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Vol. 5 (2012) General Articles Ébli, Gábor. “Will Hungarian Private Collectors Turn International? Private Engagement in Contemporary Art in East Central Europe.” Halász, Dorotthya. “Propaganda Versus Genocide: The United States War Refugee Board and the Hungarian Holocaust.” Levine, Zachary Paul. “Concealed in the Open: Recipients of International Clandestine Jewish Aid in Early 1950s Hungary.” Maxwell, Alexander. “Tobacco as Cultural Signifier: A Cultural History of Masculinity and Nationality in Habsburg Hungary.” Michels, Georg B. “Ready to Secede to the Ottoman Empire: Habsburg Hungary after the Vasvár Peace Treaty (1664-1674).” Szapor, Judith. “Disputed Past: The Friendship and Competing Memories of Anna Lesznai and Emma Ritoók.” Thorstensen, Eric. “The Places of Memory in a Square of Monuments: Conceptions of Past, Freedom and History at Szabadság Tér.” Tóth, Zsuzsanna. “The Hungarian Peculiarities of National Remembrance: Historical Figures with Symbolic Importance in Nineteenth-century Hungarian History Paintings.”
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Reviews Basa, Enikő Molnár. Zrinyi, Miklós. The Siege of Sziget. Translated by László Kőrössy, with an introduction by George Gömöri., Washington, DC.: Catholic University of America Press, 2011. Pp. 267. Biro, Ruth. Schult, Tanja, A Hero’s Many Faces: Raoul Wallenberg in Contemporary Monuments. The Holocaust and Its Context Series. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Pp. 425. Notes, Illustrations, Bibliography, Index. Bock, Julia. Csapody, Tamás. Bori Munkaszolgálatosok: Fejezetek a Bori Munkaszolgálat Történetéből. [The Forced Laborers of Bor: Chapters from the History of the Forced Laborers of Bor]. Budapest, Vince Kiadó, 2011. Pp 647, illus. Dreisziger, Nándor. Péter Király. A honalapítás vitás eseményei: A kalandozások és a honfoglalás éve [The Disputed Events of the Establishment of a Homeland: The Marauding Expeditions and the Year of the Conquest]. Nyíregyáza: Nyíregyházi Főiskola, 2006. Pp. 259. Maps and illustrations. András Zoltán, ed. Király Péter „A honalapítás vitás eseményei” fogadtatása: Állásfoglalások, vélemények és további többirányú kutatások [The Reception of Péter Király’s “The Disputed events of the Establishment of a Homeland:” Reactions, Opinions and Further Multidirectional Research]. Nyíregyháza: Nyíregyházi Főiskola, 2010. Pp. 120. Illustrations. Felkay, Andrew. Sakmyster, Thomas. Red Conspirator: J. Peters and the American Communist Underground. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011. Pp. XIII, 245. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Photographs. Forgács, Éva. Piotrowski, Piotr. In the Shadow of Yalta: Art and the Avant-Garde in Eastern Europe 1945-1989. Translated by Anna Brzyski. London: Reaktion Books Ltd., 2009. Pp. 498, 233 halftones. McDonald, Agnes. Kisantal, Tamás and Anna Menyhért, eds. Művészet és hatalom: a Kádár-korszak művészete [Art and Power: Art During the Kádár-Epoch]. Budapest: L’Harmattan Kiadó, 2005. Pp. 190. Menyhért, Anna. Séllei, Nóra. “Miért félünk a farkastól”: feminista irodalomszemlélet itt és most [Why Are We Afraid of (Virginia) Wolf? Feminist Literary Views Here and Now]. Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2007. Pp. 280. Sághy, Mariann. Barraud, Clement William,S.J. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Historical Drama in Five Acts (1892). Rockville, MD.: Wildside Press, 2010. Pp. 196. Szele, Bálint. Schandl, Veronika. Socialist Shakespeare Productions in Kádár-regime Hungary. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 239.
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Szilágyi-Gál, Mihály. Csepeli, György, István Murányi, Gergő Prazsák. Új tekintélyelvűség a mai Magyarországon [New Authoritarianism in Hungary]. Budapest: Apeiron, 2011. Pp. 248. Tóth, Zsuzsanna. Gál, Vilmos. Hungary at the World Fairs: 1851-2010. Translated by Richard Robinson. Budapest: Holnap Kiadó, 2010. Pp. 288, illus. Vari, Alexander. Lisiak, Agata Anna. Urban Cultures in (Post)Colonial Central Europe. Comparative Cultural Studies Series. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2010. Pp. 232, illus.
Cluster Articles: Hungarian Borders, [Im]migrations, Diasporas Basa, Enikő Molnár. “Multicultural Societies: Kálmán Mikszáth, Pál Závada and Péter Huncik.” Cox, John. “Danilo Kiš and the Hungarian Holocaust: The Early Novel Psalm 44.” Csernicskó, István & Fenyvesi, Anna. “Sociolinguistic and Contact-induced Variation in Hungarian Language Use in Subcarpathia, Ukraine.” Farkas, Tamás. “Jewish Name Magyarization in Hungary.” Huseby-Darvas, Éva V. “Extra Hungariam Non Est Vita? The Relationships between Hungarian Immigrants and Their Homeland.” Huseby-Darvas, Éva V. “’Should We Leave or Stay?’ Notes on Recent Hungarian Outmigration.” Misad, Katalin. “The Characteristics of Hungarian Women’s Names in Slovakia.” Nagy, Dorottya. “Displaying Diaspora: Chinese Christian Presence in Hungary after 1989.” Némethy, Judith Kesserű. “Exiled Hungarians in Argentina 1948-1968: The Formation of a Community.” Pastor, Peter. “Review Article: Inventing Historical Myths—Deborah S. Cornelius. Hungary in World War II. Caught in the Cauldron. New York: Fordham University Press, 2011.” Portuges, Catherine. “Hollywood on the Danube: Hungarian Filmmakers in a Transnational Context.”
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Rosen, Ilana. “Tripping over the Dead: Hungarian-Israeli Holocaust Survivor Women's Narratives of Immigration, Restoration, and Remembrance.” Tóth, Gergely. “Bilingual Experience in the Hungarian and German Immigrant Communities of the San Francisco Bay Area.” Ujvári, Hedvig. “Issues of Assimilation, Language and Identity in the Lives of Young Max Nordau and Tivadar Herzl.”
Bibliographies Farkas, Tamás. “A Selected and Annotated Bibliography for the Research of Official Surname Changes in Hungary.” Vasvári, Louise O. “English-Language Bibliography of Interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2011-2012.”
Cluster Reviews Glanz, Susan. Kopacsi-Gelberger, Judit. Heroes Don't Cry. [n.p.]: BookSurge Publishing, 2009. Pp. 356, appendix, photos. Held, Michal. Rosen, Ilana. Soul of Saul: The Life, Narrative, and Proverbs of a Transylvanian-Israeli Grandfather. Burlington: University of Vermont, 2011. Pp. 158. Horváth, Györgyi. Kovács, Kati. 1994. Vihreä rapsodia [Pepper Rhapsody]. Helsinki: Arktinen Banaani. (Hungarian edition: Paprikás rapszódia. Translated by Hajnal Király. Budapest: Nyitott Könyvműhely. 2009.) Chocas, Viviane. 2006. Bazar Magyar [Hungarian Bazaar]. Paris : Héloise d'Ormesson. (Hungarian edition: Magyar bazár. Translated by Zsolt Pacskovszky. Budapest: Palatinus. 2007. Scholten, Jaap. 2008. Berichten uit de voormalige Dubbelmonarchie [Messages From the Former Dual Monarchy]. Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Contact. (Hungarian edition: Jó itt nekem?! Translated by Tibor Bérczes. Budapest: Gondolat. 2009.) Dent, Bob. 2008. Inside Hungary From Outside. Budapest: Európa. (Hungarian edition: Magyarország kívülről-belülről. Translated by M. Miklós Nagy.Budapest: Európa, 2008.) Huseby-Darvas, Éva V. Kocsis, Aranka. Magyar Faluk és Magyar Falusiak a Szlovák Fôvárosban. Városiasodás és Etnicitás a 20. Század Pozsony Szélén. [Hungarian Villages and Hungarian Villagers in the Slovakian Capital. Urbanization and Ethnicity on the Periphery of the Twentieth-Century Pozsony [Bratislava]]. Pozsony: Kalligram Kiadó, 2011. Pp.133.
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Iván, Emese. Adam, Christopher, Tibor Egervari, Leslie Laczko, Judy Young, Eds. The 1956 Hungarian Revolution – Hungarian & Canadian Perspectives, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2010. Pp. 296. Nyirádi, Kenneth. Vida, István Kornél. Hungarian Emigres in the American Civil War: A History and Biographical Dictionary. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. Pp. 256. Orosz, József. Várnai, Pál. Élet/eim [My Life/Lives]. Budapest: Zachor Publishing, 2011. Pp. 217. Sherwood, Peter. Rounds, Carol H. and Erika Sólyom, Colloquial Hungarian. The Complete Course for Beginners. London and New York: Routledge. 2011. xvii+370 pp. CDs/MP3s available. Sherwood, Peter. Sándor, Klára. Nyelvrokonság és hunhagyomány. Rénszarvas vagy csodaszarvas? Nyelvtörténet és művelődéstörténet. [Linguistic Kinship and the Hun Tradition. Reindeer or Miracle Stag? The History of Language and the History of Culture]. Budapest: Typotex. 2011. Pp. 467. Slíz, Mariann. Karády, Viktor – Kozma, István. Név és nemzet. Családnév-változtatás, névpolitika és nemzetiségi erőviszonyok Magyarországon a feudalizmustól a kommunizmusig. [Name and Nation. Family Name Changes, Name Policy and Ethnic Minority Balance of Forces in Hungary from the Feudalistic Ages to the Socialistic Era] Budapest: Osiris Kiadó, 2002. Pp. 378; Farkas, Tamás. Családnév-változtatás Magyarországon. [Family Name Changes in Hungary] Nyelvtudományi Értekezések 159. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2009. Pp. 116; Farkas, Tamás – Kozma, István, eds. A családnév-változtatások történetei időben, térben, társadalomban. [The Histories of Family Name Changes in Time, Space and Society] Budapest: Gondolat – Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, 2009. Pp. 412. Szapor, Judith. Nye, Mary Jo. Michael Polanyi and His Generation; Origins of the Social Construction of Science. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Pp 405. Szűcs, Teri. Cooper, Thomas. The Holocaust as Culture. A Conversation with Imre Kertész. Seagull Books: Calcutta. 2011. Pp. 78. Varga, Balint. Bárdi, Nándor, Csilla Fedinec, László Szarka, eds. Minority Hungarian Communities in the Twentieth Century. Translated by Brian McLean. Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 2011. Pp. 859. Varga, Zsuzsanna. Schwarz, Agatha, Ed. Gender and Modernity in Central Europe : the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and its Legacy. University of Ottawa Press, 2012. Pp. 344 & ePub ebook. Waters, Leslie. Waterbury, Myra A. Between State and Nation: Diaspora Politics and Kin-State Nationalism in Hungary. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Pp 221.