Kerusakan perkerasan jalan pada umumnya disebabkan oleh sistem drainase yang kurang baik, volume beban lalu lintas, air, iklim, kondisi tanah dasar yang tidak stabil, material konstruksi perkerasan jalan, sistem pengolahan bahan yang kurang baik, dan kurang baiknya proses pemadatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk untuk mempelajari faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya kerusakan yang terjadi di jalan Kaliurang dari Km 10 hingga Km 12,5. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara: pengujian material lapis wearing course di laboratorium yang diambil dari lapangan dengan core drill sebanyak empat titik kerusakan pada masing-masing dua titik lajur kiri dan dua titik pada lajur kanan kanan. Pengumpulan data sekunder yang berupa job mix formula (JMF) yang didapatkan dari Bina Marga propinsi Yogyakarta serta teori-teori lain yang berasal dari buku-buku dan internet yang menyangkut tentang kerusakan jalan. Pengujian material yang dilakukan di laboratorium jalan raya adalah: uji kadar aspal, uji kepadatan beton aspal, analisis saringan, uji penetrasi aspal, dan titik lembek. Data hasil pengujian kemudian dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan terhadap standar yaitu job mix formula dan pedoman Bina Marga dan merujuk teori untuk melihat faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab kerusakan untuk masingmasing kerusakan antara lain: -.Retak memanjang (longitudinal crack) disebabkan karena kadar aspal mengalami kenaikan sehingga melebihi dari kadar aspal optimum menurut JMF, agregat mengalami degradasi serta aspal sudah sangat getas dan tidak memenuhi persyaratan lagi. -.Retak susut (shrinkage crack) disebabkan karena kadar aspal mengalami penurunan dar kadar aspal optimum menurut JMF, agregat mengalami degradasi dan aspal sudah sangat getas. -.Retak pinggir (edge crack) disebabkan karena kadar aspal mengalami kenaikan dari kadar aspal optimum menurut JMF, agregat mengalami degradasi serta aspal sudah sangat getas dan tidak memenuhi persyaratan lagi -.Retak kulit buaya (alligator crack) disebabkan karena kadar aspal mengalami kenaikan sehingga melebihi kadar aspal optimum menurut JMF, agregat sudah mengalami degradasi dan aspal sudah sangat getas.
Kata kunci: Kadar aspal, jenis kerusakan, dan JMF
Damage to paving roads is generally caused by poor drainage system either, the volume of traffic load, water, climate, soil conditions are not stable basis, street paving construction materials, material processing systems that are less good and less good compaction process. This research was conducted for studying the factors that cause the damage that occurred in the street Kaliurang from Km 10 to Km 12.5. This research was conducted by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data collection is done by: Wearing layers of material testing laboratory courses taken from the field. Secondary data collection in the form of job mix formula (JMF) is obtained from the Bina Marga provinces of Yogyakarta and other theories that come from the books and the Internet are concerned about damage to roads. Material testing conducted in the laboratory highway is: test the level of asphalt, asphalt concrete density tests, sieve analysis, penetration testing asphalt, and softening point. Data of test results and then analyzed by comparing the standard of job mix formula and guidelines refer Bina Marga and the theory to see the factors that cause damage. The results showed that the type of damage that occurs is cracked lengthwise (longitudinal cracks), crack shrinkage (shrinkage crack), the crack edge (edge crack), and alligator cracking (alligator crack). Of the type of damage, the factors that cause damage common are: increase in levels of asphalt, aggregate degraded, and the asphalt is very brittle and was not meeting the specifications. That causes damage to the crack length is the most dominant asphalt is very brittle and are not eligible anymore. To damage shrinkage cracks (shrinkage crack) due to decreased levels of asphalt because of the occurrence of oxidation on the surface of asphalt roads that become hard and dissolved by water. Damage to the edge crack is probably due to less prevalence of the process during execution penghamparan, the asphalt was very brittle and had no longer eligible, and for alligator cracking damage probably caused by increased traffic loads.
Keywords: asphalt content, type of damage, and JMF
Rroad pavement damage is generally caused by poor drainage system either, the volume of traffic load, water, climate, soil conditions are not stable basis, street paving construction materials, materials management systems that are less good and less good compaction process. This research conducted to study the factors that cause damage layer birthday which happened in 2007 Kaliurang road from km 10 to km 12.5. This research was conducted by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data collection is done by: CBR soil test done directly on the ground by using DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer), and re-layer material testing in the laboratory of samples taken from the field. Secondary data collection of traffic data on average daily, job mix formula obtained from bina marga Yogyakarta province. Material testing conducted in the laboratory highway is: test the level of asphalt, asphalt concrete density tests, sieve analysis, penetration testing asphalt, test daktilitas and softening point. Data of test results and then analyzed by comparing the standard of job mix formula and guidelines and refer bina theory clan to see the factors that cause damage. The results showed that the type of damage that occurs is cracked alligator (alligator cracks), the release of granules (raveling), shrinkage cracks (shrinkage crack), and stripping. Of the type of damage, the factors that cause damage common are: decreased levels of asphalt, aggregate degraded, and the asphalt is very brittle and was not meeting the specifications. That causes damage to the alligators, the most dominant crack is increasing traffic load. release granules for damage (raveling) due to decreased levels of asphalt because of the occurrence of oxidation on the surface of asphalt roads that become hard and dissolved by water. Damage caused by the possibility of shrinkage cracking of asphalt is very brittle and had no longer eligible, and for damage caused by the possibility of stripping the asphalt content increases from specifications due to less prevalence of JMF penghamparan process during implementation.
Keywords: Layer over, type of damage, and Job Mix Formula (JMF)
Rapid population growth over time lead to increased traffic volume increases resulting in an increase in the solid load and load repetitions on pavement. road pavement damage is generally caused by poor drainage system either, the volume of traffic load, water, climate, soil conditions are not stable basis, street paving construction materials, materials management systems that are less good and less good compaction process. This research conducted to study the factors that cause damage layer birthday which happened in 2007 Kaliurang road from km 10 to km 12.5. This research was conducted by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data collection is done by: CBR soil test done directly on the ground by using DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer), and re-layer material testing in the laboratory of samples taken from the field. Secondary data collection of traffic data on average daily, job mix formula obtained from bina marga Yogyakarta province. Material testing conducted in the laboratory highway is: test the level of asphalt, asphalt concrete density tests, sieve analysis, penetration testing asphalt, test daktilitas and softening point. Data of test results and then analyzed by comparing the standard of job mix formula and guidelines and refer bina theory clan to see the factors that cause damage. The results showed that the type of damage that occurs is cracked alligator (alligator cracks), the release of granules (raveling), shrinkage cracks (shrinkage crack), and stripping. Of the type of damage, the factors that cause damage common are: decreased levels of asphalt, aggregate degraded, and the asphalt is very brittle and was not meeting the specifications. That causes damage to the alligators, the most dominant crack is increasing traffic load. release granules for damage (raveling) due to decreased levels of asphalt because of the occurrence of oxidation on the surface of asphalt roads that become hard and dissolved by water. Damage caused by the possibility of shrinkage cracking of asphalt is very brittle and had no longer eligible, and for damage caused by the possibility of stripping the asphalt content increases from specifications due to less prevalence of JMF penghamparan process during implementation.
Keywords: Layer over, type of damage, and Job Mix Formula (JMF)
Bahasa Indonesianya
pertumbuhan penduduk yang cepat seiring bertambahnya waktu mengakibatkan volume lalu lintas bertambah padat sehingga terjadi kenaikan beban dan repetisi beban pada perkerasan. kerusakan perkerasan jalan pada umumnya disebabkan oleh sistem drainase yang kurang baik, volume beban lalu lintas, air, iklim, kondisi tanah dasar yang tidak stabil, material konstruksi perkerasan jalan, sistem pengelolahan bahan yang kurang baik, dan kurang baiknya proses pemadatan. penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya kerusakan lapis ulang tahun 2007 yang terjadi di jalan kaliurang dari km 10 hingga km 12,5. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara: pengujian CBR tanah yang dilakukan langsung di lapangan dengan menggunakan DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer), dan pengujian material lapis ulang di laboratorium terhadap sampel yang diambil dari lapangan. Pengumpulan data sekunder yang berupa data lalu lintas harian rata-rata, job mix formula didapatkan dari bina marga propinsi Yogyakarta. Pengujian material yang dilakukan di laboratorium jalan raya adalah: uji kadar aspal, uji kepadatan beton aspal, analisis saringan, uji penetrasi aspal, uji daktilitas dan titik lembek. Data hasil pengujian kemudian dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan terhadap standar yaitu job mix formula dan pedoman bina marga dan merujuk teori untuk melihat faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan. Hasil penelitian meunjukkan bahwa jenis kerusakan yang terjadi adalah ratak kulit buaya (alligator cracks), pelepasan butiran (raveling), retak susut (shrinkage crack), dan stripping. Dari jenis kerusakan tersebut, faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan yang umum terjadi adalah: penurunan kadar aspal, agregat mengalami degradasi, serta aspal sudah sangat getas dan sudah tidak memenuhi spesifikasi. Dengan begitu penyebab kerusakan alligator retak yang paling dominan ialah peningkatan beban lalu lintas . untuk kerusakan pelepasan butiran (raveling) disebabkan kadar aspal mengalami penurunan karena terjadinya oksidasi pada permukaan jalan sehingga aspal menjadi keras dan larut oleh air. Kerusakan retak susut kemungkinan disebabkan aspal sudah sangat getas dan sudah tidak memenuhi persyaratan lagi, dan untuk kerusakan stripping kemungkinan disebabkan kadar aspal mengalami kenaikan dari spesifikasi JMF akibat kurang meratanya proses penghamparan pada saat pelaksanaan.
Kata kunci: Lapis ulang, jenis kerusakan, dan JMF