Corvinus Nyelvvizsgaközpont Közgazdasági Szaknyelv Hallás utáni szövegértés teszt Alapfok (B1)
20p / Értékelő 1: Értékelő 2:
A rendelkezésre álló idő 30 perc.
UTASÍTÁS: Ez a Corvinus Nyelvvizsgaközpont hallás utáni szövegértés vizsgája. A vizsgalapon minden elhangzó részhez kérdések, feladatok vannak. A teszt minden hangzó részét háromszor hallgathatja meg. A vizsga alatt elegendő ideje lesz arra, hogy először a kérdéseket figyelmesen elolvassa, majd a meghallgatások közben, illetve után pontosan kitöltse a feladatlapot, és a vizsga végén ellenőrizze válaszait. Minden szünetegység után ugyanezt a hangot fogja hallani. A feladatlapon minden javítást egyértelműen végezzen el, mert csak egy megoldás értékelhető.
Az elhangzott szöveg alapján válassza ki és karikázza be az igaz (I), illetve hamis (H) álítást jelölő betűt. (5x1)5 p 0. The people talking to each other are colleagues.
The woman works for a Company called Compade.
The woman is taking part in a course.
Compade is looking for a training director.
The man in the dialogue isn’t looking for a job.
The woman gives him her company’s phone number.
II. Egészítse ki a mondatokat a szövegben elhangzott szavakkal. 0. It’s the company that gives … advice … about computer systems.
You see he ………………………………. the day before yesterday
Aren’t you ………………………………. in the job?
Ask for Mr ………………………………. .
You don’t ………………………………. normal.
You were ……………………………….?
(5x1) 5 p
A hallott szöveg alapján írja be az alábbi pontokra vonatkozó rövid információkat.
(5x1) 5 p
0. The world's third-largest smartphone maker is: … a Chinese company … 1.
Xiaomi Inc. is worth : ………………………………………..................................................
It’s more valuable than: ............................................................................................................
Xiaomi Inc. produces: …………………....................................................................................
Last year its sales increased by: …….........................................................................................
Its market share increased by: ……….......................................................................................
Válassza ki és karikázza be a helyes megoldást az elhangzott szöveg alapján.
(5x1) 5 p
0. The price of the phones is… a) less than their costs 1.
b) more than their costs
Xiaomi Inc. makes profits from … . a) applications
b) supporters
c) prizes
b) conferences
c) competitions
The company focuses on … . a) high standards
c) hardware
The company organizes … . a) trips
b) expensive devices
Xiaomi Inc. has many… . a) leaders
c) the same as their costs
b) experiments
c) quantity
Apple's top designer said Xiaomi … . a) copied its design
b) has many new ideas
c) is a market-leader
Corvinus Nyelvvizsgaközpont Közgazdasági Szaknyelv Hallás utáni szövegértés teszt Alapfok (B1)
20p /
Igaz, illetve hamis állítás
(5x1) 5 p
1. H 2. I 3. I 4. H 5. H II. Egészítse ki a mondatokat a szövegben elhangzott szavakkal. 1.
(5x1) 5 p
A hallott szöveg alapján írja be az alábbi pontokra vonatkozó információkat. $45 billion
LG / Motorola / Sony / all three put together
smart phones
211 per cent
3 per cent
Válassza ki és karikázza be a helyes megoldást .
(5x1) 5 p
(5x1) 5 p
AZ ELHANGZOTT SZÖVEGEK ÍROTT FORMÁBAN. ELSŐ RÉSZ Have you ever heard of a company called Compade? Compade, no, I don’t think so. Why? Well, the company I work for has bought a new computer system. This morning I was talking to the man who is training us to use it. He works for the company. And Which company? Your company? No, Compade. It’s the company that gives advice about computer systems and trains people how to use them. Shall I go on? Yes, I’m listening. He said they needed a training director. You see he quit the day before yesterday. He quit? You mean the training director? Yes, that’s what I’ve just said. Yes, I see. Shall I give you their number? Their number? Why? So that you can phone them, of course. Aren’t you interested in the job? Yes, I suppose so. I mean … well, do you want their telephone number or don’t you? Yes, of course, I do. It’s 8512639. Have you got that? Yes, I think so. 8512693. No, no. 2639. Sorry, 2639. Ask for Mr Hawks. h-a-w-k-s. Hawks. What’s wrong with you today? You don’t sound normal. I was just, well, I was having a nap, when you phoned. A nap? You were asleep? In the middle of the day? 885n MÁSODIK RÉSZ A Chinese tech company is now the world's third-largest smartphone maker and the world's most valuable start-up. The company is called Xiaomi Inc. It just raised $1.1 billion and is worth $45 billion. That is more than LG, Motorola and Sony put together. Xiaomi is the world's fastestgrowing smartphone maker. Its sales went up by 211 per cent last year. Its market share also went up from 2 per cent to 5 per cent. This success will continue. Xiaomi's business model is to sell phones for what they cost to make. It makes profit from apps and software. Xiaomi has many fans. The company has competitions for fans to win prizes. This makes it very popular. Xiaomi wants to continue to create new, high-quality devices, with great user experience. Not everyone likes Xiaomi. Apple's top designer said Xiaomi stole the design of the iPhone and many ideas from Apple. 717n
Corvinus Nyelvvizsgaközpont Közgazdasági Szaknyelv Alapfok (B1)
A három részből álló szóbeli vizsgán összesen 15 perc felkészülési idő áll rendelkezésére. Kérjük, hogy kizárólag erre a lapra jegyzeteljen.
1. rész A felkészülési idő után kihúzott szituációt szerepjáték formájában játssza el a bizottság egyik tagjával. 2. rész Ön állásinterjún vesz részt. Mivel munkaköre betöltéséhez idegen nyelv alapfokú ismeretére is szükség van, arra kérik, hogy foglalja össze angol nyelven a következő angol nyelvű szöveget. 3. rész Külföldi üzleti útjuk során angol nyelven nem tudó kollégája arra kéri Önt, hogy ismertesse számára az alábbi szöveget magyarul.
Examiner’s card 1. Vizsgázó Ön egy hotelben lakik. A következő nap 5.30-kor kell felkelnie. Felhívja a recepción dolgozó alkalmazottat és a következőket kéri tőle: - ébresszék fel 5.30-kor - a reggelijét hozzák a szobába. Vizsgáztató Recepciós, válaszol a vendég kérdéseire.
2. China car sales rise Edward Zong, China’s Porsche salesman, is ready for the biggest boom in the car business since Henry Ford. The country is now the biggest market for some car manufacturers, and you can read about the end of the bicycle age in Chinese newspapers. In Beijing alone, about 4.000 cars arrive every week and 600.000 new drivers will get licenses this year. These days Mr Zong waits in car traffic for an hour on his way to work every morning. The millions of bicycles cause great problems for other traffic. The government plans to destroy many old areas and change single-lane roads into eight-lane highways. This year Mr Zong purchased his first car, for 12.000 pounds -a Jeep Cherokee. He wanted a Porsche, but with a price of more than 90.000 pounds this is a distant dream for him.
3. Bird flu spreading to Europe Bird flu is spreading west and may soon reach Western Europe. The deadly influenza started in Asia two years ago, where it killed 61 people. Migratory birds have since carried the virus west to Siberia. In Russia, it killed" 11,000 birds and officials destroyed 127,000 others to try and stop its spread. Russia has warned European nations that the influenza is on its way, Holland has ordered all chicken farmers to keep their birds indoors for safety reasons. Dr. Evgueny Nepoklonov from Russia's Department of Agriculture has asked for international financial help to prevent the virus from threatening human life. Experts believe millions of infected birds will travel to Western Europe in mid-September and then to North America. The World Health Organization is concerned the virus might spread among humans.
Examinee’s card 1. Vizsgázó Ön egy hotelben lakik. A következő nap 5.30-kor kell felkelnie. Felhívja a recepción dolgozó alkalmazottat és a következőket kéri tőle: - ébresszék fel 5.30-kor - a reggelijét hozzák a szobába.
2. China car sales rise Edward Zong, China’s Porsche salesman, is ready for the biggest boom in the car business since Henry Ford. The country is now the biggest market for some car manufacturers, and you can read about the end of the bicycle age in Chinese newspapers. In Beijing alone, about 4.000 cars arrive every week and 600.000 new drivers will get licenses this year. These days Mr Zong waits in car traffic for an hour on his way to work every morning. The millions of bicycles cause great problems for other traffic. The government plans to destroy many old areas and change single-lane roads into eight-lane highways. This year Mr Zong purchased his first car, for 12.000 pounds -a Jeep Cherokee. He wanted a Porsche, but with a price of more than 90.000 pounds this is a distant dream for him.
3. Bird flu spreading to Europe Bird flu is spreading west and may soon reach Western Europe. The deadly influenza started in Asia two years ago, where it killed 61 people. Migratory birds have since carried the virus west to Siberia. In Russia, it killed" 11,000 birds and officials destroyed 127,000 others to try and halt its spread. Russia has warned European nations that the deadly H5N1 strain is on its way, Holland has ordered all chicken farmers to keep their birds indoors as a safety measure. Dr. Evgueny Nepoklonov from Russia's Department of Agriculture has appealed for international financial help to prevent the virus from threatening human life. Experts believe millions of infected birds will travel to Western Europe in mid-September and then to North America. The World Health Organization is concerned the virus might spread among humans.