A 2017-es év online trendjei az FMCG iparágban Égly Csaba - Business Development Consultant 2017. Március 6.
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Agenda Fogyasztói viselkedésről általánosságban Nemzetközi FMCG trendek Magyar webáruházak forgalma Mire kerestünk? 2016 II. negyedév Hogyan tovább?
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Fogyasztói viselkedésről általánosságban -
Proprietary + Confidential
Petra YT Creative Essentials (this slide to be deleted)
Confidential & Proprietary
Petra YT Creative Essentials (this slide to be deleted)
Confidential & Proprietary
Petra YT Creative Essentials (this slide to be deleted)
Confidential & Proprietary
Petra YT Creative Essentials (this slide to be deleted)
Confidential & Proprietary
Petra YT Creative Essentials (this slide to be deleted)
Confidential & Proprietary
Proprietary + Confidential
Big Idea
Big Idea 60pt Roboto Dark Grey 3
Parallel TV & Device Usage
Source: Source: Lorem https://www.consumerbarometer.com/en/insights/?countryCode=HU ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Big Idea
Big Idea 60pt Roboto Dark Grey 3
Device Used While Watching TV
Source: Source: Lorem https://www.consumerbarometer.com/en/insights/?countryCode=HU ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Big Idea
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis Source: non erat twitter sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Nemzetközi FMCG trendek
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Az egészséges életmód mint hívószó
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Health as a hot topic
Educating to healthy choices
Smaller portion sizes
Take away market offering
“As we focus on educating people and
“Smaller portion packs will be brought to market, giving consumers more options, and manufacturers new revenue streams,”
“The takeaway market to evolve so consumers can now enjoy healthy food, like sushi, delivered to their door.”
see a collective shift in perception, we will become much healthier and a decline in obesity levels will follow.”
Source: Lorem Source: ipsum http://jobs.thegrocer.co.uk/article/10-fmcg-trends-and-tips-2017 dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Promotions will come back by offering prizes “Instead
of wasting their marketing budget, retailers will divert
funds away from price cutting into engaging promotional marketing in 2017,” he says. “Our research proves the appetite for promotions is stronger than ever, with 70% (of a 2,000-strong sample of UK shoppers) entering prize draws, and 68% entering a brand competition in 2016
Source: http://jobs.thegrocer.co.uk/article/10-fmcg-trends-and-tips-2017
Proprietary + Confidential
Magyar webáruházak forgalma
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Big Idea
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor Source: sit http://www.gkidigital.hu/2017/02/22/1milliardeuro/ amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Big Idea
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor Source: sit http://www.gkidigital.hu/2017/02/22/1milliardeuro/ amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Változások a felszín alatt 2016-os év az online kiskereskedelem vonatkozásában látszólag nem hozott nagy változást: ●
Továbbra is dinamikusan, 18%-kal nő a piac
7-8%-os éves ütemben emelkedik a magyar online vásárló lakosság mérete, mely jelenleg már eléri a 2,8 millió főt
Egyre több ismert, nagy márka jelenik meg a hazai online térben
Az a kereskedő, aki növekedni akar, annak muszáj a visszatérő vásárlókra építenie
Source: http://www.gkidigital.hu/2017/02/22/1milliardeuro/
Proprietary + Confidential
Mire kerestünk? 2016 II. negyedév
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Top 50 kifejezés közül a teljesség igénye nélkül Zöld tea
Goji bogyó Gluténmentes liszt
Zöld kávé
Ballonos víz
Gluténmentes Lúgosító ételek
Chocolate slim
Az egészséges életmód tehát itthon is fontosabb, mint valaha
Desktop PC
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Hogyan tovább?
Proprietary + Confidential
Proprietary + Confidential
Szólítsuk meg a potenciális fogyasztóinkat, az általuk használt készülékeken keresztül... REACH them across all devices and platforms, at scale...
...IMPACT their thinking and their actions...
...and give you measurable RESULTS to optimize and grow.
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
...üzleti modellünknek megfelelő stratégiával, mondjuk el a történetünk és szerettessük meg a termékünket AWARENESS
Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
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