelitian: 1) penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan design deskriptif kuantitatif. Sementara, data diambil dari media cetak (text episode SpongeBob) dan analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Pragmatika, berdasarkan teori deixis dari Levinson. Dalam filem spongebob, peneliti menemukan ada (1) lima jenis deixis, yaitu deixis orang (orang pertama, kedua orang, dan orang ketiga), deixis tempat (proksimal dan distal), deixis waktu, deixis wacana, dan deixis sosial. Dalam penelitian ini fragmen yang paling banyak ditemukan di episode film SpongeBob adalah deixis orang. Deixis orang berhubungan langsung dalam kategori tata bahasa orang (saya, Anda, mereka, kami, dan sebagainya). Deixis tempat adalah tempat dimana percakapan sedang terjadi (di sini dan di sana). Deixis waktu adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjuk jangka waktu tertentu dalam acara tertentu (kemarin, besok, sekarang). Selain itu, deixis wacana atau teks adalah ekspresi rujukan tidak ditampilkan dalam kalimat, tapi rujukan kadang melekat di akhir, berikutnya atau posisi saat ini. Yang terakhir adalah deixis social, deixis ini digunakan dalam hubugan social, ketika ucapan diproduksi penutur terhadap penerima. (2) Persentase deixis digunakan dalam musim film SpongeBob adalah: deixis orang merupakan salah satu yang mencapai tingkat yang lebih besar daripada deixis lain yaitu 156 kali atau (71.89%). Detail dari orang deixis adalah ix
orang pertama, digunakan 75 kali atau (34,56%), orang kedua yang digunakan 62 kali atau (28.57%) dan orang ketiga digunakan 19 kali atau (8,75%). Berikutnya adalah wacana deixis pengunaannya 29 kali atau (13.36%). Berikut, deixis tempat digunakan 22 kali atau (10.14%) dan deixis waktu digunakan 9 kali atau (4,02%). Terakhir, deixis sosial digunakan 1 kali atau (0,46%). Dianjurkan untuk peneliti berikutnya. Karena deixis sangat penting, terutama dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis peserta didik maka disarankan berikutnya peneliti akan membahas tentang jenis-jenis deixis dan sifat referensi dalam berbagai bidang untuk kaya temuan. Seperti rujukan anaphora dan kataphora di deixis. Hal ini penting untuk membantu dalam memahami arti dari ucapan yang membutuhkan pemahaman lebih luas.
In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of univers e and space. Thanks to Allah because the writer could complete this graduating paper as one of requirement to finished study in English Department faculty of States for Institute Islamic Studies. The writer would like to express her genuine gratitude to: 1. Dr. Maftukhin M.Ag as the rector of IAIN Tulungagung, who has given the permission to me to write this thesis as requirement for the degree Sarjana Pendidikan Islma in English education program 2. Dr. H. Abd. Aziz, M.Pd.I., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Tulungagung for his permission to write this thesis. 3. Arina Shofiya, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department who has given me some insight so the writer can accomplish this thesis. 4. Dr. Sukarsono, M.Pd., the writer’s thesis advisor, for his invaluable guidance, suggestion, and feedback during the completion of this thesis. 5. TBI C class of 2011/2012 academic year at IAIN Tulungagung who has given everything and accompanied the writer in undergoing the study. The writer hope this Thesis useful for everyone.
The Writter xi
July 2015
Table of Content
Cover ..................................................................................................................... i Advisor Aproval Sheet .......................................................................................... ii Broad of Examiners’ Aproval Sheet ..................................................................... iii Motto ..................................................................................................................... iv Dedication ............................................................................................................. v Declaration of Authorship ..................................................................................... vi Abstract ................................................................................................................. vii Acknowledgement................................................................................................. xi Table of Content ...................................................................................................xiii List of Appendices ................................................................................................ xv List of Table .........................................................................................................xvi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Research .................................................................... 1 B. Formulation of The Research Problem ..................................................... 4 C. Purpose of The Study ................................................................................ 4 D. Significance of Study ................................................................................ 4 E. The Scope and Limitation ......................................................................... 5 F. Definition of Key Terms............................................................................ 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theory ........................................................................ 7 A. Pragmatics .......................................................................................... 7 B. Context ............................................................................................... 8 C. Deixis ................................................................................................. 10 xii
D. Types of Deixis................................................................................... 11 B. Previous Study .......................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER III RESEACH METHOD A. Research Design ........................................................................................ 20 B. Population and Sample.............................................................................. 21 C. Research Instrument and Data Collection Technique ............................... 22 D. Data Analysis............................................................................................. 22 CHAPTER IV A. FINDINGS ................................................................................................ 25 B. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 61 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION & SUGGESTION A. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 65 B. SUGGESTION .......................................................................................... 66 REFERENCE ...................................................................................................... 68 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 70
Appendix 1
: Script for SpongeBob Movie Season.
Appendix 2
: Guidance Analysis for Types Deixis in SpongeBob Movie Script.
Appendix 3
: Types of Deixis Found in the SpongeBob Movie Script.
Appendix 4
: Counselor card (kartu bimbingan).
Appendix 5
: Surat Keterangan Selesai Bimbingan Skripsi
Appendix 6
: Curriculum Vitae of researcher.
Types of Person Deixis
Frequency of Occurrence of Types of Deixis
Pie-Charts of Conclusion